Sh Navaid talks about Imam Abu Hanifa’s Principles Of Fiqh in this 1st part of the series.
Navaid Aziz – Four Imams And Their Principles Of Fiqh 01
![Navaid Aziz](
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The Sunproof rule is essential for proving that a hadith is not specific to hardship and the use of "will" and "med strict" in relation to the scope of difference of opinion. The importance of legion's history and legion's legion's legion's legion's legion's legion's legion's legion's legion's legion's legion's legion's legion's legion's legion's legion's legion's legion's legion's legion's legion's legion's legion's legion's legion's legion's legion's legion's legion's legion's legion's legion's legion's legion's legion's legion's legion's legion's legion's legion's legion's legion's legion's legion's legion's legion's legion's legion's legion's legion's legion
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Rahim in hamdulillah hinomoto in St. istockphoto when elder Bella Himanshu Rory and fusina woman sejati Amina Maria de la dama de la mirada ditto for the hodja or shalonda la la la hola Chica de la Mohammedan Abu hora Solo Solo sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa seldom at the Sleeman kathira and my bad, my dear brothers and sisters salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.
I would like to start off today's session with a series of questions. Number one, is a young man learns how to pray from his parents. And he has no other
follow up in terms of how he learns how to pray, is this person still going to be valid or not?
So the only source of learning he has is from his parents. He never checked it never read up on it. Just learned it from his parents. Is this a loved one to be valid or not?
It should be. That's not a religious.
It's not why is it not?
Okay, so what does that necessitate? That he has to do?
Okay, they have to be made at least. Okay.
That's a good, very good, a good starting point. Anyone else have any other opinions? Go ahead.
Depends on his parents knowledge. Okay. What about his parents knowledge? What do they what qualifications do they need to have?
Excellent. And that's what we're looking for. And that is the crux of the matter. So the issue is not so much so who he learned it from? It's about how is he actually praying? If his allies actually fine, then it doesn't matter who he learned it from. Right. As far as I mentioned, they are can have to be met the pillars, the integrals of the salon have to be met. If those are met, then it doesn't matter whom he learned from. Now, let's pose this question number two, the same young man, he learns how to pray from his parents. But there's actually like a major mistake in his Salah. There's an absolutely major mistake in his Salah that would like consider it null and void. Is this person
sinful for praying his whole entire life like that?
Yes. Why is he sinful?
proper knowledge, he should go for proper knowledge. Okay, so how do we decide what type of knowledge is obligatory? And what type of knowledge is not obligatory? How do we decide that?
Perfect, so that's how we should be praying. But besides the seller, is there anything else that he has to learn?
The Pillars fasting? Hodge, the Pillars of Islam,
anything else he has to learn?
Amen. Okay. So he needs to be Muslim in the first place.
Right, so we'll go that with a man. So besides the man and the Pillars of Islam, is there anything else he needs to know?
What major mistake he's making, okay, that is true. That is true. So, when it comes to what type of knowledge is mandatory that each person is responsible for knowing it's divided into two categories, that which is subjective and that which is objective, in terms of objective the pillars of Salah, so the Pillars of Islam and the what makes you a Muslim basic fundamental aqeedah is an obligation regardless of who you are, regardless of your level of knowledge, this is something that you have to have than that which is subjective is that which is personal to your field. So the individual is a doctor and individual is an engineer, there are particular physical requirements that a person needs
to have for those fields. So if you go into that field, you're required to study up on that. Now, what is this based upon? This is based upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saying, Bala will only for Ableton, Allah Khuda Muslim, that the seeking of knowledge is incumbent, it is mandatory upon every believer what type of knowledge that which is required in order for your Islam to be valid, that which is required in order for your Islam to be valid. Now, this leads us into the issue that I want to start off today's discussion with, which is the issue of takealot. Are we allowed making blind following in our religion or not? And this is what I was hoping you guys were
getting a glimpse at that this individual when he blinds follow his parents, is it going to be valid or not? So I'm going to summarize this discussion very briefly and very quickly, just so it's not something we repeat every week inshallah. So this issue of blind following is going to be broken down into two categories. Number one in terms of blind following of the mother hip versus blind following of the Mufti. So what is incumbent upon the average layman in Islam
The average layman in Islam is required it is required to make the cleat. Now is he required to make the clip of a motherboard is he required to make the blade of a Mufti any knowledgeable person. And what is required upon the layman is to make the blade of a machete and not necessarily have a method per se. Why is that so important? What is this distinction important? The clade the blind following of the Mufti is very simple. You go to the Mufti, you tell him this is my problem. He will ask you the following questions in terms of finding out circumstance, finding out situation finding out context, and therefore he can issue a fatwa based upon your needs. Whereas when we say you have to
make blind following or the click of a mouse hub, then this will either be one of two scenarios. Scenario number one is you go back to the books of filk itself and find out what is the ruling that is closest to your personal circumstance, which is a form of which the head and is problematic with and of itself, or you're going to go to someone that is specialized in that field. And he will give you a fatwa according to the method itself. But in this sort of situation, you're going back to Scenario number one, someone that is qualified to issue fatwa is issuing new fatwa at that time. So that is why we say that not only is it incumbent for each Muslim to have fundamental knowledge of
his faith, and learn it directly from a source from a knowledgeable person, but it is incumbent upon the Muslim to have a reference point in his religion, meaning that when you have an issue that needs to be resolved, who do you call, right? There's
I can't remember if they remade it recently or not. I think they did. But it wasn't done properly. Ghostbusters. That's exactly what I was talking about. You know, who are you going to call when there's a problem? You call Ghostbusters, right? So when you have a problem related to your faith, you have a problem, a question related to your filk? Who are you going to call? And that is why it is important that there's a standardized reference that each individual has. Now why does this reference point needs to be standardized for you and for your family in particular, right? If a husband and wife have two different reference points, it's going to cause a lot of problems. So for
your family, as in general, you should have standardized reference points mean that if we have a problem, we have a question. We need someone that is qualified to answer our questions for us, local Imam, local ship that we trust, what are three qualities that you're looking for in this person? Number one, he has some form of accreditation and his knowledge, either in Islamic University degree, or ijazah, in where he's learned from, meaning that he studied with scholars. Number two, he has upright character, he's not known to openly commit Fisk and number three, he is known to act upon the knowledge that he has, he's known to act upon the knowledge that he has, if he has these
three characteristics or she has these three characteristics, then they are qualified to be a reference point. So they are qualified to be your reference points. Now this leads us into Emmanuel hanifa Rahim Allah hota. Allah Himself. So as we mentioned, Friday nights is going to be the biographies. And Thursday nights is going to be the principles that their filk was based upon. Now, the Thursday night classes, while they are introductory level classes to soul folk, they are more advanced than the Friday night classes, the Friday night classes, we share stories, we derive lessons, there isn't much no taking involved. It's more about you know, getting closer to Allah, and
learning from our predecessors, the Thursday night classes, if you're going to attend and benefit from these classes, you have to be taking notes, because you'll notice that these classes are actually built upon one another. Tonight, we're starting with the amount of money for him Allah. And we're going to take seven principles that his stroke was based upon. By the end of the fourth week, you will have 15 principles all together. So now, when we come to next week, I'm not going to explain to you what Koran is, I'm not going to explain to you what sadhana is, because you would have learned in this week already. So if you don't have something to take notes with, I would
suggest get out your phone, get out your tablet, get your, you know, laptop, or even pen and paper if you want and start taking those notes later either. So imamo hanifa himolla. He was the first of the four imams in chronological order. We'll discuss his biography tomorrow, but it's very important to know that that the reason why we're starting with him is not because we considered him to be the most superior Imam but because we consider him to be the first Imam in chronological order. Now Imam of hanifa him Allah, he talks about his own principles of his mother and the statement that he makes himself that I'm going to share with you
so it says Nikita and Amanda b hanifa Rahim Allah tala a call to duty Allah Allah, Allah Allah T. Bana Ali Ahmed Abu Fermin, Danica and the hook on to be kitabi La Ilaha to Fie and hokum. We're in life assume that your Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for in the emergency kits have been there he went as soon as he Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam occurred to be totally happy to be called dementia to mean home illumination
To minimum when I heard you I'm calling him in according to him. For me the intern mo Ibrahim was shall be able to study in Morocco was the Messiah for in the edge to hit the comma. It's the hidden. So the translation of this quote I will read out as was just so we understand what we're referring to. So this quote is found in the history of Baghdad and the amount of money for him Allah said, when I do not find the ruling in the book of Allah or the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam I can take from the statement of his companions if I wish and leave those of the other people, but I do not disregard their words for anyone else. But when it is a
question of Ibrahim another he a shabby, and hasn't anyone who sit in and say diplomacy Yep, then I can exercise he had in the same way that they did, I can exercise he had in the same way that they did. So Manwani for him Allah He points out the principles of his understanding of a solar field. Now, what is this concept or term with solar mean? And what is the difference between folk and also known folk, folk or religious rulings? So when I tell you something is wajib or fourth, or it is Sunnah almost the hub or it is MOBA or is moku or is haraam This is known as filk these are known as religious rulings. So that what is also known filk these are principles that are applied to sources
of Islam in order to extract religious rulings. So these are principles that are applied to source of as sources of Islam, in order to extract religious rulings in order to extract that filk. So that is the difference between folk and also folk imamo hanifa. Allah, He prioritizes his principles in terms of extracting religious rulings. So number one, he mentioned the Koran. What exactly is the Quran, the definition we will be given the Quran consists of the following five components. It is the Arabic spoken word of Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed to the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
It is preserved in wording and in meaning
inside of the most half, and it's recitation is worship. And it's recitation is worship, right. So the Arabic spoken word of Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam preserved in wording and in meaning in the most half. And it's recitation is worship. This is the definition of the Quran that we're giving for this class. Now, why is this definition specific to take away two things, number one, the previous revelations that Allah subhanho wa Taala sent and number two, to take away any confusion that might be caused by the Hadith. Pudsey has had these quotes is also revelation from Allah subhanho wa Taala. But it's recitation is not a birder and
likewise it is not preserved inside of the must have. So these are the conditions that the scholars gave in terms of talking about the Koran. So now speaking about the Quran, and the amount of money for him, Hola, one of the very first discussions that the Hanafi madhhab has, is the Quran preserved in wording and in meaning, or in meaning alone. And how does this impact Imam Abu hanifa and his method so according to the amount of money for him Hola, even though there is no explicit statement, his application of filk indicates that he believed the Quran was preserved in meaning alone and not in wording. How did we derive this about Mr. barrini Follow him Allah, the way we derive this about
unnamable honey follow him Allah. He said, whether a person knows Arabic or not, he is allowed to lead the Salah in fallacy is allowed to leave the Salah in fallacy. His two students, Abu Yusuf and Mohammed Abu Hassan, they said that this is only valid if the person does not know Arabic, this is only valid if this person does not know Arabic. Now there's a difference of opinion did Emanuel bouhanni follow him Allah changed his opinion on this or not? And some of the later scholars they said that amount of money for him Allah, later on in his life changed his opinion to the second one, where it is only valid to recite the Salah in fallacy if the person does not know Arabic If the
person does not know Arabic. Now what I want you to note over here, why would emammal hanifa particularly hold this opinion why
demountable hanifa particularly hold this opinion.
Thinking about context. I haven't told you anything about his life. But I told you that he was born around at age 30. And that he was the first of the Imams.
First of all, ask yourself, which point of the philosopher? Is he alive? In?
Which who's like, between which two?
Exactly. So he was alive for the vast majority of the market. And he's like the last the first 12 years of the asset. That's when the rubber hanifa is alive. What's happening at this time, as the maid and a bus collaborator are there, what's happening?
active expansion, very active expansion is going on. A lot of new people are coming into Islam. So now when the mobile hanifa himolla is seeing this, he's noticing that people don't have the ability to pronounce the Arabic language that even if they learn how to read Arabic, they don't know how to pronounce it properly. And thus, this is one of the reasons why Mahmoud hanifa Rahim Allah held this opinion that he was from Persia himself. So when he saw these Persians accepting Islam, and they don't know the Arabic language, and they have to pray, so he allowed them the permissibility, to lead the Salah in those verses, that do not require explanation. So those verses that don't require,
you know, a deep Tafseer of it, and there's like no difference of opinion about its meanings, he allowed those verses to be recited in the fantasy language is to students only allowed it for those that did not know Arabic, which is going to lead into something else, when we got to talk about the the, the topic of the customs, that amount of money for him, Allah accepted him unbelievers, is described as the filk of the layman. filk of the layman. Why is it described as that? Because the mamajuana follow him Allah wanted to make the application of filk as easy as possible for the people. So anytime he could find a way to make things easier for people in their religion, as long
as it didn't mean compromising on the religion, he would find a way to do so you would find a way to do so. And you'll notice that this actually led to a lot of people accusing a Mumbo hanifa of a wide variety of things that he was focused in based upon the Quran and the Sunnah, or that Emmanuel hanifa doesn't know Farooq or that emammal hanifa fabricates things in this religion, so a wide variety of things he gets accused of, but it's not because the Mambo hanifa isn't, you know, doesn't know the deen of Allah subhanaw taala and is not familiar with the sources, but rather his way to understand this Deen was a lot deeper than anyone else. Now, this leads us to how did the Imam Abu
hanifa himolla develop this deeper understanding of filk? What did he have to do in order to engage in this? The general rule of the fuqaha at that time, was just to learn and to narrate. That is what they did. So the sobre de la home, learn from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he conveyed it to the tablet in just the eyes just as they learned it. Imam Abu hanifa Rahim Allah, he was very unique in the sense that he has a beautiful conversation with Qatada rhodiola, I know one of the great Imams, and I'll see if I can quickly find it or not. But in this conversation, he's asking Qatada the Allahu anhu, about a scenario
about the following scenario, that a woman is married to a man and the man disappears for a long time, you don't hear from him for a very, very long time. So the woman presumes that this man is dead, and she eventually gets remarried. So then this man, the first man, the husband, the original husband, comes back.
Is the woman required to return the mother to the man since she got married again, is she required to return them to the man when she gets married again? So Qatar dolla, dolla Hondo or himolla. Rather, he gets upset at this. He says, Yes, ma'am. Is this a real scenario? He says, No, he's asked him. Why are you asking this? He says, I'm asking this because when it does arrive, I want to know what the answer is. When it does arrive. I want to know what the answer is. So remember, honeypot him Allah He introduces even though he's not the first one, necessarily, but he's mainstreaming the topic of hypothesized filk. Of what if, right? Generally in folk, this is a big No, no, you don't
ask questions that are not relevant. But remember, hanifa Rahim Allah is coming from the angle that the caliphate is expanding. There are new people coming into Islam. The circumstances and scenarios are going to be very vast and very different. How are we going to cater to those people's needs if we're not going to expand our horizons. So they say that between 30,000
And 60,000 Messiah meaning issues and filk Imam Abu hanifa Rahim Allah came up with so that he could respond to them. Right? So you can imagine how long would it take you to come up with 30,000 to 60,000 different issues of filk. To respond to them, you will have to dedicate your life to this, you will have to dedicate your life to this. And this is eventually what happened. Now, one thing I would like to highlight over here again to the Phil club, remember behind for him Allah, this approach that Imam Abu hanifa had, where did it come up with? Like, where did he get this from? Is it something he learned? Or is it something that it just you know, naturally progressed with in his
life? And the answer is that it's a combination of the two, that when you compare the rulings that Imam Abu hanifa gave to one of his teachers, Ibrahim anokhi, you will notice that their anthological deduction, meaning their ability to extract reasoning, is very, very similar. So a lot of the times people would say that the mud hub in Malmo, Abu hanifa is the hub of imaginable human necessity, except in those situations where Ibrahim stayed silent. And he Nando hanifa gave a verdict, meaning that he exercises the hat and gave a verdict at that time. So a lot of his work is based upon the fact of Ibrahim and nothing is fake based upon the fact of Ibrahim and so now let's move on to the
second principle of remember behind you follow him Allah, which is the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we should not be the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will consist of the following. It is the statements of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, it is the actions of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam is the silent consent of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam. These are the three main things that constitute the tsunami facism statement actions and consent silent consent of the prophets of Allah Juanjo center.
Why are we not including the physical appearance and the character of the Prophet? sallallahu alayhi wasallam Why are we not including these two things?
Go ahead
specify your wording a bit more
So a simplified even more so it's a very good start. That is not something that we will derive obligations and prohibitions from the way the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam acted and the way the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sorry the way the process lm dressed and the way the system conducted his character, it is not something that we will derive religious obligation or prohibition from it is not something we will derive obligation or prohibition from. And that is why when we talk about the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, the only times you're deriving obligation and prohibition is from the statements, actions and silent consent of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam. Now the way the amount of money for him Allah approach the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is divided into two categories. Category number one is that which is mutawatir, who can tell me what Water Water means? What is the term with the water mean? Go ahead.
attested by multiple people, meaning more specifically, it is narrated by so many people, that it is not possible that someone could have made a mistake and not to be caught or fabricated a lie and not to be caught. So that is what is motivated. And the way amount of money for him Allah discusses mutawatir is also broken down into two categories. Category number one, is by looking at the chain of narration. So the chain of narration it has multiple levels, and in each level, there are large groups of people. So looking at these not large groups of people. This is the first way in my mind for him Allah approached with awatea. The second way in manmohini. For him Allah approached him with
the watcher is by looking at did the vast majority of scholars accept this hadith are not. So that was his second approach. Did they make a man upon this hadith did they act upon this hadith? If they made amble upon this Hadith, then email money for him, Allah would accept it. But if he found that they didn't make a man upon this Hadith, then it moves on to category number two, then moves on to category number two. So now from the science of Hadith, if a hadith is not motivated, what is it going to be?
The Hadith is not mutawatir What is it going to be?
From the week? No, nope.
I'm looking at you three guys over here. What is it going to be? 100 Exactly. It is going to be an 100 Hadith, and 100 Hadith. In simple terms. It is any Hadith that is not motivated.
So, anybody that is not motivated is by default a HUD. Now, traditionally, when the scores are high, they spoke about how the Hadith, they said it is one of three things generally either one person narrating it, two people narrating it or three people narrating it right? They said if one person is narrating it, this is called Read Only one person and this is not their meaning. And in the end that level, there's only one person narrating at that level, this is known as something which is called Deep, then if there's two people, this is known as azeez. This is known as Aziz meaning strong. Now, number three, if there's three people in that level, then this is known as mature. And if there's
four or more people, then generally they would consider this Matata, genuinely, they would consider this much awatea. Now, why would they consider for like less than four people to be non motivated, because they said, it's very possible that three people could have bought in together and memorized one line, come up with a fake chain of narration, and all of a sudden, they're introducing this into the religion. So they said there has to be more than four people, there has to be more than three people which will be four or more. And this concept of what the water and the number that is required is not agreed upon. Some scholars said seven some scholars said for some scholars said 10,
but the general concept is, in your understanding, as long as there are enough people that you don't believe it's possible that they will fabricate a lie together, then this Hadeeth will be motivated. Now, let us look at it from this perspective. If we had this is what's our watch here. This by default, will make it authentic. This by default, will make it authentic. If a hadith is a HUD
is the default ruling that it is weak, no, the default ruling is not that it is weak. It just requires further inspection. It just requires further inspection. Now Imam Abu hanifa Rahim Allah when he approaches the 100 Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he has several principles, he has several principles. Principle number one
is that the Sahaba that is narrating this Hadith, he should not be known to contradict what this statement what this hadith is think. So the Sahabi that is narrating the Hadith, he should not be known to contradict in his action, what he is narrating so meaning of Sahaba may narrated Hadith, but if he's not acting upon it, maybe the Hadith is abrogated. Or maybe there's another Hadith that complements it that is not being connected to it, right. That's Principle number one. Number two, is that the Hadith that is being narrated, should not be about something that is related to a general hardship that is taking place at that time, it should not be related to a general hardship that is
taking place at that time, giving you a specific example. During the time of Amara, the Allahu anhu, there's a famine, a famine takes place, people no longer have food. So they resort to stealing, when they resort to stealing their loved one who sees this, that there's no outlet for these people to have food so they start to steal, are they going to implement the harsh punishment on these people? Omar Abdullah Han who decided not to do that. He said, this is something that has become a widespread hardship for the people, and therefore he didn't implement the HUD punishment on these people. So now there is the ruling become that there's no longer HUDs punishment for the one that
steals. Well, this is what Mr. Mahoney for him, Allah is trying to say over here, that veneration should not be about a hardship that had become prevalent, it was about a hardship that has become prevalent, then this is not the general center that is being referred to, but rather This is a specific case scenario. This is a specific case. scenario.
Number three, is that this ahead Hadeeth should not go in opposition to an ontological deduction, based upon something which is matamata. Okay, let's understand that. So this acceptance of had this hadith should not be in opposition to a class, which is based upon a motivated form of legislation, either the Quran or the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So what he's saying over here is that in order to accept the Hadith, in this scenario, it can be something that is extremely strange that Islam has general set principles. It shouldn't be something that is new, and in opposition to these general set principles. If it is, we will not accept it. Now here's a question
for you. Why is Mr. Mahoney follow him along so strict in
lamenting ahaadeeth Why is he so strict on this? Like we look at these conditions, literally, he's restricted himself that he can't accept them. Right? Go ahead.
Fantastic, what exactly is happening? that is causing people to fabricate? How do you know? No, no one wants to take a guess what is happening that is causing people to fabricate ahaadeeth.
Okay, that's one way of looking at it, that that is one part of it. So I'll expand on that later. But there's a second thing that's happening.
So political issues, that's number two. But there's still another third thing that's happening.
The immersion of different sects in Islam, right, as a sect comes forward, it wants to prove that it is the most superior set. So as these sects are coming forward, they're just fabricating a hadith left, right and center. Now, when you look at fitna, the vast majority of fitna almost always stems from Iraq, which is where a man will honey for him Allah was from. So So when these sects are there, and they're, you know, trying to propagate their ideology and their methodology, they're introducing these sects, they're under introducing these Hadith. So there's three predominant reason as to why Hadith are being propagated or being fabricated and then propagated. Number one is for financial
reasons. So people, they would make out fabricated Hadith tell stories about it, just so that they could benefit from it, right. So a person will be in a gathering like this, people are gathered around after Salah, a person makes up a Hadith, that, you know, it is from the most benevolent of things, and whoever does this will have shade on the day of judgment and will not be questioned in his grave, if he gives sadaqa to the Imam. So as people are leaving the Muslim sadaqa to the male, thinking that, you know, they've achieved something. So that will be like one form of it. Number two, is for political motivations, right? There are clear political motivations at play that, you
know, each camp is fabricating Hadith to, you know, promote its own campaign to put down the other one. Eventually, after the time a little bit of honey, follow him Allah, you'll see that people start fabricating Hadith about their mother hip, right that there was some said that if you are born you should follow the Hanafi madhhab and things like that. Right. So it goes even further than just political means. And then the last one was the issue of the * so by the time Mr. mamani for him Hola, Mercado de are present the Jeopardy or present the mortgagee are present the car present. All of these different denominations and sects are present and they're fabricating Hadith. Now amount of
money for him Allah lived in a time before the actual preservation of Hadith as a science took place. Meaning collections of Hadith like the mortality Imam Malik the Muslim Ummah, Muhammad, the Sahih al Bukhari, none of these exist right now. None of them exist right now. So there's no concept of compiling Hadith yet. Number two, there's no set criterion in terms of Hadith in terms of what will be accepted what will be rejected. So remember, hanifa Rahim Allah wanted his mouth have to be protected from anything that was fabricated. So this was the only way he could ensure that it will remain protected. This is the only way he could remain sure that it would be protected. Now. Did he
mamani follow him Allah have a book of Hadith himself, there's a book called Muslim Abu hanifa the meaning the collection of hadith of Abu hanifa. This book was not authored by Imam Abu hanifa Rahim Allah, the closest thing we have is an author. And both Mohammed Abu Hassan and Abu Yusuf wrote a book called a third where they narrated Hadith from Imam Abu hanifa. Then there's someone that came in the third century that pulls together the Muslims of Imam Abu hanifa. If you were to put together all the Hadith that amount of money for Rahim Allah knew and had narrated and commented on the roughly around 215, Hadith 215 Hadith, so very early on, so can emammal hanifa him Allah be blamed
for not knowing a hadith or be blamed for rejecting Hadith even if it was authentic? No, he can't. Because he tried his best out of the circumstances that were provided to him. He tried his best out of the circumstances that were provided to him. Are you guys doing okay? Is this like going above people's heads? It's okay. I know this is a bit advanced, but inshallah bear with me.
Yeah, I don't know. We're only number two. But I see that people are like, they just see like the freezer. I'm just going to facial expressions. People seem overwhelmed right now. And I don't want to like if there's questions, you know, does anyone have questions on the court entrepreneur what we've taken so far, I guess let's do it that way. After each topic we discussed we'll take a question on that topic. Only.
Any questions on the core uninstaller? Anything that I mentioned? Yes.
How he protected his work?
So we mentioned the the principles that he used in order to accept the Hadith Is that what you're referring to? So, there were three principles that he used. Principle number one is that the Sahaba that is narrating this Hadith, should not no charge should not be known to not act upon this Hadith, meaning that he had to make sure it wasn't abrogated. So you had to show that the Sahaba actually acted upon this hadith. Number two, is that you had to prove that this hadith was not specific to a general hardship that was taking place, because if it was a general hardship, then it is specific and it is not a general ruling in Islam. then number three, it should not be in opposition to a
class that is based upon an authentic so the water source, so either the Koran or another form of the sooner so that those are the three principles that Emmanuel hanifa and his mother abused in order to interact with Kabbalah Kabbalah height, that is the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.
So class is an illogical deduction. Right? Meaning that I'll just give you the example I always give in Islam. How do we know that marijuana is haram? Right? marijuana is not mentioned in the Quran. Marijuana is not mentioned in the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So how do we know that it's Haram, the way we figured out that it's wrong, is through a science called chaos and a logical deduction. And the way this works is, you have something that is hard on and you know, the reasoning why it is how long, so alcohol, alcohol is hard on. And the reasoning why it is hard on is because it intoxicates. So now we have this new substance called marijuana, marijuana. We don't know
the ruling on it. But we know that it intoxicating, it has a shared component in the reasoning of prohibition. So when there's a shared re reasoning and prohibition, therefore, the ruling will be the same as well, that it will be heroin. So now remember, halifa himolla, is saying that if we have a clear and logical deduction, which is based upon either the Quran or emoto, water, Hadith, and now you bring me a hadith ahead, which is in opposition to this class, I will not accept it. Why? Because there's too much of a risk too much of a gamble and accepting this Hadeeth because it goes against the mainstream principles of Islam. Because if the US is not a is going against the
opposition of the US, then therefore it's going against the mainstream, according to his understanding of it. Yeah.
Correct. Yes.
So meaning that in terms of the details, like I said, we don't have an explicit statement, but Mohammed was, the book that we're using as our texts for this class. He is saying is that if you look at the filipiniana amount of money for Ramallah derived, as I mentioned, on the understanding, of course, and Farsi, it shows that he only preserved it believed in the preservation of the meaning of the Quran, and not in the wording, in terms of what was his exact belief pertaining to the wording, Allah Subhana. Allah knows best. One thing we can presume a little bit after the time of memorable hanifa. There's a sect known as the Atlanta Metro dia, their understanding of the core of
the wording of the Quran. They believed it was something that was inspired to Dublin and gibreel spoke the words or it was spoken to gibreel and gibril in Sparta to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam spoke the words so they weren't the actual words of Allah subhana wa Tada. So that came much later on. It is very possible he could have held something like that. But unless penance Allah knows best, Yes, go ahead.
Not all of the Quran is mutawatir only all of the Quran is mitarbeiter only.
Go ahead.
Actually, sorry just one second by the way. There's a very good points to mention over here that in the definition when we were talking about the the five things related to the Quran
I don't think I mentioned this but it is the preservation is in what the water format so we started with the Quran was preserved, I might have left out and probably did that it was preserved in with the water format. So if you can adjust your notes and say that the Quran was preserved and what the what their format does, I think you're much Sorry, go ahead.
Not if they had a regardless if they had the hardship or not. Yeah, he just held the opinion that if you don't want to recite it in Arabic, you don't have to. Yeah, but he said it was disliked for a person to recite it in other than Arabic if they knew Arabic, but the Salah was still valid.
No, no, it was always about the pronunciation not not about the meaning.
Yeah, yeah. Okay.
That's good. That's a very good thing. We don't want to see people recite salon fantasy.
Well, that's what we were trying to say is that in the way the amount of money for him Allah structured his filk was to make things as easy as possible without opposing the text of the Quran and the Sunnah, right? So there's nothing according to mo hanifa, that says, you have to read your Salah in Arabic. Now, if you attended our trick of Salah course, we discussed this in detail on how the Salah from beginning to end has to be in Arabic. Right? So we're not going to get into that right now. Okay, number three, the third principle of remember of hanifa, the statement of the companion the statement of the companion amount, Oh honey, follow him Allah, He says, I take from
their opinions as they please. And they leave from their opinions as I please. But I do not give preference to other than them over them. So what do we understand from this? Number one is that amount of money for him hola considered all of the opinions of the Sahaba to be valid. So all the opinions that can authentically be attributed to the Sahaba de la Juan Juan, they're considered valid opinions. And that is why he is saying that I take from them what I please, and I leave from them what I please. Number two, is that he's showing the order over here that Quran, Sunnah. And then the opinion of the companion, he says, I will not leave the opinion of the companion, or over
the opinion of someone else, I will not do that. Right. So he's showing you the order. And then the third thing that he's showing in the statement is, what is the scope of difference of opinion and we briefly discussed this last Friday, when we talk about the validity of scope of difference of opinions, meaning how many opinions can we have on an issue, he is showing to us that the scope of difference of opinion is only that which the Sahaba of the Allahu anhu differed upon simplest example I can give. Where do you place the hands and Salah right? Someone says you place it on the navel, place it below the navel, place it above the navel. All of these opinions are mentioned
within the look of the companions, you will have earlier on the Allahu anhu and Abdullah Massoud reporting one, you'll have wider ledger reporting and other you have a manual de la no reporting and other these are all valid differences of opinion. So we considered all of them valid. So now what this also means is that if someone comes in and says, You know what, I want to start praying like this, and I was given this extreme example. It would not be allowed. Why would it not be allowed someone can say but there's a difference of opinion. What difference does it make? What way I pray? Well, it doesn't make a difference what way you pray, as long as it's within the spectrum that the
sobre la one home set as long as within the spectrum, that is the habla de La Hoya and home set.
Number four, is that this is also showing us that Imam Abu hanifa Rahim Allah believed in Iijima but why did the amount of money for him holla not mentioned the term each man who can tell me
Okay, it is consensus, it is consensus of the scholars. So the general order that we give to solid folk, Quran, Sunnah. agema and then Korea's, why did the man over honey follow him? Allah not mentioned agema?
I will not ask you a question that you will not possibly know the answer to inshallah.
So the requirement was not to there.
Yes, and no. But it's a good starting point. You hit one thing on the head, which is the timeframe that amount bouhanni follow him Allah lived in. So let's go off with that hint.
no, sorry.
Hadith will not compiled. It's sort of related to that. So if the head the science of Hadith was not preserved, to that degree at which other science was not preserved at that time as well.
opinions of the companions, right, if the heartbeat of the process of the monarch compiled then so more so than the opinions of the companions or the alumni No. So there's no such thing as you know, age of the companions, even though theoretically exists, because it existed, but in terms of it being documented and saying, the companions are the law. I know, we're in agreement on this issue. It doesn't exist yet. Let alone coming much later on each of the 10
The aim and enjoyment of the scholars of his time, right? It didn't exist and that is why manmohini follow him. Allah doesn't specifically mention the term HTML. However, it can be inferred that humanware hanifa himolla was willing to accept the opinion of one Sahabi How about the opinion of all the Sahaba combined? Right? That is why Imam Abu hanifa Rahim Allah believed in Iijima but indirectly even though he doesn't specifically mention it, even though he doesn't specifically mention it. Then after that, Imam Abu hanifa Rahim Allah, he goes on to say, and if that is where the affair ends,
or it goes to Abraham and NACA, you say who said and you mentioned the rest of the people, then they made he had and I make, he had, so remember honey for him, Allah is saying that at that point, if I can no longer find it in the opinions amongst the companions, I am going to make he had at that time and want to make he had at that time. Now, what is this he had look like this he had will bring us now to our next three things which will be rather quick inshallah. Number one is cliffs. Number two is the sun and number three is hailer. Number three is halal. And I will explain what all these terms mean.
Korea's I explained to you already what it was an illogical deduction. It is an illogical deduction, where you have one thing where we know the reasoning of its ruling and what the ruling is. And then we have something new that the Quran and Sunnah or the sobre la honom didn't speak about, but we only have a shared reasoning in it without knowing the ruling. Therefore, the ruling will transfer upon this therefore the ruling will transfer upon this. Now this is where I want to give you a small question to help you understand if the sun and clears that we define is the sign for you. It is the highest form of public interest with the lowest form of religious harm. This is how is the sun is
defined the highest form of public benefit or interest, with the lowest form of religious harm, the lowest form of religious harm. Okay. So now the scenario I'm going to give you we're going to study how we apply class and how we apply is the sun.
You are walking out in the forest, you see a sign that says that this property belongs to Abdulaziz. So you see this man walking by and he you asked him, Are you abdulazeez? He says yes. He said you asked him, do you allow me to walk through your property to get to my destination? As he says yes, by all means walk through my property to get to your destination. As you're walking through the property, you get thirsty. And there's a point over there.
religiously islamically speaking, are you allowed to drink from that? Well, or sorry from that point or not? That's what we need to find out. Now you're obviously wanting to go back and find out the disease and ask him. As soon as you left up disease went on vacation, he's no longer in the country. What are you going to do now? you're thirsty? How do you apply the principles of chaos? How do you apply the principles of his design? This is what we're going to do together right now. So Korea's over here, the way that it works is that Abdulaziz when he told me that I'm allowed walking through his land to reach my destination, he's allowing me the benefit of his land, meaning that if I don't
use his land, I have to walk around, which is a much longer Trek, but he allows me the benefit of his land to get to my destination. Right. So this is the first element of chaos, which is the ruling. And what the reasoning of the ruling is, the ruling is permissibility the reasoning of the ruling, is that the benefit that he allowed me the benefit of Islam, and now this point that I'm going to be drinking from, is it going to be bringing any loss to abdulazeez? No, it's not the will rain will come down the pond will replenish is am I still taking benefit from it? Yes. So therefore making clear Yes, on this, that is how you would use the principles. Of course, I'm allowed to drink
from that point. Right, you will take it a step even further. Once you start learning advanced filk that islamically you're not allowed selling water, right? You can't sell the water to people. you're meant to give it to the people but you can't sell water. So even the this bottle that's sold islamically speaking, you can sell the manufacturing of the bottle and the branding of the company, but you can't actually sell the contents on the inside, right. So now if you're just drinking a bottle of water from your hands and the point you're taking somebody
He's not allowed to financially benefit from as well. So he can't claim financial loss after. That's when you get into advanced work. So this is clear. So we're that's how you're applying PS. Now, how do we apply is the sun is the sun, we said is maximizing
human benefit and interest, as well as taking away your religious arm. So in terms of human benefit, what are the benefits in this? Well, number one, I'm replenishing my hydration. And you know, it's giving me energy. So that's one benefit right there. Number two, is that abdulazeez being rewarded? Because I'm drinking his water? Number three, it could lead to me making dua for him, which is very, very good. Right? So these are three benefits over here. What are the harms that are taking place over here? In fact, I can't think of any harms that will take place by me drinking the water? Are there any harms that we can think of by drinking the water?
The water had, the hands might be dirty, or the water is dirty? If the water is dirty, I shouldn't be drinking in the first place. But what harm could I be bringing? That's what I'm looking at.
I mean, like, if I like, you know, spit on it and put my hands in the water. If the small pond, yes, you could potentially contaminate it. Let's just say you just put it in once, and you just drink from it to water won't be contaminated. Right. So I don't think there's any harm that could come out of this, right. So the way is the sun is used, is looking at personal benefit and human benefit, and, you know, incentive and religious harm, there's no religious harm, there's human benefit, and therefore it would be allowed, therefore, it would be allowed. Now you're getting a further glimpse of remember how Emanuel hanifa developed his work in terms of making things easy for the people.
Right, so that is, is the sun. Now we get to the topic of healer. And then we're going to conclude, by summarizing assigning the healer, together.
healer, the way we will describe healer, is an outlet, meaning that when you're looking for an outlet from a difficult situation, this is known as hayleigh. In the books of hanafy, it's also called ullmark, original medallic, that it is an exit from difficult or extraneous circumstances. This is how it was understood. In the early days of Hanafi, filk. As an Effie filter developed, this principle became abused. In fact, one of the most famous examples from the abused examples of hayleigh is the following. A very rich man goes to a poor man to give the cat so let's just say this man is a billionaire. He is a cat is a couple of million dollars. He puts it in a bag finds a poor
person, and he says, Here is my zakat. But before you open it, I will make a deal with you. I will give you $100 if you were to sell this bag back to me, the poor man he says $100 That's amazing, gives him the $100 he takes the bag back. According to him. He's fulfilled the obligation of Zakat, and he's received his millions of dollars back. This is a form of hailer, according to the latter day honeybees. Now, this form of hailer as a religious ruling would not be accepted, this is not an acceptable form of hanaa whatsoever. Why? Because one of the fundamental conditions of hayleigh is that it has to be a removal from a situation of hardship and not an abuse of religious loopholes
right. So, there has to be a hardship that is present that is taking you out of that hardship. So finding a way out of that hardship as opposed to finding loopholes within the religion, right. So that is in Latter Day Hanafi Fiqh, the principal gets abused. Now why am I mentioning this? Because you will notice that Imam Al Bukhari Rahim, Allah himself in his Sohail Bukhari, he has a whole chapter on hayleigh and how it's like a dispraise worthy thing, right, because people had started to abuse it. So they started looking for religious loopholes, when reality is only meant to be used in times of hardship, how does religion accommodate for it right? How would religion accommodate for
it, so that is what Halo is. So one of the things that amount of money for him Allah focused on was that when people brought you know hardships to him, he was very good at finding ways out for them based upon this concept of his design, based upon his use of chaos, based upon his hypothesizing you know, fake incidents in the future, he was able to do that. But as people gotten further away from the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taqwa got lost, spirituality and filk became separated. And people started issuing fatwa and developing healer without the concept
have Taqwa without the concept of taqwa. So these are six principles or six things that we've talked about. And inshallah that's what we want to conclude for tonight. You know, I noticed people started leaving people are you wanting we'll give everyone a break tonight inshallah, but all you have a glimpse of what next week is going to look like. So if you guys came in surprised and it was more advanced than you thought it was going to be, or wasn't what you were expecting Jazakallah again for sticking around at least, you know, now let's try not to make it heavy on your skill of good deeds. And I hope that you benefited from something. As for the rest of you, I hold back, I hope that you
will come back next week motivated, willing to take notes and inshallah we're going to build upon your foundation of how our framework came about what are the principles that were used, and how it is important and imperative that we as Muslims, understand why we do things, we need to understand what are possible reasonings behind legislation, and inshallah, this class, along with other classes that we do in the future, will emphasize on that. So I'll conclude with taking three questions if you guys have any. If not, we'll conclude inshallah sounds good.
Yeah, go ahead.
So these principles, the third set of principles, no, there's no order to them. So we mentioned Quran, Sunnah. And then the statement of the companions were.
So chaos is the sun and hayleigh No, there's no order to it. So
Well, I mean, they're, they're tied in. So Hilah is a general concept. But how you derive it is up to the Imam is up to the fuckery. So he could use the Quran, Sunnah, agema, prs, his design, whatever he likes. So healer is just a general concept. And this is something that was specific to the motherboard, ma'am, Oh, honey, for him, Allah, that we're not going to be coming back to this because none of the other imams focused on this concept.
Which one
In simple words, it is a way out
a way out. That's the simplest thing I can think of.
Of course, it always has to be valid. And the way out also necessitates that it has to be in a difficult circumstance. Like I said, when you look at the way they abused it later on, it wasn't about difficult circumstances anymore. It was about personal benefit. So how can I use the religion to personally benefit me, and that's when it became abuse of religious law. And that is why it's so important. Again, like, I hope you guys understand this, that spirituality and taqwa are never meant to be separated from folk, they have to be incorporated together. Right? filk without spirituality of taqwa is just like, I don't even know how to describe it. But they have to go together, like both
of them have to go together. Okay. Was there a second question? That was it? Go ahead.
So this is something that was a difference of opinion amongst the scholars. And to summarize the discussion that as long as it's proven to be authentic, then yes, it can be applied to al Qaeda. And the greatest proof for this is that when the Prophet sallallahu, Alayhi, wasallam, sent an ambassador to Medina, an ambassador to Yemen, he only sent one ambassador, most of them no matter went to Medina, Mohammed bin Jabal went to Yemen. And he went there to teach hockey that to these people. So the fact that he only sent one was sufficient, right? And unless I know what Allah knows best, go ahead.
Yes, really? islamically you're not allowed selling water?
So I want you to imagine that I have a well, okay, this makes sense. I have a well, you come up to me, and you're like, hey, David, Can I have some water, I know that you're really thirsty islamically, I cannot say I will give you water, if you give me $5 I have to give it to you free of charge. I'm not allowed to charging you for it. However, as soon as I put it into a bottle, and they put a wrapper around it, I'm now allowed to sell it to you Why? Because I'm not selling the water to you anymore. I'm selling the container. And I'm selling the power of my brand. That even though it's exact same water because you're buying my water, it's better than fattiest water, right? My Water is
naturally better. So you're buying the into the brand. And that's what I'm allowed selling to you. But I can't sell you the contents of it.
Why? Why is that a healer, you're taking your bottle from me that doesn't belong to you.
There's, like if you can take the water without the bottle, then you can say it's a healer. But in this sort of situation, how are you going to take the water?
So islamically if you can accommodate to that that is how it's meant to take place. But now if you go to Tim Hortons, and you're like, Hey, here's a glass Can you fill this up, they'll give you tap water. They're not going to give you their bottled water, the bottled water you will have to buy because there's the brand and then the actual bottle itself right
Makes sense.
So yeah, you can charge labor costs at that time if you want what you can charge for the water, right?
As far as I know, he wasn't Muslim, as far as I know. Yes.
Yeah, so next week we're talking about the principles of Imam Malik Rahim Allah. But obviously there's a shared component. So Quran, Sunnah, agema statements of the companions, those are all included already. So once more, so we're going to be talking about the actions of the people of Medina and things like that, that were exclusive to the mother of a man by the Quran. Hola. Okay. Same place. Same Actually, that's something I wanted to ask you guys do the original thing. The original reason why we did it on Thursday was because I was supposed to I'm actually I was taking
like a religious philosophy class on Wednesday nights. But there weren't enough people attending so that class got canceled. So my Wednesday nights are actually free. So I wanted to do what's easier for you guys. Do you guys have a preference if it's on Thursday or on Wednesday?
How many people want Wednesday? Anyone one Wednesday 1234. Okay, how many people want Thursday? Raise your hand. Aloha.
Give him what Thursday that inshallah so next week Thursday after Salaam Alisha. And obviously don't forget. Today we took the film tomorrow taking the biography mondo hanifa so today you took the theory. Tomorrow we're going to learn about the taqwa and the desert admitting trail masala