Nouman Ali Khan – Advice to New Du’aat – Q&A
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listening to your, like,
from the beginning of my Islam journey,
and I have a few questions, like, 2
questions. Okay. I'm gonna try to keep it
short. First off, I'm a Daia as well,
and I'm I have a team here. I
give, lessons.
I just repeat what I learned from my
And I wanna ask you, like, you're, for
example, a role model to me. I live
in role. Allah, may Allah bless you. And
I wanna ask you, like, if you have
on this journey,
like, which mistakes should Adaiyah avoid if you
wanna be successful?
Like, what are the things
you would avoid if you have started new
I would have spent a lot more time
on learning. Yeah.
Like, I would have so that that would
be probably the 1 of the big ones.
Oh, well. And,
I would have
I would've appreciated the value of
collaborative learning.
What that means is
when I learn something from a teacher,
I learn it. III,
learn it to the best of my ability,
but I do my own research and my
own investigating and my own asking questions. And
then sometimes I end up finding that what
my teacher shared with me, I'm not so
convinced of it.
So I need to learn from multiple sources
before I am at because that when I'm
when I'm gonna share something with someone,
I have to be I can't just rely
on 1 person.
I need to be able to say I
did justice
to my
examination before
I talked about something. Wow. There are surahs
in the Quran right now that I don't
talk about
because I haven't done my work. Subhanallah.
I've studied them. I've I've studied the tafsir,
but that's not enough work.
So, like, my biggest advice would be knowing
That would be 1.
Another advice would probably be
the du'aat
end up in a circle of people
that are similar minded
to them
or are in the similar space. Mhmm.
And the more they do that, the more
they start getting cut off from the rest
of society. Yeah. Because they're in their own
little bubble. It's become their own the Islamic
world. Their own little Islamic world.
the more you do that, the more it's
hard it's harder for you to understand
what people outside that world feel, what they
go through, what they experience.
You can't
genuinely talk to someone if you don't understand
Sometimes end up becoming more distant from their
own family, from their own parents, from their
because they don't see the religion the same
way. I think
if if someone's gonna be in this space,
they should actually engage the most difficult
and understand that perspective more. I mean, because
that's what the Sahaba had to go through.
Not to give dawah to them, but to
but to not distance yourself
from them. Yep. That would be,
I wish I didn't do I wish I
did that so then. It's fun. Yeah.
It's hard sometimes to keep that balance Yeah.
Because Yeah. On the 1 side, you wanna
be successful, and on the other side, you
responsibilities for family as well. And Yeah. Yeah.
Okay. Thank you so much.
It was very nice to meet you. May
Allah bless you, and inshallah, we'll see you
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