Nouman Ali Khan – Prophet Yusuf – AS to Musa – AS- Lessons for Children
AI: Summary ©
AI: Transcript ©
But Allah put in her heart what should
she do. She should take the basket,
put the baby in it, and put the
baby in the See. Oh,
the soldiers. River. But what's inside the river?
Something dangerous?
Cocktail. Oh.
And does the river stay still or the
does the river keep moving? Keep moving. So
if you put the basket in the river,
what's gonna happen to the basket?
the the basket starts going down the river.
But there's only one problem with the basket
going down the river.
Where is it gonna go? To the king
To the king. To the palace.
And the the order to kill all the
babies, where did it come from?
The king. The king, and the baby's going
to the king.
But Allah promised the mom what's gonna happen.
It's get she's gonna like garbage. The baby's
gonna come back. So she trusts Allah's promise,
but this looks like it's he's gonna die.
How's this baby gonna survive?
You already
know, you're going to have a feeling. And
that feeling is going to be, I know
I know I know this part.
So I want you to fight that feeling
and hold it in until I ask you
guys questions.
And when I ask you questions,
what are you gonna do? Answer.
No. That's not what you're gonna do. Anybody
else? Yes.
You're gonna put your hand up, but there's
no point putting your hand up
and speaking at the same time.
Then there's no point in putting your hand
up. So if you say, I know the
answer. Pick me me me,
then I can't pick you.
So you have to be silent
and just raise your hand, and I'll give
you a chance to speak. Okay?
But then there will be other times where
I want you to say something and all
of you have to answer at the same
time. Is that clear?
Yes. Oh, is that clear? Yes. Okay. It'll
become clearer.
So the story a little bit of the
story that I wanna tell you happened many
1000 of years ago,
and it's a story that starts with
Yusuf alaihis salam.
Okay? Now Yusuf I know I know I
know you know. Okay. I gotcha. I gotcha.
Okay. So
So Yusuf alaihis salaam, he
you know, later on in his life, he
got a really good job working for a
and he was,
you know, he he was the most important
person almost in the country. Like, the only
one above him in the country was the
king himself.
Right? And he was in charge of making
sure that everybody gets fed, all the security,
all the police,
all the the schools, everybody reported to him.
He was in charge. Right?
And he brought his family over because they
used to live in another country.
His family.
But eventually, he brought his family and they
started living in the same place as him
in the kingdom of Egypt. Okay. So let
me ask you the first question. Which Prophet
am I talking about and where did he
live? Oh my god. Don't know. Raise your
hands. Yes? He lives in Egypt?
He lives in Egypt. Yusuf alaihis salam in?
In what country?
Egypt. And what did he do there? He
yes? He worked for the king. He worked
for the king. Very good. And what did
he do? What did I tell you so
far that's happened?
Me? Uh-huh.
So, like, he's, like,
make sure that, like, everyone,
like, the police sign,
like, every That, but he did something. He
did something.
He did, but there's something else I said.
Let's see if anybody remembers.
Do you remember?
No? You?
He let everyone
fed everyone the food. There's something more. Yes.
For something? Yep. He brought his family from
another country
all the way to where?
Egypt. To Egypt. And because he was right
under the king, he got them all really
nice houses.
His brothers came, his brothers had wives and
children. They all came. His parents came, and
they all started living in what country?
But they were not from Egypt.
They were not from Egypt. And his family,
their their grandpa the grandpa's name was Israel.
What was his name? Israel. Israel. And his
became the sons of Israel.
The sons of?
Israel. Israel. So the sons of Israel started
living in what country?
In Egypt.
Okay. So when they started living in Egypt,
later on
they had children,
and those children grew up, and they got
married, and
those sons of Israel
remember those sons of Israel?
Their kids and their grandkids and their grandkids,
now there were 1,000 and 1,000 of them
living in which country? Egypt. In Egypt. Okay.
So all of them were called the children
of? Israel. Israel. But were they
from Egypt? No. No. They were from somewhere
else. They had moved to Egypt because of
who? Yusuf alaihis salaam. Good. Very good. Because
of Yusuf alaihis salaam. Okay? Now
what happened then is the king you know
what happens with kings when kings like you
guys just had a queen passed away. So
what happened?
Another king.
From her family, right?
King Charles takes over. And then one day
somebody will take over from King Charles, and
then one day from that person, and it
stays in the same family. Right? So that's
how kings and queens pass on.
So the kings kept passing on in the
same family
there was some kind of a war,
and the kings lost their country.
And a new king came.
He wasn't from that family.
New kings took over. Okay? And and what
country was this war? I'm forgetting. I keep
forgetting. Egypt.
Very nice.
And these new kings, they were called the
What are they called?
The pharaohs.
So the pharaohs wanted now that Egypt is
theirs, they're the new kings,
they don't like anything that the old kingdom
used to have.
So in the old kingdom, the sons, the
children of Israel, the sons of Israel or
they used to have a good life, and
they were really important people. And the king
the old kings used to like them. But
the new king says, Nope, the old king
used to like them. That must mean I
have to what?
Hate them. I have to hate them.
I don't like these people.
So he takes them out of their homes.
They used to have nice houses, nice schools,
all of that. He takes them out from
there and he puts them in, you know,
all the way that they used to have
a river, and they used to have a
river, and he they made like these ugly
and like
really bad kinds of homes, and he stuck
them all in there.
1000 and 1000 of them used start living
in huts like really poor people, almost like
they were homeless.
And then he put a kind of a
security fence
around them. So if they had to leave
that area, they had to go through the
and then they could go out.
And they couldn't run away from that country
because on the one side were all the
and on the other side was the river.
So if they said, Maybe we'll just cross
the river and we'll escape, right? So we
don't have to deal with this king anymore.
Well, the problem with the river was once
you get in the river, it goes down
stream, and when it goes down stream it
goes right by the palace of the king.
So the soldiers are gonna catch you. You
get it?
So the sons of Israel, the 1,000 and
1,000 of them, they got stuck in Egypt.
Now they were living, they were basically
right? And so what the king then did,
the king those times, what they did with
these sons of Israel is they used to
beat them up
and they used to say, you have to
help us build our castles and our roads,
and you have to clean the streets. They
used to make them do all the hard
work and barely even pay them one time
to eat.
That's what they did with them. So they
treated them very very badly. You know, when
you get a job, you're supposed to get
paid, right?
And but the thing is they were kept
as slaves. So even when they did their
the boss would say, I don't feel like
paying you. What are you gonna do?
Well, no. But I have a right to
get paid. No, you don't. You're from the
sons of Israel. You people have no rights.
Now go back. Go back to your jail
cell. That's how they were treated for
generation after generation after generation.
So this is the sons of Israel.
They are living now captured in what country?
In Egypt. And it's pretty bad for them.
Life is pretty bad for them. Right?
By the way, they are children.
They're, you know, go further back.
Their great great great great grandfather was Ibrahim
So they were Muslim.
They were actually Muslim.
But the the pharaohs obviously they were not
right? So then then what happens next is
the pharaoh, the king,
as he was getting
nightmare that a baby
from the sons of Israel
is going to come and he's going to
destroy his kingdom.
So he started having nightmares about what? About
a Baby. About a baby.
Have you guys seen Kung Fu Panda? Yes.
Have you seen Kung Fu Panda 2? Yes.
Do you remember the peacock?
Yes. Some of you, yes. Some of you,
Those of you that have no, no, just
make a staghfad. It's okay.
the when the peacock used to see a
or actually, you know, Poe himself used to
see a dream. Remember?
And the peacock had a vision that a
creature of black and white is going to
come. Remember?
And he was afraid. So they copied that
part of the story
from this story. The pharaoh used to see
a dream
that one of these Israelites is going to
rise up and he's going to destroy the
kingdom. So he used to get really scared
of the baby boys
of the sons of Israel
because he thought one of them will one
day become a leader and he's going to
destroy his kingdom.
So he came up with a really terrible
He said, I I I need these baby
boys because when they grow up they become
my slaves. So I get them to do
the work.
But I can't have too many of them.
Because if I have too many of them,
they might one day say, Hey, we don't
wanna be treated like this. We don't want
our mom to be treated like this. We
don't want our dad to be treated like
this. We're gonna fight back.
You can't treat us like this anymore, right?
So they could they could start a war.
So if there's too many of them So
he came up with a solution and his
solution was every few years he would tell
his soldiers, Go and if there's any new
baby boys, throw them in the river.
That's what he told them.
That was his
this way his way of solving the problem
of his nightmare.
Okay? So now I'm gonna pause for a
second because I want you to know how
far we got.
The story started with which prophet?
Show of hands only.
All the way in the back.
Yusuf alaihis salaam. Yusuf alaihis salaam. Very good.
What's your name? Muhammad. Muhammad Gajab, Yusuf alaihis
salaam. Who brought
to where?
Who did he bring and where did he
bring them? Yes. What's your name? Yusuf. Oh,
you better know.
Who did he bring?
Who did Yousef bring? Do you remember? Do
you remember? He's handsome.
Very nice. What's your name? Noora.
Noora. Nura. Nura. Excellent job, Nura. He brought
his family to
Egypt. Egypt. No. Egypt.
Okay. He brought them to Egypt, and life
was good.
Then how did life start becoming bad for
the sons of Israel? How in the world
did that happen? Yes. Because the like, something
happens, like, the family of the kingdom the
queens. Right. And then the war happened, and
king. They got a new king and so
you what's your name? Ibrahim. Ibrahim. And you
got excited and cut Ibrahim off but that's
still okay. What's your name?
Aisha. Aisha. Good job. Okay.
So then the new kings came and they
don't like who?
They they don't like the children of Israel.
So they turned them into what?
They turned them into slaves.
Why can't the slaves escape?
How come they're stuck?
Because on one side, there's soldiers, and on
the other side,
is, kept all because there's a stream and
that leads to the powers where Where all
the soldiers are. So they they're stuck. Right?
And the only time they come out is
to do the work like slaves, and then
they go back into those huts. Now when
this when the king ordered
that I want all the babies this year,
all the newborn baby boys
need to be
Okay? So this soldier started coming into the
and everybody was scared like they're gonna kill
And there was one woman
who used to live right by the river
and she had just had a baby.
And the baby used to cry really really
And you know what's gonna happen if the
soldiers hear the baby crying loud, what's gonna
They're gonna break the door because they're listening
for what? What are they listening for? They're
listening for babies. So if they hear the
baby crying, they're gonna break in the door
and they're gonna take this baby and what
are they gonna do?
Throw them in the river. And by the
way, there used to be crocodiles in the
now this mom is terrified
that the soldiers are coming. She could hear
the noise outside.
She could hear the soldiers are getting closer
and closer. And all of a sudden,
Allah put a thought in her heart.
Allah said to her,
feed the baby.
Feed the baby. So she started feeding the
While there's chaos outside, what's she doing?
Feeding the baby. And when the baby is
drinking and having food, what is it not
doing? Crying. It's not crying. So the soldiers
kind of walked by. So there's no baby
here. Let's keep going.
But they might come back. Right?
So that Allah put another thought in her
Allah told her, You should take this baby,
and you see that basket
over there? Put the baby in the? River.
And then take the basket and put it
in the?
River. And then Allah told her, I promise
We promise you we're gonna give him back
to you. I promise the baby will be
back to you. That's what the mom was
You think it's easy to put a baby
in the water? No.
No. Maybe your sister or something. You're like,
I don't like her. I wanna put her
in the water.
But have you guys ever gone to the
beach? Yeah. When you get too close to
the water, what does your mom do?
Come back. Get over here.
Just a second.
And sometimes your dad takes you and he
goes inside the water.
And what does your mom do? He gets
so panicked. So bring him back. Bring him
back. You go drown. I don't care about
you. Just give him the baby back.
Moms get scared of babies near the water.
Sometimes babies sometimes moms give their babies a
bath, right? And they fill the the bathtub
with water,
but they put so little water even the
baby's like
I want you more. Okay. But they It's
too dangerous.
Right? But Allah put in her heart, what
should she do? She should take the basket,
put the baby in it, and put the
baby in the
the soldiers are on the other side, so
they're not paying attention to the river, are
they? And even if they see the river,
they're just gonna see a basket covered with
a blanket.
Right? But what's inside the river?
Something dangerous?
And does the river stay still or the
does the river keep moving? Keep moving. So
if you put the basket in the river,
what's gonna happen to the basket?
You guys saw kung fu panda. Right? Yeah.
You know at the end of the first
kung fu panda, there was a basket. Yeah.
And then it started fine because of the
wind. Right? With poe in it? They stole
that from this story. It's in the Quran
the the basket starts going down the river.
But there's only one problem with the basket
going down the river.
Where is it going to go?
To the king
to the palace.
And the order to kill
all the babies, where did it come from?
The king. The king, and the baby's going
to the king.
But Allah promised the mom what's gonna happen.
It's get she's gonna like Come back. The
baby's gonna come back. So she trusts Allah's
promise, but this looks like it's he's gonna
How's this baby gonna survive? So what happened
is the the basket's coming down
and the queen, not the king but the
she was sitting by the river
and she was just looking out staring at
the water, and she sees what?
She sees a basket.
And she tells her soldiers,
Bring me that.
And so they grab the basket and they
bring it to her. And she opens the
basket and what's there?
It's a baby
and she didn't have a baby. She wanted
to have a baby but she didn't have
a baby. And all of a sudden she's
Oh my God,
I have a baby and he's so cute.
And she loved this baby.
And so she grabbed the baby and she's
the soldier said, ma'am, I believe it's one
of the babies we're supposed to,
She said, what did you say?
I'm the queen.
Get out of my face.
So she can they can't say anything to
her because she's what? The queen. She's the
queen. Now in the meantime, the king
was inside his office, you know, inside the
king's office and he was telling all the
generals, so how many have we killed so
far? How are the plans going? He was
having his meeting. Right? And what does she
do? She grabs the baby and she walks
into the king's office.
And she takes the baby and she puts
it right in front of the king.
And she says, Isn't he cute?
Can we keep him?
Come on. We should keep him. We should
we should pretend he's our own baby or
at least he okay. If you don't wanna
keep him as our own baby, maybe you
could just help around the house,
help around the palace. Can you please keep
him? But what's the king supposed to do
with all these new babies? He's supposed to
kill that. But the baby was so cute,
and Allah even says,
Allah said, Allah put a special love on
this baby
from him that even when the pharaoh, the
king, saw the baby, he fell in love
with him,
And he couldn't like he was such a
mean king, he was okay with killing children,
and then he saw this baby
Okay, fine. You can keep him.
So now the baby's safe,
and the baby is now living with the
King. With the king.
But Allah's promise was not that he's gonna
be safe. What was Allah's promise? And do
you remember Allah's promise? It's gonna go
back to the mother. So what happens after
a few maybe an hour later, the baby
starts crying.
And when the baby starts crying, what are
you supposed to do?
Feed the
So the queen start tried to feed the
baby. The baby said,
haram. Don't want it. Yes.
Then she no. He didn't say it. No.
Now I'm saying that. That's creative insert insertion.
What does he say that when he's speaking?
He probably said
That's what he said. Yeah.
So then
then she she brought other women. Can you
feed this baby? Can you feed this baby?
Can you feed this and nobody can feed
this baby. And he's crying louder and louder
and louder. Now this is becoming a problem
because if the baby doesn't eat, what's gonna
happen to the baby? The baby is Baby's
gonna die.
So the the queen said, go find me
anybody who could feed this baby. I don't
care where you find them. So all these
ladies that used to serve in the in
the in the palace, now they start running
out looking for somebody who can feed a
In the meantime,
the mom remember the mom? Yeah. Who put
her baby where? In the basket. In the
basket? She had another child.
She had an older daughter.
The daughter was like 9, 10 years old,
like one of you.
And so but that 10 year old was
really smart.
She was super super smart. So the mom
told her, Listen.
I want you to follow the basket
along the river.
Okay? But don't tell anyone. Don't look at
the don't look at the basket straight and
say, oh my god. That's like my brother.
He's so cute. Right?
Because if she says, that's my brother, what
are the soldiers gonna do?
So she has to pretend that she's just
but keep an eye on the basket.
So she follows the basket follows the basket
until the basket ends up inside the? Palace.
Palace. But the girl can't go inside the
palace. She's stuck outside. So she's like, okay.
I'm just gonna wait here. Let's see what
And then from the inside,
these girl, these women came out, We need
someone to feed a baby. We need someone
to feed the baby. And who was standing
outside the palace? The little girl. The little
girl. And she said, hey,
I know a lady. She's pretty good.
She's really good with babies.
It's the mom. Who's she talking about? It's
the mom. But she didn't say it's the
mom. She just said, I know somebody.
I think I think I know the bright
person for this.
So it's like, Okay, okay. Let's go. So
they went and they got her,
and they brought her to the palace,
and the queen looked at her and said,
Can you feed this baby? And she says,
Yeah. Yeah. I could do that. I think
I could do that. And then she started
feeding the baby and the baby was happy.
And the queen said, Well, you're not going
back home. You're gonna live here now because
you need to take care of this baby.
You are the full time nanny for this
baby. We're gonna give you a room in
this palace, you can bring your kids here,
you can live here, and you're gonna be
like a second mom to this baby.
He's the party
boy. So she was, but now it acts
she acted like she's the second mom. Right?
And then that boy that will yes. The
boy that was supposed to be, you know,
killed and drowned, Allah had him raised inside.
Now I gotta leave you guys, but before
I do, I'm just gonna tell you one
thing. One lesson. That was the story, but
I didn't give you any lessons. I'm gonna
just give you one lesson.
What did the mom tell the daughter? Yeah.
Aisha, what? To keep following the breathing
and the river. Like, don't don't feel like,
oh, that's my brother, Aisha. But she didn't
say that. All she said was follow him.
All she said was what? Follow him. Follow
him. And you know what the girl didn't
do? The girl didn't say like follow him
like what? You want me to like swim
or something?
I don't understand. Follow him, mom. He's in
the bath he's in the river.
Did the girl figure out herself that she
has to go along the side of the
river? She figured it out herself. Did the
mom have to tell her a 100 times,
put your shoes on. No. No. Fox first.
Now go fall keep your eye on him.
Be smart about it. Did the mom have
to say any of that?
All the mom said was what?
Follow him. Follow him.
And the rest of it, who figured it
out by themselves?
The girl. The girl.
And when she got to the palace, did
she say, Oh well, I guess my brother's
gone now. I'm just gonna go back home.
I finished the sandwich I started. Or did
she stay there and waited a little bit?
Stay. But the mom didn't tell her to
stay. She figured that out by who? By
herself. Right?
The reason I'm telling you that is because
sometimes your parents tell you to do something.
And you're like, what do you mean?
They're like, do the dishes. How many?
What am I supposed to do?
Do you use soap or how do you
you want me to scrub it with my
socks? What do you want? I don't understand.
It's so complicated.
You know what the Quran is telling us
about kids?
The Quran is telling us about kids that
kids are really really smart.
And if you just get a little bit
of instruction, you can figure the rest of
it out
by yourself.
And it doesn't mean that you have to
be adults to figure things out by yourself.
Even at your age, you can figure a
lot out by yourself,
right? So you have to know sometimes your
mom has to tell you something how many
times when dinner is ready.
dinner is
ready. Dinner is ready. I said dinner is
ready. Oh my god. Don't make me say
it again. Aisha.
did I just say dinner?
You know what?
You know what? There's no dinner for you.
And then 5 hours later, you show up,
is dinner ready?
I'm hungry like, I didn't hear you. Oh,
my god.
You know why?
Because sometimes kids forget
that parents shouldn't have to repeat themselves. How
many times do they have to say something?
And do they have to say it with
a lot of details or just a little
They should have to say something just a
little bit. And you and I as their
If my mom says something, my dad says
something, even as an adult, and you as
kids, if our parents tell us something, they
should say very little, and we should be
able figure the rest of ourselves and follow
later or immediately?
So the girl didn't say, okay, mom. I
know you're saying follow the river but like
I just finished my homework and
my favorite show is on right now.
And I just can I just take 5
minutes? Just 5 minutes. Okay?
If she did that, what would have happened?
The baby wouldn't get to eat. Exactly.
So all that whole plan that Allah made,
that only worked because that little girl did
what she was supposed to do, isn't it?
So you being smart
and you following instructions
and you figuring things out by yourself
can be a really really big deal.
It can change entire kingdoms.
By the way, that boy ended up becoming
the one who challenged the king, and then
the king finally did drown and lose his
throne. That was Musa alaihis salaam.
And what did you Okay. No. That was
well, not quite.
But, yeah. Close. But that's the little bit
of the story that I wanted to share
with you today. I know it's over time.
So if you guys have any questions, I'll
take your questions now. Otherwise, goodbye. I wanna
eat a go eat a sandwich.
Yes. And what was the mom's name?
The Quran doesn't tell her his her her
Allah tells her her about her that she's
called the mother of Musa.
The old testament, the bible
says her name is Juhabit
which is in Hebrew, Juhabit,
which actually means tough hearted.
And that makes sense because she was really
tough hearted because she was able to put
her baby in the water. Right?
And she was tough enough not to give
the secret up that that's actually my baby.
So she was a tough lady.
I hope you guys enjoyed that video clip.
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