Navaid Aziz – Peace And Blessings Be Upon Him
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The conversation covers a range of topics, including the historical and significance of the title of the book they are discussing, the use of Samsung phones and computers in writing, and the significance of the book's title. The speakers emphasize the need for preparation and risk-taking in the Islam world, and emphasize the importance of being prepared for events and avoiding mistakes.
AI: Summary ©
smell him in Al Hamdulillah hinomoto who wants to know when to stop when SFD when a stock photo wonder how to build a human surely unforeseen a woman sejati Amina Maria de la modelo de forma
de la, la la la la la la la sharika was shadow Mohammed Abu hora solo. Am I bad?
My dear brothers and sisters salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.
So as you can see, Shea Hudson wasn't able to make it he wasn't feeling well. So I'm going to be taking over for him tonight within lights either. And I thought, you know what the deal Friday, what's something beneficial that we can discuss? So I thought to myself, you know, the feeling of sending salah and Salaam upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and that's going to be our topic for tonight. So I want to start off by telling you a small story from the CEO of the pasta, send them obey bill capital, the last one, he's laying down and he's actually asleep in the message. And he says the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he comes to me. After a third of the
night or a quarter of the night. I don't remember. And he comes to me and he says, Yeah, obey. Wake up, wake up, Yeoman. kiama is coming. Wake up, obey. Death is coming. So wake up in a panic and I was shocked and surprised. So I said, You're a solo. What should I do? Tell me advise me what I should do. And I want you to imagine this. You know, imagine you're sleeping and someone comes up to you and tells you wake up. The Day of Judgment is here. You can imagine the shock and panic you'd have, especially if it's the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So now he wakes up and he says the other soon Allah advised me What should I do? So the Messenger of Allah sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam he tells him free says frequent to the sending of salah and Salaam upon me, so when he asked me out of Sula, how much Salaam Salaam Should I send upon you? Should I send you know a quarter of Salaam Salaam upon you? He says if you add more to that it is better. He said, How about a half? He said, If you add more to that, the better. He said the other Sula. What if I make all of my summer meaning all of my knuffle prayers, all I do is send Suleiman Salaam upon you in that prayer, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said at that time, then if you were to do that, took a hammock that all of your worries would be taken away. Well, you'll look at them book
and your sins would be forgiven for you as well. So the reason why start off with this hadith is here, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam is telling us in advising us that in preparation for the Day of Judgment, something that will cause our sins to be forgiven. And something that will take our worries away for that very day is the frequent of sending of salah and Salaam upon the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now you'll notice two extremes in our community. One extreme is you know, let's stay away from sending Salaam Salaam upon the process of them, except when his name is mentioned, because they fear that they might fall into some sort of innovation, or, you
know, this is something that only a certain sect of Islam does. And then you have another group amongst the Muslim community that says, You know what, this is all we're going to do. So every Thursday night, they'll have a small gathering, and then all they're going to do in that gathering is send Salaam Salaam upon the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So in this halaqaat I want to explain you know, what is the actual physical behind sending of salon salon? What is the significance behind what are the terminologies that can be used? What were the things that the companions or the Allahu anhu did? And more importantly, what is the ruling of sending salon salon
upon the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So now let's begin with the command from Allah subhanaw taala if we can get the verse up on the screen in sha Allah, so Allah subhanho wa Taala he says inshallah, inshallah omega equateur, who soluna Allah nubby? Yeah, Johan, Edina M and o solo alayhi wa sallam with this lemma, that Indeed Allah and His angels showered blessings upon the Prophet, or you believe as blessings on him and salute him with a worthy salutation. So let's take a lesson and no sooner first, so suelen feck are the rules that we use to derive filk So when someone tells you something from the Koran, like what is the ruling on Salah, you will see the
ruling and realize that it is for it is something which is compulsory. So now the question is how did we arrive at that ruling, and the science we use to derive those rulings is known as suelen filk. So here's a very simple principle in rural folk that is used in almost every single aspect of milk. And that is Mr. Yuk D on YouTube, that when there's a commandment that is given, then this commandment, necessitates and obligation open until we have a proof to say that it is no longer an obligation. So for example, let us go back to the issue of Salah the issue of sama. How do we know that Salah is compulsory? Because Allah subhanho wa Taala he tells us what aqui masala that
established the prayer. So this is one way of looking at it. Now let us see
Take a step back. And that is how do we know that when a commandment is given and actually necessitates obligation? How do we know this? We know this from two ways, once again from the Quran, and once again from our intellect and from logic, looking at proofs from the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala. He tells us in sudo, the node failure Do you call the funan? Am re and to see beyond pfitzner Don't you see?
That let those people who oppose the commandment of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam beware that either a great fitna will befall them, or a painful punishment from Allah subhanho wa Taala. So he was I know that he tells us that if you were to disobey and go against a commandment, then you would suffer a great fitna or a great punishment. So this is from the Quran. Now look at something even practically from your lives, when your parents tell you to do something, do they tell you it in such a way that it's optional for you to do it, or they tell it to you in such a way that you actually have to go out and do it. So for example, your father tells you go and
take the garbage out. Do you understand from this, you know, I can take the garbage out if I want? Or do you understand from this, that I actually have to take out the garbage. In reality, you understand from that, that taking out the garbage now becomes something compulsory upon me, taking out the garbage now becomes something compulsory upon me. So this is the general case scenario, that when a commandment is given, you have to fulfill that commandment. Now the city is consistent in that pattern, that this will stay this commandment or this principle, it will stay established, until you have a proof to show that it is no longer an obligation. So what I want from you guys
right now is I want you to think of a command that is given either in the Koran, or a command that is given in the sooner the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and in fact, it doesn't show that it is an obligation. So can you think of something where the messenger will also Selim gave a command? Or Allah subhanaw taala gives a command and in reality, it wasn't something compulsory, go ahead.
So what was the commandment for each prayer?
No, no, that's the ruling on it. But I'm saying what was the statement of the prophet SAW silom pertaining to that, that's what we're looking for. One of the posters on gave a command and this command it wasn't compulsory.
Can anyone think of anything? Go ahead.
Okay, excellent. So the very first clip of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi Salaam gives in the city of Medina, he mentioned three things. He says automaton after Salaam was solo in Estonia, that when he got on to the mumble, he gave them three commandments that spread the silom and feed the the poor people or give the people the people of taqwa food. And then number three, pray while the people are sleeping, pray while the people are sleeping. And Allah subhanaw taala gives the same commandment in the Koran to wake up for clear morning. So now even though this command is there, due to the actions of the Messenger of Allah system, due to the action of this habit of the law, now, we
see that waking up 4pm Alain is just something recommended, and it is not something compulsory. To give you a more easier example. We mentioned this when we were doing our marriage seminar, the messenger velocity sentiment talking about the walima, meaning the big celebration and the big party you have after the wedding. He says Olin want to be sure that you know have a party even if it is just with one sheep, meaning that the command is there, but none of the Sahaba doula who actually understood that it was something which is compulsory. So in reality, it is just something highly recommended. Now, here's an even trickier one for you. Here's an even trickier one for you. The
trickier one is I want you to think about a commandment in the Quran or in the Sunnah. And in reality, it's not even recommended to do this act. You can think of something I love our cover. Go ahead.
But it is not really
Are you sure it's not recommended? I don't know why you're gonna disappoint a lot of people here.
me another example. Uh, give me another example. That's if the left some people say this mobile app. Some people say this Mr. hub, so stay away from that. Give me another example.
Sent Honestly, I didn't think anyone was gonna get it. So Allah subhanaw taala. In talking about Hajj, he says that when you get out of here, you're wrong. Then go and hunt, go and hunt. No one from our predecessors understood this verse to mean that when you get out of your home after completing heights, you have to go and hunt that it was watchable, that it was even recommended. They just understood from it that it was permissible. So you will see that when a commandment is given the general case scenario is that it stands is an obligation within those cases that it doesn't. Sorry, it went in those cases when it isn't an obligation, it can move from something which
is highly recommended to something which is just inherently permissible. And even for each to move down to something which is recommended or to move down to something which is permissible, you always need to go back to what the messenger of law system said and did and acted upon it, and how the Sahaba de la did that as well. So you'll see that not all of the Sahaba went out to hunt after they made Hajj, nor did the professor Selim go out and make her go make go out hunting after he made Hajj. So it shows us that this command is just something permissible to act upon. So now the issue comes over here. When Allah subhanho wa Taala. He says that all you who believe send Salah, and
Salam upon the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what categories of commands does this fall into? Is this something that is an obligation? Is this something that is highly recommended? Or is this something that is just permissible? This is something to think about? You want to give an answer right now? Go ahead.
It is something that is legit at all times.
No, then when it isn't when is it not legit?
In the hood, what
are you making this up for? You actually have, you know, a proof for this?
Okay, okay, Interesting. Interesting point. But there's more clear proofs than that. There's more clear proofs than that. Okay, so now let's get down to this issue. Let's do a vote over here. We're gonna do a vote How many people think that sending salon Salam upon the Messenger of Allah Salaam is something which is compulsory? Raise your hands. Okay. Now we move on to category number two, how many people think it is just highly recommended? Raise your hands. That looks like the majority. Excellent. Now, let's go to the third category. How many people think it is just permissible? Raise your hands. One person a lot.
is a kid, it doesn't matter, you still raise his hand? Now you want to know something? Imagine this this young kid. That's right, all of you are wrong.
In reality, all of you are right, because my question is flawed. You have such a general general question. And each of these cases of selling salon salon has a specific scenario. But now let's make the question more specific. The question specifically is that when the name of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is mentioned, what is the ruling at that time? That is what we want to look at? Okay, so this is what we're going to discuss now. That when the name of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is mentioned, what does the ruling become at that time? And I'm going to share that with you right now. The ruling is that sending salah and Salam
upon the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi salam when his name is mentioned, is highly recommended. It is not something which is compulsory, it is not something compulsory. Let us look at why. Three clear examples. Example number one, what had it been compulsory to say sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when the name of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is mentioned, we would have seen this in the Koran. Because when you look in the Koran, you'll see that the term may be and it will soon are mentioned many many times. And in fact, the name Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is mentioned four times yet and none of these instances did Allah subhanaw taala mentioned
after this verse sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, nor did any of the companions learn from the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam that when the name was mentioned in the Quran, that they would say Salaam Alaikum Salaam, that is proof number one. Proof number two, you look at the other end, you look at the other end, that every more identity will give the same event when he gives the advantage and he gets to watch how do I know Muhammad Rasul Allah? And he says that I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. Do you hear them? Well, I didn't at that time, shout out loud sallallahu alayhi wa sallam? No, you don't, because the companions are the Allahu anhu. They want to talk to this, nor
did impress Angela losses to them, teach them to do that. And then you can do according to use the same class over here is that even when a person takes the Shahada when he accepts Islam, and he takes the Shahada, and he says I don't know in the law was shadow under Muhammad Rasul Allah is he taught at that time that he has to say sallallahu alayhi wa sallam? Now he has it. And this is another principle that you learn later on, when you study with some of the Jews who tequila Bayon and locked in Hydra that the Messenger of Allah system was not allowed to delay teaching something when it's time arose. So when the companions came in to us to accept Islam, had it been compulsory
to say sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would have taught it to them. And then the third and last date was from the example of the messenger of the companions themselves, that when they would say Yah, rasulillah you wouldn't hear them say Yato Sula, Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So this shows us that the general case scenario that when the name of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is mentioned, it is not compulsory to say sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. In fact, it is something which is highly recommended.
Do something in fact, which is highly recommended.
Now, what is sallallahu alayhi wa sallam actually mean when we say that upon the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam be salah and Salaam, what does this actually mean? So amongst the scholars, you have two major opinions amongst the scholars you have two major opinions if we can get it on the screen. So opinion number one is what amount of equality narrates from Alia who was the student of cannabis, that he mentioned that a lot upon the Messenger of Allah Azza wa sallam means to ask a lot to praise the Prophet Sonam and the presence of the angels, the higher ranked ones in particular. So it means it is the when you say is, you know Salam upon the Messenger of Allah, you're indirectly
asking Allah subhanaw taala to praise the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam amongst the angels, and in fact, the higher ones amongst them. Then open in number two, there was another group of scholars who said, it means to send mercy and blessings upon him. So the term Salah, they said that Salah actually means to send mercy upon the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now, I want you to think over here again, that salah and mercy, are they one in the same? Are they one in the same? I want you to give me an example from the Quran, that in fact they are different, you know that they have we done this before I asked you to tell us that No, no, we need someone
else. We need another Friday in order as well.
Go ahead, what is it
different terms accent so in sort of Bukhara Allah subhanaw taala he tells us how the believer is supposed to act when a calamity strikes him right. And levena is a Saba Tomasi bacala in La, La La Jolla, La La him Salatu Mira be him What a
minute Allah says that those individuals that when calamity strikes them, they say to Allah we belong into him We shall return upon those people is the Salawat of Allah subhanho wa Taala and his urashima. So had salah and Rama been the exact same term, Allah subhanaw taala wouldn't have repeated these two words together. But in reality, it shows you that there are two different terms. So the stronger opinion out of the two is opinion number one, and this is a clear narration from one of the early predecessors from the student of oblivion ambassador of the Allahu Anoma that descends Salah upon the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam means that Oh Allah mentioned him and
praise Him amongst the angels, particularly film Allah and Allah meaning the higher ranked angels that Allah subhanaw taala has. Now as for the term Salaam, to send Salaam upon the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, there's little to no dilemma about this. This means that you know, keep the promises sell them safe, it means keep the processor them in protection. And that is the general meaning of Salaam to keep in a state a state of peace, to keep in a state of completion. So there's no doubt about that. And this is something important to know that, you know, when we translate sallallahu alayhi wasallam, as peace be upon him, is this adjust translation, according to
what we've just learned, no, it's not. So you're not fulfilling the commandment of Allah subhanho wa Taala. When you say peace be upon him, it is more complete to say that, you know, may the Salah of Allah subhanho wa Taala be upon him. This is more complete to see. So understand. This is like why it gets technical. And it's important to know that a lot of the times you know, Muslims, they want to do that, that they want to fulfill this commandment of Allah subhanaw taala of, you know, doing justice in terms of sending Salah upon the Messenger of Allah, so they'll say peace be upon him. And in reality, this does not fulfill the commandment, because Allah subhanho wa Taala says, send Salah
upon him solo Allah He was certainly Muslim, so it doesn't fulfill that commandment. So that is why it is more befitting to say sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now, let us take another issue related to this is that if you're in a gathering, and you're studying Hadith, so you're studying Hadith, and the name of the Messenger of Allah, so Sam is going to keep up come up repeatedly, is it compulsory to say sallallahu alayhi wa sallam each time? Or is it sufficient to do it once the majority of the scholars were of the opinion that it is sufficient to do it once in the gathering, because it can become a hindrance and a distraction from the actual content itself. So the messenger of the name of
the Messenger of Allah is mentioned. It is sufficient dimension at once at the beginning of the gathering. And you don't have to mention it again. After that. They use this understanding to implement in their books as well. That is why if you look in early books of Hadith, it is only the first time the name of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam has mentioned that they will write sallallahu Sallam and then after that, they will leave it off. Now how about Imagine you're texting someone? And maybe you're talking to someone on Google Talk, you're quoting a hadith you mentioned the name of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what do you do in that situation?
And that situation, if you're able to write it out completely, that is the best case scenario what How about it?
You want to abbreviate it? What is the ruling on abbreviating salaam Salaam upon the Messenger of Allah? So for example, if you've, you know, used, you know, the phone or Google Talk or any of these, you know, online forums, you'll see they say s a w, which is meant to represent sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Is this something permissible? Or is this something not permissible? You will see the life amongst the scholars. One group of scholars and from them was a Tabori. He says that it is in fact permissible to summarize it. And that's why you'll see in some of the books about slavery, that he will just use a sword to represent sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And then you'll get some of
the scholars of Hadith that the likes of Amazon off, that it was said that he said, No, it is not permissible to write just a sod to represent some Allahu alayhi wa sallam. Now, the argument of enormous poverty, he states that writing similar ideas, send them back in the day was very, very difficult, because it took up a lot of space. and due to this time of, you know, due to the fact of saving space and not having paper to write on, he said that this is one of the reasons why we write some of our new cillum summarized as solid, so they don't want to leave it out completely. Nor do they write it out completely. They want to save space on their paper, because there's a limited
amount of paper. So they would write to sod only on that paper, now able to survive. He comes with a completely different argument. It was a law, he mentioned that this is an act of a burden that when you're saying sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, this is in fact an act of EBITDA. And when it comes to acts of a birder, you have to do it as the messenger will also select target, or the companions or the Allahu anhu rather than rhodiola han han did. so in this situation, we don't find a single scenario where the companions or deposits are taught the companions that it was allowed to summarize that they were allowed to summarize your question.
You can see it in English, but it'll be a very long sentence. So a lot of police praise the process solemn amongst the angels, and keep him safe.
No, that's what I was just saying that when you say peace be upon them. It's no longer sufficient because it's a mistranslation, right. So the command of Allah is that you have to send Salaam Salaam upon the Prophet. So when people say peace be upon them. They think that they're fulfilling this commandment, when in reality, this commandment is not being fulfilled, because as we just showed over here, that the term Salah does not mean blessings. The term Salah actually means that mentioned him amongst the greater angels. That's what it means. So if you were to say it in English, it becomes a very long sentence that Oh Allah please mentioned him and praise Him amongst the angels
and keep him safe. So that is why it's probably easier just to say some Allah who I knew was Allah and Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best. Now we move on to the next slide between the hits either
we mentioned the ruling on sending salon salon when his name is mentioned. But are there any cases where sending salon salon upon the Messenger of Allah Salaam is actually compulsory? And the scholars are in the agreement, there's agema that there's only one instance where salon salon becomes compulsory upon the Messenger of Allah, and that is in the last record of your Salah in the last lecture of your Salah to say Allahumma salli ala Muhammad Allah, Allah Muhammad, this version of it, it actually becomes compulsory and this is the only time we're sending Uppsala actually becomes compulsory and all other cases it is just highly recommended. Now what are some of the ways
and places that it is recommended to send salah and Salaam upon the Messenger of Allah sallallahu wasallam. So number one we have from this list, one the name of the Messenger of Allah Azza wa sallam is mentioned number two after the event number three in the first dish out number four while making dua, particularly I'm going to comment on number four when making dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala. I will practice predecessors from the Sahaba they would say that our do is suspended between the heavens and the earth up and until salon salon is suspended a set upon the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So it is very important that when you make dua, to follow proper
etiquette, that you start off by praising Allah subhanho wa Taala. And in your email you send Salaam Salaam, upon the Messenger of Allah, and then you ask what you want for and then if you can be in a state of Ohio, if you can face the Qibla then that is even better. So you need to follow these etiquettes when making dua number five, when individually is in janazah. So when you're in silico janessa, after the third Kabira so you start off with Allahu Akbar and your assessor of it sorry, after the second third Veera, you will say Salaam Salaam upon the Messenger of Allah, it is highly recommended to do so at that time. Number six in the Friday whatever. This is referring to the Imam
and not the people who are listening that in the Friday hoods, but when the Imam is on the member, they actually considered it from the YG back of the hotbar. So it wasn't from the other can, meaning that if a person misses a record of the quota, then the quota is no longer valid. But if a person misses a big part of the quota, then this person is whatever is deficient.
The hotel is sinful at that time. So if the hotel does not send salon Salam upon the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam in his hotel, then the hotel is sinful at that time. Number seven, entering and leaving the masjid, entering and leaving the masjid. Now, here's an interesting story during the time of Allison Ebner IE no sorry, unforeseen ignore IE, no, sir, this is Al Hussein, M. No, Holly, Abner Hussain, a Blondie, no zainul Aberdeen, what was his full name? Ali Hussein. So this is the great grandson of the Messenger of Allah sesamum. During his time, he noticed that a man used to come to the grave with the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and this man all he would
do is that he would come to the grave of the Messenger of Allah Salaam and send Salaam Salaam upon them. So every day this man is coming. So he comes in, he confronts him, and he asked him, What is it that you're doing? He says, I'm sending Salaam Salaam upon the Messenger of Allah sallallahu wasallam. So he mentioned that I met the companions and I used to see them come to the masjid of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and not a single one of them did I see that they would come to the grave of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So I feel for you that you would fall into some sort of in some sort of innovation. It is better for you that you
stick to the sooner that the Messenger of Allah so seldom taught us, which is the sense Alliance Salaam as you enter the masjid. So when you enter the masjid, you will say Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah Aloha, my Ababa hermetic that you do that and likewise would leave leaving the masjid you say something else a lot of similar Allah, Allah Houma in the SLO coming from that Oh Allah, I asked you from your bounties. So they said that in this case scenario that even to habitually go to the grave of the Messenger of Allah Sunnah and send Salaam Salaam will become inappropriate. So it is permissible that when you go to Medina, you visit you go and pray inside the
machine of the Messenger of Allah Salaam, and then you can go and send Salaam Salaam, perhaps we know when you arrive at something that is fine to do, and perhaps when you leave, but to do it after every single Salah or to do it each and every day. This would be incorrect, this will be incorrect. And in fact, from the actions of Abdullah bin Ahmad or the Allahu anhu, it will companion that stuck to the sinner as literally as you possibly could, that he would sleep in the exact same place, drinking the exact same place, even urinate in the exact same place that the Messenger of Allah sauce in the mirror and they did because of how much you wanted to follow the center. The only times
Abdullah Abdullah Juan Houma would go to visit the grave of the Messenger of Allah and send Salaam to him was when each and every time our beloved mother would travel. So he is going on a trip he would send going since element one was so dumb. And if he came back from a trip, then he would send Salaam Salaam upon the Messenger of Allah solo. So now Other than that, it wasn't a habitual or regular thing. So this is something important to know that when you go for your trips, that you'll notice that a lot of times people don't research issues properly. And then you end up going to Medina and you end up doing things that are completely not from Islam. And I'll share one of those
stories with you. I was about I think nine years old, the very first time I went for Amara, and I remember we went to be out of mind, the world of of Mandela the other one. So the person that's taking off taking us for zerah
of Medina, he says pray to records over here. I'm tired, I'm hungry, I'm thirsty. I'm like, I don't want to pray to the gods over here. I just want to go home. So he's like, No, no, you have to pray to the gods over here. So I quickly prayed to like us and I left. Now the only reason I remember this incident was because of how tired and frustrated I was, and how angry I was getting that this guy wants me to pray to the gods, and what he's not going to let me leave. He's not leaving till he pray to the gods. So now time goes on. I've actually, you know, get accepted into the University of Medina. And you realize that Shinola going to build off mine has no significance whatsoever. There's
no you know, nothing blessing about that area at all. Now even taking it down a notch so much.
You'll notice that one of the things one of the tours that will take you on when you go to Medina is that they'll take you to a mosquito completing. And they'll say that this is a blessing area to pray and why? Because Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed the verse of the changing of the Qibla over here. Number one, the authenticity of the story that it is really was revealed in that area is disputed, the scholars have different whether the story is actually authentic or not. Number two, the issue of that area being blended with Noah itself is clearly of no dispute that we never saw any of the companions go and pray in that area seeking that mustard in particular. So when you go to Medina,
the only places that you are meant to seek out are especially a Naboo and Muslim Cuba. These are the only two massages that it is part of your visiting Medina and highly recommended to visit these massages, Masjid nabawi and unmeasured kooba. So that is point number seven. number eight on the day of Juma number eight on the day of Juma about the day of
Jamal, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he says frequent your sending of salah and Salam upon me on the day of Friday mean that on the day of Friday, it is highly recommended that throughout the day you frequent the sending of sola and Salaam upon the Messenger of Allah. Now how does a person do this? Let us look at terminologies. So the terminology that we are all familiar with, that when the name of the Messenger of Allah is mentioned, you say so Allahu alayhi wa sallam, but that is in response to his name. So now the question arises, how do you send Salaam Salaam in a situation where his name is not being mentioned? So for example, on the day of Friday, what is the
best way to send sulla insulin? by consensus of the scholars, the best way to send Salaam Salaam upon the Messenger of Allah is to use what we were taught to say in Salah. So the statement of Allahumma salli ala Muhammad Allah Allah Mohammed kamasan Italia, Brahim it, Brahim till the end of it. So that statement by consensus is the best way to send salon Scylla. And that is because this is the way Allah subhanho wa Taala taught us to do it. Now what if this way is too long for you? Can you shorten it or come up with something shorter? And the answer to that is yes. So you can say Allahumma salli ala Muhammad Allahumma salli wa sallam either Mohammed Allahumma salli wa sallim wa
barik, ala nabina, Muhammad, all of these terminologies would be permissible, but the best of those terminologies is what Allah subhanho wa Taala taught us to say in the Salah, and that is the best way to send salah and salah and this can be done throughout the day. So starting from mclubbe on Thursday night, all the way until mockolate on Friday, it is highly recommended to send salah and Salaam upon the Messenger of Allah.
Number nine, when teaching and conveying knowledge. So you will see that every time a Muslim Teacher He starts to teach it is recommended for him to praise Allah subhanho wa Taala and to send Salah insulin. One this was the tradition of our scholars from the past that throughout our history, every time a scholar would go on to teach a class, he would always start off by sending Salaam Salaam upon the Messenger of Allah. And number two, that the act of sending Salah in Salaam is one of the ways that one increase Baraka from Allah subhanho wa Taala. So the one of the ways that Allah subhanaw taala blesses the gatherings is by sending salah and Salaam upon the Prophet number 10 at the time
of the Nika so when someone is getting married, you will for someone is performing Annika two individuals are getting married. When the heartbeat of the Nika is being done. At that time it is highly recommended to send some insulin, again same reasons for tradition and number two for the seeking of Baraka or the seeking of Baraka. Now, what are some of the virtues of sending salah and Salaam upon the Prophet? This list is actually taken from a book by a guy named Rahim Allah called Jolla will affirm general FM. And in this boudjellal of him, the main purpose behind writing this book by him was to understand the concept of sending Salah insulin. So what he does in this book, he
compiled he compiles and combines all the narrations that talk about sending salah and Salaam and then he derives benefits and lessons from it. Now one of the things that he does about the in this book, which is very, very, is 39 virtues that you can derive from sending Salaam Salaam upon the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and this was actually translated by Shakira. Hiya, Brahim. So for those of you who are on Facebook, you can find this on his page within lights Allah and tonight after the lecture is done, I'll be posting it on my page as well the night Allah. So you can find 39 instances or 39 virtues of sending salon salon upon the Messenger of Allah sostenere. So
now that let us look at what are some of the virtues. Number one, it is the fulfillment of the command of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Number two, it is doing an action that aligned the angels do and there's something I want to expand upon that some heinola you know, Allah subhanho wa Taala he shows you the virtue and the nobility of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that this is perhaps one of the only acts of worship that Allah subhanho wa Taala has a share in himself, meaning that no other act do we hear that Allah subhanho wa Taala will say Subhana Allah or that Allah will say Allahu Akbar, Allah will say la ilaha illa Allah actually later in the life that we see it in
the Quran.
Now In all other cases outside of the Koran, we don't find any Hadith that talks about this. But in terms of selling salon salon, this is something that Allah subhanho wa Taala does on our behalf. So when we're saying Allahumma salli ala Muhammad, that Oh Allah do Salaam Hamad Allah subhanho wa Taala at that time, will praise the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam amongst the angels. And not only that, the angels will do this act as well. And then you reflect that, you know, a big portion of Islam we talk about the companionship that one has. So not only in this dunya but in the afterlife as well.
So the individual that says salon salon, as he's doing that act, he is in the company of Allah subhanho wa Taala. He's in the company of the angels, and he's in the company of the righteous believers that frequent in doing this act. And this is the element of spirituality that I believe gets lost that in sending salon Salaam, it's not just an act of Vicar, but it's in being in the company of Allah subhanho wa Taala being in the company of the angels and being in the company of the righteous believers. So as each and every time you send Salaam Salaam, this is something important to think about that whose company are you joining and with that emotion send Salaam upon
the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. The number three the Messenger of Allah wa sallam tells us that each time you send Salaam upon the Messenger of Allah, Allah subhana wa Taala sends 10 Salah upon you that whoever sends tencel once Allah upon the Messenger of Allah, Allah sends 10 Salah upon you.
And let's take a moment to understand something over here. And that is the issue of how the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam actually hears our salah and Salaam. So for example, if a person was to go to the grave of the Messenger of Allah, a lot of the times people think that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam can will actually hear their Salaam in the grave, and that the Messenger of Allah system will actually respond to their Salaam from the grief. Now this is something which is not true, because the Messenger of Allah cinema is mentioned in AI without an attorney, the if I'm not mistaken, that he tells us how Salaam Salaam is conveyed to him, that Allah
subhanho wa Taala has appointed specific angels, that no matter where an individual may be on this planet, that when he sends Salaam upon the Prophet sallallahu sallam, it is these angels that conveyed to the Messenger of Allah, it is these angels that convey to the Messenger of Allah, and it's not the Messenger of Allah Azza wa sallam, in fact, that here is it directly. So Allah subhanho wa Taala did not give the Messenger of Allah super hearing powers that he can hear your salon from wherever you are, even at the grave of the Messenger of Allah, it is the angels that convey that Salah, then related to this very issue, does the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam actually
respond to our silabs there is a hadith that actually talks about this, that each time someone says Salaam to the Messenger of Allah, then Allah His Messenger, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will respond to it. Now this hadith is different over and it is a matter of the game that no one actually knows if it is true or not. But all those stories that you will hear that someone will go to the grave of the Messenger of Allah, and you'll say salaam aleikum jasola then he heard like a whisper from the back of the machine while a coma Salaam these are all fabricated stories, there is no truth to these stories whatsoever. You know, in fact, if someone responded along those verses may have been a jinn
if anything at all,
Actually, that's point number seven coming up, but we'll get to that inshallah. Number five is a cause of our being answered. We mentioned that number six, it is a cause of attaining the intercession of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So the Messenger of Allah, Allah, Allah recently talks about how one of the ways of attaining the intercession of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is one of two ways. So if you look all of the narrations in the Sunnah of the prophet SAW them, the only two narrations that talk about how one can attain the shafa of the Messenger of Allah way number one is that you send Salaam Salaam upon the sorry that you make dua
for the Messenger of Allah after the event, so that we know after the event,
houses start off again, a lot more bahaya Delta Tama or Salatu call it Mohammed Al vasila tal for the Le Baba mahkamah Muhammad, Allah de Vita who and then that last term is just for your benefit in Nicoletta holy for me.
Even though some scholars we mentioned it from the Hadith standpoint, this ending in the collateral for me it is actually not from the law, it is not authentically established that the Messenger of Allah Azza wa sallam said this in the door. So up until that point, is authentically established. And the Messenger of Allah says, Allah taught us that this is a specific act, that if you were to do this act, then this is one of the ways that you attain the Scheffer of the Messenger of Allah, another specific Act, which is the act of sending salah and Salaam, the Messenger of Allah tells us that frequent you're sending of salah and Salaam upon me, for it will be a cause of me interceding
on your behalf. So these are specific acts. And these are the only two authentic ones that we know of, than a general act is Subhanallah the essence of our faith that in Sahil Bukhari
Allahu anhu, he comes to the Messenger of Allah Salaam Salaam, and he says he also Allah, many other nasty sefardic that the other Sula who are going to be the most fortunate people to attain your intercession and then the Messenger of Allah He responds by saying, When call the La ilaha illAllah Hollis and it can be that whoever says La ilaha illa Allah sincerely from his heart. Now what
This Hadith actually means is that this individual is so sincere in his statement of lying that he Lala that he spent his whole life living by it, he spent his whole life living by it, that is when he will attain the intercession of the Messenger of Allah. So now the question arises over here, what does it mean to attain the intercession of the Messenger of Allah? And this encompasses three things, it encompasses three things. We discussed this when we were talking about sola Fatiha. Does anyone remember what the intercession of the messenger of Alliance entails? What are the three ways that the Messenger of Allah system entails does intercession for us? There's one major way and then
three minor ways. Go ahead.
Excellent. So shadow Cobra, the major intercession is that when all of mankind is waiting, and the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam looks go up to Allah, and Allah will explain what Allah will say, ask and you will be granted what you are what you want. So, Allah subhanaw taala is messenger will ask for the day of judgment to begin, then he will be told to go down into such depth. And then Allah subhanaw taala will inspire the Messenger of Allah with a vicar with a praise that no one was ever taught to before he will say that praise and that is when the day of judgment will begin. And this is known as a shofar to Cobra, that everyone's anxiety is taken away while
they're waiting for the day of judgment. When the Messenger of Allah says Allah does that. Then what are the three minor ways that the prophet SAW Selim intercedes for us? Who remembers those?
Go ahead.
That's just a virtue. That's like a gift from the Messenger of Allah, we're talking about actual intercession where the Messenger of Allah will speak to Allah subhanho wa, taala on our behalf.
Go ahead.
That people who are more than prepared
for those
to be entered into the agenda.
okay, we're talking about specific to the believers now. Yeah. So there's a third one that you're missing.
Don't remember a good job, which is to look at. So the intersection of the porcelain for the believers is of three types. intercession number one is that people who are already going to gender, that the Messenger of Allah Salam will intercede on their behalf and say, oh, Allah, please increase the rank in gender increase the ranking gender, so they're already in Paradise, and a lot of messengers so them is asking to increase the rank in general.
And recession. Number two, is that people who are meant to go to the health fair, you know, they've committed sin, they're meant to be going to the health bar to be purified. Allah's Messenger sallallahu Sallam would intercede on their behalf and say, Oh Allah, save him from the punishment of the Hellfire and take him to paradise directly. And then the third type of intercession, the lowest type of intercession is that people who are meant to get a severe type of punishment in the Hellfire or an elongated period of time and the Hellfire, then Allah messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will intercede on their behalf, and their punishment will be reduced, or the period of time that
they're meant to spend over there, that will be reduced as well. So that is what we mean by attaining the intercession of the Prophet. Number seven, the prophets are still in response to you, we mentioned that they left that there is a Hadith, but in terms of the authenticity, it is a matter of the label Allah subhanaw taala knows best number eight that it makes gatherings virtuous, it brings the presence of the angels, number nine, it is a way to increase our love for the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
that when you think about the Messenger of Allah, you know, this is like a, I guess a paradox that Muslims face to a certain degree, that we're meant to love the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, even though we've never met him. Now, had it been anyone other than the Messenger of Allah, I will say that it's almost impossible for one particular individual almost impossible, that there are exceptions to the rule. But the general case scenario is that it is very hard to love someone that you haven't met, and that you cannot feel directly affected by are directly loved by. But in terms of loving the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you'll notice that this
is an integral component of our Deen that if an individual does not love the Messenger of Allah, then he's not a Muslim, because it is a part of the Shahada. And Allah subhanho wa Taala. He mentioned that Allah's Messenger is Allah, meaning that he is more deserving of their love on their veneration and defense than the believers are themselves and the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam, he makes it explicitly clear that none of you will truly believe until I am more beloved to him, then his parents, his family and all of mankind. So this is a part of our Eman. Now one of the ways that Allah subhanho wa Taala taught us to increase our love of the Messenger of Allah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
is by sending salah and Salaam upon him that the more salon salon you send upon him, it is an indication of your love and the more salon salon you send upon him, the more Allah subhanaw taala will increase your love for the Messenger of Allah. So if you truly want to see how much of the sooner an individual actually follows, one of the ways you see this is by how frequently does this individual sense Allah and Salaam upon the Messenger of Allah. Number 10. It is a means of attaining Allah's mercy. It is a means of attaining a man's mercy that when you send Salaam Salaam upon the prophets are seldom the most beloved of creation to all of us and what Allah this is a way that
Allah subhanho wa Taala understands mercy upon his slaves and that is why you will see that from the people of the past that when they were in times of distress, they will send salah and Salaam, upon the Messenger of Allah and this is one of the ways that Allah subhanho wa Taala would take away their grief and will take away their sorrow.
Now this is where it actually concludes and there's a couple of points I want to conclude with Midnight's either you'll notice that one of the traditions we have is that they tell you that if you forget something send you know solo Elena be that sense salon Salaam upon the messenger law system, if you forget something, is this something that is actually valid, in actuality it is if you look inside cervical calf, Allah subhanho wa Taala it says what's called Rebecca in a seat, that remember your Lord when you forget something. So to understand this verse, one group of scholars understood this verse to mean that when the person forgets to remember Allah, then let him you know, remember a
lot when he is reminded, that is how one group of scholars understood it. Another group of scholars understood this verse to mean that when you forget something, remember Allah subhanho wa Taala and then he will help you remember that remember, remember what you have forgotten one of the the Tabby aids by the name of a glioma, he interpreted this verse to mean that when Allah subhanaw taala says was called Rebecca then it means send salah and Salaam upon the Messenger of Allah and then Allah subhanaw taala will help you remember that which you forgot. So that is something valid. Now let us take another example. You'll notice that has anyone ever been to Egypt here? Who has been to Egypt
here? This is very, very common in Egypt, that Mashallah, are there any Egyptians here? Let's look at that. So we have a couple of different things that you know, Mashallah gyptian Brothers, they're filled with passion, you know, they're they're just filled with, you know, natural emotion Mashallah. So you'll see, like a natural conversation happening on the street that you know, two taxi drivers are talking and you think that you know, like, a war is about to begin, but that's just the way it is. So if you've been to Egypt, and you know, every time someone gets angry, you hear this very, very frequently that you know, when a person gets angry, they'll grab your hand and
they'll say, you know, Southern identity that says Salaam Salaam upon the Messenger of Allah, is this something that was actually known in the past? I have no claim, Rahim Allah, He comments on this in July we'll have him and he mentioned the Hadith of the Prophet of Sodom, that in the state of anger, send salon Salam upon the Messenger of Allah, and this will take away the anger. And commenting on this hadith he actually mentioned that this hadith is in fact weak, extremely weak, and it is not something that should be acted upon. And Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best. So this In summary, was a glimpse of the effect of sending salah and Salaam, upon the Messenger of Allah.
And I hope what you've learned from this is that the sending of Salaam Salaam upon the Messenger of Allah is a great act of ibadah that someone that the Muslims should try to revive and make it frequent that you know, it shouldn't just be you know, when we are praying that we will send someone some or when we hear the, upon the messenger of Lhasa, when we heard the man and his name is mentioned will say you know Salaam upon the Messenger of Allah. But in fact this should be a part of our remembrance, that when a person is making Vicar, you know, make Salaam Salaam upon the Messenger of Allah, they're going back to the hadith of woolbabe niqab, the Messenger of Allah Islam is
telling him that you know, frequent your Salah and Salaam upon me, and this will be a reason of Allah taking away your worries. And Allah subhanho wa Taala, you know, protecting you on the Day of Judgment. So this is something that we want to revive. But again, with balance, that we should not do it in ways that were not legislated. So you'll notice that one of the innovative practices that ends up happening is that people gathered together for the sake of sending sulla insulin. And this was something that was not known during the time of the Sahaba. Their gatherings would be gatherings of knowledge. So they will come and share verses of the Quran, they will share a hadith and that is
what their gatherings were about. But together just for the sake of sending salah and Salaam. This was something that was not known. And then they even actually add upon this. So for those of you who are from the subcontinent, I know it's very popular
that they'll actually put an empty chair in the gathering. And they'll think that the message of asceticism is going to come and attend this gathering and you're not allowed sitting on this chair. If you have the audacity to sit on this chair, they'll chop your head off because they're like, this is Smith.
For the Messenger of Allah, so this is how integration creeps into the deen. Now while these brothers and sisters have noble intentions, this is not something that the Sahaba did that if the promises to them was to attend any gatherings, it would be the gatherings of the Sahaba de la Anto, but Alberto De La Hoya and we made it clear the day he stepped on the river. He says Montana young men, Canada, Buddha, Mohammed, Mohammed and codemark woman, Kenya, Abdullah, in the law, you name it, that whoever used to worship Mohammed, Mohammed has died. And then whoever worships Allah subhanho wa Taala know that Allah subhanho wa Taala is ever living and does not die. So the
Messenger of Allah says Allah passed away, and he's not going to be, you know, attending any gatherings. The third and last point I mentioned,
is, you know, going in extremes in praising the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. The this PowerPoint slide that you just saw is actually from a class that I teach called the Prophet smile, which is about you know, the summary of the process or more specific characteristics of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and you'll notice that even in praising the Prophet, people go to extremes and I'll share one particular incident with you and I don't mean this as an offense to anyone, and that is the casita Buddha, you know, in the Arab world, this consider known as Buddha is a very, very common procedure, and it is recited you know, throughout the world, very,
very popular, and most of you may have even heard it now. It's usually being used as like, the the background sound for like a lot of Muslim trailers. So we'll start off with you know, Mola Lee was selling them the Eman burdah you've all heard this. Now in this casita itself. The intentions are very pure it is to praise the Messenger of Allah to send Salaam Salaam upon the Messenger of Allah. But it goes to extremes, you know, to attribute that the reason why Allah subhana wa Taala created this dunya was for the sake of the Messenger of Allah, or today attribute that the from the knowledge of the Messenger of Allah is the knowledge of a law, he will call me that from the
knowledge that he was given was from the knowledge of the unseen that he knew all of this actually goes against a verse in the Quran, and sort of out of Allah subhanaw taala clearly says, that tell the people, that if I knew the unseen, I would have taken my share of fortune, and no harm would have come to me. But in reality, that was not the case. The Messenger of Allah says and you see was harmed on many, many occasions, and he was not able to defend himself except when Allah subhanaw taala sent that help. So one should be balanced in that as well. And Allah Subhana Allah knows best. Anything that I've said is that is correct is from Allah subhanho wa Taala alone. And anything that
I've said that is incorrect is for myself in shape on and open up the floor for three questions within the heater. Go ahead.
Coming to see ya pre withdraw a long time, but it is not
accepted well, but suddenly
Denzel and tell him that to mention
with the dua, then it would be
excellent. He did. And he asked
us to see the goal of the
agenda. Yeah, Excellent. Excellent.
Okay, there's two elements over here. element number one, this narration as the Hadith so did the professor cillum ever narrate a hadith like this? No, there's no such Hadith not even a fabricated Hadith. Mr. Massoud, he comments on this, you know, story. And he says that this is not known from the Messenger of Allah, nor from any of the companions. But how did this story actually come about? That is the question, Where did it come from? So when you look at previous scriptures, you'll notice that from the disciples of he sallallahu sallam, the owner is something called the Gospels, which is the Injeel. Okay, now one of the individuals that narrated a gospel is Barnabas. Now this is not
commonly accepted amongst Christianity. And this is because of the content that is actually inside the Gospel of Barnabas. Now, if you look inside the Gospel of Barnabas, this exact story, as you've mentioned, it is there except for the angel, the angel doesn't come to item, either Melissa he reads it himself on the gates of paradise. And he says, I asked you by Mohammed, and Allah subhanaw taala says, How did you know this? which again, is one of the you know, the futility that you see that? How could Allah subhanaw taala not know how this happened? You know, that is such a fundamental question. So we asked him, How did you know this? And the other malayalam says that, you know, I
read it on the gates of paradise. So there's two issues over here. Issue number one, is that, you know, is the Gospel of Barnabas actually authentic or not? And then number two, is that if it is authentic, what is the stance of Muslims towards the Gospel of Barnabas? Number one, in terms of the authenticity of the Gospel of Barnabas, Allah Spanos, Allah knows best. You'll notice that the Christians actually say that the Muslims came up with the Gospel of Barnabas because the name of Mohammed
arson was mentioned so many times in it. So so many times, actually, do we still have the PowerPoint? Or did you close it? you close it, okay. No, I would have showed it to you. But it's like six or seven times, then a Mohammed is mentioned in the Gospel of Barnabas. And then at the same time, it's filled with like, elements that no Muslim would say that you know, Allah subhanaw taala asking them how did you notice, you know, and stuff like that. So Allah knows best, but it seems that certain parts of even the Gospel of Barnabas have been corrupted. Then stances issue situation number two is that what is the stance of the Muslims towards the Gospel of Barnabas, we
say that we treated just as the rest of the books that that which the Quran and Sunnah agree with we accept that which the Quran and Sunnah disagree with we reject and that which the Quran Sunnah did not speak about, we stay quiet about as well. And Allah Spanos Allah knows best. I hope that answers your question, Michelle, who is number two? Go ahead.
sorry. I didn't finish it off. I didn't give a conclusion. So I mean, that's what I tried to I wanted to do actually, I didn't want to give a conclusion, you called me out on it.
The safer thing to do is that, you know, as a practicing Muslim, inshallah, it's not that difficult that you know, you don't type it out, then at least, the least you do is that you say it out with your tongue. So if you notice that someone sends you a text message, someone sends you an email, whatever the case may be set out with your tongue. Now the best case scenario is that you type it out completely. And then the worst case scenario is that not only is it not written, but the person doesn't even say it as well. That's the worst case scenario, you want to try to stay between the best case scenario and the middle that even if it's not written, you stayed on your tongue at the
very least. And I'm not going to give you a clear cut toddlerhood out on situation.
That's a real question. And when you're reading a book, and you see SJW in it, do you actually say satellites? And or do you just skip over it?
I think this varies from person to person, not everyone will stop and say Salallahu alaihe. Salam, and then continue. So I think a lot of the times, even though the intention is pure, the message gets lost, right? Whereas had the complete text been there, then you know, you have no excuse, they would read it out. And this actually goes back to the point of amount of debris, like, if you look at the amount of debris is reasoning, you know, they used to write on like leather of like cows on like bobbing or bark of trees and on rocks, you could understand why they would want to save space, because they have a limited amount of space. Now, when paper is like cheaper than water, sometimes,
you know, why not? Just write out the whole thing. Now I understand the difficulty, the text message, but this is where you get the smartphones. Now nowadays.
What's that program? I have? Who has a Samsung phone or a Nexus phone? Yeah. The you know, what, what's the program called?
swipe is like when you do the, I think swift key or something like that swift keyboard. The beauty about these keyboard these programs is that once you type it once l autofill. What you're trying to type and you can actually program it that if you put s a w instead of putting se who writes out the whole thing. So a lot while they will send them. So these are one of the ways you can use technology to your favor where you write essay W and then the computer does the work for you and right sides of it. And this is only like for the I don't know, you guys, some of you guys might be too young. But who knows MSN Messenger remembers that? So if you remember MSN Messenger, you know, that was like a
big issue that you're talking about, like Hadeeth, or fluke or something. You mentioned some of them that even MSN Messenger came out with a wave. I can't remember what it was, but it had hotkeys. So you press like shift and like f5 you could like use the saved word. So my shift and f1 was typing out a Salaam Aleykum. So I type A our shift in f1 instead of the cinematical shift f2 is Wiley, comas Salaam. And it shifted after he was set up so that you can use technology to be in your favor. Well, Allahu Allah.
Ha ha.
The brackets. I think the bracket is more about, you know, the grammatical, grammatical issues not the issue of I know, there was a lot of brotherhood the last question was that it wasn't you I will answer your question. But there was another. It wasn't you was it? It was him he had his hand up. Tell us we're skipping we'll come to you enjoy.
Right, adding something
adding Azerbaijan, this is an Indian who and this is out of respect for Allah subhanaw taala that you don't say, you know Allah just by itself. But you add to it is it compulsory to add to it? No, it's not compulsory, because in the Quran, you'll see that the word Allah is mentioned, but there's no you know, praise after that. But as a Muslim, would you want to try to get in the habit of that every time you mentioned a lot. You'll say subhana wa Taala or Jana, Jana who are azzawajal. All of these terms, it's out of respect from us panel to add. And our last question, shall we go ahead.
How we should respond when somebody is spreading the plus female about profit and loss.
Excellent. This is like a completely different lecture. But I'll summarize some points for you. While let's start off with what shouldn't be done, let's start off with what shouldn't be done, getting aggressive and getting violent, that is anti conducive to our message. One, it was against the manners of the messenger Allah. So some he never did this. And number two, it just worsens the image of Muslims, that you'll notice that when the Muslims are portrayed in the media, what are those portrayed as people who are like burning buildings down burning the American flag, destroying cars, and it actually goes, you know, against the message we're trying to preach. So those are
things that definitely shouldn't be done. Now, in terms of what can be done, Here are several things. Number one is the individual responsibility. A Muslim has a responsibility of always beautifying himself with the lack of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And that is like the best form of power, that you'll notice that one of the biggest reasons why people coming to Islam is because they met a Muslim, that had exemplary of luck that the Messenger of Allah says Salaam taught us. So that is the point every Muslim, let them develop this luck. Number two, is being proactive in speaking about this. So you'll notice that Muslims, they're very reactionary,
someone insults the Prophet, and then all of a sudden we react to it. How about creating a campaign, you're getting to know who the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam is, so that way people will have an image and not a physical image, but a portrayed image of who he was, what his life was about what his message was about. So that even when the media and you know, the anti Islam have their propaganda, there'll be like, no, this isn't true, because this is the reality of the situation. Whereas when they get the first word, people always remember the first impression. And that is why that first impression of the Messenger of Allah being oppressive, or, you know, a womanizer, or
whatever they say, you know, that's what sticks in their mind. So Muslims need an initiative, rather than being reactionary. That's number two. And then number three, is just, you know, showing a level of patience, that Allah subhanho wa Taala he tells us clearly in the Quran, and this is like a very good point, to conclude upon, what a flat and then look at the clock, that we have raised your remembrance, and Subhanallah you know, anyone that shows even the most minute amount of reflection will realize this, how did Mohammed become the most popular name on the planet? How did that happen? Allah subhanaw taala raised his name. How did the name Mohammed become so frequently messaged, when
every single event that is mentioned in this world, the name of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has mentioned and literally I mean, I don't have an official statistic, but we're talking about in the millions of times a day, this is mentioned. And then number three, on top of that, that Allah's Messenger, Allah subhanho wa Taala, you know, created this individual to be the leader of the Muslim that they take him as an example. So one as a Muslim, you need to remember this, that there are always going to be haters, it happened during the time of the Muslim is going to happen after his time, and you just need to show a level of patience and restraint, where you leave it up to Allah
subhanaw taala the one that created them is the one that's going to protect him and defend him and the way What is your responsibility is to beautify yourself with his character. If you're good at speaking speak about it. If you're good at writing, write about it. If you're good at organizing and gathering, create a campaign about it. Every individual should do what he is capable of. And Allah Spanos Allah knows best. Allahu taala Allah will conclude with that pentacle, vamos a Chateau La La Land as the felucca to be like wa salam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh