Omar Suleiman – Wounds That Arent Meant To Heal
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The speakers discuss the loss of injuries and marks due to subversion and war. They emphasize the importance of not forgetting the painful consequences of war and the need for everyone to be reminded of the horrors of the past. They also mention the emotional wounds and the need for healing. The speakers encourage people to take care of injuries and not forget about them.
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We begin by praising Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala I'm bearing witness that none has the
right to be worshipped or unconditionally obeyed except
for him And we bear witness that Muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wasallam is his final messenger We
ask Allah to send his peace and blessings
upon him the prophets and messengers that came
before him his family and companions that served
Alongside him and those that follow in his
blessed path until the day of judgment We
ask Allah to make us amongst them Allahumma
ameen dear brothers and sisters Before I start
with the story, I'm going to give you
a disclaimer that it's not that serious What
I'm going to share with you to begin
this khutba to frame it is actually something
very minor that happened But you'll understand inshallah
ta'ala why I choose to start with
this in a minute a Few months ago.
I was riding my bike and I had
my daughter my youngest daughter behind me on
the bike And we weren't in the United
States, and so she wasn't wearing a helmet
And she should wear a helmet and she
was in that basket a little cubby behind
me and as we were riding subhanAllah the
bike fell or I fell with the bike
and It fell in a way that Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala is so merciful Her
head was right between two trees in front
of a concrete wall and hum did it
I don't mean completely unscratched and In that
I got a little scar on my ankle
And subhanAllah the reason why I start with
this is because obviously when these types of
things happen to us our minds as parents
go to all of that what could have
been and the reason why I tell you
it's not that serious is Because we have
people in here that have been through traumatic
car accidents and things of that sort Hum
did a lot of it.
I mean, it's nothing like that But I
start with this because my khutba today was
actually inspired by the doctor The doctor that
was treating the scar on my ankle He
told me he said hum did a lot.
This is gonna heal just fine.
So long as it's not infected But he
said that it's probably going to be a
little bit discolored for the rest of your
life Perhaps as a sign of the mercy
of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala said JazakAllah
khair That's what I needed to hear.
Why do I start with that?
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us
about a very special man by the name
of Owais Al Qarni radiAllahu ta'ala anhum
wa huwa khayru tabi'een and he is
the best of the tabi'een and This
khutba does not give me enough time to
be able to do a full biography Perhaps
bi'idhnillahi ta'ala in the near future
a full biography of this man But of
the ways that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam described him He said alayhi salatu wassalam
in the authentic hadith of sahih muslim He
said ya'ti alaykum Owais ibn Amir ma'a
amdadi ahl al-yaman min muradin thumma min
qaran The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said
that Owais is going to come to you
a man by the name of Owais ibn
Amir will come to you from the delegations
of Yemen and He is from this tribe
the larger tribe of Murad and then specifically
a sub tribe of Qarn and He describes
him sallallahu alayhi wasallam and he says kana
bihi barasun fabara fabara minhu illa mawdi ad
-durham He said sallallahu alayhi wasallam that he
used to have leprosy and he was cured
from that leprosy except for a coin's worth
on his body and The second description is
what he's most famous for he said sallallahu
alayhi wasallam Lahu waleedatun huwa biha barra that
he has a mother and he is dutiful
to his mother He has a mother and
he treats his mother with great kindness and
obedience Qala law aqsama ala allahi la barra
hu fa inista ta'ta an yastaghfira laka fa
fa'al The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said
if he was to take an oath upon
Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala Allah would honor that
oath And so if you are able to
ask him to seek forgiveness for you Then
do so and of course the longer story
includes Omar radiallahu ta'ala anhu finding Owaisa
al-Qarni radiallahu ta'ala anhu and asking
him to ask Allah to forgive him and
the direct and primary point is that the
virtue of honoring the mother is of the
greatest virtues and can cause a person to
ascend in rank Above those that pray all
night and above those that fast long into
the days But I want to focus just
on that First part that often gets overlooked
where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam says kaana
bihi barasun fa barra minhu illa mawdi'a
dirham When the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said
he had leprosy and Allah cured him of
that leprosy except for a coin's worth And
Imam al-Nawwi rahimahullah and others they described
that when Owaisa made du'a to Allah
subhanahu wa'ta'ala to cure him That he
asked Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala to actually leave
a spot Let him have a little bit
on his body liyatadhakara biha ni'matallahi alayhim So
he could remember the blessing of Allah subhanahu
wa'ta'ala upon him And that's a very
powerful concept if you think about it And
I want us to think about the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wasallam first and foremost when the
messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam was a
child Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala sent Jibreel alayhi
salam to perform a surgery on him and
That was to remove his heart as a
child and to remove from his heart anything
that would not be befitting of the mission
that he had ahead of him alayhi salatu
wassalam and There was makhit literally a stitching
on the chest of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wasallam as Anas ibn Malik radiyallahu anhu says
for the rest of his life imagine for
35 years Looking at your chest and not
knowing why that surgery happened or what that
surgery was actually all about but as a
reminder of Something that Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala
wanted to leave for the messenger of Allah
sallallahu alayhi wasallam Later on 60 years later
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam Meets an old
woman named Shayma bint al-harith radiallahu ta
'ala anha And Shayma tells the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wasallam that I'm your sister.
He says, what do you mean?
You're my sister and she reminds him that
she was his foster sister and shows the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam bite marks From when
he was a child when he was a
baby sallallahu alayhi wasallam and playing with his
sister and so I'm starting with the most
minimal manifestation of scars and the most minimal
manifestation of marks for a reason That throughout
our lives we accumulate these small physical scars
These small physical reminders and they remind us
of the mercy of Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala
upon us in some way They remind us
of a time of trauma.
They remind us of a time of triumph.
They remind us of something that happened to
us They remind us of something that happened
to someone else and I want to say
from the very beginning I am NOT in
any way minimizing here or comparing these types
of scars these little marks from when we
were children and maybe we fell off of
something to people that have Actual disabilities or
people that suffered a severe disfigurement that affected
their daily lives because those two things are
not the same I'm starting with this to
make a point that Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala
leaves these things on us first and foremost
to remind us of something and every single
person has Something like that.
In fact, we all have that bellybutton which
reminds us that once upon a time Allah
subhanahu wa'ta'ala Nourished us through our mothers
through that single umbilical cord.
That is a wound that Allah azawajal left
on you So that you could remember the
mercy of Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala and of
course for our mothers the marks that are
left upon them May Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala
reward our parents and have mercy upon them
and Forgive them as they raised us and
as we often forget their favors upon us
Allahumma ameen At the bare minimum, there's something
that's left on her from carrying you and
sometimes of course many of those who even
go through the surgeries the C-sections an
actual scar a reminder of that moment from
Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala where Allah azawajal brought
them through something and a reminder to the
child of What they had to go through
to bring you into this world Go a
little bit more severe our brothers and sisters
that have had surgeries that have had operations
that have had severe Moments in their lives
where Allah azawajal reminded them that he or
she was at their mercy and There's something
left over even if it's only detectable To
you or to someone who's paying attention and
looking very closely Go a little bit further
and you think about the community of the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam And in the community
of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam if you
were to walk around you would see people
Who were missing arms who were missing legs
and all of that?
Was feast a beat Allah I want you
to think about meeting khabab or the allah
ta'ala and ho and how khabab even
in the most powerful days of Islam would
never be able to forget his most difficult
days in Islam because he had no skin
on his back Not everyone was seeing the
back of khabab or the allah ta'ala
on him on a daily basis Perhaps it
was just khabab and his immediate family, but
khabab or the allah ta'ala who could
look and he could see What was on
his back if you could think about all
of the marks on the bodies of?
Those people closest to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wasallam You think there was nothing left on
Sayyidina Ali radiallahu ta'ala anhu when he
fought the boogeyman of Quraysh No marks that
were on his body every single part of
his body was marked Feast a beat Allah
no, Sayyidah radiallahu anha um, Amara She had
12 wounds from the Battle of Uhud feast
a beat Allah She was walking around and
her arm almost completely severed feast a beat
Allah Abu Ubaidah I'll be allahu ta'ala
anhu Who had missing teeth and a lisp
why because he pulled the helmet of the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam out of his face
on the day of Uhud when it was
driven into his face and He used his
mouth or the allahu anhu to pull that
out of the face of the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wasallam And so this commander Who is
This great ummah is going around the world
and he has an awkward lisp.
Why and missing teeth?
Why he remembers?
And he could look back and he could
remember those days with the Messenger of Allah
Sallallahu alayhi wasallam and the list goes on
and on and on Had over 70 wounds
from that day His kids actually could remember
putting their fingers into the depth of those
wounds from Uhud They didn't live but they
saw something on him Why am I giving
this particular?
Overview, these are the visible scars that have
healed that are seemingly insignificant to the very
prominent wounds that we either Incurred during an
accident or during some sort of health struggle
or during something fee Sabiha Allah And that
is of course the minority all of this
Is for Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala to keep
you humble you see not all wounds are
meant to heal, but they're all meant to
humble and To remind you of the mercy
of Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala upon you so
that every time you look at it you
remember That Allah Azawajal has a story behind
that scar that Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala has
something behind that wound to remind you for
the rest of your life of where you
came from and where you're trying to go
and the invisible wounds, of course Are even
harder to deal with?
Because the invisible wounds are the ones that
you only tend to see in yourself or
someone who's deeply paying attention to you It's
harder to see those than even a tiny
scar from the most sophisticated procedure that barely
leaves a mark on your body those emotional
wounds but subhanallah You look at the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Rahmatan lil alameen, a
mercy to the world the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam went through So much and this
is the month of seerah conferences and all
sorts of remembrances of the messenger of Allah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam He went through so
much alayhis salatu was salam that would have
made any human being bitter But instead not
only did they make him better They made
him the best sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and
Allah azawajal mentions to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam that those Inexplicable wounds that he
was suffering as a child You don't think
he would have asked alayhis salatu was salam
before revelation came to him.
Why was I born without a father?
Why did my mother die in front of
me when I was six?
Why did I lose my grandfather?
Why this why that?
You don't think that those thoughts Wouldn't have
gone through his head as a child sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam because it didn't make sense
yet Why is all of this happening to
It didn't make him bitter It didn't make
him jaded those emotional wounds were part of
Inspired the empathy of the messenger of Allah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to be there for
other people in ways that perhaps Had he
not suffered those things alayhis salatu was salam
and carried those wounds He would not have
been able to now by the way Keep
in mind the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
of the excellence of his character It wasn't
like him alayhis salatu was salam to recount
the details I even mentioned subhanAllah when we
went through the lecture on Haleem as-saadiya
radiallahu anha an amina bint wahab When the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went to her
grave His mother's grave and it wasn't that
far from Medina.
Most of the sahaba had never even heard
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam talk about
Losing his mother at six because he was
so busy alayhis salatu was salam giving to
others That he was nurturing those emotional wounds
alayhis salatu was salam in his own ways
You don't think the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam who cried in front of his companion
standing in front of his mother's grave For
the first time that they saw him.
You don't think the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam ever cried about his mother in qiyam
You don't think that those emotional wounds that
inspired him to be a mercy to the
world Didn't also inspire the intensity of his
connecting to the most merciful and his ibada.
Of course it did it was part of
his makeup sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and And
sometimes We're so quick to want to stitch
it up Remove it and Allah subhanahu wa'ta
'ala puts it there for us for a
reason if you look at your body and
you kind of scan through and You remember
sometimes you have marks of how to lie
your parents remember that you don't even remember
and you almost gave your parents Maybe a
heart attack because of that wound like I
remember you fell off of account.
What was I doing there?
I don't know where you knock this on
top of yourself or you did this and
I had to take you to the hospital
And they cry and they cry and they
cry and they cry But you don't remember
any of it Perhaps it's a mark of
mercy to them as well But Allah subhanahu
wa'ta'ala knows that every single one of
those marks visible and invisible is there for
a reason and The the fundamental reason is
that you go back and you look at
them and you say alhamdulillah Because your personal
pain can be a source of other people's
strength The pain that you suffer in this
dunya is always an opportunity for healing in
the akhira.
Alhamdulillah You look at it.
Yeah Allah, you know what other people see
and What only you see?
But let me use what other people see
and what only you see to please you
at the end of the day To channel
that back towards you now with all of
that being said With the point of these
wounds and the point of these marks and
these scars That sometimes leave a mark even
if they don't fully heal Subhanallah, let's keep
in mind here that when it comes to
the people of Gaza for the rest of
our lives we will be surrounded by people
who will remind us of the horror of
The atrocities that were committed against them on
this war on children Where you have more
Than any other armed conflict people that are
intentionally being maimed They will forever serve as
a reminder to the rest of us It's
not like the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
seeing the bite marks on shaymat It's us
seeing what has been done to our brothers
and sisters They will forever serve as a
reminder of this crime against humanity and of
the crime of negligence as well May Allah
forgive us for our shortcomings Allahumma ameen And
it's not just true for the people of
Gaza certainly not just true for the people
of Gaza It's true for many peoples but
dear brothers and sisters we look to ourselves
and the wounds that we have and How
to take those wounds and not like let
them make us bitter but make us better
and we look to the wounds of others
Some that are very visible to us and
the emotional wounds of the people of Gaza
are far more subhanAllah than the arms and
the legs That have been taken from them
We also need to use that to channel
something out of ourselves To first and foremost
remember Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala through those scars.
Remember Allah through those wounds May Allah subhanahu
wa'ta'ala protect us and may Allah protect
us from our heedlessness and our arrogance May
Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala allow us to process
everything that happens to us and everything that
happens to other than us In a way
that we can use it to seek his
pleasure May Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala heal the
people of Gaza and give them victory Heal
the people of Sudan and give them prosperity
and ease heal the people of the Congo
heal the people of a Yemen May Allah
azawajal give victory to the most of our
scene all over the world the weak ones
and the oppressed ones and the harmed Ones
all over the world and may Allah subhanahu
wa'ta'ala hold back the hands of those
oppressors that continue to maim our Brothers and
sisters and may Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala destroy
the oppressors wherever they are Allah Ma'a
mean a cool copy of the rest of
a lot of you like a Melissa Muslim
infested I feel when I was a fool
for him Hamdi
lillahi rabbil alameen salatu wassalamu ala rasooli al
kareem wa ala alihi wa sahbihi ajma'een
Allah makhfir al-mu'minina wa al-mu'minat wa
al-muslimina wa al-muslimat al-ahya'i
minhum wa al-amwat Innaka sami'un qareebun
wajeebu da'wat Allahumma khafir lana warhamna wa
a'fu anna wa la tu'addibna Rabbana
dhalamna anfusana wa in lam takfir lana wa
tarhamna la nakunana minal khasireen Allahumma innaka a
'fuwun kareemun tuhibbu al-afwa fa'afu anna
Allahumma khafir liwalidina rabbirhamhuma kamarabbuna sigara Rabbana hablana
min azwajina wa dhurriyatina qurra ta'ayun Wa
ja'alna lilmuttaqina imama Allahumma ansur ikhwan al
-mustad'afina fi kulli makan Allahumma aslih ahwala
ikhwan al-mankubina fi kulli makan Allahumma ansur
ikhwan al-mustad'afina fi ghaza Allahumma ansur
ikhwan al-mustad'afina fi palestine Wa fi
al-sudan, wa fi syria, wa fi al
-yaman, wa fi kulli makan Allahumma alayka bi
a'daika a'da al-din Allahumma alayka bi a'daika
a'da al-din Allahumma ahliki al-zalimina bi
al-zalimin Wa akhrijna wa ikhwana min bayni
al-salimin Ibadullah anna Allah ya'mur bi al
-adli wa al-ihsan wa ita'idil qurba
wa yanha'a al-fahsha'i wa al
-munkari wa al-baghi ya'udukum la'allukum
tadhakkaroon fathkuruAllahi yadhkurukum wa shukroohu alani'ma yazid lakum
wala dhikruAllahi akbar waAllahu ya'mur ma tasna'oon
wa aqeem al-salah