Omar Suleiman – Saying Alhamdulillah, When it Hurts

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes the meaning behind a term used by the Prophet sallahu, which is "back to the source" in Islam. It discusses various phrases used, including "back to the source" and "back to the source" to describe the importance of being identified. The speakers emphasize the importance of being recognized for being a Muslim person and stress the importance of proper humility and praise for individuals who complain regularly.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem Ar

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Ar-Raheem Ya ayyuhal nasu ittaqoo rabbakum

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allathee khalaqakum min nafsin wahida wa khalaqa minha

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zawjaha wa battha minhuma rijalan kathiran wa nisaa

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wa ittaqoo Allah allathee tasa'aloon bihi wal

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arhaam inna Allaha kana alaykum raqeeba Ya ayyuhal

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ladheena amanoo ittaqoo Allaha wa quloo qawlan sadeeda

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yuslih lakum a'malakum wa yaghfir lakum dhunubakum wa

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man yuta'il laaha wa rasoolahu faqad faaza

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fawzan azeema We begin by praising Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala in every situation and we

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bear witness that he alone is to be

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worshipped and unconditionally obeyed and we begin by

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invoking his peace and blessings upon our beloved

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messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam on the prophets and

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messengers that came before him and on his

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family and companions that served alongside him and

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those that follow in his blessed path until

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the day of judgment and we ask Allah

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to make us amongst them Allahumma ameen.

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All praise is due to Allah in every

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It was a note written by our brother

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Imam Marcellus Williams rahimahullah ta'ala may Allah

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have mercy on him his final testimony before

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he was executed and the first time that

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many people were introduced to this term alhamdulillah

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All praise is due to Allah in every

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There are many celebrities and many athletes and

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many people who at the height of their

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success introduced the world to this term alhamdulillah

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as they stood in triumph in a ring

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or in an arena but probably none so

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more powerful than the written words of an

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innocent man as he was executed by a

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criminal criminal justice system alhamdulillah ala kulli hal.

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All praise is due to Allah in every

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I want us to reflect on this term

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and particularly how difficult and how rewardable it

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is to say alhamdulillah when it's hard to

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say alhamdulillah alhamdulillah when it hurts alhamdulillah not

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in a moment of triumph but in a

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moment of trauma alhamdulillah not in a moment

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of victory but in a moment of in

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quotation marks defeat alhamdulillah not when an obvious

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blessing has been born into your life and

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you're carrying your child for the first time

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but the alhamdulillah when Allah tests you to

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have to bury that child that you welcomed

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into this world the one that the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wasallam said that a house of

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praise baytul hamd is built for because it's

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so much easier to say alhamdulillah at the

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moment of receiving a blessing than it is

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to say alhamdulillah at the moment of losing

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a blessing and there is a difference there

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are two phrases of dhikr two phrases of

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the remembrance of Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala that

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are probably the most frequent in our lives

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and the most difficult and rewardable to say

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at certain points in our lives the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wasallam said in the afdala dhikr

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la ilaha illallah the best form of remembrance

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of Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala is la ilaha

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illallah wa afdala duaa and the best supplication

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is alhamdulillah the best form of dhikr is

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la ilaha illallah and the best form of

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duaa is alhamdulillah now those already are the

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best phrases that you can say but there

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is a time in your life and la

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ilaha illallah is probably the most frequent dhikr

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that you make as a Muslim but there

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is a time in your life where it

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will be harder to say than any other

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possible word in your vocabulary and that is

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the moment that you're leaving this world yuthabbitullahu

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allatheena amanu bilqawli thabit Allah azawajal gives firmness

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to those who believe with a firm word

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what is that firm word that moment of

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leaving this world and someone says to you

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and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam says prompt

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your dying ones to say la ilaha illallah

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it's so hard to say at those moments

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you see tongues tied you see hearts shut

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you see eyes closed before someone can utter

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la ilaha illallah may Allah allow each and

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every single one of us to have their

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dying words be la ilaha illallah because the

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first thing you're asked in your grave man

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rabbuk who is your Lord and it doesn't

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matter at that point how many people stood

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over you as you were being buried and

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said when the angel comes to you say

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Allah because when the angel comes to you

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it will shake you in a way that

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only a person who has that deep foundation

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of la ilaha illallah will be able to

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say la ilaha illallah so it's a frequent

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dhikr the best form of remembrance is la

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ilaha illallah and the best time to say

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it is the hardest time of your life

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which is the last moment of your life

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may Allah azawajal allow us to say it

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likewise when it comes to alhamdulillah the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wasallam taught us about the blessings

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of alhamdulillah the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said

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that whoever eats food and says alhamdulillah all

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praise is due to Allah who provided this

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to me sufficed me with it with absolutely

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no power or capacity of my own the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said Allah will forgive

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him for everything that came before and the

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one who wears a new a new dress

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or a new garment and says alhamdulillah all

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praises be to Allah who clothed me with

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this without any power or capacity of my

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own Allah will forgive them for everything that

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preceded because there's an obvious blessing the easiest

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thing to say when Allah gifts you with

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a blessing it's instinctive as alhamdulillah alhamdulillah alhamdulillah

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you won't find many Muslims tongue-tied at

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that moment when you shake them and say

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hey congratulations alhamdulillah even a person who's barely

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practicing Islam at their graduation at their wedding

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or when something obvious happens alhamdulillah alhamdulillah alhamdulillah

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the real test is when a blessing is

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being taken away and it's more rewardable at

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that point the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said

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in an authentic narration in the afdala ibadillah

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that the most blessed and virtuous of the

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slaves of Allah on the day of judgment

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are alhamdulillah may Allah make us amongst them

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people of praise people of praise you see

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they are identified by that praise because it's

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not circumstantial praise it's a condition that they

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have they are people of hamd they're people

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who praise Allah subhanaw taala as the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wasallam said in good and in

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bad times they're hamdulillah they're identified by the

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praise because the praise is not circumstantial it's

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not conditional it's who they are anything that

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happens to them they immediately say alhamdulillah alhamdulillah

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and who was the most obvious manifestation of

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that Habibuna sallallahu alayhi wasallam our beloved one

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alayhi salatu wassalam who was authentically narrated that

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when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam had something

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good happen to him something that made him

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happy he said alhamdulillah all praise is due

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to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala who by

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his favor all favors are completed all blessings

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are made complete so he praised Allah specifically

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alhamdulillah ladhi bni'matihi tatimu sarihat it's by his

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favor that these blessings became complete when something

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good came to him sallallahu alayhi wasallam and

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when something bad happened to him or something

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distressed him he responded alhamdulillahi ala kulli hal

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alhamdulillahi ala kulli hal all praise is due

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to Allah in every situation the words that

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Marcellus wrote on his last statement all praise

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is due to Allah in every situation and

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he used to seek refuge alayhi salatu wassalam

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to be from those who are minhali ahlin

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nar to be in the situation of the

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people of * so he would thank Allah

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subhanahu wa ta'ala ala kulli hal for

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every situation he would seek refuge in Allah

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subhanahu wa ta'ala minhali ahlin nar to

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be from the circumstances or to have a

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circumstance or to be of the state of

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the people of hellfire so it was hand

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from him sallallahu alayhi wasallam he was always

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grateful to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala he

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every single time when he suffers alayhi salatu

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wassalam or when he is satisfied he's driven

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to the same state and words of praise

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if you saw him in sajda alayhi salatu

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wassalam if you walked into a masjid and

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you saw him in prostration you wouldn't know

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if something really bad just happened to him

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or if something really good just happened to

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him because both the bad and the good

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drove him to the same place his sajda

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alayhi salatu wassalam drove him to the same

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praise his hamd sallallahu alayhi wassalam his tears

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were of gratitude no matter what alhamdulillah alhamdulillah

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alhamdulillah lali bini'matihi tatimu salihat alhamdulillahi ala kulli

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hat sometimes your body language when someone asks

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you how are you you say alhamdulillah your

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body language contradicts your words the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wasallam said the words and he explained

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what he meant by the words alayhi salatu

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wassalam what's the difference between the two and

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I want us to reflect on this bi

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'idhnillahi ta'ala with the few minutes that

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we have when Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala

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gives you a blessing there is an obvious

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manifestation of his karam an obvious manifestation of

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his bounty of his generosity and so your

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alhamdulillah is thanking Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala

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for an obvious blessing and a seen attribute

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of his generosity subhanahu wa ta'ala it's

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different the opposite is true when Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala tests you with something when

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he afflicts you with something when you say

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alhamdulillah ala kulli hat when you praise Allah

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subhanahu wa ta'ala and thank Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala for every situation in that

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state you are praising Allah subhanahu wa ta

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'ala for an unseen blessing behind a seen

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trial and you are explicitly praising Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala from a place of tawakkul

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from a place of trusting Allah subhanahu wa

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ta'ala's wisdom his unseen wisdom rather than

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his obvious generosity so there's a different manifestation

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of a blessing and there's a different attribute

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of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala that you're

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connecting yourself to and if you were to

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take any one of us and you were

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to say which one is harder to recognize

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obviously it's the latter not the former obviously

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it's the latter not the former and the

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former is to prepare you for the latter

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just like your practice of la ilaha illallah

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in times of ease and in times where

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you're not dying where you're alive where you

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can feel your heart beating where it's easy

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to say la ilaha illallah is to train

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you to say la ilaha illallah for the

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most consequential time in your existence on this

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earth likewise your hamd alhamdulillah you get yourself

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used to alhamdulillah alhamdulillah alhamdulillah so that as

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soon as something strikes you your heart your

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mind your tongue go to a familiar place

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you know subhanAllah you think about a person

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who curses regularly who complains regularly what makes

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you think that if you curse and complain

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regularly you're suddenly going to garner up the

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most important word of your life that contradicts

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your nature under more distressing circumstances look at

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brother marcellus and i hold myself guilty guilty

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i haven't followed his case until last week

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guilty i didn't know about the brother guilty

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unfortunately we wait sometimes until people are at

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the end of their journey to take interest

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in their plight may allah forgive us for

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our deficiency in regards to him and the

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many innocent people innocent people that are in

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this criminal criminal justice system but i started

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to watch some of his old interviews hamd

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flows alhamdulillah alhamdulillah i guarantee you that's a

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brother who on death row and in prison

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they don't serve you good food on death

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that would say alhamdulillah when he finished his

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food i guarantee you that's a brother who

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if he got a moment with his family

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would say alhamdulillah you don't garner that stuff

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up at the last moment of your life

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unless it was a familiar place during your

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entire life so when is the most praiseworthy

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praise it's when the least obvious blessing is

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present to you when tests you and afflicts

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you and at that moment the same person

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the same heart the same tongue that would

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praise allah for the obvious blessing for his

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obvious karam for his obvious generosity can praise

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allah subhanahu wa ta'ala for the unseen

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blessing and the unseen wisdom and that is

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all of these are expressions of praise to

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allah subhanahu wa ta'ala because at the

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end of the day they are all admissions

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of our vulnerability to understand to think to

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do in a way that matches what allah

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subhanahu wa ta'ala has given to us

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we're admitting deficiency with all of those statements

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and so they are all statements of hamd

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they're all statements of praise alhamdulillah we belong

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to allah a statement of humility allah azzawajal

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knows and i don't know a statement of

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humility a statement of praise you're praising allah's

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knowledge allah subhanahu wa ta'ala controls and

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i don't control you're praising allah subhanahu wa

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ta'ala's power you're praising allah subhanahu wa

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ta'ala's authority and the best alhamdulillah is

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the one you say with a smile on

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your face or the heart that's beating with

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praise because let me tell you something rasulullah

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sallallahu alaihi wasallam didn't feel sorry for himself

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we read his seerah we feel sorry when

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we go through the moments of devastation the

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moments of him burying his children the moments

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of rejection the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam didn't

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feel sorry for himself it's important for us

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as well not to feel sorry for ourselves

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but to say alhamdulillah for everything that allah

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azawajal has given to us to be grateful

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for may allah make us from alhamadun may

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allah make us from those who praise him

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in every situation may allah subhanahu wa ta

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'ala enable us to properly thank him to

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properly remember him to properly praise him allahumma

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