Navaid Aziz – Al Shamaail Al Muhammadiyyah #04

Navaid Aziz
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The use of shaming and the symbol "the bubble" in English is important in describing the image of the Prophet sallim. The history of the Prophet sallam's hair, including the use of a combination of two individuals to create a "has adult" image, the use of natural hair color, and the use of oil in painting the image. The importance of acknowledging the history and past is emphasized, and the use of h apologize for the use of h apologize for the use of h apologize for the use of h apologize for the use of h apologize for the use of h apologize for the use of h apologize for the use of h apologize for the use of h apologize for the use of h apologize for the use of h apologize for the use of h apologize for the use of h apologize for the use of h apologize for the use of h apologize for the use of h apologize for the use of h apologize for the use of h apologize for the use of h apologize

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			Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa Sallim wa barik ala
nabina Muhammad was early he was so happy he married a mother and my dear brothers and sisters as
salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. And welcome to class number four of a Shama al al
mohammedia. inshallah, in today's class, we will be discussing the white hair of the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam along with did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam dye his hair. And
then last but not least, the usage of kohan or you or antimony in English, so be the light either
that that is what is on our schedule for today, it's not going to be a very heavy class, it's
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			actually going to be quite a light class veillonella into either now I see people coming in
Alhamdulillah I just want to make sure that today Bismillah he tala I can see your comments in sha
Allah. So for those of you that are watching, if you have said something, let's see if I can see
your comments.
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			Swipe left with your comments and reactions. Okay, I have done that and be in the light and
hopefully things will show up as we begin. Okay, so let's get into it. We have quite a few headings
to go through. So we're on chapter number five tonight why they can sell our hotel I want to go
through a very good Allah what I can see everyone tonight, so we have Heba why the consular fellow
we have no idea why they can sell off the law we have in the heater why they can sell off the law.
We have love now why they called Salah welcome fella who will go to and we have on Garcia why they
come Salah Welcome to LA what occurred. So chapter number five,
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			column Allah for him and Allah who burble major fee, Shea br Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,
chapter number five. What has been narrated concerning the blessing of white hair of the Messenger
of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
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			So, number one is to understand though Malik did the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
dye his blessing here, he replied, It did not reach that point. He had only a few white hair on his
blessings, temples aboubaker or the Allahu Allah I know, however, did die is here with the hendre
and ketam. So in this first Hadith, we see that the prophets of Allah while he was Salam did not
have very many white here in other narrations will see from us and others, that there were
approximately 14 or under 20. And unnecessarily the Allahu anhu was saying that the prophets of
Allah why lucilla did not have enough white hair for them to be dyed. However, however abubaker on
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			the Allahu anhu did dye his hair with Hannah and with ketchup. And now all of you are familiar with,
you often see people use it on either to put it on their hands, and it creates that pattern on their
hands with that orange, red, you know, copper color dye. So that's one type of dye that can be used
on the here, and then the other is cutsem, which is a black dye. So abubaker Allahu anhu. He didn't
want to dye his hair completely by black because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had
prohibited that, as we discussed yesterday, so used to combine between Hannah and Ketchum to combine
between an orangish blackish hue and that is how I will buckler the Allahu anhu, used to dye his
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			hair, which also alludes to the fact that I will record the Allahu anhu had more whitehair than the
Prophet sallallahu. It was set up, as we see in the hadith of others. And the next Hadees I did not
count on the blood head or beard of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, except 14
white hair. And here we see is known by the color, the Allahu anhu is meticulously counted the
number of hair like 14 is not, you know, a number that you just round to that you round up or round
down to 14 No, that's not how you use the number 14. But it is a very specific number. So you can
imagine that he has counted meticulously and diligently the number of white hair on the Messenger of
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			Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and this shows us the level of preservation that they wanted to
have about the details of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu our lives under no detail would go
escaped. Now, obviously you'll find different directions I talked about 1417 1820 is there a need
for reconciliation? No, not at all. As we've been seeing throughout this series, The Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did different things at different times and had a different features at
different times. And there was just a natural part of progression and a natural part of aging of the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So the fact that unnecessarily Allah who I know narrates 14
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			over here, and another companion will narrate 17 or 18 yT are in another Hadith, there is no
contradiction there is just a different parts of life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,
and the next Hadeeth we find I heard Jai but even somewhat or the Allahu anhu say, When questioned
about the white hair of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when he would apply oil
to his blasted hair, no white hair could be seen. And when he would not apply oil, just bless it
here. They could be seen. So here we see that the oil that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
used on his hair was
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			is not a translucent transparent oil but rather is an oil that had color to it. So you can imagine
the, you know olive oil that we have today. It's mainly transparent, but it is also a greenish
yellow in color. So if we was to get on the white clothing, it will actually leave that yellow a
shoe green heel on the cloth. And similarly, the here the oil that they use at the time of the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam It was not completely transparent or translucent, but rather it
did have color to it. So when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to put this oil on, even
his few white hair would seem as if they were dark in color, it would seem as if they were dark in
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			color, even though the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam himself did not dye his hair, and the next
day, THEY BLESS it white hair of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam were only around 20 or so in
number. The next Hadeeth aboubaker are the Allahu anhu said O Messenger of Allah, your hair has
become Wait, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam responded who would walk here are
more Salah Amaya de ser alone. And in Assam Sukkot a lot have turned my hair white. In the next time
if they said O Messenger of Allah, we see that you have started to get white here. You replied
indeed, who then it sisters chapters have turned my hair white. So we can see that earlier on the
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			Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam didn't have many white hair. But as he reflected more upon the
Koran, and he contemplated contemplated the more upon the Koran, then the number of whitehair
increased upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So initially, he only had white here on here
in this temple area over here, particularly where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, would
split his hair in the middle. And then eventually that number grew, as did the whiteness on the
sides of his of his beard. And thus the number of white hair on the beard and upon the hair of the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam grew. Number two, we see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
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			sallam is highlighting the fact that it wasn't matters of this dunya that, you know, Christ is here
to turn white. It wasn't that, you know, he lived a difficult life of loss. It wasn't that he
struggled through poverty. It wasn't that, you know, he saw the hardships that his companions went
through. But rather it was the Koran and his reflection upon the Koran. And then even deeper than
that, it was the people that heard the message of Islam, not accepting it that caused him this
anxiety, and this stress. So now let's look at the sources that are actually mentioned. So the first
Hadith explicitly mentions who the waqia more so that I might have to sell alone, and either Sham
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			Sukkot a lot. These are the five that I mentioned here, and another Hadith and this is the more
predominant one. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam refers to hold what occurred to her that
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			chapter of hood and its sisters, now what does it sisters actually consist of? There's actually a
difference of opinion. And then also, there are various other Hadith that talk about,
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			you know, similar topics. So let's see what the scholars mentioned. So we have sort of hood that is
the consistent recording and all of them, we have sort of luckier we have shorter more solid, we
have sudah Amaya, Tessa alone, we have a sham Sakuya rot and Hakka lava Shia Alma outage, la cama in
shock, in Qatar, and Korea. These are the 12 suitors that are mentioned in the various sources. So
these 12 sources, what are the underlying themes that you're going to find in them, the underlying
themes are the events of the Hereafter, and then also denial of Islam. So events of the hereafter
and denial of Islam. these are these are the two main reoccurring themes of the students and these
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			heavily weighted down upon the Prophet sallallahu. It was sent up.
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			And it just pained him, that people would recognize the truth, but they would not accept it for one
reason or another. And this turned to the hair of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam white
duty, the anxiety and stress that he felt. So what's interesting over here is that the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is referring to a physical phenomenon here, that how stress and anxiety
can have an impact on your physical state, that the more stress and anxiety that you have, then the
more white here you will have as well. But when the prophets of Allah while they were set up, it
wasn't matters of this dunya it was matters of the era and upon contemplating the Koran, and this
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			shows that when you deeply contemplate the Koran, it will even have a physical impact on your life.
It will even have a physical impact on your life. You know, the joke amongst the Imams is that if
you want to grow old quickly become an Imam. If you want to grow to white here quickly become an
email. You know, well let's find out Allah help us and make things easy for us. Okay, the next
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			Teddy's, I came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, while one of my sons was with me, I was
showing the Prophet. And when I saw him, I said to myself, this is the Prophet of Allah. He was
wearing two green garments. And he had some hairs that had turned white, but were red, he had some
hair that were had turned white, but we're red.
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			So now here we see a couple of points. That number one, about him, he said to me,
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			he brought his son with him. And this is a you know, a piece of advice that when you're thinking of
where to bring your children and whatever activities you bring your children to, they'll bring them
to scholars and bring them to the massage and then bring them to halaqaat. And to gatherings, and to
conferences. is a great things is a great thing. And we see that this is something that the
companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did, and this instilled love of Allah subhanho
wa Taala love of the Messenger of Allah, love of the people of Allah subhanho wa Taala and when you
can do that from a young age, inshallah, hopefully you'll have a positive impact on their life.
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			Number two, he was wearing two green garments. And as we mentioned previously, the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would frequently wear two green garments, the upper garment known as the
leader and the Lord government, as the is our and the fact that it is green over here, it is
highlighted, either because it had green stripes, or because it was predominantly green, it was
predominantly green, showing us the permissibility of wearing that color, and how it was a color
that was socially acceptable at that time. So as we know, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
gave disliked prohibitions for red and for yellow, but he was seeing that were in the green, he was
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			seen wearing green. So it shows the social acceptability of the wearing of the color green, and
other narrations we have that green was the favorite color of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wasallam. And the favorite type of clothing was the white striped clothing. The favorite type of
clothing was the white striped clothing and that's coming up in the future chapter Bismillahi Tada.
So this had the specifically mentioned that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had a few white
hair, but they were seen to be read, they were seen to be read. Now, again, how are they turning
red, this is wanting to be coming up in the next chapter. But scholars mentioned that the
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			reconciliation between the hadith of others that he had such few here that he did not need to die,
and Elisa Herrera the Allahu anhu that he did to dye his hair is to show that perhaps the prophets
of Allah while he was celeb, used a colored oil or a colored perfume that would make his hair seemed
seem colored. But in reality, they were not a dyed in reality, they were not dyed, jabbering or
somewhere else Sumeragi Allah who I know was asked, Did the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam have any weitere on his head? And he replied, The Messenger of Allah did not have any white
hair on his Blissett eggs, except for a few strands in the middle, where it will be parted. And if
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			the applied oil is busted, held, the oil would conceal them. So this shows us
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			in chapter number five, the conclusion of chapter number five, the number of whitehair the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had and why it was Christ. Now there are other Hadith that the prophet
SAW Allah who it was September 1 to whitehair as a light and as a sign of nobility. And that is why
one should not pluck white hair. And this is something to emphasize again, that if you do have white
hair, do not pluck them as the Prophet sallallahu eilersen I'm discouraged that the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wasallam discouraged the plucking of white hair. So now we get to chapter number
six, which is concerning dyeing one's hair. Are you allowed to dye your hair we learned in the
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			previous chapter, that Abubakar rhodiola, who I know day to day is here, a combination between
orange and black. And in this chapter, we will learn did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
himself, dye his hair. So I bought into and it's a continuation from the previous Hadith.
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			Our volumes are reported I came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with one of my sons. And
he asked, Is this your son? I replied, Yes, I acknowledge him. So he said, You will not be held
accountable for his crime, nor will he be held accountable for your crime, I saw some white hairs
that had to been dyed red. So to understand context of this headache, prior to Islam, if any one of
your family members had committed a crime, then the whole family and the tribe is responsible for
compensation, and for expiation, and for any payments and accountability that needs to be made. But
once Islam comes about, then no other individual is responsible for the crimes of another nor
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			accountable nor held responsible. So here the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is explaining
here, that with the coming of Islam, any crimes that your children or your ancestors have committed,
you're no longer responsible for. And this hadith highlights the fact at the end, that he did have a
few white here, which were dyed red. So now we're starting
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			To see a difference of opinion, even amongst the companions, so under served the law No, clearly
said he did not have enough white hairs that needed to be dyed. And he never dyed his white here.
And here we have about him Felt with the first study today that he did dye his hair red.
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			And the next head of Horace rajala, who I know was asked, Did the Messenger of Allah sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam use die? So you can see a very explicit Hadith. And here are the Allahu anhu
responded Yes. Then in the next 10 days, I saw the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
leave his home while shaking water from his blessitt head, having had just taken a bath, and on his
verses ahead, were traces of hinda die, were traces of hinda die. So here is another Hadith
explicitly stating that there are traces of him that die upon the head of the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam, and then the last Hadeeth of the chapter, I saw the bless it had the hair of the
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			Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and it was died. Her mother said, our beloved
Mohammed, Anakin related to us, I saw the message here of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam with an a signal Malik and it was died. Now, here's what I love about Islam in the
studying of Islamic sciences, because you're going to get quite a few narrations that are seemingly
at opposition with one another. And from the beauty of Islam and scholarship is you see how scholars
are reconciled to them. So you have answered the alojado clearly stating the private sell alone why
they were selected 90 days here, and here a hora de Allahu anhu is as did the Messenger of Allah
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			sallallahu alayhi wa sallam dye his hair? And he says, Yes, so now, what did the scholars of Islam
say about these various Hadith? Number one is timing. They said that there was a time where the
Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam, dyed his hair, and then he stopped, there was a time where he dyed
his hair, and then he stopped. So that is one opinion. Opinion number two is that in fact, the
Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam didn't dye his hair, but rather any color that was
seen was seeing the color from oil, or forum perfume.
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			Number three, is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Did you his hand on his hair, but not
as a dye, but rather for medicinal purposes and for cooling properties. So at that time, henna was
used upon one's hair for its medicinal properties, but also for keeping the head cool. So if you had
him on your hair, and
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			you will, you were walking out in the sun, that part that bits put on your on your head that is
covered with hair that keeps the head cool, it keeps the head cool. So these are three different
ways that scholars reconciled these different narrations. These are three different ways the
scholars reconciled these narrations and this is from the beauty of our scholarship, and
hamdulillah. That's something that I really come to appreciate, while studying the shadow of the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.
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			So now we get to the last chapter, which is the kohan or antimony that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam used to use. So for those of you that are not familiar, I want you to think of a medicinal
mascara. This is exactly what it is it is a medicinal mascara. Now when you think of mascara in our
day and age, you would think of it as a very feminine product the way that perhaps it longings your
eyelashes, and makes your eyes look wider, you would think of it as a very feminine product. And
this is the same thing I want to highlight again, that previously when we talked about the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wasallam having braids, and plated his hair, it was perfectly fine It was not
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			considered feminine, but rather the prophets of Allah hi Leo Silla himself was the epitome of
masculinity. So this shows us that over time, that which is socially acceptable and diverges
socially masculine and socially feminine, also changes in interpretation also changes in
interpretation. And that is why you will see that a different schools of thought had a different
opinions on this matter. So particularly my molecular himolla. From what I understand, he
discouraged the usage of kohle during the daytime for men, but he said it was fine to use it at
night, and especially if it was for medicinal purposes. Why? Because at nighttime, you're at home,
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			no one else can see it. And thus it doesn't make the eyes look feminine. And that was his reasoning
behind it. Whereas other scholars that said no, he probably saw a lot of ideas and clearly used it
during the daytime and it is perfectly fine to do so and it is not considered feminine at all. So
let's look at the various Hadith pertaining to coho salmon abasa de la vida with related that the
Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said apply estimate for it. It strengthens the
eyesight and boosts the growth of eyelashes. He had been our boss said that the Messenger of Allah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had a call container from which he would apply Cohan each night, thrice
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			in this one and thrice in this one. So this hadith of Abdullah bin busca de la Noma very explicit
that depart
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			So Allah while he was still on would apply, called known as estimate, so called I want you to
imagine is that type of mascara, and I'm using that term mascara very loosely, the word is antimony.
But if I use antimony, not very many people are going to be familiar with it. So you can imagine it
is a type of mascara. And from the types of mascara there's one in particular, that is known as
estimate there is one in particular, that is known as estimate. And this is the one that the Prophet
sallallahu wasallam is praising for two properties. Number one, it strengthens the eyesight. And
number two, it in long gains, the eyelashes and the longing of the eyelashes, it protects. staff
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			know just from going into the eye, but also it is a sign of beauty as well, it is a sign of beauty
as well. What's really interesting, for those of you that may remember, I'm reading from this book
over here coalition Milan mohammedia, printed by Mr. Mila ghazali print or publishing rather, and
they have a very interesting photo that I want to share with you. Because I know some people when
they go to Medina they like to buy kohan like to buy that antimony that the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi Salaam used to use. But they mentioned over here that the antimony that is available today is
very different. So they say that this is addressed to those with healthy eyesight. For those
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			suffering with ailments the use of intimate is harmful. Istomin is the well known mineral used as an
antimony, it's mines which are found in the east, and it's color is reddish black. In today's time,
those who wish to use kohan weather estimate or otherwise must exercise caution, since much of the
coal available in the markets is contaminated with heavy metals, long term exposure to heavy metals
can cause neurological respiratory and cardiovascular disorders, imbalance of hormones, hair loss,
infertility, and other ailments. So this shows us that just because something is labeled son that
you have to be careful of using it in this modern day and age because you know, perhaps you may be
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			using it in appropriately or it's not the actual product. So the call that is available nowadays in
the marketplace is in Medina, that is not actually good quality code. And that may actually do more
damage to your eyes than actually help it. So you want to find the pure sources of code that yes,
you will be more expensive, but at least they will have those medicinal properties that the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was referring to. And you know for me personally, I remember when I was
in visiting Medina in the recent years and I pray that Allah subhanaw taala opens up the doors for
McKenna Medina, again for us to visit. It makes it easy for us to travel there, I mean, I would
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			always reach out to shear Hasib node and she has ignored Mashallah, man, he was the guy with the
hookups for that stuff. So he knew where to get the pure gold from it would cost like 50 to 100
reals, but you would tell him was good quality stuff away from these metals. So if you ever are in
Medina, and she has you have noticed there, reach out to him and he can definitely help you find the
good stuff. And if you're looking for gold, I thought Sheikh Mohammed Manya was the guy where he had
this Syrian friend of his Jacob la bas that used to make these perfumes in his house, Allahu Akbar.
And he was like a perfume connoisseur. Absolutely amazing. They Subhanallah you could smell the
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			fragrance of perfume from his apartment door and while the door is closed, it was just truly
amazing. So I have those very fond memories of the MLS panatela bless them and protect them. So yes,
now back to the code. Make sure if you do go, you get the pure stuff don't get the cheap market
stuff that is available. The next head is the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would
apply aramith thrice in each eye before going to sleep. So this is a part of the previous Hadith as
well. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to apply the call before going to sleep three
times in this AI three times in this side. The scholars mentioned both ways are permitted where you
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			can do the right eye three times first, and then the left eye three times or you can do one in the
right eye, and then one in the left eye. Then the second one in the right eye, second one the left
eye, third one in the right eye, third one in the left eye. All of these are acceptable, but we do
begin with the right eye because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam began with the right and
then these are these specifically mentioned that he will put it on before he goes to sleep. The next
day, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, apply if medwin going to sleep, for it
strengthens the eyesight and boosts the growth of eyelashes. The next head is the Messenger of Allah
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			sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said the best of your call is estimated it strengthens the eyesight and
boosts the growth of eyelashes. And then last Hadith, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam said, apply if metaphor strengthens the iset and boosts the growth of eyelashes, and that is
the end of chapter number seven. So what we learn from chapter number seven is that the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did recommend the using of COVID the antimonial exposed to in one's
eyes, particularly before one
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			goes to bed. So before you go to bed, you put it on three times in each eye. And the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave us a reasoning behind this, that number one, it strengthens one
eyesight. And number two, it beautifies the eyelashes, which shows us that everything that the
Prophet sallallahu, Alayhi, wasallam, recommended, there was a wisdom and a reasoning behind it. And
for us as believers, it is a very good habit for us to try to understand what the wisdom and
reasoning behind legislation actually is. Because you can imagine if you're given a commandment to
do this, or prohibition, don't to do that, but you don't know the wisdom or reasoning, what is the
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			likelihood that you're going to abide by it and stick to it, and it will be continuously passed
down. Whereas when you have the,
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			the wisdom and the reasoning, I'm sorry, I'm laughing, but my son is actually banging at the door he
wants to kill.
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			So, you know, every day is a struggle with him. Now, let's find out how to make it easy.
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			So what I was saying is that it's important to understand the wisdom and the reasoning behind
legislation, so that you can better implement it in your own life, and remember it and then also
passing it down to future generations makes more sense. We live in a day and age where people are
skeptical, right, they are more skeptical than ever before. So you have to understand the reasoning
behind legislation. Now, also, with this note, understand that there are certain things that are
beyond our comprehension. And there's reasoning that is purely the Abu Dhabi purely for the sake of
worshiping Allah subhanaw taala. So we have the beautiful narration of Allah, Allah, Allah who I
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			know, where he says that if faith was purely based upon logic, then we would be wiping the bottom of
our feet, and not the top of them. So you know, when you make a must, you can imagine that this is
the foot, when you make a must, you make must on top of your sock over here, as opposed to the
bottom, even though all of the dirt is on the bottom. So why is it that we wipe the top and we do
this because the LS WD meaning that it is
00:27:06 --> 00:27:45
			the reasoning behind it is because it's a command of Allah. And this is how our pious predecessors
and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, taught us to do it. So the vast majority of things in
our faith will have a clear, logical explanation, reasoning and wisdom behind them. But then there
are also certain things there are also certain things where we just have to submit to Allah subhanaw
taala. And those are far and few in between. But that faith is what is required in that submission.
And that is why Islam is a religion of faith, but also a religion of logic, one where both of them
are cohesive, and coherent, and not in opposition to one another. So that's what I wanted to share
00:27:45 --> 00:28:01
			with you guys today. Duck locker and for attending, I want to go scroll back up now and look through
comments and questions. If you have any further questions, you can ask them below as well, better
than the other because today Alhamdulillah I can actually read your comments and questions.
00:28:02 --> 00:28:16
			So I've responded to salaams those times already. So we have asked for Cena widecombe salam O Allah,
we have deloraine Iceman widecombe salla Allahu taala, who will occur till we have Shatner's career,
while ecommerce Salam rahmatullah wa barakato.
00:28:18 --> 00:28:39
			Let's see who else we have Aziz Ahmed. What did the madman say? I said, Imani comerciais. Thank you
for the amazing series. Would it be possible to upload the series on the I see YouTube channel as
well? And the answer is yes. Be then. They will be uploaded. I know the first two episodes are
already up in Sharla. The next two episodes will also be up this week. Bismillah he Tada.
00:28:41 --> 00:28:44
			And then anyone else?
00:28:47 --> 00:29:11
			Okay, it seemed that there were no more questions. So we'll conclude with that. inshallah, we'll
continue next week. And next week, we start with the clothing of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam. And I know clothing always leads to a very interesting discussion on the physical behind it.
You know, silk, no, sell gold, no gold, colors of clothing. Do men have to keep their garments above
their ankles?
00:29:12 --> 00:29:20
			You know, are women encouraged to keep their garments below their ankles? All those discussions have
been the lines either. We'll be having next week, Tuesday
00:29:21 --> 00:29:44
			at 7pm Mountain Standard Time 9pm Eastern Standard Time, Toronto, New York, Montreal. So we'll
conclude with that abubaker You're very welcome. As well he Aki my pleasure in sha Allah. And I'll
see you guys next week with the night Allah Subhana Allah humblebee hammock, a Chateau de Highland
stuck over to Lake wa Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh