Omar Suleiman – Are the Brothers of Yusuf A.S Sinners or Prophets? – Ramadan Reminder

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary ©
The history of the use of cinema in theSASA's Curious Case of the brothers of use of how to use cinema is discussed, including the similarities between their father and their son and how they use words like "has" and "will" to describe their actions. The segment also touches on the loss of profit from actions and the rise of prophets in the aftermath of the pandemic, as well as the history of the religious community and their belief that Islam has mercy on everyone. The segment ends with a brief advertisement for a program called "verbal energy" and a discussion of the history of the religious community.
AI: Transcript ©
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Right. And surah Yusuf is a favorite for many people for good reason, including some of the Sahaba of the Prophet slice of them who are noted for reciting it so frequently that you could memorize it, just praying behind them and fill out the budget.

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This sutra has so much to offer. And somehow a lot, what I wanted to focus on tonight, was actually the Curious Case of the brothers of use of how to use cinema. They are an interesting group of people, the brothers of use of how to use cinema. We know Jacobi, it has Salaam, a prophet of Allah, who was tested in a very severe way with his son being taken away. We know the status of use of it has set up, a prophet who was tested, taken from place to place, situation to situation eventually brought to glory in this life and the next, and Allah subhana wa Giada granted him victory. But what's different about the story from all of the other prophets, is the fact that it was jacobina

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salaams own sons that caused him this pain, and that through use of it, his set out into the well, which caused all of this to unfold. What makes us different with use of it in cinema is that it was literally his own brothers with everyone else, we're talking about their people, their people, their people harming them, but here you're talking about within the family itself. Now the question becomes the brothers of use of it his setup, you know, they show up in the story, as those that cause the pain to use of it, his serum, and then the discussions between them and your poop on Instagram seeking out a better life. And then what happens with Binyamin it is set up and then

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eventually seeking, you know, are being put in a situation where they now realize that use of it his Salah is a king over them and seeking His grace, even though they tried to kill him and they abandon him when he was young. So here's the question. First question. Were the brothers of use if it has sinned, I'm forgiven for their sins. Yes or no.

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They were forgiven. spamela look at the list of crimes here. They tried to kill their brother, a prophet.

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They lied about trying to kill their brother a prophet or abandoning him and throwing him into the wild.

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They broke up their family, they caused pain to Apple buddy, his son. I mean, Subhanallah The list goes on. I mean, you don't get more severe of a list of sins than this. I mean, this is an extremely severe list of sins. And so Pamela, still, when they go to use a funny his salon, when you use a party, his setup speaks to them and addresses them. The last thing he tells them, you know, when they figure out his use of he reminds them he said, Is this remember what you did to use if he were Antonia he wrote when you were ignorant, as * probably not a show Can you handle a lot of times that's something beautiful here. He says when you somebody has said I'm told them when you were

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amongst the ignorant, that was at law, that was a means of making an excuse for them, like when the Prophet sallallahu wasallam was being beaten in Erfurt and almost killed. And the prophet SAW the law it was thumbs up, Allah put in the pony. For interim layout llaman. Allah forgive my people, they just don't know any better. So you suffer it his Salaam is making an excuse for them and saying, that's when you were ignorant. That's when you were amongst the ignorant fools, removing from them the worst of intentions and the worst of assumptions about them. And then that's when they realize, wait a minute, how can you use it. And immediately when they realize it's us, they've had

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years to think about the crime that they have committed. And by the way, they all process the differently remember, one of them, one of them said, you know, let's not kill him, but let's just throw him into the well, one of them. So they're not all exactly the same. And they've had all these years to process it. They've seen their father cry himself blind. They've seen the pain that they've caused, they've seen the alienation they now feel from their father, because of what they did to use of it, and so on. So let me see use the party. So now, this is yours, right? About two decades, if you think about it, not seeing their brother and seeing him in the state. And they all are

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processing this very, very, very differently. But what did they do when they see you? Somebody said I'm in the situation. They say surely Allah subhanaw taala has preferred you over us. And they asked us of how to use them for forgiveness, and use of it his Salaam must have a lot built up inside of him for all of these years, right? You surprised us saddam says yes, Allah.

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May Allah forgive you. Whoa, whoa, I'm a rock. I mean, and Allah is the Most Merciful of those who show mercy. how Allah not only did you surprise to saddam, forgive them, he said, by the way, you know who's more merciful than me, Allah Subhana

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Hello and welcome in He is the Most Merciful those who show mercy. The same language by the way comes up just a few hours later, I believe it's the very next page where they go to Ghana. Kobani has set up and they say to their father, seek forgiveness for us. They don't just ask their father for forgiveness for the pain that they caused him. Yeah Kubernetes knew all along what they had done. Right? But they're asking him to ask Allah to forgive us as panela how beautiful the answer yeah cool body his synapse sofa stuff hirola come Robbie. In number four, right? I will seek forgiveness for you from Allah. Does anyone know what it means? When he says I will seek forgiveness

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for you? What's he talking about?

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He's saying I'm going to wait to wait until the last part of the nights. So I'm going to remember you and the time of school or the time the last part of the night the time of a setup, which is the best time to seek forgiveness from Allah the closest that a person has to Allah so surely I will seek Allah's forgiveness for you. And by the way, your Lord is most forgiving, Most Merciful. So both use of any salah and Jacobian, et cetera, when they respond to this group of 10 that caused all of this pain to unfold. They remind them of Allah subhana wa Tys mercy and forgiveness. And as the professor you don't say, how could it be that Allah subhanho wa Taala will quote to us the words of

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the Pope and use of forgiving them. And Allah is more merciful than them. And Allah did not forgive them. Of course, they were forgiven. Allah showed the mercy. They brought their families to Egypt and they resided under use of it has set out on the dream of use of it, His Torah came true. Think about that for a moment. how merciful and forgiving a lot is that even they were given another chance.

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Then it gets a little complicated.

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Where they profits

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Yeah, jamara shift. Yes. How did that sound?

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Were they were they profits or not profits?

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No one wants to answer the question.

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I remember Subhana Allah when I was first doing sort of Bacall, and every time I'd come across to the mountains, he didn't know why. But I email is not evil is happily cool, but what is that? That which was revealed upon us upon Ibrahim It is my it is how Bardeen Salaam jacoba Islam and an S belt. Which if you just read a translation, the basic understanding is the 12 tribes of Benny Swati being the 12 sons of Yaakov it has set up. So wait a minute, their profits? Is that really the case? So some of them say, Yes, actually, they later on became prophets, Allah forgave them and showed mercy on them. And they became prophets of God. And some of the scholars even went to the length of

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saying that when they committed this crime against use of ISIS, they were kids, that's a little far fetched because of the age range and things of that sort that they would have all been children. But the point is, is that some of their animals say that they actually later on were forgiven. And mercy was shown to them, and they went from being these people that could have killed a profit, and ended up becoming profits themselves. Now, before I go further, in that opinion, I just want you to remember that when the profits of aligning some entered back into Makkah, and he remembered the words of use of it, his set out to his brothers, and he said, there is no blame on you today. May

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Allah forgive you, and Allah is the Most Merciful of those who show mercy some of those people there. And so power, you know, if you just do the math, it's actually two decades of persecuting the profit slice of them and use the fighting so that was standing in front of his brothers, about the same amount of time 21 years later in front of his brothers, right. And the profit slice I'm stands in front of these people who waged war on him who persecuted him who killed his family succeeded in killing his family, and the Prophet size. Some says, May Allah forgive you all. And Allah is the Most Merciful of those who show mercy. Now, by the way, some of those people that the prophets I

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some showed that forgiveness to and mercy two went on to become some of the greatest Muslims in history went on to become shahadat martyrs. They really changed their lives. Like Yes, of course, it's understandable that some people just have that he didn't kill us, and they'll go shake. Yes, I was talking about this. They were hypocrites in Medina, surely there were hypocrites in Mecca after the fact that hum Mecca after the opening of Mecca that just tried to hide themselves at that point. But there were people like a club in Abuja, someone who is a prime target for what the crimes he committed against the son who went on to become a Shaheed a martyr, who had a story of not just

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martyrdom, but a story of just complete ethos, selflessness, and preferring other people to himself. So some people really, really made a change in their lives. Then you come back to

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Use of Artesia? Did his brothers actually gain Prophethood later on. So some of the scholars say they are a spouse, they are the 12. That became prophets altogether. Some of their in amounts say that their children, their children were blessed with Prophethood not them. Okay, so their children became prophets, not them. And some of the scholars that spout it refers to Kaaba and its tribes. So it's, it's in the broad sense that there were prophets that were sent amongst the 12 sons of Jaco Barney his Salah, and like you see in the story of Musa alayhis, salaam, way this does almost any call we need for cooling, a little bit of psychology, and federal admin has Natasha. I know but I

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don't know kulu anassa mentioned Robert home in the story of Musa alayhis salam, and he strikes the stone. And the 12 streams come out and every group knew their stream. So sort of, you know, a distinction here, in terms of the 12 tribes of Benny is 13. Just like you would have Papa and tribes amongst venomous Marine, so it wasn't the direct children of jacobians to them, but within the descendants of all of those children were Anbiya. Were prophets. In any case, and by the way, this this appears to be under lanos best, the stronger opinion, okay, in this sense, Allah knows best there are great scholars that hold various opinions in this regard, but just because of the idea

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that prophets cannot commit major sins even before Prophethood according to the more correct understanding and Allah knows best that alone would have protected them from major sins even before the Buddha even before Prophethood was given to them and surely they committed major sins but the last thought I want to give you by the way in this regard,

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one of the things that Allah subhana wa tada reminds the people of Makkah about through sudo hood through many of these McKim sutras. If you succeeded in killing the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that would be your misfortune. Imagine if they succeeded in killing the prophets lie Selim, they would have all been doomed. But instead Allah save the Prophet slicin them from them. And then Allah saved them through the prophets of Allah and he was setting them and they became believers and righteous people and their lives changed. The brothers of us the party who set up they had they succeeded in killing use of it his Sarah their book would have been sealed. I mean, you would have

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killed your brother but somehow Allah Allah has mercy to them was that use of it his Sara did not fall victim to their initial plot, because that gave them a chance to do Toba. So all the while and I'll leave you on this notes of how all the while Allah was elevating use of adding his Salaam and giving a chance for expiation for the brothers have use of it has set up. Allah is elevating Yahoo it has set up raising his ranks and at the same time inviting the children of Jacobi it has set out to repentance. What a forgiving and merciful Lord that we have who takes all of us into account in the way that these plans unfold. May Allah subhanaw taala make us worthy of his forgiveness. May

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Allah subhana wa tada open our hearts to be forgiving towards others. May Allah subhanaw taala grant us His mercy and May Allah subhanaw taala put in our hearts the mercy of use of Allah His Sarah to his brothers as well, that we may attain his ultimate mercy alone. I mean, there's no final sin. I like what I'm saying accountable.

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