Navaid Aziz – The Mercy Of Allah
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes the parables of Allah sub hang and its various lessons from the Quran, including a woman who wants to know who won a photo, a man who was born in a womanate, a woman who wants to know who won a photo, and a woman who wants to know who won a photo. The transcript also uses historical examples and references to the "reflection" of Islam, as well as a woman named Hope. The history and attributes of Allah subhanho wa taala are discussed, including the use of salads and fudger, the importance of gratitude, and the need for everyone to show mercy towards others during difficult times. The importance of forgiveness is emphasized, and the need for everyone to show mercy towards others is emphasized.
AI: Summary ©
In an hamdulillah Nakamoto who wants to know who won a stock photo? Why now we will be coming shortly on fusina woman sejati annalena May Allah Masha Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah.
Allah, wa shadow, Mohammed Abdullah who are a solo wasafi who was our Salah who bill holds Hoda. verdienen happy Leo Hera who added in equally well carry healthcare for your own watch. How do I know bundles arisa Amana Manasa, Highland oma waka for La, La La La, la, la la, la la la la la la, la la, la Wang Illa Holic for salatu wa he was Salam.
aleikum wa ala alihi wa sahbihi. Woman sobre la de la Yama, Deen. Yeah, Johan de Dena Armando taco, la haka, Ducati. He was mutanda in the one two Muslim moon. Yeah, Johan De Soto, Cora. bakuman daddy holla Takumi nuptse wahida. waka comin hazard jaha Baba salmon humare. George and Kathy around one Isa, what choco la la de de Luna v one or ham in aloha Karina la Kumara teba Yeah, yo holla de la mano taco la la kulu colenso de de la cama y la la comida Nova con one minute a la la la sua hufa faza fosun avina.
For in the US da Cunha de sac Kitab Allah subhanho wa Taala was Iran * * Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was shuttled off to her Wakanda modesetting
in Walla Walla, Walla Walla, Jin Finn are some bad
brothers and sisters, Allah subhanho wa Taala created us as individuals who naturally reflect but it is with great sadness that I say that us as human beings, we are a weak creation and the objectives that Allah subhanho wa Taala created us for we often do not feel fulfilled. So when Allah subhanho wa Taala created us as a creation that reflects, we often reflect upon how can I increase my status in this dunya? How can I increase my wealth in this dunya? How can they have a loftier position in this dunya
while all these things are permissible to reflect upon, these reflections should not take one away from reflecting upon those things that Allah subhanho wa Taala commanded us to reflect upon. Allah Subhana Allah says in Surah Al hacer el segundo not only be highly nurses on your own, that Indeed Allah subhana wa tada has sent forth these parables so that indeed mankind may reflect. Now the parables that Allah subhanho wa Taala has sent down are many, Allah subhanho wa Taala has revealed various stories and various lessons in the Quran that we may reflect upon. But a reflection that I want to recollect today is not a parable or a story that Allah subhana wa tada has narrated in the
Quran, but rather it is an attribute of Allah subhanho wa Taala.
In our history as Muslims 1400 years and over the Salah has been the very same from beginning to end. Every muscle every every person that prays starts is about the exact same way. He does that that we are totally wrong. And then he says Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim, and the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent and the Most Merciful. And likewise, 17 times a day, we will recite a sutra that begins with Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. And then in the very Third Eye of that surah Allah subhana wa tada says, Are Rahmani Raheem. Now this attribute of Allah subhanho wa Taala of Rama is something so great and so magnificent that he began every single surah of the Quran with this remembrance
Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. It is so great that Allah subhanho wa Taala named a surah after it. He said, a rough man as a man Quran that He is Allah the Most Beneficent, the one who taught you the Quran.
So this is a reflection that we need to recollect today. Brothers and sisters.
Allah subhanho wa Taala says in the Quran, it was a shame that indeed My Mercy has encompassed all things. And if we take a moment and reflect upon this, you will see that
This is very, very true. The very eyes that you may see me with today are a mercy from Allah subhana wa Taala be very yours that you hear me with, or a mercy from Allah subhanaw taala. But these are just basic things that we see, yet we do not appreciate, then there are more complex things. Think about the system that we breathe with. Each and every moment, we take several breaths. It is something that improves naturally, we don't have to think about it. We don't have to make a conscious effort. Allah subhanho wa Taala created our systems in such a way that they need to breathe, and they naturally do it. And likewise, the blood that pumps through our veins, is
something that we have to do consciously. It is not our subhana wa Jalla through his infinite mercy created our systems in such a way and likewise the feelings that we feel the emotions, when we get happy, it is from the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala when we are sad, it is from the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala how his sadness immersi you will not appreciate your happiness if you did not have sadness at the other end. Allah subhanho wa Taala created all of these things out of his mercy. And again at the end of the day, it is mankind was neglectful of these mercies and does not thank Allah subhanho wa Taala of them.
Having been in the city of Birmingham for only a few days. Allah subhanho wa Taala has blessed each and every one of you with so many blessings that I wish I had in my city of Montreal. From those blessings. How many of us will take these into account being in Birmingham, salon fudger kicks in at 650 and ends at 830. That means you can play a piano lane from Southern California up until 650 in the morning, if you were asleep straight after a show from 730 or eight o'clock, up until lunchtime, you would have 10 hours of sleep none of us needs 10 hours of sleep, go to sleep early. wake up early and Allah subhanho wa Taala granted you that ability and that opportunity to pray to him in
the middle of the night to raise your hands and ask him of whatever you wish. Allah subhanho wa Taala gave you this ample opportunity. Likewise, one of the sellers that Muslims struggle the most with a solid fudger there are communities that have been to the salon for Jews to start at one o'clock at some times. Imagine that over here solid virgin finishes at 830 or 820 you have no excuse to miss salado virgin, because most of you are up at work already have up for work already getting ready to go. What excuse Do you have this again is from the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala that he facilitated Salatin fudger for you. And likewise, this very machine that calls to the aqeedah
cinnamal Gemma and calls the people to that which is good and is correct, and likewise facilitates activities for Muslims and non Muslims and likewise for new Muslims and facilitates activities in terms of sports for the brothers and the sisters and for the youth as well. And likewise, you have regular holidays in this message. And Allah subhanho wa Taala facilitated for you speakers the likes of Abu Simon and Hanif, these are from the mercies of Allah subhanho wa Taala how many Muslims across the United Kingdom and across the world wish they had such speakers and such influences in their societies? Yet again, how many of you are thankful of this Mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala
Ahmad Abdul Aziz Rahim Allahu taala. He is often referred to as the fifth Khalifa to Rashida that if you have the rightly guided belief as he used to say, yeah Allah in the Quran Allah nearly automatic Parramatta alone and retablo Ghani. farinata hermetic was the akula Shea Shea on fortress era hermetica be the he used to say that, indeed, I may not be deserving of your mercy of Allah.
But your mercy has encompassed everything and I am a think so let your mercy encompass me.
The seller for the Allahu taala and humara Hema home they recognized the greatness of the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala and it was something they regularly and constantly desired.
And Allah subhanho wa Taala is still tested them with various things. And that is what made them stronger through their tests. And now we're times the Muslims have every luxury that they could possibly desire. From wealth from cars to houses to good jobs, Allah subhana wa tada has granted them comfort, and it is with great sadness that through all these mercies instead of being thankful and using them for Allah subhanho wa Taala sake, we have used these mercies to get spun into the spider's web and to become dissolved into this
Dunya well we only are concerned about our worldly lives. And this is what distinguished the seller from us that they were constantly remembering and seeking the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala not for their own benefit, not for their own benefit in this life, but for the benefit in the Acura
Bismillah he tala in the second part of the football. I will discuss how this Mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala should affect us and what we are to do with this barakallahu li one of them one a family what er can be male or female it with victory Hakeem aku Luca was stuck here Allah hi Lea welcome Elisa irreducibly minimalism, first of Euro in the who who was a former regime
hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa Sallim wa barik ala nabina Muhammad, while either early he was Safi he he
talking about the mercies of Allah subhanho wa Taala.
The greatest Mercy is that Allah subhanho wa Taala has bestowed upon us is the very reason that we are collected here today, that which unites us that which makes that which makes us stronger than blood, brothers and sisters, that which will take us to paradise, that which is the cause of tranquility and peace, that which is the cause of us entering genda and being away from the hellfire. The biggest mercy of all is Islam.
Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah has blessed you with Islam, and that is what has caused you to be here today. How many individuals are there out in the world today who do not know what their purpose in life is? They beat themselves day and night to find some recourse in their lives to find tranquility, to find meaning to their lives. Yet Allah subhanho wa Taala through his infinite mercy has blessed you with those answers already. This is from the greatest mercies and blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So now if you recognize this, and you recognize the other great mercies that Allah subhana wa Taala has bestowed upon you, how are we supposed to act and react with the mercies
of Allah subhanho wa Taala
Firstly, Allah subhanho wa Taala is the Most Merciful. We know this and there is no doubt in it. But how merciful is Allah subhanho wa Taala often as individuals, it helps if there is a story or if there is an example to help us understand things. And this is through the wisdom of Allah subhanho wa Taala that a lot of lessons are taught to us through stories and parables. One of these parables comparing the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala is a beautiful parable related by Omar radi Allahu taala, who in Sahih al Bukhari and Sahih Muslim that one day the companions were with the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, and there was a woman who had lost her child. So she would go from child
to child looking for it. And as soon as she would find it, find a child, she would put it against her chest and hold it tightly. And then she would realize that this is not her child, and she would leave it and she did this several times until she finally found her child. And then she held her child and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said something to his companions. He said, I thought when I had the El Mirage, I thought he had only one at half an hour. He said, Do you think this woman would ever throw her child into the Hellfire? The companions are the Allahu taala they responded La La La Jolla, jasola la. They said no, by Allah, she will never do so yada Salalah then
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, these beautiful and noble words. He said, Allahu automobili by the human had he wanted the *, that Indeed Allah subhanho wa Taala is most compassion is more compassionate and more merciful with his slaves than this woman with her child. This is the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Allah subhanho wa Taala does not want to send any one of us to the hellfire. He wants good for us at all times. But we as individuals need to seek that good as well.
So one of the ways of seeking this good and seeking this Mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala is through making Toba making Toba to Allah subhanho wa Taala is an exact correlation with the mercy of Allah subhana wa Taala. That through the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala we seek His forgiveness. And as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said pulu me either Morocco
in a boon that indeed all of the
Children of Adam are sinners. Each and every one of us commit sins, from the small of them to the big of them.
Yeah to the best of the sinners are those who make Toba to Allah subhanho wa Taala. The best of the sinners are those who make Toba to Allah subhanho wa Taala
and Allah subhana wa tada through His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has conveyed an important message to us. That indeed, through the day, Allah subhanho wa Taala puts out his hand to forgive the sinners of the night. And indeed in the night, Allah subhana wa tada puts out his hand to forgive the sinners of the day. Allah subhanho wa Taala wants to forgive us and is willing to forgive us and we just have to seek His forgiveness. Often, as human beings, we are weak minded and have weak resolve. So we think that we have committed too much sin for Allah subhanho wa Taala to forgive us. We think that we have been too disobedient that Allah subhanho wa Taala is unable to
forgive us a harsh and enough and Allah subhanho wa Taala is above and beyond this. Brothers and sisters, regardless of which sin you may have committed, whether it may have been shared, whether you have killed whether you have store, whether we have partook in the river, Allah subhanho wa Taala will forgive all sins as long as you seek repentance from him. Allah subhana wa tada says in Surah to Zuma
Yeah, a birdie and Edina sort of see him talk no to me Rahmatullah in the LA yo in the La Jolla. Nova Jamia that oh my slaves, do not despair of the mercy of Allah for Indeed Allah subhana wa to Allah forgives all sins. So with our busy lives, brothers and sisters, take a moment to reflect upon the sins that we have committed. Take a moment to reflect what you want your state in the afterlife to be. Do you want to be of those people who received their books in the right hand or and are entered into paradise? Or do you want to be of those individuals who are destined for the Hellfire and we seek refuge in Allah subhanho wa Taala for that, and it is only logical that we all want to
be from the blessing of paradise. We all want to be with those people who are blessed with paradise, so make Toba to Allah subhanho wa Taala reflect over your sins and never despair of the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala and keeping everything in perspective, knowing the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala and how infinite it is, one should not take advantage of the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala and take it for granted. Yes, indeed, Allah subhanho wa Taala is the most merciful and the most compassionate, but when you know something is wrong, do not persist in it. And when you have been warned against something which is evil, stay away from it, as this was the message of Allah
subhanho wa Taala and His messenger that they told the slaves of Allah subhanho wa Taala to always be between hope and mercy. And this is what Allah subhanho wa Taala portrays. In two noble is of his when he says
Nabil evadne and Oliver for Rahim, one another be one other one that informed my slaves, that indeed I am the most compassionate and the Most Merciful. Yet my punishment at the same time is the severest of punishments. So everything has to be taken into perspective.
Now the second way of which the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala should affect us in a way that the Sharia of Allah subhana wa tada explains better than I can and anyone else can.
Allah subhana wa tada is messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has said, Abraham moments with dunya yanapuma this summer, that have mercy upon those individuals and those people upon the earth. And Allah subhanho wa Taala The one who is in the heavens will have mercy upon you.
And the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,
man lay your hump day your hump that the one who does not have mercy will not be shown an emergency. So there is a principle established in the city. That the way you want to be treated by Allah subhanho wa Taala is the way you should treat his creation. This is clear from these two Hadith but there's another Hadith where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Allah houfy only Abdi Hema yakun and Abu viani he that Indeed Allah is in the aid of his slave as long as his slave is in the aid of his brother. So every time we seek something from Allah subhana wa Tada. See how you fit into that attribute with the rest of mankind. You want to see the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala you
want to seek the blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala yet how merciful are you?
to others.
In our societies we are taught that this period of time the ending of December is the season to be jolly and the season to be merciful. Yet as Muslims, we are taught to be merciful at all times. Those who want to seek the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala needs to show mercy to others. During this conference, there are several brothers who are staying in the masjid. How many brothers have offered them food? How many brothers have offered them a place to stay? How many brothers have asked if there are any needs of theirs that need to be resolved. This is just one example. Likewise, your neighbors, how many of you have approached your neighbors and ask them if there's any way you could
help them or benefit to them? How many of you have been merciful to your neighbors? Now this is just the outside start with your own household first.
A lot of the brothers have wives. How many of the brothers actually wake up in the morning seeing if they can take care of anything for their wives before they head off to work? How many of us have parents that we still live with how many of us take care of their needs before our own?
Brothers and Sisters we're all demanding the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala and we're all seeking it. But know that Allah subhana wa tada has to Mercy's a general mercy whom he gives to anyone and everyone, and another mercy that he will be who he will give to the believers, and especially those who are merciful to others.
In conclusion, Allah subhanho wa Taala His mercy is great, it is something we are in need of, of all times, we cannot survive without it. And it is something which we need to reflect upon. so that we may thank Allah subhanho wa Taala for the blessings that he has bestowed upon us, and we may seek His forgiveness for the sins that we have committed. And for the amount of times we are unthankful towards him, for Indeed Allah subhanho wa Taala has been compassionate and he has been merciful to us and He will continue to do so. Now it is our responsibility as the slaves of Allah subhanho wa Taala as the slaves of our man to try to pay back that favor by thanking Him and seeking His
Allah subhanho wa Taala has sent a noble commandment in the Quran when he said in the La Romana eketahuna also known as an OB Yeah, Amano sala de he was sending Moses Lima Allahumma salli ala Muhammad Ali Mohammed
Ibrahim Ali Ibrahim inaka homido Majid wa barik ala Muhammad, Allah Allah Muhammad
Ibrahim Ali Baba Ebrahim in the middle Majid Allah homophily hyena omega Tina washa he de novo Urbina, Urbina, Urbina was a 13 hour on Santa Fe high the minute he and Islam were that are afraid that had a minute photo of a man Allahumma in Nana obiri law comm in Safa tech will be more emphatic, I mean, Uber chick will be coming while Santa Ana de Atacama snitch Allah and f6 wa salam o Sedna, Mahabharata cada Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam famous salam