Riyadh Walls – Eid Ul Adhah Masjidus Sunni 17 June 2024
AI: Summary ©
The transcript is a series of disconnected sentences and phrases, making it difficult to summarize. The WhatsApp app is discussed, including a person who talks about their desire to have a child and various tests they have taken, including a holy champion's knife cutting. The transcript describes culture events, including a holy champion's knife cutting and the use of a knife on a nickname, a Y trad's name, a Y trad's name, a Y trad's name, a Y trad's name, a Y trad's name, a Y trad's name, a Y trad's name, a Y trad's name, a Y trad's name, a Y trad's name, a Y trad's name, a Y trad's name, a Y trad's name, a Y trad's name, a Y trad's name, a Y trad's name, a Y trad's name, a Y trad's name, a Y trad's name, a Y trad's name, a Y trad's name,
AI: Summary ©
all along or long
all like bone
oh all
all right
all work
Oh oh
oh all bone oh
logging in logging with
me Bucha Oh Cena
No mood you're
listening anything known D no one no good
slowed down oh whoa and
why is vengeance
all luck
you're all finished
spilled over from the villa was salatu salam ala Rasulillah while
early he was so happy he went to I love about democracy Minister
Malik Maha lubricator Eid Mubarak Kodama Anton betrayed the Sahaba
Salam o Allah it will Kurama before we stand to make our sofa
for Salah lady, just two announcements. The first one is
Masha the Sunni invites you to join us on Friday 21st of June for
us to get our program and Quranic fact quiz immediately after
Mohamed Salah insha Allah Tala.
If anyone wishes for the children to participate, please speak to
rope caricatures aka la Hara and then they will be a monthly pm a
little program will be held in mustard a sunny Saturday 22nd of
June 2024 at 8:30pm inshallah guest speaker Bishop Zaid Fatah.
On sling
to DJI
along with
Allahu Akbar
Allah hola
hola hola
hola hola
hola hola
a long one
a long bubble
Bismillah R Rahman Rafi Alhamdulillah he'll be belong to
me in a Walkman you're walking in Nikki a woman with the green II
kinda abou kindness downing you know swill autonomous Stampley
so often levena and non
dual Biyani him more than on clean
I'll find Joe who's on whom
Femen Filmography In Java now offense how on earth
do you find
woman to find womb in CO Ed
what is
them for one
letter you sell on a
debit that won't
be income for either film me now
my shot and how long
my shot in how long me with Guca
watching going
cover any heat I mean, on me even though I'm Fe boomin Hi Evo. Alpha
One. Sue was law in law how awful Rafi Allah
send me on long Honeyman. Hamidah
I'm on Chrome
along microphone
along one component
with me learn you're off man you're walking Al Hamdulillah
Bilad me in a Walkman you're walking me man Nikki a woman deed
ear can I Buddha was kind of staring he didn't know swell all
Clinton was stomping him
swell all gone livina anon down at him going eating
biani him one on only
for either for Burning Man as you can come
feminine as you may have been
duniya dunya
funeral team in
Tina Dounia husband and wife in the house Anna Well I've been
working I've been
no sleep
one law who said he he's
hola hola honeymoon honey then
along one come
along come
Sena I'm wanting more often long said morning
along all
along uncle on 100
uncle aunt uncle
aunt uncle
along or
a loved one
Oh uncle or uncle or uncle love
Hello Uncle Hello Uncle
as easy
hurry issue
me Nina wrong for Rocky are in total now has been
No, I need to
know the Inang who am I? You don't own your own. Naveen. Yeah. Are
you one
who saw no. You were suddenly moved as knee EMA?
Allahu Akbar, Allah Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allah.
Allah. Akbar. Allah Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar.
Allahu Akbar Kabira Al hamdu lillahi cathedra was Subhana Allah
bukata Will sila
Illa Illa Allah Who are the WHO sada Kawada who will not Surah
Abdullah who was agenda who was a la
la che acaba who will che Abaddon La ilaha illallah wa ala Naboo
mostly seen Ella who de Wello curry held curfew Rouen Allahumma
Salli wa Sallim wa Barik for Karim. Allah say you didn't
Mohamed why early on was early he was happy was word you he was
already at what Tabea ina was Salim to Sleeman Kathira Well, bad
duckula You Hello mommy noon. Well Alamo. Enough he had a Leonel
tefilin Muslim Munna fee Musharraf, or the Rama Hari Bihar.
They are either Adel Otto ha elmora In your imune MB Badgett
you had the Leo was Rudy he for two and a huddle fee Hill adore
Hey, well carabin but to cut them a
little Fukada he will miss a key way Yeah. Who
was the call warrior as a young nurse who beat the behemoth jaded
Well, mostly Munna you're stuck be Luna ha the Luoma say. We
honeymooning Illa de Korea. Tieman holida will be had the genome of
cut us off he had a Leo to Takara Boo colluvial Meaning
he was Sava what touched me Aruna Fuso home habitable eco
tomato Muslimeen
today is the day
of Adel Aha.
And of this day, Allah subhanho wa Taala reminds us in the Holy
about the context and the story behind this day.
This is the story of our father
of patriarch as Allah subhanaw taala reminds us in the Holy
Quran, militare Abiko, Ybarra him the religion of your father
Abraham. So it's on this day remember our father, our spiritual
Ibrahim alayhi salatu salam and his firstborn son
is married Alayhi Salatu was Salam for whom he waited 86 years.
Allah subhanaw taala granted him his first child, his firstborn,
and at that time, his only son is married la salatu salam at the age
of 86.
And Allah subhanaw taala tested him with so many tests
that even after, say tahajjud had given birth to his firstborn. He
had to take them and leave them in the desert. Be wild in rainy
A desert without vegetation without water.
And when you left them in the valley of Makkah, and he was
walking away, and Hodge she tugged on his clothes
and asked him Hello, I want to come here. Did Allah commanded you
to do this? And he surely nodded
and she made
If we let go and she said even learn yadda yadda in that case, he
will never ever forsake us.
And so Allah subhanaw taala provided for her journeys, Mary
gave them the will of zum zum and guided to them, the tribe of Judah
and granted them of that which Ibrahim alayhi salatu salam had
asked for Mina Thammarat
of all the sustenance which they need.
And then when you buy him Ali Salah to Salam when he returned,
and he found that his family was well.
He then was given another test with Allah subhanaw taala. Now
that his son has grown a bit, and is now walking with him, Allah
subhanaw taala reminds us in order to solve for lemma, Bella Mara,
who say
and union was big enough, and old enough to literally walk with his
called a upon a year in me
and me as bow, oh my son I am seeing in a dream.
In the Tafseer
of this idea, many of them are fussy rune, they say that it was a
recurring vision
that he was see all the time, until he fulfilled it. So he
doesn't say in your eye to filament, I saw in a dream or I
saw in a vision, he says, I am seeing, recurring
that I am slaughtering you. The word you that is used is
the behavior
which literally means to slaughter.
fungerer mother Tara, what do you have to say this? Oh my son?
Can you imagine?
Can you remember being a child and being told to do
or what to do by your father mentioned yet to say that you call
Yeah, but now you're in need of a new
You said, Oh my father, do as you have been commanded. He didn't
even say Do as you have seen me.
Do as you have been commanded because he knows his father is a
prophet of Allah and whatever vision he gets is a command from
So take you to the insha Allah Homina Savini indeed, you will
find me of those
who are patient and persevering in the obedience of Allah subhanaw
patient and persevering and abstaining from the disobedience
of Allah subhanho wa Taala and patient and persevering at the
time of trial tribulation and calamity.
This is the lesson of the story of an OTG miraculously.
Allah subhanaw taala continues with the story he says for Lama
Slama. And when they both had submitted, but just one of them,
they boost up father and son.
What tell the holy champion and he put him on the side of his voice.
When they know a Ybor he
and the knife was shot.
And the knife was put on the nickname
of his man.
And Ibrahim alayhi salatu salam, he tried to cut but sharpness
doesn't cut and fire doesn't burn. And the birds have wings don't
make them fly. And planks and nails. Do not sail alone on the
sea. This is all confirmed in the Holy Quran. Allah Amuro eloped 84
comes off to Jacobi don't they see the birds above them opening and
closing the wings? Ah, that's all birds fly. Allah negates my MC
Kahuna in LA Rama.
Nobody keeps that bird up except Allah subhanho wa Taala fire burns
by itself.
If so, Ibrahim Ali said to Salam wouldn't have even had a smile. He
would have been burned in the fire of Nimrod.
Allah subhanaw taala is the one who controls the birds and the
fire. You're now to Cooney Barton was salam and Allah Ibrahim. Oh
fire be cool and peaceful on the body of Ibrahim
and likewise, planks and nails.
Playing planks and nails. Do not sail on the ocean by themselves.
planks and nails that which there'd be no halation to Saddam
was ordered by
Allah to build the ark, Allah subhanaw taala says, de gdPI you
Nina, it travels under our protection.
And likewise, sharpness doesn't cut.
In all of these things are great lessons for us, especially what we
are living today, especially what we are witnessing today.
And so when you want it to cut, Allah subhanaw taala didn't allow
the sharp blade to cut
in focus about double from above the 77 where those two letters
Alkaff even known come together in Namale coluna Lisheng in either
order now
for your cool for
that our word for something, when we want it to happen is to say to
it without any exception in NAMA, without any exception to say to it
be and it is entities.
And so then Allah subhanaw taala called out
when they know who a Ibrahim Oh Abraham
but the sad duck the root here you have fulfilled the vision. you've
obeyed Allah's command, no matter what.
In khazali connections in Martinique, and so do We reward
the people?
Who are they? Who are the people of your son? What is your son and
toppled Allah Cana Katara to worship Allah as if you see him
for a lambda Contura but if you do not see him, then verily know that
he sees you. This is the level that we need today. If we want
help, if we want aid, if we want support, if we want victory from
Allah subhanaw taala Allah wants us to turn it up a notch. We have
to get to the level of your son that Turkey didn't hustle and
bustle he said while into Anila matale and Isla Vista hater on
your on your Allah Marcia. He said I knew that Allah could see me and
everything that I was doing. So I was too shy for him to see me in
disobedience to him.
Allama gentleman and
then the last one of the harnesses, in
low well below.
This was the clearest test. This was the most perfect test. This
was the ultimate test,
being ordered to sacrifice your only son at the time. After
waiting at six years.
I heard a part of the story in the Hupa of one of the Imams In
Jabalia yesterday in Gaza.
And he was reminding the people of Gaza the story of Ibrahim and his
that they must not lose hope. They must not must not become
despondent, but they must continue to persevere like Ibrahim and his
morale persevered.
For indeed they were tested with a greater test he said and Allah
subhanho wa Taala He granted them the reward of passing that test in
Kedah Alika Nigel Marcin well further he now he'll be the behind
him and we ran send him
with a great ram with a great sacrifice.
And we have lifted as a story from for posterity.
For posterity every single year. We are remembering the story
and we are celebrating
the Iman and the patience and perseverance and to kaloi to Allah
and Yaqeen of Ibrahim and Ismail Aleem. Salatu was Salam.
Salam o Allah Allah Ibrahim PSP and Abraham Cavalli candidacy
Marcin, this is how we reward the people of your son who live with
that level of conscious of Allah subhanho wa Taala in the hall when
I Bertinelli meaning Indeed he is of Our believing slaves. Allahu
Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allah Allah Allah Allahu Akbar,
what he like
Bucha learning
anybody go shopping? No birdie. Say even our Mona Mohammed.
Sadie now Muhammad he was he was sent me. Suddenly moron, young Mt.
And equally Sahaba de
Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar.
Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar.
Allahu Akbar. Kabira Al Hamdulillah cathedra Subhana Allah
bukata Well sila Are you hiding me known in Neoma Kumada Yamuna Halim
for Who are you the killer Muslim in Albania Mila Haley him
Were you the kid on the team with the I wouldn't even want to ask
by the uncanny uma man beautiful routine. La rabita touchbar home,
Willa Akita the to a live webinar home for them. For them Verizon
other Hermoza Kieran will be more genuine Wi Fi handle yo Yos
couldn't Muslim she terminal Sunil Quran.
Allah subhanho wa Taala Aquila, Deena wa to Marlena and Yamato.
What are the Elena Elise slammer? dienen kala Aleo MacMall Tula.
Come Dina come
to LA Camilla Mati what are the tilaka Melissa Medina.
Gematria was the mean
it was
on the ninth of the ledger
on the plains of Africa, that Allah subhanaw taala completed and
perfected this Deen of Islam with these words that he revealed to
our beloved Prophet Muhammad cradle Anam. Salawat europeos
Salam, who,
when he said on this day, Aloma Atmel to the container come, I
have perfected your religion for you.
Al yo MathML to Alikum polyoma
Atmel to lacantina Come watch mentality to me Amity and I've
completed my favor upon you. What are the two the common Islam
Medina and and I have chosen for you as well as your way of life,
total submission and surrender to Allah subhana who Tyler
and we remember this on this day, and we thank and praise Allah
subhanaw taala for this new hammer, the greatest in Yama than
Yama of la ilaha illa Allah Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam so when we leave the masala or the masjid today, we
go out and we want to give thanks to Allah subhanaw taala we want to
show our appreciation to Allah subhanaw taala for making us
Muslim in remembering the story of his smile and his father Ibrahim
alayhi wa salatu salam. So we go out and we make our adoption. We
go out and we make our sacrifices.
Man I'm Isla de Miyun Fahad of Balu mean dam in Europe, oh come a
call an abuse of the Lord Himself
said there is nothing better that a human being can do on this day.
The day of ha ha then damn in Europe, then blood which is spilt
in sacrifice.
So as Allah subhanaw taala reminds us of, of one of the great
purposes of hajj when he commanded Ibrahim to call the people to Hajj
or Adam fineness he will have to carry Jalan while Aquila Domine,
genomen Khalifa Geeta Hamid, Leah shell human Fe Anna whom will use
Kuru Smola Heafy am in Mount Lumad Allah ma Rosa comin behemoth in an
arm for Kulu minha uptime Oba
is Al Faqih
Allah subhanaw taala reminds us in Surah tahajjud verse 27 and 28 and
proclaim the pilgrimage Oh Abraham, they will come on foot
and on every means of transport they will come from every distant
path, ravine and valley the day might be witness to the favours of
Allah on them. And they might remember Allah in the known days.
In these days that we might remember Allah, Allah,
Allah, Allah who
we might remember Allah that Allah is who
Allah is greater than everyone and everything.
And then we might remember his name over that which is given to
us of livestock to sacrifice in his name, and that we might eat
from it, and that we might give it to those who are destitute and
This tomato Muslimeen is a sunnah that we must not be neglectful.
Even if it means because it's become so expensive today. Maybe
we should save up during
The year but let us not leave the Sunnah.
Listen to what our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam said to Fatima to Sahara Roddy Allah tomato mozzarella and
what are
your faulty my pumila on here Tiki Oh Fatima stand up for you to go
make your sacrifice for Shadia and witnesses go make your sacrifice
and witness that sacrifice for in the lucky oh well you're
contributing to roaming dimia Because from the first drop of
blood that falls from the sacrifice
a year ago Fetullah who lucky myself I'm in the nubikk that
Allah will forgive all your persons
not just the previous year, and the following you all your sins
myself, I'm in the key. Of course the minor ones automatically, and
the major ones was Toba. But all your sins to Fatima.
He Yelena Hassan in vaping is just for your family, the special that
when we make a sacrifice, the special favor, that all our
previous sins are forgiven to the Prophet sallallahu sallam.
He mean it's for us and for all the Muslims in. So let us make the
effort in sha Allah, Allah we have today and we have the 11th 12th
and 13th of our calendar that we are witnessing here in our
country, in our area in our locality, we have four days to do
the speedy light, if it can be afforded, do it. If not, you can
leave alone Epson Illa
Allah doesn't place a burden on the soul except in terms of what
he's given them. And our beloved Prophet SAW Selim, he made one for
the household,
one for the household,
or even to yourself, he asked about you, but on Saudi, how did
the people sacrificing the time of the Prophet sallallahu sallam? He
said a man would sacrifice one shot a sheep or a goat one shirt
for his entire household.
So even if you have children who are married, but they living in
your house, that when would suffice for them, but if they're
living in another house, they must sacrifice for their household.
So let us make the effort Inshallah, to Allah man, Doha
Kabbalah salatu inimitable Helene FC, whoever sacrifices before
Salah then they just done it for themselves. Woman Verba the
celerity but whoever does it after Salah for 10 Manu suku then they
sacrifice is completely what a sub a Sunni Muslim mean. And they have
done the Sunnah of the muslimeen that they got from
Cairo called killer Mohammed bin Abdullah Salawat Rob
Let us in these days, be very mindful of the condition of our
brothers and sisters in
in Gaza,
designed savages.
The Zionist murderous they didn't allow one animal to enter rasa for
the Sunnah of the muslimeen for the Sunnah of Rasulullah
sallallahu Sallam on this day in instead of allowing sheep and
goats and camels into Gaza. They are continuingly even yesterday on
the day every day.
They were 10s of martyrs that were martyred. They still sending
drones and still sending Apache helicopters fighting the rockets,
fighting the shells from the tanks murdering our brothers and sisters
in Gaza.
But like Allah subhanaw taala swore by these 10 days and we are
in the 10th day
when a URL in Arusha Allah swore by these 10 days and 10 Nights
alum Tara cave
Did you not see what you know did with
you Ramadan to remind the people of Iran of lofty pillars allottee
Lemieux Lacombe through her Filppula the likes of which had
not been created in the land.
The strongest the most powerful, the wealthiest, sound familiar
was a more than living in a job was sort of inward and someone who
carved the homes and palaces out of the rock.
With a muda Latina gerbil chakra Bill word was
altered and filled our own also have lofty police firmly
established in the land. Nobody could uproot him at the time. He
had the strongest army
and the greatest riches
For the roofie health facade
Alevtina taco Phil,
causing tyranny, or pressing,
killing, murdering, *, pillaging, stealing,
for roofie Hellfest
causing a lot of corruption
and mischief for sub by lay him or her soul God.
And so Allah brought down upon them the rod of His punishment.
I say to Bani Israel,
Whoever remains of them, do not forget what Allah did to you
when you strayed from his path
when you transgress these boundaries, when you disbelieved
and worshipped other gods, when you kill them,
didn't not forget the Wrath of Allah, the Neo Assyrians that
destroyed the northern kingdom
and booked the nostril from the Neo Babylonians that destroyed
Judea and the Romans that drove you from the land, Allah Islam,
you time and time again, why not tomorrow. And if you come back to
your transgression,
if you come back to your journey, if you come back to your evil
ways, we will come back to punishing him.
And this time it will be not at the hands of the new Assyrians, or
the new Babylonians or the Romans. It will be at the hands of the
Umbra of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Allah swears by
these 10 days, we may we witness this victory sooner than later.
Yiannopoulos Alamy so please, yes, it is a day of joy. It's a day of
sacrifice. But let us spare a thought and more importantly a dua
for our brothers and sisters in Gaza.
And in the whole of the desert, and wherever the Muslims might be
suffering in this world, almost finished one in a Philistine
because the house certain Europe behind me
Allah home and Zurich one another mustafina
Allah Allah Allah I'm home in June Well, I mean human health. Allah
wants to the one Anna and Mujahideen
Allah Maria Maria
was Sudano
Allahumma I like to be so high in a woman
in New Zealand Hola, Monica, Huck Lahoma Viola Turfan Aloha Maria.
Aloma sunnah I lay him. Allah Muhammad Masjid Al Aqsa without an
ad him. What is openness Allah did fill Masjid de la casa will 100 an
ICS yada blah Lamine Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar La
ilaha illa Allah Allah Hola Hola. Hola. Hola. Hola hum?
Can all the children form a line on the left hand side of the
mosque and all the children?
Salam aleikum, can all the left ones gather on the left hand side
of the mess Steven?