Omar Suleiman – What If Theyre a Friend of Allah SWT- #Quran30for30 Clips
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The speaker discusses the struggles of working in a high pressure environment, including the loss of family members and misunderstandings about escalators. They also mention a woman who is upset about the " escalator" and worries about her safety. The speaker suggests that people should put themselves on a higher level of responsibility to avoid these negative experiences.
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I tell people this especially in Umrah and
And Dr. Haifa and Shaykh Abdullah, I know
because we've all been there recently, this will
You see someone who maybe is illiterate, who
spent their life's earnings to get there.
And yes, maybe they're seeing Maqam Ibrahim and
they're, you know, losing themselves like, oh wow,
Maqam Ibrahim.
And maybe they're trying to figure things out.
Maybe they don't have the full step-by
-step that you have on how to do
Umrah properly and Hajj properly.
Maybe there's a mistake here or there and
maybe their manners are not as refined as
You know, SubhanAllah, I actually wrote about this
or I did a video about this one
I remember seeing a lady terrified of the
escalator in a Haram.
She'd never been on an escalator before.
That's how simple she was.
She's never been on an escalator before and
she's terrified of it.
Taking a step on the escalator and the
guard is trying to explain to her the
mechanics of an escalator.
But some of these are the friends of
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
And they're wanting to honor these symbols of
Allah and they're wanting to do things right.
And that genuine outpouring, it doesn't mean that
ignorance is a good place for us to
be in.
But do you really put yourself on a
level higher than them just because you had
the full app technology and all the guide
and everything given to you?
There is a connection here between the way
you feel when you see a masjid, enter
the masjid.
How your heart has that outpouring and how
you connect yourself to Allah subhanahu wa ta