Omar Suleiman – The Firsts – The Children Of Taif
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The last sub, inshaAllah, ta'ala,
that I wanna come back to
is the children of Ta'af as a whole.
The children of Ta'af.
Now Allah knows, subhanAllah,
how many
of the descendants of Ta'af went on to
become scholars,
narrators of Hadith to establish civilizations. Some of
you may even have in your bloodline.
You are descendants perhaps of someone in Ta'if.
Right? And don't go say you're you're hard
headed and that means you're from Taqif, or
you're giving me a hard time and that
means but Allah knows the Muslims that came.
presumably speaking, right,
all of those kids that lived became Muslim
because Taqif came back and embraced Islam.
The delegation came back, Al Lat was destroyed
and Ta'if became a Muslim city. Taqif became
a Muslim city. So those
kids that stoned the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa
those slaves that beat him, the the fools
that were unleashed on him. Not everyone has
a Abu Mahdura story
where I got to go in front of
the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam and sort of
redeem myself. For the most part,
most of them
actually became Tabireen.
Because when they met the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi
Wasallam, they didn't believe in him.
And Saqif, this tiny delegation went to Madinah
after the siege, embraced Islam, then came back
to Ta'if, and they embraced Islam as a
result. But they didn't meet the Prophet as
believers and the Prophet didn't live much longer
after that. Right? I mean, he died the
next year SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam.
So imagine being that kid who became Muslim
and explaining to your kids,
I was one of those kids that stoned
the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.
I didn't know any better.
SubhanAllah, this is something that also from a
Manhaj of Da'wah, from a methodology of Da'wah.
When children are taught to hate, it's unnatural
to them.
Right? And so you you see kids
that are groomed
in something so terrible
and something so anti fitra.
But eventually, if you cater to that fitra
and nurture that fitra, you have hope in
helping them overcome. And that's why you have
to continue the da'wah and see past even
sometimes the abrasive adults that are in front
of you and say the hope is in
the future, the hope is in the future,
the hope is in the future. So the
majority of the kids of Ta'af, with the
exception of a handful,
Tabi'im, not Sahaba,
even though they're Muslims.
But let's go back
to the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
in his first narration describing Ta'af and looking
Aisha says
that I said to the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi
Have you ever had a day worse in
your life than the day of
So he said, Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam,
I have met your people as they are,
or I encountered your people as they are.
And the worst of it was the day
of Aqaba,
as I had an audience with Ibn 'Abdu
Okay? And he did not respond
as I had hoped. So he said, so
I departed
and my face was mamun, like I looked
like I was in grief. I was in
all sorts of issues.
And he said
that as I was going through this
as I was being punished
and tortured in those moments,
I did not get to rest until I
found myself
in Go back to that original garden of
So he says,
Jibril alayhis salaam.
He said, I looked up and I saw
a cloud that came right over me,
And then what arose from that cloud
was Jibreel
alaihi salaam,
and he called me.
He said that
Allah has heard
what you have said to your people and
the way that they have responded to you.
And Allah
has sent to you with me the angel
who can move mountains,
so that you can tell him to do
you want with them.
So that Angel who the Prophet had never
he called out to me and he said,
Assalamu Alaikum You Rasulullah.
Peace be unto you, O Messenger of Allah.
So the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam responded to
the salam.
And he
said to the Prophet, Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam,
If you want, O Messenger of Allah, it
is up to you. I can crush them
between the 2 mountains of Aqsh Bein.
This can all be over now.
That's it.
These people have given you too much trouble.
This was the worst day of your life.
And imagine
how much Allah loves His Messenger SallAllahu Alaihi
The most beloved of Allah's creation to him
SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam. And Allah
Right? And how,
If you take a friend of Allah and
you hurt them, Allah wages war on you.
So what about a person
or the people that gave the Prophet sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam the worst day of his
So the angel says,
we can finish this right now before your
own two eyes.
I'll crush them
all. And the prophet
prophet said no
because I hope
that maybe from their children, there will be
people who worship Allah and they don't attribute
a partner to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
By the way, here SubhanAllah is one of
the purest expressions of the Ikhlas of the
sincerity of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.
Not just because he didn't want the people
killed after what they just did to Ayn.
The wounds are still fresh.
And this is coming on top of the
worst tragedies in Mecca too.
Right? He's fully justified to Allahu alaihi wa
sallam in saying, just finish them. So it's
not just the ihlas of the Prophet salAllahu
alaihi wa sallam, the sincerity of the Prophet
salAllahu alaihi wa sallam in sparing them,
but it's also
the fact
that the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam did not
make his da'wah about his personal feelings Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam.
He was still able to see through all
of that.
I want their kids to worship Allah. He
didn't even say, maybe their kids will believe
in me, and their kids will accept me,
and their kids will love me.
He said, maybe from their children
there will be offspring
that worship Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala and that
don't associate
any partners with Him.
The Da'wah has to be about Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala.
And you look at the Prophet before
the Battle of Badr, and the Prophet is
saying, O Allah, give me what you promised
O Allah, if this group of people is
destroyed, you're not gonna be worshiped on earth.
My concern is not Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
being shamed.
I'm saying the prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam
himself. His concern is not the prophet himself
being shamed or himself being hurt or his
name being humiliated or tarnished or the wounds
of himself, SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam. His concern is
La Illaha Illallah.
Will the people say La Illaha Illallah?
Whatever you have to do to me in
order to accomplish that, O Allah,
I'm pleased.
If I have to be dragged through the
mud, as long as in the soil of
that mud,
there are the seeds that will bear fruit
for lailalullahi,
hamdulillah, go ahead. I'm okay with that. That's
the spirit of Dawah.
That's the methodology the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam
is giving to us, and the Prophet SallAllahu
Alaihi Wasallam specifically has hope in them. Also,
the fact that the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam
from their offspring.
There is an element here, and it's a
very subtle part of the words here,
that the prophet is maybe not even anticipating
that he'll get to actually have a first
town encounter with any of those kids becoming
But maybe eventually in their offspring,
in their descendants,
there'll be some people that wake up to
what was done to the prophet
and wake up to the message of
but spare them. It's not their fault.
It's not their fault. And there might be
some good
that comes out of them. That is when
Allah, Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, sent to the prophet,
SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam,
That is when the jinn came. But now
you start to see other things.
Do you think any of the kids were
listening to the Prophet
and going,
that actually makes sense?
Do you think that any of the kids
who were stoning the prophet
especially the the enslaved? Allah knows if some
of them made it out in the 23
that came with Abi Bakr. Do you think
that some are saying, why are we stoning
this man? Right? We're following orders. But would
anyone who looked at the prophet salAllahu alaihi
wa sallam want to really stone him or
hurt him? No. Like, why are we doing
this to him? This doesn't make sense.
Would you know, don't you think their fitra
kicked in?
SubhanAllah, there's only one narration
that you find
directly of a person who was a young
man, a child when they witnessed the Prophet
SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam entering Ta'af
and remembered something.
His name is
Not Abu Jahal, Abi Jabal.
this is narrated
so it's an authentic Hadith or an authentic
narration to him
from his son, Abdurrahman
who was asking him to tell his story
about the Prophet, SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam, and how
he basically became a companion.
And he said
that I was there
when the Prophet, SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam, came to
So I was a young man, I was
a child.
Or that's the implication.
And he said, And I remember the Prophet
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. It's like I'm looking at
him, Alakawson
or Asa.
As if he was like leaning on an
arrow or leaning on a stick Sallallahu Alaihi
And he was reading,
until the end of Surat Al Tariq. And
we know, by the way, that part of
the dua of the prophet, salAllahu alaihi wa
sallam was sometimes just to recite the Quran
in public,
that you're talking about.
But he remembered the image of the Prophet
SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam
lost without a people around him,
standing in front of strangers, leaning on something
and reciting with, Then
he says,
I memorized it in the days of ignorance
as a disbeliever.
Like, it was so profound.
What the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam recited was
so profound to me.
Even though I didn't become Muslim, I never
forgot what he said. And then he came
to the Prophet, SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam. Imagine, SubhanAllah,
by the way, I memorized Surat Al Tariq
when you came to
you were stoned and beaten and turned
out. He said,
And then I had the honor of reading
it in Islam. So I remembered it in
the days of ignorance
I remembered it,
in Islam. I recited it in Islam.
Saqeef said to
he didn't pollute anyone.
Right? That they got it out of their
minds. What did you see? What did you
hear? Get it out of your minds. Right?
So they said,
What did you hear?
I read Surah Ta'rax to them when they
interrogated me. What did you hear from this
Quraysh said
because they were with him or with them
in this interrogation phase of how did you
deal with the prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam when
he came to Mecca?
Sorry. When he came to Ta'af, they said,
We know our companion better.
We know him better than you know him.
If we knew him to be what he
claims to be, then we would have followed
him first. So forget about it. Whatever you
heard from him, get it out of your
mind now.
But you can't take it out of his
mind and you can't take it out of
his heart. So imagine, SubhanAllah, this young man
coming back to the prophet salAllahu
You remember that? You heard that? You never
know who's listening.
You never know who's listening, subhanAllah, from the
as well.
Then we come to the delegation of Taqif
So the oldest person that the scholars mentioned
one of the chiefs who mocked him, Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam.
The youngest person
was a young man named Uthman ibn Abil
ibn Abil Aas,
the leader, al Fadil, a man of virtue,
al Mu'taman, the entrusted one, Abu Abdullah Al
He was the youngest man. He was like
a, he was the youth of the delegation.
He was the youngest person
amongst those that came from Ta'af to embrace
the Prophet So the Prophet
hope, his du'a directly translates
to a young man like that.
what Ibn al Qayyim writes and what other
scholars write is that there is actually evidence
to suggest that he had actually become Muslim
before that delegation, but he hid it from
his people.
So he actually came to the prophet sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam and embraced Islam before that,
but he was going along with the flow
to not compromise himself
and to be able to actually assist. So
he asked he's
considered different from the rest of the group.
And when they came to the Prophet Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam, he already had some of the
Quran. He already had some of the fiqh.
He already knew some of the things from
that delegation of Fateef. So he wasn't one
of the leaders that was challenging the Prophet
on every single thing, but he kept on
hiding that from his people. And the Prophet
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam,
the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was impressed by
him and the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam loved
this young Uthman ibn Abi A'as. So at
the end of it,
when they finished their
famous conversation, Banut Sateef and Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam, the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam appointed Uthman
to be their leader.
So he appointed Uthman ibn Abil Aas the
Amir of Ta'af.
You go back as their leader because the
Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam trusted the Islam of
that youth
more than anybody else. And he sent him
to to be in that in that place.
And Uthman ibn Abil As was known for
his intellect, was known for his zeal, was
known for his goodness,
his purity of character.
And so even though he he went with
Saqib to the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam as
the youngest of the group, he left as
the leader of the group. He left Madinah
as the leader of the group. And that's
what the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam wanted
to see in him.
And the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam appointed him,
as the leader of Taqif in the reign
of Abu Bakr radiAllahu ta'ala Anhu. He also
became the leader of Bahrain.
He became the Amir of Oman,
during the reigns of Omar and Uthman radiAllahu
ta'ala Anhuma,
and he became a fierce,
warrior as well. So he's one of the
main warriors
that fought against the Persian Empire,
that led multiple expeditions against the Persians.
you know, Abu Bakr and Umar used to
cite the love the prophet had for him.
Like the prophet
as if he told them when they left
Madinah, by the way, that young man is
something special.
You don't know that young man from Ta'af,
but he's something special.
As if he's giving them, Waseya Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam. So take care of this young man
and use him wisely. And
as he led these multiple military expeditions in
these campaigns,
he settled there in Al Basra
And in Basra,
he then transmitted numerous Hadith,
taught lessons in Basra as law, and one
of his students also became
al Hasan al Basri
Ta'ala Anhu, and he also passed away
in al Basra. So there's a strange
connection between
Ta'af and Basra that exists here, the pipeline
where these people ended up giving the Prophet
SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam or started off giving the
Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam a hard time and
ended up spreading Islam to one to to
one of the cities, one of the strongholds,
that we find in Islamic history.
And again, SubhanAllah just shows you what was
the interest of the Messenger of Allah Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam. That they worship Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala. That they spread the word of Allah
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. What happened to the other
children that became Tabi'in?
We don't know. Whose descendants from the great
pioneers and Islamic thinkers come from those people?
We don't know. We can trace some of
them in history, but we don't know for
the most part. What happened to the other
23 slaves? We don't know.
Whose jinn exist today that are descendants of
Kaaba'ilal Jin, the group of jinn that embraced
Islam, the first jinn to embrace Islam after
Ta'af. We don't know.
Probably still exist today.
Right? And they have their story of being
descendants of the jinn that embrace the Prophet
SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam's Da'wah
after Ta'if. All of that is hidden from
us, but the fruits of the Da'wah are
certainly not. And the
the sincerity of the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam
to his mission is certainly not. We ask
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to send his peace
and blessings upon our beloved Messenger
to allow us to be part of the
hope of the Prophet to be part of
the dua of the Prophet to be amongst
those that he would be proud of
and to be reunited with the Prophet
in the Gardens of Al Firdaus
and we ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to
allow us to carry on with the methodology
of the prophet
in his and
to see past our difficult circumstances and to
see past difficult audiences and to see the
and the hope that even in the hardest
of hearts
Allah brings out the life or brings out
the living from the dead. May Allah
give life to the hearts of those that
are dead around us and protect us from
having sick or dead hearts.