Rania Awaad – Level Up Your Duas By Freestyling Gods Divines Names Into Your Supplications

Rania Awaad
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The speaker describes a situation where a woman talks to a doctor about her father's struggles with alcoholism and drinking. The doctor advises her to not downplay her father's beliefs and suggests she should not overdo it. The conversation also touches on the difficulty of finding connections with Islam and the importance of finding connections with one's own values.

AI: Summary ©

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			I meet sisters, I'll say, how is your
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			connection with Allah, and so many times people
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			feel, the answer is they feel very distant.
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			They don't feel very connected necessarily.
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			They'll say, I pray, I fast, I give
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			my zakat or charity, you know, I do
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			this and I do this.
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			I eat halal and I wear my hijab,
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			you know, like kind of the basic blueprint
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			of what a Muslim does.
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			But in terms of a direct connection with
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			Allah, where you feel like you're very much
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			connected, where you're actually talking to Allah, you
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			know, I always say to people part of
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			really getting over that emotional block and talking
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			directly to Allah is being able to freestyle
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			your dua.
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			What freestyle means?
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			Just you saying it directly.
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			It's unscripted.
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			It's not written anywhere.
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			You're not reading it from anything.
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			You're literally talking to Allah directly.
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			Please, Dr. Hani, make dua for me.
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			I'm trying to raise my children Muslim and
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			to pray, but I don't have any support
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			from my husband.
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			He doesn't pray and he's not interested in
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			And on top of it all, it seemed
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			like every year was getting worse and worse.
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			He was kind of spiraling into difficult habits.
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			In this case, it was literally alcoholism.
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			And she said to me, how do you
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			convince children to pray and to keep up
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			that fard that Allah has asked us to
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			when there's literally not just someone not praying,
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			but openly sinning in front of us?
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			It was very hard.
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			You could see the struggle, the struggle.
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			And I kept giving her advice and saying
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			the thing I would hear my teacher say
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			very often, never, ever, ever downplay the power
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			of dua.
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			Do everything you possibly can.
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			And we go through things.
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			One, two, three.
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			These are things you can do, but never
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			downplay the power of dua when you think
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			you've tried everything you can possibly try.
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			And she said, oh, I have to tell
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			you I need dua and I thought I'm
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			going to hear the same story that I've
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			been hearing for many years.
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			And she said, but this time it had
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			to do with her daughter.
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			And I said, and she said she got
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			in a terrible car wreck.
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			Oh, subhanAllah.
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			And she said, oh, no, no, no.
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			She's, she's okay now.
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			I said, okay, alhamdulillah.
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			But you have to understand that is a
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			good thing.
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			And I said, how could a car wreck
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			possibly be a good thing?
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			And then she said, when that happened, the
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			person who had hit her was a drunk
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			And for whatever reason, it snapped her husband
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			who'd been in this like alcoholic stupor for
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			so long, snapped him out of it.
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			And she can, when you know somebody who's
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			been drinking for a long time, you can't
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			just sort of cold turkey very easily.
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			You cannot.
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			SubhanAllah, it takes time.
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			But this man, cold turkey.
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			And then she points over there where the
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			masjid was.
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			And she goes, he's there.
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			And I was like, he's there?
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			This man who like refused to pray, who
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			refused to like everything.
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			And we would say counseling, refused counseling, imam,
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			talk to an imam, refused imam, wouldn't even
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			step foot in the masjid, was literally in
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			the muslimah.
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			Even when you feel like a person, you're
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			going to give up on them, don't, because
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			Allah doesn't give up on us.
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			Even if you've given up on yourself about
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			something, don't, because ar-rahim has not given
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			up on you.
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			And even if you feel like your sins
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			are mountains, there is nothing mountainous to Allah
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			azza wa jal.
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			Do you see what I'm saying?
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			Calling him by his names, helps remove these
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			blocks that we sometimes impose onto ourselves that
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			he azza wa jal hasn't imposed onto us.
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			He didn't put that.
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			We put it on ourselves.
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			And so we say, and the hadith of
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			the Prophet ﷺ is beautiful.
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			Allah is conscientious and generous.
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			And he is shy to return the outstretched
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			hands of his servant empty and disappointed.
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			So keep on stretching out your hands, keep
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			on calling, keep on asking Allah azza wa
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			And as he wishes and when we he
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			wishes, it'll come to pass.
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			Inshallah ta'ala.