Owais Fasih Siddiqui – Enter Into Islam Completely

Owais Fasih Siddiqui
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the believers

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to enter into Islam

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That means that entering Islam is not just fulfilling the five

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commandments, the shahada, the Salah, the SOM, Hajj and zakat.

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Rather entering into Islam completely means in every facet of

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our life, meaning in our business, is our business? Is our business?

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Permissible? Is our income? Permissible? Is our relationship?

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Permissible is have I distributed my inheritance correctly in every

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aspect this Deen gives us guidance, not just for Salah or

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how to conduct ourselves inside the masjid for our business, our

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marriage, our divorce, inheritance, everything you think

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of, in fact, so much so that this Deen even teaches us how to use

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the washroom,

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how to use the washroom once

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mocked Salman al Fawzi, Rahima Radi Allahu aksen, their Deen

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teaches you everything. It even teaches you how to do istinja. So

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then he said, Yes, it does teach it our deen does teach that. And

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then he said, as a praise that this deen is so complete, it

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teaches us how to go to the washroom, what to say, and we

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enter the washroom, what to say, and we leave the washroom, how to

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clean ourselves. So this deen is complete. It gives us guidance in

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every aspect of our life. Now, Allah subhanaw is telling us to

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enter into this Deen completely.

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So entering into this Deen completely means following the

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commandments of Allah subhanaw, fulfilling all His commandments,

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staying away from all his prohibitions.

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What prevents us from entering to this Deen completely is, at times,

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ignorance, the lack of knowledge that we have of these Deen, of

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this Deen, or incorrect knowledge that we have of this Deen.

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just to give you examples, for example, if someone did not know

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the hadith of Rasulullah, sallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam that

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Malaika, don't enter a house in which there is a dog, or in which

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there's a dog or a picture a person that does not have this

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knowledge, then he may hang a picture on the wall, a picture of

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an animate object, a pick a frame, you know, for himself or his

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family on the walk. And now, because of that, despite he's not

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doing it because he has aversion to the Hadith. No, he does not

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know the Hadith, and because of that, one action of His mercy is

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not able to enter his house,

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all because of a lack of knowledge,

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if a person doesn't understand

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the gender roles that the Quran has made for men and women, a

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person falls into many problems. The Quran is very clear the child

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is that men have a certain role. Women have a certain role,

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that men are supposed to be the caretakers. It's their primary

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responsibility to

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you know, fulfill the problem, to fulfill the that they to provide a

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house, to provide financial support, and the wife's primary

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responsibility is take care of the

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kids. If a person doesn't understand that, then he will have

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many problems.

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And if a person does not know that, when it comes to marriage,

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women should have a Wali. When it comes to traveling, women should

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travel with a mahram. This is, this a part of our deep

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or if someone has an incorrect knowledge, he has heard these

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things, but it's been watered down for him that no, this is, you

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know, this is not, this is not necessary. It's just something

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preferable, or it's nothing to do with this Deen. These are some

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additions made in later on. Then a person, when he has this watered

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down version of Deen, then he will also make many mistakes, and that

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will again prevent him from entering into Islam completely. Ya

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ya. Ladeena Ahmed, the Hulu filmi kafa, the lack of knowledge is

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many times what prevents us into entering this Deen completely, and

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sometimes what prevents us from entering this Deen completely. We

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have knowledge. We have knowledge, but we have this inferiority

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And this is the same complex as the Banu Israel had

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Musa alayhi salam when he crossed the when he crossed the Banu

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Israel a miracle that took place. They crossed the Red Sea. Allah

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subhanaw had made an opening for them part of the sea, and they

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crossed right after they crossed the Red Sea.

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Allah says in sulbaka, wa jal, ibane, Israel, Bata, wala pumi, ya

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Kuna, Allah, Asmaa, Mila, hum, that they crossed the Red Sea and

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then they came across these people that were worshiping idols.

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So they said, All Yang, Musa, jalana, Ilahi, Kamala hum, Ali Ka

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that O Musa, you make an idol for us, like they have an idol.

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Just think, what has just happened? Right now, they just

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witnessed a miracle of Allah, subhanaw Jaza. They crossed the

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Red Sea.

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And now, why is it that

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now they're asking to worship an idol, where they're asking Musa

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alaihi salam to create an idol for them? What's going on.

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It's this inferiority complex that was ingrained in them.

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They were enslaved in Missouri, in Egypt for centuries. They were

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slaves for centuries, and they saw Pharaoh and his people that they

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were worshiping idols

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them not even realizing the they had given some sort of reverence

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to these idols that these people who are above us, have authority

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over us, have are financially better off. They're worshiping

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idols their lifestyle is probably superior to our lifestyle.

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So because of this inferiority complex that they had when they

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crossed the Red Sea, they saw the miracle of Allah SubhanAllah.

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Despite that, they asked Musa alaysan to also give us something

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like this, give us an idol so that we can

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worship. And this is very similar to our situation. Rasulullah told

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us that you will follow the step footsteps of the previous nation,

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step by step, so much so that if one of them committed Zina *

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with his mother, there will be someone in my um mother also to

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the same

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throughout the Quran. You have mentioned of Banu Israel, the

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Israelites, again and again.

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And after Fatiha, Surat Al Baqarah, a bit into Surat Al

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Baqarah, you have the mention of the Israelites again and again.

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There is a lot of lesson that ALLAH, ALLAH SubhanA, wants us to

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learn from them. What happened to them. The same is happening to us

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and the but the situation is that over there, they were enslaved. So

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they knew they were slaves. They were subordinate to them. But many

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times, what happens is that we don't know we are enslaved. We've

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been colonized. We've been mentally colonized, but we don't

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realize the fact that we've been colonized. We've been colonized.

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We we don't say it that our way is inferior, but we act like it.

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We act like it. How? So

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we don't want to say the salon to someone

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in a work setting? Why? Because the standard is halal. But what

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benefit will Halo give you in this dunya or the akhira salaam gives

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you benefit? It's a dua you make for the believer. Rasulallah

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SallAllahu, alayhi salam said, ashallah beynakum that spreads

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Salam amongst yourselves.

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Rasulallah SallAllahu, alayhi wasallam said that, should I tell

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you something that will make you enter Jannah, love one another.

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And should I tell you what will make you love one another? Spread

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Salam amongst each other. So this is a part of our deen to spread

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So just like that, there are many things which are a part of our

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deen. We don't say it, but sometimes our actions show it that

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we believe, or we think, that these actions are inferior, and

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their actions are superior. Their lifestyle is superior.

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The West is superior. And you see this happening all around. You see

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the Muslim countries. They want to imitate the West, just like they

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have their women in sports. We also want to put our women in

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sports. We want to imitate them. So ALLAH SubhanA is commanding us

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to enter this Deen completely.

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And to enter this Deen completely, a person needs to have knowledge.

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Then he needs to have this desire to act upon this knowledge. He

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shouldn't be putting into any complex

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a person needs to have love for Allah and His Messenger,

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because Allah adukum hat Akun AHA Bailey, I mean Walidah, that none

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of you are a true believer until I am more beloved to him than his

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parents, his children, all of mankind.

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So how can we make the love of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam

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superior above the love of our own mother?

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How can that happen? Because when we are born and as a child, we

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don't know who rasool Allah.

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unless we learn about them, we don't know who rasulallah means,

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but children, they have an innate love and muhabbat for their

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mother, not for rasulallahu, alayhi wa sallam. So how is it

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that this child is being told to love the messenger of Allahu,

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Alaihe Salam, more than your own mother? How can you build that

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love when you are not born with that love? You're not born with

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the love of the rasulallah. So the step to that is first you have to

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understand and rationalize that Rasulullah. Sallallahu alayhi

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salam is a greater morph sin. He has more Ihsan and favor upon me

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than my own mother. It's intellectual. You have to

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understand that the favor of rasulallah, sallAllahu wa Salam on

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me is greater than the favor of my mom, greater than the favor of my

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dad and anyone else. Why? Because he was the means to give this Kali

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Mala ILAHA, illallah, Muhammad, rasulallah.

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So you go back, it comes to Rasulullah, because of him, we

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know how to live our life. He should. He was an example for us.

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We have to rationally understand that rasulallah wa alasam is a

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greater Morsi than our mother.

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this rational love

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we It has to become more deep. It has to become more personal. It

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has to become innate with us, innate in us, just like the love

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we have for her mother. And how will they become more innate?

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Is that when you hear Rasulullah, what rasulallah said, When you

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enter those places which are beloved to Allah and His

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Messenger, sallAllahu, sallam, Ahab will be Ali Allahi, masajid.

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Ah, that the most beloved of places are the masajid wa Abu,

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Dhabi. Ali Allah, Yasu Abu, and the word the most of detested

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places are the bazaar, the marketplace. So you have to seek

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that company, see if they seek those people that have that love

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of rasulallah wa sallam, and only then this love of rasulallah can

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come into our hearts and become innate, like the love that we and

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has not just the same level of love we have for our mother that

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we have for no it has to be much greater.

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And this is something that the Sahaba Radi Allahu showed us.

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Allah and

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His Son, Abdul Rahman. This is after they both accepted Islam,

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and they're talking so his son tells him to his dad, that, on the

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day of brother, I saw you. On the day of brother, I saw you,

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but you know you're you being my father. I went in a different

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direction. Again, he was in the on the opposing army. He was with the

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Quraysh. I saw you, but I went in a different direction

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so Buckaroo the Allah, and says that if I had seen you, I would

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have killed you.

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Think, what is happening this person? What is he doing? He is

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coming to oppose the Messenger of Allah, sallAllahu. He wants to

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kill rasulallah, be it his own son, if I had seen you out of

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the love of rasulallah has to be that of that love wala Dina Amanu

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a shad duq Bala, it has to be extreme. The love for Allah and

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His Messenger has to be Ashad Allah SWT says, Those that have

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Iman, they are intense in their love for all for Allah,

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that's the love that we need to bring about and pull in quantum

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pulling. Can was vashira to come one while you're not after muha.

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What a jar to talk about. Masaki, not ahasuli. He was Jihad and

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feasibility photography, Allah, Abu Asmaa, if your parents and all

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these are and your business, potijan, taksha nakasada, that you

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don't want this to go down. You don't want it to become profit,

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losing your business. You don't want any any

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harm coming to your business and your houses. If these are more

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beloved to you that Allah and His messenger and striving in His

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path, Fatah rabbasul, then just wait for the punishment of Allah.

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So may Allah give us knowledge it is Deen. And then May Allah grant

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us this love for Allah and His Messenger, sallAllahu, alayhi wa

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sallam, subhanAllah,

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