AL-KAREEM, The Most Generous, The Most Esteemed

Riad Ouarzazi


Channel: Riad Ouarzazi

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AI Generated Summary ©

The speaker discusses the upcoming performance of 80 people on a piano performance at the end of the day, with the piano starting at 3 PM. The speaker also mentions the name Islam and describes the performer as a man, but struggles to hear the name.

AI Generated Transcript ©

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Well, at this position

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would be tomorrow

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from 4 to 6.

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So we have about 8080 82 people,

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piano will start tonight.

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The piano will start tonight at 3 o'clock.

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Open for boats.

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4 AM, they are the main thing that

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I have.

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And this is a quick

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what we

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What is the name of Allah?

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Man? No? Yeah. It's a man. But it's

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not to do with the Iraqi thing.

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not to do with the Iraqi thing.