Nouman Ali Khan – Uphold Justice

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary ©
The conversation covers the negative impact of hate towards Muslims on society, including negative behavior and negative consequences. The speakers emphasize the importance of justice and a fair trial, while also acknowledging and following the law. They stress the need for community-wide action to ensure everyone is on the same page and avoiding negative consequences. The conversation also touches on the importance of acknowledging and following the law to avoid negative consequences.
AI: Transcript ©
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Al Hamdulillah Holika god minella de

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but hamdulillah and the dilemma is well done well me akula who surely couldn't sell milk? Well, me akula What do you mean have to leave okay.

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hamdulillah lesbians Allah Allah Allah, Allah Masha Allah who

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will hamdulillah unless you want to start a new who wanna stop when we know v. La, when I will be human surely and fusina woman sejati Medina when the Hello fellow Melinda woman you didn't follow her Deanna? When a shadow Allah ilaha illallah wa de la sharika when a shadow Ana Mohammed Abdullah he Rasulullah sallallahu taala Buddha dealhack Youth hero who Allah de Vaca fabula he shahida for Salalah alayhi wa seldom at the Sleeman kathira and kathira sama burns for in the US knuckleheaded Nikita Bala maharal Howdy, howdy Mohammed in Salalah alayhi wa sallam were in national and Eau de moda to her. Were in Nakula modesetting with a bow Bula Bula Bula Valentina.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala Chiquita who came by the anahola rubella he made a ton of Virgin. Yeah you have Latina Manu punakha wamena shuhada, la la, Walla Walla and Fujiko. I will validate he will occur Robin ear kuhnian Alpha Kieran for Lahu Ola Bhima falada tabula and tadeu were intelligible for in namaha Carnaby matamanoa Samira rubbish everywhere silly Emily, Emily Sandy of Coco de la Martha Bittner, Engel motiva La ilaha illallah wa la Miranda mellanox 18 Yamaha human.

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Today's code by Isabelle two

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that belonged one in Sorrento, Nyssa, and the other in solitude, America. These are very similar I art and they both have to do with the same subject they have to do with the subject of justice, and how Allah calls the Muslim community, the believing community to stand up for justice. This is particularly relevant, I thought that we should remind ourselves and the humanity around us, our brothers and sisters in humanity around us that this guidance that Allah gave, this final guidance isn't just relevant for one community, it is something that is of benefit to all of mankind, and that he will benefit from it as well. And it's, it's good for them Allah azza wa jal wants that will

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that which will bring ease to us and comfort to us, and will provide protection for society, not just individuals. To give you as an introduction, Allah azza wa jal, for instance, talk to talks about the value of human life. And he says, Well, I can feel okay saucy, Hayato, Nia, and Bob, this is actually a continuity and even I would argue a perfection of the biblical narrative of an eye for an eye. Allah says in fear retribution, this us in taking fear retribution, there is life. Now, let me help you understand what that is first. kasasa is one of three things if somebody is murdered, if somebody has been unjustly killed, then the family of the victim. This is important now, not the

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court, and not the police and not a government but the family of the victim after the authorities have identified the culprit the murderer, and after the case has been made, and the investigation is done. What should happen with this criminal, the murderer, the decision of what should happen with the murderer is not given to the judge. It's not given to the Constitution. It's not given to the courts. It's not given to the lawyers, there are no deals made. Well, if this one gives us some other information, we'll go easy on his sentencing. Or if this one, it's his first offense or this one, it's not so bad, or this one's a high profile figure, or whatever else you don't look at other

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considerations when it comes to the victim of murder, then their family after the courts have done their due process and diligence after justice has been established, which is what the whole was gonna be about today. But let's assume that justice is done and a fair trial is done and now the murder is known what should happen. The family of the victim is called their loved ones are called and then they

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Ask you have three options, you can ask for this person's life just like they took a life of your loved one, you could ask them to receive the death penalty. That's one option. Another option is that you can actually what you would call in modern parlance, sue them, you should pay a fee or a deal for them. In other words, what's called blood many in shadia terms, they this the one they killed was a source of livelihood in the family, they were a source of goodness, I'll wait for you to finish.

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Because I myself am distracted, so I can only imagine about them. That's okay. It's okay. But I'd rather people pay attention. Okay.

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Okay, now I'm back.

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So the idea that one you can call for the death of the murderer, and the family has the right to ask. The family also has the right to ask for financial compensation, they have the right to ask that I want to sue this person for X amount of money. The third is the family also has the right to forgive, they can actually forgive too. And all three of these fall largely under the the idea of causes the idea of retribution being handed to the right people, the people who actually deserve that justice be served, how many times is a murder been committed, doesn't matter who committed the murder, and the judgment has been passed. But even after the judgment has been passed, this person

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is released after five years or 10 years or 20 years. And the family members are now giving interviews on television saying we don't feel like justice was served. We don't feel like he paid for his crimes. We feel like we were shortchanged. Justice is actually truly not about our Constitution. It's about the victims. It's about victims receiving the right it's about victims at least getting to feel that they had a say in the wrong that was done to them. So we are living now in a in a worldwide system, we're in the vast majority of cases, not only is going to court, a major, major difficulty and hurdle, and really something draining and, you know, almost death a

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cancer to a family that they have to drag themselves to court day after day after day losing even more livelihood that they were making to begin with, not on top Not to mention on top of that paying hundreds of dollars an hour to a lawyer in hopes of getting justice, which in and of itself is an injustice. So you have mechanisms in place now that keep people that are actually in the most need of justice, the least likely to receive any justice. That's what ironically, we call it the justice system, where the people who can pay for the most expensive lawyers are the most likely to win. And the people who can't even afford going to court are going to be left behind in the dust. They're

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just going to give crying interviews on TV, and people are going to forget about them. And they're only on TV because it's sensational news not because anybody cares. That's what it's become. And we've we've become accustomed to this, this entire notion, you know, and we've become on top of that society has become so individualistic. That I mean, other than passing news, and passing sound bites on the news, we don't really care until it's something that hits us or our family. And then we're offended and shocked that nobody else cares. Even though we ourselves were in the same exact sentiment before. This justice doesn't affect a one faith community. It doesn't affect Christians or

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Jews, or Muslims or Hindus or atheists or whoever. Justice affects everybody in society. It has ripple effects on everyone in society. But I didn't explain to you what hayyat means. I'll come back to that after I share these two out with you.

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If these two ayatollahs calling the Muslim community, Latina Armando Kournikova mean

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believing community stand up, right. And it doesn't just go on doesn't mean to stand up. Right. It also means to maintain and continue to maintain fire, it is something that requires you to come back and come back with new resolve and new resolve and new resolve. In other words, you cannot possibly say we have justice, we don't have to revisit it. It's something you have to keep revisiting over and over again, and do more than due diligence, go out of your way to you know, to go out of your way to ensure that justice is being executed. And in order to understand karma, you have to understand where the preposition Allah goes, which is later on in the ayah. So you have a wamena,

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Allah and Fujiko. That's actually the phrase, but if you read it just in in flow, you won't catch that. Now, let me tell you why that why I shared that with you. Allah is saying, be extra vigilant over yourselves, watch out over yourselves. Be like cautious about yourselves and allies, not just talking to judges and police officers, or people of the law. He's talking to all people watch over yourselves, watch over yourselves carefully, and exhaustively over and over again. And then he says bill case, that's the next phrase co wamena bill case, with justice that is open. Wood that is transparent, you know, and actually just means personally and publicly either is only public. That's

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a later word in the ayah

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This actually means justice that is executed in your private affairs and justice as that is executed in the public affairs. What does that mean? I have a dispute in my family. Maybe I'm the one being unjust. My anger is letting me it's taken so much control over me that I'm not even being fair in what judgment I'm passing. Maybe I'm ignoring someone or yelling at someone or blaming someone, or dismissing someone because I can't let go of my anger. This can happen at the hands of men, and it can happen at the hands of women. And we have to watch ourselves, not only does our family deserve our love or support, but more than any of those things. The one of the root, you know, pillars of

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our relationships in our families and our friends in our professional lives is justice. Are you even being fair? Are you even being fair? Or is your judgment of fairness dictated by your emotions? This is Bill kiss, then he says Shahada and in law, secondarily, first of all, you should stand up right for justice. Secondarily, the idea is that you should do so being witnessed before Allah. In other words, whatever decision you make, whatever punishment you decide to give or not give, are you able to stand in front of a law with full confidence and say, I did the right thing? Y'all I know I said those things, y'all I know I did those things. But I know I was right. I, I'm so confident I was

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right. But I can even stand witness in front of you and say, I testify before you that I did the right thing. Do you have that much confidence in your decision making that you can stand in front of Allah without flinching and say, I did the right thing. This is Shahada, Linda.

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And he says Allah says, Do this whenever either and Fujiko, even if it means standing up against yourself, maintain yourselves and stand even against yourselves. Stand even against yourselves. And he says, not just against yourselves, I will. What do you think even if you have to stand up for justice against both your parents?

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In Islam, we learned so much about the rights of our parents. But when it comes to justice, Allah says, if you're going to stand and your parents are being unjust toward someone, your parents are having a dispute your father got into a business argument and he's the one who's wrong. And you know, he's the one who's wrong, you're gonna stand against your dad. And he cannot say What happened to you? What kind of Muslim child are you? You're supposed to be respectful to your father, you're supposed to give you the right seat. Now you can't say any of that stuff. And even if he does, it won't matter. Because your loyalty, even though you have to have a son to your father. You have to

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have excellence to your father your loyalties to justice, because Allah made you witness. You have to stand by Justice. There injustice is happening in your family. And you say, I'm not going to say anything because family first bro. No families not first, Justice is first. fairness is first. Even if it's against both parents, even if they're the ones doing wrong, how many families are ruined, because of husbands and wives, either the wife cares more about our parents, even if they're being unfair, and is willing to forego the rights of our husband, or the husband cares more about his parents and is willing to do injustice to his wife.

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And they don't stand up to their parents and say you're being unfair. This is unjust. This is taking the right of my spouse, not willing to do it. That's an injustice, you better have to be able to stand in front of a line explain. And by the way, that doesn't mean that you don't do it injustice against your parents either. But a lot highlights that there's a kind of bond we have, that can make us overlook other responsibilities. So

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when Robin and the closest relatives eat now, all of this, by the way is what in summary what it is all of this, it's injustice, because you love someone.

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You love yourself. You love your parents, you love close relatives and out of your love for them, you're willing to be unfair.

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And a carabiner Quranic narrative is actually even others than relatives. So close affiliates, people close affiliates. This horrific, horrific, horrendous murder has taken place of an innocent civilian in public, at the hands of certain police officers. That is not to incriminate the entire institution of law enforcement. That is not even to incriminate the entire institution that departments by its that precinct by itself. There are good people who serve the community who put their lives on the line to serve the public good. These are good people. There are bad among them clearly very bad among them. And they should be brought to justice. But this is a time where you

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know what happens even within that department. Even within that group of people, they might say we need to stick together right now.

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You know, we're brothers in arms first. We are a brotherhood first. Our precinct his family, police his family first. No justice is first. This is these are the kinds of times where people like to stick together and unite with each other regardless of what is right and what is wrong. And the same thing can happen on the other side. We're gonna unite against the police no matter what even if you're being unfair. Even if you're using

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yourself for breaking the law. Because you go to those who are closest to you, and you bond with them in times of conflict, and justice itself goes out the window. A gang mentality is created, a mob mentality is created, you know, an anger is created that overlooks any sense of reason. And so Allah azza wa jal says, This is the lack of justice out of love and affinity and closeness to a group of people.

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And he says, Then he echolalia, no, 14, you need to stand by Justice, even if the person committing a crime is rich, or poor. Or even if the victim is rich or poor, this could be two things, the criminal could be richer poor. And it could be that the victim is richer or poorer. Now, what does that mean? It may be that in a justice system, or the police responds much quicker in a in a wealthy neighborhood,

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and it takes them an hour to get to a 911 call in a poor neighborhood.

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Because this one is richer, there's a quicker response, there's a quicker response to justice, and this one is poor, there's a slower response to justice. Somebody's cases being you know, handled by the court and expedited because they happen to be a high profile figure in the community. And somebody whose case is sitting there backlogged under piles of paper, because they're nobody, because they live off of minimum wage. So there are people victims that are victims of injustice, that are receiving preferential treatment, you can't do this, because this isn't fair. You can't shortchange people, it's the same lodge the same constitution equal before, you know, we're all

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equal before the law and how we should be treated. That's one side of this coin. The other side of this coin is how the law is sometimes or people that suppose that are supposed to represent the law, are willing to take it easy on the wealthy, and are willing to go the extra mile of harshness against the poor.

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in certain neighborhoods, if somebody with an expensive car is speeding, and they get pulled over, Sir, this is your first warning. Take it easy. Have a good day. Yeah, I just got a little late to the party. It's okay. It's okay, sir, I understand. Go ahead.

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And then you and then in just a mile away in a poor neighborhood, depending on the color of the skin, and depending on the maker, the car, somebody gets pulled over for speeding, and they might even be thrown to the ground and arrested and spend a couple of nights in jail. Not to mention here all kinds of foul language that should not be could be uttered by people that uphold the public, the law and law enforcement, they're supposed to be public servants, not supposed to be public tyrants. This is double standards that a law says you cannot tolerate in any society, you can't have a different set of justice, or laws, or application of justice for the wealthy, and a separate one for

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the poor, whether they're on the victim side of things or on the, you know, on the criminal side of things, economy, you know, for pyrin for Allahu Allah, then Allah takes priority over both of them. You can't even take it easy on people because you feel you know, it's their first offense. It's okay.

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No, no, if it's the law, it's the law, if it's justice is justice. And so law says, fella who will haha and tadeu

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don't follow empty whim keeping you from doing justice publicly. In other words, there is an element and every time someone has to pass a judgement, you know, every police officer, every time he's about to make an arrest, or she's about to make an arrest, every judge when they're about to pass a verdict, every jury every lawyer, every time some in you and in your families, every time you're going to make a decision, there is going to be an element of your own personal bias that you have to fight because it will keep you from being fair. You are biased, I you know, in this ayah your bias towards someone. The other is you might be biased against someone and that's the other one, it keeps

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you from being unfair because of your unrestricted love. The other eye is going to give you in me guidance about how to be and how to make sure we're fair and keeping in check our unrestricted hate, because there's hate too. It's not just love. You want to go easier on your own. And there are some people who want to go extra hard against another race against another religion, a religion. Muslims, for example, in this community today are on the receiving end of it. You might get the extra special treatment at the airport. You know, even if you're a grandma wearing hijab, it's okay. You might get special screening or after sit there for 45 minutes or whatever else that might happen to you. And

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it's not because you look suspicious because the person who's looking at you has this hate in them despite in them. You know, I have known about and this has happened in this country. There are people that just absolutely hate Muslims and they don't make it like it's not a secret. There are people that have come and told me they've gone to immigration offices, immigration offices,

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the office, this branch of our government that is supposed to welcome the outside world.

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In, that's what this nation is founded upon is immigration. By the way, this is entirely a nation of immigrants. That's what it's founded upon. And you have immigration officers sitting back, because the person in front of them is a color of skin they don't like or a name like Muhammad, and their feet are up on the window.

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While they're talking to them,

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just to let them know where they stand. This, this is hatred. This is clearly injustice. This can be done in subtle ways, too. It can be the attitude the person's giving you at the post office or at the DMV or something.

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It can be it's subtle. It's not just in the law, it's not just with the police. It's not just with the judge, it's in subtle matters, too. You might be on the receiving end of it, but you may be on the giving end of it too. You may treat people unfairly out of your hatred for them, that might happen with you. And then that might happen within again, your family. It might even happen within the context of emotion of a community. So what does that say? Yeah, you have Latina, Amano, kulu, Cava Mina de la.

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This time, he says believers stand up right over and over again, maintain over and over again, for the sake of Allah, He put a light here first, because when it comes to hatred, the only thing that that the only force, the only power that can possibly pull that back from you, is Allah. And when the light is out of the picture, when God is out of the picture, then hatred spreads. It just spreads. It's like this divine intervention from Allah that can keep your biases in check. Who knew glucomannan illa Shahada abilities this time be witnesses for justice. While I actually might not come Shanna Coleman, Allah, Allah tadeu. Don't compel. Don't force your hatred for another group of

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people. Don't let it dare force you to keep you from being fair. Allah Allah Toledo. delu be fair, be fair openly. And actually I do suggest be fair, openly publicly. In other words, when you are dealing with people out of hatred, sometimes we do things behind the scenes, we incriminate them or hold, hold, you know, evidence against them and things like that behind the scenes is saying keep transparency. Transparency is absolutely necessary. Why did I feel compelled to give this to you today? Because we're living in a time where we're seeing the consequences of justice being withheld. When one life matters more than another, when the taking of one life creates a rampage in a

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community, and justifiably so. And when it does, so it only creates more chaos. So I take you back to where I began. Allah says welcome Philip K saucy Hayato

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Allah says in fair retribution, if you can actually do justice, on the one hand, letting go of your bias, love towards, and on the other hand, letting go of your bias, hatred towards another, if you can let go of those two. And actually, as a society, as a community, as cities, implement justice, if you can do so. And as a nation, if you can do so, then what happens? Life happens, welcome to case law, see Hayato there's life in this for you. Because when you don't do this, it only perpetuates the cycle of death, more hatred, more violence, more crime, more attention. Look at the kind of spiteful rhetoric that is now invading the web. That is invading social media as a result of

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the fire that's been lit. Because disaster isn't there. Because that retribution isn't there. People can demonize it as Sharia law all they want. These are universal principles of justice. These are things that any family the victim of, you know, a crime, the families, the family of any victim would want this. This is what they would want. If you didn't say the name Islam and just describe to them, would you consider this to be fair? They would say, Yeah, I wish I had that. Now, universally, they would say you bring Islam into the equation, and their bias against Islam says no, of course not. But otherwise, this is the Dean of Fiddler. I compel all of you personally, to understand

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something. The worst case scenario is the taking of life. In these ions, the worst case scenario is the taking of life. But there are in justices that are much less than that, that you and I are guilty of every day. And we have to really, truly check ourselves. Because at every one of those occasions, you and I have to ask ourselves, are you and I are willing to stand in front of a lie and say we did the right thing. We were fair. We didn't let our love get in the way of justice. And we didn't let our hate get in the way of justice. There are fathers in the audience. Some of them have an extra love for one son, an extra hate for another son. And they've kept that love and hate from

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giving justice to their children. They've done that. And they have to stand in front of a line answer for that. You know, that's not justice, that that's not an injustice that one son deserved over the other. There are people in this audience that have forgiven and have really not forgiven even though they said they've forgiven.

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Either you let go or you don't be fair.

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Be fair in your dealings, there are people in this audience that and around the world that have done wrong in business that haven't paid back alone, that have said hurtful, unjustified things that have made accusations, you know, and they don't want to take it back and they don't want to be held accountable. And they don't want to be embarrassed to admit that they did something wrong. Our own pride gets in the way of admitting that we've done something wrong. If your pride is more valuable to you, and it's more dear to you, than the idea of having to stand in front of a lie and explain yourself, then hold on to it. And if not, then stand by Justice will make us the people who can

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truly stand by Justice and be a model of it. We pray that every society in the world Muslim and non is able to come closer and closer and closer to the idea of justice so that we all may be protected and life may be preserved. May Allah azza wa jal bring peace and tranquility into the hearts of those that have been victimized and give them an opportunity to seek that justice and the healthiest and the most just you know, in the most civilized of ways we allows them to preserve the peace in our society and societies around the world. barakallahu li walakum wa salaamu alaykum wa sallahu wa Salatu was Salam O Allah hi Betty Latina stafa hustle son Allah of * Mahatma bien. Mohammed Al

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Ameen was early he was a big marine. Kala Azerbaijan Chiquita behaved Karim Banda Nakula rubella he managed a ton of regime in LA Mola, eketahuna soluna Allah nebia un de Xena amanu sallu alayhi wa sallam Otis Lima Allahumma salli ala Muhammad Ali Mohammed masala Rahim.

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Al Ameen in Dhaka habido Majeed along the baddeck Allah Mohammed bin

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Hamad comma Baraka Allah Ibrahim Ali Ibrahim al al amin in naka hamidah Majeed obatala rahima como la la in the La Jolla Marbella sun eater in Cordoba, Vienna and in fashion even mooncup Akbar La Jolla nobleman stone alchemy sala insalata kana mini Nikita

Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan delves into the topic of concern in modern times – Upholding Justice.

Injustice is a booming bane that is so rampant in our society and holds dire consequences. Nouman Ali Khan points out in his discussion of the Ayat from Surat An-Nisa and Surah Al-Ma’idah that highlights such injustice which leads to more hatred, violence, crime, and tension. 

On the contrary, as Allah describes so beautifully and aptly in the Quran when justice in its purest form is executed without bias or double standards stemming from unrestricted love or hate, life becomes worth living and those surrounding us are also benefitted. These are universal principles that appeal to the whole of humanity not just Muslims.

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