Rania Awaad – Healing Through the Quran

Rania Awaad
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the concept of a mother who fears her son and receives commandment to put him in flowing waters. They also talk about the emotional state of Musa, a woman who has to put her newborn son into a basket in flowing waters, and how the Quran describes a woman who takes her son into a basket in flowing waters and says that she will see a woman who has been killed and is not a historical story. The speaker emphasizes that the concept of healing is not just words, but also in the heart of the woman who takes her son into a basket in flowing waters.
AI: Transcript ©
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Imagine being the mother

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who fears already for the life of your

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and then

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receives commandment from God to just put your

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son in flowing waters.

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The Quran describes this moment

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and says,

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I'll translate.

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And we inspired

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the mother of Musa.

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Suckle him. Nurse him.

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But when you fear for him,

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put him into the river,

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and do not fear

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and do not grieve.

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Indeed will we return him to you

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and make him one of the messengers?

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Now imagine

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imagine the pain in a mother's heart.

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Already knowing your son is at risk for

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murder and many other boys have been murdered,

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And imagine the heart of a mother that

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has to place her newborn son into a

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basket in flowing waters,

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not knowing

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where he will go.

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And so the Quran describes

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the emotional

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of Musa,

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the mother of Musa.

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The Quran says,

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I'll translate.

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The Quran says, the heart of the mother

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of Musa ached so much,

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so much

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that she almost gave away his identity. And

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then Allah

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had we not reassured

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her hearts?

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Had we not reassured

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her heart

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in order for her to have faith

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in Allah's promise.

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I'm gonna pause for a moment.

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This verse

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is so powerful.

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sisters and brothers,

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when we look at what's happening in the

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world around us,

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one of the biggest

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in modern

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human history

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is witnessing

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a genocide unfold right

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before your

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and feeling helpless

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and feeling

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you're seeing

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death and murder and destruction

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in the palms of your hands.

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These phones, these computers

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in real time.

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Chills. Chills. Chills. Chills.

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And you look at the face of a

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living today person, not a historical story.

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And to understand that the Quran is not

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merely words.

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It's not merely stories.

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It is healing

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in itself.

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It is noor. It is light.

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It is the words of Allah

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And when we hear these words, not just

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with our ears,

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but with our hearts,

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there is healing

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even in the most impossible

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