Naima B. Robert – You Could Write A Book I’ll show you how

Naima B. Robert
AI: Summary ©
A representative from a book publishing company is calling a sister to encourage her to write a book. They discuss the importance of writing a book for her
the end of the year to get her book momentum back. The representative also encourages her to share her story and offers a free place for her to start a book club.
AI: Transcript ©
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As salaam alaikum, Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh This is the nayeem A B

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Robert with something earth shattering for every sister out

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there who has a story to tell a message to share or beneficial

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knowledge to spread out into the world and has been wanting to

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write a book. Is that you? Huh? Are you that sister that has been

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told time and time again that you should write a book, but just

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don't know how to get started? Or maybe you've been trying to write

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a book for some time, but just haven't made any progress? Or

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maybe you started writing the book. But due to procrastination,

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perfectionism, and our old friend fear, you've not made the progress

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that you wanted? Or do you find the whole idea of writing and

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publishing and launching a book just too daunting, if any of these

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sound like you, I'm actually really happy, not because it's a

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great place to be. But because this special thing, this earth

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shattering news is going to make your month in Sharla. And it could

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even make your year because we are busting open the doors of my book

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coaching program to let you guys in every single one of you. The

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five day Book Challenge is coming to you this month. And I want to

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make sure that you grab your free place. What does the five day Book

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Challenge mean? Well, for those five days, myself and my team are

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going to be training you, coaching you, supporting you and

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encouraging you just like we do with my paying clients. This

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coaching this training, this supportive environment that we've

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created in my program is what has allowed us to help almost 50

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sisters become published authors so far. And you already know, you

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know that I'm on a mission to create and support 222 Muslim

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authors by the end of the year. And if that's going to happen, we

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need to get more of you moving forward. So what is the five day

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book challenge? It is rocket fuel for you, and your book idea. So

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make sure you register for free, grab your free place, and share

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this with 10 other sisters who you want to go on this journey with

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who you know, will benefit from our coaching benefit from our

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teaching. And in sha Allah will join that list of 222 Muslim

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authors. By the end of the year, this invitation is open to every

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single sister around the world who has a story to tell a message to

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share and beneficial knowledge to put out into the world. Why?

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Because I believe in the power of books, I believe in the power of

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stories. And I'm excited for you to be able to put here out into

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the world and gain that sadaqa jariya. I am excited for you to

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experience what it's like to put a piece of yourself out into the

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world and see it doing good. What an amazing legacy to leave behind

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guys, I'm going to play with you. Every single one of you who

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watches this video, have you fit that criteria, you better click

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that link, claim your free place and join us on the other side.

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Like I said, The invitation is open to every single system all

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around the world. Usually we charge you but we have a program.

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We have paid clients. We love to support them. We love to look

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after them. We love to see them succeed. I want to see the same

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for you. So join us in the five day book challenge and let's make

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your dream of writing a book come true. I'll see you on the other

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side in sha Allah. Your sister signing out said I want a come

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