Riyadh Walls – Fajr 12 September 2021

Riyadh Walls
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes a jumbled mix of characters and symbols, with no clear exchange or conversation between speakers. A teenager in Canada and the United States claimed to have been born from a liquid material called "the heart," which is considered the cause of major understood injuries. The teenage father also claimed to have been born from a liquid material called "the heart," which is considered the cause of major injuries. The teenageer's mother had a history of drinking alcohol, which led to a "has been around for a long time," and the teenage father had a history of drinking alcohol. The segment touches on the cause of the illness and potential risk it could bring, including the teenageer's fear of the illness and their pride or arrogance.
AI: Transcript ©
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Hola como

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Bismillah Al Rahman Rafi Al Hamdulillah you know Bill let me

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not Walkman blocking me man he gave me the kind of boudoir he

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cannot stay in

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the inner circle stepping must've been letting and I'm Danny

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bow your knee pain

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you're learning

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law while in total net sum them at

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Temple Oh in Allah how kabhi beam at

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all and tycoon can lead in and so Allah has Sam room for some who

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you go home first goon Lion's Den we also have

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Hubble Jen as Hubble engine nothing

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cost share I'm there I'm in cash yet

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what you can sell on a burrito hand in sila Liang me at the girl

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alone a couple

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Semia long halimun Hamidah

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Hello kababs

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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen

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rochman blasphemy, Manichean mi Dini yeah can I be doing Yeah Can

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establishing in Dana Sarah stepping into Naveen and Danny

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boo biani Mala on really mean

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who along with lady

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who I only wish that you will Walkman or Wafi who along with

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Lady in

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aisle men equal to those who sell me no limo Hey me no lies is bad.

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Bit Subhana Allah here and you shitting

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who will love funny? Bad in some way Rolla Hoon as my

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you said behold home after a summer What do you do? Well, what

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I see is Heike the

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send me a long halimun Hamidah

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I love him and dinner for him and had any

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It was a theme and I'll say it whatever the learner theme and

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thirdly robotic learner female employee worked in a shop called

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doing for Nikita Cooley. Go door Ali like we're in the Luma world

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zoom and they double down on Ben and what I really felt like I can

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do Allah Mercado de Nesta who federal governor to go in a week

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or so la Allahu Allah sent me the name or hung muddy NaVi in me

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while he was behave about one second long

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Santa Monica modified Mattoon law I set them on a long

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list of scuffle laws

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honest on October 24 and Nick wanted to

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somebody I know

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him from de la la sala Allahu Allah said no Muhammad Ali, he was

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offering a drone

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Colin Masonic hangout and found a lobby on whom he should join.

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So the Imam mentioned yesterday, that

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they made mentioned yesterday that there are sins of the art that are

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in fact, he didn't say the,

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he said, the sins of the heart, meaning all sins of the heart,

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where the heart has the potential to

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commit sins that are far greater and uglier than the sins of the

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Lambs. From amongst them, he highlighted three of the worst of

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these sins. And he said discovered area and hazard which is pride

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ostentation showing up and hazard, which is envy. So after, after

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highlighting the symptom, you now indicates to us what the cause of

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the illness is. So he says, fell kibou Yeah, the looming Sahibi

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here at La Jolla, dill hamaca when a teenager had

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tried if someone has tried, this is an indication of the Atmos form

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of stupidity

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and ignorance why? Okay, fairly put that up. Boom in Manaea,

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Alamanda, Houma Hello couldn't mean not for what couldn't be here

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see, rugi fatten but the return we're in Canada and the WHO che.

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How is it befitting of someone to have pride when he knows that he

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was created from neutre from

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a liquid

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and very soon, he will leave this world and perish turning to

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nothing into bone, or even just dust. We're in can and the WHO che

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one minute further ill will mahasin And even if they are

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certain material, things that you might have certain features that

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they might have, or certain qualities that they might have,

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whether they come in fugly LA or Santa Fe. So that is

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From the virtue from the gifts that Allah subhanaw taala has

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given him lay Salah who if he could, he had no hand in them. He

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had no hand in attaining them. But Allah subhanaw taala gone to the

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to him while their feet actually hold on wala Quwata no hand in it

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I will allow you to share either Kabara Allah I burned the lab in

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my utter who long and filthy here. Yes, Luca, Houma Otto. Is he not

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fearful that should he boast or have pride or arrogance over the

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other servants of Allah subhanaw taala with that which Allah

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subhanaw taala has given him does he not fear that Allah subhanaw

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taala will * it from him? Why Bisou Swa Pomona Azad and Vamonos

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antihero behave because of his

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bad manners, with his load, the en el Kebir in Seaford DE LA LA LA

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algebra and algebra it may take a bit as we've recited now because

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kibbled Pride is from the characteristics of Allah subhanaw

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taala. And he only subhanho wa Taala may hold this quality.

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So, the symptom might be keeper. This is the illness or the cause

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of the illness is it complete ignorance from where he came from

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and where he's going to? Well, I'm met the s for ostentation, or

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showing off for a doula Allah Hulu we call it bilimora. Iman of

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Atilla SubhanAllah. So it says, As Furuya ostentatious showing off,

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this is a symptom, what's the cause of the illness? The heart of

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the individual being completely void of the greatness of Allah

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subhanaw taala what usually, they don't know who we are, doesn't

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know where it is, again, getting back looped in because he does

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things and beautifies things for the creation while you're behind

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Mila and he's not satisfied that Allah subhanaw taala is aware of

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what he does.

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It's not sufficient for him that Allah sees what he does. So he

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needs to try and impress mankind. One woman amela Salah had well I

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have a default home nurse home so if it does righteous deeds, and he

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loves that people know of his righteous deeds, be there legally

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as the movement West and he laid his model for humara in jail, he

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learned this is a complete, ignorant person and someone who

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shows off. Where's ostentation? Well, he wouldn't fit dunya Why is

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Atmos desire is dunya the Anessa hit man lo Aquila, Nasser Ali with

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the Alim because the one who's detached from this world is hot.

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Is this detached from this world world low Aquila, Nas Ali hibbett

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Talim. If people approach Him and glorify Him and praise him, like

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Anna, you're added to Angelica Quran. He averts himself from

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that, and he dislikes it. Well, I'm Melissa do

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as for envy, for who am I? To Linda envy, someone has something

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and I wish to

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that she loses it. I wish the same for myself or other. I wish the

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same for myself but I also wish that he loses whatever it is that

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he possesses. Well, I'm Manhasset, who for whom I dare to only let

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his or her rotten. This is complete

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opposition against Allah subhanaw taala Manasa Abdullah who failed

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Maliki why? Because Allah subhanaw taala is gifted the individual

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whether it be with material things, whether it be with certain

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qualities of certain features, Allah subhanaw taala so you are

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completely displeased with the decree of Allah subhanho wa taala.

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So after mentioning the illnesses, the symptoms he mentions, the

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causes for the symptoms in order for us to remove it from our

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hearts in order for us to do a self examination, and check

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whether we hold these qualities. For these are the qualities that

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destroy our good deeds, irrespective of how many animals

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are the heart we do outwardly, but these inward sicknesses that

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stand that we may stand chance to lose whatever good it is, we do.

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May Allah Subhana Allah protect us. purify our hearts, we haven't

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put in enough to feed 100 Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen Rasul

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Allah. Allah said no Muhammad on that and he was somebody who had

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mine. I love him. I think unfortunate Aqua was

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hasn't walked in other than know Subhanallah Subhanallah I'm just

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gonna go over from the ignition

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