Riyadh Walls – al Israa wal mi’raaj
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The American River has lost its houses and families, as well as its favorite people, K Phillips and K Phillips. The loss has caused sadness and injuries, including the loss of family members and a woman named K Phillips. The segment discusses sadness and injuries, as well as struggles during the American revolution and the return of Muslimeen. The conversation also touches on the holy month and its significance in culture.
AI: Summary ©
SallAllahu wasallam other Rika Allah has an every year I mean,
quite early he was so Huberty He lowered Well, may I mean I'm a bad
tomato sliminess Salaam Alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
Call hello to Baraka which if he could tell the lodges by their own
Villa immunopathology rajim Bismillah AR Rahman AR Rahim,
Subhana Leddy Sohrabi rbge Laila Minelli Masjid Al haram in Al MSgt
aka sala de Baraka, ullery Barak now hula hula Linari hoomin. Tina
in no who was Samira bossy, so the Kalon
Do you want to see me?
It was exactly a year ago.
According to the Hijiri calendar
that we were not gathered in this Masjid.
In fact, it was already locked down
and we were confined to our homes.
And many things have happened since then.
The Masjid reopened
and in the masjid closed again and in the masjid reopened again and
in between many things have happened.
We have lost near and dear ones.
Our beloved
brother Al Hajj and motorhome Shaheen colourant is no longer
with us
and the other members of our community and of our families, and
the broader community and the broader OMA
and in the world where this trial and tribulation has touched almost
every facet of our lives.
And although tonight yes is
a night in which we remember the event, even though the alumni not
exactly sure, exactly when it took place. But we know that round
about a year before the Hegira of our beloved prophet muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
And after I'm in Houston, after the year of sadness,
in which our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam lost the two most beloved people to him. Firstly, his uncle
Abu Talib,
and then rah rah the Allah Tabata, Kota, Allah Anna, what are the
that was enamel husen and then, not too long after that.
Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went
to toys,
and the chiefs of bernisa Cave sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, out
of that town.
And that was one of his lowest points.
So tonight, I don't want to speak about the actual event
of an Elisa our miraj bearing in mind that I only have 15 minutes.
In fact, I said I was only going to speak for 15 minutes.
And when somebody reminded me, please share the soap mark for ons
very nice.
So I'm not going it's not going to be a long talk. I want to focus on
one thing.
And that was what was the purpose for our marriage.
He almost wanted to Anna in the beginning of Surah SR Subhan Allah
the Astra the RBD glory BTV the one who took his servant Muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
by night from the sacred mosque from the sacred Masjid Machito
haram in Mecca Kumbhakarna et al Masjid Al Aqsa to the furthest
Moscow to the furthest Masjid
in Jerusalem and Metro mark this
and let the baraka hola
of which the precincts we have blessed?
Our Beloved Prophet Salla salami dua for for sham and for Yemen
Allahumma vertical
which in in fact, have been through the most difficult trials
and tribulations recently, and, in fact, still going through some of
the greatest trials and tribulations in the history of
these two Mobarak blessing places of Yemen and sham Yemen insha.
Allah hola de Bourgh now Hola.
Of which the precincts we have blessed lino reom in Iowa, Tina,
that we might show him
aim of all signs and this we of course is the Demirel album The
pronoun of greatness. Because
the Damir for plural firstly for dual Nunu, I know and you and I,
is now no we and then for for puro nano the three of us and more is
also nano
we, and lezzy Lima frog Alethea you are the Mona If so, for the
singular who reveals themselves.
And there is nobody that is deserving of revering themselves,
except Allah subhanaw taala So, I do want you to understand when I
was one of dialysis linaria, who he's referring to himself, Gela
that we might show him our signs, mean mintop idea that we might
show him some of our signs
in the who, who was semi bossy indeed, he and he alone is the old
hearing and the old saying
he saw our beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam in that
year of sadness
when he lost his uncle Abu Talib
after trying to get him to say the Kalama shahada Can you imagine how
devastating it was for our beloved Prophet Muhammad Salah to Abu
Salah Valley, His own uncle, he couldn't get him to see the
caliber Shahada.
But Allah then reminded him of sent down the verse in Nicola to
redeem and you don't go to him you love or Muhammad Salam audio Salah
well the king Allah Yajima your Shepherd Allah guides from what
pleases Him to guide and Allah to Kim.
Without the Kalima Shahad
then he lost his wife, his greatest supporter,
his greatest friend, his greatest aid, his greatest comfort in life.
Allah took her away, are you allowed to Baraka Allah, Allah
and Allah sir, that sadness
and when he went to toys, and he was stoned out of the village of
and he made it famous dua, Allah heard that dua
famous dua Allah hum
okay letter Haloti will Hawaiian the island Nursia or hamara Amin
untolerable mustafina. One Torabi, Illa mentor, Killarney elaborating
Yetta Germany amela I do when Molech to Amory Ilam ukunda
Valley. Well, I cannot see a ticker here. Oh, certainly. Oh, do
we know what he wants? He can live the
moment was Santa Hala here? I'm gonna do Nivola Hera Minami NZ la
Vyasa book. Oh, yeah. Hola. Hola your Safa took when they cannot.
When a Howler wala Quwata illa
Allah that Allah saw that sadness when he lost Abu Talib and Khadija
La Jolla. Anna and Allah heard that dua when it came out of life.
You heard that dua Subhanallah What a beautiful two hours Yamato
and our beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam lifted up his
hands. And he said, Oh Allah unto you, do I complain of my weakness?
And have my poor stratagem my poor planning? In other words, I didn't
plan for this.
Maybe I didn't do the Dawa properly. He's blaming himself.
sallallahu alayhi wasallam we have to learn to swim in Havana. This
is the most excellent of examples that has been left for us. We have
to learn
and of my helplessness and of my humiliation before these people
are most Merciful of those who show mercy.
Oh Lord of the weekend, my lord to
into whose hands have you interested me, and to some far of
stranger who receives me with hostility or until a foe to an
enemy whom you have empowered against me?
I cannot so long as you are not angry with me.
But your favor? Well, I can now ask the attacker here Oh,
certainly. Your favor of protection.
You Your favor of compassion and mercy.
lack enough theater
and your favor of forgiveness and accepting of repent
is far broader for me
and has a wider scope for me. I see Correct. I seek refuge in the
light of Your countenance, way by all darknesses are illuminated.
I seek refuge in the light of Your countenance, whereby all
darknesses are illuminated, and all things of this world and the
next set writes,
lest you make descend upon me your anger, or list your rough beset
me, yet it is yours to reproach until you are pleased with me. And
there is no power or might except that which belongs to the
tomato Muslimeen
if there's ever been in my mind,
a summary of what an Israa and then Mirage tonight journey from
Makkah Tibet to mock this and then the ascension to the city, into
the furthest low tree and beyond, with his audience that Allah
granted him to have with Allah subhanho wa taala.
Then it is the answer of this dua.
It is the answer of this dua that he made sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam because we need God day What did you see? Did you see
Allah? No he didn't. Nobody can see Allah and the dunya. Nobody
can see Allah in this module. In this existence as well as on a
data set to Nabi Musa Lisa Hadith of the Prophet Salah Salem. All
the veils will like you see the moon on the night when it is full.
On the night of budget,
like in the hadith of Abuja.
When you ask the Prophet Muhammad I interrupted you see your Lord,
He said light how was I able to see him?
In another generation of the Hadith or A to neuron I saw light.
And what's Anna? Anna?
When Zecharia entered onto Seder Maria in her chamber, what did you
ask her? Yeah, Maria Mo and lucky herder. Oh, Meriam Oh, Mary, we
did you get this wrong. So what's the Prophet saying? He said I saw
light, I was able to see him.
Why? Because as a tangent, another Hadith authentic hadith of our
beloved prophet Salah Salem, hijab who news
his hijab his veil is light. And that's why the Prophet SAW Salem
saw the light. Allah gave him refuge in the light.
And Allah subhanaw taala gifted him also on that night, with a
great light, the light of Salah
you see tomato Muslimeen
there was a brother came into the masjid yesterday. And he jokingly
said to me, and I understood what he was saying. He jokingly said to
me, he said, Yeah, you know, Al Hamdulillah. We've now come back
in the deen.
We have come back into the deep. What do you mean to us? The
massages have reopened. So we've come back into the dean.
I know he was just you know, being humorous, no problem, no problem.
But I thought it necessary to point something out to him. I see
exactly my brother. Exactly. When the masajid were closed, did we
lose our iman?
Did we stop being Muslim in
when the people of Fallujah when all of the masajid were destroyed?
I met a brother from Fallujah,
in assault in the Iraqi war on any town in Iraq, as what they did to
Fallujah in 2004.
Throwing white phosphorus burning people alive with area to be
And they destroyed almost every single Masjid in the town. Did
they stop being Muslimeen? Did they lose the Iman Lahoma you know
And hamdulillah Yes, we thank Allah subhanaw taala for the fact
that we have these houses his houses but under misogyny Allah,
the houses of Allah belong to him, the Maasai belong to Allah. For
Allah, Allah, Allah Allah, so associate no partners in the
worship of Allah.
But out of necessity, we had to close the masajid and Al
Our hearts were still beating with La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasool
Allah says, And when we could open the massages again of Hamza, we
came back to the masjid
because one of the fine things. Our Beloved Prophet Fossum said
that he was given that no prophet was given before him, you know
what it is? He said, What jewelry let Li do maths G done what a
hula. And he said, and the whole effort has been made as a masjid
for me
and as a means of purification for me.
So do you want to Muslim in
this trial and tribulation is not over? We are still in the midst of
it. And we ask Allah subhanaw taala last summer holiday, Allah
forbid that this should be a third wave.
But we still need to very much be
and conscious not of Corona misremember, Holly Cook, Alisha
almost want to tell you he is the creator, manager and controller of
everything, including Corona and everyone including those who got
sick and those who passed away and those of us who are still living.
Allah is in control of everyone and everything in the heavens.
So when I say we need to wake up and open our eyes, why? Because
just like our beloved Prophet Muhammad Hassan when he made dua,
Allah took him to the furthest load tree to show him some of his
signs. And so when we lift up our hands and we make dua,
that your Allah grant us the refuge of the light of Your
countenance, envelop us in your mercy and guide us on the Sunnah
Thomas takim.
Until eventually, as Allah sends us, the light of his Hidayat the
light of His guidance. The law means like, every good deed that
we do is like everything, in fact is made up of light.
If you go to the quantum level
of existence, everything is made up of light. And we as believers
have gatherers of light, the light of our good deeds, and on the day
of Yom Akiyama, if we have been gatherers of light, Allah will
complete our light and I end this talk was this beautiful verse in
the Holy Quran, where Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Yeah, you
handed in to Allah, He told us, oh, those of you who believe
repent to Allah, sincere repentance, that's the advice I
give to myself to matter Muslims in this time of Corolla and
forward in this time of Corona in this time, of trial and
forward until we leave this world, let us engage in continuous and
perpetual returning and repenting to Allah. And let's do it
sincerely, meaning, let's stop the wrong that we've been doing.
regret having done it and making sincere intention not to do it
again. As
Phil uncom say your article, it just might be
that if you make the Tober it Allah subhanaw taala will forgive
you for all your sins, Allahu Akbar. Well, you the healer, come
Jana and he will enter you into gardens tragedy mean tequila and
her under which rivers flow. Yo Mala you Zilla levena Avenue ma
the day in which Allah will not disgrace the Prophet all those who
have believed with him. No Romea Saba in AD him. They like to
proceed before them
will be a man even on the right your Kowloon they will say Rob
bene at me Milena no Rana was a fetal dinner in Nicola coalition.
Katya Oh Lord, and Lord is not a good translation. Oh creator and
sustainer What do you want worthy of worship gender fear Allah, Oh
Allah, perfect for us our light and forgive us for our sins.
Indeed, you have power over all things. But you Michel Muslimeen
let us make dua which is busy ourselves with this new era of
Salah that Allah has given us let's look after our Salah and let
us lift up our hands with
to make a sub those who are steadfast on his Scirocco, Mr.
Kane that inshallah to Allah we might be gathered with those loved
ones who have left us that Allah might raise us all together on the
day of Yom Okayama under the flag of our beloved Prophet Muhammad
Sallallahu Sallam to be entered de Janeiro to name a few Dhawan Al
hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi