Omar Usman – 3 Lessons from Ego Is The Enemy Ryan Holiday

Omar Usman
AI: Summary ©
In a YouTube video, the host discusses three lessons from the book Enemy by Ryan Holiday: first, self awareness is critical to achieving success, second, focus on process rather than outcomes, and third, to change the definition of success to process. The host emphasizes the importance of understanding one's values and making oneself the hero in one's own way.
AI: Transcript ©
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Hey, guys. Omar Usman here. Welcome to my

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new YouTube channel. On this channel, I'm going

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to be doing book reviews but not in

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the traditional way. I'll be doing 3 lessons

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that I've learned from a book in 3

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minutes. Today, we're doing 3 lessons in 3

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minutes from the book Ego is the Enemy

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by Ryan Holiday.

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And Ryan Holiday, by the way, has quickly

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turned into one of my favorite authors. He's

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got a couple of other books, Trust Me,

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I'm Lying and The Obstacle is the Way.

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I'll be reviewing those later as well, but

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let's dive into this one for right now.

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The lesson is that self awareness is the

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most critical skill a person can master. Holly

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talks about in the book how a lot

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of us grow up with an entitlement mentality

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that if you put your mind to it,

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you can accomplish anything.

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And what this does is it actually makes

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us weaker and it creates an entitlement to

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success where we think that we deserve for

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something to happen to us and we're not

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willing to put in the work. Instead, he

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says that we have to be very critically

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self aware. What are we good at? Where

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are our weaknesses?

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And be focused on the process. Be action

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and education focused, but be iterative,

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not having these very large visions about what

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we're gonna succeed at, but be action and

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education oriented.

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The second lesson the second lesson is that

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without the right values,

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success will fail. And he talks about how

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a lot of people, as they move to

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the top,

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they have they look back at their past

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with almost like a revisionist history, and they

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make themselves out to be these mythological figures

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that have accomplished all these great things,

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and that they can do no wrong. They've

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accomplished all these amazing things, and now everyone

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else around them is wrong, and they're right,

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and they've essentially drunk their own Kool Aid.

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And so what you have to do instead

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is make sure that you have values driving

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you. Instead of telling the story about yourself

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and making yourself the hero about what you've

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accomplished and what you've overcome,

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your focus about your story should actually be

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your values. My integrity,

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my ethics, the things that I do on

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a day to day basis, that's where I'm

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focused on, not the narcissistic,

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version of myself.

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And the last lesson that I wanted to

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is he says that we have to change

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the definition of success.

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And he says we have to change the

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definition of success

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to process instead of outcomes. And he gives

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a great example.

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The New England Patriots famously

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drafted Tom Brady with the very last pick

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in the NFL draft. He wasn't a 1st

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rounder, a 2nd rounder, a 3rd rounder, and

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now he's gone on to win multiple Super

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Bowls. Now the Patriots could easily say, well,

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that's great. We succeeded.

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We hit the ultimate outcome. We got a

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Super Bowl a multiple Super Bowl winning quarterback.

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But he said when they did that, they

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actually went focused on the process. That what

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was broken in our drafting system, that we

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overlooked him for 5 or 6 pounds and

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didn't draft him. That's the 3 lessons for

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today. Make sure you hit subscribe and the

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like button. See you in the next video.

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