Nouman Ali Khan – Happiness Is A By-Product Of Living With Purpose

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary ©
The segment discusses the importance of pursuing happiness and finding the right goal in life. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding the "brink haven't been solved" in video games and following rules and a certain approach to success in video games. They also emphasize the importance of following rules and using a certain approach to success in video games. The segment then touches on the concept of happiness and how it is a byproduct of a clear purpose and being achieved. The speaker also discusses expenses and the importance of finding the right goal in life, as well as the importance of achieving happiness and pursuing it.
AI: Transcript ©
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And the amazing thing about the we call in America of course probably

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the pursuit of happiness, isn't it? The incredible thing about

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pursuing happiness is the most depressed people are the people

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that are trying to be happy.

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They're just it's a fleeting constantly escaping thing. Yeah

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Allah I need a new car. I need a new job. I need this. I need this.

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I need this all they're asking for Allah says they will have nothing

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in the afterlife.

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That's pretty harsh. It sounds pretty hard. Yeah, Allah was just

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asking for a car. Why will I not have anything in the afterlife?

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Allah says but then there are people who say give me the best of

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this life. Give me beautiful things in this life and beautiful

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things in the next slide. What is this is teaching us what is his

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daughter teaching?

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At hamdulillah

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Al Hamdulillah holofil module demon and Adam.

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Magellan or even a golem

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we're mostly just subliminal LM

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phenylketonuria to add another

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furnished guru who Island Messiah AB coma Nash Kuru, who Alinea

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wonderfully Adela Sudha hill across the Charleville Hashem me

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when noodle

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while Kitab will come will come well in the beginning I will say

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Ed well at the Adam

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alegebra Shalabi here is a new medium with elevated setting he

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Ibrahim alayhis salam Hina. Can I offer a debate in the hill Mohan

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for Salah Allahu alayhi wa sallam what Allah it's very he Hyrule

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a Latina BarakAllahu li him catheter Nasir Alba Birmingham was

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For hamdulillah let he let me attack his wallet then. Well, me

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Aquila. Who Shadi configurable Well, me Aquila, who really You

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mean a truly like a beautiful tequila?

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Well hamdulillah Hilla? De Anza Allah Allah over the hill Kitab

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Wallonia Allah wherever

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well hamdulillah Latina hamadeh who want to start you know who

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want to stop Pharaoh? When we know he won at our Colorado he went

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through the builder him and surely unforeseen element say Dr. Molina.

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When you had a healer who fell over another woman you will follow

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her the other

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one a shadow Allah ilaha illallah Wacka hula Sharika

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when a shadow Ana Mohammed and Abdullah he was a solo or Salah

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hula hula Allah Bill Hooda was in Leo Hara who Allah de Nicola he

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waka Fabula he Shahida

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for sallallahu alayhi wa seldom at the Sleeman Kathira and Kathira

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another thing that was stuck on Hadith he Kitab Allah wa Halal had

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he had you Mohammed in sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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were in a shovel moody waters out to Hawaii Nicola Mata setting with

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Wakulla with it in Walla

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Walla Walla la for now.

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Called Allahumma Exogen pika Debbie Hill Karim either an Akula

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will let him initiate on a regime called Luna Cinder your

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and blucon Bishop we will create effect Nitin Elaina of your own

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rubbish actually southern USA the mid wind and rock that have been

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recently of Coco Lee, Allahu Martha Bittner and the Lotte Bella

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ilaha illallah wa sallahu wa Jalla, Mina, Latina Amman and me

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to Saudi had what was it? What was the suburb? I mean? Yeah, I mean,

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this last week, I received a question from a young person about

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what doors they can make to have an easy life. And what doors can

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they make to Allah? Are there any special vicar they can do? Or any

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practices they can do? That they can get what they want, like

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there's something they really want, they're praying for it, they

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really want to have it there. What can they do to make sure that they

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get that? And I thought it was a very profound question. And I also

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thought that it's a question that many, many people have. And what I

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wanted to dedicate this goodbye to, is the roots behind that

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question sometimes as a teacher, in my own experience, and also as

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a student, some of my best teachers when they heard a

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question from me, they didn't answer my question, the analyzed

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this, they saw the question as the fruit. And they tried to get to

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the root and address the root, because simply answering the

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question would actually not address the root problem, if you

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if you get what I'm saying. So behind this question, there's

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actually a an entire way of thinking about reality, a way of

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thinking about Allah, a way of thinking or thinking about life.

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And it's connected to all of that it's connected to essentially a

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worldview. So it's probably best to start at the root instead of

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addressing the fruit or addressing the branch. And that's what I'm

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hoping to do in this brief few minutes that I have with you. And

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I want to start because this was asked by a young person, I want to

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start with something that hopefully a lot of young folks,

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probably a lot of old folks like myself too can relate to. And

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that's video games.

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Video games are

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are pretty addictive, and there are a lot of fun. And people of

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all ages enjoy them. But there's a psychology behind video games, you

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know exactly what you have to put in. And you'll know exactly what

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you'll get out. You have to, there's a certain way to beat this

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boss, there's a certain way to unlock this level, there's a

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certain way you have to go about moving from one, one level to the

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next one boss to the next one puzzle to the next, etc. If you

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want to earn, you know, coin, you want to earn one level up, or you

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want to rank up, there are rules inside the video game, the

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programmers, the developers of the game, they create these rules

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inside this world that they create. And you follow those

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rules. And so long as you can follow those rules, the better you

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are at following the rules, the more results you're gonna get.

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Exactly. So if you do this, this this, you're gonna move up, there

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are no surprises, there is no mystery. And that's why people

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that are hardcore gamers, and they are having a hard time with a

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particular game or a level or something, they'll go to YouTube

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to their YouTube, you know, walk through shape, and have them walk,

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this is how you do it. You see, let me let me be your morshed and

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guide you to press X hold L one and then do this and then and then

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you win. Okay, so now the rules are set for you to succeed.

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It's not all that different from sports, even though sports has

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some more unpredictability. But even in sports, here's the here's

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the field, it's many, many sports, it's shaped like a rectangle. And

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here's your objective. If you can meet that objective, you win. If

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you don't meet that objective, you fail, it's simple, clear, that's

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all you got to do. This is what's required of you. Okay?

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Life doesn't work that way.

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And life's too, people are putting in exactly the same amount of

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work, exactly the same amount of work. And one of them gets a lot

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of benefit from that work and the other one doesn't.

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Many of you are students in university or school and I know

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many of you have summer off right now. But you have you put in so

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much work to try to pass an exam and you barely got a 70. And the

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friend of yours was clearly no longer a friend didn't even

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remember that there's an exam. And they got to 75 start here, I did

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all this stuff. And you did nothing. And then you went out of

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your way to be top of your class to, you know, to be the 4.0 GPA to

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be the valedictorian, all this stuff. Because you have this

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entire plan in your head, first, I'm going to be the best at

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school, then I'm going to ace my interviews, then I'm going to get

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this job done. I'm going to do this, then I'm going to do this

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whole plan was laid off. And then you had a friend who was like,

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Yeah, I don't know what I want to do with my life, man, I don't

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know. And then you both graduate, and three years have gone by you

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can't find a job. And he already got a six figure offer before he

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graduated. And you're looking at that doesn't seem fair, I did all

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this work. There's one getting all this benefit. This is not the same

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as a video game. In fact, some psychologists even argue people

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are drawn to video games, because it's life is simpler inside the

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game. Because you follow the rules, and you get these results.

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But outside this outside the world of the video game, doesn't matter

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how many rules you follow, you don't get the same results,

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everybody's getting different results. And this young person

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who's saying, hey, is there a cheat code in Islam, that says if

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I do this to Allah, and if I do this vicar this many times, then

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this will unlock for me in life. This will open up for me this

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blessing will come in my way. Right? Is there something I can

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get that can do this, this and by the way, this is not just a

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teenager, you have old people coming and saying, Can you give me

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one vicar that I can convince my son to marry this girl? Or do this

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or this? Can you and everybody's looking for a cheat code like in

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the video game? Like a walkthrough from within Islam to try to figure

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out how they can make life easy. Look, my first answer to that

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is why? Why do you want life to become easier? Because we are now

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wrapped up in a worldview where the ultimate objective of my life

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is to actually be happy.

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Like the the highest thing I can reach. If I have that life would

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be good if I was happy.

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And the amazing thing about the we call in America of course probably

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the pursuit of happiness, isn't it?

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The incredible thing about pursuing happiness is the most

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depressed people are the people that are trying to be happy.

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They're just it's a fleeting, constantly escaping thing. I can

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be very happy when I'm eating ice cream, and then it's over. And now

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I'm sad that I ate ice cream and I have to pay the consequences.

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Right? So this idea that we're running after this thing, if I

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have this I will be happy or honorable described very clearly

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the delusion

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A little nature of that kind of thinking.

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And Allah azza wa jal will describe it analogy and sort of

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sort of Hadith and describe it as Fatah who was thought one, like

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the farmer who was going to be so happy that his crop is growing.

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And then he's just gonna watch it turn yellow, it's gonna go dry.

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Like, his ultimate goal was man, when this farm girls tall and the

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stalks grow tall, I'm gonna make all my years worth of money, it's

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finally gonna pay off, I did all the work, I did everything right,

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it's gonna pay off. And Allah says Fedora almost full run through my

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Apolo Catarman, you'll see it turn yellow, it'll turn something into

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crust that you just step on it, and that nothing now, there's

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nothing now.

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So the first thing that I want to share with you is, maybe we're

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pursuing the wrong I'm not saying you shouldn't be happy. Hopefully,

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by the end of this football, you will be clear about that. I'm not

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saying you shouldn't be happy.

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What I am saying is we're looking for the wrong goal. To be happy.

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We're looking for what is the right goal is what I'm trying to

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get at.

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Instead of saying My purpose is to be happy.

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The Quran is actually arguing happiness is a byproduct of when

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you live purposefully,

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when you have a clear purpose, she wants to accomplish something

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meaningful. In your life, you want to do something you want to make

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the most of what Allah has given you. And what Allah has given you

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is not the same as what he gave the next person and the next

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person and the next person. For some people, they can sleep and

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pass the test. Some people can stay up a whole year and barely

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pass the test. Allah has not given everybody the same ability. I used

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to teach, you know, full time I used to teach Arabic. And I had

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some students that barely attended class, and we're on top of

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everything. And I did not like them. And then there were students

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who used to work so hard, they would get there one hour before

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class starts, they would stay two hours after class ends, working,

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working, working, working. And at the end of like a year of teaching

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them I had to say, Mahabharata, hula hula Arabiya.

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Like Allah did not create this person for Arabic. Like he's, he's

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an engineer, he's an amazing engineers genius in his field.

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Can't do now this is not for him.

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And for somebody else, this is

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what I'm trying to get at is one, unlike a video game, or unlike a

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sport where you follow this and you'll get this result. Then you

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can see somebody else did it and they got that result so you can

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look at somebody else and follow their way. You can't do that in

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life. And that's not what Quran is describing. In fact, the Quran is

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actually prescribing the opposite. Without the turban Noma football

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Allah hooby Heba welcome I love and this sort of thing, this app.

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He said, Don't stop wishing for what preferences Allah has given

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some people over other people, some people are just stronger than

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you are. Some people are smarter at some things than you are. Some

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people are better at business than you are. You know, they opened up

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a restaurant and it took off, I opened the the restaurant and I

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went bankrupt. It's not fit, same neighborhood, I should have picked

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a different neighborhood at least. Right? So the first thing to get

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out of his comparison,

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and nobody else's life is gonna play out like your life is gonna

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play out Allah has drawn and mapped out each of our lives

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differently. The second thing that we have to understand is that one

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person's blessing is another person's curse.

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The same thing, the same, exactly. You would think beauty is a

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Beauty good looks are a blessing, good looks, God uses a lesson I'm

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in jail.

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You will think being strong as a blessing. Right? The strength of

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Musa alayhis salam is the reason he had to run away from Egypt.

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You will, in some contexts, the same thing that you think is

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amazing, is the very thing that can get you in a lot of trouble.

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That same thing, and for somebody else, it might even be a blessing.

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For some people get you losing their job was the best thing that

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ever happened to them. But you would think losing a job was a

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terrible thing. But all these other opportunities opened up

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because they lost their job.

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For some other people, they lost their job and it's actually a

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difficulty. We don't know. So firstly, we cannot have a black

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and white definition of what is a blessing and what is a curse? What

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is it? What isn't the amount what is an o'clock? We can't We can't

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judge that. We don't know. This was the lesson Allah was teaching

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Musa alayhis salam through his journey in South Africa have what

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looks like a blessing might be a curse, but might might be a might

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be a crystal it's like a blessing. You don't know there's a there's a

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long term plan that Allah has will Allahu Allahu Allah is the One who

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knows you don't know.

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We don't know and you it may be what I signed Takara who shall

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be so you don't really don't like something but it's good for you.

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Something good has come out of it. As I'm Takahashi and where's all

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along FIFA played in Cathedral. It maybe you don't like something

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Allah has put a lot of good in it.

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So now we step back and I tried to look at my life, we try to look at

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your life and we understand it from a lens. And what's that lens?

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The two things I want to leave you with. One of them is this idea

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that I started with this isn't suited MBR Allah says Kulu laughs

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in the cartoon mouse, every person shall be tasting death that's

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bound to happen, in fact that I call that a quarter multi Lofa

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almost suggests, as if you're already tasting it. Like every

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day, every breath is a small taste of death, and we're inching

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towards it for the ultimate taste of it. That's already started. So

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instead of getting lost, and if I had this, I would be happy. And

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even if you had that death is coming and taking that away and

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you away.

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You understand? Like, imagine somebody who's, you know, whose

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house is on fire and they're worried about then if I just had

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barbecue chicken right now, this would be so good. No, no, there's

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a there's a fire approaching. It's coming. Right now. Maybe the

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chicken wouldn't be nice. But maybe you need to think about

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getting out of this house right now. There's a bigger problem at

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hand. So first, Allah puts things in perspective, you don't have a

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lot of time I don't have a lot of time. Death is coming and there's

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no way I can avoid it. It's on its way. Then he says just because

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death is coming by the way, I don't have to become depressed and

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dark and put like dark eyeliner underneath and start listening to

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heavy metal emo music and like, everything is gone. Everyone's

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gonna die. You're gonna die, death, death, death. You know, you

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don't have to do that. Allah says what a blue cone. And we will

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absolutely test you with a blue condition we will high we will

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test you with good and bad actually literally says he will

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test you with bad and good will test you with bad and good. That's

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what Allah says. Death is coming. But before it comes, there's going

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to be a lot of bad things in your life and it's going to be good

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things in your life. And that's Allah's plan for you.

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The idea that oh my god, why did something bad happened to me?

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How come Allah let something bad happened to me the same way I will

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let many good things happen to us.

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That was part of the plan. What's supposed to happen?

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If I could just find a cheat code to lock like anything bad ever

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happened to me ever. You're not getting ready for life. You know,

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look, man at a salon was teaching his child how to live as a

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believer in the Quran. Like, how to prepare him for life. And he's

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a kid this is just a kid. You know what he told him? One of the

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things he told them is what spirit Isla sabak

00:17:25 --> 00:17:30

BPAY patient we must be strong. We have grit over whatever hits you,

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meaning life will hit you. Things will come. You need to be patient

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with and it started with a niche couldn't be grateful to Allah is

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where we started. And in the same passage, he's telling his child be

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ready for all the things that life's gonna be tough.

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I couldn't protect myself from the bad things that were going to come

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in my life. I'm in no position to protect my child.

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The only thing I can do is prepare my child. This The only thing I

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can do is prepare my child. Allah will test you with difficult

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situations and with good with hardship and with ease with bed

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and with good, he will test you I want to tell you a little bit

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before I let you go about the word test.

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The word test here is Bella no gluco Bella. It comes from the

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Arabic word bulimia. And bulimia was a weird, twisted practice of

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the Arabs when the Arabs had somebody died, some rich guy died

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and they buried him and used to have a camel. They would tie the

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camel to his grave and not feed the camel and let it die. Like

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torture the camel by letting it die slowly by tying it to the

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grave of the guy who died. Okay. And the Yanni says a turtle and

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accompany Sahibi have so now gotten to Oracle and the companies

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are heavy handed. Well, that's not fun. It's not fed. It's not given

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anything, let it die slowly and it's going through a banana. The

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Campbell is going through Herbalife it's being tested slowly

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and rigorously. Let's see how long it lasts. The word suggests that

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Allah will test us in a way that will essentially be a test of our

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stamina. Like you might survive the test today. But it's the test

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isn't over. It'll come again and your ability to withstand that

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test is a little bit reduced tomorrow and a little bit reduced

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tomorrow. Or when Allah tests and what does it mean that we all know

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Allah tests were bad? Well, what does it mean Allah tests with

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good, Allah test with good too, because when somebody gets hit

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with good, they're like, I can afford to be a little bad. Allah

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is so good to me.

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I can afford it a little bit. Come on, let me have some fun,

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you know, different kinds of tests. The good thing that

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happened to you might become the worst thing that ever happened to

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you because you fail the test.

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And the bad thing that happened to you might be the best thing that

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ever because you pass the test. That's not gonna happen.

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And so he says what you laid out on your own in the end, you're

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going to have to be returned to us to die. I want to leave you with

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in this last minute. I said we're pursuing happiness, we need to be

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pursuing purpose instead. You know when we

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Make Hutch

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and we're doing

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every time we come across the Brooklyn we say Robin attina for

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dunya Hasina will ask you about the Hassan Okinawa now this is a

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drug that almost everybody here knows. In this lab we ask Allah

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for good and beautiful things in this life and good and beautiful

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things in the next life and actually in the passage from which

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it comes in certain Bacara Allah says women who may follow Robina

00:20:26 --> 00:20:27

attina for dunya Well, hopefully

00:20:28 --> 00:20:32

some people among them, they just say Allah give me in this world,

00:20:33 --> 00:20:35

that Allah I need a new car, I need a new job. I need this. I

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need this. I need this. All they're asking for Allah says they

00:20:37 --> 00:20:38

will have nothing in the afterlife.

00:20:39 --> 00:20:41

That's pretty harsh. That sounds pretty harsh. Yeah, Allah was just

00:20:41 --> 00:20:44

asking for a car. Why will I not have anything in the afterlife?

00:20:44 --> 00:20:47

Allah says, but then there are people who say give me the best of

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this life. Give me beautiful things in this life and beautiful

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things in the next life. What is this is teaching us what is his

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daughter teaching us? There's Darius teaching us Yeah, Allah

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give me good things in this life, that directly lead to good things

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in the next life.

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The good things in this life are truly good when they are

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And well, how are they purposeful? They will benefit me in some way

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in the next slide. Last thing, just cuz I know there's a lot of

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business people in our community isn't that analogy. From a

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business perspective, there are some expenses you do

00:21:23 --> 00:21:26

that are you just lost, you just throw money down the toilet.

00:21:27 --> 00:21:31

There's just it just burnt, you just burnt money. Right. And then

00:21:31 --> 00:21:35

there are some expenses you do, it has depreciating value, it adds a

00:21:35 --> 00:21:38

value, there's a return on the investment, it's a long term

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investment expenses are going to be expenses. But if you're going

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to have expenses anyway, might as well have the kinds of expenses

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that will have some kind of return. So you make very smart

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choices about your expenses. That's the Quran is outlook on all

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of dunya I'm gonna experience this world anyway, might as well

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experience this world in a way that whenever I'm experiencing

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doing something in this dunya it is immediately and also

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simultaneously benefiting me in my head, I'm not only thinking about

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dunya ever, I'm thinking about dunya and I'm connecting it always

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to Morocco. And in this way the Quran kept us from becoming

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materialistic. And this way the Quran kept us from becoming you

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know, Catholic monks who don't care about the world, we actually

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get the best of both. And now they're purposeful. Imagine having

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a beautiful car, but you don't you don't know how to drive. It's not

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a blessing anymore, because you're not putting it to use you use it

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to hang your clothes on it

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does not It's not its purpose. Having a having a blessing only

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has purpose when you put it to use for something higher. And that's

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what the Quran is teaching us. Good and bad. We have to make the

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most of it. May Allah azza wa jal make us all people that live in

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life of Allah giving us the good of this world that leads to the

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good of the next BarakAllahu li Walakum Quran in the game when the

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family will eat.

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So much Alaikum everyone there are almost 50,000 students around the

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world that are interested on top of the students we have in

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studying the Quran and its meanings and being able to learn

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that and share that with family and friends. And they need

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sponsorships which is not very expensive. So if you can help

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sponsor students on Vienna TV, please do so and visit our

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sponsorship page. I appreciate it so much and pray that Allah gives

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our mission success and we're able to share the meanings of the Quran

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and the beauty of it the world over

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