Riyadh Walls – Eid Talk 2 Only (1st Shawaal 144422nd April 2023)

Riyadh Walls
AI: Summary ©
The importance of "tshe" in Islam is discussed, with emphasis on the need for individuals to boost productivity and productivity in order to restore health and productivity. Fasting and standing for the night are also emphasized, as it is crucial for health and productivity. A recent death of a member of the ain't called community is also mentioned, and listeners are encouraged to pray for their loved ones. Prayerers are encouraged to have a positive mindset and restore their taqwa and force, as it is crucial for health and productivity.
AI: Transcript ©
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have come out with Toba to NASA. We have come out making sincere

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Toba this entire month and that we continue on this path because the

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life of a Muslim is a Tober today mature Mr. Mira continuous and

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perpetual Toba. And that's why Allah subhanho wa Taala says what

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to put in Hola. Hey Jimmy, are you known LUCAM to flee home. And in

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another verse, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, we are going to Tubu

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in Allah Ito button su Ha, you will notice in both of those

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verses, there is an imperative verb here, which is indefinitely

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into the future want to boo in other words continue to depend

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every day of your lives.

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Continue to return every day of your lives. tupuna in Allah we

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repent to Allah, what a Jana Illa Allah and we return to Allah when

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a gem na

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and we regret about all the wrongs that we have done in the past,

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where as

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a kid and Allah and Allah and Allah and we make a firm sincere

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resolution that we are not going to disobey Allah subhanaw taala is

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your motto Muslimeen

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we have fostered the month of Ramadan. For those of you who

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don't know, the word Ramadan comes from the word Urmila Johanna

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Ramadan, either the Haru it comes from the verb Ramadan, Ramadan

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Yamuna. In other words, our day to day was extremely hot word from

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Hill Ark should add to Hurghada. It is the land of the earth that

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is extremely hot. And it is said that the month was named Ramadan,

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because in that particular year,

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that month, the ninth month of the lunar calendar, it was extremely

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hot. So they called it Ramadan. But it obviously it goes through a

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circle in actual fact, next year will be 33 years 33 years, since

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we all you can take it of any time every 33 years, we have a full

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cycle coming back to the same season of the same time that

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Ramadan was in terms of the season that it was 33 years ago, every 33

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years, we have a full cycle.

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from a if we just make this as a carpenter, I'm sharing with you a

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thought just a thought that I was pondering over because when we

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fasted in the month of Ramadan

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and even though it is quite cool down yet if we just take this name

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Ramadan, and I've spoken about this before, that any type of

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struggle, any type of sacrifice, any type of test for a believer is

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like the Forge of the blacksmith any type of trial, any type of

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test, and Ramadan is a great test. A good test, in which we have to

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sacrifice Oh knifes we have to control Oh desires. In the month

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of Ramadan, we stay away from food and drink and relationships with

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our spouses from true dawn until sunset for 29 or 30 days. It's a

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great trial. It's a great test. Now just like the blacksmith, when

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he puts his metal into the forge, and he heats it up Ramita Yamato

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Ramadan, he heats it up. And then he takes it out and he folds some

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metal and he beats it and every time he beats it, what happens the

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metal becomes harder and stronger and it gets purified of all its

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impurities. And so Ramadan, named after that very hot, desert sun or

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the heat of the desert. Allah subhanho wa Taala once a year puts

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us in this forge in order to reform and restore the strength of

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our taqwa and Iman

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so please let us not just be Ramadan Muslims we have now with

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our fasting was so Juna, the Prophet said some Allah Salam

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fasting is a shield, your sturgeon Newby Hill abdomen and now that

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the servant users to shield themselves from the fire, Johanna.

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So we go through the Forge of the believer on the dunya in order

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that our shields of Taqwa should be restored, in order to keep us

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away from all those actions that will take us to the fire Johanna

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Minda, Akira Allah ma Jinnah Mina Na, Allah ma Jinnah, Mina Na,

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Allah Majid nomina Na Na so let's just continue on this path Jamal

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Muslim Alhamdulillah are two main actions in Ramadan was serum and

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pm. We now have the six days of show off and any six days but be

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careful of procrastination.

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As my mother said, procrastination is the thief of time. In fact, the

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Prophet said led to so we flew, don't say Sofa, sofa assume oh,

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sure, well, I'll foster the end of show. You might never get it so

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that as fast as six days beaten the light to Allah, let us fast

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Monday and Thursday or Monday or Thursday, the three days a year

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will build, which of the three days of every month of the lunar

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calendar 1314 and 15.

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We also have Qiyamah Lyle, we have salata. tahajjud and if we can

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keep up these two things, the nephila they have the extra

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optional actions of fasting and standing for the night pray right

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throughout the year, we will be able to maintain that shield of

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Taqwa to Allah until the next Ramadan. So may Allah subhanaw

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taala Robina takapa Roberta Koppelman Nell Kalia Allah except

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from us our few deeds that we did in Ramadan was Sammy Nabil Cathy's

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and forgive us for our many sins your Allah will not to ask it now

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be takasi and your Allah don't hold us blameworthy. Don't take us

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to task for our shortcomings Europa Allah mean tomato Sameen

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This is a day of happiness, a day of joy, a day of Silla time, a day

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of sorrow, a day of forgiveness, a day of showing love and mercy and

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K A Ramona your hammer hammer rock man almost wanted to honor our

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beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu sallam. He says in this

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hadith those who show mercy, the Most Merciful shows mercy to them.

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Era hammelmann Fill your hammock among the summer. Be merciful with

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those on the dunya the one in the heavens will be merciful with you.

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So let us if there have been perhaps any disagreements or any

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ill feelings, it's pick up that phone. Let's find that relative

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let's find that brother or sister in Islam. Let us come together

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making sure the Prophet said Salah Salem Allah Akbar Eurocom be off

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Dahlem in Daraa gtcm He was solid he was sadaqa Carlu Bella

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Rasulullah kala Islamorada till bein in the facade of that till

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Benny here Holika

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to guide you to something that if you do, the Prophet said Salah

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Salem do not guide you to something that is better in the

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eyes of Allah, then giving charity, praying and fasting. What

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can be better than that? They said in detail as a messenger of Allah,

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He said to reconcile, to reconcile between two Muslims. Why? Because

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to cause dissension and disunity between two Muslims, it is the

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shaving he said, I'm not saying the shading of the hair, but the

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shaving of the dean. In other words, the destruction of the beam

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will lead you back to Muslim men. It was heartbreaking to see

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yesterday, heartbreaking on the day of aid. Our brothers and

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sisters in Sudan running for cover, as the rapid reaction

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forces and the Sudanese army were literally killing one another,

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over 300 martyrs over 300 shahada yesterday, Muslims killing

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Muslims. And how is the scenario being repeated over and over and

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over and over again. So on this day of Gematria Muslimeen of the

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all that we've put forward for least ajibola Li Li Newby

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he's also an analysis that at the end, but it took me a

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when he took me

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to school

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for any theory, which Eva dealt with today is a giant Mr. G bully.

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Well, you mean OB la alumier? Should we spoke about this in the

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Joomla yesterday, I was gonna Dan is calling us he called us to

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Ramadan. He called us to see um, he called us to TM we responded

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now always ready to respond to us. And that's why it says Oh, Mohamed

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Salah Salem, tell my servants, if they asked you about me, tell them

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I am near I answered the prayer of the one who is praying. So let us

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pray on this member today Jamal to Muslim and all of you sitting here

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today. Let us pray for the ummah of Mohamed Salah Sana and Allah

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subhanaw taala was guide us to unite.

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I was gonna tell him his guidance to put all our petty differences

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aside I was gonna tell him as guide us to be the OMA

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nurse that was raised up for mankind Cameroon, roof you

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enjoying the good but then how nanny Mancha and you forbid the

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evil we're gonna be learned you have faith in Allah. Allah Allah

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Allah Who monster the one enough he Philistine of because it's a

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closet in your blood Alameen of orbia Allah Mahara Masjid luck so

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I mean, I just saw Hi Anna and Hakeem of Dali mean Algerian

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Europa Alameen Alana city, Juana piccoli, McCann, Ullman, Surya,

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Juana, what's a bit Akadama home era Bella aalameen, Allama, Shri

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Madonna, Allah mushy Madonna Allah Masha Madonna we make special dua

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for our chairman who is very ill. Abdul Karim Hodge, Abdul Karim

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Allah subhanaw taala grand team and all our sick Shiva and

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Kaminarimon colada. Allah mushy Madonna what Hamilton molto

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Muslimeen Shirahama tkr hamara I mean, about Allah. Allahu Akbar,

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Allahu Akbar. Allah Hua.

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bar La Ilaha illa Allah Allahu Akbar wa

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