Numan Attique – The Truth About The White Savior Complex

Numan Attique
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The speaker discusses the idea that Islam has a gap in society and that individuals are seen as "igrams in culture" as opposed to "igrams in appearance." They argue that individuals need to consider their own values and needs when evaluating their partner's actions. The segment ends with a reference to "igrams in culture" as a label.

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			The way they see themselves is that there
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			is this massive gap and Islam was going
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			through some sort of like civilizational evolution, the
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			golden age apparently, and then we were in
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			darkness, but then we inherited back what was
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			rightfully ours, which was a civilization from the
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			Romans and the Greeks, and in between Christianity
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			was just this really big dark phase.
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			Which is, number one, so ahistorical, right?
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			But nevertheless, they want to see themselves in
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			that light.
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			That, look, this is our path forward, this
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			is our civilization.
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			So they see, innately they see the East
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			as Islamic and the Other, and they see
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			themselves as the West.
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			The technical terminology is, they are the Occident,
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			we are the Oriental.
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			So they have to orient themselves towards us,
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			to look towards us, which is the East
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			from the West.
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			But that very dichotomization or separation is ahistorical,
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			it's not correct.
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			Number two is, it's not true, the level
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			of influence that Islam has had on the
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			West throughout history is unquestionable.
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			And vice versa, like the interaction between them,
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			it cannot be disputed.
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			Even Europe as a continent, if you look
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			at it, it's not really separate from the
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			mass land of Asia.
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			It's just that at some point they decide
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			to say, well, as a civilization we are
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			Okay, you know.
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			But again, it all comes back to this
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			idea of, we, the white man, are better
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			than the more darker-skinned people.
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			Because we are somehow uniquely God-given right
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			to control the world, and have an empire,
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			and rule.
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			So this is why even people, as yourself,
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			Bosnian, white, European, but apparently less European.
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			Less white, even though you guys are from
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			the Caucasus.
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			You guys are from the Caucasus, yeah, and
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			the people around that area.
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			But yet, less European, civilized, Western.
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			And I think, if we're not able to
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			think for ourselves in our own terminology, and
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			we keep having to refer back to them
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			in this manner and way, we're never going
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			to be able to break out of this
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			cycle of constant, we're better than them, but
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			yet we keep comparing ourselves to them.
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			We need to be able to think for
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			ourselves on our own terms, in our own
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			And until that starts to happen, until we
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			start seeing ourselves as those that are exceptionally
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			better, because Allah has chosen us, as long
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			as until we forbid the evil, command the
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			good, walk the path of truth, change will
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			ever feel like it's just a step away.
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			So, we have to take that step.