Navaid Aziz – 40 Hadith of Imam Nawawi – Episode 21

Navaid Aziz
AI: Summary ©
The transcript discusses the importance of good character in Islam, including following the example of the Messenger of Allah
sallam, achieving a positive image of the Prophet sallama, performing bad deeds, and showing positive and negative character traits. The importance of good character is emphasized, and the need to attain it is emphasized. The segment also provides information on the benefits of taqwa, including guidance and guidance from Allah, and the importance of avoiding punishment and fearing one's true love for Allah sub hang wa taala.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim al hamdu lillahi Nakamoto who and stay in who want to start off when our beloved human surely and fusina woman, Dr. Molina, Mayor de la dama de la da de la la la la la la whoa la sharika was shadow Ana Mohammed Abdullah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa seldom at the Sleeman kathira and my bad, my dear brothers and sisters salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. So with all of you acting like old men, everyone wants to sit on the wall. Some of you can be excused whenever I'm like, I follow you on the wall.

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Just looking at the camera type, so we're gonna be beginning with Heidi's number 18

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and Abby lagenda biblio Janata will be Abdur Rahman y they've been Jabara De La Hoya and Rasulullah sallallahu. It was send them a con it tequila Hey sama. What better say yetta Hashanah Tom who had wahala cannot be Hello Can Hassan Roboto tirmidhi Wakanda Hassan Hassan Rafi about Nasir Hassan sorry, on the authority of Abu Dhabi, Jr. Boo Boo Janata Hannah Bob Doris man, Jebel Allah Spano Tata be pleased with both of them from the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who said, Fear Allah wherever you are, and follow up a bad deed with a good deed, and it will wipe it out and behave towards the people with good behavior. This Hadith was recorded by telemovie, who said it is

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Hassan. And in some of the copies it said Hassan sigh

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so as a general overlook of this Hadith, you'll notice that this hadith is very general. And at the same time, it's very encompassing as well. If you look at the three levels of this headache deals with the relationship with Allah subhanaw taala the relationship with ourselves and the relationship with the people. immunologic Rahim Allah when he comments on this hadith he says that in the first part of the Hadith, it teaches us how to attain the love of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And that is through having taqwa of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And he says in the last part of the Hadith, it teaches us how to attain the love of the people, and that is through having good character with

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them. So this Hadith, even though it is very small, it's encompassing, its meaning is very encompassing, of pretty much all goods that one can attain.

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In terms of the second part of the Hadith, wiping up

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or following up a bad deed with a good deed. Then this is about doing justice to one owns self doing justice to one on self, which we will talk about later on as well. So let's talk about the first scenario of the Hadith. And he is without Judah with Luigi nada from the tribe of reefer and he moved away from Medina after the death of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to Syria. And then eventually he moved back to Medina during the time of man, radi Allahu anhu and Othman eventually hired him exiled. Does anyone know why mine had him exiled? Why would mine exile companion from Medina.

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Anyway, there's an interesting point to know. So Buddha thought he, he was from the scholars of the Sahaba. So he wasn't just like your average Sahabi. But he was from the scars of the Sahabi known for his knowledge. And likewise, you know, he had a place on the Manabe, meaning that he used to heal up and he was very, very critical of the rich people in Medina. He used to warn them all the time that your riches are going to destroy you and that if you choose to donate too much, is going to lead to you being distanced from Allah subhanho wa Taala. So constantly criticizing the rich people on the member, you know, mindset Enough is enough. I'm kicking you out of Medina. And when he

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actually died, he died in exile outside of Medina. Now one of the beautiful things about his death is that Allah subhanaw taala had planned that Abdullah bin Marcel de la de la and who would be in town at that time, and Abdullah Masuda de la mano actually led his janazah which was in the year 32 HD, 32 HD, and altogether he narrated about 281, Hadith 281 Hadith. The second narrator of this hadith is more either bingeable or the Allahu anhu. He was an unsavoury. So he accepted Islam pretty late, whereas he accepted Islam very, very early. In fact, it was said that Buddha perhaps was the fifth person to have accepted Islam. Muslim in general from his virtues is that the Messenger of

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Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that he is the most knowledgeable person of halal and haram in this number. Now that we know itself oil is very, very impressive. What makes it more impressive is that my lemon Jebel was only 34 years old, when he passed away 34 years old, when he passed away, and that was 17 after he lost 17 after Hitler, and he married 157 Hadith from the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So what are your was either bingeable born

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17 years before the age of 17 years before the age of fantastic so now beginning with the first part of the Hadith, where the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, Fear Allah, wherever you are, it's a killer hate Americans have consciousness of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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Wherever you are, when you look at the word taqwa in the Arabic language it comes from with Gaya to shield yourself to to protect yourself from something from an Islamic perspective. taqwa is to guard yourself against the anger of Allah subhanho wa Taala and taqwa like all other, I guess, virtues in Islam, it is going to have various levels to it. The absolute minimum level of taqwa is that one shields himself from eternal damnation in the hellfire. That is the absolute minimum level of taqwa that an individual should have, meaning that you protect yourself from dying in a state of Cofer so that you are not in the Hellfire for an eternity for an eternity. Now, the highest level of taqwa

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This is something that scholars have discussed in detail. How does one attain the highest level of taqwa? And I believe in order to understand what the highest level of taqwa is, we should actually define taqwa in a shadowy sense. How do we define taqwa in a shadowy sense? So let us look at some of the statements of the Sahaba in terms of how they defined taqwa. So we have the definition of a Buddha or the Allahu anhu, who describes taqwa as it is to walk upon a thorny path. And being careful not to be struck by any thorns. Meaning that you know this path has thorns on it, but you're very, very careful not to be you know, struck by any of those thoughts. That is how he defined taqwa

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that the sins of a law are always the sin against Allah is always meant to be easy and accessible. And you have to make sure that you anticipate where you can fall into them so that you abstain from them. That was the definition of abracadabra de la Hondo. You look at the definition of the Sahaba, talcum Habib, and he says two things. He says it is a light from Allah that leads you to obeying Allah. And he says it is a light from Allah that protects you from disobeying Allah subhanho wa Taala. So, first, let us look at what is the element of light mean in this narration, light generally when it refers to you know, acts of worship, generally it will refer to knowledge. So,

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Habib, he says, it is to worship Allah subhanho wa Taala based upon knowledge, and it is to abstain from sin based upon knowledge. So he says one that can only attain taqwa once an individual has attained knowledge, and that will lead to him towards doing good deeds and abstaining from bad deeds. We get to the definition of Abdullah bin masoala Allahu anhu. He says taqwa is three things. He says, it is to remember Allah subhanho wa Taala so much, that he's never forgotten. Right remembering Allah so much that he's never forgotten. Number two, it is to obey Allah subhanho wa Taala. So much that he is never disobeyed that he has never disobeyed. And the third element is to

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show gratitude to Allah subhana wa tada so much, that no ingratitude is ever shown to him that knowing gratitude is ever shown to him. And I believe it is with this third definition that if you were to try to implement it in your life, then this is you know, attaining the highest level of taqwa, obeying Allah that he's never forgotten, obeying Allah that he's never disobeyed remembering Allah that he's never forgotten and showing so much sugar to Allah subhanho wa Taala that no ingratitude is ever shown towards Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now, one thing that's important to understand about stuck over here is that taqwa is a journey and not a destination, right? One Will

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not you know, one day wake up and say, you know, I have reached the highest level of dukkha. Today, that doesn't happen, but rather your whole life is living with taqwa wherever you are, whether it is in open or in private, in the eye of the public or completely concealed. You know, with close friends or with strangers. This concept of taqwa is something that is applicable at all times, something that is applicable at all times. Now we describe the essence of taqwa as being a barrier between you and the punishment of Allah subhanahu wa Tada. And I believe this is something very important to understand that generally when we speak about Allah subhanho wa Taala, we speak about

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Allah subhanho wa Taala being the most loving, the most compassionate, the Most Merciful. But there is an other side to Allah subhanho wa Taala that is mentioned in the Quran, albeit not as frequently, but it is still there where Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Well, you have zero comala who nafsa that Allah subhanho wa Taala warns you against him or his own self, so I was warning you against his own self. And this is like a real threat that Allah subhanaw taala is telling us that the most severe punishment is given by Allah subhanho wa Taala. And, you know, the most painful forms of torment are going to be by Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now this is going to be for people who

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deserve them. But it is for those people that never thought about having taqwa of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So

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So that is why it is very important to understand this concept of duck law, as it is a barrier between ourselves and the sins that we commit and thus as a barrier between the Hellfire and ourselves as well. So now the question arises

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how do what are the rewards of a person having taqwa you know what do you get out of having taqwa? Now by show of hands, how many of you have pen and paper with them with pen and paper with them? One person who has something to take notes with.

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So we have a couple of people that take notes inshallah. So here you're going to get 18 benefits of having taqwa of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Right. And this is like the ultimate incentive. You know, if you've ever have struggle with attaining taqwa and becoming more conscious of Allah, then inshallah This is like the ultimate, you know, guide towards attaining that. So the first benefit of taqwa is that Allah subhanho wa Taala says it is the people of taqwa that will get guidance from Allah subhanho wa Taala. So having taqwa of Allah subhanho wa Taala helps an individual attain guidance. So let's find out and he says in the beginning of Soto bacara, and the end of sort of

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Baccarat, this is like a very interesting comparison, how Allah subhanaw taala begins with the same concept in the beginning and the end. So in the beginning, he describes the Koran as whodunit. That this Quran will serve as a guide for the people of taqwa. Then Allah subhanaw taala concludes certain dakara by saying what Allah, Allah comala that have Taqwa of Allah subhana wa tada and Allah subhanahu wa taala will teach you so it is a form of guidance from Allah subhanho wa Taala. So if you want your footsteps guided by Allah subhanho wa Taala then work upon having taqwa. Number two, an individual will have a special closeness with Allah subhana wa Tada. So let's find out Allah He

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says in certain nahan in the La hermandad in a taco that you want to feel a closeness to Allah subhanho wa Taala increase yourself in taqwa. Now, what's interesting is that we'll see later on how this spiritual closeness to Allah subhanho wa Taala in the hereafter will lead to an actual physical closeness to Allah subhanho wa Taala in the sense that Allah subhana wa Taala will elevate the people of taqwa to the highest level possible. So that is the second benefit. Number three is that Allah subhanho wa Taala will grant the people of taqwa protection, the people of taqwa will have protection. So let's jump right in with our decision circle. Jessica, verse number 19 will Allahu wa

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Li when we're talking that Allah subhanho wa Taala is the protector of the Metatron. So the more an individual raises and taqwa the more Allah subhana wa Taala will protect him from harm in this life. And the next. And you see this particularly in the lives of the prophets, the lives of the righteous people, how Allah subhanho wa Taala constantly save them. So you look at us as a slum in the belly of the world. Allah subhanho wa Taala extracts him without being harmed. Ibrahim alayhi salam, he's thrown into the fire Allah subhanho wa Taala says Be cool and peaceful towards Ibrahim, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu idea was send them in the cave of a third is you know about to be

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attacked by the Quran. The process becomes unseen during that time, right. Abu jihad is coming to strangle the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, Allah subhanaw taala makes it so that Abu john starts strangling himself and is unable to strangle the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So these are all you know ways that the more a person increases in taqwa the more or less panelboards Allah will protect that person. Number four, you attain the love of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Through taqwa you attain the love of Allah subhanho wa Taala through taqwa, Allah Subhana Allah says in Surah, two Toba verse number four in Allaha, you Hepburn metalcon, that Indeed Allah

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subhanho wa Taala loves the Metatron. Now what is the love of Allah subhanho wa Taala actually entail? So the lie of Allah subhanho wa Taala is protection, the love of Allah subhana wa tada is that Allah subhanaw taala will give the slave whatever he desires from this dunya and from the Acura as well so it increases the chances of one's being accepted. And Allah subhanho wa Taala granting many blessings in this life. And the next number five is that Allah subhanho wa Taala will give the person of taqwa a guide and a distinction between right and wrong will give a person a guide a distinction between right and wrong. So let's find what Allah says in sutra and fern verse 29. Yeah,

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you had Edina Amano intertanko interco la jolla Jalla calm for Connor he says oh you believe if you have Taqwa of Allah subhana wa Tada, you will make a criterion for you. And this criterion is the ability to distinguish between right and wrong. So living in our times where there's everything is just a facade where the good is you know, made to seem bad and the bad is made to seem good. Allah subhanho wa Taala gives the people of taqwa the ability to see beyond that facade to see realities for what they actually are. And that is one of the blessings of

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taqwa. Number six, Allah subhanho wa Taala provides beneficial solutions and ways out of difficulty for the people of taqwa. Allah subhanaw taala says in Soto talak when Maja tequila Maharaja, that whoever has taqwa of Allah subhana wa tada then Allah subhanho wa Taala will always make a way out for them. And this is such a, you know, a beautiful reminder that when you're conscious of Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah subhanho wa Taala will always look after your affairs, right Allah subhanho wa Taala will never allow you to be in a situation where you won't be able to get out of it. certain times you will have to make difficult decisions and you may fear the consequences at the end, but

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Allah subhanaw taala will always make a way out of those situations. Number seven, Allah subhanho wa Taala prepares a special risk for those people of taqwa. So Allah subhanaw taala says one minute tequila Allah who Maharajah Zuko whom in high food is awesome. So whoever has stuck to Allah subhanho wa Taala then Allah subhanho wa Taala will make a way out for him and provide him with a Liske mean hey food, from a place that he does not even suspect like a place that he cannot even imagine. Allah subhanaw taala will provide, you know, sustenance for him from that place. And I believe we all have our own personal stories where we gave some sadaqa for the sake of Allah

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subhanaw taala and somehow or another Allah subhanho wa Taala returned it to us, whether we're doing our laundry and all of a sudden we remember some money that we hide in our clothes, whether it be in one of our friends paying back a debt, which we knew they were never going to pay back, but somehow or another Allah subhanaw taala He grants us that special sustenance number eight, Allah subhanho wa Taala makes things easy for the people of taqwa. Why am I a tequila, Jana hoomin, Emery and whoever has taqwa of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala will facilitate their affairs. And these are all in the light in the beginning verses of swords to talak. So this was in verse

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number four, number nine and 10. They come together, that Allah subhanho wa Taala will not only forgive the sins of the people of taqwa, but will magnify the reward as well. So having taqwa of Allah subhanaw taala leads to forgiveness of one's sins and also magnifying of one's reward. Allah subhanaw taala says and so to tala verse number five, when we attack the law, you're covered kefir and who see it when you ask them the who Angela. So whoever has taqwa of Allah subhanho wa Taala you will forgive for him his sins and will enlarge his reward. And this is something you know, when you look at different verses of the Quran. This is such a beautiful concept from Allah subhanho wa

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Taala. On how Allah subhanho wa Taala not only He forgives sins, but how he will turn those sins into good deeds as well. Right. So when you look in Soto for con, Allah subhanaw taala, he tells us in total for corn, and we need the help of our forefathers here. And why a bad man? He says, woman I mean, I saw the hand. What is it?

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How does it be a diversity game?

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Now how does the verse actually begin? implemented? Well, I'm no I mean, I saw the hunt for Allah, Allah who see it personally presented, we're carrying a load of rahima. So except for those individuals that that have Eman and repent to Allah subhanho wa Taala and do righteous deeds, then Allah subhanho wa Taala will change their bad deeds into good ones, right? And that's such a beautiful concept, that you commit a bad deed and you think to yourself, Subhana Allah, you know, this is something I'm going to be accountable for something that Allah might punish me for. But when you repent to Allah subhana wa tada right away after you commit that sin, and you do righteous

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deeds, then Allah subhanho wa Taala will not only forgive that sin, but he multiple he takes that sin and converts it into a good deed. Right? So it's like something is on your scale of bad deeds, and it gets transferred to your skill of good deeds. And it's like you wish that you know, all of your equations in life were like that, that you have a debt in one place than all the other converts that debt into you know, you having more money at the end sipan Allah, that's the relationship that Allah subhanaw taala has with the motto clean. Number 11. Allah subhanho wa Taala makes taqwa a means of deeds being accepted. So just because we do good deeds, it doesn't mean Allah subhanho wa

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Taala is going to accept those deeds, but rather Allah subhanho wa Taala will accept the deeds from the people of taqwa. So sudo Merida verse number 27 in them at the Kabbalah who Minamata kin, so let's find out what Allah He will only accept the deeds from the people of taqwa.

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Number 12. A person will be from the successful if they have Taqwa of Allah subhanho wa Taala. What? Taku Lucha the undercurrent of the one that have Taqwa of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And indeed, you will be successful.

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Likewise uncertain about Allah subhana wa tada towards the ending of supernova, he tells us in a little matakana Mufasa, that indeed, you know, it is the motto clean, that will be the most victorious in the end. And this is something, you know, beautiful to look at, in the sense that

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when you're in the race, right, you're in the race, as all of us are in the race, right? We're in a race towards the Acura towards the finish line of, you know, getting into gender, and not only getting into gender, but getting into the highest levels of gender. Now, some people may be content, you know what, as long as I finish the race, I'll be happy, right? But other people and this should this should be all of our states is that not only joined want to finish this race, but I want to be in the forefront, right? I want to be from the winners of this race, right? And unless I know what Allah tells us that the ones who will want to be at the forefront of the race, the ultimate winners

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of this race, are going to be the people of taqwa number 13 Allah subhanho wa Taala gives glad tidings to the people of taqwa in this life and the next. So let's find what Allah says in Surah Yunus were 63 and 64. For those who believe in had taqwa is glad tidings in this life and the hereafter. Number 14. It is the people of taqwa that will be entered into paradise. Allah subhanho wa Taala says in total column

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in the little Mata Penang Dharavi him jannetty now in the last minute, Allah says barely for the Mata pain our gardens of delight with their Lord. Number 15. The Matatini will be spared the Hellfire unless final analysis and sort of muddy Ember 71 and 72.

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That there is not one of you but we'll pass over it. This is with your Lord a decree which must come to pass. Then we will save those who had taqwa. So it is your taqwa that will save you from the Hellfire number 16 the motorcade will have a special seat in the seat of sincerity near to Allah subhanho wa Taala in the hereafter. And this is what I was referring to earlier. When Allah subhanho wa Taala says in the plenary Jeanette you wanna FEMA aka the silicon, Ender Malik and moqtada verily the crane will be in the midst of gardens in rivers, in a seat of sincerity near Allah subhanho wa Taala. So Allah subhanho wa Taala in the hereafter will place will create places of residence for

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the people have Taqwa that will be close to Allah subhanho wa Taala, meaning that they will be in fear dose. Number 17. The matakana will be given the honor of being above the rest of creation on the Day of Judgment. Allah subhana wa Allah says in Surah Baqarah verse 212, that this worldly life has been made alluring to the disbelievers while they ridiculous those who believe and those who have Taqwa will be above them on the Day of Resurrection. And number 18. The last one, Allah subhana wa tada says,

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in sort of our off, that those who have Taqwa and righteousness shall have no fear upon them, nor shall they grief, meaning that having taqwa of Allah subhanho wa Taala removes grief from the individual in this life and fear from the individual in this life. So grief and fear are removed from the mortality in this life and the hereafter. So those are 18 benefits of taqwa. Now we get into how does one actually attain taqwa of Allah subhanho wa Taala. What do you have to do in order to attain taqwa of Allah subhanaw taala. And this is a very quick list of 10 things. This is a quick list of 10 things that a person can do to attain the taqwa of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Number one,

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fear of punishment of the Hereafter, so be afraid of the punishment of the hereafter. Number two, be afraid of the punishment in this world. Number three, hope for reward in this world. Number four hope for reward in the hereafter. Number five, fearing the reckoning and accounting of one's deed, so meaning that you know that accounting that will take place with Allah subhanaw taala. One should be afraid of that. Number six, feeling shameful that one should ever be seen by Allah subhanho wa Taala, while in a state of disobedience, being seen by Allah subhanho wa Taala in the state of disobedience, one should be shameful of that. Number seven, being thankful and feeling grateful for

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all of the bounties that Allah subhanaw taala has given that person number nine, having a great deal of respect for the greatness of Allah subhana wa Tada. So understanding the greatness of Allah subhanho wa Taala and having a great deal of respect for it. And number 10 being sincere and truthful in one's love for Allah subhanho wa Taala being sincere and truthful in one's love for Allah subhanho wa Taala so the first four are very easy, fear of punishment and the fear of fear of punishment in this dunya hoping for reward in this dunya hoping for a reward in the afterlife. So those are the first four. The number five, fear the reckoning and accounting of one's deed number

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Feeling shameful in front of Allah subhanaw taala that Allah should ever see us while we're singing and in the state of displeasure. Number seven, being thankful to Allah subhanho wa Taala for his many blessings. Number eight, having true knowledge of the reality of Allah subhanho wa Taala number nine, having a great deal of respect for the greatness of Allah and number 10 being sincere and truthful in one's love for Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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So with this concept of taqwa, one attains the love of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So very simple piece of advice that every single Prophet and Messenger gave to their people. In fact, it is said that the best piece of advice you can give to someone is to tell them to have Taqwa of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Because it should be a reminder that not only should they minimize their sins, but they should be as enthusiastic as possible in doing good deeds as well. So the best piece of advice you can ever give anyone is to have Taqwa of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And, you know, this is something that's forgotten in our times, that did just to give a simple reminder, you know, of having taqwa of

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Allah subhanho wa Taala. It goes very far away, right? So if someone ever asks you advice, you know, let them know that you know, have Taqwa of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And this is what each and every single Prophet and Messenger told his people. In fact, the scholars of Islam they considered the Jew mahatva deficient. If the kataeb did not advise the people of having taqwa of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And that is why the table regularly mentioned Ayat of taqwa in his hauteville right? That is the purpose behind it. That one, it reminds us, you know, staying away from sins, and to do as many good deeds as possible. And then we learn to the 18 benefits, when which are, you know, just a few

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of many, many more of the benefits of taqwa. Now, the second element of this hadith is follow up a bad deed with a good one, and it will wipe it out, follow up a bad deed with a good one, and it will wipe it out. And I want to share a funny story with you guys when lightoller so this is during the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So understand the context. We're talking about Sahaba over here, okay. And there's a young Sahabi he was known as either Abril father, or Appaloosa, Abul father or Appaloosa Vizier. This was a quinean that he was known by. He's a young guy, merchant, good looking guy, like stunningly good looking, Mashallah would say between 19 to 22

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years old, approximately, what is his profession? He sells dates in the markets of Medina. Okay. And one day, this stunningly gorgeous sister comes to buy dates, what happens to Apple fatherly or Apple user? He starts to blush, right? He starts to become shy. And he starts to stutter, he starts to tremble is like, I don't know how to, you know, react to the sister. Then he grabs his composure, he grabs his composure, he pulls himself together. He's like, you know, you can do this, right? You're able to do this. But what happens to him now? He gets into like, macking mode, right? So he tells this beautiful, gorgeous, stunning sister. Look, the dates I have over here. They're good. But the

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dates I have in my house are even better. Okay. And this is like in the history of Muslim pickup lines. This is number one, right? Yeah, terrible. But for him, it did the job. This naive sister she says even what if their dates in the house are actually better? Why don't we go to your house and get these dates. So the sister, she follows this companion back to his house, and they get inside the house? Lo and behold, there's no dates in the house. What is this hobby do? He grabs this woman and he gives her a kiss on the cheek, he gives her a kiss on the cheek. And as soon as that happens, it's as if lightning strikes panela. And he wakes up and he's like, what did I just do? And he runs

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out of his house. And I know the story, this part of the story is not paid attention to. But once he leaves the house, we don't know whatever happens to the sister. And I think to myself the final law how awkward it must be for that sister. Should she stay? Should she go? If she leaves does she have to lock up? You know, what does she do? But we don't know what happens to that sister. So this young companion, he feels bad for what he does. And he says you know what? I need to find the you know what to do in order to be forgiven for this he feels terrible about it. So he finds out at the last minute tells him what happens to the Allahu anhu he tells him look this repent to Allah subhanho wa

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Taala and Allah will forgive your your sins for you.

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He says, You know what, that's not enough. Let me go towards Amerigo hottub he's gonna set me straight. He's gonna give me lashes in Medina. He goes to a Muslim Nakata blah, blah and who and Omar tells him the exact same thing. repent to Allah subhanahu wa

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Allah and Allah subhanho wa Taala will forgive you. still not satisfied. He goes hunting for the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he finds him in the masjid with a group of his companions. So it comes to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he says all messenger of Allah, look, this is what happened. And I feel really guilty and bad inside. Please, you know, purify me of this guilt. And the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam just looks at him with a blank stare to the face of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, it turns white, and everyone is just in dead silence. And that moment, it gets so awkward for this

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young companion. He says he just walks away from the Messenger of Allah with tears in his eyes, that he couldn't handle it anymore. He thought he wanted to be purified, but he couldn't handle it anymore. So he goes back to his house, and he starts getting thoughts. He's like, you know, how am I ever going to live in Medina again, I'm going to be ashame I'm going to be disgraced. And he starts to pack his things to leave Medina not knowing where to go, when he starts packing to leave. And a little while later, as he's packing, someone knocks on the door. And he says, The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is summoning you to the masjid.

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So he starts to think, you know, what is the Messenger of Allah going to do with me? Is it going to give me lashes? Is it going to execute me? Is it going to make me an example for the people and as he's walking to the masjid, all of these thoughts are coming to his mind. And then when he sees the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he sees that cheerful smile at the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam always had. So he's like, Oh my god, you know, not only is the Messenger of Allah going to punish me and persecute me, but he's actually going to enjoy it now. And these are like the thoughts going through his head. So he comes to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam. And this is like a very interesting part. You know, one of the most daunting things you could ever hear from the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is, Allah has revealed some verses about you. Can you imagine that? Like an example till the Day of Judgment? Allah spoke about you in the Koran. And he's like, Man, you know, what did Allah subhanaw taala say, and the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he tells them the verses in certain code, where Allah subhana wa tada says, in the Senate, you didn't see yet that indeed the good deeds, they wipe the bad deeds away.

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So he asked the Messenger of Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, you know, what is this good deed that I can do that will wipe away the bad day that it committed. So the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he tells him go and make Waldo and pray to us. And the Sahaba de la Han Han around the Messenger of Allah, they get upset at that time, they regretted an uproar. They're like all messenger of Allah, don't you know what he did? You know, he grabbed the girl and he kissed her. And it shows us the innocence of the Sahaba that you know, kissing a non Muslim girl. It was like Kabira milk. You know, imagine, you know, these are some of the things that happened in our time, Subhan

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Allah? And they said, O Messenger of Allah, is this something exclusively for him? Or is this something that's enough for everyone? And the Messenger of Allah says, Allah, He gave us all glad tidings at that time by saying that this is for everyone. That whenever you commit, you know, a small minor sin, go perform, who do go pray to that guys. And Allah subhanho wa Taala will forgive you for your sins. And this is the the gist of the message over the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in this portion of the Hadith, that we need to make it a motto in our life, that every time you commit a sin, don't sit there on that sin, don't let time go by, but rather seek

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forgiveness from Allah subhanho wa Taala right away, and then follow up that bad deed with a good deed so that it can wipe it out. shaytaan He will take advantage of that situation. If you let that sin linger on, he will take advantage of it. He will make you think you are terrible and bad Muslim, you're never going to Agenda you're going to be my companion in the hellfire. So you know what you might as well just leave Islam because your situation is finished. That is a tactical shift toward when a person sits upon that sin. However, the individual that racist towards Toba in seeking forgiveness from Allah subhana wa tada and follows it up with a good deed after he did that bad deed

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then within the heat Allah not only is that guilt removed as Allah subhanaw taala will accept that Toba but likewise, it takes away the advantage that shaytan has over our emotions as well. So there's like multiple benefits in doing that. So, let us make us make this like our motto in life that anytime we commit a sin, then be the light Allah will always want to seek forgiveness right away and follow it up with a good deed. So that one Allah subhanaw taala will forgive us and number two shaytan will be will not be able to take advantage of our emotional state. So now let us talk about 10 ways that Allah subhanaw taala actually remove sins from us. And before I even actually

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might mention my 10 habit we open up the door from you guys. Why don't you guys give me some of the ways that are necessary.

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Anil, Allah will forgive us for sins. What are some of the ways that Allah subhanaw taala forgive us for our sins, but sorry, calamities in this world. So when you're tried by calamities, it is a means of your sins being forgiven fantastic.

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walking to the masjid, so doing a good deed, doing good deeds will wipe away bad deeds. What else?

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stopping the sin and doing what?

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stopping the sin isn't enough you have to do something else. Repent. So you repent to Allah subhanho wa Taala so not only do you stop the sin, but you make an internal deal with Allah subhanho wa Taala that you're going to try to never return to that sin and that is the essence of repentance. So we have three right now. Can we get number four? This quarter that brother over there

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doing something good for others, we'll put that generally in the category of doing good deeds.

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general category of doing good deeds.

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We're missing the most obvious one.

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sadaqa under the category of good deeds, we're going to say getting sick goes under calamities.

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On one hand, it goes under good deeds. The obvious one, this is the most obvious one. Go ahead, our young brother over here. soba Give me something specific about Toba?

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Is that valid exactly asking Allah, Allah for forgiveness, right? That's the most obvious one, you do something wrong you ask Allah subhana wa tada for forgiveness. That's number five. Now the next few are going to be very obvious. I want you to think about the hereafter we can get like three of them from the hereafter.

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What are ways that our sins will be forgiven in the journey of the hereafter?

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Fantastic. So the trials that we go through the grave, that is one of the ways that our sins will be forgiven.

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So all of the things of the part of yom Okayama there'll be a means of our sins being forgiven. So walking through the setup, having a judgment in front of Allah subhanaw taala, the contura there'll be another thing. What's the last one the last stage of purification, the Hellfire right, so that is number eight. Now that is number eight. So now let's go through the list that I have over here. Number one, sincere repentance to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Number two is seeking forgiveness from Allah subhanho wa Taala. Number three, let us go through this. Where's number three, that is number four. Number three is doing good deeds. Number four is supplicating. For another Muslim that Allah

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Spanos, Allah forgives him for his sins. That'll be a means of your own sense and the other person since being forgiven. Number five, is someone doing good deeds upon your behalf after you pass away. Number six, the intercession of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam number seven calamities in this life number eight, the hardships and tests of the grave and the hereafter. Number nine the the events that will take place in the do judgment. And number 10 is the general Mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So must define what Allah you know, just choosing to forgive the slave of Allah subhanho wa Taala out of his own wisdom and love for the believers. Now the last point of the Hadith before

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we conclude is behave towards the people with good character behave towards the people with good character.

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Now you'll notice the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he uses the general term of good character. So he didn't actually say, you know, do this and this and this is what good character is, but the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he left it very general, and that is for a wisdom and that wisdom being that any form of good character is something that we should try to develop. A second point in relation to this is that the previous point was follow up a bad deed with a good one and it will wipe it out. And it is as if the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying that the best deed a person can perform, to wipe out their bad deeds is

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to have good luck with the people. This is some of the you know the relationship that some of the scholars developed with the previous part of the Hadith. The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was once asked, What is the thing that will cause the people will that will be the predominant cause of people entering paradise? What will be the predominant cause of people entering paradise? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned two things. He said taqwa of Allah subhanho wa Taala and good character. So it shows us the importance of having good character. Now in terms of stressing good character, there's so many a hadith that talk about good character. Let's go

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through them quickly. I was sent to perfect, good character, I promised a house in the highest of paradise for someone who tries to perfect his character. righteousness is good character. The most perfect of believers pertaining to the man is the one that has good character. There's nothing more heavier on the scales.

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Then having good character, a person with good character will reach the stage of someone who fast during the day and prays during the night. So all of these narrations, they talk about having good character. Now, what exactly is good character, the scholars of Islam when they define good character, we said the epitome the pinnacle of good character is to follow the example of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam never exemplified it, they would not be considered good character. So, if you want to find righteous and good characteristics, one needs to be familiar with the spirit of the Messenger of

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Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and his personality, that is how one will learn good character. Now in terms of general attributes of having good character, let us just go through them being generous, right? being kind to people, being, you know, obedience to one's parents and righteous to one's parents. What are other characteristics to have being truthful? Right? Help me out? What are the other good characteristics to have? being humble and being helpful to others? What else? Sorry, courteous to people. What else can we think of? Being just fantastic?

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Helping and assisting your neighbors? What else can we think of?

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punctual. I wish Allah subhanaw taala grants that good characteristic, you know our communities though the worst when it comes to that being punctual, very, very good example of it. Give someone give me one last one Go ahead.

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being peaceful, exactly being peaceful. So these are all good characteristics that we find in the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And if I was the, you know, just give you one assignment, I know there's no homework. This is not a classroom is just a general gathering that we get together to remember a law with but one of the most beneficial exercises you'll ever do is to look at the positive characteristics of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And they also need to think of positive characteristics, and then define examples either from the Quran, or from the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So in your own life, as you're learning

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these positive characteristics, you're implementing them through the example of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, or through the command of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So we can see that there's a very heavy emphasis in Islam upon good character, and so much so that when you look at the way the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam describes the hypocrites. He says that they're the ones when they make a promise, they break that promise, when they get into an argument that he can very vile and obscene when they're trusted with something, they break that trust, right when they speak, they lie. So the Messenger of Allah Azza wa sallam says that these are the

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characteristics of the hypocrites, meaning that the characteristics of the believers should be the exact opposite. When we are trusted, we keep our trusts when we speak, we speak the truth, right? When it comes time to debate and discuss and argue, we don't become argumentative, but we are very humble, and we're very soft, right? So these are the characteristics that we need to establish within the heater Allah. And you'll notice that this is you know, in terms of this life, the highest station you will achieve in this life is not being the CEO of a company is not having, you know, massive award given to you like the Nobel Peace Prize, but the highest station you will achieve in

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this dunya is having perfected your character or trying to make your character as close as possible to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and an individual that does this, not only does he become beloved to the people, but he becomes beloved to Allah subhanho wa Taala as well. So you want to attain the love of Allah and the love of the people. You know, it's through good character by following the example of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So now let us summarize what we've taken in this hadith. Number one having taqwa of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Wherever you are in public and private day or night, you know, open or concealed, being conscious of

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Allah subhanho wa Taala is of the utmost importance. And this is what is going to cause us to enter into paradise and save us from entering into the Hellfire at the end of the day, and we attained the love of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Number two is every single time you perform a bad deed, we're all going to fall into it, no one is on none of us is you know, protected from not performing bad deeds, we will all committed since the reality of of being alive, right? But whenever that happens, follow up a bad deed with a good one and it will wipe it out and hastin and seeking forgiveness from Allah subhanho wa Taala and this is how you protect yourselves from the plots of shaitaan. And the third

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thing, the importance of having good character. There is nothing heavier on the scales, then having good character, Allah subhanho wa Taala this messenger promises a house in the highest of paradise for the individual that struggle

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to perfect his character, and this is like perhaps one of the most beautiful Hadith. We all know how difficult it is to first imagine every single day. We all know how difficult it is to pray kiama Lane each and every single night, but the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he tells us, we attain the station of the one that fast during the day and prays during the night just by perfecting our good character. So living in a day and age where you know, having good character is downplayed, as Muslims, it is upon us to revive this good character and to bring it back right, and to show the people that Muslims have good character. And this is the legacy of Islam and the legacy

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of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you want to show the people the prophecies, send them really wise, then show the people his good character, and nothing will speak louder than that. So I pray that Allah subhanho wa Taala grants his taqwa and that Allah subhanho wa Taala makes those that follow up their bad deeds with good ones, and makes them those whose internal and external states are beautified by Allah subhana wa tada and following the character the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Allahu taala was a lot more cinematic and in the Vienna Mohammedan wine and he was soft, he was sent them and I will take three questions and then we're going to break from mclubbe inshallah,

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three questions.

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And if you don't have questions, that's perfect, so we can put them up live in Charlotte, go ahead.

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What are punishments in this dunya the punishments in this journey are many, many, anything that you can consider negative in this dunya as a punishment, whether it be Allah subhanaw taala, taking away one's children and family, whether it be a person getting sick, whether it be a person losing his money, whether it be you know, a person, just being isolated from his people. All of these will be considered punishments in this dunya

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mela protect us off I mean,

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is there a question number two?

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No question number two, go ahead.

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There are many, many definitions for taqwa. And that is why we mentioned there's three of them from the Sahaba to show the diversity in the definitions of taqwa. But the general concept is to stay away from the sins and to do as many good deeds as a person possibly can. That is the general definition of taqwa. Good luck, a federal conclude with that panic alarm will be Hambrick shadow and that is the critical to bootleg Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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