Omar Suleiman – Gems from the Miracles and Manners of Jesus (as)
![Omar Suleiman](
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The holiday origins and manners of Muslims are discussed, including reciting Islam for Jesus peace, being friendly to neighbors, honoring the Prophet's actions, and using words like "helpful" and "has been" to describe them. The importance of honoring Prophet Muhammad's actions and words is emphasized, as it is a form ofoniity and a form of "overlapping" to describe behavior. The use of "has been" in describing actions is also emphasized, and not letting words or actions interrupt one's vision and mission. The importance of not letting people talk about their actions on social media is emphasized, and the need to be mindful of one's actions and use them in a proper way.
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Dear Brothers and Sisters, obviously, as shetasiv Regis had mentioned, you know, a few weeks ago when we did the Wednesday conversations, as the environment around us is an environment of a holiday.
That obviously explains the large number of kids in the messenger today at home, the lowbrow mean, that it's an opportunity for us to have discussions. And obviously, when it's Christmas season, there are multiple layers of that discussion. One layer of that discussion is to look at the origins of a holiday. Right? And to see where it actually rises from another layer of that discussion, is how do Muslims reconcile not celebrating Christmas with their professed love for reciting Islam for Jesus peace be upon them. And then, of course, the discussions about how Muslims can maintain their identity while still being friendly and good and kind to their neighbors, while still preserving
their own religion and their own identity. And the conversations that start to arise about what what does reciting his salaam mean to you, you don't celebrate Christmas, you can explain that historically, logically, you can sort of, you know, go through the different reasons, but what is your version of Christ? What is your love of Jesus peace be upon him? And how do you reconcile your belief in Him and not attribute certain things to him. And so, in the spirit of these conversations that we have with our co workers and our friends, and our neighbors, it's important for us to talk about who are esigning is Salam is to us, and who are Eastside Islam, in fact, was, in his own
words, and what the miracles of a Saudi salaam are that getting through the holiday, the commercialization of a holiday and everything in between, to the man himself, and to what his mission actually was. Now, for this whole time, I want to focus on something very specific, which is His miracles, and then his manners with some emphasis on the second one, especially for Muslims, because neither of those two things are random. His miracles are not random. And he has a prophet it his salaam with many miracles, a prophet who Allah speaks about his miracles in great detail, some miracles found in the Quran, and the Sunnah of the Prophet, slice alum, that are not even found in
Christian literature, right, or at least in the Bible. And as it exists today, the interpretations and extrapolations of the Bible, right these miracles that are upheld within the second part of that his manners, and some of the ways that the prophets lie, some conveyed that to us and what that means for us. And so in that spirit, obviously, Islam does not see that the existence of such incredible miracles is a sign of a man who was divine himself. So his miracles are not a proof of divinity, but they are proof of divine mission and his manners, just like the other prophets, when Allah gives us a window into the manners and into the character of the prophets that came before.
They're not merely to be admired, but to be absorbed, to be lived in our own lives so that we can draw from the wisdom of Isa Alayhis Salam, this noble and mighty Prophet, that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said that there is no person who is closer to Jesus, the son of Mary it has Salam because there is no prophet between he and I, a prophet who is mentioned in the Quran over 25 times, a prophet that some of you are named after. And subhanAllah if we look around the Muslim world, you find the name of Isa presence throughout the Muslim world out of love and out of reverence for this man it has set up and it starts with the miracle of his birth. And obviously
ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada explains that, while we uphold the miracle of a Saudi son being born to his pure mother, a Virgin Mary, it has Sarah who is mentioned her own right has an entire Surah named after her that the very first words that came out of the mouth of this man, when he was a baby in the cradle, we're in near Abdullah. I am the servant of Allah. And there's of course in that a testimony of tau Hades of monotheism and upholding monotheism but also honoring his mother and immediately clearing his mother's name from the accusations that will come towards her and he has Salam May peace be upon her, when people accuse her of different things that Allah subhanaw taala
allows the baby to speak immediately from the cradle and say in near Abdullah, and that is actually a form of honoring Him. That is actually a form of upholding his honor as Allah subhanaw taala says lennier Stan Kiefel Masirah in your corner Abdullah? Well, Mary Catherine Makara Boone, there isa is Salam is not too proud to be asked of Allah to be a servant of Allah.
And not even the closest of the angels to Allah. They see it as a form of honor and it is indeed a form of honor to be Abdullah. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, of course taught us to say what to say, a shadow under Muhammad and Abdul who will soon do not just say, he is the messenger of Allah, but rather say about me, as had to enter Muhammad Abdul who was a Zulu testify that Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam is the servant and the Messenger of Allah, because when Allah takes you as an ad, and you have a robe, and you have a lord and a sustainer, that is who he is, then that is a form of honoring and elevating the person. And so reciting his
Salam immediately says, in the Abdullah, hence his first miracle is documented in the Quran as such, and then you find the verse and sort of earlier Imran will soon Sulan ILA Benny is in a new project to come, be it and Rob decom and the local law community clinic, hey, at your play it for unfuckable fee for your corner, we'll play it on the evening law, and a messenger to the Children of Israel. Indeed, I will have come to you with a sign from your Lord, that I designed for you from clay, that which is like the form of a bird and then I breathe into it and it becomes a bird by the permission of Allah. No, by the way, that in mainstream Christianity, the as it exists today, the first miracle
of birth, and speaking from the cradle, as well as this fashioning of a bird from clay is not something that's actually upheld, which Subhanallah shows you another form of honoring, he certainly has set up. And then Allah subhanho wa Taala continues with the words a very sorry, his Salam in this regard. And he says, What obreon ECMO How will abasolo feel motivated Nilla and he said that I have I cure the blind and the leper and I give life to the dead by the permission of Allah Well, Nabeel can be Mater Kulu no matter if you don't want people to come and inform you about that what you eat and you store in your homes and in that is a sign from ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. So that you
may believe, so are you sorry Salam mentions these miracles in every single time by the permission of Allah by the permission of Allah by the permission of Allah. Now, these miracles are not random. And there's something special about each and every single one of them, that I want to go into for a moment. Number one, the rhythm I mentioned, the scholars mentioned that he Saudi Islam is the last prophet to Benny Islam.
And hence, the more deserts the the, the miracles that were given to him, were plentiful, and comprehensive, and so undeniable, as this is a proof for or against the people, as their prophet highlights things for them. And so he Saudi Islam has given all of these different types of miracles, miracles that are not necessarily unique to him. But in fact, with many Islam, he, you find prophets of the past that had similar miracles. So for example, the prophet Elijah, in the Bible raised hundreds from the dead, He raised entire nations, of people from the dead, He healed the blind, he called for rain and it came, he stopped it all by the permission of Allah brings fire
from the sky. These are things that we find from the prophets of Benny saw eat in regards to their miracles. And so it's not a sign of His divinity, but rather, it's actually something that you find with the prophets of Allah that Allah gave them great miracles, because Benny Slade was a nation of Agia. They were a nation in which things appeared before them in certain ways, and the profit slice and I mentioned some of those things to us. Now, why a bird from clay, you start from the some of the scholars mentioned that, of course, as he sat at his Salaam is coming to these people.
His main audience is Benny is slowly but at that time, you also have the Roman presence in Jerusalem. And as the Roman presence is now prominent in Jerusalem, you start to have sculptures that are prominent and Roman sculptures that are placed strategically by Herod around the city of El Cortes.
And of course we know that Allah subhana wa Tada would challenge such people to say create on the day of judgment and they would not be able to create and so Allah azza wa jal gives a miracle to all of the people in that sense that a bird is given life only by the permission of Allah subhanho wa taala. And then OB will ACMA eye cure, an eczema the blind. Now the more common word for the blind is actually someone who has asthma, Irma. Irma is someone who went blind later on in life.
Okay, here you're talking about a person who is actually born blind and known their entire lives to not be able to see why is that important? Because there was a lot of trickery that
was carried out by those who claimed to be healers in the time of a Saudi set up. Right? It was it was commonplace that someone would pretend that he was blind, he'd walk up to the person, and this person would heal his eyesight in front of the people. And then people would throw money at him so that he could do the same for them, they'd go and they bring their blind so that he could do the same for them. So Subhanallah as a hedge as a proof against the people, nobody will act Maha, the one who was born blind and not known as anything but blind, Allah subhanaw taala made it so that a Saudi is Salam would rub their eyes and they would suddenly be able to see when abrasca and the
leper, and leprosy was very common in the time of ESRD, some also a form of healing. And these people that would pretend to heal, always had immediately after their fake healing, a demand for money,
were healed, you now pay up through us, your gold throw us your silver. And so the problem is, their attachment to dunya. Their attachment to this world is causing them to cheat. And this was another way in which religion had become a product by which you could exploit the people similar to coration Maccha. They didn't care about these idols, they cared about the money that the idols gave them, and the power and the authority that the idols gave them. So you had these people claiming to be able to heal, and they immediately consumed the money from the people in moto give life to the dead. And this is perhaps where it becomes very interesting.
That eSATA is Salam, just like other prophets from Bani Israel,
a few of them was given this ability to raise someone who had passed away. Now what they would do is, of course, they had a scheme here to the scam was that someone would pretend to be dead, and that at their funeral, the healer would come and he touched this person that suddenly died, right or that died yesterday. And the person rises. That's a heavier price. Look at the menu board, curing leprosy, blindness, cure the person who died, bring them back to life. So recently his Salam o Allah gave him a miracle that was more decisive than that.
Where he could raise people that had died some time ago. And they even said to him, they said, indicateur, human Kanemoto Kareem, you only bring life to those that died recently, because that was their scam. They knew their con. They knew how they were scamming the people. So Allah subhanho wa Taala makes it so that ISA is Salam could go to the grave of a person who died hundreds of years ago and say, Bismillah
and raise that person from the debt and amazing miracle Subhanallah similar to when you say Musa alayhis salam, the miracle Allah gave Musa Islam against the sorcerer's of Pharaoh. The first people to recognize that this was truth was those who used to work the sorcery that this is different. This is not the same, just like the poet's of Arabia were the first to recognize the miracle of the Quran. The healers at the time of ERISA Islam were the first to recognize the miracle that was given to isa at his Salah after all of this What did they say to him all who had been moving
those healers they said no no, this is just sorcery. He's just playing with people's eyes at this point. They still insisted on their disbelief and the last miracle while own a bit Oh can be my attack who do not want to duck you don't wanna be booty come this was scary to Benny slightly.
I tell you what you store in your homes.
This is scary to them because of the corruption that exists in the midst of them. Right. And you think about what that means for a Saudi Saddam when a bill can be made coluna matter deputy Rona people used to come that I inform you about that what you eat, and that what you store in your homes. And so the miracles are very Sania Salam, each one of them fit a particular goal, and a particular particular proof and all of them speak to the power of the one that sent him and sent the prophets before and sent the Prophet slicin I'm after him and even his return it his salaam, the return of a Saturday is Salah, all of it. Every miracle that he comes with is one that ALLAH SubhanA
wa Tada unlocks great proofs and great blessings for the people through his return. May Allah subhanaw taala send His peace and blessings upon him. Now when it comes to his manners, and this is something that's not as well known in terms of Hadith literature from the Prophet slice I'm describing the manners of Saudi Islam. He certainly is Salam was an anti Dunia prophet.
He was Azad. He was an ascetic, that is the description of recites on one NARRATION The Prophets lie some called uploadable the Allahu Anhu ship at 70 Merriam, the one who resembles reciting his Salah because ISA is an ascetic so when you read about his wisdom when you read his view
Words however, they come to us whether it's a Hadith of the Prophet sly summer narrations from the pious predecessors or narrations that made their way into the book that do not undermine, right the thrust of his mission. They're all about the preference of the akhira to this dunya the preference of the Hereafter to this world. Why? Because our isa Islam said to those who had manipulated the text down to Madonia folk or OC Kumar, Kurata academical, you placed the world over your head and you've placed the hereafter under your feet, your addict addiction to dunya to the material world has caused you to abandon even the most sacred of revelation and to use it to hurt and to harm and
to exploit.
And so the reason it has Scylla you find this to be a common theme in his descriptions, as he teaches the people Zuid asceticism, and not to attach themselves to this dunya too much. Now when it comes to his manners. Remember one of the miracles that Allah mentions that he was able to tell people what they had in their homes, the prophets lie, some says in a hadith in Sahih al Bukhari mobile operator or the Allahu Taala and Honkala in salatu salam ala isa memoria Murad Jhulan. Yes, slick, Risa Islam saw a man in front of him stealing for call Allahu Asaka. So he said to him, did you steal? And the man said, Kela Allah, He said No, by Allah, Allah de la ilaha illa, who I swear
by Allah by the one in by whom there is no God, but him. I did not steal it. Sorry, Islam, was given the ability to know what people were storing in their homes at times. What did the prophets lie, some say that he saw a slum said, color is meant to be law, we can have up to it.
So that I believe in Allah and I will consider my vision, my eyesight,
to not be truthful in this regard.
What is this a lesson of, especially one, the good assumptions that he had of people, you know, imagine the miracle that has been given to him. And in this regard, he Sati Salaam is teaching what do not let your eyes fall on the tube on the faults of people because if you let it constantly navigate the faults and the flaws of people, your heart will harden, you'll become ignorant of yourself, and arrogant as well. The fact that even this prophet of Allah is teaching us this before a world of social media. Do not let your eye wander towards the faults and the flaws of people, whether it's virtually or in front of you. Instead, purify your heart and look to the world with a
different type of vision. That's one of the manners that we learned from a Saudi Saddam and another authentic hadith. Reciting is Saddam was walking and he saw a pig, or called for the salam said Go in peace. So someone said to him, do you say to the pig, Go in peace.
So what did he respond? Allah in the a half an hour with really sunny and not covered Sue?
Said, I'm afraid to make my tongue or accustom my tongue to speaking ill, to speaking bad words. This prophet of Allah is trying to protect his eyes and protect his tongue. Two major lessons that we can learn from him. I like his Salam that are conveyed to us by the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in this regard, and it tells us something about him. And it tells us something about not letting a superiority or a perceived superiority caused you to belittle and to harm and to use the faculties that Allah gave you, this man who Allah subhanaw taala gave power to raise a dead person to life and to heal is worried about how he's using his tongue in his eyes. So what about us?
What about us, with our vision, and with our speech, and ensuring that we use it only in ways that are righteous, and there are multiple narrations SubhanAllah. And I'll end with this one. This is not a Hadith of the Prophet, slice alum to be clear, it's one of the things that comes to us and as the prophets mice, I mentioned that when we come across the narrations of any sort of eat, we affirm what is agreeable, but without a sense of certainty, we take the benefit of it and we deny what undermines the very essence of the mission of monotheism and prophethood that he sorry salaam was once asked How are you able to walk on water? You know, all these miracles that you do, how are you
able to do all of these things?
And he saw the Saddam responded, call Amelia pin, he said with Yaqeen with certainty.
And the how are you and the disciples responded and said we also have it and he said to them, are stone clay and gold equal in your eyes?
Do you see stone gold and close?
In the same way, and they said no, he said they are in mind
of the dunya the love of this world. So clearly Coppelia is the root cause of every disobedience and every distraction and every delusion. He started his Salaam is teaching us manners and he's teaching us as well. That while these miracles are given as a gift from Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, there's a righteous vessel that encompasses those miracles. And that when it came to this dunya dunya in the eyes are very sorry his salaam, the material world in the eyes of reciting his Salah was not anything that could possibly taint or corrupt. So we asked Allah subhana wa Tada to send his peace and blessings upon all of the messengers and prophets of Allah. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to
allow us to follow in the footsteps of the prophets and the messengers and the martyrs and the truthful ones and the righteous ones and we ask Allah to allow them to be our companions. In the highest level of generative for the dose Allah Amina politically had our stuff in La Jolla comedy style Muslim infested Pharaoh in the hood or for Rahim.
hamdulillah Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah while early he was like the woman wala Lama Fremont Nina would not be not willing Muslim you know what a Muslim out here in a mud in a casa Mian Caribbean Mooji. Without Allah Freeland, our Hamner, one for another two hours Libnah OpenNebula and fusina inlanta for Lenovo, Hana Linux Nana middle Cassadine Alemannic APU and Kurimoto hibel Alphapharm foreign Alma Filou Idina Abraham omake moto bonus era OpenNebula as well as you know the reality now Kurata ion or Jana Lynmouth Sakina Imam llaman so this one was told by FEMA FEMA Sheriff I'll do my gotta be law abiding in a big volume you know, I noticed one and then being him so they mean about
the law and the law here. I'm gonna be doing this and what you do portabello inherent in fascia it wouldn't want to tell you what belly you're either coming to come to the Coronavirus crolla health guru calm wash Kuru. Bodhinyana is it local? Political Allahu Akbar Allah Who young Muslim saw