Riyadh Walls – Fajr 2 October 2021

Riyadh Walls
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of achieving excellence in prayer and learning about one's mind and heart, as well as the confusion surrounding a medical mallu and the person standing in front of it. They also talk about the concept of "med strict" and the potential for more focused attention to one's actions. The speakers emphasize the need to be mindful of one's thoughts and provide advice on standing up for one's beliefs. They also discuss the use of words to express thoughts and how they can be focused on something.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman Rahmani Alhamdulillah your Bilal I mean

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you know Rockman Rafi Maliki omit the

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A Cana boudoir yeah kind of Stein in the inner circle stepping

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in and now I'm dialing him

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him bow on the screen

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in Miss

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Buffy check in Solomon Scylla you mean

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we'll call out Boom Boom we're down when he studied Lancome in a

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lady you know yes stick be Runa on the sadhu Luna Jahan definitely. I

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love who lady there hola como Leilani test goofy one. I have a

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mobile Sierra. In La Khaled who felt Lynn Island Nancy Wallach in

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nursing school. The como la hora bokun Connie cuckoo nation

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who failed

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to Falcon Lika you Falcon lazy now can you be

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here hi

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semi Allahu naman Hamidah

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Aloha como

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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen

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Rockman Ibrahim Eman it came to me Dini yeah can I boudoir India

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Kenya starring in the innocent autonomous stepping Amis errata

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Naveen and now I'm turning him over

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to biani Mala bow on the scene

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Hola. Hola como el el gato wrong was

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also, we're all going for X and sumulong Kumar Rosa Kokoon Mina

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de como la hora. bunkroom. feta. Local Hora bully me who will hire

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me Mala

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lamb who feather

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Deen Al Hamdulillah

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bill me in law

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send me a long Lehmann Hamidah

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I love Medina if you haven't had the need, or if you know FIM and

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whatever theme and

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Abadi clan theme

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working shop

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for in Nakata could you call the lake or in hula Luma one

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zoom and the

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look down on Band

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Aid fellow Ken Ham don't call don't miss the funeral.

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Okay one or two in a solemn Allah who Allah say Edna Mohammed in

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NaVi in me while he was off be here well I'll go and send them a

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Allahu Akbar

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Allahu Akbar kebab.

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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah.

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A Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah Metallo

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stuff. Stuff a lot of stuff

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to be like Mr.

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Lachman dissenting descendant

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from somebody I know

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clicker was cyclical cybernetic

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semi online you

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love them I didn't love them I didn't love them I didn't even

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love them I didn't even know I didn't even know it's behind our

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cell phone.

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Calling masala Rama Allah, Allah, Allah and Allah we all know me

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vitelline Amin

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we continue with the chapter on focusing in prayer.

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So, the Masonic author says, What couldn't you Helen Marie to feel I

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utterly antenna EBA Komitas Salawat comes with Miami pm in our

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karate in our culture. I know our record in our scheduling.

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We should strive for excellence in our prayer in our five daily

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prayers by perfecting or not perfecting but at least striving

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for excellence in the pm in in its pm when standing what there are

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they in solicitation or who shoe it in and it's in new humanity in

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Salah will go in and in Morocco or sujood Hina in sujood wasa Erie

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alkane in the rest of the Archon of Salah was sunnah Mahina and the

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Sunnah of Salah. We should strive for excellence, how do we strive

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for excellence?

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How do we attain this excellence in pm and Institute and in Rico?

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This is what ash to call back a cappella the whole facility of

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Amata man to read the local Verbania they we should bring to

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heart before salah the greatness of the one womb you are about to

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stand before Him.

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And this comes directly from from Quran, Kata aflofarm And

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whether charisma or behavior Salah

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successful is the one who purifies himself. Well, that was smart. He

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remembers his load Fossella when he plays tennis starts to play.

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The famous example that's always given us the example of the fan, I

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think is the best example because if you switch the fan off, it

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continues to spin for a short while before stopping. So

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similarly if we are busy and we are busy with various things

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during the day, and our minds are busy preoccupied with

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Some responsibilities and things it's it's it's silly of us to

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assume that we will just be able to the minute we take a taxpayer

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Allahu Akbar immediately to switch that off and switch on focus in

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sada that is far fetched. That's wishful thinking. So what What

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advice does the author give us and that advice stems from Quran

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bring to heart the greatness of the one whom you are about to

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stand before him before Salah before you enter into salah.

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What other Antonia? Medical maloca like someone said, which which

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which eat me quite odd. How is it that you are standing in front of

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medical mallu the King of all kings the Creator of the heavens

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of the Earth, the Walla Walla, LA who there's no beginning Allah is

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no beginning Allah is no end Allah created you Allah knows your

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thoughts are you extending in front of

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a new moving around?

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There's just one example. If you are aware of the one whom you are

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standing in front of you won't they move at an inch?

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Let alone forget that you are praying and you that you're

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speaking to Allah subhanaw taala so he says, what would be a way

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that you enter Nigeria that you are communicating with Malika

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Malik the King of all kings, but your bed will Jab, Jab, Jab Jab

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era, pickle been lashing was a hot that is distracted for odia tilaka

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for lateral wasa is UI in in valleys of unawareness

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to every female Dean in collateral Africa dunya we're thinking of any

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incidental thought of this dunya that comes to mind, be a way of

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calling on to Allah subhanaw taala in Salah, while your mind and

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heart is in that state.

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fattest elgible mctominay Allah this this act is this like that

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what topped under biller and you're standing at the door of

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Allah subhanaw taala in prayer in Doha will not grant you anything.

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Kala alayhi salatu salam, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam is reputed to have said, either Carmela Abdul Allah so

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Allah Akbar Allahu Allah and hibachi when the servant takes his

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attack, beautiful Salah

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Akbar Allahu Allah, he be watching Allah subhanaw taala turns towards

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and obviously we know what I don't need to explain what it means

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Allah subhanaw taala turning towards us, Allah subhanaw taala

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is giving more focus, more focus, but

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Allah subhanaw taala is evaluating or other outside of

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Allah can be more focused at least

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for evil taffeta. Illawarra kulula So when the servant is absent

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minded, Allah subhanaw taala says it will no Adam or it will

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definitely lemon hula hula hula Mini. He has turned towards

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something or someone that is more virtuous more great to him then me

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for the defeated Saturnia called La Mesilla Dalek when he continues

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to be unmindful Allah subhanaw taala says the same thing, but it

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will differ the third is if this continues to happen out of the

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Allahu Anhu Allah subhanaw taala turns away from him

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by either can tell me moody Taffy to be watching his VA here. Your

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Allahu Anhu forgave you for your call Mohammed nelta fit to be

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called. So the first example it says use given is someone who is

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not only easy unmindful in salah but this is also everywhere.

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Right? So it says if this if Allah subhanaw taala is making a haram

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diverting himself from the one who's perhaps his eyes is playing

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fact Cafe Hakuna Hanuman they'll definitely be called behavior. So

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the how is the what is the condition of the one whose heart

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is averted from Allah subhanaw taala in sada wala who Subhan

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Allah Allah Allah Yong Liu l aji. Sam and Allah subhanaw taala does

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not look towards our bodies was our hair and our outward

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appearances. Were in nama Yun guru L. Colucci was ceroid. Rather

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Allah subhanaw taala looks towards the hearts and its secrets. And

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this is also this also stems from a hadith where the prophets of

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Allah Azza wa salaam says in Allah Allah Andrew ILA So what Allah

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don't look at does not look at your outward appearance or just

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read the Quran etcetera. But I can well I can low end guru few

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culpability fees to do but Allah subhanaw taala look looks towards

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our hearts and what our hearts are busy with. That is what Allah

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subhanaw taala look

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Stortz May Allah subhanaw taala come on this understanding and

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allow us to perfect our prayer and to focus on him to remember him up

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in the state of remembrance when we are when we are in prayer

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Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa sallahu

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Anna signo Muhammad wa ala and he was speaking at your mind

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Allahumma fusina Taka was the one who

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I mean, but but didn't if it didn't happen I don't know if it

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has to work in either but no, so why not have big villages that are

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miles before when I was when I was selling oil from dilla

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