Numan Attique – What Is A Masjid Without An Imam

Numan Attique
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The speaker discusses the importance of not having a representative of the legacy of the Prophet Islam in order to connect with the transmission of Islam to the modern world. They argue that individuals should not be associated with a particular culture or community, as it is difficult to ensure proper identification. The speaker also mentions the loss of graduates from schools and the potential for graduates to become frat clubs.

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			If the Majid represents the five pillars of
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			Islam, four walls with four corners, and there
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			being a dome on the top which represents
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			Allah SWT and the Shahada moving towards Allah
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			from this worldly dimension, how do you do
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			that without one who represents the legacy of
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			When we were given a Prophet to connect
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			us to the transcendent, Allah SWT, how do
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			you make sense of that without the guide
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			being there?
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			This entire structure only works if you have
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			an Imam to blow a spirit into it,
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			to give it identity, meaning and centrality.
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			If you don't have Imams that people can
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			go to to simply say salam alaikum to,
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			ask their very simple questions, it's not a
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			proper Masjid.
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			Yes, Alhamdulillah it is still a Masjid, people
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			pray in it, but it's not serving the
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			purpose especially of a Masjid in a community
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			where Muslims are a minority.
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			Such a place has more responsibility.
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			So say for instance, if we were to
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			speak of the East, you would have more
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			of a reasoning to not have an Imam,
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			because Masjids there are more like walk-in
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			You go in, you pray your prayers and
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			you come out, and you have the rest
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			of society to kind of do things in.
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			But when it comes to here, there is
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			no way that a board or a committee
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			is not deeply underserving their community by not
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			having an Imam.
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			I don't want to give a fatwa on
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			this and say that it's wahajib or something
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			else and that they're sinning or etc.
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			But it's a big issue to be able
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			to not have qualified Imams in Masjids, in
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			communities without a leader, who's not just spiritual
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			but there to literally lead them forward towards
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			Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, honestly it's a
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			big loss and very sad to see.
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			Because you know what happens right after this,
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			from a generation?
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			People don't come to the Masjids.
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			Because nobody was there to build them.
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			Nobody was there to go to their schools,
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			to help them learn to read the Qur
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			'an, to teach them about the companions, about
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			the Prophet ﷺ, to instill within them this
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			Then you end up with what we have
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			with churches, selling out churches unfortunately.
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			Because nobody's there to attend them.
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			They never felt connected to the church, so
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			why should I go?
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			When I have every alternative, I have my
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			online communities, I have my parties, I have
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			my school, I have my, I guess frat
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			clubs aren't a thing anymore, but I have
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			those, I have whatever else club I want
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			to join, I can do.
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			Those who I get along with, so why
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			come to the Masjid?
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			Why be a Muslim?
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			That's what we're going to be facing if
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			we don't have qualified Imams in our Masajid.