Nouman Ali Khan – Why Do We Need Hadith If The Quran Is Enough
![Nouman Ali Khan](
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The speakers discuss the importance of trusting oneself and the church's history in understanding the church's history. They share four points about trusting oneself and the church's actions, including trusting oneself and the church's history. They also discuss the importance of Jesus as a witness and the need for a decision-maker to be present in any situation. The speakers emphasize the importance of the Prophet's teachings and the transmission of Islam through people, as it is a sensitive science. They also share their own experiences with the Sunents and the importance of context and understanding the meaning of the word " disclosure."
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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu wa salam O Allah seydel ambia evil mousseline wa ala alihi wa sahbihi h bang from Ahmedabad for our older Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim. follow Allah, Allah Yun, Hatha Yoga Qi, McAfee Masha Raveena home. So Malaysia doofy, unfussy him Hello, Jamie mcedit when you suddenly muslimah rubbish actually suddenly recently MD, Dr. Tommy lasagna, Coco Lee Amina bad. I mean, many of you are aware that I have a private Facebook group, the purpose of which is to help prepare for the coming months of Ramadan. And the intention behind the group is to also allow many of you to interact with me ask your questions and whatever I can help with inshallah hautala
and try and interact with you back. And one of the questions that came up in that group, that I would actually, by the way like you to join, by clicking the link inside of this video, but one of the questions that I thought was very important and very pertinent that came up in the group was why do we need anything beyond the Quran? If the Quran claims that it's enough that it's clear, you know, that it's, it satisfies the needs for guidance for humanity, then what's the point of even believing in the Hadith tradition, the sayings of the prophet or the Sunnah, the legacy of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So I thought it would be important to kind of discuss this
issue, because for a lot of people, that is a point of confusion. I don't want to make this discussion with you guys academic or overly complicated. I want to just give you four simple points to think about. And the first of them is actually the Korans argument itself. In my own study of the Quran, I grappled with this issue maybe 1213 years ago, and when I did, I realized that some of the strongest arguments probably the most conclusive arguments in favor of the tradition of the prophets of Allah and the Sunnah, the Hadith of the Prophet Isaiah, is actually the Quran itself and in depth study of the Quran, leaves you with no other conclusion but to rely and to acknowledge the Sunnah of
the prophet Isaiah to Islam, I would even consider it inseparable from the Quran, are a part of the study of the Quran, not even a separate institution by itself, it's actually part and parcel and inseparable from the Quran. And so I want to share some of that with you in sha Allah how that works. The first case that I want to share with you is that this is not a new criticism. This is actually very similar to a criticism brought about by a group of people that accepted Islam in Medina, but were still kind of sort of skeptical. They had their own criticisms. And one of the things they would say is, when the Prophet would say something, they would say, well, is that you
saying it or is that Koran so they wanted to make a distinction between the Prophet speaking on his own behalf, or saying his words, as opposed to what was revealed to him in the Quran, euphotic una, bien Allahu Allah su Lee. They try to distinguish between Allah or separate between Allah and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and that is responded to exhaustively in many parts of the modern Koran the idea that you cannot separate these two entities. So one of them my favorite place actually belongs to so to Nyssa. And certainly, Sir, this passage is about unconditional submission, and trust and reliance and Allah as a matter of fact, the I want to share with you is number 65. But
I want to tell you some things about it number 66, to help you appreciate what kind of trust Allah expects from his followers. So he says, well, naka de la him have been mandated onto them an equitable and full circle our room in the article that you should kill yourselves should kill your own selves, or leave your homes which doesn't make any sense. Allah never commanded us to kill ourselves or leave our homes. But he says, hypothetically, had he even done that? Nope, most people wouldn't have done it because they wouldn't have found that reasonable, you know, mafia Allahu Allah clean. And then he says, well, well under home Fallujah, you're gonna be like Allah Hydra home, had
they done what they were being told to do, it would have been better for them. What Allah is saying is what he asks you to do, can only be based on wisdom, even if it doesn't make sense to you. That's that point. He never asked us to do any of those things that are unreasonable, but Ally's making the point. You feel so rightful or so you know, so entitled to be able to question the wisdom behind what Allah says, You're not in that position. Now I want to take you an IRA before this is one of the unique places in the Quran where Allah swears by himself. This is not a norm in the Quran. Normally, Allah will swear by one of his creations, calling them as a witness like well as well.
fudger watin was a tune, he'll swear by the fig or the olive, he'll swear by the mount of Sinai, he'll swear by the sun or the moon in elsewhere by time itself. In this particular Ayah he swears by law what I'm bigger than No, I swear by your master, he swore by himself, which is unique. This is very rare in the Quran, that Allah will swear by himself, but he does that in this case, but even when he swore by himself acknowledged that he didn't just say, I swear by the master of the skies and the earth, or I swear by the Creator of all things, he rather said, I swear by your master, and the word you the car is singular, referring directly to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And
so he even acknowledged the prophets I saw them in the oath that he took by himself. Now what is it what is so heavy that before you even mentioned it before a lot of other even mentioned that he takes an oath by himself? He says law you mean una. They have no faith. We haven't
I've been told who these people are yet, but whoever he's talking about, do not have an ounce of faith. And he is so adamant about the fact that they don't have an ounce of faith that he will he's willing to stake his own name as an oath as a credential to this statement. I swear by myself in a sense, they have no faith, I swear by your master, they have no faith whatsoever. Who are these people? What renders their faith no and void that is coming in the rest of this ayah Hector? You hacky McAfee? Mashallah Bynum, our creed, the Muslim creed is that every word of the Quran is literally the word of Allah. Allah does not say anything extra. Allah doesn't say anything that
doesn't need to be said. There's no there's nothing that could have been said in a better way. We believe this to be literally the word of Allah. So now listen to this literal word of Allah. Once again, Hector you hockey mukha Fie Masha jalapeno, until they make you you the decision maker in whatever sprouts among them.
Allah did not say they have no faith until they make the Quran hakimullah Quran you know until they make the Quran the decision maker fee Mashallah beno hatay hakima Angela ilica until they make whatever we reveal to you as the decisive decision maker in whatever has come down to in whatever sprouts among them. Nope. He said, until we make you until until they decide that you are the ultimate decision maker. And whatever issues rise among them, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam has been elevated to that status in this ayah Why him? Why not say revelation should be the final decision? Why say the messenger should be the final decision maker? That's the question that is written, you
know, raised by this ayah and elastics our faith in its entirety on the statement, that until we're satisfied with the Prophet alayhi salatu salam being the ultimate decision maker in whatever issues come up FEMA shadowbane home and charger is interesting word because it's something that is taking place right now. And it continues to arise. In other words until the day of judgment, the oma will see newer and newer issues sprout and the decision maker behind all of them will be our messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now, so malaria jufeel unfussy him Hello, Jamie mcedit is he's not done, your face and my face still rests on whatever is going to be qualified in this ayah. And if we
don't meet the conditions of this ayah it's like we have no faith in this emphatic declaration of the Quran. He says so Malaya doofy, unfussy him how Raja mama today. They're after they did not find or they won't find inside of themselves deep inside of themselves. Any constriction and he tightness, any discomfort over whatever kalita whatever you decided, the prophets I send them once again being put in a position of judgment of verdict. First of all, come to him for judgment, you hotkey, mukha, then mimica data from whatever you have judged, in the end, whatever final decision you've made, they have to be completely happy with it. They can't find an ounce of discomfort inside
of themselves over what you decided. This is the kind of submissive loyalty we're supposed to have to the prophets, I send them and I use the word submissive loyalty on purpose. It's not accidental, because by the end of this ayah, Allah says Will you sell Lima, Lima, and they continually submit themselves in a way that is, you know, that you couldn't have more submission, the work to slim and I'm a fraud What luck, they completely, utterly and entirely submit themselves and continue to do so. You know, use Li mu Islam and the language of it would have been they submit themselves holy, you suddenly Muslim and the morphology, the spelling of the words is a little bit different. And the
suggestion is they continue to do so they continue to submit themselves in other words, their submission is going to be challenged time and time and time again in this ayah it's not that you can I can raise criticisms about what the prophet instructed the the issue here now is that we can even feel a discomfort over what was given to him. So that's the first thing I wanted to make sure that everybody's clear about the status of the prophets. I saw them as declared in the Quran. One more quick point about the Quranic argument and how the Quran makes the Prophet himself inseparable from its verdict, the prophecy Shalom, what he claimed that he's receiving revelation in the very
beginning of Revelation, and people had skepticism like, how do we how are we supposed to believe that this man speaks on behalf of God? You know how the words that he's saying, are not his they're the words of God. You know, what what makes us rely on him so much alive give various reasons why you should believe in him as a messenger but one of them I want to highlight is in Mecca, Allah Allahu Lucan Alvin, no doubt you are committed to a very high character, your credibility and your character and the way you operate the way you deal with people. Though your mannerisms themselves are evidence to the fact that you are a messenger of Allah, that you will not cheat people or lie to
people or deceive people, or take advantage of people and you've never, ever done so in your life, and your character speaks for itself in itself is a proof to the people around the prophets, Isilon
That he himself when he says he's a messenger, he in fact is a messenger sallallahu sallam. In other words, if you want to summarize this point,
it says though Ally's saying that the character of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam is proof of the Quran. So how can the character of the prophets listen and be insignificant? How can what he does, how he behaves, how he acts, how he speaks? How he is with his family, how he is with his neighbors, what he says to his friends, you know, how he looks his smile, how can those things become insignificant when they themselves are being used by Allah as evidence to the authenticity of the Quran? In lac Allah, Allah Hello, can I help him? So that's the some some things a glimpse of the Quranic argument. There are several Quranic arguments. But there just is a couple for you to ponder
about. Related to this question, now we go progressively. The second issue is, well, the Quran is clear. No current claims that it's clear. Well, if it's clear, why do you need something else to clarify it? Why do you need some outside thing, and this is again, a problem that we have not realizing the origin of the Quran, the original experience of the Quran. You see, when the people first received the Quran, the people of Makkah, who were living among this Prophet salallahu alaihe salam for 40 years without him making any claims. And all of a sudden he claims to have revelation, and he's speaking on behalf of the word of a lion. He's declaring the word of Allah. And sometimes
he would speak on his own as well meaning Allah would, he would be inspired by the wisdom of Allah, but he would be using in his own words, the thing is, they didn't have what we have today, we have a book called The Quran. And we have other books called books of Hadith, right? And so there's two separate sources. So if you want to study Quran, you open this book, if you want to study, you know, Hadith you open up Bukhari Muslim, you know, and you open up these other books sources, for the people that first experienced Islam is this is one man's a little Arsenal, it's his voice. When he speaks, it's called on and when he speaks, it's Sunnah. It's actually one, they can't even
physically separate the two. They can't, it's actually one in the same for them. And so this point is incredibly important. Why didn't Allah just send a separate book, so you could just say, Okay, this is the word of God. And that's the word of the Prophet Alayhi, salaatu wa Salaam, and let's just keep those entirely separate from each other. So that, you know, you know, so people know that they have to follow this, but not necessarily that Allah did not send the prophet like a delivery service, like, you know, like FedEx or something, or UPS, that you just deliver a package, and then you don't have you don't acknowledge the greatness of the delivery guy. You just you appreciate the
package not to deliver. But that's not the only role of our prophet or the subtle Salam in order to clarify the message. What Ally's making clear now is that the Quran had to have been delivered through a living role model. It had it this is theory in by itself, it's theory, how do you live this, you need to give you need to give a living model of this. And the living model was the one teaching it the one speaking it. That's why it was incredibly important that it be combined. This is actually something that he complained about, how come papers don't come flying down from the sky, give us in rolls of paper, just come flying down from the sky for lamassu who be a DM so they can
touch those papers with their hands, and then realize that this is this is the word of God. No, that wouldn't make anything clear. When Allah for example, says you have to be cautious of god that's generic. How do you how do you manifest that in, in practicality, you manifest it in the behavior of the prophets eyes on them. So ideas, the world of ideas come to life these ideas in this book, the wisdom in this book, comes to life in the character of the prophet SAW salon, thus making them inseparable as they always were from the very beginning. The third issue that I briefly want to comment on, is the idea that the Quran itself is enough that the Quran claims that it is enough. And
I find it actually pretty interesting that people have a very shallow reading sometimes of the Quran. And don't realize when this was said or how this was said, as a matter of fact, the context of it is entirely different. You walk away with a completely different conclusion. What was asked by them was no loans Allah Allah He Ayatollah B. And so to anchor mood, for example, the question asked, How come no other miracles come to him? Moses received a staff that turns into a snake or he parted water, or Jesus could heal the blind, etc, by God's permission, how come he doesn't show us any special effects? How come he doesn't get any of those miracles? And so Allah said to them, our
lemak for him and not under La, la Calcutta, youth, La La him, is it enough for them that we've sent down the book onto you that is being read on to them for its incredible power and language. The Quran itself is a heavier miracle than all of those previous miracles given to prophets combined. Allies making the case that this book is enough as a miracle as an evidence of the truth of the Prophet solar system. It's not making the case that the Quran is enough.
And you don't need any other, you know, you don't need the Prophet himself solo. So that wasn't even the discussion, the discussion was about whether the book is enough as a miracle. And absolutely, it is more than enough as a miracle, it is more than enough to make a case. And this is something that was evidence to the courage. It's a side discussion, but important to bring up here. You know, when I if I'm talking to you right now, there's no script in front of me, I'm speaking in my own words, right stuff that I remember things that I think about as they come in my mind. I share them with you. If I had a script, especially a script that was written by somebody else, and I was reading it,
even if I had memorized it, and I was reciting it to you, you'd be able to tell that's not how Norman speaks. I think he's quoting Shakespeare. I think he's quoting some newspaper article. I think he's calling it you know, because the speech pattern, the way the words are structured, your style, your you know, everything changes, when you're not seeing your own words, when you're saying words of someone else, when you're repeating words of someone else, especially if you're doing them for a long time. Everybody has basically a speech pattern. When the prophet SAW Selim would speak people have known him speak for 40 years. And when he would recite the Quran, it was not his speech
pattern. The entire body of Hadith doesn't even come close in its style. And it's in the way it's organized, even its vocabulary. It's nothing like the Quran. It's completely distinguishable from the Quran. So people would look at that people would hear him speak and say, Wait, those aren't his words? He No, he never talks like that. As a matter of fact, I don't know anybody who talks like that. They could tell that this is from Allah. And that's the argument being made? Isn't the Quran enough? As evidence? Does it raise enough questions? Aren't you baffled by the Marvel and the beauty of these words, and the language that is being delivered to this messenger, so I tell them, that you
can clearly distinguish from his own speech. So that's the third issue. And fourthly, and this is a small thing, you know, really, to me, the Quranic argument, the first thing I talk to you guys about is more than enough, and it's more than enough to satisfy the heart of a believer. The Quran arguments often are spiritual arguments, and they are the most compelling as far as I'm concerned. Now, there is another rational argument that is brought up and that's, you know, I, even if, let's just say, I want to, I want to believe what the prophet had to say. So I said, I want to believe I want to believe that the prophecy sometimes wisdom is worthwhile. And his his practices, his
teachings, his, you know, his daily rituals, etc. I want to learn about those things. But how am I supposed to trust that these people who narrated these Hades, these are the transmitters of this tradition? who passed it on from one person to another person to another person? How am I supposed to know that these people are trustworthy, that I can rely on them? You know, because Allah said he protected the Quran, he never said he protected Hadith. So how am I supposed to do you know, to make do with this, the simple answer to that even though it's an elaborate, exhaustive academic discussion, and a shout out on the Facebook group, I will also put some, some resources for you guys
to read in the law. But
what I want you to think about is as follows. The people who transmitted Islam are the same bunch of people. It's not one group of people that transmitted the Quran, and another group of people that transmitted Hadith, these companions were entrusted with transmitting the word of Allah, and the teachings of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam, to the next generation, which passed it down to the next, which passed it down to the next the Quran itself is originally an oral tradition. It's predominantly an oral tradition, the writing of it, the you know, the coming together of it is actually a formality that was necessary down the road. But originally I attend but you know, don't
be saluted Latina or to the Al Quran itself will declare, these are miraculous signs lying in the chests of those who've been given knowledge. Overwhelmingly, people around the world, hundreds of 1000s of people memorize the Quran within the first generation. That's how the Quran actually spread. And that's actually how the Sunnah of the prophet slice of them actually spread originally, through these reliable people, the same people we rely on for the Quran, what I'm saying is alerted when Allah said he will protect the Quran. He didn't send us some box from the sky that the Quran came in, and you couldn't touch it anymore. He used people of reliable chests to preserve the Quran.
And it's those very people that have brought us this tradition, this incredible tradition of the prophets eyes on them. Yes, it requires rigor to find out whether or not a statement is actually attributed to him. Just like it required rigor as a matter of fact, and the rigor was applied to even the Quran, even every eye of the Koran, that the water is always there, it's actually the same principles were actually applied to the Quran itself. So questioning Hadith, actually, then you actually end up questioning Quran itself, because it is coming from the same historical tradition. So now at the end of all of this, what I want to share with you is the other extreme as I close and
the other extreme is, we believe in the Sunnah of the Prophet, just as we believe in the Quran and we see them as inseparable from each other. I would even say that the first seed of the Quran the first explanation and the application
The Quran is the living model of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam. The disservice, however, is when you look at anything the book of Allah or the Sunnah of the messenger sallallahu Sallam in a shallow way. In other words, you read a hadith somewhere a translation, a shallow translation of a hadith somewhere, some tradition, you don't know the context, you don't know who the Prophet was talking to. So I saw them, you don't know what transpired there after you didn't dig deeper into what actually the entire context of the speeches and you start drawing all kinds of conclusions. This is a problem. This is why the Hadith sciences are a it's a sensitive science, just like organic
studies. It's a sensitive science. I've learned over the last, you know, few years, that the more you respect context, the more the better your understanding gets, and the more disregarding you are of context. You know, the way we just don't even acknowledge what's what did I say before? What did he say after even textual context, I'm not even saying historical context, even textual context, if you pluck things out from the middle of a conversation, you're not going to understand what was wholly being said, a lot did say the book is clear. But that doesn't mean that it's overly simple. In order to have clarity, you have to apply your mind. A lot expects human beings to reflect on the
book, it's not going to come that you just opened the book, read something. Oh, it should be clear to me. Why isn't it clear to me? Well, you know, mathematics is very clear. But that doesn't mean that it's simple. Physics is very clear for people who study physics. That doesn't mean that it's simple. There's a difference between clarity and simplicity. The Book of Allah and the deen of Islam certainly is clear. And some parts of it as a matter of fact, are simple. But the Quran actually never uses the word simple. It always uses the word clear and clarifying. And in order to arrive at clarity, one has to apply their mind and that's why Allah constantly asks believers of Allah Tachyon
Why don't you apply your intellect? Why don't they reflect? Why don't they think deeply? This is something expected of us? The one time Allah says Quran is easy, and one time he repeats it or odd is easy in the same sola welaka Dr. Sandel Quran Bella Katya Chanel Corolla Katya. So we made the Quran easy. We made the Quran easy, we made the Quran easy, but he actually qualified that statement to he said, Lindsay Baker, we made it easy for the, for the purpose of remembrance, as a spiritual text as a spiritual source. It's been made easy. So for you to remember a lot. The easiest way to do so is recite the word of Allah. In that sense, it was made easy so don't oversimplify or paint you
know, paint with broad strokes, the statements in the Quran and then come away with dangerous conclusions. May Allah azzawajal make us acknowledge the status of our great messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and his role and his inseparable and it's priceless role in US developing the proper understanding and inshallah tada and application of the book of Allah throughout our lives about a kilometer welcome. Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Thanks so much, and I hope you do you guys. join the Facebook group for some healthy conversation.