Nouman Ali Khan – The Sacred Responsibility of Parenthood – Surah At-Talaq

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary ©
The conversation covers the completion of the Quran and the importance of family law in the creation of civilization. The first bond between man and woman is the sacred one called marriage, followed by helping parents to become spiritual figures. The spiritual teachings of Islam involve covering for one's parents and helping them to become spiritual figures. Society's potential for civilization is discussed, including the potential for children to become sacred figures. The discussion concludes with a series of questions and prompts for viewers to participate in a deeper look of the Quran.
AI: Transcript ©
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You know what that means?

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Allah took one sacred relationship To prepare the

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child for the ultimate sacred relationship, which is

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why Salamu alaikum before you begin this video

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just quickly wanted to let you know that

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So much of the work on the Quran

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has been completed on Bayanatv I want you

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to enjoy Systematically studying the Quran from the

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beginning all the way to the end in

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brief and then in great detail and to

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do that I'd like for you to sign

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up on and once you appreciate

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what's going on in Bayanatv I want you

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to become an ambassador for it and share

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that subscription with friends and family and give

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it as a gift also Thank you Now

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we switch gears وَكَأَيِّمْ مِّنْ قَرْيَةٍ عَتَتْ عَنْ

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أَمْرِ رَبِّهَا وَرُسُولِهِ فَحَاسَبْنَاهَا حِسَابًا شَدِيدًا وَعَذَّبْنَاهَا

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عَذَابًا نُّكْرًا It's gonna feel like it's a

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different surah And how many villages, towns, cities

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have there been that disobeyed the commandment of

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their master and disobeyed the commandment of their

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messenger so we took them to account with

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an intense audit and we punished them in

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a way that was never even heard of

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before This is what Allah is saying Destruction

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of past nations Where did that come from?

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I'm not gonna tell you yet I'll tell

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you by the end today وَكَأَيِّمْ Let's start

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with the first word اسمٌ لِعَدَدٍ كَثِيرٍ لِعَدَدٍ

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كَثِيرٍ مُبْهَن يُفَصِّلُهُ بِمَا يُمَيِّزُهُ بَعْد كَأَيِّمْ means

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oh my god how many on top of

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many on top of many and then it's

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clarified with من something So what an enormous

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number of civilizations have there been قَرْيَةٍ have

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there been Towns have there been that disobeyed

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the commandment of their Rabb Can you name

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some of these towns that Allah mentioned Some

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of them I mean he's saying there's a

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lot more than he mentioned But some of

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them that he mentioned do you know Aad,

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Thamud, even Firoun for example There's these qura

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that were destroyed right And Allah talks about

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them أَهْلَكْنَاهُمْ So let's talk now about a

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little bit for Maybe I should just tell

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you now Fine I'll just tell you now

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I call this the first and the last

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domino So let me explain what I mean

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by that You have family law Which is

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what we saw a glimpse of family law

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And I told you earlier on in today's

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discussions in the previous ayah That the bond

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of the man and the woman is sacred

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in the quran And actually the first bond

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of human beings was the bond of Adam

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and Hawa Was the bond of marriage Right

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so it's the most sacred bond in existence

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between human beings Okay now having said that

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Because of that bond being sacred The way

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you enter into it, the way a man

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and woman can be together Needs to be

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sacred And the way they end that also

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needs to be sacred Right that's what we

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described And as a result of that Because

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there's so much care put into how a

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man and woman come together As a result

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of that the child that is born from

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that relationship Is also a sacred responsibility is

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it not And as a result of that

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the child is also told to honor the

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two people that came together To bring that

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child into this world And so And the

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relationship we have with our parents is also

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Sacred So now humanity is building this system

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And the first Think about a child The

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first instance of shukr Or tawakkul Right Allah

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used the parents As a training for a

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child Whose mind isn't yet developed To eventually

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replace the parents with Allah Everything the child

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was doing with Allah As the child grows

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older He replaces that with the parents And

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that's why you notice the language So you

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don't stop thanking your parents But you realize

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that the gratitude you have to your parents

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Behind that gratitude is your gratitude to Allah

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subhanahu wa ta'ala But the way Allah

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taught the human being The gratitude to Allah

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The first training Even the child is born

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with fitrah It doesn't come out saying Alhamdulillah

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It doesn't do that And the first words

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that come out of its mouth Eventually is

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not Allah First words You know what that

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means Allah took one sacred relationship To prepare

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the child For the ultimate sacred relationship Which

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is what?

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The relationship with Allah So now what I'm

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trying to tell you is The marriage is

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sacred The child is sacred The child coming

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up and learning the relationship with his parents

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And being grateful to his parents And her

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parents is sacred And all of that eventually

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leads to the regard One is supposed to

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have for Allah azza wa jalla In fact

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You know how the famous hadith of the

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Prophet Says مَنْ لَمْ يَشْكُلِ النَّاسِ لَمْ يَشْكُلِ

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اللَّهِ If you can't thank Allah If you

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can't thank people, you can't thank Allah Well

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the first instance of that is If you

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can't even acknowledge the best Behavior to your

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own mother Who gave you birth That she

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brought you into this world Then how are

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you going to Thank the one who brought

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you into this world That you can't even

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see And that's Allah So it's only logical

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That you are trained with the seen To

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prepare you for the unseen Now having said

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all of that From this comes an entire

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system Of blood ties being sacred And from

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this Then comes this idea That the yatama

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Yatama are people whose sacred tie Parents have

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been cut So they become yatim So what

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does Allah do?

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He says اتقوا ربكم الذي خلقكم من نفس

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واحدة وخلق منها زوجها That ayah Ends with

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تقوى أولى الرحم In Surah An-Nisa What's

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the immediate next statement?

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وَآتُ الْيَتَامَ أَمْوَالَهُمْ Give to the yatama, why?

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Because now it's your sacred duty You as

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a community must cover for those Who don't

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have the shadow of that other Sacred relationship,

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their parents So you must go cover for

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them You must help them Now imagine a

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society in which The man and the woman

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coming together Is not sacred They can just

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get together Hook up and hook off And

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sink their hook somewhere else And they can

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just have Casual relationships Nothing is sacred about

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it Nothing If such a society existed I

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mean you wouldn't know of such a society

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But I'm saying hypothetically If such a society

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existed Then the child that comes into existence

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As a result of that union Is that

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child being treated As something sacred?

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No Because the union from which he came

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Or she came Itself wasn't sacred So the

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child is not being treated as someone sacred

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And will that child see their mother Or

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father as sacred figures To be thankful to

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To turn to, to learn from So they

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can eventually turn to the ultimately sacred Will

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that happen?

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No In fact they'll talk to their mom

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And say, yeah Jennifer I'm busy right now

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They'll call their mom by their first name

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I don't know my dad And if I

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knew him Beep, beep, beep You'd get a

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society where The parents are no longer sacred

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Which means, by the way For a child

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who's coming up naturally Who are the most

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important people In the life of a child?

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Parents If you remove the parents from the

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equation You know what that means?

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There's nobody important left If no one's around

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that's left The only one that's sacred Is

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No, not Allah Not for that young man

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Yourself Now you're sacred Looking out for number

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one, baby Now Everyone else is a burden

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The only one that matters is Me, the

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whole universe revolves around Me Now imagine an

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entire society Of millions of people Who have

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removed the sacredness Of the man and the

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woman coming together And the child becoming a

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sacred responsibility What happens to such a society

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When you say Listen to your Rabb Rabb

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I don't even listen to my mom I

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don't even listen to anybody You know who

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I listen to?

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Me That's who I listen to A nation,

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as a nation That entirely rebels Against the

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command of the Rabb Because they have no

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authority They don't recognize any authority Why would

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I listen to a messenger?

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Another human being?

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He's just human Well the first people you

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were supposed to have regard for Were also

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human, weren't they?

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But you don't have that As a culture

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in that society you don't have it Once

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you remove The sacredness of family You have

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prepared a society for Eventual Not just kufr

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but utu And we'll discuss utu in a

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second What does that mean?

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We'll dig into that a little bit But

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what I'm saying is The first part of

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this surah Was the first domino that you

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need to keep from falling But if you

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don't Let that domino fall Dominoes will continue

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to fall Until you get to the final

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domino Which is what?

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حَاسَبْنَهَا حِسَابًا شَدِيدًا وَعَذَّبْنَهَا عَذَابًا نُّكْرًا And all

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the other dominoes in between You're too smart,

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you can figure that out yourself Hey guys

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You just watched a small clip of me

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explaining The Quran in depth as part of

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The deeper look series Studying the Quran in

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depth can seem like a really intimidating thing

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That's only meant for scholars Our job at

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Bayyinah is to make deeper study Of the

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Quran accessible and easy for all of you

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So take us up on that challenge Join

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us for this study The deeper look of

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the Quran For this surah and many other

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surahs On under the deeper look

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