Nazim Mangera – Muslim Spotlight WNY Muslims

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A man from the Islamic Society of Frontier discusses his education and professional career, including his master's in Arabic and completion of his PhD in Islamic bachelor's. He also talks about his interest in visiting houses of Islam, particularly houses of Islam, and the importance of frequent visits to their houses to strengthen their religion and religion awareness.
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name is Nazi mangira. I'm the Imam at the Islamic Society of Niagara
Frontier, and I have a master's in Arabic, Master's in Islamic
Studies, and I recently completed my Mufti course, and that's
considered to be a master's in Islamic jurisprudence. And
Alhamdulillah, right now I'm currently studying for my PhD in
Islamic studies. So at the age of 13, I migrated, I can say
migrated, or I moved from Toronto, Canada to Dewsbury, England, and
that's where I went to complete my Islamic scholar course. I
memorized the Quran there, and also I completed my Islamic
education there.
That was the best decade of my life, and as well as the worst,
the best, because I memorized the Quran and I acquired the Islamic
knowledge and became Islamic scholar, and I became an imam.
Once I moved from Toronto, Canada to Buffalo, it was a bit difficult
because I didn't know anybody in the community. Once, we initially
got used to the community and the Muslims here and non Muslims alum,
we've had a wonderful time here. I had the opportunity to visit many
masjids and many churches and synagogues and places where we
have interfaith events. So in these events, many non Muslims
would come and talk to me and ask me and pose this question, that,
is there any book out there on the teachings of Prophet Muhammad? Is
there any book out there which I can learn about the etiquette
which is taught by Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam, there was a demand and there was a need, and eventually I
decided to fulfill that need and to take care of that demand. So I
wrote this book, a gift for every human being, 100 inspirational
sayings of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and I
compiled 100 inspirational sayings of the Prophet Muhammad,
sallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam. The book has been received wonderfully
by Muslims as well as non Muslims, and it was so difficult going
through hundreds and 1000s of Hadith, compiling the book and
also writing the commentary, also sacrificing a lot of time for my
family and not fulfilling their rights as much as I wanted to
inshaAllah through this many people will benefit from the book.
One thing I can advise the Muslims here in North America and
especially in our communities, that we need to frequent the
masjid as much as possible. We need to come and visit the house
of Allah subhanho wa Taala as much as possible. The more we are
connected with the masjid, the more we are attached with the
masjid, the more we'll be revived, and the more we'll be strong in
our faith and religion. With respect to our children, I feel
that as Muslim parents, we are not imparting enough knowledge to
them, and also we're not attaching them to their religion and their
Masjid as much as possible. So we need to realize this and to make
sure that the religion of Islam remains in our progeny in the