Navaid Aziz – 05 Tafsir Juz E Amma Surah Al Masad
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The importance of learning a language in understanding and responding to wardrobe is emphasized. The use of " leaf" in Arabic language to avoid "will" and the "verile to" category of "verile to" is discussed. The use of "hamza" in the Arabic language is discussed, and the history of " harmala twin hottubs," "hamma" in the language, and the use of "will" to describe actions and actions of a woman. The importance of "hamma" in explaining actions is emphasized.
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One stock photo when I was a villa human Cerulean fusina woman CIT Amina Maria de la palma de la la, la la la la la la la la la sharika was shadow under Mohammed Abdullah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa seldom at the Sleeman kathira and my bad, my dear brothers and sisters salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.
The interesting thing about languages, you know, you'll notice that whenever a person starts to learn the language, naturally speaking, one of the first things you'll naturally learn to pick up is learning how to swear, naturally speaking, that always happens that a person will learn how to swear in that language, and the natural, I guess, curiosity that is inside of us that you know, whenever you learn the language, you want to learn how to say something bad before you learn how to say something good. And you'll notice in the Quran Subhanallah there's very, very few instances where, you know, the Quran will go in, not say something bad in terms of initiating itself, but go and say
something bad in terms of responding to how the chorus dealt with the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and this is something you'll see in the surah as we discussed, so little mustard within the hinayana.
Now sorrel mustard the story behind it is that there's two titles behind this surah it is known as soul to lab, and it is known as circle method. And it is called pseudo mustard. Because at the end of this surah, Allah subhanaw taala mentions the term must set, and the term must set his palm fiber. Now it's very important to understand wireless panel data uses the term asset. If you've ever been in a physical education class in the West, you'll notice in elementary school, they have these long groups, which would make you climb to the top which is make you climb to the top for those of you who went to elementary school here, you'll know what I'm talking about. They're usually very
thick ropes, and the fiber of it is very, very rough. In the Arabic language, this is known as leaf in order for you to further understand it, if you use shower gel, as opposed to soap, if you shower gel as opposed to soap, you'll notice that that fiber that they used to have like 510 years ago, it was like a white off white fiber that when you used to scrub it on your body, it would feel a bit rough, but you could actually feel that it was cleansing you this in the Arabic language is known as leaf. And mustard is a rope that is made out of leaf. Now the reason why Allah subhanho wa Taala calls this sort of method is because at the end of the surah, we learned that this rope is what will
be tied around the neck of the wife of Abu lahab will be tied around the neck of the wife of Abu lahab. And we'll find out why Bismillah atana. This surah is also called the lab the surah is also called sort of the lab lab in the Arabic language, it means a burning flame, it means a burning flame.
Now, why would Allah subhanho wa Taala call this surah a burning flame. And the scholar is different in terms of the reasons behind it on to three reasons. Not to three reasons. Number one, because the individual that is referring to is Abu lahab, the individual that it is referring to is Abu lahab. So that is opinion number one, that the reason why it's called chautala because the individual is talking about is Abu lahab opinion number two is that the final destination of Abu lahab will be the Hellfire, the final destination of Abu lahab will be the Hellfire and a lot you describes this fire in the third verse as love meaning it will be a blazing fire. So it's talking about the destination
of where the hub will be. And then the third thing that is referring to is a consequence of the actions that he used to do, meaning that everything that Abu lahab did, it will be burnt, everything that Abu lahab did will be burnt. So, these are the three reasons why the scholar said this is what it was called sorta love that Firstly, because of the individual number two, because of what his final destination it will be. And number three, the actions that he did, they will be burned with a burning flame, they will be burnt with a burning flame. So let us start off with the very first verse. Let us start off with the very first verse. Allah subhanho wa Taala says batea da Vila Habib,
what's up? So to translate this verse, it is translated as Perish the hands of law of Abu lahab and parachute. So now in understanding what this word tab means over here, the word tub means an absolute and extreme loss and absolute and extreme loss. I want you to imagine, you know if you've ever watched like 100 meter sprint, if you've ever watched 100 meter sprint, you'll notice that we always focus the camera on that
The first, you know, three or four races that are at the beginning. But in every race you have this like one individual. That is like all the way at the back. He's like still at the start line, something happened to me recording take off a person who loses this badly. Like it's absolute annihilation, it's not even close. This is what tab is, this is what it is. It is an absolute annihilation and a devastating loss. Now, why does Allah subhanho wa Taala use this term? Why does Allah subhanaw taala use this term? Okay, so let's go into a similar lesson over here. One of the very first commands revealed to the Messenger of Allah. In fact, it was one of the first five
commands revealed to the Messenger of Allah. So we talked about the previous commands, the first command was echo was to read, then the second command was to between messenger will also send them home. And there was the Abba photo here, Rebecca Kabir, these three came together, that's a certain medacta the third command that comes to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is como la la, la, la, la la, la la la colina. When they say commonly that means standard most of the night. And you'll notice that this was a special command given to the Messenger of Allah, so that he would it will become compulsory and mandatory upon him to wake up for tahajjud every night it will be
mandatory and compulsory for him to wake up for tahajjud or pmln. Every single night. Now they say the fourth commandment that was given to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is what Allah subhanho wa Taala says, when they are asherah, tackle a Caribbean that give warning or you know, warn your closest family members, warn your closest family members. And this is when the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he ascends to the mountain, he ascends to the top of the mountain. And he says, you know, all been overcome, or you know, when you abdomen f comm and all of the people have the courage, they came to the foot of the mountain of the Messenger of Allah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And he asked them, oh, people, imagine if I were to tell you that there is an army pursuing behind this mountain, would you believe me at that time? And they said, Of course you're an amine, you're the trustworthy one amongst us. So at that time, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he says, then know that I am here to warn you of a punishment that is coming close to you. I'm here to warn you of a punishment that is coming close to you. And it was at that time, that Abu lahab he stood up, and he said to bannock, he said, may you be perished? May you be lost? Is this what you gather this for to waste our time? Is this why you
brought us here, and that is when the people started to disperse and walk away. And it was at that time that Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed the surah It was at that time that Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed to the surah. So this surah is revealed in the response to that incident, the sooner was revealed in the response to that incident. Now I want to talk briefly about the uncles of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then we'll talk about Abu lahab, we'll talk about a Buddha hub,
the uncles of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the fall into one of three categories, they went into what they fall into one of three categories. And I want you to give me names of uncles that would fall under each category. So category number one, our uncle's of the Messenger of Allah that accepted Islam, my uncle's, the the Messenger of Allah that accepted Islam, and we now have two of them. Who can give me their two names, or you give me one of them. Don't give me both. Hamza rhodiola, one, and he will say the Shahada. He was the leader of all of the martyrs. And he was referred to as a pseudo Allah will also do rasulillah he was known as the line of Allah
and he was known as the line of alas messengers of Allah, why no send them due to how ferocious he was in the battlefield. Then we know of a Second Uncle that accepted Islam.
I sent on a bus. He was a second uncle of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that accepted Islam, and he had great virtue as well. He took care of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, whenever he could. And he showed him great affection. He showed him great affection. So this was the first category of uncles that they accepted Islam. The second category is of uncle's is that they are affectionate towards the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but they didn't say accept Islam. They were affectionate but they didn't accept Islam accent so in this category is Abu Talib in this category is Abu Talib. And something important to know about Abu
Talib is that Abu Talib while he was a disbeliever, Allah subhanho wa Taala raised his status in a certain way he raised his status in a certain way, and we will discuss how the general commandment is that Allah subhanho wa Taala His Messenger and the believers are not allowed seeking forgiveness for the mushrikeen Allah subhanho wa Taala. He tells us in sort of two Toba one mccannon Linda de Wanda Dena Amano is still rolling. mushrikeen Willow can assume that it is not befitting for the Messenger of Allah or the believers that they seek forgiveness for the disbelievers.
Even if it be their parents, even if it be their parents. So now if you look at our booth, olive, olive took care of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam like he was his own son. So when the mother of the messenger Allah passed away, the grandfather of the Messenger of Allah passed away, and his father had passed away long before that, it was Abu Talib that took care of him. Now this taking care of the Messenger of Allah was not just something tangible, meaning providing clothes and providing you know, money and providing food, but rather it was even defending him in front of the chorus. It was even defending him in front of the chorus. And then you see at the
deathbed of Abu Talib, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he comes. And he says, Oh, my beloved uncle, say the name of Allah so that they will have something to defend you in the hereafter. And then you see the heads have the courage to come in, and they emotionally blackmail them. They said, you've been on the religion of our forefathers for so long. I mean, you've lived your whole life like this. Are you going to leave it now on your deathbed, that has your lineage not brought you on as it not brought you respect? So are you going to leave it now? And that emotional blackmail it caused Abu Talib to be a real became a cause for Abu Talib to die in the state of other
than the snap. And this was such a grievous moment for the Messenger of Allah, that this individual that loved him so much that defended him that took care of him, that he died in the state of disbelief. So Allah subhanho wa Taala. in assessing this emotions, in assessing this grief, he gives the Messenger of Allah sallallahu wasallam. A semi good news that semi good news being that Abu Talib will be in the hellfire. This is guarantee that he will be in the hellfire. Because without Islam, no matter how much you love the Messenger of Allah sallallahu wasallam and how much you take care of him without Islam, it will not benefit you. He gives him the glide tiding that while he will
be in the Hellfire, he will have the lowest punishment. So out of all of the creations of Allah that is going to be in the Hellfire obatala will have the least punishment. And that is the wearing of sandals that has a burning flame with it that comes up to his ankles. And it is so hot that it will make his brains boil. It is so hot that it will make his brains boil. You know Allah subhanaw taala protect all of us. This is a point of reflection, that that is the lowest punishment in the Hellfire, that that lowest punishment is that you will be in the Hellfire for an eternity with your brains boiling, no escape from it whatsoever. There is the lowest punishment and Subhanallah that's
something to reflect and contemplate on. And then you get to the third category of uncles of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And the third category of uncles that we see of the Messenger of Allah are those who showed open hatred and animosity, those that should AB open hatred and animosity, and from them we find Abu lahab over here from them we find Abu lahab so let us find out who Abu lahab is who is Abu lahab Abu lahab. His real name is Abdullah erza even Abdul muttalib his real name is Abdullah erza. Even Abdulmutallab his real name is Abdullah ibn Abdulmutallab and his real cornea. His real cornea and will explain this title is Abu Atiba, his real cornea is
now in the Arabic language, it is not befitting or appropriate that you call an individual by their first name, it is not befitting or appropriate that you call them by their first name, but rather you call them by title. And this title comes from one of two things, either a description that they are known for. So for example, you get a hora de Allahu anhu, whose real name is Abdullah man, but you don't hear him ever being called Abdul Rahman. But everyone calls him up aquatera and Abu huraira it can be literally translated as Father of the cats or father of the kittens. And this was because of a hora de la Hondo. He always had kittens with him, he loves playing with kittens. So, he
was called up aquatera. So, this is one way something that you are known for something that you are known for. So you become a boo whatever you are known for. Then the second title you are given is due to your oldest child do sorry due to one of your children, or a name that you like to have for one of your children. So we see the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was known as a blue Qasim, because one of his children is one of his male children with a blue costume. And you see that throughout this, that the companions are the love on whom they develop this methodology of using these titles for themselves. So, amongst the companions, they use this Arab tradition, that
you would not use your first name, but you will be called by this title you will be used called by this title. So firstly, let us discuss what is the ruling on this title? Can we say that taking a cornea is something which is Mr. hub It is recommended or do we say this is something purely cultural and Allah Subhana Allah knows best. It is something purely cultural, it is purely cultural. This is based upon the fact that while
habla de la Juan whom used corneas. We never actually find any authentic narrations that encouraged us to use cuneus. We never find any authentic narrations to use corneas. A second thing that comes into play. What is more honorable? Is it more honorable to call someone by their first name? Or is it more honorable to call someone by their cornea? It's more honorable to call someone by their first name, or more honorable to call someone by their cornea. A mountain called Sybil Rahim Allah, He brings this discussion in his ear, and he comes to the conclusion that it is more honorable to call someone by their first name. And the reason he gives it is because no one does a better job of
honoring the prophets and messengers than Allah subhanho wa Taala. And Allah subhanho wa Taala always refers to the prophets and messengers by their first name. So his conclusion is that it is more befitting to use the first names. And then he brings a counter argument and it seems Allah knows best. This is the actual majority. The actual majority said it is more befitting to use an individual's cornea, it is more frustrating to use an individual's cornea. So if you know that they have a child, you refer to them as a boo, you know, Abdullah, Omar Abdullah, whatever their child's name is, is more befitting to do that. But now in our day and age, since it is no longer a custom,
it is no longer a practice, it seems that it is more befitting to use the person's first name, it is more befitting to use a person's first name. So now let us get back to this verse. You'll notice that Allah subhanaw taala, he says, Tibet, dia de abelia have been watered that the hands of Abu lahab they will perish they will lose. And Allah subhanho wa Taala uses this first sentence, to use it as a supplication as a supplication that, you know, causes the hands of Abu lahab to perish. So Allah uses this as a supplication. And then Allah subhanaw taala. He goes on to conclude the verse by saying what? And he mentioned that again at the ending of the verse, why does Allah subhanaw
taala mention it twice. The reason why I left panel dimensions it twice is for two reasons. Number one, is that Allah subhana wa tada is saying that the hands and the actions of a Buddha hub will perish in the first sentence. And in the second sentence, the individual known as Abu lahab, he too will perish as a whole. So he mentioned as part of a blog, meaning his hands and his actions, and then the whole of Abu lahab, he will perish as well he will perish as well. And then the second reason why the scholars mentioned that it is mentioned twice is because at the beginning Allah subhanaw taala shows that this is a supplication meaning that may the hands of our Buddha perish.
And then almost no dela concludes that in the very same verse, you know what this supplication come came true, he did perish. And thus Allah subhanho wa Taala. He goes on to mention that again, that the supplication he made, it actually became true. And this is something you know, crucial to understand that this was actually one of the mortgages that's given to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu wasallam. This is one of the great miracles given to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Why is this the case, because this is given in the very early stages of prophethood, very early stages of prophethood. And Abu lahab, he ends up dying, just before the
Battle of butter, just before the Battle of butter. So let's define what that is giving you a prediction that for 13 years, and in a barrel of butter, if it took place, second, or third or fourth year, let's just say at least two years after the handler, so we're talking about 15 years, this surah is sent down, it's been revealed. And then this surah, it keeps telling us about the state of Abu lahab, that he will perish and everything he has will perish. And then at the end Abu lahab, he still didn't repent, he still didn't repent, he died on the state of disbelief. And it was so funny, agonizing his death. It is mentioned in the books of Syrah that he died of an illness. And
it was such a severe illness, that it left his body deformed, and left his body deformed. So that they want then when they wanted to wash his body, they couldn't wash his body. All they did was they poured some water on it. And that is how the court dealt with his body. They couldn't wash his body because of how you know,
you know, weekend disfigured, it had become mean that if you tried to wipe it, it would just perish away, they will just disappear. So for example, if you ever see something that is burnt, alive or or burnt, you'll notice that its physical form still stays there. But if you tried to touch it, it starts to break down and decompose. That's what happened with the with the body of Abu lahab that when he passed away, his body decayed and deposed that if they tried to wash it, it would lose its figure out together become like similar to ash. So they just poured water on it and they left it as is as it was. Then the second thing that is
important to know over here, that's the Pinilla look at, you know the the psychological trauma. This would cause someone like Abu lahab that this surah is revealed about him and he's there for 15 years. So every time someone's in Salah, you get rewarded for cursing Abu lahab and he hears this insula, you know, every time he's hearing a Muslim pray, he is hearing them curse him, and he knows that they're getting rewarded for it. And there's not a single thing that he could do not a single thing that he could do. So it shows you how the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam was defended by Allah subhanho wa Taala. How the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam was defended by Allah subhanho
wa Taala.
Now the question arises, now the question arises as you move on to the second verse, where Allah subhana wa tada says, magnien, whom Allahu wa Kassab, Archie sorry, there was one point in the previous verse, a difference in recitation a difference in recitation. So the vast majority of scholars they said that the term the hub, it has a footer on the hub, there's a footer on the hub and the vast majority of reciters they were cited it this way, with the exception of one famous reciter by the name of a political theory, and this is not the urban kafir of the tafsir this is Edna Catherine McKee. He died in the first three centuries of Islam. Edna Catherine McKee, he
recited the verse as a be left been so the heart It has the hands on it, the heart has a Hamza on it. So there is a difference in recitation. So then Allah subhanho wa Taala goes on to say, Malkin and whom Allahu wa Kassab that his wealth and children will not benefit him, his wealth and children will not benefit him. Now what is important to know about this verse over here is the man at the beginning the man at the beginning, what is it represent? So Allah subhanho wa Taala is saying in this verse is that his wealth and his children will not benefit him. But this can be read in two ways. Because the man over here can be understood in many ways, but in this verse in two main ways,
the first way is his stiff arm. This The first way is a stiff arm, and it's the first means in the form of questioning. So Allah subhanho wa Taala is posing a question that will his wealth and his children benefit him. That is the the first question that is being asked, and this is something important to understand. Here. Allah subhanho wa Taala uses the term man, and Kassab. Allah subhanaw taala uses the term man, and Kassab male as we all know is wealth. But kozub is what you're with what you earn Kassab is what you earn yet in the translations, it uses the term children. It uses the term children. Why does Allah subhanaw taala use the term sorry, why do the translators use the
term children when the term Kassab is mentioned over here? The reason why the translators use the word children for castable rear is because of the Hadith of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
where the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says that the best thing you can make Kassab of, or sorry, the best type of food that you can eat is the food that you made custom of yourself, meaning the food that you earn with your own hands. So the best food you will ever eat is the food that you earn with your own hands. You work hard, you earn that money and you spend that money on food to provide for yourself and your family. That is the best food and ending off in this hadith. The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says what Ola Docomo and your children are from your Kassab as well, and your children are from your castle as well. And this hadith is
mentioned in the student of Abu Dhabi, and the chapter of blue and the chapters of transactions. So here is the Messenger of Allah. So Islam says that even your children or from your customer or even your children are that which you have earned or that you have earned. And that is the reasoning behind why the translator translators use the term Kassab translated as children, or generally speaking, it is what your hands earned or generally speaking, it is what your hands earned. And Allah subhanaw taala knows best in this particular verse. It should not be restricted to children, it should not be restricted to children, but rather it's everything that a Buddha have earned, or
you know, strive for and worked hard for that is what the verses referring to that is what the reverse is referring to. So the first way of reading it, is that Allah subhanaw taala is posing a question that you know, what will cause the children and the actions of Abu lahab to benefit him what will cause the wealth and actions that will have to benefit him? And then the second way of reading this verse, The second way of reading this verse, is in the way of negation, when you negate something. So here Allah subhanho wa Taala says that his wealth and children are his wealth, and that which he strove hard for will not benefit him. So again, we see the same concept that Allah
subhana wa tada in one way of reading it is posing a question and the second way of reading it, Allah subhana wa tada is answering that question. The second way of reading it is that Allah subhanaw taala is answering that question. And this again is from the you know, miraculous nature of the Quran the miraculous nature of the Quran.
The scholars use another point the scholars use another point when it comes to the term kozub. Instead of using it as what a person strives for and what a person earns, they said that the reason why Allah subhanaw taala uses the term custom over here for children is because Allah subhanaw taala refers to wealth as wealth and children as a fitna in the Quran. Worse than children, they become paired in the Quran as a form of fitna. So just like how you have salons aka they become parents together. Similarly wealth and children compared together as well. And that is another reason why Kassab can be understood and interpreted as children over here. And Allah subhanho wa Taala knows
best. Then Allah subhana wa Taala goes on to say, so you're slanted on that Allah hub, that indeed he will come, he will be burned in the fire of Blazing flames, he will be burnt in a fire of Blazing flames. The interesting thing about this verse over here is that in the Arabic language, when you want to indicate something for the future, there's two ways to do it. You can either use the term seen, and this is what are here unless panatela uses sales law, that he will soon be there, or you can use sofa or you can use sofa. And sofa is usually for an elongated period of time. It isn't a long, elongated period of time. So you'll notice that in the Quran when Allah subhana wa tada says
Kela sofa, the moon that you know after a long period of time you will know this is usually usually referring to on the day of judgment or in the hereafter they will know but when Allah subhanaw taala uses the scene, it usually means in this life. So here Allah subhana wa tada says, say Aslan out on that love that very, very soon, our Buddha will be facing the blazing fire very, very soon a Buddha will be blazing, we'll be facing the blazing fire. And this shows us one of two things. Number one, again, the death of Abu lahab is being predicted. And this is not because he's assassinated or being is because he's being killed, but rather because he's dying in natural death, rather, because he's
dying in natural death. So the prediction of the death of Abu lahab. And number two, you realize that here Allah subhanaw taala, when he uses the scene over here, he's a law, some scholars interpreted it as in this life in this life, that he will face a blazing flame in this life. And that blazing flame is the animosity of Islam. That blazing flame is the animosity of Islam. That if you look at what motivated Abu lahab what caused them to work so hard in this life, it was his animosity and hatred for Islam. It was his animosity and hatred for Islam. And this is, you know, his motivation. It became a proof against him, and it became what killed him on the inside. It
killed his soul. It killed his intellect and it destroyed his actions. It destroyed his actions all together. One thing I want to mention about the previous verse is that there is a narration, some scholars have weakened it. But the reason that they mentioned matter of non human Obama Kassab is because the scores of Tafseer mentioned the narration that when the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had gathered the people of koresh and gave them that warning that look like close punishment is coming if you don't accept Islam, they said that at that time, a Buddha he said, even if what my nephew says is true, then I will use my wealth and what I have earned to save me on the
Day of Judgment, I will use my wealth and what you know I have earned to save me on the Day of Judgment. So Allah subhana wa tada he revealed this verse base to say that no matter you know how much work you have, or how many children you have, or what you strove for, you will not be saved on the Day of Judgment, you will not be saved on the Day of Judgment. And then Allah subhanaw taala further emphasizes that fact in the third Ayah where Allah subhanho wa Taala says he will be going to a blazing fire, he will be going to a blazing fire.
We move on to the fourth verse, where Allah subhanho wa Taala says one Morocco Hamilton hottub one Morocco and Mellotron hotpot. So here Allah subhana wa tada uses the term, his woman and his woman will be the carrier of wood, she will be the carrier of wood. Now what's interesting to look at is that when Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about marriage of the oppressors and the disbelievers, Allah subhanaw taala never uses the term xojo or zote. He never uses the term spouse, but he always uses the term MRR to who or his wife or sorry, his woman. So you notice in the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala refers to as the wife of your own one Morocco around the woman of your own, but he doesn't use
the term spouse, because it seems and Allah subhanaw taala knows best, but this term spouse that Allah subhanaw taala uses is something that that is one of honoring and one of nobility, but when one is a tyrant and a a open enemy of Islam and open enemy of the prophets, it seems that honor and that nobility is taken away.
away and that is why Allah subhanho wa Taala uses the term mo da and uses the term woman as opposed to spouse use the term woman as opposed to spouse. So here are lots of Hana data says one bra to Hamilton hubbub. So the first thing we point out about this verse is that again a different way, it can be recited a different way, this verse can be recited. This verse can be recited as hammer Latin hop, which is what we recited as and this is the narration of Awesome, awesome narrated as hammer little hottub with a Fatah. And then the other narrators of the recitation and the other six versions of recitation, they narrated as harmala total hottub harmala, as opposed to Hamada tell
hottub. Now, how does the change in the Fatah and dama dama make a difference, as for the first time, they say that the Fatah indicates a constant state that this person will be in this will be a person's hand. So this is the state that they will be in. So here when Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about sales lernout on that lab, that Abdullah will be in this blazing Hellfire, who is going to be fueling that fire, none other than his wife. So, every time the fire goes down, it is his own wife that will come and put wood in it. And this is what the state has means that she will not have any other you know, task and the helpers, you will not do anything except add word to the blazing fire
of Abu lahab. Now, why is this so specific, because just like the wife of Abu lahab, in this dunya helped and promoted the cause of Abu lahab and showing animosity and showing you know, oppression towards the Muslims and Islam and the Messenger of Allah, then similarly, she will be a cause of a Buddha being punished and persecuted in the hereafter. And this is what the first half indicates, what the first half indicates. Then the majority when they recited as harmala twin hottub that she is just a carrier meaning that this will happen once that this will just happen once or you know what will happen once but rather with a abundance or once with severity. They say that, you know,
she will do this once and that own that doing it one time will be enough to set a Buddha hub a flame for the rest of eternity, it will be once will be enough to set him a flame for eternity once it will be enough to set him a flame for eternity. Now, what's interesting to look at is that Allah subhanho wa Taala does not even mention her name. He doesn't use on the hub, he doesn't use her real name. Does anyone know what her name was? And you know what the way the name of the Hub's wife was?
Excellent. So Konya was on Jamil her cornea was on Jimmy. But you'll notice that none of the Muslims ever used this. And then her her actual name was our bin Tara. Her actual name was Anwar bintaro. And she was the sister of Abu sufian. She was the sister of Abu sufian. And you'll notice that, you know, the family of Abu sufian is in a noble family in Islam, that not only were they from the Quran, but they had a high status amongst the college. And that is why when the messenger will send them, he comes into Makkah, what does he say? He says that whoever you know, seeks refuge in the house of Abu sufian, they will be saved because of that nobility that they had from amongst the
college. But here Allah subhanho wa Taala, he shows that no matter who her lineage is, no matter who her family is, her abode is in the Hellfire, and Allah teaches is a greater lesson, that never think because of your position in this dunya or because of your lineage that you will be saved in the hereafter. But no, it is purely about the deeds that you do. It is purely about the deeds that you do. And that is what will you will be compensated for in the hereafter. Now, harmala can hottub Amala is someone who is caring. So a woman when she's pregnant, you're referred to as someone who is hamdulillah she is someone who is caring, and Allah subhana wa tada uses the term harmala to someone
who does something rigorously, or someone who does this,
you know, consecutively or repeatedly, he does this repeatedly. And here harmala it means that someone who did this rigorously, so when it's read Hamada hottap with a dogma it means that she brought a great amount of words and that is what he was birthed by. That is what she was birthed by. Now, why does Allah subhanho wa Taala mentioned this over here, why does Allah subhanaw taala mentioned this over here? The reason why she is the carrier of this woodfire the scholars different what was the reasoning behind it? What was the reasoning behind it? And you'll notice that the crimes of on the hub or
in order were three she had three major crimes. Her first crime was aiding and embedding her husband aiding and embedding her husband. The second was the physical
abuse that she used to give the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So she used to know which pathway, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam would walk on. And she would put thorns on that pathway. She would put, you know, physical, you know, disgusting stuff on that pathway to cause physical abuse to the Messenger of Allah. And then the third abuse or her third crime was that she was known as someone who's to cause in the Mima, someone who is to cause in the Mima and the Mima is a great sin in Islam. In fact, it is one of the greatest sins in Islam, and we'll explain what it is. Firstly, that is discussed the punishment. The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
was once passing by two graves. And he says that only if you could hear what these graves were being punished for, they said so they said Yasuo laoire these the inhabitants of these graves be punished. He said, As for the first one, he they didn't wipe themselves after they went to went to the bathroom, meaning they didn't take care of themselves. When they went to the bathroom, they stayed impure. The second one is that they used to spread in the Mima they used to spread the Mima. Now what is the NEMA NEMA means that you come to an individual, you tell them something to cause a fight between two people. You tell them something to cause a fight between two people. So someone will
come up to you and said, Do you know what this other individual said about you? Do you know what that brother said? Do you know what the sister said? And they tried to create animosity. They try to create friction between you and this is what the Mima is, and this was the first the third crime of the third little crime on the hub that used to cause fitna and spreading the Mima amongst the people. And thus Allah subhanho wa Taala makes this you know her punishment and the hellfire. And this is further severe. In the next verse, which is the last verse of our sutra today where Allah subhanho wa Taala says Fiji has hablo method, the G is the part just below the chin. So it's not
just the neck, but it's the part just below the chin, right over here just below the chin. So it's not just the neck what is the part just below the chin, and this is to show you that there will be a rope around the neck of homelab so it's not just a small rope that will you know, cover her neck, but it is a world that will cover the the whole entire thing. And this is for the crimes that she used to commit against the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam so the reason why Allah subhanho wa Taala uses the term mustard is because it is a very hard, a very rough type of rope. And this is what will be around her neck. And this is a consequence with the physical abuse she used to
cause the Messenger of Allah is a consequence of the physical abuse she used to cause the Messenger of Allah sallallahu I never sent him.
A second reason why this is mentioned is that this rope is used to severe her neck, it is used to severe her neck from the rest of her body. Now you'll notice that the head or the face is the most noblest part of the body. This is where a person's beauty lies. This is where a person's integrity is. This is usually the first thing that we'll notice about another individual as well. here Allah subhana wa tada uses the term of the rope to show that even her nobility and you know integrity that will be you know taken away from her that will be separated from her. This is a way of humiliating the wife of Abu lahab and this is a reason why it is mentioned this is a reason why it is mentioned.
And with that we will conclude with Allahu tada Adam was a little bit more cinematic and in the Vienna Mohammed. While he was talking to saddam, we'll take five questions then we'll have the event and accommodation COVID
What is the difference between the Mima and backbiting? So backbiting is something that you say about an other individual that they dislike. Okay, so you say something about other individual that they dislike and the Mima is even more severe because the Mima is that you say something to another individual with the intention of creating animosity and with the intention of creating hatred. Whereas when you backbite someone, you don't necessarily have to have the intention of wanting to do something bad, you're poorly judged upon the action itself was in the Mima. Not only do you have a bad intention that you want to create fitness amongst the people and create friction, but you're
actually doing something bad as well. And that is why the Mima will have a greater punishment than backbiting and unless I know Donna knows best. Well you
mentioned the useful three
final destination is burning. So the term lab linguistically means a burning flame. So the reason why it's called a sorta lab is that all of the actions of Abu lahab they will be burnt in a flame that they won't have any value at all. So that was the third reason behind it.
Teacher is
a good news because his face is so good.
Looks like you bright. Right? Right, like a red flame.
A Buddha, right. But his actual cornea was aborted by as we mentioned, and they did call him Abu lahab. Because of this, this appearance that he had, that he had a very like bright fire dish face. That was the reason why I was caught up with this one. Excellent. Third question.
Because for example,
a case where no, so whenever it's not just about the men, it's whenever there's tyranny and oppression involved. So whenever there's time when the oppression involved, Allah subhanaw taala doesn't really refer to them as dogen. He doesn't refer to them as spouses. But
yeah, exactly, exactly. That's what ends up happening. Fourth question, anyone? Go ahead.
How did the wife de la one I don't know. I didn't get into that far into researching it. That'd be a good question to ask. It'd be interesting to know how she passed away. Alan was best last question. Going once, going twice. Sold personal questions after salon and no one has an excuse that oh, I wanted to ask, but I didn't get an opportunity. So hi, Nicola. Nicola Hyland, a stockbroker, what to LA