40 Hadiths on social justice: Hadith #2 – God Is More Capable Than You
Omar Suleiman – Social Justice EP02
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AI: Summary ©
The transcript discusses the actions of the king of Egypt, who is being punished by the police and the police officers. The king's actions include leaving his post and bringing his son with him, and he is being punished by the police and the police officers. The transcript also touches on the actions of the king's son, who is being punished by the police and the police officers, and how he will take care of them. The king's son is also punished by the police and the police officers. The transcript ends with a statement that the king will not let anyone know about his actions and will not let anyone know about his actions.
AI: Summary ©
So I want to come on survivor Council.
Similar to him in Hungary, no problem, you know, salatu salam ala rasulillah, Karim Allah and he also he ultramarine. So you guys came back for more, I thought I scared you enough last week to make you not come back.
But we continue in the 40, a different social justice class that we have. And I just want to remind people that inshallah we have notes being compiled professional notes being compiled from each class. And if you go to European institute.org, and you subscribe to the to the email list and shot London every week, they're going to be emailed to you in Shaolin. At the end of this, it'll be compiled into a manual into a book. And what I realized is we should have called it 100 Hadeeth. On social justice, because I have over 100 I think, by the time I get through with this, but we'll still try to categorize at least in 40 chapters. inshallah, as I told you on last week, it starts
off the first I'd say seven classes are about methodology. The last 33 are about specific issues. But it's important to build this sense this methodology, so that we can properly contextualize and understand the issues and what what's due upon us when we deal with the issues. So the chapter that we'll cover today, if you guys remember last week, when we talked about the gravity of injustice, I said that volume, people commit volume out of a false sense of what does anyone remember?
I said it was one sentence,
a false sense of power. A person commits volume, a person wrongs and oppresses out of a false feeling a false sense of power. So the narration that I'll share with you is actually a story from a woman through the Ansari while the allowance data unknown and there are three narrations to in Sahih Muslim one on one in certain I'd be the word that I'm merging together so that you get the full story. Okay, so it's three narrations put into one describing the same incident that double Mr. Ansari says happened to him. I would much rather unsalted on the low tide I knew and he was one of the noble people of Medina. So he's one of the rich, wealthy companions of the Prophet sallallahu
wasallam, one of the nobles of Medina, he says, Come to avaliable Hold on, and
he starts off this narration. He says that I was once beating a slave. So he's talking about himself, he says, Come to avaliable gulaman. He says, while I was hitting the slave, he says for summary to solten in healthy I heard a voice from behind me. And the voice screamed at lamb about Miss root. No, Obama's rude and when you say lm in the Arabic language, you're not just saying no, you're saying beware, like Be careful. Oh, Mr. rude. Lamb. Massoud he said Phelim FM is solta mean, a lot of he said that I couldn't distinguish who was saying that because of the anger in the voice. You know, when you hear someone's angry voice, it's a different type of voice. So I couldn't even
tell who it was that was saying that to me, because of the anger in the tone.
Obama's route. He says philomela Jana meanie he says that as the voice came close to me as the person came close to me, I mean, he's engaged in being a slave right now someone can go around and get the kids from the back and shot what's on one of the board members or someone show. So he says that while I'm beating the slave, so he's engaged and to the point that he's he's in this act of rage. He doesn't even recognize the voice behind him. And he says it was an angry voice. So he says as he came close to me for either Hua Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, then I noticed that it was the voice of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam Can you imagine he's in this wild
rage beating a slave and someone is screaming at him saying no album is rude, be careful album is rude. And then he comes to find out that it's the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. So what do you think he's overcome by? What do you think he does? He says for Al Qaeda SOPA mania D. He says that the whip I dropped the whip from my hand
and the prophets lie Selim looked at me. And he said Erlang other master route, no other master route. And Allah Akbar o alikum. Inca Allah, Allah, Allah is more capable of doing that to you than you are to that young man. Allah has more power over you than you have over that man for culture, who heard only what Sheila said to the Prophet, slice of the eldest Allah, he's free for the sake of Allah. Immediately he freed him on the spot. For con so the prophet SAW Selim said, Emma Lola turfan, none of the head can narrow our call. The Mossad cannot, he said
The profits license said had you not freed him, then the fire would have engulfed you or the fire would have touched you and narration says love the hotkey or the masataka. So the fire would have consumed you. Had you not freed that man for the sake of Allah. Again, I merged several ahaadeeth here, three ahadeeth actually. And this narration is narrated throughout the books of Hadith. It's authentic through many different narrations. And there are many lessons we can take from this. So I'm gonna start off with this incident in particular, and then we will focus on the statement of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. Allah, it has more power over you then you have over that young men,
Allah is more capable of doing that to you than you are of doing that to that young man. Now, there are a few things to take from this hadith number one, the element say here, the scholar say here that one of the best ways the most beautiful and humble ways to give advice is to reflect on your own experience, like Obama's route, is teaching the lesson. And he's embarrassing himself right in the process. I mean, he's saying something very unpleasant about what he did before he had that knowledge before he came to know. So he's giving this advice as an old man to all the young people. A second thing in one narration of all Massoud says at the end of the narration, he says, I never
hit a slave after that, like I never after that incidents. I have I never hit anyone else after that. So he made Toba, he repented. He learned his lesson from that incident, but he's telling other people what the prophet sallallahu wasallam said to him. There's another thing we take from this narration there are several things. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his voice was so angry that it was unrecognizable. Think about this as a person living in Medina, how different did the voice of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam have to be that a man who hears his hope boss, a man who hears his Holocaust, a man who's accompanying the prophets, lights on them all the time, could
not recognize the voice of the Prophet slicin. And because of the anger of the prophets lie some and some of the scholars say that you know what the narration really implies that he himself was in such a fit of anger that he didn't recognize the voice, right? But the point is, the prophets lie, someone's voice was so angry, and he was so angry that he didn't have that recognition. And that happens right when you're in that moment. Like there's the famous Hadith of the woman that was in the graveyard. And she was she was saying inappropriate things she was mourning her someone that she lost. And she was saying these these these things that are not appropriate to say it's okay to
mourn, but not appropriate to say, and the prophets lysozyme told her to be patient. And she said, What do you know of my situation? She didn't recognize that it was the voice of the Prophet slice on him in those moments, but this is the anger and the voice of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. And yes, as he showed the Allahu anhu says, woman tecoma enough, see, he taught the prophets lie. Some never got angry for himself, like the prophets lie. Some would not yell like that, or he would not show that anger because someone said something to him. But if the boundaries of Allah were transgressed the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he attacked him Allah would get angry for
Allah subhana wa Tada. And so yes, Our Messengers lightsome got mad. One of the worst portrayals of the prophets little I send them to me, is to turn the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam into a passive man, who was passive in the face of violence, passive in the face of aggression, who allowed oppression to take place in justice to reign in society and not say anything that's not our messenger slicing them. You can't make Ramadan al Ameen. And you know, the mercy to the world's more merciful than Allah has made him so when you try to take out of the prophets license character, his sense of justice, you're doing injustice to the character of the messenger, so a lot of us have
them. Yes, our prophets lie, some raised his voice. Yes, the prophets lie some space became red. Yes, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he got angry for Allah. It was an anger that terrified the Sahaba not that he would kill people or hit people or spit or curse, but they knew the severity of what they had done. So seeing the Prophet slice them you imagine the messenger, so I said, I'm yelling at you in such a loud voice, that you can't even recognize his voice. Another subtlety we take from this hadith the Prophet slicin said lm Obama's route, no Obama's route. And this is a very interesting point from the Quran. There are many verses in the Quran lemmo No. And
many of the scholars of Tafseer The first one I believe it was shady Rahim Allah to Allah and I thought if he pointed out that every time Allah uses the word errorlevel No, the next is a call to action. So it's the natural response of the believer when someone says to you in a severe way, no, like beware, think understand that the next if you need to do something serious because this is serious knowledge for you to act on. So every eye and an eye
uses in the next verse is one of every if Quran that calls you to think and know, the next verse is one that calls you to action as well. There's another thing, notice that the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not say to him, Why are you hitting him?
Because that's irrelevant to the discussion. One of the worst things that we do when we see volume, is we think somehow that the volume is justified.
Right? So, you know, one of the Imams was actually sharing this with me, so that I was sitting with a group of about 20 men, young man, youth. And I asked them if you heard that a man was hitting his wife. What would you What's the first thing that would come to your mind? What's the first thing you would say? And like half of them said, What did she do to deserve it?
or What did she do to make him hit her? Not necessarily deserved? But what did he What did she do for him to hit her? That's not the response of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. The man could have the man I mean, for all the prophets, licensees, the man could have done something terrible, this, this young, slave or servant could have done something horrible. But the prophets lie, some doesn't care, because your action is unjustified. Take responsibility for your action, it's not even appropriate to even ask that question or to use that as an excuse. Well, if that's the case, then don't hit him that hard. Right? That's not the way the prophets lie. Some function. The messengers
lie, some saw that action, the prophets lie, some intervened at that moment. There's another Hadith. It's actually in Sahih. Muslim, that Romania and Romania was a freed slave. And so he was freed by by his master. He says that my master commanded me to cut some meat into strips so I was cooking for my master. And he said that as I was doing that a poor man came to me. So I gave him some of that meats. When my master came home, he hit me for giving away that that meat to the port. So he said, so I went to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to complain to him. The prophets lie Selim called for my master, so he summoned him. And look, did the man do something wrong? Technically,
it's not your food. Right? Technically, why did you give away that's not your food. It doesn't belong to you didn't pay for it, right? So technically, if you want to twist it that way, but you could say technically he did something wrong. So the profit slice I said to him, Why did you hit him?
So he said Yasuda law he gave away the food without asking me like that was my food. And he gave it away. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said elegible been Akuma wouldn't the answer be for both of you though? If he gave away your food, if it was your food, wouldn't you share in the reward them? Like the prophets lie? Some didn't allow, he didn't justify his action, you transgressed you, you cannot hit you should not act in that way. So that's another very important lesson we take you know, a lot of times when people start to arbitrary Well, that is pretty far. No, no volume justifies a will In response, no transcript aggression justifies a transgression in response.
Another thing we take from this heavy when the man heard the profit slice on again, immediately he dropped, he dropped the whip. Hey, button, the rasulillah out of China's to the profit slice. I'm like, like, I can't believe I just ignored the profit slice. I'm yelling at me. And he caught me in this evil deed.
And the prophets lie. Some still told him what?
He said, If you wouldn't have done it, you would have gone to *. Like the prophets lie. Some didn't let up and say, You know what, okay, Zack.
The prophets lie Selim said, had you not done that? Allah would have consumed you with the fire. Why? I'm asking you guys to actually answer what's the wisdom in the Prophet slice? I'm saying that to him after he let the man go.
Sorry, what's the wisdom of the Prophet slice? I'm saying that.
For everyone else, that's one wisdom. So as a as a lesson to others, because he knows and somehow lovable, Mr. Rude narrates this on his own behalf again, he would go on to narrate the story. So it's a lesson for everyone else. What else? Yeah.
To teach you to make up for your sins. Absolutely. There's one more that I'm looking for. I don't know if any of you guys will catch it. Yeah.
To show a luck and give greater punishment than he can. Yes. But but but but there's something important here. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was telling him that so that he would not return to the sin so he would not do it to someone else. So he doesn't mistake what the prophets license on think it's just an isolated incident and that's why I will miss root says after that I never hit another slave again. I never struck anyone again. right because I understood that so the Prophet sighs I'm wanted this to be a life changing lesson. A woman's route also in this incident, he didn't just say like when the profits by some caught him did the prophets I send them actually
tell him to free the sleep.
No, he didn't. He just told them
lm Yaga Massoud be where Obama's rude Think. Think about what you're doing. And when he said he only went to LA he is free for the sake of Allah. The Prophet sighs I've never told him that he could have just said stuff that Allah, I'm sorry, right. But he didn't know, by the way that the CAFOD on the expiation that the prophets lie some sort of anyone hits laudable, who, if anyone was to hit their servant or to hit their slave, then they would go free. Like the cafardo, the only explanation was to go free. But still, the prophet sighs on didn't even tell him at that point yet to let them go. But the men recognized it right away, that I need to release this man, he understood right away
that he had to let this man go free. Many things we can take from them. It's a lesson that in undoing injustice in undoing injustice, it is not enough to simply seek forgiveness from Allah subhana wa to add, the essential component of repentance from a volume that's done to someone else is to undo the injustice to the best of your ability. So if you backbite someone for example, you've harmed their reputation. The best way or the greatest form of repentance is not just to say stuff got a lot not even to seek forgiveness from the person though that's a component, but to undo the damage you did to their reputation, to speak well of them in the in the company of those who spoke
ill of them. So to try to undo that damage, that's an essential component of repentance, when you actually harm someone. The prophet SAW, Selim also told him, the life ahead cannot, that the fire would have consumed you. And the Prophet slicin did not tell him for example, that you wouldn't have entered into paradise because the Prophet spice Allah was using the appropriate warning at the time, like you need to understand you would have been burned by the fire. It's actually interesting because the scholars point out a left a left in the Arabic language, it is an Islamic fit, which is for something to hit your face. Okay, so when the prophets lie, some says the fire would would have
burned your face. Why did he say that to him?
Because he was hitting the man in his face. So you would have faced the same punishment? Well, you know, even more because Allah Subhana hota, Allah would have carried out the exact same treatment on you, the way you treated that man, Allah subhanho wa Taala would have treated you, you hit him in the face, Allah subhanho to Allah would have burned your face. So this is a severe headache. It's a severe warning. But the main sentence that I want to focus on is Allah is more capable of doing that to you than you are of doing that to him. The men thought Obama sleuth thought he was in charge, he felt a sense of power and power can be intoxicating. Because when you have power and power is not
necessarily and this is actually one of the main problems I want you guys to be able to relate to these are the power is not necessarily settling on a throne. Power is being able to control a situation with no accountability, being in a situation where, especially when it involves another power, another party in particular, and you are fully in control of that situation and you don't have checks, you don't have accountability, that's power. So sometimes as a person grows in their power, they start to feel a sense of invincibility, that you know what i can get away with stuff. So I'll start off with a little bit of a little transgression, then I realized I'm getting away with
it. So then I move on to a greater form of bullying. Because I realized I got I got away with that now. And so you start to actually deceive yourself into thinking, you're in control of the situation. And the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is reminding us, we have no control over the situation. We are utterly powerless in the sight of Allah subhanho wa Taala. God has full power, we have no power, you are unlimited for color in a law, you're all in need of God. Allah doesn't need you. You need him, you have no power in the situation. So that's why usually when you have a law firm on a state think about a government on a governing level, because unfortunately, usually
that's where we take oppression to. When someone gets away with a violation. What do they do? They do more
in an abusive relationship. When someone gets away with abuse, what do they do? They get more abusive. In a business relationship. When someone gets away with stealing or taking something or doing something, what do they do? They start to take more. This is who we are as people we start to unfortunately, we graduate into greater forms of boredom when we've gotten away with smaller forms of load. Now the scholars also mentioned here that volume has done a cat it has degrees, you know, double jot refers to higher degrees, like there are double dots of good deeds. dollar cat refers to lower degrees. So just like good deeds,
Dollar Jackson's have dollar cat. So, volume has dollar cat, there are worst forms of transgression than others. And the scholars mentioned three, the first one, the worst of the worst types of loans, the worst types of oppression is to oppress someone who has a great right over you, meaning they should be receiving your height, they should be receiving your good they should not be receiving your shuttle they should not be receiving your ill your evil. So, who's the worst person in the world that you could wrong?
Your mother because if there's anyone who has an unconditional right over you, from human beings, it's literally the person who produced you, your mother right so it's it's the worst sin in the sight of Allah subhana wa tada after should in terms of treating as far as treatments concerned, right to treat your mother to the point that Allah Subhana horchata associated the parents in obedience while called La Boca, La Villa, yo BYD Danny Asana, that you are that you worship only a lot and that you show to your parents a lot, put it in the same breath. Why? Because Allah subhanho to Allah gave you a purpose of existence, and he's the ultimate cause of your existence. But the
medium through which you physically exist is your parents. So they're right upon you is unconditional. Unless again, unless they are you know, obstructing your worship of Allah subhana wa tada or it's dangerous to be around them, right. But generally speaking, the worst type of sin are the worst type of loan is going towards someone that you owe loan towards someone that has a great right over you. You know, Imam Hassan Busey Rahim, Allah Tada. He said, You know, you just take this down someone that did good for you, he said that I'm amazed by a person who eats from his brother's food, who takes from his brother's money, who enjoys his brother's company. But when he's in his
absence, he responds to that with nothing but a sub was shut. Right, he starts to curse him and he starts to back by, I mean, this person did something for you. When someone gave you hate, gave you something good, and your response is evil, then it makes the evil worse than the sight of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So that's the first thing. The first Delica or the first low point of all is to do is to show volume to someone who has a great right upon you, your mother, your father, and then it goes from there. Number two, someone beloved to Allah subhanho wa Taala
Min addley. Well, he forgot them to who will help the footsie Allah says whoever, whoever shows enmity to one of my beloved ones, to one of my earlier
than two who've been held up, I have waged war on him. You are at war with Allah, you imagine that Allah has waged war upon you, you know, the scholars, because the rest of the Hadith goes on, well, not to LA or mdbc, humble ilimitado to LA and so on that last point I started mentioning, that my servant comes close to me with the obligatory deeds and then it comes close to me with an elephant with the voluntary deeds. You know, one of the scholars of Hadith he said that notice Allah started off with this because even if you do follow, then you do not laugh. If you do obligatory good deeds and voluntary good deeds, but you harmed one of the laws earlier. It'll negate all of that, because
we already talked about that personal sins versus Sins of oppression. So you could do all the voluntary good deeds in the world, but if you've committed loaded them towards one of his odr, towards someone that's beloved to him, and the tricky part of it in Islam is that no one knows who the Odia are.
It's we don't like have that class. They are secret of the hidden amongst the last creation. You know, you could be saying things about them or doing things about or you know, harming them. And you don't know who these people really are. That person might be someone beloved to Allah Subhana ones and my teachers have had some he shared with us the last week and it literally it was such a powerful statement. He shared a statement from Yahoo, Eben Marine, Rahim Allah tala, that sometimes we curse people, and they have settled under the throne of Allah 200 years ago.
Meaning what like you're cursing someone who passed away, you're saying something bad about someone who passed away and that person is already settled under the throne of God, and you're talking ill of them. And yet even Marines that sometimes we're talking about that, you know, we start debating the past and stuff like that you're cursing people and they're already settled under the throne of Allah subhanaw taala. Like, watch out. Think about who you're talking to. When you write something online and you abuse someone, you say something harmful to someone or write something harmful. That person might appear to be semi religious. But what about that woman designer that that gave water to
the thirsty dog was already of Allah in some capacity right? You have no idea that person might be already from ODF the loved ones to Allah subhanaw taala
You don't want a lot of waging war on you. So what's the solution? Don't commit volunteer anybody. You don't know which one which ones of them because it's egregious to do it to an animal or to something that's not even human. And again, what we said last week, even if it's a disbeliever, that calls upon the loss of Hannah Tirana harmed, so don't harm the idea of Allah, be careful because it might be someone righteous, that's at the receiving end of your abuse, and you have no idea that they're righteous. So that's number two. Number three, and this is the worse. This is the absolute worst from the double cats from the degrees of avoided and that is to harm someone who has no
protector except Allah.
mela Nasir ilaha illAllah a person who has no protector mandla nos ilaha illAllah, a person who has no protector except Allah. So the orphans of the week, the slaves, all of these things, basically people that are already disadvantaged, they're not protected in society, and you take advantage of their vulnerability, and you add to their vulnerability Mendler Nasir Allahu Allah, why? Because it's not a fair fight already. It's all Allah subhanaw taala already puts you in a more advantaged situation and you chose to use your advantage to further put that disadvantaged person in disadvantage and advance yourself. Like it wasn't enough that you were already okay and that that
person wasn't you had to make it even worse and compound their vulnerability. How do you expect from Allah? How do you expect mercy from Allah, if this is how you're acting? So when you harm someone who's at your mercy, hence the Hadith about the slave, this man beating on his slave mercilessly, the prophets lie Selim saying Allah is more capable of doing that to you than you are of doing that to him. And there's some powerful lessons we can learn from this. You guys know that hadith of NSR, the Allahu taala. And Anna symptomatic was taken to the prophets license to be a hardened to be a servant, he was given to the Prophet slice lm by his mother to serve Him. And Anna saw the law and
who says I serve the profits lice alum for 10 years, some narration say nine but most of them say 10. So nine or 10 years I serve the prophets license for a decade. He said one law he he never wants to hit me. He never once raised his voice on me. He never once told me why didn't you do this? or Why did you do that? And he said there was just this one time where the prophets lie some sent me on an errand and I got busy on the way and I started playing with some other kids and the Prophet slicin came and he sat down and he smiled at me and he basically gave me the look like Why didn't you do what you know Didn't you have something to do wasn't there an errand that you are supposed to
do that was the most in 10 years in a decade with the profit slice on them and you know it should be noted here he says he never even said off to me like he never the profit slice I'm did not admonish me one bit
and he was sent as a servant he was a hardened to the profit slice um, he technically wasn't a kid to him. Now, what's interesting here is that the prophets lie some of them. You know, Anna says, can also lie some accent and nasty Hello got heat. Here the prophets lie some had the best character. After the Prophet slicin passed away on us used to see him in his dream every single night. He loved he adored the messenger slice of them and he lived while the alarm is one of the last habit of Passover, and he adored the Prophet sallallahu wasallam just the way the Prophet slicin treated him. Now here's the thing. Did the prophets lysozyme ever admonish his own children? Yes.
So some of the scholars actually mentioned the fear of the prophets lie some of wronging Ennis in particular, because he's a hardened he was sent as a hardened so he's extremely vulnerable and the prophets lie some shows him even more excellent prophets. I've never hit his children. But you can find some Hadith of the prophets lie some admonishing his children very lightly. You don't see it without us all the a lot of time I know he's a hardened to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. And so that's why I've been above the line. He says, for example, that the companions were more afraid of wronging the orphans than their own children.
They came from a society of criminality, a team where people would consume the wealth of the orphan and harm the orphan and take advantage of the orphan. Now with all of the the IRS and the Hadith, about taking care of the orphan, even above the law, and who said literally, there will be too afraid to eat from their food, like if they if they took an orphan children, they'd be too afraid to mix their food or to take anything from their wealth. Like they went to the extreme in protecting the orphans. Now, why because this person learnosity Allahu Allah, Allah, he has no protector except the law he's at. He's at my mercy. I could do so much to him or to her, but I don't. And that's the
point. A lot could do so much to me, but I don't want him to. I want him to show me it's, you know, an exceeding level of mercy. So the Sahaba had more fear when they did that. Likewise, when you think about when the prophet SAW it,
says fear along with your spouse's fear along with your spouse's. And you know, when a man wrongs his wife or a woman wrongs her husband. But let's say that the other person is at complete, you know, they have like horrible circumstances. So a man is abusing his wife, but she needs him for papers or she needs him for immigration purposes, or she's completely dependent. So if something happens, we see the situation something happens. You know, she's she's afraid of what would come outside of that marriage. So a man takes advantage of that, that happens all the time, takes advantage of the situation and continues to abuse and abuse and abuse and traps and in prisons, that
person is engaging in the filthiest type of load, the filthiest type of oppression, because this person is at your mercy and you know it so you take advantage of that. Right? And that's what Allah subhanaw taala hates the most. And Allah says in Surah Nisa, for example, after you know, after in a situation where a marriage has even come to an end, and there's a situation of new shoes of rebellion or on the part of the wife lost parents are assessed for in a partner come, Fela taboo or la hiddenness Avila in Allaha Cana Ali and Kabira if they returned to you, do not do not pursue further aggression or further means against them. In the law, ie and a law is higher, more exalted,
forever exalted, and forever great and all mighty, like reminding you Hey, just because you can, don't, don't just because you feel like you have that opportunity to carry out that oppression. Without cert without accountability. Don't so we see that as well. Finally, with, with the situation with or without, or the amount of time and money you know, remember without all the low on who got into trouble because he said, he called the law, the law and we have nosode that are son of a black woman.
And the prophets lie Selim told him I have to be only did you curse him? Or did you insult him with his mother? And the Prophet slicin said you're a man with with jelly inside of you with ignorance inside of you. And um, without was so afraid of that, that he wouldn't put his face on the ground and told me not to step on his face. May Allah be pleased with them both. He was so terrified by the warning of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. Listen to this hadith Maduro The law says, I saw a Buddha or the allowance Allah and who wearing a nice like a fancy board like a garment. And I saw his servant wearing the exact same board. So I said,
Yeah, I was like, why don't you take his like, why are you wearing the same thing as him like it looks it looked odd, it looked awkward. You're both wearing the exact same clothes. You have a nice suit. And he has a nice suit, like what's going on here. So without all the low tide, Andrew said, There was once a coral between me and another man whose mother was not an Arab, and I called her bad name. So he didn't say the name of Bella. In this narration. He says once I got into it with one of the companions, and his mother was not an Arab. So I said something that the man complained to me about complained about me to the profit slice. And the profit slice Adam said, Did you abuse so and
so? And I said, Yes. He said, Did you call his mother bad names? I said, Yes. He said, you still have the traits of ignorance inside of you. So I said to the prophets, I sound Do I still have God inside of me even in my old age? And the prophets license said yes. And then the prophets lie. Selim mentioned that the servants are your brothers. And Allah has put them under your command. And on top of that the law was freed but he's undoing the jalila from a Buddha's head. Right. And inside of he said, those servants are your brothers, who Allah put under your commands. They are your brother's Chronicle, they're your brothers. And a lot, simply put them under your care. So he said, so the one
under whose hand Allah has put his brother should feed him of what he eats and give him of what are dressing you know, give him to dress with with what he dresses himself, and should not ask him to do a thing beyond his capacity. And if he asked him to do something that's burdensome, then he should assist him in that task. And this is Ethan Bahati. So the prophets I'm saying, Look, they're your brothers and a lot put them under your care a lot put them in your protection, that's all there are trust that Allah put in your care. Think about that. Right. So without took it to the extent again, he did not wear anything except that a servant were the same thing eat anything except the servant
ate the exact same thing. So it's to show you once again someone is under your protection, someone's under your care, or someone's in a place where they're vulnerable, and you are in power, then you should fear a loss of handling to add even more your fear of a loss that doesn't mean wrong, your children and then treat the orphans well, right, or beat people up that are not you know, like that are equal to you know, it means that you should be especially afraid of committing volume of wronging someone who has no protector except the loss and hands on as someone who's already in a state of vulnerability. So I'm gonna give you guys a famous story, but I want
Want you to focus on some of the nuances of it? And I realized like almost the top of the line who will come up in every single halaqa because he is a thorough he's a man who distinguishes between truth and falsehood a man of justice
in the time of the law of Thailand who Egypt was ruled by Ahmed bin Asante, Aloha. So under the life of Omar Ahmed have been asked was the governor of Egypt and Egypt was famous for its horse racing. So Egypt at that time, they used to be known in the you know, in the Muslim world, for the place where horse racing would take place. So they would hold all their competitions and all that type of stuff. So the son of the governor, the son of the Amir, who was the immediate
entrepreneur lost his son named Mohammed Mohammed, the son of Amazonas was known to be a horseman, so he used to race and used to beat everybody. So they bring all the horsemen and he, you know, take them out. And so this time he raised with a cop, you know, a coptics. So this was a Christian slave that lived in Egypt.
Okay, a Christian slave that lived in Egypt. So talk about disadvantage, right? He's not Muslim, he's, he's a slave in that society. I mean, this is a really, really harsh situation for him to be in. And they're racing and everyone expects the son of Amara asked when Mohammed the son of Ahmed last one because he always wins. This man gets on the horse and he beats him.
And it was humiliating to Mohammed the son of armour. menos. So he gets off of his horse, and he takes his whip, and he says, a test bikuni Are you going to beat me while acromion Minamata Dean, I am the son of the noble ones, the guided ones, the believing ones, and he pops them right on his head with a whip.
So he not only hit him, but he also boasted, you know who I am, you know who my dad is, you know, who might you know where I come from. Now, this man was hurt by that he was embarrassed. This took place in front of everybody. Right? It wasn't just the physical harm here. It was just a hit. But it took place in front of everyone. It was humiliating. So he asked some of the people he said, What do you think I should do? They said, well, you should raise the issue to the allowance. Ahmad would not let that go. Like even they know that even though you're a Christian, and even though he's the son of almost beloved companion and all that, he would not let that go. So he makes a trip all the way
to Medina just to complain. So I'm gonna hop out of the allowance and I'm home about this man. So Amaro the law of China and who sees him, he tells all about what happened under the law and who writes a letter to us and to our son. And he dispatches a messenger. Now this isn't like he sent a text message, like I'm gonna text Tom Ross right now. So we need to talk. Like he actually sends a letter to Egypt, from Medina. And the letter says, when you get this letter, I don't care what you're doing, leave your post and come to me. Like this is putting the online vulnerability now like over this man, right? Leave your post and come to me and bring your son with you to I want both of
you here. So Anna cinematical the law No. He says that Amaro de la and who provided accommodations for this Christian man literally gave him a place to stay took care of him fed him until, I mean, we're talking about months until this until Ahmed and his son come takes care of him. And Anna says that we were sitting with our model, the allowance
and our mental hot entrepreneur class, rode in and Ahmed was a big man. So Amaro the law and when he saw him, he immediately looked behind him to see if the sun was with him. That's how big Ahmed was. So he saw his son and almost did not get in Makkah. lemahieu He didn't even speak to him. Almost that enormous Lee, where's the Egyptian man?
Like, let's settle this. Now. We can't wait. There's no time for courtesies or you know, or congratulations on taking Egypt and how's it going over there? And let me check up on the oma. Where's the Egyptian guy? Where's the where's the Christian man that complaint? All Metal the 11 brings him Amaro, the Allahu anhu says Dona Dora says behind you is my stick.
I'm not sure how to stick his head behind you is my stick. He says fondly beha yBnL Academy. So go ahead and hit the son of the nobles. Using the same language, if you could, I mean, the son of the novel said go ahead and hit him. Like he hit you. So the people all assembled to watch this the same thing, right? You humiliated that man in public. Now you're being humiliated in front of everybody in Medina, and the exact same way, go ahead and hit him. I don't care who you are, or who you wronged like you thought at that moment that you could get away with that who's gonna hold you accountable, right. You're the son of the governor. I mean, who's gonna hold you accountable? So he
said, Go ahead.
We'll be having an upcoming hit the hit the son of the nobles. So he did it. He actually picked up the stick and he popped Mohammed nos on the head. And then Amaro the law and who says agenda and Asana it.
Now put it on the bald head of arm.
That's what he says, I put the stick on the bald head of, well, what did our eyes do? He didn't hit him. He didn't have anything to do with it. So the man says, you know, yeah, I mean, he says that I hit the one who hit me like this is why should I hit him, I already hit the guy who hit me. And listen to what almost Omar says, Now Baba kochava illa de sol, Bonnie holla.
This person did not hit you except by the power or the soul bond the royalty of that person.
He didn't say hit him. He said just put the stick on his head. literally put it on his head to show him that this is unacceptable. Omar was not just concerned with getting that man's particular right back to send the message. The system that you've set up to where your son felt like he could do that. You need to be humiliated as well. So I'm gonna bring us a great companion of the prophets lie some the ruler of Egypt. And this Christian man, his Christian slave is putting the stick on his head in front of everybody in Medina. Now if you're that man, what are you thinking? Like when I get back to Egypt? What's going to happen?
Right, there's a chance that they might summon me. So I'm going to photography Allahu taala. And he he said to the Coptic, he said, Go back home and peace. And he assigned to him a bodyguard. And he said, if anybody ever does anything to you again, write me a letter.
Omar didn't do anything else. He said, write me a letter, and I'll take care of it. Then look at what Omar said. He looked at me. And he says AR AR ammo. He said, Oh, um, he says Manchester back to NASA. wakad. What a debt from Omaha to Aurora. Since when do you enslave people when their mothers gave birth to them free?
Since when do you enslave people and their mother's game gave birth to them? and freedom. Right? He He's so upset. Why? Because it's not just the volume. It's the fact that he felt like he was unaccountable. And he's living out what the prophets lie Selim said, Allah can do that to you. Finally, just a few points that the scholars point out that Allah Subhana Allah with lolland with the one who who's an oppressor of the proud oppressor, the arrogant oppressor, Allah subhanho to Allah would humiliate them when they try to humiliate others. So we see for example, for their own for their own every one of his mavado every one of his transgressions came back to him. When Musa
alayhis salaam came to him, he mocked Musa alayhis salaam and he called them disfigured. He said, Look at his disfigurements. Look at his list. Look at him. He doesn't even know how to talk properly. He mocked Musashi his salon, and he told Musashi Salaam that I'm going to make an example out of you. So he mocked him and he said, I'm going to make an example out of you Allah subhana wa tada responded, that you would live mock that Allah would make an example out of him. That allowed make an example out of him to be mocked, and he would be from the MacBook, he would be from the disfigured in the hereafter. He would burn people alive the punishment of the what used to do to the
people used to burn them alive. And I lost count of time mentions in the Quran, that frown is being burned as we speak.
And now you're alone and they have booklets and washi every morning and every night for their own is being burned. And on the Day of Judgment, Allah subhanaw taala would tell them to enter into the real fire into the full effect of hellfire. Just as the he used to burn people it came back to him. abraha said when he came from Yemen, he said that I'm going to tear the cat of a stone by stone with an army of elephants. Allah subhanho wa Taala did what he sent an army of birds to take off his army stone by stone. It all came back to them. And Allah mentions to us now. Allah mentions for example, that whoever exposes his brother, whoever exposes his bread now we nomen Sutra muslimah sobre la
Yama, whoever covers up the faults of his brother Allah will cover cover up his faults on David judgment. Whoever exposes his brother, father who Allah Subhana Allah to Allah will expose him Hatter Fie Beatty, even if Allah exposes them in his home, even if Allah humiliates him even if he's hiding in his home level, humiliate that person for humiliating someone else. So when a person thinks they have power, and they take advantage of the vulnerable, Allah subhanaw taala shows them a true vulnerability looks like on the other hand, when we see the most vulnerable in society, and they can do nothing for us and we still take it upon ourselves to ensure their well being and to put
them in a place of advantage. Allah subhanho wa Taala would not allow
I was to feel vulnerable on the Day of Judgment. And that's the ultimate reward. So we have no there's nothing that we get from this world benefit from this world from taking care of these people. No one can check me in this situation, right? I don't have anyone holding me accountable. But Allah Subhana Allah would take care of, we ask Allah subhanaw taala to protect us from wronging anyone else we ask Allah Subhana Allah to not let us be deceived by our own fools by our own selves, to think that we have any sense of power in this world. We asked Allah subhanaw taala to use any advantage that he gave to us for good for height, we ask Allah subhanaw taala to place us in the
service of those who are wronged and not to make us amongst those who wronged them. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala that if there is any wrongdoing we have done in this world, that he shows it to us that we may repent for it, and that he does not hold us accountable on the Day of Judgment for those that were not apparent to us. I mean, does that come along later on? We can check it out. I'll see you all next week. But I'll take questions from those of you that are here but we can cut the