Riyadh Walls – Eid ul Fitr 5 June 2019 20191440
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uncle morning love
along uncle love
Oh one clone a lot on clone Oh uncle
Hello Uncle love
honey singing I want to be you know Mona Mohamed who was hired me
as a Marine Loman this morning Gus Molina aka oh
but how you know but more on that hidden agenda nothing
will fall we all I mean a lot of multiple benefits methylcobalamin
for the aterna we'll see
well the man will go on I was gonna watch me
I mean Aloma Dino DB now John us any money that Allah whom I still
do none if it muddy Nick Allahumma industrial autonomous dev team. So
all Nadine Nanda on him and Naveen also the you know what shahada
also they've been on log burner
for Santa Dong Phil Lana Otto Hamner Anna Coonan warning for
seen in a log burner to zoom
on I'm gonna film Finland. Uber now on caffeine on as a Tina what
often am on am all alone burnout. Tina Warren 1020 going to Xena
in Ghana toll free for me all the time.
in Lahore
on a
one on and maybe
also know how to use anymore Destiny
alone was only on so even and Mohammed
Mohammed it was five nobody was setting him down well who here has
to Maha Nicola will know that he said well
was a
long long long long
long Sheila
no no and Dino alone
slow no go long
Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar.
Allahu Akbar.
Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar.
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar.
Allahu Akbar, wa who will be rolling with
Allahu Akbar. Lima Nana till Wu zhu li Kibriya he were out on a T.
Allahu Akbar wa who will how you how you led the Baroque in TB
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar.
Allahu Akbar
wa who will call the roll lady of Dynamo Judah.
One mahabir Sani Sandy he works at
Allahu Akbar.
Allah the further it summer to
hurry he was Otani.
Allahu Akbar Allah de mer to Huracan Mata Hurrican
while second Kenan Ellerbee me he was your oddity.
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar.
Allahu Akbar. Kabira Well, Hamdulillah he cathedra was
superhard Allah he will be handy he book curato I'll see
what I shall do Allah, Allah, Allah.
Geography Tao Kaabil
what was the lady when
I bought Alton Limaye Tabby roomin Kulu be will have also why should
you Anessa you didn't Muhammadan Rasulullah a day in alHuda was so
Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik
ala Sayidina Muhammad
Ali he was sabe he'll Mujahideen ifisa villa.
I'll have fizzy in Allah Who do dilla hola me Lena BIA kami Deen
Allah Hakim in the B Sherry It say ye dill mousseline. Was
Tell him to Sleeman Kathira whereby tequila
tequila shot meaning
where Alamo and Neoma Kumada yo Surulere in lemon Sahaja near to
walk Kuebler. So Moo yo Moo Farah Hanga hobo Lehmann Tarbert. Surya
here to
what Hassan Ali merci Hello.
Leon Nicola.
Yo Ma
Lima naffaa. I'm
William and accidentally man.
They are worried
when I came to feel happy 30 Lehman Temasek Dean, Salim, Salah,
Anil haram if Hatanaka
were Anil Khalifa Allah.
They are more for a hanger budgeting was low.
Low Karuna Euro Tina Musa King while he did in another city,
where there have been other Kyren will be Shariati. Emmeline while
while he knew fusina Mohali Fein Ollie shaytani Mojari been a you
help me noon
we had a Leo Mubarak, Allah, Allah Allah azza wa jal Allah Mina
Mina IBD Hill meclizine
be mazindol in annual sun
for to Abu Abu sama.
What to Rama Rama Toliman sama calm. Were to now Latoya towards
their own hedaya Younger Allah Tala if he had any young Illa
Allah said
while at World
War Ramatuelle Ishfaq
young guru lofi element of Avalon are up nurse Wally or you will be
eaten up by Rahimullah Mara and Shana to rue yo boo and you will
be nurse for tuba Lima * Banach ice in us Where are you being?
Wahby noxee What toxicity is seven?
Well an answer
I'm gonna put some shadow Ramadan
will hold shadow taco Iman
for Khattala Tabata Quwata Allah fie Kitabi Hilah Aziz bIllahi min
ash shaytani R rajim. Yeah, Johan leadin Manu quotevalet camassia
coma cookiebot Allah Allah Dena min publikum La La Quinta taco
will call a Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was so Majan
Kaduna to a hottie communal kitten for her nano
cutter for Ragna minha the Dota Dota two touch did
touch DD had to heal require while an aka Dr. Donna Illa may Daniel
Keaton Illa ribat Hazel policia in the bully to be our very near
Mooney be nobly and co sin Lucha Toty rue. He believes you will
never see what dunya Valhalla era be in the kalam Hala cerca de rue
Wakanda Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam either can or
want to lay Latin Misha Ramadan neither hola hola hola hulky one
either another Allahu ala Abdeen la mujer
while you live equally Omen Alpha El Camino now for either candidate
Laila to discerning where he should eat taco lofi Mr. Jemima
atta Kofi Sharika Lee, for either candidate Laila to fit three in
touch in digital Mala Iike to water Jalil Jabbar Ruta Baraka
Watanabe, Nuri for your quarterly melodica t wahome. V RBD. Minella.
Well homefree IUD Minella Dr. Marshall Malika Mirza hola GT
either our farmer to Fatah koulamallah ICA to you have a
general failure kulula oshi do come underneath called refer to
the home financial Allah Allah. Allah Vereen, where you're dialing
them in Otakar you shall hear Ramadan Kareem era Jada behind
Amin, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar La ilaha illa Allah Allahu Akbar,
Allah Ilhan
without being logged in
Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar.
Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar.
Allah tequila Allah subhanahu Shafia How can Maureen and Lil
Folker if he
was thorough? Leon sorry full Volker over the hill am Illa
budget for him was so routine you Shari cool Lavinia Uffizi, nothing
was routine for your Tobiah
for Yottabyte fo obaidul Muslimeen Wahoo Nikita Kunal Ripa, wala yes
mojado meanness he had she Kalia Tebah is in La Nina Houma Mazoon
well Islam your club woman Abinadi Allah Hakuna by Nam via
well I'm only happy wala mantasy Luffy juphal Nihill mme in the
LIDAR angle Muslimeen. The tune can be relatively light.
While your study cofee agenda assume for home your crew Juna so
be hard to handle your home equally valid in Dhaka holy slum
in La sala team SuFu. fanaroff. Irina Swati, don't be tech savvy,
be healthy fat, be tougher Timo hada was she arati Masha yada,
tell Cal Kalama to muda we're Phil OFAC Well, Letty 10 A bar and our
mark wire here. Colome Allahu Akbar. Akbar Roman Cooley kabhi
Fela Kabira Siva wala Alima Illa.
For you he had the NIDA al Muslimeen. Fe Jamil
fee, Suri. Well Mr. Were all Iraq will feel Hindu al Pakistan will
feel Hijazi will Jezza and was equally makan and
Dino mwah Nabi Johan warhead distorted Anwar he had
my boo hoo wah wah she to whom Wahida Yeti full Jimmy roof
equally beloved Islamia. coilin Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. Allahu
Akbar, if he had on Yom Yojimbo, Ian Saliba, Kulu insane and
Kibriya we're here to do another Mati for Jimmy rune Ali Adam, the
moment to rob Furman who lives in our ILA in a rude way. I mean, who
will mean who knew bars while Allah He nor shall fella you fuck
your Muslim Amina Muhammad Castle, Rama Lu and no Afghan women and
minification wala Liao, the Mima will allow the mean Mahama Mozilla
to I know Akbar Roman Hercynian will arena is in Muhammad
Reza to a new vocal Maroussi for La Familia Hardin Allah Ellerbee
Taqwa will Armando Salah Delica who will make Dr. Su la Mathias of
AD. Well MISA and Allah Nisa and a chroma komang de la jolla taco for
your towel lemon Muslim owner he has given a task to Rohan is all
while you do have to hack taco for the little if lossy while you're
inside. feel inside. He dial colluvial muhabba for her the bug
uma Angela read with Ernie Kabyle Duma Jabil Islam what will be
answered? Oh salon Saudi and I'll be here on the Allahumma kala kala
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is currently homeless at
fitted walk of Attila Mala Iike to Allah Allah Abu Abu wanna do? Oh,
Marshall Muslim in Illa Robin Karim Yama noble Hi So may you see
what Allah in Jersey look at the Emir Tom BKR Milele for come to
them we're omentum we see I'm in no hurry for some time. Tomorrow
back home fuck we do Java is
what either Solu nada Mona
era geo Ilari Holly come rushing for in Allah God Allah for Allah
comme je marine Oka makalah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were
you some medallic yom Yom Wiltjer is? So the Karasu Allah is Allah
Allah Allah. He was salam. Ala Maritza, listen
them are well Muslimeen what are they before they could call him a
tail hockey with Dean? Allah on 71 And if he Philistine if he was a
call certain your Ablon Amin Allah Mahara Masjidul out some in AD
sigh in Accra Mala Grameen, Allah Missouri Juana fee for Sham, your
Hannibal hum semana to Naaman Allah alongside the one enough in
Yemen with the Libya
what we bought Rama Wolfie Afghanistan within Iraq Wolfie
Kashmir with his sama Wolfie Messiah was equally makan Aloma
Surah homebirth a bit Akadama homea Rajpal al Amin, Reba Ebert
Allah in the La Jolla mobile ugly sandwich Eater is
where you and her Anil fracture you will move carry will bury you.
Come to the karoun Allah Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar
La ilaha illa Allah, Allah Allahu Akbar while in LA
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar.
Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar.
Illa Illa Allah Allahu Akbar Allah Al Hamdulillah
Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah on early
he was a happy woman who Allah
tomato Muslimeen Assalamu alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Kulu
want to behave
Allah subhanaw taala grant each and every single one of us
as you heard in the hotbar
Haqiqa to eat the reality of
the real celebration. Lehman Tomasi COVID-19 is the one that
has held on to this theme, Salah and Harami for Tata was Salah and
in halili
the person that when they asked about that, which is prohibited,
they leave it
and when they ask about that, which is
permissible they do it, this is the true
for every believer, man Temasek A B D, the one who was held on to
this deal after fasting
after fasting for 30 days of the fasting in this particular year
for 29 days or standing for the night pray in 29 Nights.
Tomato Muslimeen
In short,
the time for Ramadan for the sake of Ramadan is over.
Ramadan coming
as fasting and praying and reciting Quran and giving sadaqa
and then colors when Ramadan is over. We go back to normal and we
wait for the next Ramadan Nojima to Muslimeen
we are living in the time of fitna and facade
we living in the time of trial and tribulation.
And Ramadan is quite simply the training ground where we rebuild
up our armor the
way we train how to defend ourselves. Before we go back to
may Daniel Kittel. Before we go back into the battlefield
and as we know in Ramadan, Allah subhanaw taala has made it easy
for us call us Allah Allah Allah wa salam either Ramadan Fujihara
Abu Abu summer
we're opening Abu Abu Gina and we'll open the Abu Dhabi neuron
was Sophie that is shouting. When Ramadan comes the doors of heaven.
The doors of gender opened and the doors of Jahannam are closed and
the big shayateen and they are tied up. But as soon as Ramadan is
finished close they are released
and so automatically we are now more vulnerable than we are in the
month of Ramadan in the month of Ramadan mashallah the massage the
full in the month of Ramadan mashallah people are praying on
time people are lowering the gazes
people are spending more of their wealth in Allah subhanaw taala has
entrusted them with in the path of Allah subhanho wa Taala we are
more mindful of what we speak to each other
either kind of Yama Sowmya had become familiar with what is and
if any of you are fasting on a particular day then don't engage
in any opportunity Oh guarantee this is the benefit of fasting why
there are so much
because fasting is a shield
like one of you would use in battle
so the month of Ramadan a cm welcome because as we know from
the Hadith
that masala
Allahu Akbar, stand up for the night pray for indeed it is the
habit of the righteous who came before you. And it is that thing
to bring you closer to your Lord. And it is that thing to cause your
sins to be wiped out. And it is the thing that will prevent you
from falling into sin. So fasting is a shield or CRMO Jana is to gin
up Allah abdomen and now that the servant of Allah uses to shield
themselves from the fire, to shield themselves from all actions
and behavior that will lead them to the fire, and pm Manhattan.
Animism is also a shield that shields us from the disobedience
of Allah subhanaw taala that shields us from transgressing the
boundaries of Allah subhanaw taala so yesterday we're going to go
home and hamdulillah are we going to greet our families? We're going
to greet them with a beautiful face Subhanallah what a good deed
that is to give a beautiful face letter.
Takahata be watching him politicking. Do not belittle any
good that you can do, even if it means meeting your brother with a
nice face. And even more so in terms of the right to have over
us, our families, our relatives, our near and dear ones. So we go
home with a nice face in sha Allah Allah.
We give a nice smile. A lip T Salafi wa Jaffe casada This is the
day of the South dock. This is the day of spending. Maybe we are
short on change. Maybe you're short on money, but at least we
can give a smile for indeed a smile in the face of your brother
his charity says our beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu
sallam. So yes, a day of happiness, a day of festivities,
all within the bounds of the Holy Quran, and the sunnah of our
beloved prophet muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,
a day when we go into insha Allah to Allah, gather around the table
together and we're going to have citrus, this is Eden, fitters.
We've been having our fitrah Leone at the end of every fasting day,
when the sun has said we have said Allahu molucca Psalm two will be
common to
Allah. For you I have fasted and the new I have believed and with
your sustenance I now break that fast we've done that every day for
the 29 days if you fasted this year 14 114
But now comes the real citrus.
Now comes the first day after 29 days where we are going to not be
waiting for the setting of the sun but no, we are going to be
breaking fast right throughout the day. Breaking that first of the
month of Ramadan. This is the big feature I'll fit a lady
I will feature a center we this we do once a year it all the half
different celebration.
So on this particular day, we are going to feast we're going to eat
and we're going to be overjoyed.
You're going to be happy with all these wonderful dishes that are
going to be placed before us.
Call us Allah Allah Allah wa sallam li saw me for a year for
Houma. For the fasting person there are two joys with which they
are overjoyed
either after a fairly heavy victory, we're either lucky or are
both very happy solving. For the fasting person there are two joys
with which they are overjoyed. Number one
is the Ostara if they break the fast,
yes, I'll fit through Neomi at the end of every fasting day. It's a
joyous occasion, but even more so on
the big day the celebration of victory.
They are overjoyed with
that with which they are breaking their fast with. So we need to be
happy with each other we need to be happy with this lovely
nourishing inshallah to Allah apostrophe sacre sustenance that
Allah subhanaw taala is going to bless us with on this day
we're either lucky or very heavy so me and if they meet the Lord
and the day of Yom Okayama they are overjoyed with the fact that
they fostered Allahu Akbar, Allah subhanaw taala make us of those, a
saw II mean that are entered through Berberian through that
special dose of Rayyan, Elijah Netanel. Allah subhanaw taala make
use of them. I mean, mean you're up behind me.
So I just wanted to confirm that just to get that out of the way.
It's a day of joy. It's a day of celebration. It's a day of fish.
It's a day of happiness. But at the same time Gemma to Muslimeen
Don't let your guard down.
That shield that we have built up tirelessly,
tediously, with great effort and hard labor and sacrifice. Don't
let it go to waste. Don't cost that shield aside.
This has been the purpose of Ramadan law
in order that you might shield yourself whenever you hear that in
the Quran.
Allah know that it literally means shield yourselves from what from
the displeasure of Allah. This is the purpose of Ramadan.
Let us not be like that man woman in Makkah.
In the time of the Prophet saw some there was a mad woman in
Morocco. Hunka she was a crazy woman. What did you use to do?
Allah Subhana Allah says Allah Taku collectie naka de gozleme
and don't be like the one allottee referring to the woman who did
What did she do? She took apart a thread. But
after she made that thread strong and taut
she was a very good Weaver. She was a very good spinner.
And spinning is no easy task. First you have to go over the wall
shear the sheep called the wool separate the wool and then you
have to spin that yarn, spin the thread.
Takes a lot of sacrifice. A lot of sweat. It's tedious. It's hard
But she was known as
the crazy woman, the insane woman because after all of that hard
work, what did she do? She went in and did the thread.
Allah subhanaw taala says don't be like her. Let her call. NACA mean
And you know I'm not just saying this for the sake of you can say
Alhamdulillah I have Taqwa will lie we need Taqwa.
We are now living in the time of fitna.
We are surrounded by fitna the Muslim ummah has not ever been in
a state.
In the entire entire history of Islam. We can say we've reached
our lowest ebb.
And perhaps it's going to get even worse before it gets better.
Because we know the prophets awesome says karuna, currently,
former Lavinia Luna Hamza Malini, and the best of Eros is my era.
The best of generations, my generation, then those that come
after me, then those that come after them.
The first three generations they are the best. So this is a
And look where we are today. There's that famous Hadith, the
link the Hadith, I'm not going to go through all the Arabic they
have, I'll give you the meaning they have the Hadith of the famous
in Bukhari and Muslim
and it starts by saying, Canon nurse who yes Aluna Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam annual for Quinto, Aloha Annie sharp,
hotter la you draconian.
He said, The people used to ask the messenger of allah sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam about the good.
And I used to ask him about the bad in order that it should not
catch up with me
in order that it should not meet up with me in other words in order
that I should avoid it
in order that I should steer clear of it.
So Beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam
explained to him that yes, we are in good, but after the good will
come evil and after that evil will come good, but it will be tainted,
tainted with what tainted with people that practice other than
the practice of the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa salam,
and follow guidance other than the guidance of the messenger of allah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he said after that good, because
it is good, but it will be tainted. He said, No, they will be
shocked, they will be evil again.
They will be people that will be standing calling to the gates of
People that will be standing, calling to the gates of *. And
if there is an Imam and the GEMA In other words, I Khalifa a leader
of the Muslims, and those that follow him, then stick with them.
And then he said and what happens if there is no Imam? There is no
Khalifa meaning there's no proper
unified Jamar that is following the leader. He said
stay away from all the groups even if you must bite onto the root of
a tree until death comes to you.
Tomorrow Mr many ways.
Ways Oh Khilafah way is our statehood. Our army to protect the
Muslim in in Syria and Yemen and Libya and Kashmir and all over the
world where they might be suffering. We don't have we don't
have we didn't the time of fitna.
nominal fee
we are in the last days. Don't doubt it. And in the last days, we
are confronted with our enemies like never before. And what are
those enemies I mentioned the poem on the member
in Nepali to be wearing your Mooney be nobly and causing Lucha
toe to toe. He believes he would do nearly enough to when you're in
a little Colossi Khedira these are four main enemies.
These are for the enemies. And these are the enemies with which
we require a shield of Taqwa that we wear on our hearts, to save
ourselves from the evil invitation and temptation of these enemies.
Who are these four enemies? He said, Indeed, I am tested with
four great enemies, like four arrows shot from the strongest
The stronger the bow, the faster and more accurate the error.
It believes. So that's number one, what he believes he believes.
Too much. I'm assuming you know what is our biggest problem with
regards to Belize.
And we are making the same mistake that our father and our mother
made in the garden.
Adam and how are Allah Hema salaam our father and our mother? on
them? BPCE
What did they forget? Because Allah Allah Allah says when I hit
him in Kabul for nurses, we took a covenant with Adam before and he
forgot. I'm asking you below. What did he forget? Did he forget that
it was haram to eat from the fruit will light in forget that. He
didn't forget that. In actual fact, a police reminded him
he said, you know didn't tell you not to eat from the tree, except
for the fact that if you do you become like to angels or you will
be granted eternal life. So he didn't forget that the tree that
it was prohibited to eat from the tree. What did he forget? You know
what he forgot? Because Allah Medaka Shudra when they tasted
from the fruit, they just tasted it immediately for whether Tahoma
so Tahoma for toffee Carla, Hema me working Jana, and immediately
the nakedness became apparent to them and they took leaves from the
trees of the garden and covered themselves.
And then Allah subhanaw taala rebuked them
tell him not to eat from the street. Did he forget that? No, he
didn't forget that. But what he did forget
even says
in the shale THON and I do one more bean. And did I not tell you
that shaytaan is for you an open enemy. That was the thing that
they forgot. They even took advice
from him, because
he took an oath in place when he was advising them. He said, By
Allah, I'm just giving you good advice
Muslimeen for 29 days and 29 Nights, we have not listened to
the advice of the police. We have not given in to enough sets the
second enemy, it bleeds to enough so
what dunya new are we fallen for the material trappings of this
All we've been worried about is getting the most out of Ramadan.
Don't throw it away. Don't be like the mad woman that undoes that
straight after she has sponsored so strongly, and so tautly
You know that Islam, if any of you do something and do it
professionally, do it properly. So we might have had the best Ramadan
that we've ever had.
But you know where it's really going to come? What is going to
happen now post Ramadan. What are we going to do with that shield of
Taqwa? That shield that we've attained through cm and PM,
through fasting in standing for the night pray for ourselves, for
our spouses for our children going forward Yamato Muslimeen call us
Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam.
So yet Dr. Lena is the man
I'll call be the Isla de COVID at
a time will come up with a for profit philosophy. When a person
holding on to their Deen will be like somebody holding on to a hot
Tomato Muslimeen it is time to hold on tight.
To Hold on What does him we'll be happy Allah He Jamia and together
and all of you hold on together to the indestructible rope of Allah,
the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu together.
Like you said in the Hadith in the Hadith
don't define yourself by the group that you belong to
Sufi Salafi Tablighi Morabito in his book, don't define yourself if
that group that particular group has got something positive to
contribute within the bounds of the Quran and the Sunnah of our
beloved Prophet Solomon, so be it
but don't define yourself by the group who has some maximal
He has named you Muslimeen.
In the previously revealed scriptures and in the Scripture,
the Holy Quran, the moon Yes.
We don't compromise on that.
We don't obscure the lines with regards to that. We differentiate
but within that circle of admission No Well, Jamar Alexa it
houses here
it's a big circle that circle.
Many groups go into that circle, those who are adhering to the
Quran and the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad salah.
But let Islam manifest in the way that we treat one another. Don't
define yourself by your group,
by what you wear, by the vicar that you make on the night that
you make it with whoever you make it.
Define yourself as to how you are treating
your fellow Muslim or Muslim or man Saleemul Muslim Moon Mona
Melissa and
the true Muslim is the one whom the Muslims are safe from the
tongue and from their hand. In other rewire I'll move me Norman
Solomon Natsu may listen He will Yachty the true believer is the
one whom the people are safe from the tongue in their hand. If they
see the Muslim coming, guys, we are safe. It's a Muslim. You don't
have to hold on to your wallets. Can you be in a coupon city? It's
a Muslim, Allahu Akbar. Can you imagine if we can go back to those
days? We can tomato Muslimeen with the shields of Taqwa with the
shield of Taqwa. Look what we can attain. Tequila your child or your
husband is the one who shields themselves from A listers
pleasures, using the shield that they've attained in the month of
Ramadan, with Siani will Qian Allah will make a way out of every
difficulty for them.
And Allah will sustain them from where they cannot account. And the
one who puts the trust in Allah Allah is enough for them. We may
have tequila Emery Yusra, the one who shields themselves from Allah
as displeasure Allah will make the lives easy for them alone make it
easy for them and the families, the wives and the children to stay
steadfast under stocking Illa
Have you cut through the whole year of the law who are Jura?
Whoever shields themselves from others displeasure using your
shield of Taqwa. Allah Subhana Allah says He will wipe away all
their sins and grant him the greatest reward was Sadhguru Illa
ferati Mira become a genetic outdoors outdoor summer,
or deadly Turkey and race forward. race forward in seeking a
forgiveness and reward from your Lord a Paradise which is greater
than the heavens and the earth prepared for who prepared for the
hurricane Allah make us of them, Europa
and Yamato, assuming Just on that point, an announcement that I made
on Friday, and we will end with the speedy lighter Isla, what's
the first attribute of the mood tequila?
In this particular verse, a Latina Yun, hakuna fissara Raw, but the
those who spend of the wealth that Allah is entrusted with him in the
time of prosperity and in the time of adversity.
As you know, today inshallah Tada.
we are going to have a good time Inshallah, but we're gonna fill
our bellies, but they are I received, I don't know, I need to
confirm the statistics. But somebody sent me a message the
other day,
saying that collectively, there are about 50 million Muslim
refugees. We have the largest number of refugees from any faith
group anywhere in the world, the Muslim in the largest refugee
numbers, the largest number of orphans, the largest number of
people who have been slain in conflict. It's from the OMA of
Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. As for the shahada, and we say
congratulations to them, while you're taking the shahada, Allah
chooses from you martyrs, but those who have been left behind
they are calling out and Allah is asking Malcolm but but
what is wrong with you that you don't hearken to the call?
Well, it was started off in Amman originally well will Daniel will
mustafina mean originally when we say well, will Danny live in your
Kowloon regional minhang Creative volume with Johanna Mila Dunker,
Let's see what is wrong with you that you don't answer this call?
And if you can't physically answer it, at least we can financially
answer it, economically answer it.
What is the call? Well mustafina
the downtrodden, oppressed, suffering Muslimeen from the main
woman and children that are saying, Oh Allah take us out of
this oppressive down this oppressive place and grant from us
beside you a protector and grant from us besides your helper
who are those protectors and all those help was supposed to be
us. We are supposed to be harkening and saying look, here we
are all people of Syria. Here we are people of Yemen. Here we are
the people of Burma. We are here to help you. So inshallah Allah I
see. My beloved brother Yusuf Muhammad is here from Islamic
Relief. We will be having a special collection today did you
bring your envelope if you didn't bring your envelope No problem.
I'm sure they will have one big envelope to put it in inshallah
Tada. So just looking for ways my envelope somewhere.
So inshallah Tada after the
after we have treated each other and we are leaving the Masjid.
Please spay something for the people of Syria.
They are 12 million refugees in Syria. 7.6 million of them
internally displaced, of which only a small percentage are living
in refugee camps. The majority of them are either living in bombed
out buildings, living in the basements of buildings that have
been completely destroyed, living under trees, living in forests,
living in caves.
You know, we are thinking about having the best meal today and we
really enjoy it Bismillah it's from Allah Allah Allah Allah bless
us in it and grant us better day after but we we can make a
difference to make a difference tomorrow Muslim, may Allah
subhanaw taala grant us all publicity. Allah subhanaw taala
calls us inshallah to go forward from here on in Shama. And
whenever we have gained in Ramadan, that shield of Taqwa of
Allah subhanaw taala to help us to keep it ever strong. Allah
subhanaw taala help us to shield ourselves from any type of
behavior, any words any deeds that would bring upon us his
displeasure, that we might remain steadfast on the Schelotto Mr.
and then insha Allah Allah, we might see receive His forgiveness
on the day of yoga piano and be entered for agenda
To call Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam is a kind of Yeomanry to
fit if it is the day
here it is. Yes, you're glad tidings. If it is the day you have
eight, walk over to
the angel stand on all the roads leading to the masala we pacify
the Malaika this morning.
And the Monica was saying to us as you were coming, your marginal
Muslimeen oh those of you who have submitted and surrendered to Allah
to go forward, Ilana have been carrying to your most Generous
He is the one who has enveloped you in his favor. In other words,
he's, he's given you this greatest gift of all that illAllah Muhammad
Rasulullah salah, had we not been Muslim, we wouldn't have fasted,
we wouldn't have stood for salata. tarraleah We wouldn't have really
enjoyed all the blessings of the month of Ramadan. So he's the one
that grants the favor of Islam. And then he even rewards you for
the good that you do in the month of Ramadan.
To be to Milele for come to you were told to stand for the night
pray and you stood. Oh America me see I'm in a hurry for some time.
And you were told to fast in the daytime and you fasted Well,
tomorrow and you obeyed your Lord. Now come and fix your reward
for that, and then a caller calls out it has Salone when they finish
the salah Inshallah, the call has already called out we didn't hear
him why? Because maybe my speakers are too loud or whatever the case
might be. But the caller has called out, era God. Let's
go back to your homestyle upright, upright with your shields of Taqwa
go back home upright and the straight path of Allah Allah she
Dean failing Allah, for Allah come for indeed Allah subhanho wa Taala
has forgiven all your senses. For Valley Kaleo mucha is that is the
day of reward and it's named in the heavens as the day of
rewarding. So take your reward from Allah. Allah subhanaw taala
blessed us with that reward Allah subhanaw taala protect us and
guide us with that reward him Allah subhanaw taala gave us all
on the day of Yom Okayama under the flag of our beloved Prophet
Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam to be entered for genetic work through
Berberian that special door that special door of reality saw him in
our in our annual hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen regatta Kula beside
was salam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh.