Navaid Aziz – Maxims of Fiqh #06 – Hardship Brings About Ease

Navaid Aziz
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The importance of "beasting" and the availability of availability are emphasized in Islam, with emphasis on hardships and concessions, including those difficult to accomplish and those that require concessions such as car insurance. The speakers emphasize the need for a diverse approach to protecting oneself from behavior of a new person and the importance of a positive environment to achieve one's goals. They stress the need for car insurance and individuals to have a car insurance, while also acknowledging the need for individuals to have a car insurance. The speakers emphasize the importance of finding one's own values in shaping behavior and setting boundaries, finding one's own values in positive environments to achieve goals, and staying happy and safe in the workplace.

AI: Summary ©

00:00:05 --> 00:00:31
			Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim and then hamdulillah Hina and with Hornstein horn istockphoto. We're now
the villa Himanshu Rai and fusina woman sejati Anna Lena Maria de la vida de la homeodomain hufa
Lucha de la, WA shadow Wanda Isla de la Hola, Chica, Rashad Wanda Mohammed Abdullah Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wa not only he was so happy he was seldom at the Sleeman kathira My bad, my dear
brothers and sisters salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.
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			So tonight's class is on Alma Shaka tutor gbtc, are that hardship brings about ease. And this is one
of the main foundational principles of this faith. And it's very important to understand this
element of our religion for two reasons. One is to understand that everything that happens in our
faith that we're actually capable of doing Allah subhanaw taala hasn't made mandatory obligatory
anything, except that we're capable of doing it. Now in those extraordinary circumstances, where
things do become difficult, then the shehryar does accommodate to those situations, and those
scenarios by providing concessions that what we want to look at tonight is what are those scenarios
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			that do allow concessions? What are those type of concessions? And how long do those concessions
actually last for? What I want to start with is a statement of a mama shelter B Rahim Allah, a very
famous scholar from the Maliki method. He's totally spoken a lot about the objectives of Islamic
law. And he says in the Adela TRF, in Horridge, he had the Noma balurghat mybloglog contract, that
if you were to look at all the proofs that are in the Quran, and the sooner that talk about
uplifting harm from the oma, they've reached a level that they can't be doubted or denied. So he's
saying that basically, the oma has agreed upon the fact that there is not meant to be a great amount
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			of hardship upon the oma. Now, what are the types of hardships that are in place? And what are the
types of eases that are in place? So there are two types of ease in our Deen There are two types of
ease in our Deen. The first type of ease in our Deen is that which is general and generic. And what
we mean by that is that if you look at the whole religion of Islam, it is very, very easy in
comparison to how difficult it could be. So for example, just looking at sola, sola started off at
50 times a day. Yet now we are praying five times a day and the one that prays five times a day gets
the reward of praying that 50. So the possibility of it being harder, it was actually there, you
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			know, let's monitor that made it easy, that we only pray five times a day. And when you look at
everything else in our faith, it follows suit, right that Allah subhanaw taala has obliged things
for us to benefit and to learn and to grow, but the general religion is a religion of ease. And then
the second type of ease that takes place in our religion is that when a hardship becomes present,
due to the presence of that hardship, Allah subhanho wa Taala provides an extra ease. So for
example, the one that is traveling, then he is excused from praying his prayers on time, and he can
actually combine them and she can shorten them, the one that is sick, or is traveling is excused
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			from fasting. Those are clear examples that when things become difficult, then Allah subhana wa tada
does provide an ease, add to that time. Now what I want to discuss at this time are what are some of
the proofs for this, that when things are that Allah subhanaw taala wants is for us? And how did the
scholars understand this? So we mentioned that a couple of is from the Quran with some commentary.
So the first I will be discussing is an iron sword or dakara verse 185, I insert tobacco verse 185,
where Allah subhanaw taala he says, You read Allah who become militia whether you read you become an
officer, that Allah subhana wa Taala wants is for you and does not want to difficulty Allah spinals
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			are the ones he is for you and does not want to difficulty Mr. Masuda him hola he says about this
for her deal is dual core identity national identity Cobra under Tito como la jolla, Calif, had his
Sharia. So he says that this idea is a foundational is the the proof of the foundational principle
upon which all of burden is placed in the shittier mean that the burden that Allah subhanaw taala
places is an easy burden and not a difficult burden. The second ayah we will be taking is also from
sort of dakara verse 286 verse 286, where Allah subhanho wa Taala he says now you can live for love
when Epson in Dallas Aha, that Allah subhanho wa Taala does not place a burden upon the soul, except
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			that it is able to bear it except that it is able to bear it shake when Islam in the same era him
Allah He says about this verse, But amen and the Jemima can never home be Ameren Oh nafion moto eco
Nando de Luna Ali won the whole lamb you can live for minor yotaphone Well, fiddley Corrado, sorry,
I'm an admin Zama Killa delic seven tenara Hola. Hey,
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			says and in this IR is a clear indication that everything that we have been commanded with either
through command or prohibition, we are actually physically capable of doing it and that we have not
been obliged with anything that we are not capable of doing. And in this is a clear indicator is a
clear retort or a clear response to those that claim otherwise to those that claim otherwise. So if
anyone ever says to you that this religion is too hard, I'm unable to practice it. In this ayah
alone, Allah subhanaw taala has responded to that claim that Allah subhanaw taala will never burden
the soul more than it can bear Allah subhanaw taala will never burden the soul more than it can
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			What else do they want to share with you?
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			Okay, the next and last I will be sharing with you is in certain Hajj. Verse 78 surah Hajj, verse
78, and is the ending of the ayah where Allah subhana wa Tada. He says, Why my God Allah confided in
him and how much that Allah subhanho wa Taala has not placed in this religion for you any form of
difficult burden or any form of anything that would call you cause you extreme hardship. Even
cathedra him Allah He comments on this verse by saying, a man can never call man out of the corner,
Mama Zima condition in your shop your Shaka alikum Elijah Allah Allahu la comme fibrogen one
Maharajah so here, even Castillo Rahim Allah says that Allah subhanho wa Taala is not obliged to do
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			with anything that you're not capable of doing. And he is not commanded you with anything difficult,
except that he has provided a way out for you and an ease for you except that he's provided a way
out for you and an ease for you.
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			Now we'll take two Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam was asked you Danny Boyle Allah, Carla and Hannah here to somehow raha say that the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was asked, you know which of the religions is miss most beloved to Allah
subhanho wa Taala and he responded by saying, it is the monotheism that is easy going the monotheism
that is easy going. He mama shout out to him Allah He commented on this hadith by saying was Soumya
au Dean bill Hannah Thea, the Murphy Hamlet a seer with this hill, and that he says that this
religion of monotheism was called as such due to what it has from easygoing and lack of difficulty.
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			Likewise, another Hadith from Emanuel Bukhari reported by the Allahu anhu, where the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, In the Dena use Ron Wallonia shared the deen I don't. Eliza who
said they do work on a bow. Well, obscura was the you know, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam he says that indeed this Deen is easy, and no one makes it difficult upon himself, except
that he will overcome by it. So take small steps and get closer and Rejoice and seek the help of
Allah subhanho wa Taala even hijikata him Allah He comments on this video by saying was Soumya Dean
usage on mobile number 10 be Nisbett in little Dan cobla who Leon Allah Rafa and how the * oma?
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			Sir Allah de Cana Allah Monica Allah, Allah man acaba home woman, older woman out woman older fella
the who towba to whom candidates because the unforeseen him will tober to her the oma be accountable
as well as a monogame. So but Hydra him Allah He says, and this religion was called ease in relation
to the religions that came previous to it because Allah subhanho wa Taala has uplifted certain
accountability from this oma that he did not do so from the previous nations. And the clearest
example of this is in repenting to Allah subhanho wa Taala. So the previous nations when they
repented to Allah subhanho wa Taala they repented by killing themselves, but as for this nation,
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			then their repentance is in leaving off the sin, being determined not to return to it, and feeling
remorse and regret and feeling remorse, and regret. So those are some clear examples from the Koran.
And the sooner that Allah subhanho wa Taala has made ease in this religion that Allah subhanaw taala
has made is in this religion. Now we're going to get to some examples of what are the different
types of concessions that take place, meaning when things are difficult, what are the different
types of concessions that unless I know what the other has put into place, and there are seven
different types of concessions there are seven different types of concessions. The first type of
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			concession is called ORAC Soto is Scott, that Allah subhanho wa Taala abolishes the ruling
altogether. So the concession comes by uplifting the ruling all together. So for example, when a
woman starts to menstruate or she has postpartum bleeding, then the obligation of Salah is
completely uplifted from her the obligation of Salah is completely uplifted from her and this is
called the concession
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			of abolishment So, that Salah is abolished for her during that time. The second type of concession
is called roxa to increase meaning it is a concession that is less than a concession that is
lessened and the example of this is that when a person is traveling, then the Salah which is four
becomes to the salon which is four becomes two.
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			The third type of concession is called roxa to indulge the concession of replacement, the clearest
example of this is that for rudo and Wilson, when wha when water is not present or one is not able
to use water, they are allowed to make to mom they are allowed to make the yamo.
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			The fourth type of concession is called roxa. To Taka Diem, it is the concession of bringing
something forward. So for example, the person that is traveling, he is allowed bringing his asset
forward to the time of the heart. Likewise, the individual that is giving Zakat, if there is a need
present in the oma at that time, and he's already given his cat, he's allowed giving his a cat for
the following year in this year, just to make things easy for the oma at that time. Then the fifth
type of concession is called look so to to hear. And that is the concession of diliman, the
concession of delimit. And this is the example of delaying Mother Teresa. So when a person goes for
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			Hajj in modelica, they will delay their Muslim till Asia, or likewise, an individual that is sick,
or traveling or a woman that is menstruating in Ramadan, she will delay her fasting of Ramadan to
outside of Ramadan to outside of Ramadan.
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			The sixth type of concession is the concession of necessity, the concession of necessity.
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			And that is the example of the individual that drinks alcohol, because he's about to die of thirst,
or an individual that eats carrion due to no food being present. So this is a concession that
becomes present due to necessity.
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			And the seventh and last concession is the concession of change. And an example of this is how the
Salah changes, when someone is in an extreme state of fear. When someone has an extreme state of
fear, the Salah completely changes. So that would be a concession of change. So these are the
different types of concession how many people are paying attention here? Can I test you guys on
these. So who can give me an example of a roxa that is abolished, give an example of a roxa that is
abolished, that the Sharia completely takes it away. Go ahead.
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			What happens? Excellent, so a woman that is menstruating, the She is our obligation of Salah is
uplifted from her, who can give me an example of a roxa to tuck them a concession that is brought
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			Go ahead.
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			Outdoor time combining Australia door time what else we may the catch if there's a need in the oma
that time, you can give us a catch for the following year in the year that is present. So those are
the different types of concessions. Now we're going to look at
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			the ruling on certain concessions, the ruling on certain concessions, and they're going to be five
rulings, they're going to be five rulings and these are basically the five rulings that we know. So
certain concessions or wajib certain concessions are recommended certain concessions are permissible
certain concessions are mcru. And certain concessions even become Halong in could even become Haram.
So, let's talk about the first type of concession. And that is the concession that is an obligation.
This concession is an obligation to take from the previous types of concessions we've taken. Which
one do you think is an obligation
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			which one is the obligation,
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			the abolishment.
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			That is to in some way but I think that will go more on the Haram for if you were to pray at that
time it becomes hard on
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			the necessity. So the first type is an obligation. So a person is dying and the only thing that he
has in front of him is alcohol or how long meat then it becomes an obligation for him to eat that
meat and to drink that alcohol. So this is a concession that becomes mandatory This is a concession
that becomes mandatory. The second type of concession is a concession that is recommended it is Mr.
hub to do. An example of this is shortening your prayers while you're traveling. This is something
that is recommended to do or breaking your fast while you're traveling. If the fasting becomes
difficult for you, breaking your fast while traveling, if the fasting becomes difficult for you
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			The third type
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			concession is that which is permissible is that which is permissible. So, for example, when you look
at different types of business contracts, one of the business type ones and one of the types of
business contracts that we spoke about was asylum. What is this now, and we said that the general
ruling in the Sharia is that you're not allowed selling that what you do not possess, but due to
certain needs in society, Allah subhanaw taala accommodated those needs. So, for example, if you
want a house built, you are allowed paying for a house that has not been yet built with the
condition that more than likely it will happen within a certain timeframe. And it will it will be
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			it's designed will be agreed upon. So taking this type of concession that Allah subhanaw taala
wouldn't play is permissible, meaning it's not sooner to take it. And it's not rewarded if you take
it, nor are you punished if you leave it off, nor are you punished if you leave it off. The fourth
type of concession is the concession which I called it Makarov.
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			Actually, let's stick with that. We're going to call it macro it is the concession that we will call
it macro. But what you want to know over here is that this is not something that is agreed upon. So
the concession that we're giving an exam as an example for Makarov is not something that is agreed
upon, but we're taking an example from the Hanafi method. So in the Hanafi, madhhab, if you were to
travel less than three murrah Hill, what they call the equivalent of about 48 kilometers, if you
were to travel less than that, to shorten or combine your prayers at that time, is actually mcru. So
even though that concession is there, that the person that is traveling is allowed to shorten, but
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			he said if it is less than 48 kilometers, it is macro for him to take that concession, it is crucial
for him to take that concession.
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			And then the last type of concession, I told you that certain concessions might be wrong, then that
was a mistake on my behalf, I jumped the gun on that one. And the last type of concession is a
concession that is very strange in this categorization. And I'm quoting it just because it's
mentioned in the book, even though I believe it falls under the same category of Mr. hub. But the
way it is phrased is is Rockers, an Ola, Bill McAuliffe, and EF Aloha. So it's saying that they are
the concessions that they are better if you do them. But they're not at the level of Mr. hub,
they're better if you do them, but they're not at the level of Mr. hub. And that is the example of
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			wiping over the socks, and combining of the prayers for the one that is traveling and fasting, while
one is not being harmed by the fast while traveling.
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			So those are some of the examples that are mentioned, those are some of the examples that are
mentioned. Does that make sense? The last one, the last one, maybe you can explain it more. So we
mentioned that there there are five categories, all of the categories of commerce cheriya, except
the Harlem so there's no roxa, which itself is how that works out, which is how long, we've replaced
it with the category, that these are the Rockers, that it is better for you to take them, but
they're not at the level of Mr. hub. So it's better for you to take them, but they're not at the
level of Miss tab. And the example we gave is wiping over the socks. So if a person wipes over his
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			socks, when he's made will do, there is no extra job of wiping over the socks. But it is better to
take it it is better to do it. And likewise, for one cent when someone is traveling, that concession
of breaking his fast, he shouldn't do it unless you feel some sort of hardship. So even while
traveling, you should fast as long as you're not feeling hardship as long as you're not feeling
hardship. And likewise, the combining of the prayers, you're allowed to combine your prayers. But if
you don't combine your prayers while traveling, then this is better for you, then this is better for
you. Now, can you guys think of why this would be better? All these examples? There's something
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			that's tying them together. Yeah.
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			Okay, but there's something greater than it. Just to clarify, are you saying it's better to leave
them? No, it's better to take them it's better to Yeah. Why is it better to take these auto cars,
these concessions? Did I say it's better not to take them? Okay, so I made a mistake. Why is it
better to take these concessions? Yeah. Because the other ones.
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			Exactly. So what we're looking at is that same concept that Allah subhanaw taala doesn't want to
place hardship upon you right over here. You're not going to get an extra reward for doing these
things. But the fact is that you're uplifting hardship upon yourself.
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			So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was quoted by Shara de la Juana, he was never presented
by to highlight matters, except that he chose the easier of them. And this is an implementation of
that, that here you have two choices that you can choose from. Either you can wipe over your socks,
or you can wash your feet, we say it's better to wipe over your socks, because it's easier to do. So
when the person is traveling, then that person, he can, you know, not combine his prayers, but it is
better for him to combine his prayers, because this is the easier of the two options. It's the
easier of the two options. And that is why it is stated over here that choose the easier of the two
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			options for your self.
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			Yeah, do I get more idea when I like combined the prayer or big response? Well?
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			No, you don't. So it's better to bring the past you know, so it is better to fast if there is no
hardship? Yeah, it is better to fast if there is no hardship
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			So the issue of combining has nothing to do with hardship. If it is if a person is traveling, then
he should combine his Scylla. Yeah, if a person is traveling, then he should combine his Salah.
More. Sorry, we don't say there's more budget, but we say this is from the principles of the dean to
bring ease upon yourself.
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			Does that make sense? For example, nowadays, there is no, I want to go back to the brother who was
asking the question. Yeah.
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			Like I showed you a loved one.
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			Right, right. So I am your groups, right? Right. combined. Fasting, right?
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			No, there's no extra budget here. You're just bringing ease upon yourself. So when Allah subhanaw
taala says, You read Allah who become a loser, whenever you need to become an author, the roxa is a
form of ease. So when you take this roxa you're taking that ease upon yourself. You're doing what
Allah subhanaw taala told you to do, but you can say within that action is more adjured then it's
alternative that's what we're seeing. So for example, if a person combines his Salah we won't say
that there's more aged in combining the Salah then in not combining the Salah. Okay, fantastic. Now
the brother that was next to him, what were you saying brother?
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			There is no hardship for example, for example, back away, correct you still
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			you still can like can you like a breakdown fasting? Yes. So what we were talking about when we
studied the fear of traveling, we said that the scholars differed on two opinions as to why what is
the reasoning behind shortening the the prayer one group of scholars they said it is the hardship
and other group of scholars said it is traveling. So the scholars that said they it is hardship they
said you can only shorten if there is hardship present. But the other group of scholars This is even
saying he had no payment you know a lot of the modern day scholars they said that it is the the ALA
is traveling that as long as you're traveling, then you're allowed to short in your salon, then as
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			long as you're as long as you're traveling, you're allowed to shorten your Salah. The next thing
we're looking at what are the reasons that the Sharia allows you to take concession? What are the
reasons that the Sharia allows you to take concession
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			12345678 all together there would want to be taking eight altogether, we're going to be taking
eight. So the first of them is travel. So when traveling is present, you're allowed to take the
concessions that are pertinent to traveling.
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			Number two is sickness. Number two is sickness.
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			Number three is being coerced meaning being forced to do something or what they call a cut off.
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			Number five is forgetfulness. Or sorry, number four is forgetfulness. Number four is forgetfulness.
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			Number five is ignorance. Number five is ignorance.
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			Number six is the presence of hardship. Number six is the presence of hardship.
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			Number seven
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			is when something is difficult, but it is not at the level of hardship. However, a lot of people
become affected by it. Right. So it is something that is difficult, but it is not at the level of a
hardship and it becomes widespread amongst the people. And I'm going to give examples of all this in
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			And then number eight
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			What we're going to call natural deficiencies, natural deficiencies, and we'll explain what that
means inshallah. So going through this list suffered is quite clear traveling, you know, it's very
clear sickness is very clear as well, being coerced or compelled to do something is very clear.
forgetfulness is very clear. Ignorance is something I want to comment on. First, ignorance, they
said is of two types. And that ignorance they said, is of the one that lives in Muslim lands, and
one that doesn't live in Muslim lands. So when one lives in Muslim lands, there is no excuse of
ignorance for him whatsoever, except in tomb conditions. Either he is new to the religion of Islam,
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			or he used, he lived in an isolated location in the lands of the Muslims, where he had no access to
knowledge where he had no access to knowledge, then those are the only two times someone who would
be excused of ignorance in the lines of Islam.
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			Now, in the lines of the non Muslims, they said, this condition of ignorance only applies to those
things that are not known by necessity, those things that are not known by necessity. What do they
mean by knowing by necessity, meaning that as soon as someone says Islam, you automatically
affiliate certain things with it. So like Salah, like Hajj like fasting like Zakat, no matter like
how weak your Islam, maybe you will know that these things are an obligation. How do you know these
things are an obligation, because they're so widespread, that they're known by necessity, they're
known by necessity. As for everything else, then there is an excuse by ignorance as for everything
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			else, there is an excuse by ignorance,
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			hardship, and this is when an extraneous circumstance come presents that wasn't present before. So
for example, someone has to go for surgery, or someone has an exam, these sorts of things are
abnormal circumstances that become present, a normal Balboa, or this is, you know, a difficulty that
becomes rampant upon everyone. So, for example, when hard snow comes down, it doesn't make life
impossible or extremely difficult. But there are still certain concessions that those are in the
masjid, are allowed to combine their prayers, and those that live close by the masjid. Even if they
can hear the dance, they are allowed to pray in their houses, they are allowed to pray in their
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			houses. And then the last one we said, were natural deficiencies, natural deficiencies. And this
refers to several things. Those are someone that is young, an age that he hasn't reached the age of
puberty, or he has a mental disability, or he becomes temporarily insane, or even permanently
insane. Or he is born with a physical handicap or he is born with a physical handicap. So for
example, someone's legs are dysfunctional, we cannot oblige him to stand up for Scylla. Right, we
cannot oblige him to stand up for Salah. And this is a natural deficiency that he is born with. This
is a natural deficiency that he is born with. So now when those things become present, those are the
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			only times that the Sharia would allow you to take a concession, those are the only times that the
Sharia would allow you to take the concessions. Now, the class is going to get a lot more
interesting, because now we're actually going to be adding to the examples and how we understand
these things, how we understand these things. So the way we this is going to work. These are going
to be all of the sub principles that come under the main principle. So the main principle was
hardship brings about ease. Now we're going to be going under the sub principles that come with it.
The first sub principle is our durata to be her almohad. That necessity makes the impermissible
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			permissible necessity makes the impermissible permissible.
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			So what we're going to look at over here is what types of necessity make the impermissible
permissible? Is it every type of necessity or certain types of necessities with conditions? And the
answer is certain types of necessities with conditions. So the first condition that needs to be met,
is that this necessity needs to be present right here right now. And not something that is
anticipated or foreseen. It has to be real it has to exist right now.
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			Number two,
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			if there's a way to avoid this necessity with something permissible, then that has to be done first,
and only if it cannot be avoided by something permissible. Are you allowed to go to the
impermissible only if you cannot avoid it by going through something permissible? Are you allowed
going to the impermissible
00:30:01 --> 00:30:17
			Number three, this necessity has to be of such a great level that you fear for your life, or you
fear something close to that. So you fear for your life, or you fear something close to that.
00:30:21 --> 00:30:22
			And number four
00:30:24 --> 00:30:37
			is that you should not transgress the rights of others. Through this excuse of necessity, you should
not transgress onto the rights of others through this excuse of necessity.
00:30:42 --> 00:30:43
			And number five,
00:30:45 --> 00:30:54
			when you go to the impermissible, you're only allowed to taking from the impermissible, that which
is needed that which is needed.
00:30:56 --> 00:31:39
			So, let's go through these conditions. The first condition we said is that this hardship this
necessity has to be present right now. So the necessity that is present right now, we would say
someone is extremely hungry, and he hasn't eaten. And let's just say, you know, what's the most
amount you can go without food? I think it's like 30 days, right? We go about 30 days. So this is
like 29 days, and like 23 hours, that's how long a person isn't, hasn't eaten in number two, is that
the only option to eat right now is someone offers him like a slice of bacon on the street. Like
he's walking on the street, someone's eating a sandwich, and he's like, hey, the only thing I can
00:31:39 --> 00:32:03
			offer you is a slice of bacon, right? Literally, that's the only thing that's being offered to him,
he can't go and get food from anywhere else, nothing else is available. If he can get even like
bread crumbs from somewhere, it is better for him to eat the bread crumbs to stay alive than to eat
something haram right. So the Haram only becomes permissible if he's tried to get the * out. And
Helen is not accessible to him. Number three
00:32:04 --> 00:32:44
			is that it has to be feared that he will harm himself. Sorry, it has to be harmed or feared that he
will lose his life or something close to it. so in this situation, he has an ene for 29 days a very
long time, he feels extremely weak, and he feels as if he's about to die. And in reality,
scientifically speaking, that is more than likely the case. Number four, is that just because it is
a time of necessity for himself, it doesn't mean that he's allowed to go and steal, it doesn't mean
that he can go to the corner, stop and steal food and eat from that food. It is not allowed for him
to do so he's not allowed to transgress on the rights of others. And then number five, he can only
00:32:44 --> 00:33:15
			take from the impermissible that which he needs. So for example, you go on the street and you're
starving, and someone says, hey, you're so hungry. You know, here's like a whole bottle of alcohol.
Sorry, you're so thirsty, here's a whole bottle of alcohol. At that time, you're not allowed
drinking that whole bottle of alcohol. Even though you are extremely thirsty, you can only drink
from that alcohol, that what you need to stay alive that what you need to stay alive. So those are
the conditions that needs to be met. Those are the conditions that need to be met.
00:33:25 --> 00:33:25
00:33:30 --> 00:33:31
			What is the next thing we're looking at?
00:33:34 --> 00:34:11
			So, yeah, great question that is on the last point. So if a person is stranded in the middle of the
desert, and then he's very, very hungry, he's gonna die. And then he gets a plate of pork, right? He
only eats enough to live or can eat enough to kill himself? Well, there's a difference of opinion on
that matter. But the opinion of the majority is that he only eats enough to live, he only eats
enough to live, right? And the actual muscle is divided into three categories. If you look at the
notes from the physical food that we did from Lululemon, we discussed this, they're the three
opinions are that he takes enough to survive this opinion of the majority opinion number two states
00:34:11 --> 00:34:49
			that he can take enough for him to fill his stomach and to fill his desire at that time. Because
they said, Realistically speaking, a person hasn't eaten that that long, you put it in front of
them, it's next to impossible to control yourself at that time, right? You're gonna go out and eat
as much as you can see, they said that because of human nature, that will become permissible. And
then third category is that he's allowed to eat what is required for him to stay alive. And he's
allowed to store it for the future, and he's allowed to store it for the future. So those are the
three opinions, but the majority said that it was opinion that one, you can only take enough that he
00:34:49 --> 00:34:50
			needs to survive.
00:34:51 --> 00:34:56
			So now, how do we understand this concept of adorato? To be Who?
00:34:57 --> 00:34:59
			And how can this be implemented? How can this be
00:35:00 --> 00:35:04
			implement it. So for example, if you have,
00:35:05 --> 00:35:06
			let's talk about
00:35:08 --> 00:35:11
			what's the word for birth control? The proper word for it.
00:35:12 --> 00:35:53
			Birth control is contraception. That's it. Let's talk about permanent contraception. So temporary
contraception in Islam, is allowed with two consequent two conditions, we're talking about temporary
contraception, right? temporary contraception is like something like using a condom, or using a
spermicide, or something like that, temporarily it is permissible if two conditions are met, number
one, that it's not harmful to either of the parties. And number two, you have consent from both
parties. You have consent from both parties. But how about permanent contraception? Right? Allah
subhanho wa Taala, he tells us in the Koran, do not kill your children out of fear of poverty,
00:35:53 --> 00:36:38
			right. Based upon that idea. We said that the general ruling on permanent contraception is not
allowed. However, under what conditions can permanent contraception become permissible? Under what
conditions can permanent contraception become permissible, and Chef solid has done he mentions two
conditions or two scenarios. Scenario number one, is that if it becomes harmful to the mother
herself, so for example, if she has another child, she potentially could die, right? It's that
severe of a scenario. So in that situation, the permanent contraception would become permissible, so
the impermissible becomes permissible. And the second scenario he presents, and clearly this is a
00:36:38 --> 00:37:16
			difference of opinion, but he prefers this opinion. And that is if the mother has so many children,
but she realizes that, hey, if I get another child, there's no way I'm going to be able to give a
proper upbringing to this child. And that is the case of a woman has like 678 children. You know, by
the time they're happening, like back to back, she's completely burnt out, she's like, out of her
mind, she's completely just living like holding on to the threads of life, she's about to lose at
any second, he says in that scenario, she fears that she's not going to be able to give proper
tarbiyah to her children anymore, then this is a time where it is permissible for her to get the
00:37:16 --> 00:37:23
			that contraception, it is permissible for her for her to get that permanent contraception. So that
is an example of how this
00:37:24 --> 00:37:27
			principle would be implemented.
00:37:28 --> 00:37:58
			Principle number two, Principle number two is that when things become difficult, there is
concession. And when things become easy, they become enclosed. So when things become difficult,
there's concession. And when things become easy, they become enclosed in the Arabic language is a
dock and amo, it's a way that does an AMA book. Okay. So now, how do we understand this principle?
00:38:00 --> 00:38:46
			This principle is speaking about situations where the general ruling is that actually the first half
of the principle is what we've been speaking about, that when things become difficult, there is an
ease that they expand and become easy. But what we want to look at is the second part of the part of
the principle is that when things become easy, they also become difficult when things become easy,
they also become difficult. And what this is referring to is that once the reasoning of the
concession has been uplifted, then they go back to the norm. Once the reasoning of the concession
has been uplifted, they go back to the norm, they go back to the norm. So for example, a person he
00:38:46 --> 00:39:28
			is traveling, and he arrives into Calgary, at the heart of time, at the horse time. And at that
time, he's like, Hey, I just finished traveling, I'm feeling really tired. I want to sleep. You know
what I want to let me just combine my thought and my answer together. So that ruling of him
combining his prayers is no longer present. Even though during that today, he was already traveling,
even though during that today, he was already traveling, or if you arrived into Calgary and the time
for the horse has already started while he was traveling, but he hasn't prayed for her yet. Then
when he arrives in Calgary, he has to praise the Lord in its completion. Even though even though
00:39:28 --> 00:39:59
			that concession started for him while he was traveling, even though that condition started for him
while he was traveling. Now one example that she saw the salon gives over here is the ruling on
accepting payment for teaching of the Quran, giving the event leading the salah and preserving the
Shire of Islam or perborate. we're preserving the sanctuary of Islam. So the general default ruling
is that one should not be receiving payment for anything religious
00:40:00 --> 00:40:39
			write anything to do for the dean, you should not be receiving a payment for. However, if there is a
fear that these things will be lost from the dean, and the only way to get people to do them and
preserve them and protect them is to pay them then it would be allowed. So this the example of
teaching the Koran, meaning that the children need to teach Quran, there is no one to teach Koran.
And the only person that can teach Quran are the few people that can teach Quran are busy seeking
livelihood in other professions. So to compensate them for sacrificing their professions, you are
allowed to compensate them for teaching the Quran and giving the event and leading the salah and
00:40:39 --> 00:40:43
			preserving the rituals of Islam and preserving the rituals of Islam.
00:40:47 --> 00:40:48
			Principle number three
00:40:49 --> 00:40:56
			now ob Hagia Dora Takada because that that which becomes permissible due to a necessity,
00:40:57 --> 00:41:10
			that concession is equivalent to the level of necessity. So that which becomes more permissible due
to necessity, the concession has to be at the level of the necessity of the concession has to be at
the level of the necessity.
00:41:17 --> 00:41:19
			So, let's take an example over here.
00:41:21 --> 00:42:03
			A person goes to a doctor and has to say be in front of the opposite gender. And this applies even
to the same gender. But let's be specific about the opposite gender. So you're a male, you go to a
female doctor, you couldn't find a male doctor. And at that time a person thinks, hey, I'm in front
of a doctor, you know what, the doctors allowed to see me completely naked. And the answer to that
is no, that is not the case, right? If the doctor needs to inspect part of your outer, then it is
only that part of the outer that you're inspecting, that you are allowed to uncover, everything else
has to remain covered, everything else has to remain covered. Right. And this applies both to same
00:42:03 --> 00:42:38
			gender doctors and opposite gender doctors as well, that when it comes to the issue of the IRA, you
are only allowed uncovering that part of the IRA that the doctor needs to inspect. So for example,
if the doctor is inspecting the front part of your aura, the back should be covered. Or if the
doctor is inspecting the back part of your aura, then the front part should be covered, you can't
come up with the excuse saying hey, I'm in front of a doctor, you know, I can be completely
uncovered that doesn't apply. And I think this is quite practical as well. If you've ever gone in to
like an emergency room, they give you like these dinky suits, right that you put on from the front
00:42:38 --> 00:43:00
			and your back is completely exposed. So in that situation, if you're like walking down the hallway,
you know, they see you your back completely islamically to think that, hey, it's a medical emergency
or something like that, it wouldn't be allowed for you to uncover yourself. Again, you can only
uncover yourself in front of the doctor, if that is the part that the doctor needs to see if that is
the part that the doctor needs to see.
00:43:02 --> 00:43:04
			So that would be an example of that.
00:43:13 --> 00:43:39
			Okay, the next principle Principle number four matches and the other in batala visa Li that that
which becomes permissible to do to an excuse becomes void when that excuse goes away becomes void
when that excuse goes away. So this is sort of a different wording for a previous principle but
we're going to take a more more clear example for this a more clear example of this.
00:43:50 --> 00:44:08
			Okay, so think of this scenario you've made to mum. Okay. And before the Salah is about to start,
someone brings water for you to use. What is the ruling on making Moodle at that time? What is the
ruling on making Moodle at that time
00:44:10 --> 00:44:55
			it's an obligation by consensus by consensus if water becomes president before the Salah, once
you've made to your mom you have to make will do at that time if it's before the Salah. Now, how
about if during the Salah water is brought What did you do at that time? So this is a difference of
opinion. And on this you have the opinion of Imam Abu hanifa Sophia Anna 30 and an ozeri. They said
that he breaks his Salah, and he goes and he performs will do and comes back and prays. So remember
hanifa Safina 30 and allows it they said he breaks his Salah, and he makes will do and he comes back
to his Salah, the amalickiah and the shafia and the Hannah Bella and the via the method they said no
00:44:55 --> 00:45:00
			he stays in his Salah. He stays in his salah and he
00:45:00 --> 00:45:14
			He completes his Salah. And the reason he said that is because he started in that state, he is
allowed to complete that state, but how do you start it had he not started yet, then he has to make
Voodoo at that time, then he has to make Voodoo at that time.
00:45:15 --> 00:45:29
			And the same thing applies to you know, when the person is making will do just add a feeling, quote,
so, if it is no longer called, and the time for the next law comes, he has to make will do at that
time he has to make wudu at that time,
00:45:34 --> 00:45:45
			Principle number five, and this one requires like a bit of understanding, and this principle states
alhaja to to not xello, Manzella todorova, Amazon, Canada or Casa
00:45:46 --> 00:45:58
			that needs of the people are treated as necessities, whether they be general or specific needs of
the people are treated as necessities.
00:45:59 --> 00:46:40
			regardless of if they are general or if they are specific. So at the beginning of the the classes
that we started, we spoke about how the Sharia came to protect three things, it came to protect the
daughter yet, which are the necessities, then it came to protect the hygiene yet, which are the
needs of the people, then it came to protect at that scene yet, which are the luxuries of the people
now with this principle is stayed stating is that if you have a hygiene, meaning that you have a
need, which is not at the level of necessity, then the Sharia will still treat that need as a
necessity with conditions. So let's take the example of again, car insurance. If you guys remember
00:46:40 --> 00:47:17
			back, we spoke about car insurance in like the very first time. So the ruling on car insurance on
everyone, everyone that has a car has car insurance, but the default ruling on insurance is that it
is not permissible. Now having a car, is it a necessity? Or is it a need? That is understand the
difference? When we talk about necessity, we mean that life is impossible without it, life is
impossible without it. And when we talk about need, we say that life is possible without it, but it
would be difficult. So what is the ruling on the car? What do we feel about that?
00:47:19 --> 00:48:07
			It is a need, right? It's not a necessity. So now this need is treated at the level of dura it's
treated at the level of dura and we have a principle with a dura that adorato to be who norat that
with necessities, the impermissible becomes permissible with necessities the impermissible becomes
permissible. And that is why scholars have said that car insurance becomes permissible, right?
Because there's such a high level of need for it. And the only way to get that car is through this
insurance, then that which is needed to make that need a reality becomes permissible becomes
permissible. So that is the scope of what this principle is talking about. Now, this principle also
00:48:07 --> 00:48:44
			has conditions to it, this principle also has conditions to it. So the first thing we're going to
look at is what are the things that needs and necessities overlapping needs and necessities, they
overlap in two matters. What are those two matters, let us take a look. The first thing that needs
and necessities overlapping is that they have the ability to change default rulings, they have the
ability to change default rulings. So the if the default ruling is Iran, it has the ability to make
it permissible it has the ability to make it permissible.
00:48:45 --> 00:49:33
			Number two, something else that the agreement is that the concession that is provided for a need or
for a necessity is based upon the level of hardship is based upon the level of hardship. So now
coming back to the scenario of car insurance, car insurance is of different types. You have one type
of car insurance which is just the third party liability, it is the absolute minimum level of car
insurance. Then you have a another type of insurance, which is like full coverage, everything is
covered. Right anything that happens it is going to be covered when the carrier comes to give this
concession is going to give its concession based upon the level of the need. So a person genuinely
00:49:34 --> 00:50:00
			is a safe, drier driver. He doesn't have a history of accidents. He doesn't live in an area where
there's regular hail storms or you know regular theft. then in this case scenario the Sharia would
say he takes the minimal type of insurance and that is all that is allowed for him that is all that
is allowed for him. And then you have another type of person. This person is like the worst driver
on the planet like you look at this person is driving and you want
00:50:00 --> 00:50:37
			How on earth did this person get their license, but the fact is they have their license, and then
beyond the road is a liability. So this type of person, they're constantly getting into accidents,
the cheriya will look at this person scenario and say, You know what, since you're such a bad
driver, and it's beyond your control, and you have to drive, then you can get the maximum coverage,
so that you're not going into, you know, extreme amount of debt and losing your car, and so on and
so forth. Right? So they're going to be based upon the level of need of the individual. Now, what
are the things that the necessity and the needs are different in right, we're talking about two that
00:50:37 --> 00:50:45
			are the same in that they can change your links and their concessions are based upon the level of
need, what are the things that they are different in what are the things that they are different in
00:50:46 --> 00:51:03
			the first thing that they are different in is that the necessity is, one is going to lose his life
or come close to it or come close to it. Whereas the need is only about things becoming difficult is
only about things becoming difficult.
00:51:11 --> 00:52:02
			Number two, is that the necessity can make an explicit text permissible. So Allah subhanaw taala
talks about alcohol being Haram, and meal carrion being hard on these are explicit texts, these
explicit texts can only become permissible at the time of necessity can only become permissible at
the time of necessity. Whereas the need, it will make things permissible, either that are principles
in the Sharia, or by Koreas either their principles in the Sharia or by careers. So for example, the
example we gave of car insurance, the current the impermissibility of car insurance is not something
explicitly mentioned in the Quran. But rather we take the topic of or doubt in contracts, we applied
00:52:02 --> 00:52:15
			to car insurance. And that is how we get the impermissibility have car insurance. So it's not
something that is explicitly mentioned in the Sharia. So, the need cannot make an explicit text
permissible, the knee cannot make an explicit text permissible.
00:52:21 --> 00:52:57
			The necessity makes the impermissible permissible for all people, right, it applies to all people.
Whereas the need is on a person by person basis is on a person by person basis, because the needs of
each person are going to be different, the needs of each person are going to be different. Whereas
the necessities that we talked about life, religion, intellect, wealth, and honor, those are the
same for all people, those are the same for all people. So those are the things that necessity and
need are different in
00:53:02 --> 00:53:39
			an example of a need. Making the impermissible permissible in is an example of a woman that is
menstruating, right, she has no other means of learning. And the only way she can come is by coming
and attending the halaqa. So even if she is menstruating, she's allowed to come to the masjid
because there's a need for her to learn. Like it's not an obligation for her to learn her Deen
because it's from the secondary matters. Whereas if it was a primary matters, then that's a
necessity, right? But in the situation where she's learning something like this, we say this is from
the knee like it's a second level of knowledge, not knowledge that is obligatory with no itself, so
00:53:39 --> 00:54:09
			do to fulfill that need she can do so another example is the woman that is teaching Koran, right?
She has young children, she's teaching them the Quran, if she does, if she takes like a week off, is
going to break the routine of the children. So even in that situation where she's menstruating.
She's allowed to teach the Koran she is allowed to teach the Koran now an issue of touching the
Koran. It's better if there's a barrier between her and the Quran, there's it's better if there's a
barrier between her and the Koran. Principle number six. Principle number six
00:54:12 --> 00:54:26
			is that emergencies do not allow you to transgress upon the needs of other people upon the property
of other people. emergencies do not allow you to transgress upon the properties of other people.
00:54:29 --> 00:54:30
00:54:31 --> 00:54:53
			up person is extremely hungry. He goes into a store and he picks up an apple and he eats it. The
first thing we're looking at is what is the ruling on that action when of itself using your fifth?
What are the possible rulings you can come up for that action?
00:54:58 --> 00:54:59
			Why let's do it
00:55:00 --> 00:55:08
			He's stealing something. So the default dueling is that it is haram. So now, is there any scenario
at all that it might become permissible?
00:55:09 --> 00:55:10
00:55:13 --> 00:55:53
			Okay, fantastic. So Scenario number two is that he's literally about to die at that second, and he
needs something to keep himself, he needs something to keep himself alive. So now that second issue
is going to be divided into two parts. Is he responsible for that apple? And by responsible meaning,
he either has to replace that apple? Or has to give the price of that apple? Or is this something
that he's excused for? Or is this something that he is excused for? So that is the scope of our
discussion, the general ruling is that emergencies and necessities do not allow you to transgress
upon the rights of other people, that is the default ruling that it is haram to do. So. Now, in the
00:55:53 --> 00:56:35
			case of utmost necessity, where a person decides, you know, what, I am going to go ahead and
transgress against someone else. am I responsible for replacing that? Yes or no? And the answer to
that is that there's obviously a difference of opinion on that. But the majority have said that he
is responsible for either replacing it, or for paying for that Apple or for paying for that Apple.
Now, obviously, if he has money in his pocket at that time, he should buy that Apple and eat it and
get rid of all this difference of opinion. But in this situation, what if he has no money
whatsoever, he's extremely broke extremely poor, then that payment of that Apple becomes a debt upon
00:56:35 --> 00:56:39
			them that payment of that Apple becomes a debt upon him.
00:56:42 --> 00:56:43
00:56:44 --> 00:57:26
			Now let's look at another let's look at another example. I'll give you two examples. Example. The
next example is, you're going to your friend's house. And as you walk to your friend's house, you're
in their front yard, all of a sudden, they're they have a dog that goes crazy on you, they give you
it goes mental. So as this dog is coming, you know it's going full speed, it jumps out full speed at
you, you have like some kung fu movies that you've learned. So you grab the dog by the throat and
choke slamet, this dog ends up dying, are you responsible for paying for that dog? Right, that's
what we're looking at that dog is coming to attack you right is you know, you didn't provoke it, you
00:57:26 --> 00:57:55
			didn't do anything. But it just naturally came to attack you do you have to compensate for that dog,
and you're cleaning for the majority is yes, you have to compensate for that dog, because you're not
allowed to transgress upon other people's property, even if it means that you yourself are coming
into harm. Now, this doesn't mean you allow yourself to be harmed. But what the city states is, you
protect yourself. And if you end up harming that dog, then you have to compensate them for that dog,
you have to compensate them for that dog.
00:57:57 --> 00:58:31
			Another example that is similar to this, you are the captain of a ship, and you're facing turbulent
waters, and you need to throw stuff off the ship, you need to throw stuff off the ship. So you start
looking at your passengers, you start taking their bags, and you start throwing them overboard in
the name of the society. Can you say hey, it was a necessity. And I had to throw that stuff off. So
you guys don't have any rights to your possessions? And the answer is no, that if you're required to
throw that stuff off the boat, you are required to compensate them you are required to compensate
00:58:32 --> 00:58:37
			And is this the last principle, I think this may actually be the last principle is gonna make sure.
00:58:39 --> 00:58:42
			Yeah, this is the last principle. So this is Principle number seven.
00:58:43 --> 00:58:57
			That in the cases of difficulty, do as much of the action as you can, in cases of difficulty, do as
much of the action as you can.
00:59:02 --> 00:59:04
			And there are a lot of examples for this.
00:59:05 --> 00:59:45
			But for example, like a person newly converted into Islam, and they've only memorized you know, the
first three is of Surah Fatiha, they only memorize the first three eyes of Surah Fatiha since they
don't know all of Surah Fatiha. Does that mean they don't have to recite Surah Fatiha at all. No the
Sharia would require for them to recite three verses of Surah Fatiha until they can learn more until
they can learn more. She started to learn he had a very interesting opinion. And that is what if he
knows none of the Quran, in the Arabic language, but he knows it in his own native tongue. Can he
recite in his own native tongue? And would that be permissible for him? The general rule of the
00:59:45 --> 00:59:59
			majority is that no it wouldn't be permissible for him because the prompts are seldom taught the new
learner to say certain that car that he says Subhana Allah when hamdulillah he will lay the Hilah
will know what he says this throughout the summer until he learns how to pray.
01:00:00 --> 01:00:44
			But she saw the salon was of the opinion that along with this, he is also allowed to recite Surah
Fatiha and whatever he knows of the Quran in his own language. If he knows it proficiently mean that
you only know like one random idea, or two random eyes, you don't put them together. No, that
doesn't work like that. But if you know all sort of factor in your own language, you can see it in
your own language. And this is the opinion of chef Sala said, done. So that's one example. Let's
take another example. And here's what I want to look at your understanding, a person gets injured,
and they're wearing a cast. Okay, they are wearing a cast for this individual, since they cannot
01:00:44 --> 01:00:49
			wipe underneath the cast, nor can they wash on top of the
01:00:51 --> 01:01:01
			is this person going to make wudu? and skip the area of the cast? Or is this person going to make to
move instead? What is this person going to do?
01:01:02 --> 01:01:03
			I'll just go ahead
01:01:04 --> 01:01:22
			and skip based on what, based on what based on the unit. So the necessity here is this. He can't
touch this arm, but he can still perform the rest. And so he should act based on that necessity. And
just in general is fantastic. And I heard someone say to mom, who said to him,
01:01:24 --> 01:01:32
			you said and you said so I want to hear from both of you. Why does he perform tiamo? Because he can
do will do on his whole body? Except for that arm? What did you do to your mom?
01:01:34 --> 01:01:37
			Just to avoid infection from the water.
01:01:41 --> 01:01:50
			Because okay, but we're saying that in the if he was to perform will do, he will perform with one
his whole body except for that part. So there's no chance of that part getting wet.
01:01:52 --> 01:01:56
			So what does he do then? To What more does he do will do, but he skips that part.
01:01:59 --> 01:02:02
			Will do it will do and skip that part? How would you
01:02:04 --> 01:02:10
			if he can touch that one? But it seems he doesn't there's no harm that he doesn't weigh in just to
01:02:12 --> 01:02:14
			say he can touch it.
01:02:15 --> 01:02:27
			But then, so he does with all the rest of the body parts. But on that part he performs thermo Is
that what you're saying? Okay, that is a made up opinion that doesn't exist. But good effort to
though, go ahead.
01:02:28 --> 01:02:30
			To avoid hardship, like if it can be hard,
01:02:32 --> 01:02:33
			because I'm talking about
01:02:35 --> 01:02:38
			being with ease and hardship to deal with it.
01:02:39 --> 01:02:40
01:02:41 --> 01:02:42
			Very ship with this.
01:02:44 --> 01:02:45
01:02:46 --> 01:02:54
			So I'm asking the question right now I need an answer from I'll give you answers soon. But I want to
hear your opinion. What do you think would happen? Go ahead.
01:02:57 --> 01:02:58
			Let's you have to be
01:03:02 --> 01:03:03
01:03:04 --> 01:03:12
			Well, that's only for 24 hours, you can do this on your socks, right? This cat is going to be on for
who knows how many days could be 3040 days?
01:03:13 --> 01:03:58
			Right? What I will do is not gonna last for 30 days. So it'll be irrelevant. Okay. And this is
where, you know, understanding focus is very, very important. So let's just tie in something earlier
that we learned, we learned about roxa to Abdel right doxa. of replacement, right. So in the cases
where you can perform Voodoo, you are allowed to perform tiamo So the general ruling on all
commandments from Allah Subhana Allah and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam do them as much
as you possibly can, unless the Sharia is placed to replace them toward them, unless the Sharia is
pleased to replace them and for them, then in that situation, do the replacement in that situation,
01:03:58 --> 01:04:37
			do the replacement. so in this situation, if a person can only do will do one part of the body or
tiamo, there is no concept of doing will do only on part of the body, the Sharia has placed a
replacement for it and that is the term. so in this situation, the term would be given preference
because that replacement is there. However in that situation, where there is no replacement, then
you do as much of it as you can then you do as much of it as you can. So for example, what is
something that we can think of that there is no replacement for everything that I was thinking of in
house decor replacement
01:04:40 --> 01:04:43
			an example of something in the city that there's no replacement for
01:04:46 --> 01:04:47
01:04:51 --> 01:05:00
			perfect, actually, I know that I love work well. So this the fasting it has no replacement, it can
be delayed, but there's no replacement for the fasting. So person that
01:05:00 --> 01:05:39
			It becomes, you know, nauseous in his fast, he doesn't say that you know what, I'm going to eat for
10 minutes, and I'm going to go back to fasting. And that's going to count as fast, it doesn't work
like that. But rather over here, you nullify the fast, and you make up that fast at a later date. So
there's no concept of doing part of it, and then coming back to it, but rather you leave it and it
is replaced, you leave it and it is replaced. hedge. Hedge, you're physically capable, you can do
part of hedging. Yeah, but I'm saying that the obligations falls from the beginning right? Before
the before you even start, then the obligation falls, and you're not obliged to do hygiene, you
01:05:39 --> 01:05:41
			physically can't go for it, right.
01:05:42 --> 01:05:47
			Unless you get injured during hij, then that'd be a dividend that would apply, then that would
01:05:49 --> 01:05:50
			In the case of that cast,
01:05:52 --> 01:06:29
			that's not even allowed. Yeah, according to the majority, it would wouldn't be allowed, it wouldn't
be allowed, because there's a replacement for the shittier that compensates for it, right, because
we don't have any examples of the predecessors or the puzzle setup, where you know, a person could
have left off part of the model, and the person told them leave off that part of the model, and
just, you know, do it instead. Whereas in all the cases where the person was injured the process and
totally make to mom, instead of saying, you know, make wood on the rest of the part, but only wipe
or or leave off the injured part he told him to make to mom instead. Right? Allah husana
01:06:30 --> 01:06:37
			heard. So that is the end of that principle. It was a long one altogether recovered about 100 pages
of notes.
01:06:39 --> 01:07:16
			So what I want to dimension over here is a couple of things. So right now we've covered this topic
of alkali Delphic here, and as I mentioned in the beginning, is that when it comes to a collider for
Korea, these are generally things that scholars use as proofs, but I shared them with you guys, so
that you get a more practical understanding of how scholarship in Islam works, and how scholars come
up with their rulings, right? They take into context, the norms of the Society of the people, they
take into consideration, the level of hardship, they take into consideration, what a person's
intention is to take into consideration, what is the level of harm that is present, and they take
01:07:16 --> 01:07:47
			into consideration what is certain and what is doubtful. So these are like the five major things
that a scholar would look at when he is making that decision. Now, as I emphasized in the beginning,
I'm emphasizing at the end as well, just because you learn these principles, it doesn't mean you can
start implementing them for yourself, no, always go back to a person of knowledge. When you have
something that needs to be implemented in your own faith. Don't just take it in your hands to come
up with rulings by yourself, don't come, don't take it upon yourself to come up with the rulings by
yourself. And this happened during the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, where there
01:07:47 --> 01:08:21
			was a companion that was really, really sick. And the another companion told him that you know what,
the only way that you can pray is if you make widow, so this companion, he ended up making widow,
even though he was really, really sick. And that companion ended up dying, right, and the processor
limb said that the person had told him to make Voodoo, he had earned the Hellfire for himself
because he spoke without knowledge. So that is like the severity of you have a little bit of
knowledge, it becomes extremely dangerous. I just want to share the tools with you. So you
understand how scholars come up with the verdicts so that you can a better appreciation of it and
01:08:21 --> 01:08:29
			inshallah you increase your own level of Fuck, as well. you increase your own level of folk, as
well. As of now, I haven't come up
01:08:30 --> 01:09:04
			with a decision on what the next class is going to be. But I'm leaning towards doing sciences of the
Koran. So I'm leaning towards doing sciences of the Quran. So if anyone has any other suggestions
that they would like me to cover, please come and speak to me privately or email me inshallah, and
I'll take that into consideration. The goal of the Wednesday night Holocaust is to take one science
and one particular book and finish that book cover to cover. So one thing that you guys can say is
that you've actually finished this book. I look Why did fikile Cobra well, Walmart, Sephora Anheuser
Busch Uppsala salon, you've called this book from cover to cover, Mashallah to watercolor. So that's
01:09:04 --> 01:09:43
			like an achievement and a milestone in our own personal lives. So that's what we're trying to do on
Wednesday nights. Take one science one text and try to finish it cover the cover on La huzzah. Any
questions out of go ahead? Use the dog receive choking to death because he didn't have too many
responsible to pay for the dog? Yes. So what if it was in similar situation the person attacked you
and wants to stab you. And then as an act of self defense, you see break their hand? Yeah,
responsible for their medical expenses for their treatment. So it was so defensive, right? So what
what do you think is the difference between the two? What do you think is the difference between the
01:09:43 --> 01:09:46
			two? I don't see the difference. There's a huge difference in
01:09:48 --> 01:10:00
			the human being has capability to decide and decipher between right and wrong. The animal just acts
upon his instinct. The animal is a possession of an other individual, the human brain, the human
01:10:00 --> 01:10:12
			V is a possession with no himself as a human being as a possession window himself. So there's a huge
distinction over here. So if a human being makes a conscious decision to attack you, and in self
defense, you end up harming him, then there's no liability at that time.
01:10:14 --> 01:10:17
			Does that make sense? Allahu ta No, go ahead.
01:10:19 --> 01:10:44
			Welcome I think now this taught someone to do something the owner does in normal store in small
town, especially in small towns, where they can make announcement in order to get the message. The
owner big announcement I was such and such, we must hold it in comfort otherwise, I'm going to do
they call it like the radius in if someone become intimate with the Christian this case, sorry,
sorry, what do they do they read the scene and what happens?
01:10:46 --> 01:10:53
			which involve reading your scene and then with some graph, is they do it on the whole community or
on one specific individual?
01:10:55 --> 01:11:08
			Or you can go to someone who is the labor of doing that, and they do something, right, the person
who who stole it become mento become crazy. It happens so many times. Even the crystal escapes with
the scene. So
01:11:10 --> 01:11:13
			you know, some someone stole something and we're gonna return otherwise.
01:11:16 --> 01:11:48
			Okay, I mean, I can't comment on the surah, Yaseen and stuff like that, I don't know of any proof
that would allow something like that. But it also made it very clear what the Muslim faith in Allah
subhana wa benalla hijab that fear the death of the oppressed person, because there's no hijab
between that doula I know. I know, it's either. So if someone has stolen something from you, you can
tell them look, return it back to me, and I'm not going to hold you accountable for it. And if you
don't return it back to me, I'm going to make dua against you, you're allowed doing something like
that. But in terms of what you're talking about, it almost sounds like gin possession, like
01:11:48 --> 01:11:51
			something that I wouldn't be allowed on outside on.
01:11:52 --> 01:11:57
			Any other questions? Go ahead. To the captain of the ships.
01:11:58 --> 01:12:23
			This ship was about the same guard something like that. Yeah. So it is that is, it is simple. It's
about take a decision that I do throw some luggage is overboard. So since he knows that he has to
pay for the luggage is what the delay is his decision making. He hesitate to take that decision. All
the stuff that is put the lives of so many people in danger is
01:12:26 --> 01:12:27
			I don't understand.
01:12:28 --> 01:12:32
			So this feeling that I need to if I throw all this stuff out of the ship, yeah.
01:12:33 --> 01:13:05
			Right. But the reality is, if you don't throw the stuff off, you're gonna be dead. So what is it
better for you to be dead? Or to be alive and in debt? Right? Clearly the shitty out looks at it,
it's better for you to be alive and in debt than to be dead. So throwing the stuff on becomes an
obligation upon them at that time. But at that time, you should also decide that the cheapest stuff,
that's what he should throw out. They don't know it expensive stuff at that time. Yeah. In terms of
defining hardship. Yeah, hardship for one might not be hard to put the other soldiers the roster
become the same for both.
01:13:06 --> 01:13:10
			I'm trying to think of an example. But something like doing something that
01:13:12 --> 01:13:47
			I think the the car insurance win is exactly in line with what you were saying, right? So in that
situation, the general rule is that the Sharia requires that you only take the minimum, but if the
person is prone to having a lot of accidents, the sheriff would allow for him to take the maximum
amount of insurance, just because that's his capability, right? So the Sharia definitely looks at
the person's capability in providing the concession unless the concession is already stipulated by
the city. So for example, when it comes to the locus of Salah, those concessions are already in
place, but those concessions that haven't been defined by the Sharia, then those are based upon
01:13:47 --> 01:13:48
			personal capabilities.
01:13:51 --> 01:13:51
			Go ahead.
01:13:55 --> 01:14:00
			About the full coverage, full coverage. Yes. Okay. This thing applies. I
01:14:01 --> 01:14:03
			hope we'll wind up seeing you
01:14:04 --> 01:14:06
			tomorrow. All right. Let's
01:14:08 --> 01:14:11
			see, you got a test about man.
01:14:12 --> 01:14:15
			How can you have full coverage?
01:14:17 --> 01:14:21
			How can you apply it if you have full coverage? How do you apply it if you have minimal coverage?
01:14:23 --> 01:14:23
01:14:25 --> 01:14:58
			But that's the point where we're we're trying to bring is that when something when something is a
level of need or necessity for the people, this idea doesn't apply? Right? Just like we have a clear
example that the person that is dying, he's allowed to eat the concealer. Why don't we apply this
idea at that time and say that Allah is testing you with hunger? No, I have I have that tell me, you
can go for from the fantastic, excellent. So based upon those very ayat, we have something called
chaos and chaos applies to all those things.
01:15:00 --> 01:15:28
			Go ahead. So sorry, just to come back to you. So when we talk about mikaze, the Sharia nakasu the
Sharia covers five things right? Enough, what then well, man will occur? One out, right? These are
the five things that the Sharia came to protect, and you're treated as equals. So that which allows
you to save your life also allows you to save your wealth. And that is why it would apply over here.
That is how it works. Go ahead. In the back in the back first, sorry, global conditions. Fear is
01:15:30 --> 01:15:31
			one of the conditions for what
01:15:32 --> 01:15:34
			stuff be permissible as
01:15:35 --> 01:15:44
			you're thinking about traveling. Sick, synchronous sessions. Oh, fear. But fear has to be based upon
something though, right?
01:15:46 --> 01:15:52
			Yeah, so that would be considered the the hardship, right? That would be considered the hardship.
Yep, go ahead.
01:15:53 --> 01:16:03
			Or some people say that you can take a house on a mortgage, some people say it's right, what's your
opinion? Why circumstances.
01:16:05 --> 01:16:18
			So then applies Jen right under this principle. So in this principle, we have this concept of our
daughter to be her daughter, that in times of necessity, the impermissible becomes permissible. By
the way, is it time for Selena?
01:16:20 --> 01:16:58
			There's five minutes left, one minute left, inshallah I'll try to answer in one minute. So those
scholars that said, living in the West, owning a house is a necessity, because having a Muslim
community and a civilization that continues is a necessity. They said that it is permissible to take
a mortgage and get your first house that you are going to be living in. And you've tried all other
resources to buy a house, they said it is permissible for you to buy a house and mortgage at that
time. Other scholars said that, no, it's not allowed at all, because you can still have a running
and functional community without actually owning the house. Right. And from my personal experience,
01:16:58 --> 01:17:24
			I take that second opinion that the general rule is you can live a very happy, comfortable life in
this land and not own the house. And there's nothing that can be again, take it away. And in fact,
even if you look at it, mathematically speaking, it's more economical for you to rent your house
than it is to own your house on the labor. Because the first like 20 years of your mortgage, you're
just paying off the interest, right?
01:17:26 --> 01:17:52
			Yeah, so for a detailed answer on this Sheikh Hassan, he has a six part series discussing the fatwa
of allowing mortgages and discussing that fatwa. So if you go on to YouTube, look up ISC multimedia.
And it's one of the series that we have over there, you can get a detailed answer, but as a
summarized answer is that the general rule is that it is not allowed and only in very, very few
cases would it become allowed. Allah huzzah Adam will conclude with that panicle who will become
01:17:54 --> 01:17:54
			a stockbroker