Riad Ouarzazi – Tafsir made easy Baqara #27
![Riad Ouarzazi](https://artwork.muslimcentral.com/riad-ouarzazi-150x150.jpg)
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of protecting one's secret and the use of fearing idols in the United States. They also talk about the use of " passengers" and the importance of shukrik in Islam culture. The transcript describes a video about Jesus's wife and the importance of shukrik, while also reciting a book and giving instructions on performing certain rituals. The transcript describes a video about a man named Jesus and gives instructions on how to perform it, while also reciting a book and giving instructions on shukrik. The transcript describes a video about a man named Jesus and his wife, and talks about the importance of shukrik in Islam culture. The transcript also describes a gathering where people are expected to pray at night and discusses the importance of staying on the streets.
AI: Summary ©
The Book and Wisdom, and He will teach
you the Book and Wisdom, and He will
teach you that which you do not know.
So remember Me, I will remember you, and
be grateful to Me, and do not be
O you who have believed, seek help through
patience and prayer.
Indeed, Allah is with those who are patient.
And do not be of those who are
killed in the cause of Allah, of the
Rather, the living are those who do not
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent,
the Most Merciful.
We're still with Surah Al-Baqarah, it's also
called Surah Al-Barakah.
The greatest surah in the Qur'an, the
longest surah in the Qur'an.
So we talked about the changing of the
Qibla, and how the Prophet Muhammad longed to
changing the Qibla from the north to the
After the emigration, in the second year of
emigration, exactly Rajab, Rajab, second of the emigration,
that's when the Qibla was changed.
In the suburbs of Medina, specifically what is
now called Masjid Dhul Qiblatayn, or what is
now called Masjid Mu'adh, Mu'adh Nujabal.
Because Mu'adh used to live in that
area, and after he used to pray Salatul
Isha' with the Prophet Muhammad in the Sacred
Mosque, he would go to his area and
pray Salatul Isha' with the people there.
So it was called Masjid Mu'adh.
And there, the Qibla was changed, or the
Qibla was changed in that area to what
is now called Masjid Dhul Qiblatayn.
It's also called Masjid Mu'adh Nujabal because
Mu'adh Nujabal used to live in that
He used to pray Isha' Salat with the
Prophet, and then go back home, and then
he would lead Salat late Isha' in that
very particular area.
That's why it's called now Masjid Mu'adh
or Masjid Dhul Qiblatayn when the Prophet Muhammad
was praying.
And then he received the revelation with the
Sahabas, they were praying behind him, and then
they switched, they turned.
In the middle of the Salat, then the
Prophet changed the direction from the north to
the south.
Then Allah Azzawajal says, الَّذِينَ آتَيْنَهُمُ الْكِتَابَ Because
they're gonna come and talk, and they initially
started not complaining, raising doubts.
Why Muhammad changed the Qibla?
Was there something wrong with the Qibla?
The Munafiqeen, the Mushrikeen, and the Yahud and
the Nasara at the time.
الَّذِينَ آتَيْنَهُمُ الْكِتَابَ يَعْرِفُونَهُ كَمَا يَعْرِفُونَ أَبْنَاءَهُمْ
يَعْرِفُونَهُ هَى يَعْرِفُونَهُ مَن وَهُوَ الْقُرْآنَ يَعْرِفُونَهُ أي
محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم كما جاء في
التفسير Those who have given the scriptures الَّذِينَ
آتَيْنَهُمُ الْكِتَابَ We're giving them the scriptures, here
we're talking about اليهود والنصارى The Jews and
the Christians يَعْرِفُونَهُ كَمَا يَعْرِفُونَ أَبْنَاءَهُمْ يَعْرِفُونَهُ
كَمَا يَعْرِفُونَ أَبْنَاءَهُمْ You know your daughter If
you meet your daughter Who are you?
May Allah forbid You know your
children You know your sons You know your
daughters الَّذِينَ آتِنَهُمُ الْكِتَابَ They know Muhammad Just
like they know their children He's mentioned in
their books He's mentioned in their scriptures مذكور
عندهم في التوراة والإنجيل مذكور عندهم في التوراة
والإنجيل يَعْرِفُونَهُ كَمَا يَعْرِفُونَ أَبْنَاءَهُمْ وَإِنَّ فَرِيقًا
مِنْهُمْ لَيَكْتِمُونَ الْحَقُّ وَهُمْ يَعْلَمُونَ He reveals this
truth That despite the fact that they know
the truth They will try to hide it
Just like the story of Safiyya bint Akhtab
Huyay bin Akhtab Huyay bin Akhtab was the
leader of the Jews And Safiyya who eventually
married Rasulullah ﷺ Safiyya, she's Ummul Mu'mineen And
then she was a kid at the time
And then she heard when her father And
his brother met together After seeing the Prophet
Muhammad ﷺ أَهُوَهُ أَهُوَهُ Is that him?
You saw him Is it him?
Yes All the descriptions that we have in
our books Yes, I went through all the
descriptions It is him So what did you
decide to do?
He asked him What did you decide to
He said no, I have decided to Cause
him enmity and animosity And then I die
I will never believe in him يعني يعلموا
They know وَلَكَنِ يَكْتُمُونَ الْحَقَّ وَهُمْ يَعْلَمُونَ They
keep the truth They distort the truth They
don't reveal the truth يَعْلَمُونَ الْحَقَّ الْحَقَّ مِنْ
رَبِّكَ فَلَتَكُونَنَّ مِنَ الْمُمْتَارِينَ This is the haq
Al-haq is what?
Al-haq is kalam Allah Allah is one
of His names Al-haq, the truth So
Allah is al-haq وَكَلَمُهُ حَقَّ وَالْقُرْآنُ حَقَّ
The words of Allah is haq And the
words of Allah The Quran that we are
studying now is al-haq الجنة حق و
النار حق They know the truth وَلَكِنِ The
problem is when somebody knows the truth And
he hides it Or he knows the truth
and he doesn't act upon it It's different
than somebody who does not know You know
la ilaha illallah Abide with la ilaha illallah
Follow la ilaha illallah He knows la ilaha
illallah He knows Muhammad Rasulullah But he doesn't
want to follow Muhammad Rasulullah صلى الله عليه
وسلم Allah
says Everyone turn to their own direction of
prayer وَلِكُلِّ مُوَجَةٌ هُوَ مُوَلِّيهَا فَاسْتَبِقُوا الْخَيْرَاتِ But
here وُجْه means what?
Here وُجْه means طَرِق اليهود they have their
own You know طَرِق right?
طَرِق is also in Arabic Or Urdu whatever
طَرِق path Not in Urdu رَسْطَة رَسْطَة رَسْطَة
رَسْطَة I remember in Mecca they used to
say رَسْطَة رَسْطَة رَسْطَة So طَرِق is رَسْطَة
رَسْطَة طَرِق وُجْه The Jews they have their
وُجْه The Nasara they have their وُجْه And
we have our وُجْه And we have our
طَرِق as well We have our you know
the truth لِكُلِّ نُوَجِتُنَ هُوَ مُوَلِّيهَا فَاسْتَبِقُوا الْخَيْرَاتِ
Then Compete towards doing good deeds You know
the truth خَلَص Compete towards doing good يَعْنِ
Compete towards doing more صلاة Compete towards doing
more صيام Compete towards giving more صدقة This
is how we should compete with one another
Not in terms of He has MashaAllah A
great business I'm gonna compete in his business
Allah Azawajal bless you and bless him and
bless her and bless all But this is
not the competition that Allah Azawajal is looking
for The competition is You know اَسْتَبِقُوا الْخَيْرَاتِ
Towards Towards You know in the deen That
is compete towards that In the dunya when
you look at someone Look how maybe fortunate
he is But look how close he is
to Allah Azawajal This is something that I
need to compete towards This man He comes
here all the time He does not meet
one single Salah I need to compete with
him towards that He does not meet Fajr
I'm gonna compete with him towards that He
comes first in Fajr I'm gonna compete with
him towards that I'm gonna start coming early
for Fajr So I can compete with him
Just like Abu Bakr and Umar They used
to compete When Abu Bakr gave the Sadaqah
And then Umar he went and he gave
Sadaqah When the Prophet says about the Sadaqah
So Umar came and he gave half of
his wealth He came to know that Abu
Bakr gave all his wealth Ya Abu Bakr
we cannot compete with you You're always a
winner Abu Bakr Umar said I'm gonna take
something And give half to Allah Azawajal Half
to the Prophet, half to the Muslim And
then one half for my family So he
came with half Abu Bakr came with all
So this is the type of competition that
Allah Azawajal is longing for Not this type
of Competition towards the dunya And then Allah
says right after that Anywhere you are I
remember country America When I was in US
Mazen he was 16, 17 years old He
was sharing his My room with me in
the dorms Mazen from Palestine We used to
Sleep together in the dorms So he tells
me about stories Of how he many times
Escaped death He used to tell me stories
You know they did this and they did
that And you know one night 2 o
'clock In the morning they came and they
knocked on our door To come out And
remove rocks from the road He says many
times He says I almost died but I
didn't So he came to USA Where?
To San Francisco California San Francisco California There
He spent the summer there He went to
Virgin Islands It's an island To work for
his dad Dad was working there as a
business He used to have a limo business
So he was doing a limo thing And
then there subhanallah Some people they came and
they tried to steal his money In Virgin
Islands The land of tourism and fun and
joy And what not So he's trying to
struggle with them And then somebody brought a
knife And stabbed him And he killed him
He killed this boy who was only 16
years old And I was thinking to myself
He did not die in Palestine In the
land of bloodshed In the land where everyday
You have hundreds of death He came to
die In the land of Virgin Islands, Caribbean
Who dies there?
Subhanallah Anywhere you are When your time is
up Your time is up والموت حق الموت
Is haqq And then Allah azawajal goes again
ومن حيث خرجت يا محمد فولي وجهك شطر
المجل الحرام And this ayah will be repeated
More than once, more than twice ومن حيث
خرجت فولي وجهك شطر المجل الحرام وإنه للحق
And again one more time يا محمد anywhere
you are فولي وجهك Face towards المجل الحرام
Face towards your qibla Towards المجل الحرام وإنه
الحق من ربك وما الله بغافن عما تعملون
إذا خرجت مهاجراً من مكة إلى المدينة فولي
وجهك Towards المجل الحرام إذا خرجت من بيتك
فولي وجهك شطر المجل الحرام Anywhere you are
Face المجل الحرام And then Allah azawajal says
one more time ومن حيث خرجت فولي وجهك
أهل العلم they say This repetition indicates يعني
لما تعيد تعيد الآية كده مرة يعني this
indicates the emphasis التأكيد هذا الإعادة تفيد التأكيد
ومن حيث خرجت فولي وجهك ومن حيث خرجت
فولي وجهك شطر المجل الحرام It indicates التأكيد
which means an emphasis And then Allah tells
the believers وحيث ما كنتم فولو وجوهكم شطرة
Anywhere you were وولو وجوهكم شطرة Face towards
المجل الحرام لأن لا يكون للناس عليكم حجة
إلا الذين ظلموا What happened here?
Allah is saying So no So that people
will not have an argument against you What
is the meaning of this particular ayah?
I hope if you can follow with me
or wake up سبحان الله السكينة السكينة بتنزل
هذا التكرار كما قلنا التكرار يفيده التأكيد القبلة
أنه مؤكد القبلة ركن من أركان الصلاة زي
ما قلنا القبلة is ركن When you come
to pray واحد قل لك طيب I'm going
to pray facing مدينة القبلة is it واجب
or is it sunnah or is it ركن
What is the difference between واجب and ركن
ركن is ركن means a pillar ركن means
a pillar if you miss it your صلاة
your حج will not be accepted like طواف
طواف is ركن when you go for عمره
الطواف is ركن السعي is ركن الإحرام is
ركن if you don't do it your حج
will not be accepted الوضو القبلة they said
it's ركن يعني if you face not the
قبلة your صلاة will not be accepted unless
there are certain exceptions of course you're sick,
you cannot you're traveling and you cannot face
the قبلة there are certain exceptions, other than
that القبلة is ركن أركان الصلاة يعني للقادر
الاستقبال القبلة even the ميت when we bury
the person we make his face facing towards
the قبلة even before somebody dies some people
don't know this هذا الذي يحتضر عند الموت
قبل الموت هو يحتضر قالوا أنه من السنة
أن تحاول and they said somebody who's dying
it is from the سنة to try to
make that person face القبلة before dying he
dies with the قبلة with the face already
facing towards the قبلة قبل الموت حيث يموته
مستقبل القبلة if you don't know فاشتهد if
you don't know what the قبلة is, you're
traveling you don't have a watch, you don't
have a GPS, you don't have a phone
then you try to where is Toronto Toronto
east, where is east احنا ويننا we are
west kind of so Toronto is this way
then it's east, little bit east northeast I
made little of an effort to see where
the قبلة is without GPS or anything even
if I'm wrong, I'm wrong but at least
I made an effort to seek where the
قبلة is لئلا يكون للناس عليكم حجة what
does that mean?
so that people have no argument against you
they said المشركون قالوا حولت القبلة لأن المسلمون
لأن الآلهة غضبت عليهم آلهة مكة غضبت عليهم
فهم حاولوا القبلة إلى مكة حتى الآلهة ترضى
عليهم they said when the Muslims because the
Muslims they worship Allah they don't worship the
idols so once the قبلة came they changed
the fate from the north to the south
the مشركين they said oh you know why
they made this change?
it's because the آلهة were cursing them the
gods were cursing them they were facing the
north so now because they are not worshipping
the idols and the idols are cursing them
so the Muslims now they're facing they're facing
Mecca why Mecca?
why the قبلة?
because inside the قبلة there were more than
in Mecca itself more than 360 idols more
than 360 صنم أكبرهم أكبرهم مين هذا أكبرهم
the biggest idol هبل the biggest idol so
they were inside the قبلة so now the
Muslims are praying now towards the قبلة and
then the مشركين they said they're facing the
قبلة because the idols are angry at them
then Allah says لَأَلَّا يَكُونَ لِلنَّاسِ عَلَيْكُمْ حَجَّةٌ
إِلَّا الَّذِينَ رَضَمُوا مِنْكُمْ فَلَا تَخْشَوْهُمْ مِنْهُمْ فَلَا
تَخْشَوْهُمْ وَخْشَوْنِي don't fear them, don't fear what
they say don't worry about what they say
but fear Allah سبحانه وتعالى let them say
whatever they want to say it's wrong, right?
but fear Allah سبحانه وتعالى فَلَا تَخْشَوْهُمْ وَخْشَوْنِي
don't fear them but fear Allah عز و
جل when you ask, ask Allah إِذَا تَسْعَلْتَ
فَاسْعِلِ اللَّهِ وَإِذَا اسْتَعَلْتَ فَاسْتَعِلْ بِاللَّهِ when you
seek refuge, seek refuge in Allah سبحانه وتعالى
وَلِأُتِمَّ نِعْمَةِ عَلَيْكُمْ وَلَعَلَّكُمْ تَهْتَدُونَ وَلِأُتِمَّ نِعْمَةِ
عَلَيْكُمْ وَلَعَلَّكُمْ تَهْتَدُونَ of course and then so
Allah سبحانه وتعالى says so that I may
continue to perfect my favour, my نعمة or
نعمة عَلَيْكُمْ وَلَعَلَّكُمْ تَهْتَدُونَ وَفِعْلًا أَتَمَّ نِعْمَةِ اللَّهِ
سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى and indeed Allah عز و جل
has continued his نعمة after this Qibla was
changed Allah continued his favour by by making
Hajj as a pillar of Islam القِبْلَةِ إِلَى
الصَّلَاةِ هِيَ نِعْمَةِ this Qibla towards you know
it's a نعمة from Allah سبحانه وتعالى and
Hajj to Baitul Haram is نعمة from Allah
سبحانه وتعالى this is why Allah سبحانه وتعالى
says اليوم أَكْمَلْتُ لَكُمْ دِينَكُمْ وَأَتْمَلْتُ عَلَيْكُمْ نِعْمَةِ
وَأَضِيْتُ لَكُمْ لِسْنَعْمَةِ دِينَةً you see when we
تفسير القرآن with the Qur'an we're gonna
use another ayah in Suratul Ma'idah اليوم
أَكْمَلْتُ لَكُمْ دِينَكُمْ today I have perfected your,
well I have completed your religion وَأَتْمَلْتُ عَلَيْكُمْ
نِعْمَةِ and I have perfected your religion نِعْمَةِ
your blessings, the blessings of Allah سبحانه وتعالى
is الحج إلى بيت الله الحرام كَمَا أَرْسَلْنَ
فِيكُمْ رَسُولًا مِّنْكُمْ يَتْلُوْ عَلَيْكُمْ هذي الآية جواب
للآية التي كانت من قبلها أول آية this
ayah that says كَمَا أَرْسَلْنَ فِيكُمْ رَسُولًا مِّنْكُمْ
يَتْلُوْ عَلَيْكُمْ آيَتِنَا وَيُزَكِّيكُمْ وَيُعَلِّمُكُمُ الْكِتَابَ
وَالْحِكْمَةَ وَيُعَلِّمُكُمْ مَا لَمْ تَكُونُ تَعْلَمُونَ since we
have sent you a messenger أَرْسَلْنَ فِيكُمْ we
have sent you, oh Quraish يا عرب يا
مشركون يا يهود يا نصارى أَرْسَلْنَ فِيكُمْ رَسُولًا
مِّنْكُمْ we have sent you, oh Quraish from
among yourselves reciting to you our revelation القرآن
purifying and teaching you the book of Allah
سبحانه وتعالى and wisdom, wisdom here means what
الحكمة is السنة here يُعَلِّمُكُمُ الْكِتَابَ he teaches
you the book, يعني القرآن والحكمة here means
السنة السنة القرآن, remember this please remember this
particular القرآن needs the سنة remember, more than
the سنة needs the قرآن I don't know
if you get this القرآن في حاجة إلى
السنة أكثر من أن السنة في حاجة إلى
القرآن لماذا لأن السنة تفسر القرآن because the
سنة explains the قرآن this is why we
need the سنة أستغفر الله it's not more
than the قرآن the قرآن needs the سنة,
the قرآن doesn't explain to you how to
pray and how to perform hajj and how
to do certain rituals, it is the سنة
that explains these rituals, this is why the
قرآن needs the سنة do you understand in
the other ayah when Allah سبحانه وتعالى says
the دعاء of إبراهيم اِبْعَدْ فِيهِمْ رَسُولًا مِنْهُمْ
يَتْلُوْا عَلَيْهِمْ آيَاتِكَ وَيُزَكِّيهِمْ وَيُعِلْمُهُمْ الْكِتَابُ
وَالْحِكْمَةُ the دعاء of إبراهيم when he says
when he finished building the Kaaba and then
he made this دعاء اِبْعَدْ فِيهِمْ رَسُولًا يَا
رَبِّي يَبْعَدْ send amongst them a prophet, why
رسولًا منهم a prophet from them to teach
them the book and the wisdom and the
حِكْمَة and
then Allah says because I'm sending you Muhammad
and the Qur'an and the Sunnah and
the حِكْمَة فَاذْكُرُونِي أَذْكُرْكُمْ وَاشْكُرُونِي وَلَا تَكْفُرُونَ
وَاشْكُرُونِي وَلَا تَكْفُرُونَ then make a mention of
me and please I'd like to pause here
because this is where the spirituality will start
more since we're gonna talk about فَاذْكُرُونِي أَذْكُرْكُمْ
ذِكْر make a mention of me I shall
make a mention of you make a remember
me Allah is talking about who?
remember me, me who?
me who?
قُولُوا اذْكُرُونِي make a mention of me, who's
محمد فَاذْكُرُونِي أَذْكُرْكُمْ make a mention of me,
I shall make a mention of you أول
نعمة all these نعمة so this is why
you should make dhikr of Allah what نعمة?
نعمة that I'm sending this prophet amongst you
تحول القبلة is نعمة, القرآن is نعمة الهداية
is نعمة الصلاة is نعمة all these نعم
then make a mention of Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala and be grateful شُكْر or شُكري
this is why Allah azza wa jalla calls
himself الشاكر الشكور two greatest names of Allah
azza wa jalla from شُكر but one is
more intensive than the other شاكر على وزن
فاعل وشاكور على وزن فاعل so شاكور is
more intensive than شاكر فاعل is more intensive
than فاعل but in English it's just the
most grateful نعمة it is شكر شكر Allah
azza wa jalla for just being able to
sit like this شكر for the نعمة of
health الصحة نعمتان مغبون فيما كثير من الناس
الصحة two great نعمة that most people don't
take advantage of نعمة الصحة نعمة of the
health فاذكروني أذكركم هذا ذكر المطلق I need
to explain a little bit about ذكر ذكر
المطلق ذكر المطلق means unrestricted ذكر there is
restricted ذكر مقيد وذكر مطلق in Arabic ذكر
مقيد means restricted ذكر or as you say
in Urdu ذكر وذكر مطلق unrestricted I
will explain make a mention of me and
Allah will make a mention of you do
you know now my brother what's your name
Fahad do you know now my brother Fahad
that Allah is making a mention of you
to his angels by name even if you
are sleeping and wake up even if you
sleep Allah is making a mention of you
right now and who am I who are
you to be mentioned by name by Allah
and who am I المذنب العاصي the sinner
yet Allah is making a mention of me
because right now we are making a mention
of him this is ذكر by the way
يا حسرة يا حسرة يا حسرة صلوا طلعوا
ان شاء الله تعالى نحسنا ظن فيهم الخير
لما تجلس في مجلس زي كده انت تذكر
الله الله يذكرك when you sit in a
gathering like this in a majlis of ذكر
to mention and to talk about Allah Allah
also subhanahu wa ta'ala make a mention
of you فاذكروني أذكركم أذكركم yes Allah knows
you subhanahu wa ta'ala of course he
is your creator but not only he, he
created you and he is mentioned you may
ask what does he mean he makes a
mention of me he is part of you
right now he is praising you to his
angels look at عبد فلان وعبد فلان وعبد
فلان جالسون يذكرونني يا ملائكة اشهدوا اني قد
غفرت له at the end يا ملائكة تنظروا
لعبدي وعبد فلان وعبد فلان انظروا انهم يجلسون
ويذكرونني يا ملائكة اشهدوا اني قد غفرت لهم
this is what it means فاذكروني أذكركم because
you may say some people take it so
light this ayah هذه الآيه تمرور الكلاب عن
كثير من الناس فاذكروني أذكركم Yeah, Allah adhkurni,
yeah, nice, nice But they don't really understand
the heaviness of this ayah فَاذْكُرُونِ Make a
mention of me اذْكُرْكُمْ And you know what
happens when Allah makes a mention of you?
He loves you He protects you He guides
you And He doesn't just make a mention
of you in vain هَذَا يَا مَلَائِكَتِ هَذَا
هَذَا هَذَا يَا مَلَائِكَتِ هَذَا هَذَا فُلَان وَفِي
مِعَيَّةٍ فِي مِعَيَّةٍ He's under my protection My
presence, my companionship So here we're talking about
the two types of dhikr And the categories
of dhikr Dhikr Mutlaq and Muqayyad And restricted
dhikr and restricted dhikr Let me give you
some examples When you finish the salah, what
do you say?
استغفر الله استغفر الله استغفر الله اللهم أنت
السلام ومنك السلام تبارك لدجالك الكرام Right?
And then you say 33 times After the
dhikr you say 33 times سبحان الله لا
أنا I wanna say 33 times الله المستعان
Or I wanna say 33 times لا حول
ولا قوة إلا بلاء لا حول ولا قوة
إلا بلاء لا حول ولا قوة إلا بعد
الصلاة No, this becomes bid'ah After Salah
dhikr Muqayyad You can say it any other
time Mutlaq You're walking in the street or
you're coming or whatever You're sitting in the
back I just wanna say لا حول ولا
قوة إلا بلاء Fine Fine, that's unrestricted But
after Salah There is dhikr Muqayyad I wanna
say 35 Wrong After
33 I'm gonna say 66 Why?
Because I love Allah It's dhikr This is
what people make a mistake It's dhikr But
this is dhikr Muqayyad Restricted I'll give you
an example You're married حبيبنا So listen to
this because you're gonna need it So when
you get married Inshallah حبيبنا الغالي When you
get married When you got married And then
you went And then you put your hand
On your wife's forehead And then you said
الدعاء What did you say, remember?
اللهم إني أسأل It's been a long time
اللهم إني أسألك خيرها وما خير مجمولة عليها
وعدوك من شرها This is the dua of
the Prophet Muhammad أنت And then you said
سبحان الذي سخر لنا هذا وما كنا لهم
مقرنين وإنا إلى ربنا لم نقلبون You flipped
it Valid Wrong It's like you're riding this
You're riding that This dua is to ride
a car To ride a camel To ride
a horse To ride that This one you
say سبحان الذي سخر لنا هذا Right?
You know You don't say this dua When
you put your hand on Because this is
dhikr Muqayyad Muqayyad The Prophet said this dhikr
He didn't say that dhikr I wanna say
سبحان الذي سخر Fine There
are three types of dhikr dhikr al-lisan
وذكر القلب Oh really?
Yes وذكر الجوارح You understood this I don't
need to translate, right?
Say yes No?
dhikr al-lisan ذكر القلب قلب Heart ذكر
الجوارح Are the physical faculties These are the
types of dhikr Ask me How can I
make dhikr by heart?
Do you know?
dhikr of the heart By heart I'm not
doing nothing I'm just by heart I'm making
dhikr How?
Fear of Allah خوف Love Love is by
heart I love Allah This is dhikr of
the heart Ibadah of the heart Tawakul Tawakul
is Ibadah of the heart So making dhikr
of Allah by heart Hope Hope in Allah
This is by heart This is dhikr of
heart Dhikr of al-lisan is the very
well-known one Dhikr of al-lisan Subhanallah,
Alhamdulillah, recited in the Quran This is dhikr
of al-lisan Lisan means the tongue Right?
And then the third type is the dhikr
of al-jawarih Dhikr of the physical faculties
يعني الصلاة Is dhikr Salah needs some movements
With my organs With my physical faculties With
my head I need to bow down My
back I need to come back Coming to
the masjid Walking to the masjid Dhikr of
the feet Giving sadaqah I'm using my hands
Ibadah You understand?
Give me examples Read in Quran Hajj is
Hajj, umrah is dhikr of what?
You may say all But it's mostly the
physical By heart Because you're making tawaf by
heart The tawaf of the heart before the
tawaf of the Of the body And then
you're doing the body movements Lots of movements
in hajj And then lisan And then This
is the ibadah of the Of the physical
faculties Because I spend the whole night Guarding
the muslims The ibadah Those guards who are
maybe guarding the masjid We have a guard
We have a Parking security Security guy he
comes here The one who gets paid No,
I'm not talking about the one who gets
paid I'm talking about somebody who wants to
do it He comes he says I heard
that there's some problems People are trying or
aiming or planning to do something I'm gonna
come tonight and spend My whole night Guarding
the masjid It can be both In sha
Allah In sha Allah Because then If it's
You get paid for it That may tamper
with This is subjective again Subjective not objective
And then we give you something on top
We give you something payment on top of
that But if you purify your intention Although
something like that I'd rather keep it for
the sake of Allah Unless it's a job
Unless it's a job that I do And
I get paid for Ha Entering your home
There is a dua Do you know the
dua of entering your home Bismillah The dua
of entering the masjid Allahumma Allahumma qafila abu
abu rahmatik Allahumma ftahli abu abu rahmatik And
then the dua of leaving the masjid Huh
Allahumma nisa abu wadlik I entered the masjid
saying Allahumma nisa abu wadlik The dua of
entering is Allahumma ftahli abu abu rahmatik And
then you enter the door And then on
the way out It's nice dua Allahumma ftahli
abu abu rahmatik But you say that you
flipped it Keep this dua as the prophet
said it Alright The dua of intimacy We
guys we're men alhamdulillah Intimacy Alhamdulillah Allahumma janni
bin al shaytan wa janni bin al shaytan
wa marzaqtana The dua of intimacy, you change
it La ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu
min al dhalimeen Alhamdulillah ladi affan Alhamdulillah ladi
affan wa jaani min al muslimeen If there
are certain duas that the prophet Has taught
you an eye on a particular Occasion Then
that's a restricted dhikr Versus unrestricted dhikr Wa
ala qadri dhikrika illa Ya konu dhikru Allahi
lak The more you remember Allah The
more Allah will remember you More The
more you do something for
Allah The more you remember him The more
you come closer to him The more you
get from him Subhanahu wa ta'ala So
this is you know they go together Shukr
with kufr Yaani if I don't do shukr
The two extremes exactly But what kind of
kufr Kufr billah Wa la kufr bini'mati Allah
Bini'mati Allah Before I go to shukr Iza
dhakaraka Allah Ahabbaka Allah When Allah makes a
mention of you As I mentioned he will
love you And when Allah loves you he
will tell Jibreel ya Jibreel I love so
and so love him And when Jibreel loves
you Jibreel tells all the other angels Allah
and I love so and so love him
And all the angels They make a call
on the people of the earth And they
say Allah and Jibreel And us the angels
love Naim Ya people of the earth Love
Naim Love him I don't know how but
I love you to Allah Maybe this is
from those Who he said Acceptance in the
earth Jibreel tells the angels I love him
and the angels tell people of the earth
Love him and then people will love him
on earth Everybody You never seen but you
subhanallah I feel comfort when I see you
There is something about you Just love me
for the sake of Allah This is when
Allah loves you What earned you that?
Dhikr of Allah Dhikr of Allah And the
opposite is also true Ya Jibreel I hate
this person This is why Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam He told You know the
dua when he taught Muad ibn Jabal Muad
ibn Jabal is the sahabi He taught him
the dua Muad By Allah I love you
Muad By Allah I love you Look look
look Please understand this This is beautiful as
a father As a son As a wife,
as a mother As a husband A way
to attract The other person Your son for
instance Before asking of something What did the
prophet say here?
Ya Muad I love you So Muad is
all ears now You love me?
I love you Wallahi I love you So
Ya Muad, now the prophet gives an advice
What is the advice?
Ya Muad remember to say At the end
of the salah Allahumma a'inni ala dhikrika
wa shukrika wa husni ibalatika Before he is
giving him this particular advice He tells him
I love you So don't forget this Always
remember this At the end of the salah
After you do the tahiyyat Allahumma a'inni
ala dhikrika Muad says I never left it
I never I always used to say it
Because prophet Muhammad taught me this dua Allahumma
a'inni ala dhikrika Allahumma a'inni ala
dhikrika You need his help Oh Allah help
me A'inni ala dhikrika Help me remember
you I want to remember Ya'ni we're
sitting here You're playing Maybe if I'm playing
like them Subhanallah Alhamdulillah Allahu Akbar Those playing
What's that called?
Badminton Say Subhanallah Alhamdulillah The
Mufti of Saudi Arabia A long time ago
They ate with him food He will take
a morsel He will say Bismillah Before he
goes to the second Subhanallah He's blind Before
taking the other one He says Bismillah As
he's eating Subhanallah Bismillah He says Fadkuruni adhkurkum
Allahumma a'inni ala dhikrika Oh Allah help
me remember you I can only remember you
With your help I cannot remember you if
you don't want me to remember you So
help me remember you I'm busy with Salah
I'm busy with playing I'm busy with cooking
I'm busy with driving I'm busy with taking
care of things With the phone I'm busy
texting I'm busy this, I'm busy that I'm
busy sleeping I'm busy listening So help me
make a mention of you While I'm busy
doing things Help me remember you While I'm
busy let me plant trees In Jannah For
every Subhanallah you say Allah will plant a
tree for you in Jannah Yes or yes
For every Alhamdulillah Allah will plant Ya Rabbi
help me remember you Because brothers and sisters
You will One extra Subhanallah One extra Subhanallah
You made Could make you in a higher
place Than your own brother in Jannah Because
you said an extra Subhanallah More than him
or her So your place will be higher
You have an extra tree You have an
extra home in Jannah One Alhamdulillah So anywhere
you are, busy yourself with The members of
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala Allahumma a'inni
ala dhikrika wa shukrik Help me remember you
Help me thank you Help me also be
grateful To you A'inni ala dhikrika wa
shukrik Wa husni ibadatik Husni ibadah To be
best In my ibadah towards you Help me
excel In my ibadah I want to excel
in my ibadah Would you help me The
heart is the master This is what the
prophet says The
prophet says The prophet says In this body
there is a morsel If it's sound, the
whole body is sound If it's corrupt, the
whole body is corrupt He says it's the
heart When your heart is keen With the
members of Allah Is adamant about remembering Allah
The heart gives a A message, a command
To the lisan The lisan will start making
dhikr of Allah But if the heart is
neglectful The heart is heedless The lisan does
not take any commands from the heart The
heart does not care So it's all about
the connection between the heart And the lisan
This is why you and I, we need
these types of gathering Why?
Because in these types of gathering We purify
our hearts Certain types of dhikr Is restricted
The dhikr when you wake up, the dhikr
when you eat The dhikr when you Go
travel There is a particular dhikr So these
are all types of Particular dhikr Dhikr of
the heart Dhikr of the lisan And dhikr
of the Physical faculties As we mentioned, maybe
you mentioned Examples like tawaf Sadaqah Tagheer al
munkar Forbidding evil by tongue Forbidding evil, enjoining
good And forbidding evil, it's also One of
the types of dhikr With the jawarih Walking
to the masajid, seeking knowledge Right now, you
people are doing dhikr Seeking knowledge Ziyarat al
mureed Visiting the sick You know, dhikr You're
doing dhikr by hand By feet, by heart
You know, there's so much reward On subhanallah,
visiting the sick Wudu And also the dhikr
of the eyes Eyes, yes Quran is dhikr
in itself Not looking at haram Is dhikr
of the eyes Only one ayah From
the shukr Is that you look at the
blessings That Allah has blessed you with And
you thank them And be grateful for them
You thank him for what?
Everybody says alhamdulillah You go to anything and
say alhamdulillah You complain and complain and complain
And your sister complains, complains, complains You know,
she's Arabic And she says She spoke And
he says Let me be quiet I didn't
say nothing yet After all she said I
didn't say nothing It's better for me to
keep quiet What else do you have to
Alhamdulillah This is not the alhamdulillah that Allah
is wanting Shukr There's a difference between shukr
and hamd by the way Shukr can be
to Allah And can be to people You
did something nice to me Thank you for
coming And recording this event So I'm doing
shukr The prophet says Whoever is not grateful
to people Is not grateful to Allah When
was the last time you said to someone
Thank you from the bottom of your heart
For doing this Right?
The prophet says whoever does not thank people
He doesn't thank Allah So one of the
things that you should be thankful of Is
look at the ni'mat That Allah has blessed
you with Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah How many ni'mat You
wanna get married Are you making dua?
Day and night Day and night he's making
dua I can support him But he's miskin
You see But look at the ni'mat that
you are having You are married and this
miskin is not married So this is a
ni'mat that Allah has blessed you with But
maybe you can tell him You think it's
a ni'mat but wait until you get into
it And then you will see whether it's
a ni'mat It is a ni'mat Your wife
is ni'mat, your kids are ni'mat Somebody who
doesn't have kids Somebody who's barren They wanna
have kids and they're making dua And they're
making efforts and everything But subhanallah there is
no nasib Your kids are ni'mat You have
parents living with you Ni'mat because the other
ones Miskin he's alone His parents maybe they're
back home Or they're gone The ni'mat of
hidayah The ni'mat of islam The ni'mat of
iman The ni'mat of salah The ni'mat that
you came to the masjid There's somebody who
prays But there's somebody who prays in the
masjid This is ni'mat This is the difference
We take things for granted You're able to
sit Our uncle Is not able to sit
like you and I He's sitting on a
chair He would wish to sit like you
and I But he can't Our uncle too,
he can't He was able before Before he
was able to sit But now he's not
He prays on a chair too So ni'mat
Say alhamdulillah So Recognize
the ni'mat that Allah Has blessed you with
The circle of the heart So recognize this
ni'mat Because some people don't recognize the ni'mat
You have parents You're not valuing it You're
not recognizing it You're going to drink tea
with us today That you're going to be
able to eat dates You're going to be
able to eat this There's some people who
cannot eat this stuff They can't The doctor
told them If you don't eat something like
this You will die We're not respecting Allah
And also to recognize The one who's giving
you this ni'mat And who is the one
who's giving you the ni'mat Allah So this
is shukr by heart Recognizing the ni'mat And
recognizing The mun'im Mun'im is Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala And what is shukr
by Lisan Shukr by lisan Talk
about this ni'mat Alhamdulillah Allah has blessed me
I went for hajj last year Alhamdulillah Ya
ikhwanna Insha'Allah make lots of dua Wallahi
I wish you were with me for hajj
I wish insha'Allah And I prayed for
you to go there for hajj What an
amazing experience Talk about this ni'mat that Allah
has blessed you with And
the shukr of the jawarih And I will
end here The shukr of the physical faculties
How can I thank Allah with my hand
and my feet The prophet Muhammad Alayhi salam
used to pray at night Hatta Tatafattara Qadamah
And then Aisha will ask him Ya Rasulallah
qad ghafarallahu laka mat qadam al dhanika wa
mat akhar afla akunu abdan shakura He used
to pray at night Who prays at night
nowadays Qiyam al layn And the prophet Indicates,
this is a testimony From Rasulallah Qiyam al
layl alamat al mu'min Shahida lahu bil iman
The prophet has testified that the one who
Makes qiyam al layl he is a believer
Because only believers are able To make qiyam
al layl Oh Abdullah Bin Umar Ni'mal abd
law kani Yaqomu al layl How blessed he
is only if he was to To wake
up at night and pray at night Abdullah
bin Umar When the prophet So the prophet
When he used to pray until his feet
His heel used to get cracked Some of
you have these cracks in the heel The
Aisha, Ya Rasulallah Your feet are cracked Then
the prophet says Shall I not be a
grateful slave Shukr Thank Allah for all he
has blessed me with So what does Rasulallah
do He makes qiyam al layl To thank
Allah This is thanking Allah with your Physical
faculties Allah has blessed you with something Thank
Allah for it, don't just say alhamdulillah No,
thank Him with it Allah has blessed you
with a salary, give something for Allah Remember
this Sahih Muslim Huh Ya ibadah sadaqah Hmm
Sadaqah ibadah So Allah Hmm So
what is The connection The connection is what
With dhikr and shukr If you're not grateful
For the fact that Allah azawajal has made
you Remember Him Then you are committing kufr
فَذْكُرُونِي أَذْكُرُكُمْ وَاشْكُرُونِي وَلَا تَكْفُرُونَ Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala Has allowed you and I to
be able to Sit here And to make
dhikr Unless and until we value this And
you come to the shaykh And you kiss
his hand No, just as a joke And
you come to the shaykh And you give
him a hug and you say thank you
No, I don't need this Because it's for
Allah Unless and until we say الحمد لله
يا ربي That you have brought me from
home Change your niyyah You came here to
run away from your wife Change your niyyah
Change your niyyah Although you came here to
run away from your wife Still change your
niyyah When you come here and you say
It's built in But I am here To
listen to this Majlis dhikr Unless and until
you value this dhikr That you're doing right
now If not Then you're gonna be doing
Kufr of the ni'mah And Allah may take
it away From you and I May take
it away from you And may take it
away from me too I won't be able
to do this no more You see how
is the connection between Dhikr and shukr and
kufr And then Allah subhana wa ta'ala
Goes to another amazing ayah Which you love
and I love Talking about As-sabr wa
as-salah Wasta'ino Right away dhikr ista
'ino Seek comfort With what?
Allah doesn't tell you in the Qur'an
with what He just says seek comfort With
sabr and patience Seek comfort in what?
So I can be patient And what types
of patience we're talking about here There is
about Nine categories Nine You know sabr Where
are you going?
I'm already confused Next week insha'Allah Next
week insha'Allah You know I do this
little thing You know so that you Hopefully
will come back And do come back insha
'Allah Because as I mentioned we're doing this
dhikr And then this is part of The
shukr of Allah subhana wa ta'ala And
To for me To do shukr to you
For being here I'm gonna offer you some
tea And for Allah Azza wa jal to
do shukr to you Allah please please listen
to this Wallahi I did not think about
it Wallahi I did not write it down
Wallahi it just came to me My shukr
for me to you is insha'Allah To
offer you this drink Shai And tamar Because
thank you for Sitting with us here And
the shukr from Allah to you Is what?
For the angel to tell you Right now
The angel will say to you right now
Stand up and leave all your sins have
been forgiven Allah thanks you For being in
this type of gathering So is it worth
Or not worth it?
Al kalamu lakum Wa al ijabatu lakum It's
all to you insha'Allah Any questions?
The Staying between prayers Jihad Jihad just like
Hadith And also the angels will surround us
And then the rahma Will overwhelm us and
the sakinah And the tranquility This is all
of the virtues of this type of gathering
Alhamdulillah Anything else before we serve it insha
'Allah When the prophet Muhammad told the
women Oh women He told the women
make lots of sadaqa Because I saw you,
you women Are the more of the inhabitants
of the people of jannah Why Rasulullah?
Why are we the more of the people
of jannah Are women?
By the way it's true And if a
sister comes Or a woman tells you or
you tell her She can tell you and
also The more of the inhabitants of the
people of jannah Are women and it's true
There are more women in jannah And there
are more women in jannah So the prophet
told them here He said this hadith He
says give sadaqa I see most of the
more inhabitants Of the people have fire Why?
Rasulullah says You make kufr You make kufr
towards whom?
Your partner Your husband He does so much
and then the day when he Does something
bad you tell him You've never done no
good to me You know Basket You know
the basket In Urdu Basket In Urdu You
copied Toprat Urdu Basket is Urdu You know
just like a Basket that has The two
baskets A bin Just a bin right But
it has a hole in it I'll tell
you She has it You put so much
good They go into the basket That's got
a hole And there's another basket which is
good When you do anything bad It stays
there You never did this I remember that
day when I was in I remember when
you said this to me When you do
something bad and we all do something bad
We all do something bad You know all
the time They remember that subhanallah But no
one do something good Very few remember Very
few remember So this is what the prophet
says This is not kufr as in terms
of But as in To Not dispute Or
to deny To deny The blessing of Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala Jazakumullahu khair We'll serve
the tea Barakallahu feekum Subhanakallah wa mihamdik La
ilaha illa anta