Omar Suleiman – The Basic Rule Of Fasting

Omar Suleiman

Ramadan A To Z Conference


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AI: Summary ©

The importance of basic working knowledge and honesty in ruling rulings is emphasized in driving our fasting culture. Underground's actions during the day, including drinking, eating, drinking, and sexual activities, are considered nullifiers of the past. The use of "med component" in context is discussed, and the importance of following rules and avoiding empty fasting is emphasized. The speakers stress the importance of fasting for achieving a sense of purpose and liability, as it takes away the reward of fasting and is a crucial part of achieving a sense of control and efficiency. They also emphasize the importance of fasting for individuals with past history of breaking hearts or causing harm to others.

AI: Summary ©

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			years ago for us it's a constant so that's that's how blessed we are that it hamdulillah we learn
the physical fasting and the fifth of Ramadan at least the basics one time inshallah Thailand and we
don't have to worry about a changing ruling or an A new ruling or any sort of evolution within any
of those rulings, but with the companions of the prophets Eliza them I mean many of them lived far
away from the Messenger of Allah Harney who has done them, and they were issue oriented as well
meaning they waited for an issue to arise and then they went and they found the answer. But at the
same time, it's important to have a basic working knowledge so that when an issue is posed to you,
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			sometimes you're able to work it out yourself, and that's inshallah, what I'm going to venture to
actually provide for you guys today inshallah are three or four, maybe five points and shots out of
where literally you can tackle 90 to 95% of the physical Ramadan and fasting. You know, of course
you still have to go to a chef or to item to confirm that ruling but it will help you understand it
and tell us how they will put some reasoning to everything that's in progress there. One thing also
to lay as a ground rule of law who to material hotpot when the siano mistook rihani the Prophet
sallallahu it was sent him says Allah has forgiven my oma for three things. So this is rule number
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			one in fasting. And rule number one in all 50 rulings in hajj as well, by the way, a lot has
forgiven my own mother for a hapa when this young woman Stokely who are late and hapa is that you
make a mistake. You do something out of mistake, meaning out of ignorance, you didn't know better.
So you thought that you were doing the right thing, but you ended up doing the wrong thing. Allah
subhanaw taala will not punish you for that, nor will he hold you accountable for that. Okay? Unless
you repeatedly act upon the mistake once it becomes known to you as a mistake. All right, so that's
the first category of things. How does that apply in Ramadan and in fasting? Okay, let's say that
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			you thought that something was not another fire of your fast. Okay? You went to a doctor and you
thought that something was not another fire of your faster you were in a situation where you thought
that something was not another fire of your fast it's important for you to try to clarify the ruling
as soon as possible. But if you were in a situation where it was a quick decision, something
happened you didn't think about it, inshallah Tada, your fastest still still valid. Again, there are
exceptions to every rule, but that's the first hop Ah, and this young, the one who forgets who can
give me an example of an ASEAN, forgetfulness in normal been eating or drinking. You know, what, I
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			don't know the title. One time a man came to him and he told him, yeah, he said that I drink water.
I forgot that I was fasting. And I drink some water. And as soon as I remembered I sought
forgiveness from Allah is my fast, still valid? He said, Yes. He said, then Some time passed, and I
picked up some data and I ate some deeds.
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			He said it was out of forgetfulness. This is still counting. He said, Yeah, he said, then there was
some meat, he literally had the meat cooked and everything like that he ate a full meal three times
in one day. And he told me the whole day like I really forgot that I was fasting each time and the
allowance out I know said you're clearly not a person who is used to fasting. So once you get into
the routine and solid, this isn't going to happen to you anymore. But the messenger sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam said to us, that if a person eats or drinks during the day of Ramadan out of
forgetfulness, their fast is still valid. And that is a charity from Allah subhanho wa Taala, which
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			is beautiful. I mean, if you think about that, the implications of that are that you know, a person
could have ate or drank out of forgetfulness, and the reward of that fasting is not taken away at
all. And in fact, the profit slice on put something positive on it, that a lot wanted to give you
some charity Allah subhanaw taala gave you a gift, or gave you a charity during the day of Ramadan.
Of course, you have to keep yourself honest, there's a reason why a soul mouline well as the be a
Lost Planet, Allah says in the Hadith, bootsy fasting is for me, and I reward accordingly. Why?
Because fasting requires a great deal of sincerity, because when no one else is watching you, but
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			Allah, you have to maintain that covenants. So you have to keep yourself honest, did you really
forget or did you sort of forget and so on, so forth. So I'll hop off when this young one must look
at who are they and that which is forced upon you. Okay. In China, for example, in certain areas of
China, this might not apply to us here, where people have to go through a test some kind of law
where they're, the ogres are actually oppressed, and the government will make them eat or drink on a
day of Ramadan to make sure they're not fasting.
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			Somehow, it's it's that they don't allow their citizens to faster they will force them to eat or
drink. In that situation. If you do something out of compulsion, if you're a force, it does not
invalidate anything. Right? So for that moment, Allah subhanaw taala lifts the obligation from those
people, and inshallah Tada, they resume and they fast and they continue because it was forced upon
them it was done out of compulsion. So that's the first ground
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			Rule of dealing with anything in Islam hedge as well, right? Someone comes up to you and hedge and
says I accidentally you know, I was combing my hair and a hair accidentally fell off or, you know,
I'm a nail biter and I tried to, you know, stop myself from biting my nails, but I bet my nail, you
know? And does my fast does my head still count and so on so forth? Or do I have to give them. So
all of these are things to keep in mind, Allah is merciful. Now as for the nullifier, as for the
nullifiers of fasting, which are the most common questions in regards to Ramadan, and this is,
again, where issue oriented, we wait for something to happen. And then we quickly go online and we
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			Google, you know, does this break the fast and then we pick whatever website we want, right, that
matches what we want to hear. And then we take that one, right, and you're going to opposing
websites all the time on fifth. And that's deeply problematic, right? Obviously, a rule in Islam is
that you need to be consistent, you can't go and pick and choose and simply look for the easiest
opinion and everything. But there are things that are generally agreed upon in Islam as nullifiers
of the past, okay. And there is a reasoning behind them. And there is a brilliant way that one of
the scholars actually work through them, okay, and actually summarize them and encompasses through
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			that, over 90% of the nullifiers are faster, if not 100%, depending on if the loss rate that exists.
But basically, there are three things that nullify the fast three things that obviously nullify the
fast What are they?
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			eating mobile Kleenex, we'll see I'm talking about the nullifiers of fast you started fasting, what
are three things that nullify the fast eating, drinking, and sexual relations with your spouse?
Right? Those are things that absolutely nullify the fast. Okay? Now, when you talk about these three
things, intimacy, food and drink, they nullify the fast now here's the thing, then you have the the
the, the minor issues, and this is why you can't do away with the football ha altogether. You can't
do away with the scholars. What about kissing? What about hugging? What about touching what point
nullifies you know, what is considered major intimacy and things of that sort? Okay, so that's where
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			the SD life comes with. These are three, that the scholars that are clear, it's by consensus, are
the are the major nullifiers of the fast in the spiritual sense, obviously, backbiting and lying and
you know,
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			wasting your time and things that are sinful, and so on, so forth in the spiritual sense, or
nullifiers. But in the physical sense, these are three things that nullify your fest. So I'm gonna
tell you a story about a man by the name of an amount of the cassani and Hanafi Rahim a whole lot to
honor the man Allah Deen al cassani and Hanafi this man is a 12th century Islamic scholar, great
scholar of the Hanafi school of thought, and he has a very beautiful story. He's from kasan which is
which was known as passed on and it was part of the bajada the area around the father of modern day
it was Becca Stan, and this man grew up a scholar or he grew up a student of knowledge and he
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			studied with one of the greatest Hanafi scholars of his time and that Dean a summer pundi Rahim
Allah to Allah Allah in a summer candy This is a long tangent but you'll enjoy it inshallah. Tada
Dina summer Conde wrote a book called turtle foot Baja, which is sort of a treatise for
jurisprudence within the Hanafi school. This man at the moment cassani did an explanation of that
book. Okay, he did a summary of that book. The shot of that book was so impressive that he has some
r&d married to him his daughter, Fatima, Summer pandia, who is also one of the greatest scholars of
the Hanafi school of thought she used to signature she used to issue fatwas herself and she used to
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			signature the fact was of her father, who wrote for the football, hockey memorize that and she used
to teach and she used to signature she used to sign those fatawa and she was up she was considered
to be a great woman of beauty of a minimum of knowledge. Everyone wanted to marry her. So he said,
okay, he enjoyed he liked the shutter so much that he took that shot of the explanation of triplets.
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			And he gave his daughter Fatima. A summer kondia in marriage to our Deen cassani and the Maha was
the dowry was actually this book. Okay, what is this book but the name of the book is
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			a Sunnah, fetal to a sutra. So it's basically an explanation of the coming together of the shutter
yard. It puts together how rulings come together, but that Asana feet tell TV Shut up, shut off.
It's a beautiful book. It's about 10 volumes 1000s of pages long, and he goes into such detail with
the rulings and he puts things in place, he orders things together and puts them in place. He gave
what I think is the most brilliant explanation of the nullifiers of fasting and this applies to all
of them are that even though he's a Hanafi scholar, it really applies to all of them have that have
the reasoning and then encompasses pretty much all of the nullifier
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			If he said if you take these three major nullifiers, fasting, I'm sorry, eating, drinking and
intimacy, and you categorize all of the nullifiers, or most of the nullifiers. Under those three, he
said, what you find is the nullifiers of the fast either nullify, because they resemble those things
in action, or they resemble them in results, either by means or by ends, either by action or by
result. An example, if a person took paper,
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			and they ate paper and swallowed it, is it nutritious? Do people eat paper? You know, for? I mean,
obviously there are dire need. There's dire situations, but generally speaking, do you eat paper?
Because it's appetizing? And because you want to fill your stomach like, are you sitting around on
the day of fasting, looking around and looking at paper and saying, paper? I can't wait until my
husband comes in. So I can eat that paper. Right? And I'm not using any slang here or anything like
that, right? I'm talking about literally eating paper, okay? No one does that. All right. But if you
eat paper doesn't nullify the fast.
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			It does. Why does it nullify the fast because it resembles eating? Not in the results? Not in the
ends, but in the means.
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			Okay, another example IVs taking a vaccination, or do they nullify the faster Do they not?
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			It depends. According to the vast majority of the scholars, if the IV if the vaccine is nutritious,
then it nullifies otherwise, it does not, if it's nutritious, it nullifies, otherwise it does not
why because it resembles eating. Not by its means, but by its ends, by its result. So even though
you didn't take that, you know, you didn't you didn't eat it, but it still provided you with
nutrition, so it fulfilled the purpose of food. Okay? Likewise, for example, when you do we'll do
it, it's sooner, obviously, to sniff the water, you know, to take in the water into your nostrils
deep into your nostrils, except in Ramadan.
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			Right, except when you're fasting, because it can provide the result of drinking even though you're
not sipping that water. Okay? So likewise, within intimacy, okay, things that would resemble, okay,
the Act, which is forbidden during the day of fasting, and I'm talking about the major acts, so
things that would that would resemble that would nullify the past and things that would lead to the
results of what that what that results in of what intimacy results in also would nullify that. Okay.
So there are many there that you know, you can look up the different fatawa and things of that sort.
So kissing and touching all of that is different upon because they're very technical, nuanced
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			details, where you look to the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. But when it comes to you
know, either a either the admission of fluid which would which would lead to the nullify
nullification of a fast because it resembles intimacy in its end, even if it did not go through the
means, right, even if it was not through the typical means of relationship between a husband and a
wife that the major act of * between a husband and wife, it's still nullifies, because it
ended up in the same result, if you guys understand the concept, basically, what he's saying is,
what resembles in means or what resembles an ends, those three things is going to nullify your Fest,
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			everything else, for the most part is not going to nullify your fest. So if you're approached with a
situation for the most part where you find something that's presented to you, and you remember, you
heard a Hadeeth or you remember, you heard something technical and you go, I don't know if that
nullifies the faster or not, obviously, you have to go and find out, you have to learn about it. But
at the same time, it's generally going to fall within these realms, okay? Either resembled nutrition
or intimacy in the means, or in the ends. You guys understand that concept? Alright, so that's Rule
number two. So when you're faced with something and the nuanced topics, are things like, hey, JAMA,
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			for example. Right? Does he Jama which is taking out the blood? Does it nullify the fast or not?
It's a difference of opinion. It's it is a difference. A lot of scholars do indeed say yes, it is a
difference of opinion. And the reason being the Hadith that's in controversy is very interesting.
The prophets license saw a person doing a Dhamma to another person on the day of Ramadan and the
prophets licenses often had well imagine that both the one that was doing the hijama and the one
that was having it done, have nullified, they're fast. Now here's the thing. A more detailed
explanation of the Hadith, the Hadith in greater context is that they were backbiting while they
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			were doing Hey, gentlemen.
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			So some of the scholars said the prophets lie some mentioned in the spiritual sense not in the
physical sense because there's a deeper the profit slice and got a Jama done to him on the day of
fasting. You see where the difference of opinion can come why you need local hot why you need
scholars why you have schools of thought, why you have difference of opinion. So on the profits
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			After 100 watt halogen, well imagine that both the one doing the hijama and the one that it was
being done to have nullified their fast that he means that they nullified it spiritually because
Allah is in no need of a person's leaving food and drink if they don't abandon backbiting and foul
speech and so on so forth. Or is it that did the prophets lie some established a ruling, that pyjama
nullifies the fast which is what a great number of scholars have set. So that's where the nuanced
topics are going to come. But just generally speaking, when you're going to be faced with an issue,
it falls under one of those three categories. And that's going to be the premise that's going to be
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			set within sort of that within any authority scholar, which is laying the foundations of how to
derive rulings and how to derive what is prohibited, what's permitted, and so on, so forth. So
that's number two. Number three, there are rulings in Ramadan,
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			that you as a Muslim, as someone who is not in a position of authority, do not need to have an
opinion on a law has relieved you of having to have an opinion on their areas of the law. And you
don't need to have an opinion on that. Okay, for example, the issue of moon sighting. Now, I do
recommend that you become knowledgeable of why this is such a contentious issue in Islam, why is
there such an insistence on moon sighting and so on, so forth? And what does it mean? And that's why
again, when I taught the class two years ago, I did about an hour and a half on moon sighting and I
saw some people were like, Oh, God, but it gives you a lot of background as to why it's why it's an
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			important part of the deen and so on so forth. However, what are the zones? Is it local is it is,
you know, do we consider South America if someone if we if we hear of a confirmed sighting somewhere
else in the world, if a country announces that all of these are nuances, and this ruling of when to
begin and and Ramadan is not to the individual Muslim, it's from a comma. So for Nia, which means
the rulings that are determined by the authority and by the leadership. Now in this country, Now,
obviously, we don't have a halifa. We don't have a soul bond that we that we look to that just sets
the straight for the entire omen. And by the way, the scholars were so strict on uniformity in this
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			sense, that Imam Ahmed Rahim, Allah tala, you can find him in his school, for example, that if a
person saw the healer, and it was rejected by the authority, then he himself though he may break as
fast and as fast he's not even allowed to tell his wife, because this has been the leadership's the
leadership's ruling here is what is binding and not necessarily that individual. So what do we do
here in North America, for example, where we don't have us hold on? We don't have, you know, Muslim
government that we have a Muslim president, right. But we don't have a Muslim government. I'm being
sarcastic. You guys. Some of you like Yeah, we do a Muslim president.
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			We don't have a Muslim presence. Allah knows what but it doesn't appear to be. We'll find out in the
year. So when he when he comes out, right? Well, we don't have a Muslim rule. We don't have a Muslim
government and so on so forth. Well, I'll give you an example how economists will funnier fit in our
modern day context. Okay, how the rulings of the authority when there is a marriage contract that
takes place who takes the position of the soul fun.
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			doesn't think the name of the message would take that position in the absence of a Sultan when the
when he is not able to be present or the when he is disqualified for whatever reason, the Imam of
the masjid steps in the authority becomes the masjid and so on so forth. And that's how we operate
within other Masonic as well within other issues as well and rulings as well. Now is that the the
way forward to do that, as opposed to establishing councils that oversee a large group of massages,
and so on, so forth within a city? Probably not, but it's what we're doing with everything else
right now. Right? Ideally, you want to have a citywide Council, a statewide Council, you want to
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			have something that sort of sets, sets, things are right for everybody and established as some sort
of presence in the absence of a soul bond. We don't have a binding authority that exists in that
capacity. So what that means is, you are perfectly fine if you follow along with your messages,
because the prophets lysozyme says Liana Komiyama to Solomon, you're faster than the day that you
fast and your filter, you're breaking of the fastest, the day that you all break your fast, and your
entire day of sacrifice is the day that you all sacrifice, meaning to go along with your community
is the safest and most valid approach to absolve yourself. Now again, learn the rulings learn why
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			this is such a contentious issue learned.
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			So I need to pick it up.
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			So better.
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			You hear me now sisters? You didn't hear anything i said before this. Nothing. Kinda sort of.
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			That's okay. I don't I don't have notes. I can hold the mic. And
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			so where was I moon sighting? Going with your message? It is a safe butts. And it's legislated. It's
okay, well, it's okay. Sure. I'm good with this.
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			It's a safe bet.
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			It's legislated and it absolves you of that responsibility. However, again, learn learn that way.
And I'll tell you what, don't waste your time arguing about it. Because you'll get yourself in quite
a bit of trouble. Right? You'll go online and you'll make false analogies and say, well we use this
for Salah Why can't we use this for this and this and that. They're these are these are very
ignorant arguments and people need to learn about why the scholars have the opinions that they have
our than that we're not fools, I'll just put it that way. Our and I'm not we're brilliant human
beings, and we still have brilliant amongst us today. These opinions exists for a reason, do not
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			dismiss the other opinion. But to be on the safe side, when it comes to e commerce Hold on, you can
go along with your messages and shout Lazzara, whatever, however, there's no blame on you for doing
so you will not be held accountable, made in the night out on the Day of Judgment, because you
follow along your community with something because this ruling is not one that the individual Muslim
has to determine. This is one that goes back to the authority. And we are obviously in a crisis of
authority and numerous ways, right? And you can follow the authority that you feel comfortable with,
that's fine, the authority that you would go to for those other massage, the authority that you
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			would go to for your marriage crisis or for for your filthy crisis, whatever it may be to resolve
something else, that's fine your local community or an authority that you that that you have taken
as an authority upon yourself a council or a massive Islamic center of some sort within your city,
that's fine. But don't be divisive about it. Do your thing. Don't be divisive about it. You are not,
you are not obliged as a Muslim to come to these conclusions. Also, for example, in the massala, in
the ruling of, you know, total we ate versus 20 or 36 in the Maliki school of thought so there are
three, the majority opinion of the scholars, by far was obviously the 20th because that's how he has
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			28 guys, but what if the message is praise eight records? What if I measured praise 36 Records,
which is the Maliki opinion, okay, what do I do? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said pm is
by two by two. And the prophets lie some established a reward for the person praying with the Imam
until he finishes. So you're absolved. If your mom is going to pray, the most rewardable option
always is to pray the entire night with the email. That's the most rewardable option. Okay, I don't
know if anyone in DFW does over 30 but
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			but but the point is that it is always the best hassle to pray with the email. Now what if I pray to
what if I prayed for what if I prayed six What if I prayed eight, it's a son that in and of itself.
So you won't be punished for for you know, for praying less than whatever the mom is praying.
However, the most rewardable option always becomes praying what the mom has prayed. So if the mom is
going to go until eight if the mom will go towards 20 if you want to stand up after the mom, if you
want to pray 20 and the mom has prayed and you want to stand up and pray more, that's fine. It's the
MLA and the prophets. lysozyme has established a definitive premise which is that the the the
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			doctors that to pray at night or two by two, so long as you're abiding by that premise within it,
tada, you're fine, you don't have to you don't have to go into the detail arguments. And again, I
know that it's a very contentious issue. I covered it in quite a bit of detail in that course and
you know that online in Charlottetown, where he went through the different trends and how the
scholars arrived at the opinions are that they arrived and that they arrived upon. Lastly when it
comes to the US analogy, now this is not for the layman to do analogy, right to make the US of A
situation however, just to understand reasoning, how the scholars derive the opinions that they that
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			they did, and you can make your and you can sort of see how that navigation took place. For example,
the massage the issue of a woman who is pregnant,
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			having to make up fasts. So we know that a breastfeeding woman or a woman that's pregnant is
absolved from the from the obligation of fasting at that time. She can make up her fasts later.
However, does she have to make up those translators? Or does she have to give fiducia in the
process, the way that the scholars make that determination is they compare that person situation the
woman that is pregnant, is she closer to one who is temporarily sick are closer to one who is
permanently sick.
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			It depends how often she's having children right
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			some of the scholars actually made that determination if it's a woman that has many children back to
back to back to back then she resembles the one who was permanently ill so it would be it would be
near impossible for her to make up all those fast if see someone you know my cell I had an I have an
aunt, I have an uncle may Allah have mercy on him. His wife had 13 children and two in one year
Mashallah. That's how Palestinians do it. We just outbursts.
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			The Israelis, that's our that's our resistance is just keep having kids, you know, so massala 13
kids so a woman in that situation is pretty much permanently in a way permanently disabled and some
scholars said will hurt while the her situation resembles one who's permanently ill therefore
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			She's like the one who would get fibia fibia in the place, you would pay an expiation, as opposed to
being obliged to make up the fast however, you know, for the most part a pregnant woman is one who
resembles one who's temporary unable temporarily unable to make up a fast therefore, she's like the
one who's Montana Leland, oh Anna suffered third determine am and then that person will make up the
days later on and they don't have to worry about 50 and so on so forth. So that's how the scholar is
generally dealt with the the constants that we have in our legislation. And then they drew these
analogies based on those constants, or they found the themes or obviously the first place you go is
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			to the specific incidents of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And how that was understood by
the predecessors by the companions and the generations that came after them and the 40, moms and so
on, so forth. But the point is, is it starts with these constants, and once you sort of understand
that, it's really not that complicated for you as a Muslim going into Ramadan, the religion, you
know, the Sahaba did not used to have eight hours seminars, they didn't used to have Ramadan, A to Z
conferences, some of them lived in the outskirts of Medina, they got the basics, they understood
what they were supposed to do. And they went they went along with that in Charlottetown obviously,
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			never hurts, knowledge always empowers, and it makes you appreciate and understand more of your
situation, inshallah Tada, so there's no hardship and learning more. And again, I encourage you guys
to learn more, inshallah, it'll give you a better appreciation of all of those deeds. But the way
that you approach Ramadan from a fifth perspective, from the jurisprudence perspective, as you go
on, understanding that you need to make the intention to fast and short law, you need to avoid the
nullifiers of the past, that the time of fasting starts at the time of fuzzier the time of fasting
ends at the time of mother. Right? And avoid the nullifiers simple if a nuanced issue comes up, most
00:26:55 --> 00:27:24
			likely it's gonna fall in under what emammal cassani ya know, lots of other established and somehow
I just thought of something you know, where you mom and cassani is buried and held up in Aleppo last
time without actually him and his wife Altima summer Sandia, both of them great scholars in our
tradition, may Allah have mercy on them are buried in * up in Aleppo. So May Allah subhanaw taala
make it easy for our brothers and sisters in Aleppo and a sham as a whole Lama Amin. So inshallah
Tada, I'll go ahead and I'll take questions or shift, shift the table here, he's not here.
00:27:27 --> 00:27:30
			Questions. Okay, so I'll go ahead and take questions and Shaolin
00:27:31 --> 00:27:35
			that's the best way I could do the fifth of Ramadan and 30 minutes. So yeah.
00:27:43 --> 00:27:53
			Great question. Does backbiting completely nullify the fast there's a situation that occurred in the
time of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, where there were two women who felt
00:27:54 --> 00:27:57
			ill during the day of fasting, it's mostly men.
00:27:58 --> 00:28:19
			And so, the sense of the prophets lie some a message informing the prophets lie Selim that they were
feeling this illness in this movement in their stomach, even though they were not even though they
were fasting. So the messenger sallallahu Sallam said, put in front of them two bowls, and let them
vomit. So they vomited, and they both vomited human meat, flesh.
00:28:21 --> 00:28:58
			Allah made an example out of them the prophets license that these two abandoned what was Helen, and
they consumed what was how long meaning and Ramadan, you abandoned what is halal during the day in
hopes of achieving a full abandonment of how long to make you more conscious to put you in taqwa? In
piety and fearfulness and just consciousness so that you're able to avoid the hot on things as well.
But if you're only going to abandon the * out, but indulge in the harm, then what's the point of
your fast they said in luchador, the prophets like Sam said, Allah has no need of a person's fasting
if they're not going to leave those types of evil speeds. Now, what does that mean from a distance
00:28:58 --> 00:29:07
			from a technical sense? Does that mean that if I backbite it, I should just go ahead and eat and
drink for the rest of the day and say, you know, oh, well, I backbite it, you know, it's not gonna
work. No.
00:29:08 --> 00:29:44
			According to the great majority of the scholars, it's spiritually nullifies the fast but the
obligation of fasting is still there. So it takes away the reward of the fasting, but the obligation
of you to fast is still there. Some of the scholars actually did believe that it physically
nullifies your fest as well, but that's a minority of the amount and even those scholars that
believe that that they had to be made up, they did not say that you have the right to just eat and
drink for the rest of the day. However, it should give us a sense of purpose and a sense of of
greater, you know, vigilance to make sure that we especially don't fall into those things during the
00:29:44 --> 00:29:59
			day of Ramadan and compromise our fasting during the days of Ramadan. And that's why you know, you
mama Rosario Rahim, Allah tala very beautifully. He said there are three ways of fasting. He said
the fasting of the physical fasting is abandoning food, drink and intimacy.
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			He said, A fasting of taqwa
00:30:03 --> 00:30:40
			a fasting of piety and God consciousness is to abandon the sins of the tongue that your body doesn't
just fast in the physical sense, but your, your limbs fast as well. So your eyes don't look at that
which is prohibited, your eyes are in slam, your tongue isn't fasting as well. It's stopping itself
from backbiting and from saying evil things, your hand his enthusiasm from from from abusing, or
from doing something that would be harmful, so your limbs are fasting as well. Then he said, there's
the fasting of basan. an axon is intact with the luck of Mecca, tala to worship God as if you can
see him that you're worshiping a lot as if you can see him. And if you can't see him, then you know
00:30:40 --> 00:31:18
			that he sees you. And as I owe him a lot to us that that fasting is when you are fasting from the
thoughts of this world and occupying yourself with the thoughts of the hereafter. So you're
achieving the first two, as well as the third, you're consuming yourself with the thoughts of the
hereafter as opposed to the thoughts of this dunya. Because if you're thinking about the dunya too
much, then you're going to get dragged into the the pitfalls of it. And you might end up backbiting
or looking at things you shouldn't be looking at or so and so forth. And compromising your fast
altogether. So spiritually, it strips the reward just like insulin, you know, there's the best
00:31:18 --> 00:31:27
			Hadees to correlate with this or to understand this better, is the Hadith of the Prophet slicin. I'm
about a person drinking alcohol and their their prayer not being accepted for 40 days.
00:31:29 --> 00:31:55
			Does that mean that a person who drink alcohol should not pray for 40 days? No, if they don't pray
for 40 days, we'll be punished for that. The obligation is still there, but the bulk of the reward
has been stripped away for 40 days from a person who drink alcohol, may Allah protect us, right? So
the idea here is that we avoid the things that would that would take away Baraka that would take
away the reward from everything that we do. And Allah knows best.
00:31:59 --> 00:32:38
			Does that fast have to be made up according to a small group of a small group of scholars however,
generally speaking, what what the profits by some tells us is that on the day of judgment when a lot
brings your mandatory prayers forward, and he sees deficiencies in it, a loss of hundreds out of the
asks if that person fasted any no effort if they fasted, any voluntary, I mean if they prayed any
voluntary prayers, so with your prayer, you prayed the five times but there was a natural deficiency
you had the sooner the sooner is to layer it. Right? Allah says bring them forward and Allah starts
to patch up your fault. With the suddenness, the prophets license that then a lot brings forth his
00:32:38 --> 00:33:11
			fasting. And when there's deficiency Allah says has He fasted some voluntary fast and last starts to
patch that up as well. And the profits license a lot does that with all of a person's actions, so
all of the deeds follow in like manner. So generally speaking, fasting, voluntary fasting is a means
of covering up the deficiencies that we that we have naturally have in our fuddled fast and it's a
means of protecting us in trouble. And same thing with charity. You don't just stop as the cow you
give more than a cotton Charlottetown and it patches up the deficiencies and so on so forth. lon?
00:33:15 --> 00:33:16
00:33:19 --> 00:33:19
			I've thought.
00:33:37 --> 00:34:11
			So that's the thing, the narration stops there. The question is that the Hadith of the of the Haram
in the Metrodome, the one who was doing the cupping, and the one who was having it done to him and
the prophets lie, Selim said to them, that both the one who was doing it and the one that was having
it done to him have both broken their fast, we don't have a clear cut answer as to how that was
interpreted. And the scholars took that and that's where it became a in the realm of difference of
opinion. Generally speaking, obviously, you know, a person should not go do a demo on the day of
fasting, a person should not draw a large amount of blood on the day of fasting. So for example,
00:34:11 --> 00:34:15
			this is how it works. Hey, dama is a great area.
00:34:16 --> 00:34:41
			Obviously, as a Muslim, you're not going to compromise your fast so you'll stay away from the gray
area, right? What's like, hey, Dhamma is drawing a large amount of blood. So drawing a large amount
of blood in accordance with that opinion would also nullify the fast so it's better for a person to
make that that faster. But a blood test, for example, where a small amount of blood is drawn doesn't
resemble hayama. So it doesn't nullify the fast. Okay? Exactly. Yes.
00:35:00 --> 00:35:15
			Okay, so if a person, you know, is trying to decide whether they can fast or cannot fast, they're
sort of in that situation where they're, they're always there, they're kind of battling with
themselves. If this is something that's doable or not, should they give up just in case, we're not.
00:35:16 --> 00:35:51
			So generally speaking, if you have an obligatory fast and it goes past, you don't make it up before
the next level a lot, then you would pay for do as well as making that up. That's without excuse, if
you have an excuse in the video is not due. Now, what you're talking about is a person that intends
to make up those days of fasting, if I'm understanding correctly, they intend to make up those days
of fasting, but they don't know if they'll be able to, should they pay for the just in case if
you've intended to make up those days of fasting, and you've embarked upon it in any way whatsoever,
even if in a very small way, then you don't have to pay for the for them. Unless it's becoming
00:35:51 --> 00:36:01
			unreasonable. you're stretching out those days unreasonably like the one who's missing fast without
an excuse, then you can pay for that to be on the safe side, charity is not going to hurt any cause.
00:36:04 --> 00:36:15
			Then charity will never hurt but you don't you're not you're not obligated, charity will not hurt
but you're not obligated. You understand? Because you do have an excuse. It's a large amount of days
and you're trying to make them up inshallah.
00:36:17 --> 00:36:18
			Last question.
00:36:19 --> 00:36:25
			Okay, who had their hand up first? I'm sorry, I just have to be fair, so I just looked at Okay, go
ahead. This one?
00:36:26 --> 00:36:27
			I'll take your question as well.
00:36:43 --> 00:36:44
			So the Hadith,
00:36:45 --> 00:36:46
00:36:47 --> 00:36:49
			the Hadith of the young man
00:36:50 --> 00:36:51
			who broke his fast
00:36:53 --> 00:37:36
			through being intimate with his spouse, and the prophets lie, some told him to fast for 60 days.
Now, if a person breaks their fast intentionally do they have to? Do they have to fast 60 days? Or
do they have to fast one day? Number one? So the answer is one day with major Toba with a major
repentance because it was a major sin to purposely not fast that they have been in the situation of
that young man, that that that that, you know, broke his fast by by being intimate with his spouse,
and profits lights on first told him to free a slave. He said he could not do that the profit slice
and I'm told him, Well, you know, can you fast for 60 days? Or am I mixing the two up?
00:37:38 --> 00:38:13
			I think the first one is 60 days, whereas the first one this freeing the slave the first 160 days
and he said when the profit slice I'm told them can you fast 60 days without taking a break. He said
he also love fasting is what got me in trouble in the first place. Meaning that was I couldn't hold
myself while I was fasting for one day and Ramadan. And that's how I got myself into this. So the
prophets lie. Selim then told him to free a slave and he told him that he does not have that
capability in the profit slice that I'm told him to feed 64 people and he said to the prophets lie,
some that he's the first one that's in need of that food, and of that drink. So the profit slice on
00:38:13 --> 00:38:45
			gave him two containers of dates, where he and his wife ate from and then he fed it to somebody he
distributed amongst the poor as well. Meaning there was some, there was some mercy in accordance
with the person's circumstance. And this situation, if a person was missing a day of fasting
intentionally, they, they felt, you know, they were distant from a loss of power to add or whatever
it may be. They just need to make that day up. But they need to accompany that with major toe but
just really, really sincerely repenting and immersing themselves in a sense of repentance. A lot of
time. Last question. Yeah.
00:38:59 --> 00:39:00
			Most of us would lie.
00:39:08 --> 00:39:28
			Yeah. So Ramadan is to make us more aware of our tongue of our lying and backbiting and so on, so
forth. It doesn't mean that outside of Ramadan party, do what you want. It means that inside of
Ramadan, it's a severe it's a training camp to really put yourself through, you know,
00:39:30 --> 00:40:00
			a very, you know, harsh, I don't want to use the word harsh. What I'm really looking for is a very
disciplined regimen to keep yourself away from those things. Right, so that you can become aware
throughout the year Ramadan is supposed to gauge you it's supposed to put you in a mindset for the
next 11 months. That's the point of Ramadan in Charlottetown. So it doesn't mean that those crimes
are or those sins are not bad outside of Ramadan. It means they're worse in Ramadan, just like good
deeds are better and Ramadan. sins are worse than normal. That's the easiest way to
00:40:00 --> 00:40:01
			Explain that well altana
00:40:03 --> 00:40:03
00:40:05 --> 00:40:09
			Okay. All right. Does that mean off Hayden I'll take your question privately and sell medical
00:40:10 --> 00:40:12
			stuff. And I want to come from time to cancel.
00:40:19 --> 00:40:55
			Put this back up here since not everybody is so blessed to be either perfume or not. You are bound
to receive the fragrance. So Alhamdulillah we are all now preparing ourselves to witness the blessed
month of Ramadan. Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam reminded us where he said attack come shadow Ramadan,
Sharon mobarak every aspect of this great month is full of blessings. Which means every single week,
every single day, every single hour, every single minute, every single second every single fraction
of a second is full of blessings. So I remind myself and then to you