Omar Suleiman – What If Theyre a Friend of Allah SWT- #Quran30for30 Clips

Omar Suleiman
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The speaker discusses the struggles of working in a high pressure environment, including the loss of family members and misunderstandings about escalators. They also mention a woman who is upset about the " escalator" and worries about her safety. The speaker suggests that people should put themselves on a higher level of responsibility to avoid these negative experiences.

AI: Summary ©

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			I tell people this especially in Umrah and
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			And Dr. Haifa and Shaykh Abdullah, I know
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			because we've all been there recently, this will
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			You see someone who maybe is illiterate, who
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			spent their life's earnings to get there.
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			And yes, maybe they're seeing Maqam Ibrahim and
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			they're, you know, losing themselves like, oh wow,
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			Maqam Ibrahim.
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			And maybe they're trying to figure things out.
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			Maybe they don't have the full step-by
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			-step that you have on how to do
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			Umrah properly and Hajj properly.
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			Maybe there's a mistake here or there and
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			maybe their manners are not as refined as
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			You know, SubhanAllah, I actually wrote about this
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			or I did a video about this one
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			I remember seeing a lady terrified of the
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			escalator in a Haram.
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			She'd never been on an escalator before.
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			That's how simple she was.
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			She's never been on an escalator before and
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			she's terrified of it.
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			Taking a step on the escalator and the
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			guard is trying to explain to her the
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			mechanics of an escalator.
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			But some of these are the friends of
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			Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
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			And they're wanting to honor these symbols of
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			Allah and they're wanting to do things right.
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			And that genuine outpouring, it doesn't mean that
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			ignorance is a good place for us to
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			be in.
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			But do you really put yourself on a
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			level higher than them just because you had
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			the full app technology and all the guide
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			and everything given to you?
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			There is a connection here between the way
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			you feel when you see a masjid, enter
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			the masjid.
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			How your heart has that outpouring and how
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			you connect yourself to Allah subhanahu wa ta
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