Riad Ouarzazi – Nation Builders #16 Prophet Musa

Riad Ouarzazi
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the struggles of their life and the challenges they faced, including separation from their previous employer and finding something to pass on. They also mention a company and their success in passing on something.
AI: Transcript ©
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As the first leader, and then what happened?

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There's something missing. There's something missing. Yes. You

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the ages in the life of Moses. Therefore,

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What's liberation part 1?

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Well, the adversity is the nearest, So separation

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number 1.

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Preparation number 2?

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Operation for 15 years?

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What time? Where?

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No. No. No. No.

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Turn in the life of Moza.

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This is the turning point in the life

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of Moza. Okay. What happened?

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And then he found something.

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He found something for passing.

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One company is right,

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