Dishonoring your parents

Riad Ouarzazi


Channel: Riad Ouarzazi

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AI Generated Summary ©

The speaker is discussing the world of the Buddha and the meaning it gives. They question where it is and mention a logo. The conversation appears to be unrelated and lacking in the overall context.

AI Generated Transcript ©

00:03:06--> 00:03:08

Nope. What is the world of the Buddha?

00:03:12--> 00:03:14

Where is it that word? Where is it?

00:03:14--> 00:03:15

Where does it happen?

00:03:17--> 00:03:18

In the grave. It is the world of

00:03:18--> 00:03:20

the grave. It's not. It's the world of

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the grave.

00:03:22--> 00:03:23

You got that?

00:03:24--> 00:03:25

The world of the

00:06:03--> 00:06:04

one is what is the organ of the

00:06:04--> 00:06:06

prophets that the prophets of the representatives used

00:06:06--> 00:06:08

to worry the most about? We talked about

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organ is a geeky. Right?

00:06:08--> 00:06:11

organ is a geeky. Right?