Ramadan Gems 2019 – Night 3 – Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem

Nouman Ali Khan


Channel: Nouman Ali Khan


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Episode Notes

Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan gives a comprehensive lecture on the Names of Allah – Ar Rahman and Ar Raheem. They are from the same root or etymology – Rahma. The Name of Allah, Ar-Rahman occurs 57 times and the Name of Allah – Ar-Raheem occurs 114 times in the Qur’an. Some differences between Ar-Rahman and Ar-Raheem are as follows:

  • Ar-Rahman (Mercy) is for all of His creation, while Ar-Raheem (mercy) is only for the Muslims. 
  • Ar-Rahman’s mercy is comprehensive, while Ar-Raheem’s Mercy reaches only those whom He wants to reach. 
  • Ar-Rahman is in this world, while Ar-Raheem is in the Hereafter.  
  • Ar-Rahman describes the nature of Allah, Ar-Raheem describes His actions. 

Ar-Rahman and Ar Raheem are those names of Allah that resonate with a profound status, both linked, and are the only two names that are the first verses in the Surahs in the Qur’an. 

The Prophet ﷺ says,’The most beloved names to Allah are Abdullah and Abd-ArRahman.’  

The Prophet ﷺ said – ‘When Allah created the creation, He divided his mercy into 100 parts.  1 has been revealed to this world and because of it, people are merciful to each other. He has saved 99 parts of His Mercy and it will be used on the Day of Judgment.’ 



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The speakers discuss the use of words in English to translate names of Islam, with common words being "arigrama" and "arigrama" in Arabic language. They also touch on the importance of taking care of one's own life and avoiding suffering for others. The success of Rahim's care and the importance of being present for others is also discussed, as it is crucial to prevent future problems and to be mindful of one's own feelings.

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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah.

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Al hamdu. lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu wa salam, O Allah say the MBR he will mousseline mother early he was happy he will minister NaVi suniti he laomi Diem Allahumma dynamin home woman alladhina amanu Aminu solly. Had whatever So Bill happy whatever so beautiful subramanium Valhalla mean

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rubella Humana shaytani r Rajim Illa hukum Allahu La Ilaha Illa Rahim

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or Misha Lee suddenly we are Sidley, Emery. wallrock. Data melissani Kali. Allah Subhana Allah Allah ilaha illAllah ammini Urban alameen

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inshallah Today I'll complete the brief comments I wanted to make with you about Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. The first evening that I spoke with you, I talked to you a little bit about the phrase Bismillah but I did not share anything for my as a reminder for myself, and for any of you have the additional words in the phrase are Rahmani Raheem. And in order to help you understand them, I want you to first acknowledge or appreciate something about the difficulty of translating the names of Allah.

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Because as many of you might know, the common English translation says In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful, or the Most Merciful, the most kind, and those kinds of translations. First of all, the problem with them is when we say the word beneficent, I think pretty much here everyone is sitting, listening to me understands the English language. When do you use the word beneficent, in your everyday language? You don't? I mean, I don't think you've ever met somebody who say, Hey, bro, you're so beneficent. You don't you don't do that. So we translate Quran with words that we don't use. And that becomes the entire purpose of translation is that the word of

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Allah becomes easier for us to relate to, easier for us to understand. So if we translate the word of Allah in English, than the English we use has to be one that we actually can relate to, we can connect with it. But when we use words like beneficent, then you can connect with that. The other problem is when you say, the Most Merciful and the most kind, and they sound like the same thing. But there are two different names of Allah Rahman and Rahim they're definitely different. The Arabic principle is essentially Mr. taraka. When two names or two things are mentioned together, that means they cannot mean the same thing. They have to mean two different things. So there's a difference

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between Ar Rahman and Rahim. And that has to be made clear to anyone who says it was as you're saying, Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim, you and I have to be aware of what is the difference between Batman and Rahim? And how does each of them benefit me? And why is that in the best manner anyway? Why not just say Bismillah? Why even the addition of Ar Rahman AR Rahim? So let's start from an easy place. The first thing I want to share with you is both of these words are Rahman and Rahim have something in common, yes, they are different, but they have something in common and what they have in common, they come from the same origin Rama. Rama has to do with Rama and Rahim also has to do

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with Rama. Now what is Rama? Typically they translate Rama as mercy.

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I personally Allahu I don't have a problem with that translation. And the reason I don't like that translation is because in the English language, when you say mercy, that actually means you were spared, for example, the king showed him mercy and forgive him, meaning he was about to punish him, but he was merciful instead. Or you are merciful to that animal, meaning that animal was suffering and you took care of it. Or you know, in the house, a lot of hospitals in the world they call the Mercy Hospital, right, the idea that somebody's suffering, and you're getting rid of their suffering or alleviating their suffering, and that's an act of what mercy but in the Arabic language and by

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the way, mercy is even if you if you didn't do your homework in school, or you fail the exam, and your teacher is about to write a big giant F on your paper and you say, Merci, merci, meaning you're asking to be spared. Don't punish me. That's mercy. But in the Arabic language, the word Rama has nothing to do with being spared, actually has to do with the word rahem. Which means the belly of a mother, the womb of a mother, when a woman is pregnant, then she's called, you know, you know, rahima elmora, meaning the woman has a child in her belly. Allah azza wa jal in a hadith godsey describes talking to the womb of the mother, and he says he stuck to cubbies me. I named you. I drew

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I drew your name from my name. Allah says about himself and Allah. Man, I am Allah. I am a rough man. And then he talks to the womb of the mother and says, I gave you the name from my name, meaning man gave the name a run to the womb of the mother. That's important because if we're going to understand the names of Ramana Rahim we

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We have to understand the womb of the mother, if we are to get any idea what these names mean for us. So let's think about that together. A child, you know, every other relationship human beings have with other human beings is a two way relationship. People say to each other, I love you no matter what. But it's not no matter what is it?

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If you insult me all the time, if you make fun of me all the time, if you're angry with me all the time, if you push me away all the time, if you spit at me, if you hurt me, if you lie to me, if you do these things, then what happens to that love starts going away. I thought you said no matter what, I could do whatever I want. No, love is something that has to be nourished and taken care of. It's not unconditional. There's no such thing as unconditional love. In most relationships, you have the love is grown. When love is shown. You receive it, and then it grows and you don't receive it. It starts withering away, you see, but there's one relationship human beings have this very strange.

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This thing is growing inside a mother. And as it grows, it's causing the mother more and more pain.

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And she eats food, and he's taking all the food.

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And he's sleeping, but she's awake and pain. And as he grows more, he causes her more pain. backache, stomach ache, throwing up, she can't his food anymore, constantly. And this mother as the child grows older, you know, the love she has for this child? She doesn't say man, you made me throw up like 16 times I hate No.

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She's just on this baby. So how to lead this baby. He's giving me a hard time. But she still loves this baby. She'll Walk carefully when she's in the kitchen to notch to touch the corner of a table because she wants to protect the baby. Does the baby even know that the mother is protecting or no, the baby has no idea the baby is living without paying rent, without paying for the food that it's getting free cleanup service, everything's taken care of all the problems are being carried by the mother and the recipient of that love and that care, the baby inside has no idea. He has no idea for that child. Their entire universe is just that belly before there for them the sky and the earth and

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there's no sky in earth, this their sky and earth is just the belly of this mother, their entire existence is being covered, wrapped. And outside of that is a mother who only loves this child. And you think of it this way. If somebody cut you, if somebody made you bleed, would you say Oh,

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it doesn't make any sense.

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But this mother gives birth to a child and almost dies bleeding. She experiences the kind of pain we can't even imagine. Her body tears open to give birth to this child. And she almost dies in the excruciating pains of hours and hours and hours, all caused by this child. And at the end of all of that, what's the revenge she takes? You cut me You made me bleed, I'll show you. She immediately starts feeding the child doesn't she? And as soon as she starts feeding the child, for a lot of women, when they feed the child for the first time it causes them even more pain

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actually causes them even more pain. So Allah says one, Allah one, he says weakness on top of weakness, Quran out of difficulty and pain that she experiences she gives keeps giving to the child keeps giving to the child, a lot wanted to show us something about the way he loves us. By choosing the names of a man and over him, Allah gives and he gives and he gives and he gives every second he gives. He cares he loves he protects like a mother cares and protects you have no idea how much more Allah does so and you guess who has no idea? We have no idea. And when we say what is alive or done for me,

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was a lot when I needed him. How come I may die? He didn't even answer my dog. And yet you are enveloped, covered inside the Wrath of Allah. It's not just mercy, you understand? A mother is not merciful to her baby. A mother loves and cares and protects her baby. So the word of rough man and eloheem have to do with a love love and his care and his protection while we have no idea how incredibly powerful that love and that care and that protection is you understand. That's the first thing we have to know about the words of man and over him. Now the second thing The second thing is equally important is to help you understand the difference between a rough man and over him. I'll

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tell you three things about a rush man, three qualities of the word I won't go technical with you that it's a little mobile and all of that. Just remember three things because of the way a ramen is spelled you see that and at the end are ramen words in Arabic

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Java and kotlin there's other words that have an at the end. Also, when they have this on at the end, three things happen to that word. Three things, okay? The first thing is it becomes very extreme.

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It becomes what? extreme. So, it's not just that a lot loves and cares, or allies loving and caring, he he's definitely being described as extremely loving, and extremely caring, unimaginably loving and imaginably care. It's not a normal amount of love or care. It's an extreme amount. That's the first thing that happens to the word. The second thing that happens to the word is that it is happening right now. It's happening immediately. You know, if you say to somebody, man, that man is patient, Mashallah that man is what patient or this man is knowledgeable, or this man is wise, or this woman is wise. But she's sleeping right now. She's not being wise right now. She's just

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sleeping. She has the quality of being wise. But it doesn't come out until she says something lies or she does something wise, you understand? Just like that. When you say this man is patient. You describe someone who's not here. And you say, you know that man, he's very patient. Do you know for a fact, he's being patient right now? No. But when you use an at the end, you're not just giving someone a quality. You're saying that that quality is happening when? Right now he's being loving and caring right now. It's not something you have to wait for. I'll give you an example to help you understand this. You know, in back home, where I come from, a lot of people have jobs. And in their

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jobs, they get paid every two weeks. Yeah, they get paid on a Friday, every every other week. So somebody has a boss and their boss is supposed to give them their paycheck on Friday at four o'clock. But the boss is in the meeting at three and three o'clock. He's in on the other side of the city stuck in traffic. And this person is waiting for their paycheck. They're getting late for a train they have to catch and they're waiting for the boss. And their coworker says Hey, don't worry, bosses reliable. He'll be here. The boss says what? reliable, but it's not good enough for him. He says I know he's reliable, but I wish he was being reliable wind. Right now. I need a right now. I

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know he's good. But I need that good to work right now. Where does he know He's not answering my texts? When human beings are in need, they don't want to know about the quality you have. They want to know how that quality is helping you win. Right now when you save the word, man. Then you are accepting that Allah is love and his care and his protection is extreme. And that His love and His care and his protection is showering on you when right now it's happening as we speak. As we speak, it's happening. The third part of this meaning is that of the word document is the scariest part. The seal hoodoos which means it's not always permanent.

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Action, same way and means extremely thirsty. Is someone always extremely thirsty. No lullaby means extremely angry. Someone always extremely angry. I'm not talking about your wife. I'm just saying other people

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will always extremely naughty eventually they come down. Joanne extremely hungry. Is someone always extremely hungry. No, these qualities are extreme. They're happening right now. But something can come and get rid of them.

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So if you're extremely thirsty, what can get rid of it? water can get rid of it. If you're extremely hungry food can get rid of it. Allah azza wa jal chose this name to describe something Allah is extremely loving, and extremely caring when right now but it's something you can do. Something you can do and I can do that can disqualify us from benefiting from our one. Isn't that scary? That it's not you can always benefit from it unconditionally. There can be something you can do that can work, remove it, get rid of it. And you know why the Sahaba understood this Sahaba understood this. They said, Man is for everyone in this world.

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But a Rahim is only for the believers in the next world. Because they understood people do some things here. Allah keeps giving them love even the disbeliever who curses Allah who makes fun of a large messenger, the disbeliever who mocks the Quran, who doesn't care about anything, this doesn't disregard the lie, in the worst ways, commits the worst sins and is proud of his or her sins. Those kinds of disbelievers also doesn't like give them love. There's a lot give them care. Yeah. But they're doing something that will disqualify themselves at 1.3 qualities extreme. It's happening right now. And it may not be permanent for you. He may not be permanent. Now let's talk about Rahim.

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Rahim actually means someone someone who has a quality, someone who has a quality, even if it doesn't come out, it's there.

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Like, for example, to say Aziz or Kareem, Kareem means noble even if someone's not actually

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Noble they still have nobility in them. And the more important thing for you Rahim actually means someone who's always loving and caring. Someone who's always loving. It doesn't have the right now, it has the word. Always now look at the mercy of Allah. If Allah only said Bismillah R Rahman, if He only said one Bismillah R Rahman, then the love of Allah would be extreme. It would be right now, but it wouldn't be forever.

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If Allah said Bismillah al Rahim,

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then the love of love of Allah would be forever, but no guarantee that it's coming when right now, a lot wanted to have us understand that His love and His protection, and his his care is coming right now and will always be there. So what did he do? He said

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to him, he took care of our immediate by seeing a rough man. And he took care of our future by saying why Rahim? And the scholars even argue why not even change the order? Why not say Bismillah Rahim? Allah why not do it that way? Because Allah knows who he created. And I

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listen to this carefully. If you're very hungry, if you're very hungry, and Alhamdulillah you're fasting in Cape Town is very easy. So this, I'm talking to the people in Texas, if you're very hungry, or you're very thirsty, and even if it's not Ramadan, you're not fasting, but you're you know, you haven't eaten anything. And you come after a long day at work. And you know, your wife says to you, what do you want to eat on Wednesday?

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What do you want to eat next Friday?

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I don't care woman just give me some food right now.

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When you're in a problem right now, you cannot think about what

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the future if somebody is going through pain right now somebody's house is on fire right now. You don't talk to them about a retirement plan. It doesn't make any sense. Human beings, when they have a problem, they are stuck in the right now. Now. You have your food, you finish eating. That's good. And then she says and then you say what did you want to have next Friday.

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When your immediate is taken care of, then your mind goes to what? The future when you have an immediate problem, all you can think about is now now now, which name of allah takes care of now.

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And when he takes care of now, which name of allah takes care of the future, and for Him, His love and His care is now and will always be there. The last thing that you and I should know we say Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim in everything that we do have all of those names. Allah has many names, alcohol, and Wahab Aziz. And Hakeem has many names. He chose these two names for everything we begin.

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You're about to eat. You're about to work. You're about to get in the car. You're about to change your clothes. You're about to do anything we say Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. Why is that important? That's important because we recognize something. Everything Allah is allowing us to do. Everything Allah is allowing us to do is because He loves us, and He cares for us. And sometimes we say Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim and we start the final exam in school Yeah. And then we fail that exam happens or No? Then you say nothing ah when they lay here is different.

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But in any case, you take you said Bismillah, and you still fail the exam on your

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will still go on said this

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was love and care. Where was the most loving care with the exam?

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You have to understand one last thing about Rahim, Allah azza wa jal will give you His love and His care on his terms, not on your terms. And you may not always understand his terms. Somebody in the hospital dying of cancer at a young age, it happens or not. And Allah is still a rough man over him to them or no, he is, but you and I cannot understand even they may not be able to understand in what way is a lot of man and Rahim that they may not know.

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And tell you one little story and I'll conclude for today just to understand how it was loving care works. Yusuf Alayhi Salam was a boy taken away from his family, kidnapped, thrown in the woods in a ditch, then sold turned into a slave child slavery. What a crime if you see news today of children being sold as slaves. Isn't that disgusting? Isn't that disturbing? You want to change the channel? That's what happened to us of our day saddam, did he deserve it? No. And then he's a servant living in a house doing a good job, doing an honest, honest job and he gets accused wrongly and what happens next

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He gets thrown in jail. Did he deserve being thrown in jail? No. And you're like, oh, man, Rahim, he should cover him in his love in his care. But he got taken away from his father. He got taken away from his family, he got thrown into jail, all of these problems happen. But you know, eventually Yusuf Ali Salaam came out of jail, remember? And when he came out of jail, he interpreted a dream. And when he interpreted a dream, what did the dream mean? that the country is going to have a drought, a water problem, you guys know something about that? Yeah, the country is going to have a water problem. So all the farmland is going to dry up and die. So we have to save the food for seven

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years, while the water is still here. Because the next seven years the water will be gone.

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That was the interpretation of his dream, yes or no. Because of him be if he was never in jail, the king would never have met him.

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And if he was never in, it was never kidnapped, he would never have been in jail. And if he was never in jail, he would have never met the king. And if he never met the king, he would have never interpreted the dream isn't that true? And because he interpreted the dream 1000s of children for seven years, got to stay with their parents and didn't die of thirst and hunger,

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because of a less plan, because Allah didn't just show love and care to him. But sometimes it was loving care. Maybe you're a little bit of your suffering, creates a lot of love and care for so many other people.

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So hon Allah And you know what, for every one of those children that was saved, who gets the reward,

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use of holidays and use of holiday Sam's a little bit of suffering a little bit of suffering and compared to what he's going to get. He acknowledges that allows the agenda is one that allows it within itself again, these are the names we call on when we start a task. Don't ever lose sight of the fact whether things work out for you the way you want or not. One thing is always there. A law never stopped loving a lie never stopped protecting a lie never stopped caring. Allows Oh doesn't make us from the heart of people have this Monday, Rahim barakallahu li walakum wa salaamu Alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato