Owais Fasih Siddiqui – What Are Characteristics of The Believers
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Rasulullah salallahu
salallahu alayhi wasalam recited these 10 ayaat
and then said
that whoever establishes these ayaat
that that person will enter Paradise.
Because these ten, these ayaats,
they have 7 sifaat, characteristics
that a Mu'min should have, a believer should
What are those sifaat,
those qualities that Allah wants from us?
Allah starts off by saying,
indeed successful
are the believers.
Success is for the believers. Success in this
means to obey Allah subha'ala.
It means getting divine assistance from Allah subha'ala
to obey Allah subha'ala.
And success in the hereafter, we all know
what that means. That means jannahatajareemintahtahiallanhar
It means jannah.
and Allahatheena whom feasallatihim
hafidun. Who?
Who are these believers? What are their qualities?
They are those that have kushu in their
Believers are those that have kushu. What is
It is it means that one's heart is
That one's heart is focusing Allah Subhan on
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala in salah.
He is not distracted.
And that also includes
being still in salah.
Not looking around in salah. Not fidgeting in
Having concentration in salah.
Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wasallam once saw a man
in salah
he was moving around
and he was looking right and left. So
Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wa sallam said,
That if this person's heart had fushu,
had concentration,
focus on Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, then he
would be still in salah.
Once Ali radhiallahu and was asked regarding this
ayah, aladhinahumfi
he said it means latat tafitfi salatik. Don't
look near salah. Don't look right and left.
Once Imam al Zuhari was asked regarding this
ayah he said it means sukoon al marafi
salah that a person is still in salah.
So khushu is to have concentration
and that concentration
in salah is manifested when a person
is standing still in salah. He is not
fidgeting, he is not looking right and left.
He has his focus in salah.
Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wasalam said,
malam yal tafitfayil tafan salafaan
that Allah subhanahu
has his mercy on a person insala
And he doesn't turn his mercy away except
when this person turns himself away in salah.
He starts looking right and left and the
mercy of Allah subhata is taken away.
Once Aisha radiAllahu anha asked Rasulallah salallahu alaihi
about looking insala,
looking around insala. So Rasulallah
salallahu alaihi wasalam said
That that is theft that the shaitaan does.
He takes away a person's concentration from salah.
One of the first things to be taken
away from this ummah is khushu and salah.
Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wa sallam said
that the first thing which will be taken
away from this ummah
is khushu and salah, concentration.
So much so you will have many people
praying salah, but their heart is not attentive.
They're not thinking about Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
and salah.
And one of the last things that will
be taken away from this ummah is salah.
Salah will be gone.
This is the first quality that a believer
needs to have for success.
Then the second quality,
There are those
have aversion to lahu.
They have aversion to futile things.
Those things that waste people, that waste their
Lahu includes useless talk.
And the most extreme form of that would
be sinful talk.
Labu also
includes useless
And this has now become a norm. The
there's ways that we are being distracted
from our worship of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
The games, for example.
The Olympic games that are happening.
Promotion of fahesha,
Promotion of exposing the aura between men and
women, exposing the sator, what needs to be
Mixed interaction between men and women intermingling.
All of this is foreign to Islam.
These are also
under level, those things which distract a person
from salah, those things which distract a person
from Allah Subha Ta'ala.
it promotes faahisha,
There's no doubt about that. It promotes fahesha.
Even for a woman to participate in these
sports, even if she was fully covered, it's
still impermissible.
Allah subhanahu tells us in Surat al Noor,
bi arjulihinna liyawalama yuffinamanzenatihin
That they should not stomp their feet when
they are walking so that their beauty is
Ibn Kathir Rahimullah
he mentions what
in the time of Jahiliyah ignorance
women would wear anklets
on their feet and when they would walk
it would make noise, it would attract attention.
So this verse was revealed
prohibiting the muminaat,
the believing woman, from doing the same.
wearing an anklet
is impermissible for a woman because it is
public attention,
then just imagine exposing your body.
Imagine even playing a sport while you're fully
So this is all under
lawu and it's the most extreme form of
lawu, which is sin.
they're being used to promote
liberal values,
values which are foreign to Islam.
Then the third quality a believer needs to
have, waladhinahumlazakatifa'iloon,
those that
purify themselves,
those that strive to purify themselves. Over here
the word zakah
is not used to give is not used
in the meaning
that that we normally understand which is to
give charity.
Normally when Allah Subh'ala talks about giving charity
and zakat
he says, waqeemu salata wa'ato zakat.
But overhear zakat,
it's being used in the means in the
in the meaning of purification.
Those that strive to purify themselves.
And Zakah comes from that. Zakah means to
purify your wealth. And like that these people
strive to purify their hearts.
What does that mean to purify the nafs?
What is this kiatul nafs?
It is
to know that Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala is
always with you wherever you are. Meaning Allah
Subhanahu wa Ta'ala is watching what you are
He knows what you are doing.
And when that
comes in a person's heart,
when that love of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
the love of other than Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala leaves the heart.
It's not possible
for you to have love of the Quran
and also to have love of music. It's
not possible. There are 2
opposites. So that when the love of Allah
Subhanahu wa Ta'ala comes, the love of salah,
the love of Quran, then the love of
those things that are contrary to that leaves
the heart.
That is taskiyatul nafs,
to build, to bring about that love of
Allah in our hearts.
Why? Because that love will then deter us
from masia.
And not just masia, it will deter us
from anything which is futile,
which gives us no benefit in this dunya
or adiakhirah.
The 4th quality, haya.
Those that
guard their private parts.
is a prerequisite to guiding your private parts.
Having modesty is a prerequisite to that. Rasulullah
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said,
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said: Have hayah, have
modesty with Allah subhanahu wa sallam. The sahaba
said: We have modesty and our praise belongs
to Allah subhanahu wa sallam So then Rasulullah
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said, No.
to guard the mind and what it contains.
Even your thoughts.
Our thoughts are influenced by the things we
by the thing by
what we hear. So to guard the mind,
and not just that, to guard the stomach.
Seeing what we
having a check on how much we are
Don't fill your stomach up. Rasulullah salallahu alayhi
wa sallam has told us not to fill
our stomach up. Why? When you fill up
your stomach then the shahwa desires increase.
To guard the stomach,
and to remember mawd, to remember death very
and to remember that you will decay in
your qawr, that you will decay in your
And then whoever wants the hereafter,
he leaves the zina, the adornment and the
beauty of this dunya.
And then whoever has done all of that,
he has hayah from Allah Subhana Wa Ta'la,
then he has modesty and the true sense
from Allah Subhana Wa Ta'la.
Rasulullah SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam said:
That there are 3 eyes,
they will not see the fire of jahanna.
That one eye which stays up guarding
the frontiers, that guarding the Muslims,
the Mujahil,
the warrior, the one who is fighting in
the path of Allah Subh'ala, when he stays
up and guards so that others are protected,
his eye will not see the fire.
That eye which cries out of the fear
of Allah Subha'anahu Wa Ta'ala.
That eye which cries
out of the fear of Allah Subha'anahu Wa
Ta'ala. That eye that cries in tawbah after
committing sin, and that eye which lowers its
gaze from those which are from those things
which are forbidden,
from those women which are forbidden to look
at, that eye, these three eyes
will not see the fire of Jahannam.
Rasulullah sallAllahu alaihi wa sallam said, That
whoever guarantees me the chastity of what is
between his two jaws,
the tongue,
what is between his two legs, I guarantee
him Jannah, the private part.
So haya is a prerequisite.
Modesty is a prerequisite
to guarding
our private parts
committing any indecent act.
Then the 5th quality Allah subha'ala mentions in
Surat Al Mu'minoon,
wahdihim ra'um.
Those that are true to their amanaat, their
and their covenants
that fulfill these things.
is the
plural of
a trust.
What is a trust?
When we think of a trust, normally we
think of that someone has given you something
to keep, safe keep, and now when
he wants that back you give it back
to him just as he had given it
to you.
But a trust is much more than that.
Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said that even
conversations are a manah. If someone speaks to
you in confidence
that is also an manah.
Rasulullah said,
that when a person speaks to you and
then he just looked right and left and
then he came and spoke to you. Now
that conversation is an amana. That's a trust.
You can't
you can't tell that conversation to other people.
Why? Even though this person didn't explicitly say,
Don't tell anyone. Keep this a secret.
Look. But his
body showed it. His body said it.
The way he he looked right and left
to make sure that no one was around
and then he told you something, so now
that is also an It is as though
he explicitly told you that this is a
secret, don't tell anyone. So even conversations are
fulfilling the rights of Allah
they are also an
they are trust fulfilling the rights of makhluk,
creation, they are also an
There are 4 things.
Four things.
Four qualities
if a are if they are found in
a person there, he's a pure munafiq, a
who has
one quality from amongst these four qualities, and
he has some
some nifaq in him, some hypocrisy in him.
That when he is entrusted, he betrays that
When he speaks, he lies.
When he makes a covenant, he makes a
contract, he betrays that contract.
And when he argues, he disputes, he becomes
very vulgar.
Positions are also namana.
Once Abu Dharr radhiallahu an came to Rasulullah
salallahu alayhi wasalam
asking him to make him the aamil of
zakat, the collector of zakat.
salallahu alayhi wasalam said that you are very
And he knew the nature of Abu Dharr
radiAllahu an.
So he knew that for him this would
not this would be a problem. He said
That you are very weak and this is
an amana I trust.
And on the day of judgement
this will be a means of regret and
and disgrace,
except for the one who takes it and
fulfills its rights.
So positions are an amana.
If you are entrusted
to collect zakat and distribute
zakat, that's an amana.
You will be questioned about regarding that.
If you are entrusted with the masjid,
the nations of the masjid, that is also
an amana.
So amana
is a very
broad term. It includes many things.
The 6th attribute of a believer,
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala uses 2 words, those
that fulfill their amana, their trust, and
their covenants.
What's the difference between these 2?
has two implications.
1 is that it's a written formal contract
between you and another person. That contract that's
an ahad.
So that is also binding.
It also includes
It also includes a verbal promise you made
to someone, a promise you made to someone.
For example,
you tell a person that, InshaAllah, I will
help you with this.
It's not a formal contract.
He can't take you to court
if you default,
but that is a covenant you have made
with him. And now you have to fulfill
that promise.
a need,
except in a situation
where you're incapable of fulfilling that, then only
will you be dissolved from that.
That means if someone tells you
that Assalamu alaikum wa hamtulla
Allah convey my salaam to your dad.
Give my salaam to your dad too. So
now and you said yes.
So now you conveying that salaam is also
part of this. It's also part of fulfilling
the covenant.
And the 6th attribute of a believer
In the beginning Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta'ala talked
about salah
in the very beginning of the surah, the
second verse,
and over there the focus was on kushu,
having kushu concentration in salah. And Allah subhanahu
is again talking about salah but over here
the focus is on muhafah
or being consistent in salah
Meaning praying all your 5 times salawat in
their appointed time.
To be consistent, to never miss a salah.
by Allah
starting with salah and ending with salah
it gives an indication that a person who
is steadfast on his salah
then Insha'Allah Allah swa'ata will make everything in
between easy for him. He'll make it easy
for him to fulfill all those
obligations that have come in between
because salah
it gives you strength, it gives you power,
it increases your connection with Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala. On the day of judgment it's going
to be means of nur and guidance.
May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala give us all
these qualities,
make us true believers, give us all these
sifaat and purify our souls.