Nouman Ali Khan – What’s a Qareen

Nouman Ali Khan

Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan divulges details when after the Day of Judgement when some are in Hell and others are in Heaven.

From the perspective of a Heaven dweller, an insight is drawn asking about each other and it makes for an engaging listen. One of the Heaven dwellers remembers a friend from his life on earth whom we call as a Qareen. 

What were the conversations between the Qareen and himself? And what was the repercussion of that conversation? 

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The speakers discuss the challenges of pursuing life in a positive way, even if it means taking care of one's own health and family. They also talk about the importance of fearing and not letting people know that they are in trouble, and the success of finding a woman in heaven. The speakers stress the importance of love, trying to pull people off a cliff, and lovingly trying to avoid feeling hurt or embarrassed.

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			Al Hamdulillah holifield Buju the middle of the Magellan udimi Nakula
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			for mcritchie subliminal Allah, communicate keto, Betty and another
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			Finnish guru who added masa he became an ash guru who
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			want to slowly, slowly heal from the shadow feel ashamed to noodle attempt. One Kitab will mahakam
waka Melina Bina will hartham say the Villa de Adam? Allah diva shalabi here is numidia 30 he
Avraham alehissalaam hanaa kanaya Furukawa debate Illa Hill Muharram
00:00:46 --> 00:00:53
			for solo Allahu alayhi wa sallam, he hated omen. Latina barakallahu be him Casa de la silla
Birmingham Al
00:00:54 --> 00:01:01
			Hamdulillah Lizzy Lamia to his well done well me Aquila Hoshi concealment while me hula hula you may
not do Li what can be
00:01:03 --> 00:01:07
			well hamdulillah under the ns Allah Allah Azza wa Jalla
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			wa Al Hamdulillah alladhina moto who want to start you know who want to stop for one minute we he
wanted our q&a when I rubella he mentioned Rory and fusina woman cftr Melina
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			the healer who Fela Malala woman you will follow hajela when a shadow Allah ilaha illallah wa the
hula de cada when a shadow under Mohammed Abdullah What are solo Allahu Allahu taala Bill houda
rodinal Huck Leo Hara hora de Nicola de Vaca fabula he shahida for sallallahu alayhi wa seldom at
the Sleeman kathira and kathira annaberg for in the cul De Sica tabula. Well, hi Ron. Howdy, howdy
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were in a shotgun ohmori Matata, however in Nakula modesetting
VEDA, Bakula datain bodalla pakula voila that infinite
00:01:58 --> 00:02:03
			God Allah azza wa jal kitabi Karim Allah Allah Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim.
00:02:05 --> 00:02:38
			Aquila boom Alibaba alone Kanaka domain home in Nicanor Li Corinne kulu in academical Masada tiene
either mitzner what could not Robin Ivana in remedy noon Carla Helen tomahto Leon, fatale for houfy
Sawa India him call that Allah He in detail at origin Lola and Emma Torabi lagoon to middle marine
Alpha Man we'll be meeting in Mount at an older woman living in LA who will also love him.
00:02:40 --> 00:02:54
			But we surely suddenly were silly Emily looked at me lasagna Colleen will lahoma Tabitha and the
naughty Bella ilaha illa Allah, Allah homage Andaman and Latina Amano, Amina Sani hurt, whatever. So
we have the whatever sub sub Amira banana mean,
00:02:55 --> 00:03:17
			Eliza, when he described that human beings were placed on this earth, He told us that he put a lot
of things here for us to enjoy. And for us to benefit from so we can become grateful to him, even
complained that he puts so many things here for us to live well with what janela comfy hammer is.
And then he said kalila matter school, how little you show gratitude.
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			But one of the realities of the Quran is that we were not sent to this earth to stay here forever.
And that we are going to be, there's another life that all of us have to live just like we are
living this life. There's another life we have to live. And when we start living that life, this
life is going to feel like a day. Every problem you think about every single day, we think about
things that happened that were bad in the past. Or we think about troubles that are coming ahead of
us in the future that are stressing us out. anxiety, fear, the fear of the unknown concerns about
all kinds of things. And yet, when we come back before Allah, this entire life, it doesn't matter if
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			you lived for a week, or he lived for 100 years, it wouldn't matter. All of it will feel like we
just stayed here for a single day. And on top of all of that Allah even describes this entire life
of ours as let him that is just a game. It's just a game. It's just like a play. And the idea of a
play being that you're just entertaining yourself for a little bit. But the real thing happens, work
happens after the plays over. So this next life that you and I have to prepare for that Allah Allah
made this life into a very tiny seed. But the actual tree that grows from it is that next life
that's coming. And it's so easy for you and me to forget that next life. It's we don't we don't
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			think about it every day. It's we're thinking about work. We're thinking about health, we're
thinking about money. We're thinking about family relations, we're thinking about all of these
things. And the thing that we forget is this next life that's coming ahead of us and if we didn't
think about that, then all of the other things we're dealing with, the way we think about them would
change. Not that those things aren't important. Your work is important. health is important.
family's important.
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			But the way you think about them, and the way you, you and I deal with them, and the way we carry
ourselves, and what we make into a big deal and what's manageable what's okay? You know, if we don't
have the data in mind, then a small problem can feel like the biggest problem in the world. It can
become like the end of the world. But if you have the answer in mind, it's not that big of a deal.
I'll give you an example. Just to put things in perspective. Imagine somebody's late for work, and
they can't find their socks. And for those five minutes, the socks are the biggest problem in the
universe for that person. Oh, my God, I'm getting late. This is This is ridiculous. I'm gonna get
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			fired all these problems. And they have no idea that outside, there's been news that there's a
tsunami coming, and three neighborhoods have already drowned, and he's literally five, six minutes
away from being drowned himself. If he doesn't look outside, the biggest problem is, I can't find my
socks. If you look outside, he realizes a much bigger problem that'll make you forget socks, shoes,
food, nothing else matters. Everything disappeared, every other concern disappeared. Because there's
something much bigger coming, something far more important coming, that makes you lose, you know,
the sight of you realize how petty how small these problems were compared to a much bigger problem.
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			And it's not just about problems. I'm not just reminding you and me of Hellfire, but also agenda,
sometimes we work towards things in this life, we really hope we can accomplish something. And if we
get it, we're gonna feel like we're successful. Man, if I just graduate, if I just get this job, if
I just save this much money, if I can just have this much in the bank, if I can just put this much
down. If I can just get that house, if I can just get this car, we have a list in our head of things
we want to get, or things we want to accomplish in the worldly sense. And we're working towards
that. And that's okay. But if you compare what you're going to get and what I'm going to get by
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			working towards these things, and at the expense of losing sight of something so much bigger than
Ally's offering so much bigger. And what unfortunately happens is people think that either you want
to be a person who takes care of this life, or the next life. That's not our religion. Allah azza wa
jal told us robina attina dunya Hashanah, Villa de Hashanah, we ask Allah to give us beautiful
things in this life and in the next life together. What that means is, you pursue this life in a way
that takes care of this life, while at the same time building your next life, while at the same time
you're doing to two birds with one stone. And that's really what a lot has always had has done. It's
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			a profoundly beautiful religion, in that when you go and earn, for example, a Hello income, that's
an act of worship. Or when you take care of your family, which is expensive, it's an act of worship,
or when you're when you're with your wife, it's an act of worship, over your eating permissible
food, it's an act of worship. So you're not just worshiping Allah when you're praying, or when
you're going to hug. But even when you're living your life within those guidelines, that's also a
form of worship. That's also you and I building and investing into our next life. But what I wanted
to do in this hotbed today is remind myself of a very powerful scene, that a lot of describes of
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			judgment a, and actually this is after Judgment Day. This is at the point where some people are
inside * May Allah protect us from *, and some people are inside heaven. So the decisions
already been made. People are where they are, okay. And this scene is of someone who made it into
heaven. So they're already in general now. And they're now the party's begun. And they're being
treated. And so the there's a long description here, but I'll start from the part that I want to
emphasize in this hotbar and sofa, Aquila, Babu, malaba, lineata saloon, they start meeting with
each other, hey, well, you made it to. And they're hanging out with each other. And they're asking
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			each other questions. So how was it for you? Man judgment. It was scary stuff. Right? And they're
having all kinds of conversations, not only about each other and asking about each other. Where's
your mention? Did you try this yet? Did you have this food? Yeah. I can't believe we made it. But
they're also having conversations about what they used to have the trouble they used to have, back
in this life. In NACA naqab lluvia. Alina was 15 and another surah. They're talking to each other.
And they say, Man, we used to have so much trouble in our family. Some of our loved ones give us
such a hard time. We used to be so so difficult, oh, man, and they're having this conversation in
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			heaven. Remember a man remember that time from an Allahu Allah. Allah did a such a huge, huge favor,
and he protected us. Anyway. So these people are having this conversation with each other, asking
about each other. And one of them. He looks around at all these familiar faces. And he says, I don't
mean home in Nicanor Li Kareem. One of them said, I used to have a friend. He's remembering some
friend of his that he remembers from this life. back now. He's in heaven. He's among new friends.
And he's meeting with all kinds of people. But he still remembers this memory of this friend of his
now the Arabic language has many words for friend. You have Korean you have studied you have homies
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			you have Rafiq.
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			Have you know Holly, we have all these words for friends. But this particular word Corinne Curran
actually comes from a rope that they use to tie two camels together with so these two camels, if you
see one, you see the other one. Guaranteed karoun some Arabs used to use the word karoun for the
soul of a human being, because it's always attached to the body. It's attached to it. This is from
the verb that comes from it is Khurana to change something to something nakara Nina Quran uses when
in Hellfire people are chained to each other. When this word is used for a friend, Allah is
describing the kind of friend you're you're never seen alone, you're always with them. You're always
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			with them. And it doesn't have to be a friend. By the way, it could be a spouse, it could be a
family member, it could be a sibling. It could be someone that no matter what you do, you want them
involved. They are chained to you, you are chained to them. There's a kind of healthy or unhealthy
codependency you're always there with each other. You're always associated with each other, you feel
incomplete without this other person. And now this is one of them is in heaven. And he's like I had
a Corinne I had someone who I didn't go anywhere without going with him or with her. And now they're
not here. Where did they go? I don't see them here. So in Nicanor, Lee Corinne. And so and he then
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			he remembers some of the conversations he used to have with the screen back in this life. And he
says yaku Nicola middle masa Deakin Do you seriously believe this stuff? He seriously believe in
this heaven in * stuff. But even more than that, sometimes close friends one of them says, Hey,
man, let's do this. Or somebody close to your relationship. And somebody says let's just do it.
It's, you know, what's the big deal? And one of them says no, we have to fear Allah. It's not right.
What we're doing is not right. Allah will ask us about it. We're lying. We're not being honest.
We're doing something Allah doesn't want us to do and the other person are you serious right now?
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			Oh, you're like a believer. Seriously? The you're better than everybody else. You know, are you
really gonna drop the Islam card on me now? Can you not be religious right now? We're all we're all
Muslim. Okay, we got it a lot understands these kinds of conversations your Korean used to kind of
talk you into just do it, man. Why are you making a big deal? Why are you even making a big deal out
of this? It's, it's okay to and if you try to remind that close friend of yours, no, but you know,
Judgment Day, right? Judgment Day, okay. You want to give the hook but not Friday. Okay, so you hear
this kind of response? And he remembers those kinds of conversations and he literally says he used
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			to say to me Are you seriously Can you know you know confirming Are you seriously believing all this
stuff? In economical massage routine? either mithuna or pinata Robin wherever man in Nana, Medina
and yes, yes, I know, when we are going to be reduced to bones and decayed dust. Then we're going to
be raised raised again. And everything we did is going to get asked about God. I heard the whole
Baba judgement day two, thank you very much. I know, I know. You know, I'm Muslim, too, you know.
And to see the other side of it as somebody who had a Corinne, who may be one of them turned towards
Allah. It happens among friends. It happens among married couples, that they were not religious
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			before. And one of them the husband decides to turn back to God, or the wife decides that she's
gonna start praying, and the other one doesn't understand it. Like, what are you doing? Why can't we
go to that party? Why can't Why are you dressed like that? Why can't you dress like you normally use
to dress? Why do you have to walk around with you looking like this? And she says, I don't want to
ask I don't want to let it ask me. All right, yeah, cuz we're gonna get asked about going to
weddings. Mm hmm. Thanks. Thanks for ruining everything. And so they have to deal with that. And
this person gets to have it. And he's, he's reminding themselves of these difficult conversations
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			that he used to have. And then he asked all these people that are sitting in this new company
agenda. He says, How
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			would you like to find out what happened? And would you like to inquire? Nobody else cares. That's
his friend. So nobody, people keep bringing the rain and eating their food and asking other
questions. And he says, so nobody else is wondering about this. Am I the only one who knows about
them? I'm the only one who's asking. So he asked Allah, tala. So he sought to find out. Now the
thing about Jenna Heaven is that you get whatever you ask. You ask anything Allah will give it
whether confy have attached it and for sukham you will have for yourselves whatever you desire. So
he desires that he wants to see his friend that he can find and you can already guess from the kinds
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			of questions his friend used to ask he didn't make it to heaven. And now he wants to see his friend.
But to see his friend Allah will have to show him a picture of health. So law says describes for our
houfy Sawa injure him. It is as if a window is opened in heaven. And he can look inside and he can
see his friend
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			His Kareem is associate this person of his, in the middle of *, in the middle of the roaring
flame of * jehane actually comes from geofoam, which is when the pupils of a lion dilate before
it's about to eat you up. That's actually called your home. And when the fire sees its prey, and it
gets exaggerated, it gets aggressive. That's when it's called jehane. So he's looking at the roaring
flame and he's seeing his friend he or she in the middle of it, in the middle of it now, this is a
person you cared about your whole life. So you would imagine the moment you see them you say oh my
god, can I help you can I get you out of there? I have to help you. None of that happens. This
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			person sees their friend and says Allah tala he says I swear to God, I swear by Allah tala he is
different from one lie. The Arabs from 1000s of years ago when they swore by anything they said what
lie but if it's and they would say well I even for casual things like what law here I'm so hungry. I
need some chicken right now. No problem. They say well, I have no problem. But the law he is used
when you're shocked don't lie here he is used in extreme cases. So it's like though it's what law he
on steroids is what the law he is. And so he says Don't lie. I swear to God and get a letter D
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			it is as a few almost made me fall off the cliff to
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			man I came so close to sticking with you all the time. That when you're going into the wrong
direction, because I was tied to you with a rope. I was tempted to go with you. Man, I was close. So
instead of worrying about how he's doing, the first thought that comes in your mind is man You
almost got me to bro You almost had me. And the words to Dean is that is used when someone is pushed
off a cliff.
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			You almost pushed me off the cliff with you. Imagine if your rope to somebody and they fall off a
cliff you're gonna get yanked down with them. That's his first comment. Then he says Lola Nima to
Robbie Lacan to mineral marine had not been for the great luxury and favor of Allah. I would have
been among that group of people on Judgment a that had to present their explanations marine bar,
when you have to stand up, stand before Allah and present. Explain every one of your deeds. You know
what that's telling us, the people of heaven when they present their book of deeds to Allah, you
know, what Allah azza wa jal describes for so for you has over his Albania Sera, Allah will give an
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			easy audit. Easy checking, like they'll like they'll turn to page 75. I think there's 100 here,
could you please give him credit for that one? And the answer was no, we get it. It's okay. You can
go. They're not going to go item by item for the people who go into heaven. But the people who go
into *, people who are in trouble, they start getting so what happened on this day? What were you
doing at 3am? What was this? Who are you with? What were you talking about? What did you text? What
did you say? What did you do? What did you eat? What did you drink? And the prophets I said I would
describe it now who's a man so Elijah malkia, multifocal hallak, the person who starts getting
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			interrogated on Judgement Day has been destroyed. So this guy is in heaven, He sees his friend. And
he says, Man, I was almost in the list of people who have to stand and explain themselves. Thank
ally was from those who are like went easy on and he gave them an easy hisab. And it would have been
because of you that I would have been on the wrong list of you know, male Marine, and then he
doesn't want to see any more of that help. Please close that window. I got my wish. Thank you very
much. And he's in heaven, right? He's in Jannah. But the shock of seeing * even for those few
moments was so powerful that this person when they when that window closed, before this window open,
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			they were in heaven. After this window closed. They're still in heaven. But they can't believe it.
It's like they just got here. It's like all the luxuries of heaven disappeared for a moment. And
it's like they just got here and they say a former Navy Marine, we're really not going to die
anymore. To see what we're okay now. Illa Mota tantanoola woman
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			and we're, we're not accept that first death we already had, and no more torture, right? No more
torture. Nobody talks like that in general, do they? Nobody gets the gentleman says we're not going
to get tortured, right? A few minutes ago, he was hanging out with his friends, sharing drinks,
asking about what how life used to be. But when he got even a little glimpse of *, and he came
back to heaven, all he can think about is getting over the trauma of seeing what he just saw, even
in heaven. And he's saying we're not gonna get punished anymore right in the heart, Allah who will
also love him and listen to these words. This is the last part of this clip, but this person now in
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			heaven says in a heartbeat
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			I love
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			this. This is the great success. The greats he didn't call the drinks and the company, and the food
and the mansions, and all that great stuff. He didn't call that success. You know what he called
great success, escaping a terrible friend who was leading him down a dark path, not becoming of
those who have to be presented on Judgement Day and have to explain themselves, man, I, I escaped
that. Who, that's the biggest. That's the biggest success in hada, who will leave? no more death, no
more punishment. I'll take it. I wanted to share this with you. Because every one of us in this
life, have two kinds of buddy, give me a minute, I'll finish up two kinds of curried one kind of
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			Korean is a devil is a shape and we can't see him. He's there all the time. He's done a PhD on you.
He studies you. He knows when you're the weakest. He knows exactly what your temper is, like, what
your temptations are like, what your weaknesses are like, and he knows exactly when to whisper to
you when you are in your weakest moments, because he has studied his enemy. You know how in in
sports, opposing teams, they study the other team's strategy. This guy is one devil assigned to you
is your Kareem. So coffield is he'll be described as a Corinne. This guy is with you your entire
life, your entire life. No psychologist has you figured out like this person does. And his job is to
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			push you to do the wrong thing all the time, all the time, all the time. And when he succeeds,
judgment day will come and this curried will say to a lot of binotto Well, I can kind of Lymbery I
didn't make him do it. He was lost. He's confused himself. That's one kind of Corinne. But every one
of us in this life also has another opportunity of Koreans human Corinne. And they can be good or
bad. That's up to us. Who did we decide to tie ourselves to? That their opinion becomes our opinion,
their influence, because becomes something we obey. When they ask us to do something, we just do it.
We don't think about the consequences. We don't we're afraid to say Allah, I know you want me to do
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			this, but a lot doesn't know I'm not gonna say that because they'll get upset. You're okay with
making a love set. not okay with making them upset. That's a Korean too. And that's the kind of
Korean that's helping you and me get pushed off a cliff. That's us. And they may not even know it.
They may not even realize it. They're falling off a cliff and they don't see it. And when you open
your eyes and say, Hey, come on, let's wake up. We can't do this. They say no, no, you shut your
eyes. Also. Let me sleep and you fall asleep to Let's fall off the cliff together. You have to
figure out and I have to figure it out. Who is that karelian our life and we don't have to hate
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			them. You don't listen to this code by and say, Man, I just realized your screen, bro. And I am
talking to you ever again.
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			Just watch this video. This is what I think of you. No, no, no, don't do that. That's not what I'm
saying. But I What I'm saying is the devil is the devil. Human beings aren't necessarily devils.
They're not necessarily evil. Maybe they don't realize they're playing that role. Maybe they're so
lost themselves. Maybe they're listening to their invisible Corinne so much that they're actually
hypnotized. And your job is to lovingly lovingly try to pull them. And if they're not, if they're
not willing to budge, then you have to learn to cut that rope. You can't get dragged. You can't put
yourself because we have to be the kind of people that make it into heaven. And I pray we don't have
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			to ask about Corinne who ended up in *. But if he if there was such a case, we have to be able to
say Allah thank ally cut that rope before you jumped off the cliff. I'm glad I cut those ties. And
this is this is the time to cut those ties that then this is the time or this is the time to fix
those things. Find the courage to say What's wrong, even to the people that are closest to you.
Because you're afraid of making them upset and you end up and I end up disobeying Allah. That's
okay. Making them upset is okay. Making a love that is not okay. Then who are we fearing? Truly, but
how do we say that we fear no one but Allah? How do we get to say that and we're afraid of somebody
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			else's feelings towards us. It's okay to be offensive for the sake of Allah. It's okay to hurt
somebody's feelings and speak the truth. You don't have to say it in hurtful ways. But speaking the
truth will hurt some people's feelings. And that's okay. Because their feelings are worthless to
you. And a lost pleasure with you is worth more to you. And by the way, even their feeling being
hurt might be doing them a favor. Maybe after their feelings being hurt, maybe hours from then weeks
from them months from then maybe their conscience will wake up. Maybe they'll say man, I was mad at
you for what you said but I'm glad you said it. I thought about it later. It could happen. So we
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			have to have the courage to be the people of philosophy will have whatever so we will hockey
whatever so the subject, those two things go hand in hand. So I pray that Allah azza wa jal grants
as good Corinne in this life and allies that would have given us the strength to fight the Kareem
that is the devil that is alongside us our entire lives, so that he is the one who pays but we don't
have to pay on Judgment.
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			And I pray Allah azza wa jal gives us good company of each other and makes us a source of
strengthening each other's faith in our good deeds. barakallahu li walakum corallian Hakeem when a
family will iacobelli it once again
00:25:14 --> 00:26:03
			hamdu lillahi wa kafa wa Salatu was Salam O Allah Eva de la Vina Safa, Susana Bali him. ohata mina
been Mohamed el amin rather early he was a big marine. Bought Allahu Allah with elfie kitabi Karim.
Well then a hula hula him in a tunnel regime in LA Mola. Nikita who you saw Luna Allah nebby Yeah,
you Hello Dina amanu sallu alayhi wa sallam Buddhists Lima Allahumma salli ala Muhammad Ali Mohammed
Camacho later Allah Rahim Ali Ibrahim al al amin in naka homido Majeed Allahumma barik ala Muhammad
Ali Mohammed Kamara Ibrahim Ali Ibrahim al al amin in Naka, Jaime de Majeed arriba de la rahima
Allah it hola in the La Jolla Marbella adly will Shang where he will corba Vienna and his fascia he
00:26:03 --> 00:26:11
			will mooncup what are the crolla he Akbar? Will La Jolla la Motta stone, Alchemist sada in salata
cannon, mini Nikita makuta