Confrontation & Resolution
Nouman Ali Khan – Surah Yusuf #5
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Oh my god you're here.
Let him initiate regime spiller Rockman Rahim. Elif
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an Arabic
contacting you soon probably shortly so do a silly everyone looked at me lasagna cocoa leaf and hamdu Lillah wa salatu salam ala alihi wa sahbihi Ahmed. Once again everybody salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Today is my final session on the parallels between Musa alayhis salam and Yusuf Ali Salaam. I've tried to consolidate the end of the story and kind of combine things. So the timeline won't be as clear today. Because there are some parallels between the two stories that don't sink in terms of timeline, but in terms of theme, they do connect with each other. So you'll see that in Sharla,
there is another important parallel that should be drawn, that inshallah Allah will I'll cover that in the course of my lecture series on the solar so I don't want to take too much time in the intro and not get into the surah. But there are some other thematic items from the solar that I think will come up as we get into the sutra itself and the story itself. And one of the most important ones is the parallels, not only between use of Elisa Lam and Musa al Islam, but the parallels between use of Elisa Lam and our messenger Salallahu alaihe salam, and the connection between is an interesting connection between our messenger sallallahu Sallam use of it Ali Salaam, and Ibrahim Ali, Sam, these
three prophets are connected to each other in a very interesting way in the Quran. So we'll come to that to inshallah when the time comes. But anyway, let's get to it. Now we've already talked about the, the the fact that they were in years of isolation. So musala Islam was out in the desert. And you saw, you know, you saw Busan was out in the desert use of rice and I was in the prison for those many years. And now they're going to be able to confront their aggressors, right? So Yusuf Ali Salaam is going to come back and challenge the women and say, you know, go ask those women what was what happened to those women that cut their hands, so he's gonna want them to have their day in
court. And musalla Islam on the flip side is going to come back and confront the pharaoh in the court. So there's going to be a day on day in court on both sides. So we're that's where we're picking up from now towards that resolution, and eventually the final confrontation and how everything comes to a close. So the interesting parallel the Quran mentions particularly use of Halle slums, King's dream that he saw seven lean cows, seven fat cows and all of that. On the other side. The Bible tells us the Quran only alludes to it indirectly, that the pharaoh actually also saw a dream. So I might ask where in the Quran does it say that? You could argue that in certain cases
when Allah says, When udia Farah onawa hermana, WA Judah, my main home, Macedonia, the rune that Allah intended out of the Israelites to show the Pharaoh and Harmon his top lieutenants, and their armies, the thing they were afraid of, because the biblical account is that the pharaoh did have a nightmare sort of scenario in which he, he saw that one of the Israelite babies is going to rise up against him, grow up and rise up against him and cause the downfall of the kingdom. In fact, that dream was true. So in both cases, King see a dream and the dream happens to be true in the case of Iran, and in the case of masala Sonam. So they both see a dream. The other thing that's common
between the two dreams is that they have to do with the fate of the Empire. So the Empire will collapse the kingdom will collapse. If the if the King's dream and the story of use of is not addressed, and the economic policies that need to be put in place are not put in place. Similarly, if you know if the Israelites after that Prophet that will come that message that will come if he's not heated the kingdom will fall so they're both concerned with the fate of the Empire.
The King doesn't know in the story of Yusuf Alayhi Salam what his dream means. That's why he needs help figuring it out. But it seems that musala salaam story, the Pharaoh's dream was pretty explicit. It was pretty straightforward that it's one of the Israelite babies, there was no cows in the story. There was nothing ambiguous some symbol that represented something else right. So he took action on his own and decided to kill these real life children. You know, every every now and then and purge the Israeli community, the Bundesliga community, anyhow, then you have it as per the dream. Yusuf Ali Salaam interpretation lead to good years that prepared them for bad years to come.
Right. But in the case, hold on, let the emergency vehicle pass. Okay, so in the case of Musashi Salaam, you've got difficult years we'll have no other phenomena be singing, we grabbed a hold of the people of the pharaoh for a number of years. This is talking about the years of the nine signs, and unless as he gave them those nine terrible signs the Locust and the
frogs in the blood and all of those signs. He gave them those that I love them your dollar rune. Hopefully they'll become humble. Now the point is they were given those nine signs in the pharaohs Kingdom under in the in the prophethood of Musashi Salaam. They were given those signs, so hopefully they don't have to face something much worse. Right? Allah says, Well, I knew the economy, da da da, da, da, da, da da Blackberry, Doodle, other Blackberry, we will make them taste the smaller punishment smallest punishments, before the biggest punishments kind of like, you know, the English figure of speech, the cloud before the storm. Right? So the fact that you saw those nine signs
should have been enough for them to ward off a much worse scenario. So you've got from bad, and you're trying to save from something worse, the flip is the case in the story of use of Islam. They've got good days, and they're preparing for worst days. Right. And in musanze scenario, they've got bad days that are hopefully if they take heat will lead to good days. But they don't take heat of course. And that's the other interesting thing, that in the case of will actually I'll get to that, because I've written it out. Let's go back to the cellmates for a second. Yusuf Ali, salaam cellmate. Eventually, he didn't give credit to use of honey, somebody said, I can figure out this
dream for you remember, and he tried to take advantage and get a promotion for himself. But in the end, whether he intended to or not, he ends up having because when he came back with this interpretation of the dream, the king knew that this guy didn't get this on his own. He clearly went to someone. So he tells Where do you get it from, and he can't perjure himself in front of the king, he's gonna get killed. So he kind of spills his guts and says it was Yusuf Ali Salaam. So basically, it's the cellmate that call the one that testified in court. He is the reason that Yusuf Ali Salaam got acknowledged as the savior of Egypt. You have another similar interesting parallel in the story
of Musa alayhis salam, you've got his friend, who's the only other individual you find in the story of Musa alayhis salaam that speaks out in court. So you've got the cellmate, calling for use of indirectly and then you've got nooses. Friends with law fair, calling for Moosa saying, you need to heed the warnings of musar. Because today you have Kingdom but Allah will destroy it if you don't take Moses warning. So he's actually calling on Musashi Salaam as the savior of Egypt, also in the Kings court in the Pharaoh's court also, but it's the there is a difference between the two. But I've separated that as a separate comparison, so that you can see it more clearly. Now Yusuf Alayhi
Salam wants to stand before the king he wants to, he wants his day in court, like he's in jail, and he says, No, give me my trial, called those women. So he wants to go, but if you study the story of Musa alayhis, salam, when Allah first told him, he has to go back to the Pharaoh, he said, Wait, I really the Pharaoh, but he's commanded to go stand before the king. Right? So one wants to be there, and the other one has been commanded and then empowered to be there. That's a interesting started content. And this is where you learn sometimes it may be a similar situation, but some people are ready to face it, and other people are not. And also there is a difference because Yusuf Ali Salam
was in fact innocent. He hadn't done anything wrong. So he's very bold and coming and standing trial, you Musashi, Sam is afraid that they're going to kill him because he does have a crime recorded against him. Right. He's not afraid of standing, standing in front of justice, but he isn't afraid of his crime being not understood properly, and then then him being judged unfairly on top. So it's a fearful thing to stand in front of an unfair judge, when you know, the judge is known to be one of the most unfair human beings on earth. It's kind of nerve wracking that you're going to go to his trial, or go to his court. So we might find ourselves in those two different kinds of
situations. And if one fears, you know, to being placed at the mercy of people that are ruthless, then it's understandable that they may have reluctance, but it may also be that Allah just imposes that situation on you because you have to fight through it. And you have to be brave enough to stand before it and that's what I did with the case of masala Islam. So, again, in the story of Yusuf Ali, salaam, he, it's interesting he asked the King morbido nisswa. He said, Go ask your go ask your master, meaning the king. What was the case of those women that cut their hands? So he wants to ask that question, and on the other hand, was not asking any questions. He's being asked questions.
Like, oh, what did you do? What's that thing that you did? Well, first off Allah tala default one terminal caffeine, caffeine, Avenida. He's being though he's the one that's being questioned. So the one who's innocent is posing the questions to his aggressors. His false accusers is slanders and on the other hand, the one who had made a mistake is being interrogated.
Now of course Yusuf Ali Salaam in court proves his innocence and by contrast musalla someone is called out did you do what you did? He said, for all too high, then I did it. He admits his guilt so incredible contrast from the beginning to the end, one went into jail, the other escaped
jail, one proves his innocence. The other admits his guilt. You know, one wants to go to court, the other one is commanded to go to court. so remarkable parallels and contrast between the two. After all of it's settled and done, the king in the story of Yusuf Ali Salaam says, useful enough. See, I want to keep this one exclusively as my advisor for myself personal my personal advisor, you know, and he calls him I mean, it's interesting. We'll come back to that word. You are You are now safe McKean. You are now safe leather. Yeah. And then he says, I mean, I mean, mean safe. Also, it can also mean trustworthy. So he's, he finds use of a salon one, trustworthy and trustworthiness is part
of the reason he hires him. Okay. But of course, on top of that, it's when I get to, I can't wait to get to that part of the story. And when I'm talking about this in detail, when you serve at a salon was given that position by the king, he didn't just say thank you, I really appreciate that you made me a personal advisor. He said, Hold on,
make me the Minister of Finance.
I don't, I appreciate the advisor job. But actually, everybody here is incompetent. They don't know what they're doing. And a lot of people are gonna starve to death. So I didn't just interpret this dream. So you could say, oh, wow, that's what it means. I'm playing the role of saving a lot of people from starving to death. And nobody here can handle this economic crisis that way I can so appoint me minister of the treasures of the land. Allah has that out. In the half, even Allium, I will safeguard this duty. And I know what I'm doing. Like he, he, so he didn't just the king promoted him. But it's like you surprise him said, No, that's not enough of a promotion, I need a
little more than that. And he's not doing it's not self promotion, you have to understand he's doing this because he realized lives are at stake. And he knows he has something to offer. So he puts himself forward. When we get to that part in the story in Sharla. What I will talk to everybody about and remind myself of, is the fine line between humility and arrogance. Right there. On the one hand, someone says, No, no, no, I can't do it. I'm nothing, I'm nobody, I'm just worthless leave of a like cetera, et cetera, super humble, right, you're like walking in ruku, everywhere you go, like, you know,
that's, that's one extreme. And the other extreme is I got this, I got it, I can do it. Nobody else can do it, like I can, you know, are gonna make the virus great again, etc, etc.
So, you've got two extremes, you've got overly humble, and you've got overly arrogant, and the the fine balance in between is, is confidence. It's confidence, confidence with humility, actually. And that's what we're going to learn in the story of Yusuf Ali Sam is that balance between those two sides, that confidence and that humility at the same time, and so it doesn't cause too much confidence will become what arrogance, and too little confidence will be weakness. And it's undermining the gift Allah gave you. So you got to find a way in between. So that's what we're going to learn in his story. But anyway, I digress. So the king promotes him. But after the exchange with
Musa alayhis salam, the king, what does the opposite I'm gonna throw you in jail. You know, he threatens him. He threatens him. So and actually, in a sense, he demote him too, because he used to, he used to live there as royalty. And now he's living there as an enemy of the state. Right. So one has a promotion and one has a demotion. Actually, that's that's happening. Now, what's remarkable that use of Elisa Lam's divine gift was his ability to interpret dreams, right? So it's his dreams that ensure that Egypt remains prosperous, isn't it? It's his interpret his interpretation of dreams that ensures Egypt's prosperity. The Divine miracles given to Musa alayhis salam are the signs and
the signs undo Egypt's prosperity.
The locust comes and destroys the crop. You know, the tics come and people are diseased. Now we know what happens when a disease is widespread to the economy. It's easier for us to understand nowadays, crop is destroyed. manpower is destroyed. tornadoes and hurricanes come in infrastructure is destroyed. Then the water is contaminated with blood and the water supplies and therefore future agriculture is destroyed. So everything is unraveling for the Egyptian Empire. Everything is starting to fall apart. So here you have use of Elisa Lam's gift from Allah the interpretation of dream given only by Allah, that saves Egypt's economy and ensures that Egypt remains prosperous. And
on the flip side, musallam is given nine signs. And those nine signs ensure that the economy of Egypt and the well being of Egypt is crippled, their power as a nation is crippled. So the opposite effect is happening from divine intervention. Then, you know, he of course, he said, this is actually not in the timeline directly, but there's an interesting contrast going back in the story of Musa there are two job positions. Use of Minister of Finance you
Musa Shepherd for the family in Midian, right? Because he's gonna get that job. When he says the father says, I want to marry one of my two daughters to you, but you got to work for me eight to 10 years. Right? So he's gonna get a job there. So it's interesting that one is made this, the one who was, is given government position. And the one who used to have a government position, got a job as a shepherd.
Write the story. So it's flipped.
And then it's I told you this before, I'm bringing it back to you. Now, Yusuf Ali Salaam was hired based on his honesty, the first thing that the king saw, this guy was honest, this man was honest Ali Salaam, who was thrown in jail for no reason. And he stands with integrity. And all these women vouch for his character now that we can say anything about him, we got nothing on him. That was us. Right? So the first thing was his honesty, meaning his character. And the second thing on top of that was his skill, what's his skill, his ability to interpret whatever's being said the dream or other speech? So there are two things that are mentioned in this hire. The first thing is, is this
person honest, when you hire somebody makes sense, right? Is the person trustworthy? And then on top of that, do they have the skills needed for the job? And what's the skill needed for this job? interpretation? intelligence. That's what you saw earlier, Sam demonstrates. So he checks both boxes, he gets the job. On the flip side, musala a salon got hired because the girl actually told her father Yeah, but this year, who in the Hydra minister jostle COVID, I mean, he says that hire him the best person, you can hire someone strong and someone who can be trusted. Ah, I mean, again, the best hire based on trust, and okay, but trust isn't enough, if he's trustworthy, but he can't
pull a sheep, the sheep is pulling him he's not strong enough that he can, his trustworthiness doesn't really get us anywhere. So he has to have the skill needed for that job. And what's his special ability, strength. That's what got him in trouble in the first place. Right. So that's actually the, the two skills are on the one hand knowledge and know how on the other physical strength and to this day, basically, any job you do in the world, any job you do in the world, is either some intellectual skill, you possess some interpretive, some analytical, some, some know how that you possess that gets you a job, or you have some physical ability that gets you a job, I do
your you know, and you're using not just your knowledge, but your physical talents in some way your strength physically is required. And those are the two dimensions of work that are highlighted on two, but the common factor is kept on what's the common factor trustworthiness. It's also pretty interesting that in the case of Yusuf Ali, salaam trustworthiness was mentioned first, and the skill was mentioned second, and in the case of Messiah was flipped. It was the the strength was mentioned first. And then the skill, the trustworthiness was mentioned second, so they're reversed from each other. Now, this is another side parallel, but since you know, I brought up musala salaam said, The
doctor said hire him, right doctor told the dad when she heard the story from behind the curtain, she told her dad hire Moosa. But what she really meant was dad, let me marry him, allow allow him to be in this family, because if he hires him, he's going to live in that house for eight to 10 years or however long. And you've got two young, unmarried women. And now you've got this young man, that doesn't make for a good combination for so many years. The only way for this to work is that this becomes a family matter. And so the easy way to do that is to for him to get married, but she's modest in the way she says it to her father. So she says hire him, but he understood what she's
saying. He could understand his daughter's code. But the point is, it's a beautiful story about how musala salaam got married. And that's actually a less intent for humanity, for men and women to come together in a noble, respectful, honorable relationship for families to come together. And it's okay for her to like him. And to even suggest him. You know, it's not even like masala Sam proposed to the girl. It's actually the girl that proposed to her father to say the Maasai. Salaam, can you hook me up? This is a good, this is a good catch. And she's smart, because she works outside. She works as a shepherdess. Right? So she deals with nasty men all the time. So she knows when she sees a
decent man. So she could tell because dad, she's out in the real world, she's not a sheltered girl, these two girls, they're living in a harsh reality. There's a reason they don't give their animals drink with everybody else, because that environment isn't conducive for women to be there. And even if they are they're going to find perverts and other kinds of men so they wait until all the flock is done. Then they go feed their animals. There's a reason they stay behind. But when they saw the character of Musashi Salaam and the strength of him, the the need a strong man in the family because of the kind of society clearly it is, and they need a dignified man and this this is, I know that,
you know, she might even be wondering
She goes out to work every day. She sees men all over the place. And she would think to herself, man, I, God forbid, I end up with one of these monkeys. Right? That might be the case in her head. But now she sees a good candidate. So she makes the case to her dad. Now, this is a law again, describing a very beautiful terms, how men and women should come together. It's okay to have some level of like, and then you take the dignified road, you take you don't cross any lines that Allah doesn't want you to cross. And you you know, inform the family, let it be known done with it. Okay, and the father immediately doesn't even hesitate makes the deal. musala sam says, sign me up. I'm
good. have Mr. Bean Eva beynac this is between you and me deal. On the flip side, in the story of use of La salon where I should have started, you've got a story about how a man and a woman should not be coming together. What should not be happening between men and women. Because she's got some emotional issues. She's got some kind of a broken marriage, she feels a lack of attention or whatever is going on with her. And she finds use of it. Sam is always there. Always respectful, always a good listener always available. He does whatever she does. That sounds like a good package to me. But you know, and she's not. It's I don't believe because you know, the insults are off. When
Allah describes the trick of the devil. He says for the lahoma Bureau. He reeled them both in Little by little, right. So she also didn't just one day said, Come here. She's trying to get his attention for a while. She'd been fishing for a while. Like she's probably sitting there fake crying one time, see if he comes in says, Are you okay? And there's all kinds of attention seeking things like those women did. Right? But none of that's working or, you know, even if he gets a little bit of innocent attention from him, she interprets that as something else. Because she's got a twisted mind. Right? But that's Allah describing how men and women are not supposed to approach one another. In fact,
there's even a contrast in the way she approached him shamelessly. And in the way this girl approached most of them she walked modestly over and walked Shiloh shyly and reluctantly. So there's this beautiful contrast and this is a large image and teaching us something about relationships themselves. May Allah protect all of us. Okay, so then use of Elisa Lam, he you know, when when, later on in the story, it's a little bit complicated, but in order to simplify it, there are actually three encounters. So when there's the economic drought, when the you know, the seven bad years start, useless family runs out of food. They're all the way in canal and they're not in Egypt,
but they run out of food, but the Empire is in Egypt, the capital is in Egypt. So they're going to come now to ask for welfare to ask for food. When they come asking for food you Yousuf recognizes them well. homeloan Kiran, and they have no clue who he is. But they don't have the youngest brother with them. They don't have the youngest brother with them. Binyamin. He's not with them. Okay. Usually, sometimes I'm not providing you because you didn't bring all of your family Go bring your brother, you have a brother. He's on record that you know, because they probably have like a census like social security numbers type thing. The Social Security numbers missing? Where is he? Oh, no,
you're not getting anything, you need to come back with him. Right? So they, he sends them back. When they go back. They told their dad, we're not getting any food until we bring him. But when they open their bags, their bags are full of food anyway.
So he even though you might have told them, I'm not giving you anything until you bring him back. They actually got a full load of food anyway. And they're like, dad, he's gonna give us double this. If you take him back. It's an easy deal. Like they didn't have to come back when now they're enticed, right, because they already have a year's supply of food, and they're going to get doubled. Right? So they somehow convince their dad to go back and then you know, Binyamin comes back, and then when he recognizes him, then the scheme is hashed of the cup being placed in the bag, you might know about that. Right? And then he's being detained when he's being detained. They try to make a
case Can you please not detain him Anybody else? Because in Allah who have been shaken Kabira and he's got a dad who's a big shape, big shape, a shape Kabir means big shape, but I translated the I didn't translate the phrasal on purpose, so I talk to you about it. Shaping Arabic means old man, and cabbie, you can even highlight even further in old it's an extremely old man. His dad is an extremely old frail man, he's sensitive. This the trauma of losing this child might be too much for him, so that the way they describe their dad is one shape can be on the flip side, when musala sam helped those two girls at at the water. They said we can't feed our animals until the flock is done
what Abou nasze one Kabir and our dad is a big shape.
And the only two times can shave Kabir is used a very extremely old man the only time it's used is once in the story of use of and once in the story of Masada. So how even from a literary point of view, these nuggets are dropped, connecting the two. Like if you did a word search on Shakespeare
The only two you'd find are these two in the entire Quran 23 years of Revelation. So, as small as that, you know, small piece is, it's remarkable. And by the way, a contrast is important here to what it means for us, the sons, they don't like the brother, they don't like Binyamin. In fact, the first thing they said is Oh, if he stole he had a brother who used to steal too. That's what this meaning use of Elisa, and they're not even, they're not even calling him, his brother. They're saying he used to have a brother. Like he's not one of us really, because he's some narrator say, some of us who don't say he's from a different marriage. So those two siblings meaning Yusef and
Binyamin are from a different marriage and the others are from a different marriage, right. So they don't see him really as the brother, which is, by the way, a really interesting little nugget in the Quran, about complex families, that there may be families in which some children are from one mother and some children are from another mother, that the husband and wife that are married, they may have children of their own previously, and now the families are together. And there can be some animosity between siblings of different mothers, because they're not really my sibling, they're not really my you know, and so they can be that kind of tension. And that clearly exhibits itself in the story of
use of Friday's system. It's an unhealthy thing. Look it up what kind of evil it led to. How far did that go, you know. And so, when they say, Please let him go. Our dad is an old man. They're not they don't really like him. They're taking advantage of the fact that their dad is old. And they want pity for their dad being old, so they can circumvent the law in some way. If you flip the script on the other side in Busan, a salon story, these young women were so defined and confident. They said our dad is too old to work and that's why we work
and they weren't looking for pity.
They were almost like back off. We don't do we're going to do our work until they're done because our Dodge Tool torque and shaken COVID has a dual meaning it could also mean someone who's a big deal. So it's almost as if they're telling masayoshi son back off our dad's a big deal. Okay? Like they're different. They don't know he's alehissalaam actually he doesn't even know yet. He's either he's, he hasn't gone to the mountain yet. He's just a young man at that age. So there's a you know, the the the the term being used to draw pity for oneself. And the term being used in its appropriate place is also contrasted with the two uses of shape can be then use of is reunited with his brother,
his brother, that means well for him Binyamin and right before they confront the rest of the family, right, so there's a reunion and musala Sam is gonna go confront fit Island but right before he confronts him, he's gonna have a reunion with who Harun Elisa, so two brothers are having reunions before the actual showdown in the confrontation takes place in both stories.
Use use of had a salon is a supportive Binyamin he our La Jolla who he gave him refuge, meaning use of was the strength for his younger brother. Use of Islam was the strength of his younger brother On the flip side, Musa and Islam as for heroin to be the support for him.
Right so use of the Prophet is being the support. And on the other hand, Harun Isilon should be he as Reba Shri Kofi MD, you know, make him the strength of my back and make him a partner in my mission. So he needs the support of Harun Ali Salaam.
In use case, on Instagram, when he gives the advice the king takes it. And in musanze case, when he gives the advice to come back to Allah, the king rejects it. This is famously known. But it's interesting to contrast to why would a king take a profits advice? Well, his advice meant Egypt's worldly well being didn't it. It was the economic triumph of Egypt that was at stake. It wasn't their oxidized steak. It was their dunia at stake, wasn't it? But when Musa alayhis salam spoke to Pharaoh and what was at stake, it was their salvation. It was their assets that was at stake. He wasn't talking about their economic collapse or anything else, even though a lot took that away from
them just to humble them. But even that wasn't enough to humble them still couldn't couldn't look towards the al Qaeda. But it's remarkable that the advice of use or use of Elisa Lam was for the betterment of their dunya and the advice of Busan Islam was for the betterment betterment of their IRA. That's another remarkable contrast. I know I didn't change the numbers properly. Okay. So Yusuf Ali Salaam brought with him what saved the kingdom that's already obvious to all you guys. And by contrast, Musa al Islam brought with him what ended the kingdom.
Binyamin is helpful by staying silent, right because don't tell your brothers this just keep this between us. So he's gonna stay silent until things play out. It's interesting that Harun in the Quran also stay silent. In the story of boosterism Even though musala Sam said about him who have salmonella son and he's well spoken better spoken than I am. He's more articulate than I am and yet he didn't speak
So you've got two brothers that remain silent yet supportive. Okay? Then you've got a stylist who enough See, the king says so impressed with use of. He says, I want him just for myself. I'll keep him for myself and eventually the pharaohs so tired of musala Samson's tharuni octyl Moosa. Let me kill musah myself. exact opposite from the other story. Now Yusuf Ali, this is this is really cool part to me personally, you've got two trials, you've got use of bringing his family to trial, right? Because he's in a position of being a judge. Now. He's the minister now. He's the governor now. And they're coming. And then he says, Do you remember what you did to yourself and his brother, and he
puts them on the on trial. On the flip side, musallam is not the judge. He's the one being judged in the court of federal and so you've got two courts, one judge is a prophet, the most fair judge you can have is a prophet, Yusuf Islam. And the other judges are around literally the federal and he's the judge. And in one case, the prophet is judging the aggressors, and in the other, the aggressor is judging the Prophet. So how the * has its flipped, and allies showing us the reality of the world, you will find judges or people in a position to judge that may play the role of use of meaning they may be fair judges. And you might find people in a position of judgment, maybe on a
bench in a court of law, or even in a family or other situations that are like Farah own that have arrogance and pride. And they're, they're in a position of judgment. And they're, they're unfair and cruel in the way that they pass judgment.
Then you've got Yusuf Ali salam, he reminds them of what they did. Right? He reminds them of their crime. And of course, when musala Islam brought the truth around reminded him, didn't you kill somebody? Didn't you do what you did? Didn't I raise you here, so he's reminding them, but he's reminding them for the right reasons to resolve the situation around his reminding him to deflect from the crime that he's committing of enslaving the Israelites, the sons of Israel, it's pretty awesome. Also, literally the sons of Israel are the criminals and the story of use of, if you were to call them a name, you would call them Bani Israel. They are the aggressors. And in the story of
Busan, a salon, they're the victims, the children of Israel are the victims. So the scenario has been flipped. They went from being the aggressor to being the one that's being oppressed later generations later.
Then, two cycles in the story have been hard to find another story in which you have a such lie in the Quran like that. You've got the brothers see the miracle of the of the rescue and the rise of Busan, his use of a slum and they're so humbled before Allah that they would fall in such that the magician's see the remarkable miracle given to Masada, Islam, and they would fall in such that they fall inside. So you've got two stories in which such that happens. And it happens at the at the site of a miraculous event, you know, so the recognition of use of aluminum was a miraculous event. And the staff turning into a snake was a miraculous event. And of course, as a larger take, taking a
step back, the blessing of being settled into the wealthiest Empire on Earth at the time, it was a blessing. But over just a few generations, what did it turn into? It turned into the curse of slavery.
On the flip side, being exiled for your life, you have to leave the night before you didn't get to pack your bags or nothing and now you're out starving in the desert and dehydrating in the desert seems like a curse. But what did Allah do in just a few generations he turned that into when makina Allah Han fell out of the he gave the Israelites the most vast empire ever had on Earth, surpassing even the pharaohs the kingdom of doubt AlLahi Salaam and the hill of doubt Allah, Solomon, Solomon, Elisa, etc, surpassed even the pharaohs it was the greatest Empire ever on earth. And He even gave them rule over through the hill off of those profits, give them rule over mountains, birds and
animals, my goodness, right so what started as a blessing turned into powerlessness. And what started as a powerless state in the desert turned into the mightiest empire in history, the Israelite Empire, under the rule of prophets, Allah him As salam. Allah is telling us within Keller Yamanaka, we do have a nurse when Allah de la NASA, Baba homi. Bhabha says, In the Quran, Allah says, If Allah didn't push one people out of power and put others in their place, and later on, push them out of power, and put some others in their place, then the entire Earth would become corrupt. What Allah is teaching us is an empire comes, it may be maybe based on justice and good values, and
it becomes stronger and stronger, but it gets too strong, its justice and its value start disappearing, and it starts becoming corrupt. And when it starts becoming corrupt, a law pushes them out and bring someone new
in place, and that's the course of history. He doesn't let one Empire one, you know, one dynasty stay in power forever. Nobody gets to stay forever. Everybody thought they're gonna stay forever, everybody any every empire that ever came on earth when they looked at the vastness of their empire and the stretches of their army and the control that they had, they said, How is this ever gonna go away? You know, like the farmer looked at his garden and said, ma boo and Tabitha Javi Abba, I don't think this can ever fall apart. I don't think so. I don't see how and that's exactly when Allah shows you how. That's exactly what Alicia so Quran isn't just a book of history. Koran is telling
you how history works.
It's the formula Allah has a Sunnah Allah has a son, Allah has a way of doing things has a way of bringing nations up and bringing nations down. When we do a nominal readiness to fulfill or the we intended to take those who are made weak in the land and give them an extra favor. When in mind we intended to make them leaders when the human body him, and we intended to make them those who inherit the land, inherit the land from the superpowers of the past one new makina Longfellow rd and to give them power in station in the land. That's that's LS formula. And that's a sociological and political science study in the Quran by itself, how do nations rise and fall? Particularly the
Israelite people because they've had rises and they've had falls? Right? So the two of you do not fill out the martini? What are good gnaraloo and Kabira. Quran sutala Sabo described about the Israelites they will have to rises into falls. And that study is really important also from a hadith tradition that some contest the authenticity of but I find it very compelling read.
He the prophet SAW Selim says that the laity and Allah Almighty Allah, Allah, Allah bunny soil has one now even now, like, what the same thing will happen to the Israelites, or the same thing that happened to the Israelites will happen to my people like a shoe compared to another. Right? So our history now there's been a millennium and a half our history, if we really want to understand its patterns, then one possible way to understand its patterns is to understand the patterns of Israelite history, all the way up to the coming of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam anyhow, which is why, again, which is why the Israelite history is such a big deal in the Quran, look at how much
space is being given to it. Right? Because we're not just reading about them. We're not just learning about those profits and those that nation and those times we're learning something about ourselves with the oma will find itself in positions like use of falsely imprisoned, powerless, subservient. We might find ourselves Where our own brothers are killing us or trying to kill us or feel happy when we get pushed away. We might find the oma might find itself in the position where use of Elisa Lam found himself, right, we might find ourselves in the position of Musashi Salaam, we may have had some position of authority, or someplace, and then we've been pushed out of it. And
we've been isolated. So there are parallels from these, these stories that apply to our own lives will give us the wisdom and guidance to learn from that. Okay, so use of La salon industry visa vie, someone remember that when the drought happened, they come looking for food, right? That's why they came to Egypt looking for food. And by contrast, masala Salaam helps them escape Egypt. When they're out in the desert, they're asking for food. The Israelites look for food in both stories once to come to Egypt once once they come out of Egypt. But the food situation doesn't get resolved.
Yusuf Alayhi Salam is this remarkable? I don't, you know, this is one of those things. I mean, all of these are marked remarkable to me, I know I'm not telling you to be wild by them I personally am, which is why I share what I share with you, because I'm just mesmerized by the architecture of these stories. And to think for a moment, this is not a storyteller. This is a lot the architect of human history. Like he he designed the events and locations and dates and people in lives in a way that plays out like an author would have written it in a fictional account. And yet, this is actual events. And what happens in the story of user for the incident, first he was wronged by his own
people, right? And then later on when he got thrown in jail, he was wronged by the Egyptians. So first wrong by your own, then wrong by the Egyptians story of Musa The script is flipped first. He's wronged by the Egyptians when they try to kill him. That he crosses the desert he's with his own people and who's running Emily's in the desert. His own people Lima to Rooney Why are you causing me pain? are you causing me pain? lotta cuca Latina Otto Moosa. Don't be alone.
tells Muslims don't be like the ones who hurt Musa right. So the exact same to you know parties, the Egyptians and your own people, Egyptians and your own people but the the reverse order Subhana Allah
He does say that you know no naka su La Casa La Casa. He said in the beginning, we eat? And actually no, I'll wait until I do to sort of explain to sort of that I have to drop that on you. But all of this is actually going to help us understand I number three,
somebody wrote to me, do we really need to understand all these parallels to understand the sort of use of No, you know, you don't I do.
I'm good with that. I don't think there's any enter contemplating the word of Allah, I don't think there is an end to it. And if there is something that's worthy of contemplation, if you notice something, then you make it make it a point to explore it, I find it the Bruno Quran. This is an ocean that doesn't come to an end. So understanding its message is one thing, but contemplation on it is a journey that will never end and will absolutely never end it will never stop giving. No one will ever be able to say everything that had to be extracted from a single ayah has already been extracted. And one is an ocean that has no that has no bottom that has no bottom and we will dive
into that ocean, we'll come out of it with a couple of drops, our entire lives will dive into it, we'll come up with a couple of drops and nobody will have the arrogance or the audacity to say, I've experienced that entire ocean, I can move on to the next ocean now.
Because all you your entire life drenched in the ocean, you can only come up with a few drops.
That's all you can do. That's all human capability is. And that's why I like comparisons words to the oceans. And even if others were added to it, who are we just one day when you when COVID-19 is over? Just go stand at a beach somewhere and think about the word of Allah. Think about the every drop in the ocean as a drop of wisdom from the word of Allah. How much wisdom can we get? When will we ever be able to say that we've extracted all the wisdom there is to extract
or we've we've experienced in every drop of the ocean, we've experienced every treasure lying at its bottom, we've experienced it, every scene it has to offer, we've experienced it, you know, and the analogy of the ocean is so powerful. it sustains the earth. The ocean sustains the earth like the word of Allah sustains the earth. The ocean contains endless life in
life and life and it's a source of endless source of risk for the world. And the Quran is a source of risk for us.
The ocean is a purifier. The word of Allah is a purifier. The ocean can be a source of mercy and a source of destruction.
Word of Allah when taken into account is a source of mercy. When abused is a source of destruction. The Quran can either stand for you or stand against you May Allah make it stand for us. Anyway, anyhow. These are obvious now has the use of La Salaam. When everything is resolved, the family matters resolved. He has to move back to Egypt. He has to move to Egypt with him because he's got the government job and musala salon is the reason they have to now move out of Egypt. So they both come into Egypt and come out of Egypt under the leadership of a prophet they come in under the leadership of us have they come out under the leadership of masala Salaam. Then Yusuf Ali Salaam in
the end, forgives and reunites with his own people. Right so he says latter three by Allah Kumar young, no harm shall fall upon you today. Can you May Allah forgive you? May Allah forgive me, me, Allah forgive you. It's all settled. Right? So the family has been reunited, no harm, no foul, whatever happened happened. Let's move forward. We're a family again. So they're reunited and reconciled. Who does he reconcile with? He reconciles with the sons of Israel. He reconciled with the sons of Israel, Musa alayhis salaam helps the sons of Israel escaped through the water miraculously into the desert, and they give him such a hard time and they get causing so much pain
that eventually he has had it. He says tough rock by any webinar.
Master I had enough Can you just separate me from these wrongdoing people I got, you know, like you pardon me from the Egyptians. I need another party.
He's done the contrast. So you suffer Islam is united with the Israelites. But Musa alayhis salam wants nothing more to do with them by the end of his career, and he separates himself from them.
And finally, the saga of use of Elisa Lam the remarkable story, it ends with a peaceful resolution and the saga musallam ends with a violent showdown. Right? The two even that the way the stories end, one end so harmoniously and peacefully and the other ends with such a clash and such an incredible you know, humbling and the to one comparison I didn't put in the notes because you know, my next slide is let's get started meaning with the soul
But I will tell you one more comparison that's really important. The Crohn's most recurring character for arrogance is found.
And someone who's drunk on his power, someone who does an incredible amount of wrong. If you contrast these two stories, you find that on the one side, on the male side, you've got fit own as someone drunk on his power.
And on the flip side, you've got the wife of the minister who's drunk on her power. So you've got two individual and the way a woman what she does miss when she misuses her power is illustrated in the story of use of reason. And when a man misuses his power, it's illustrated in the story of Musa Salam. So the even that's the villains are contrasted with each other, the to the villainous characters or contrast. And even then there's even a more remarkable contrast, even if someone is villainous and evil, it can be that at the end, they see the wrong in their ways. So you've got two situations, you've got a situation where a person refuses to see the wrong in their ways. And even
if they do see it, it's too late. And on the other, if they do see it, it's still not too late. In the case of fear around, he pretends to see the wrong in his ways when the water reaches over here. And he says, I'm going to build the aminet v pianola, Illa Illa de nuestra and I believe in that there's no god except the ones these Israelites believe in Yeah, that one.
analysis on Luca da Satan kombu. Now you want to believe you were just disbelieving a second ago.
Now you become humble believer. So he is it's too late for him. It's too late for him. On the flip side when she's called to account in court, right? When she's called to account, and she's questioned about what she did and those women did, they actually come out and say, I was wrong. I did mess up. And I'm not considering myself innocent. Right? So one does actually redeem themselves eventually, and even the brothers of Yusuf Ali some redeem themselves eventually, right. But in the in the case of Musashi Salaam, you've got the pharaoh refuses to redeem himself, and the Israelites refused to redeem themselves. And so both the Egyptians and the Israelites redeemed themselves the
wrongdoers among them in the story of use of and both the Egyptian and the Israelites refused to redeem themselves in the story of Musab Islam and there you have those two contrasts also. So with that, inshallah, Tada. At least the contrast that at a cursory level I observed, I have come to a conclusion. And now it's time to get started with the sutra itself in shallow Tada, it's a remarkable surah and I am in no rush to finish the soul and the month of Ramadan. So I'm not going to plow through it. It might even be that I you know, I'm going to try to keep my sessions to about 30 minutes, maybe they'll go to 45 maybe.
But what I'm going to try to do is, if I can do IR today, but most likely an IR a day, an iota two IR is probably the pace we're gonna move at in sha Allah. But what's the story starts I bet that I'm willing to bet that probably one day, inshallah tada and I'm perfectly okay with that. My goal isn't to finish my goal is to help us extrapolate some of the wisdom of buzzwords whatever we can, in our human capacity, so barakallahu li walakum wa salaamu Alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Let's get started.