Riad Ouarzazi – Nation Builders 30 prophet sulaiman
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AI: Summary ©
We're just waiting for these brothers to finish
the Salah.
Yalla ya brother, ya shabab, those who are
outside, come inside inshallah, we can start.
Brother Atif, please come close, please come here.
I may need your help at some point
Yalla, this is a family program, I always
keep reminding.
It's a family.
And everybody will have something today.
Everyone will have something, bi-idhnillah.
We're just waiting for those to finish the
Salah and then we can start, bi-idhnillah.
The kids playing outside.
Yalla, we start inshallah ta'ala.
All of them.
Welcome, welcome.
The masjid, mashallah, has never been this buzzing
like this, mashallah.
We're so proud to have this diversified community,
People are coming.
I'm so proud.
At least, you know, this is my legacy.
If I were to leave tomorrow, inshallah ta
'ala, I'm going to leave this legacy behind
me, inshallah.
That you, this is your masjid, this is
your community.
So you make this happen.
It's not me.
You make it happen, alhamdulillah.
So, before we do any questions, I'd like
you all to access this.
Just like last week.
Use your phones.
Use your phones and go to this link,
this website.
So this you will do with your parents.
Okay, good, good, good.
The questions will be asked through the poll.
Go, go to this website so that we
can start.
Already done?
Just go there.
Your screen will change.
Your screen will change.
So you will get the answers.
You will get the questions.
And then you give me the answers.
You will write them down.
And then, inshallah, we'll pick maybe the best
Next to mama.
She is purple pink, pinky, minkie, winkie.
Alright sit down.
Sit down.
Let's start inshallah.
Access the website.
O men.
O women.
The website, the poll.
Eve.com slash Imam Riyad 957.
Yalla, yalla, yalla.
So that we can get the answers.
Ya salamu alaykum, mashallah, thank you.
Zakatullah khair, thank you, mashallah.
Hey, hey, you can have one.
I'll give you, you gave me something, I'll
give you something back.
I'll give you something back.
You gave me something, I'll give you something
One, only one, only one, only one.
You're welcome.
Sit down.
But sit down, sit down.
Go sit down next to mama or baba?
Next to mama or baba?
Khalas, everybody's ready for the questions?
Yalla, b'sora, b'sora, b'sora, quick, quick, quick.
Yalla, yalla, b'sora.
Pauleve.com slash Imam Riyad.
Answers in Arabic or English?
Answers either in Arabic or English?
Don't scream in the masjid.
No screaming.
Yalla, khallina.
Here is the first question.
It's on your screens.
It's on your screens.
First question.
What were or what are the leadership skills
mentioned last week?
We talked about certain skills, right?
Leadership skills.
I only want those that we mentioned last
Some said mentor.
Pay delivery attention.
Please be serious with this.
Don't throw anything at me.
Responsible, open-minded, good communication.
I said the leadership skills I mentioned last
We talked about them last week.
Good listener, be just.
Patience and listening.
Wisdom, listen, listening.
Pay meticulous attention, great vision, deliberate patience, firm,
Who gave me this answer?
Who gave me this answer?
I don't know, you see, I'm very fair.
Who gave me this answer?
Something different, huh sister?
Something different.
And then this too, you can check where
your husband is every time.
Give baba, give mama.
Question number two.
Why did the hoopoe miss his presence for
the meeting?
It's not like where, why?
Why the hoopoe missed his presence for the
He went to Yemen and saw Queen and
people submitting to the sun.
He was off spying on Solomon's enemy.
He was watching the people praying for the
Don't know.
He was exploring the land of Sheba.
He was visiting the Queen.
He was visiting the Queen.
And he went to visit the Queen, huh?
Because he found unbelievable kingdom.
He was looking for a place to spend.
Observing the other area to know what others
are doing.
Because he went to search and learn something.
He went to Sheba.
He flew over to Yemen.
He saw the Queen of Sheba.
He went to Sheba because he was watching
the people who worship the sun.
Because the hoopoe was spying on the Queen's
people praying to Allah.
He just went and found these people worshipping
Why did he do that?
He was to bring special news about the
He went watching the people of Solomon.
He was doing a job.
He noticed a far land where people were
worshipping the sun.
Who gave me this answer?
He noticed a far land where people were
worshipping the sun.
The same person.
The same person.
It's a good answer though.
He went to Yemen.
He saw a person.
He claimed.
I don't know what that is.
He was describing Baal's kingdom.
He found the Queen and her people worshipping
some idols.
I don't know.
We haven't come.
He was witnessing something different that people were
worshipping other than Allah.
He was in search for water sources.
When he noticed there was something in the
Yeah, maybe that's true.
He was going around.
And then he noticed a kingdom of Sheba
worshipping the sun.
There were some people in Yemen.
Who gave me this answer right here?
Who gave me this answer?
Do you have any kids?
Call her in.
Give it to her.
Oh, I've got this too.
This is for girls.
Take it.
Question number 2.
Give me another question.
Did Suleiman believe the hoopoe?
The hoopoe.
With Suleiman.
Yes, he did.
Give me the answer.
Don't give me yes or no.
But he wanted to check.
He wants the proof.
He needs proof.
Did Suleiman believe the hoopoe?
Yes or no?
And give me a reason as to why.
Not initially he deliberated.
No, he chose to investigate.
Who said?
No, he chose to investigate first.
No, it's not.
And it's not.
Give me the reason.
No, he chose to investigate.
Yes, because he's a good leader.
No, not initially.
Not because he was lying.
Who's lying?
The bird was lying.
He listened, but he said, Hadi, Hadi, Hadi.
Who gave me this answer?
He listened, but he decided to investigate more.
Good job.
He heard from him.
No, no, no, no.
No, no, no, no.
You just take something I give you.
I give you, you take.
No, no, no, no, no.
Boys, what's going on here?
I just pick an answer.
I don't know who's saying the answer.
Give me another question, teacher.
What did the Queen of Sheba do?
What did she do when she read Suleiman's
What did she do?
What did she do?
The Queen, she tried to bribe.
She decided to try and bribe him.
She decided to go and visit the Prophet.
Hadi, Hadi.
She consulted with her counsel.
Who wrote this?
Yes, finally.
Yes, okay.
She first consulted with the counsel, with the
What should we do?
Some people said she bribed.
Before bribing, she consulted with the counsel.
What should we do?
And I want to give you something.
She consulted with her people.
Yes, she consulted with her people.
Who consulted with her people?
And what is the verse?
You don't know.
She consulted with her people.
Good job.
Give me the next question.
There is only two.
Who got the Queen's throne to Suleiman's palace?
Who got the Queen's throne to Suleiman?
The jinn, the jinn, the jinn, the jinn.
Stop giving me the jinn.
Who got the jinn in Iblis's palace?
Who said this?
The one who has the knowledge of the
Who wrote it?
The one who has the knowledge of the
Where is it?
Where is it?
The one who has the knowledge of the
The one who has the knowledge.
And it's been said that he has the
I didn't say this.
Last week.
But the one who knows the answer.
I will give him one of everything here.
What knowledge of the Book he had?
He had the knowledge of the Book.
What knowledge of the Book?
What knowledge of the Book?
The greatest name of Allah.
It's been said that he had the greatest
name of Allah.
So he used that name of Allah.
To get the throne all the way from
From Yemen to?
To where?
To Palestine, guys.
Suleiman was in Palestine.
And the Queen was in Yemen.
And I said one of each.
So you go grocery shopping.
You don't have to.
How did Suleiman react when he saw the
Queen's throne?
Everything was in the Quran.
We mentioned this last week.
How did he react?
It's the exact same.
He welcomed her.
He was shocked and happy.
Who said that?
He was grateful to Allah.
So what did he say?
He thanked the blessings of Allah.
Unlike who did not thank the blessings of
There was someone who did not thank the
blessings of Allah.
Qarun not Harun.
Qarun who did not.
But Suleiman did.
Why did the Queen embrace Islam?
Why did she become a Muslim?
She is a Queen.
She is powerful.
Why did she become a Muslim?
She saw miracles of Suleiman.
Her throne and the water.
She believed Suleiman.
Because Suleiman.
The miracle for the solidified.
Who said this?
Further solidified.
Who said this?
What is this?
Chat DPT?
There is no chat.
Did you use chat DPT?
Sister, you can pray anywhere you are in
the world.
Oh no, I know you have a phone.
But this you can have.
Last question.
Why didn't Allah answer Suleiman's prayer in getting
100 newborns?
He did not.
He did not say.
He did not say.
Yes, all right.
Go back.
Sit down.
Give me the last question.
I think it is the last one.
The last one.
That's it.
Now, Before I move on.
Before I move on.
Go to the powerpoint.
Enter the palace.
That's it.
The last question to those who don't have
Only kids.
Here is the question.
So we will be fair.
Those who have phones and those who don't
have phones.
But listen.
There is so much happening.
Your mother, she is standing right there.
And she is doing nothing.
And she is doing.
Sometimes you have to be like this.
Sometimes with sister you have to be like
And then you go home.
And then she hits you in the face.
I am sorry.
The question for those who don't have phones.
What did we learn?
What did we learn last week?
One by one.
What did we learn?
Something you learned last week.
What did you learn last week?
You didn't learn nothing.
What did you learn last week?
He said what?
The very first person who wrote in the
What did you learn last week?
And again just like last week.
I see you paying attention.
Watching, being quiet.
You get a prize.
I see you making a movie.
You get nothing from me.
What did you learn last week?
Be a good listener.
You see this is what I want to
What did you learn last week?
You didn't even come last week.
What did you learn last week?
Good job.
He knows because he is Yemeni.
And the queen of Yemen and all that.
What did you learn from last week?
What did you learn from last week?
Somebody hint in the back.
What did you learn from last week?
Did you get it?
I hear nothing.
What did you learn last week?
To be a good leader you have to
be patient.
This is what I want to hear.
To be a good leader you have to
be patient.
What did you learn last week?
Suleiman had many wives.
Who is your father?
Who is your father?
He is a good listener.
Suleiman had many wives.
So because you said that, this is for
you and your mom.
She said 100.
Oh she said 100 wives.
She is right.
Let's start.
Sit down.
We are starting.
Now I have to give something for the
adults as well.
And for all.
We are starting now.
I need silence.
Did you get it?
I am doing discrimination.
She is so cute.
First time I see her.
So I am giving her a chance.
We have one mouth to speak and two
ears to hear.
So you have one mouth and two ears.
So listen.
Let's start.
Go to your mom.
Do you want me to send you to
your mom?
Your daddy is here?
It didn't be quiet.
I need to start.
I need to start.
So last week, When we talked about Suleiman,
the story of the queen of Sheba, she
entered the palace because Suleiman wanted to test
Not that, okay, I've got this army that
he sent to her to show her his
But on top of that, she came in
into this palace.
And who built the palace?
It was the jinn who built this magnificent
palace for Suleiman.
And you will see, because today we will
also talk about Al-Quds.
Today we are going to talk about Al
-Quds because Suleiman had this haikal, the the
the netan yahoo that come.
You know what I'm talking about.
They claim, those people, they claim that there
is this haikal of Suleiman and this is
what they want to destroy.
They want to destroy Palestine, not Palestine.
They want to destroy Al-Aqsa.
So what is going on between their alleged
haikal or temple with Suleiman's actual temple with
Suleiman, and who built that temple?
So here Suleiman had this magnificent palace.
She entered, she thought it was like a
water that she was walking on.
She removed her shoes, and then she lifted
her dress to find out that in fact,
no it was glass that she was walking
And then she says, now, I believe ash
hadu an la ilaha ilallah.
By the way, this is an interesting question.
Maybe adults will understand.
To become a Muslim, is it sufficient to
only say la ilaha ilallah?
Lahda, lahda.
We talked about this last, on Wednesday during
the tafseer.
To become a Muslim, is it sufficient to
say la ilaha ilallah?
Muhammad Rasulallah?
What do you know?
What more?
You have to have candies?
To know the pillars of Islam?
I mean yes, but no.
Yes, but no.
Hajja in the back?
You have to say ash hadu.
Just to say la ilaha ilallah is not
You've got to bear witness.
You have to say shahada.
You have to say ash hadu an la
ilaha ilallah.
You have to say that shahada.
And then Muhammad Rasulallah, give it to the
yellow guy.
The yellow.
Give it to the yellow.
Give it to the yellow.
Give it to the yellow.
Ash hadu.
So she said, she said become a Muslim.
Because she realized that despite all the power
that she had, Suleiman was beyond.
And it must not be from him.
It must be from Allah subhana wa ta
Because initially when Suleiman wrote her letter, she
says, he said, bismillah rahman rahim.
And then he told her, come to me
Come to me Muslimin.
So that was playing in her mind.
And then she came in.
She was not convinced yet.
She was like half half.
When she saw her throne, and then she
walked on that palace thinking that it was
She said, la la la la la.
Ma'a Suleiman lillahi rabbil alameen.
So we talked about this.
Just giving you a briefing of what we
talked about last week.
At that moment, she renounced the religion of
polytheism and then she embraced Islam.
And then we talked about the thousand wives
that Suleiman had.
Not only just 100.
1000 wives that Suleiman.
So Suleiman alayhi salam, he made an oath.
He says, I will be intimate with 100
wives and I will, you know, to those
100 wives, I will get 100 newborn babies
to initially or eventually to become all mujahid
fi sabihillah.
But he did not say.
Good job.
He did not say inshallah.
Do people say inshallah?
Do you say inshallah the Arab way or
inshallah the Pakistani way?
Pakistani way.
You say inshallah?
Or the Arab way, inshallah?
Or the Muslim way, inshallah?
The Muslim way, inshallah?
So he did not say inshallah.
And the result was Allah subhanahu wa ta
Yes, he had a baby, but half of
it, not complete baby.
Allah azawajal to punish him or not just
to punish him, to teach him about, you
know, mission and the importance of saying inshallah.
And there was someone who also did not
say that.
Alayhi salam, Muhammad?
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, Amin.
Where and when?
There's someone who did miss saying inshallah and
something happened.
Who is that prophet?
Very important.
Very important.
Who didn't say Inshallah?
Who is this Hajjah?
Anyone in the back, come on, go ahead.
Probably she doesn't know the answer.
Is somebody else?
Nobody had the answer.
You didn't say Inshallah?
Okay, him.
Okay, good, good.
So say Inshallah next.
All right, he didn't say Inshallah.
Somebody else.
We'll come back to that Inshallah ta'ala.
Remember, that would be my cliffhanger.
And then Sulaiman a.s. went on doing
his duties.
One of his duties was to build a
place of worship.
Can I have some quiet because it's already
7.48 and maybe I only have about
10-15 minutes and that's it, I'm done.
Because Isha is at 8.30. Mama, my
daughter, here we go.
Who is Baba?
Go to Baba or Mama?
Go Baba or Mama?
What was I saying?
Sulaiman a.s. he had to build a
temple, a place of worship.
So a.s. he found the foundation of
what the angels have built before him.
Here we're talking about Baitul Maqdis, Al Aqsa.
Just like the angels, they initially built the
They also built the second or the first
The first Muslim Qibla.
Remember, did anybody attend my khutba here today,
the Friday khutba?
Anybody attended the Friday khutba here today?
You missed my Friday khutba about Ghazan, Palestine
and what's going on?
La ilaha illallah.
Our Qibla, right?
It was built by the angels and then
Yaqub a.s. Ibrahim a.s. before that
and then Yaqub.
And then came Sulaiman because it kept on
being destroyed.
So came Sulaiman a.s. with the jinn
and they built this temple.
But in fact, Sulaiman a.s. he built
many other temples, houses of worship.
Many others where he would go and you
know, places just like a masjid.
So Sulaiman a.s. he built them.
Good, you're paying attention, right?
Good job.
I'm watching.
When we talk about this Haikal as they're
claiming it to be, Al Haikal is a
So because today the country, they want to
destroy Al Aqsa because they're saying, and
I want to, I said so much.
I said so much.
So miskeen?
So what happened was, as I mentioned that
Ibrahim a.s. He built it after he
got destroyed.
So Sulaiman a.s. was the last who
built Al Aqsa, right?
So now they're trying to destroy it.
Well, as they're claiming that we have the
Because it's under the particular Al Aqsa.
So there's this, you know, under it is
this Haikal, this temple.
So we want to destroy it to revive
the fulfillment or the wish of Sulaiman a
.s. Well, as we Muslims, we believe that
the temple itself is Al Aqsa.
This is what it is.
So this is in fact was built by,
you know, Sulaiman a.s. Why am I
saying this?
You will understand why I'm saying this based
on the end of Sulaiman a.s. Came
the story of Marut and Harut.
What happened here between Marut and Harut?
It's been said and listen to this.
Listen to this.
Long time ago in the era of Sulaiman
a.s. Because at the end he used
to come from Israel to the prophet Muhammad
a.s. And they used to, in fact,
not just curse, saying things about Jibreel.
Speaking bad about Jibreel and Mikael, claiming that
they introduced black magic where?
In Babylon, in Iraq.
And they were claiming that Sulaiman a.s.
Was also the first who introduced a sihr
or black magic.
So Allah subhana wa ta'ala sent an
ayah to decline what they're saying.
The story starts like this.
Long time ago.
Sisters, I'm saying something really interesting here.
So I'd like you to pay attention, please
inshallah wa ta'ala.
Say it.
But what happened was, what happened was Sulaiman
a.s. He had a man who was
close to him who used to write everything
that Sulaiman said.
Sulaiman had so much power.
So he used to write things in a
book and then he would hide that book
under the throne of Sulaiman a.s. But
what happened was, the jinn used to serve
Sulaiman and the shayateen used to serve Sulaiman
a.s. They wanted to get into that
book, but they could not get into that
Eventually, when Sulaiman died, and I will talk
about the story, they managed to get hold
of the book.
So they opened that book and they introduced,
they include sihr into this book.
Who are they?
These are the jinn and the shayateen, the
bad ones.
They introduced sihr into that book.
And then they spread it amongst the people,
claiming that Sulaiman was a sahir.
Sulaiman was the one who introduced black magic.
Look at the book, look it has sihr
in it.
And there was these angels by the name
of Harut and Marut.
They came and the claim was that these
two angels, we are going to test you
on this.
That these two angels, they got distracted by
this very very beautiful woman, who in fact
she got and she learned from them the
name of Allah, the greatest name of Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala.
That name that will get them close into
the, that will get them into the heavens
because she wanted to climb into the heavens,
this lady.
According to this book, according to the Isra
So she managed to get this name of
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to these two
And then she managed to go up, but
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala cursed her into
a star called Venus.
This is what they are saying.
This is all lies.
The true story is that these two angels
as Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala mentions them
in the Quran in Surat Al-Baqarah.
Harut and Marut, they came as black magic
was spreading in Palestine and Iraq and others.
Allah azza wa jalla sent these two angels
to in fact teach people about how to
negate as-sihar.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says, وَاتَّبَعُوا مَاتَتْ
لُشَّيَاطِينُ عَلَى مُلْكِ سُلَيْمَانِ I was teaching a
course in the UK.
And as I was teaching this course, I
was reading this ayah particularly.
And then all of a sudden from the
crowd, some woman started screaming, screaming, screaming.
And people got so scared and terrified.
I was talking about this.
This is one of the most powerful ayat
against the jinn and the shayateen.
كانت بتقول لا سليمان لا سليمان لا سليمان
And I kept on repeating and just doing
my thing.
And then she was screaming, no Suleiman, no
Suleiman, no Suleiman.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says, وَاتَّبَعُوا مَاتَتْ
لُشَّيَاطِينُ عَلَى مُلْكِ سُلَيْمَانِ And instead followed the
magic program by the devils during the reign
of Suleiman.
Because they came to Rasulullah, they claiming Suleiman
is the one who introduced black magic.
So Allah azza wa jalla is saying here,
لا, it is not Suleiman.
وَاتَّبَعُوا يا حبيبنا What an interesting day.
Ya Allah khair.
Jazakumullah khair.
Barakallah khair.
Allah yabarak feekum.
You see, this is for all.
Allah khair.
وَاتَّبَعُوا مَاتَتْ لُشَّيَاطِينُ عَلَى مُلْكِ سُلَيْمَانِ وَمَا كَفَرَ
سُلَيْمَانُ وَلَكِنَّ الشَّيَاطِينَ كَفَرُوا You know what Allah
is saying here?
Suleiman did not commit kufr.
It is the shayateen who committed kufr by
teaching people sihr.
Because they claim and they came to Rasulullah.
Ya Muhammad, Suleiman was teaching sihr.
Suleiman was teaching black magic to people.
No, no, no.
It was not Suleiman who taught sihr.
وَمَا كَفَرَ سُلَيْمَانُ وَلَكِنَّ الشَّيَاطِينَ كَفَرُوا Why shayateen
Why the shayateen made kufr?
Allah says, يُعَلِّمُونَ النَّاسَ السِّحَرُ Do you believe
in the shayateen brothers and sisters?
Or you do believe in Allah?
Who do we believe in?
We believe in Allah.
Allah says here, it is the shayateen, the
devils who taught people magic.
Along with what has been revealed to the
two angels.
يُعَلِّمُونَ النَّاسَ السِّحَرُ وَمَا أُنزِلَ عَلَى الْمَلَكَيْنِ بِبَابِلِ
What is Babel?
Where are the Babel?
فِي العِرَاقِ In Babel, Babylon.
So this is where initially sihr was introduced.
So Allah Azza wa Jalla sent these two
angels, Harut and Marut.
They claiming, subhanallah, all these Israelite, you know,
No, these Harut and Marut, the angels, they
are the ones who actually taught people sihr.
So what happened, this woman, and they were
bewitched by the beauty of this woman, and
then she got the name of Allah from
them, and then she...
All كَذِبْ عَلَى كَذِبْ عَلَى كَذِبْ It's all
lying upon Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and
Suleyman and the angels.
So Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala here, He
frees up, not only Suleyman, He frees him
from all that they were saying, and He
also frees the angels from what they've been
accused of.
يُعَلِّمُونَ النَّاسَ السِّحَرُ It's very important for the
men and the women to listen to this
وَمَا أُنزِلَ عَلَى الْمَلَكَيْنِ بِبَابِ لَهَارُوتَ وَمَارُوتَ وَمَا
يُعَلِّمَانِ مِنْ أَحَدٍ حَتَّى يَقُولَ إِنَّمَا نَحْنُ فِتْنَةٌ
فَلَا تَكْفُرُ And we are only a test
for you.
Who is saying this?
The angels.
They were coming as a test.
This is a test.
Allah has tested you.
Because some people sometimes, they are hit with
black magic.
And then they come, Why?
The answer is, it's a test.
Allah wants to trial you.
He wants to test you.
إِنَّمَا نَحْنُ فِتْنَةٌ فَلَا تَكْفُرُ It's a fitna.
فَلَا تَكْفُرُ Here is the gold.
The gold is here.
فَيَتَعَلَّمُونَ مِنْهُمَا مَا يُفَرِّقُونَ بِهِ بَيْنَ الْمَرْءِ وَزَوْجِهِ
This is what they are doing.
The aim of the sihr.
The aim of black magic or dark magic.
The aim of these people who practice black
magic is to do one main thing.
This one main thing is to separate the
cause and rift between a husband and a
To cause a conflict or a discord between
a husband and a wife.
فَيَتَعَلَّمُونَ مِنْهُمَا مَا يُفَرِّقُونَ بِهِ بَيْنَ الْمَرْءِ وَزَوْجِهِ
The aim is to actually separate.
Sometimes I get calls from people.
So what happened?
We've been happy.
Happy husband, happy wife.
We're doing great.
But all of a sudden things are not
going right.
Sometimes business is declining.
The house is problems.
المشاكل My husband was doing really well.
All of a sudden this.
My son was doing great at school.
My daughter was doing great at school.
How come anybody who comes to ask for
my daughter's marriage, but soon as they come
in they run away.
Why we've been doing so great?
But any business that we go through now,
it's been a decline.
It's been a loss.
It's a failure.
We don't say that everything happens because of
This is very important.
We don't say that everything happens because of
It could be because of black magic.
But here Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says
here يُفَرِّقُونَ They want to separate between husband
and wife.
Who knows the hadith which is in Sahih
Muslim about the shayateen reporting to the big
You're paying attention.
The shayateen they going to report to shaytan
every day.
Please, somebody's talking.
Let me just do it.
So they go and they report.
I made a man lie.
I made a woman remove her hijab.
And the shayateen is listening.
I made two brothers fight.
I made two brothers fight.
So he's listening.
He doesn't care.
Okay, good, whatever, whatever, whatever.
And then comes another shayateen who says to
the big shayateen, I made a husband divorce
his wife.
I made a husband divorce his wife.
The best, of course.
You are the best.
And he makes him sit next to him
because this is the best shaytan amongst all
the shayateen.
The one who makes a husband divorces his
This is why brother, be careful when your
wife come here.
When your wife, let's say you're my wife
and I'm the husband.
Okay, you're the wife.
I know you're too tall, man.
Let's say you're the wife.
I'm the husband.
You come from work or you come from.
And then there's this argument that starts for
no reason.
I don't even understand why we're arguing.
So shaytan now is telling you, you're the
Okay, he's telling you to do something.
What is he telling you to do now,
right now?
Yallah, complain, complain, complain.
You see, I'm giving you a chance to
Is your wife here?
She is here.
Be your wife.
You're working all the time.
You come home very late.
You're not helping.
But I'm an imam.
This is my job.
I do this for the people.
I have to help.
I told you before I married you.
I am an imam and a shaykh.
I have ladies calling me on the phone.
I have ladies calling me on the phone
and asking questions.
Yallah, fight.
Tell me, you're the wife.
I don't know what other comments to make.
I'm just telling you as your husband.
Women are calling me on the phone.
Why are they calling you on the phone?
You're not a good wife.
You're not a good wife.
Why are they calling you on the phone?
Because I'm the shaykh.
They have questions.
You can say, let them call me.
Three way conference call.
What questions you should be bringing me on
those calls?
And then I'm stuck.
Then you say we're arguing and then shaytan
says something interesting.
He says, tell him if you're a man,
divorce me.
Yeah, if you're a man, divorce me.
If you're a man, huh?
What did you say?
If you're a man, divorce me.
I'm not a man?
I'm not a man?
No, you're not.
I'm not a man?
So for me to be a man, to
divorce you?
And then what are you going to do?
May Allah forbid.
A wife when she hears that from her
What does she do?
She just stays quiet.
What kind of wife are you married?
Somebody who understands.
Take something for your family, for your wife.
I need somebody who understands, man.
What's going on?
Because I need to express something.
You have to stay with me.
Where have you been?
I'm busy all the night.
You have a right to stay with your
I'm busy with the community.
Look, look.
You have to stay with me.
I have a right.
I have a right.
I don't want to stay.
I made a mistake.
I'm doing a food for you, doing something.
You have to give me something.
But I'm also doing...
I'm bringing money.
If you say like this, I have to
You have to divorce.
I don't want to stay with you.
Yes, you have to.
Because I don't want to stay with you.
You want me to divorce you?
Give me this.
I have to go to my family now.
Why are you showing this?
Yes, I'm showing this.
Oh, it's a divorce.
This is the woman.
Why are you asking me for a woman?
Why are you asking me for a woman?
Why are you asking me for a divorce?
No, but you are a man.
You are a good man.
You are thinking.
So, what do you want me to do
Let's go, Sheikh.
Ask Riya.
Let's go to Riya.
Let's ask Sheikh Riya.
Leave me now.
I have to do something.
Ask for fatwa now.
You want fatwa.
This is the one.
That's what happens.
So, shaytan is telling her right now.
Give me two more minutes.
Two more minutes.
Just two more minutes.
Four minutes to be clear.
Eight, ten.
I will stop.
It's eight or six.
Can I get four minutes?
Four minutes.
The shaytan is telling her, let's say.
He's not a man.
Tell him to divorce you.
Divorce me.
Divorce me.
I don't want to live with you no
So, then, back and forth, back and forth.
Of course, the manhood comes up.
This is why in some mahadhahib, or the
fiqh says, that if the person is under
extreme anger, the divorce is not counted.
When you say extreme anger, you're not thinking,
you know, of what you're saying.
The divorce is not being accepted.
So here, he tells her, okay, you're divorced.
Shaytan, now he hears this.
Just give me a few more minutes.
Three more minutes.
Shaytan, he hears this.
So, he hears, I just made a man.
So, who says this?
You know, when you told your wife you're
divorced, it is the shaytan who brought that.
He says, go divorce her.
Tell her you're divorced.
So, always you are the man.
So, the man is, come down.
Come down.
If you're standing, what should you be doing
if you're standing?
Oh God, sit.
Sit down.
Oh, they all told you sit down.
They all told you, let her scream.
If she's screaming, what should we do?
Leave her.
She loves you.
She's mad.
Just like Umar ibn al-Khattab.
A man came to complain about his wife.
Umar ibn al-Khattab is the lion man.
A man came to complain to Umar about
his wife.
His wife used to beat him up or
So, he goes to Umar.
He wants to knock at the door.
Then he hears Umar's wife screaming at Umar.
And then the poor man goes back.
Umar, he hears the footsteps.
Come here, come here.
He says, no, no, no.
He said, you came to see me.
No, no, no, no.
No, I wanted to see you, but no
I came to complain about my wife.
But I heard your wife.
I heard your wife.
She's giving you right, left and center.
So, I said, Well, both of John and
I came to seek help.
You both need help.
And then Umar gave him the advice.
She's my wife.
She is patient with me.
She does this.
She does that.
Shouldn't I be patient with her?
Most probably when she's going to her cycle.
So, shaitan, all I want to say here
at the end, shaitan, He says, But did
I say the gold?
In one minute.
The true gold is this.
May Allah bless you.
Who can tell me where is the gold?
One, two, three.
Who can tell me where is the gold?
The gold is in this ayah.
Here in this ayah, There is something that
solves all the problems.
Everything, everything.
No, here, here, here.
Here in the ayah.
Right here.
And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says right
here, The husband and wife, Lord of the
magic could not harm anyone.
They cannot harm.
The jinn cannot harm you.
The shayateen cannot harm you.
The devils cannot harm you.
Except with the will and permission of Allah.
If somebody gets, may Allah forbid, Possessed or
jinn, been stricken by some jinn or what
This cannot have happened without the will and
the permission of Allah.
Allah allowed that to happen.
And it is only Allah who will eventually
inshallah ta'ala, You know, make that, that,
that sihr or whatever it was been, Maybe
you've been trialed with to remove it subhanahu
wa ta'ala.
So you and I, we should, and here's
the goal before you go.
You and I, we should put our trust
on whom?
Say it all together.
Put our trust in Allah.
I didn't say Allah.
One name of Allah.
Allah al-wakeel.
Allah al-wakeel.
Put your trust in Allah al-wakeel.
Brothers and sisters, We're not done with the
story of Suleyman.
Because right after Suleyman, Why did I say
Did I say?
We're not done with the story of Suleyman.
There is one more last very important thing.
He was, Suleyman alayhi salam.
Suleyman alayhi salam.
He was, go back again.
He went back to his meeting.
In his meeting, remember when he was looking
for the hoopoe.
Where is the hoopoe?
Where is the hoopoe?
He went to the meeting.
Someone came to him.
Somebody came to him.
Ya Suleyman, Who is that person looking at
He is staring at me.
Who is that?
He was staring at me.
And then Suleyman, he looked and he told
him, Ah, you know who that man is?
Next week.
Next week insha Allah.
Next week insha Allah.
Here is your phone.
Next week insha Allah.
Next week insha Allah.
One, keep going.
One, go.