Naima B. Robert – Tawakkul Episode 02 A Sister’s Ramadan Na’ima B. Robert
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The host of season two discusses the power of reframing and loss experiences to improve growth and healing. They emphasize the importance of taking action and rethinking one's loss experiences to improve their growth and healing. The speaker also emphasizes the benefits of gratitude and rethinking one's life to see how it can bring them closer to Allah's vision.
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Bismillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah Assalamu alaykum
Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. And welcome back to a season two of a
sisters Ramadan. I'm your sister name would be Robert. And I'm
honored that you've joined me here today. This show is all about
answering one central question. How can we as Muslim women use
this Ramadan to grow and heal? How can we as Muslim women renew and
replenish our Eman and our spirits, this Ramadan, no matter
how many times we are tested, or what form our Ibadah takes. The
purpose of this show is to share a set of five skills that are
essential for personal growth and healing and how we can best
practice them throughout the rituals of Ramadan. In sha Allah,
it will offer you a perspective that will be beneficial long after
the month has passed. But with Nila, and in today's show, we are
going to be looking at the power of gratitude and reframing your
Like any other year, we have all been through our own trials since
last Ramadan
loss is a part of life. And it's something that we will all have to
come to terms with at one time or another. Whether it's the loss of
loved ones, or loss of control with regards to our children or
our family or loss of livelihood, loss of certainty in the way that
we do things and what we can expect. Loss is something that is
baked into our experience of this dunya but appsero take heart
because shekel Islam Ibn Taymiyyah may Allah have mercy on him said,
a calamity that makes you turn to Allah is better for you than a
blessing, which makes you forget the remembrance of Allah. So even
in this time of loss, whatever it is that you have lost over the
last 12 months since last Ramadan, take heart that whatever it is
that you have lost the evening, Allah there is better coming for
you either in this life, or the next. In today's episode, I would
like us to focus on the fasting. Now I know that every other show
about Ramadan, we'll be talking about fasting. But all I would
like us to focus on in our session together is on how fasting shows
us how absence makes the heart grow fonder. I'm sure you've all
had that experience of fasting for the whole day preparing the meal,
preparing the Iftar. But the most beautiful thing that you taste at
the end of your fasting day is what that date and that water, all
of a sudden, the date and the water are the most delicious
things in the whole world. And this is the power of absence or of
So I would like to you to turn your thoughts now to how we can
develop a very, very, very important skill. And that is
Reframing is all about taking your lens and shifting your focus. So
while many of us may have experienced loss or tests or
trials, I invite you to reframe every one of those tests and
trials as an opportunity. Now, I know this may sound crazy, because
most of us would like to have ease would like good things to happen
would not like to be tested. But the reality, my dear sister is
that tests are simply a part of this life. And so if we can take
this skill of reframing, and instead of looking at these tests
as a trial and something that is bad for us, reframe it as an
opportunity, an opportunity for what I hear you ask, well, an
opportunity to grow closer to Allah an opportunity to appreciate
what we still have Subhan Allah, this always reminds me of one of
my favorite a hadith and you all know it, but I'm going to say it
again anyway. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,
amazing is the affair of the believer. Verily all of his affair
is good. And this is not for anyone except the believer. If
something of good happens or happiness befalls him, he is
grateful and that is good for him.
If something of harm befalls him, he is patient and that is good for
him. Subhan Allah. Abu Huraira Radi Allahu Anhu reported that
Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, when one of
you looks at one who stands at a higher level than you, in regard
to wealth or physical structure, he should also see the one who
stands at a lower level than you in regards to these things. Subhan
Allah, for me, these reminders helped me to reframe.
And the biggest tool that I have to reframe, is that of gratitude.
Now, we have all been taught the benefit of gratitude of sugar, of
being grateful to Allah subhanaw taala. Allah Himself promises in
the Quran that verily, if you are grateful, I will increase you. But
gratitude as a frame means that you look at every situation to see
where is the hair?
What does Allah wish to gift me through this thing, even if that
thing looks like it's some kind of test or trial or a negative. And
if my dear sister, you are able to do that, if you are able to use
the frame of gratitude, to look at every aspect of your life, you
have developed a skill that will bring you closer to Allah subhanaw
taala. That will give you have perspective a powerful perspective
on the ups and downs of this life, and will make you a pretty happy
person, which I think we can all agree is a good thing. So this
Ramadan, I'm going to invite you to practice reframing. Remember
what I said? Reframing is simply changing your lens, how you view
something. And if you are able to view your whole life through the
lens of gratitude, what's good for you in there? What does Allah want
for you? What is the Lord teaching you what is Allah gifting us
through this thing? Then my dear sister, I believe you will be able
to report an increase in your Eman, increase in your general
happiness and you will be inshallah a perfume seller because
others will be drawn to you, and your positive attitude and your
optimism SubhanAllah. Now, I know that there are some of you who may
have experienced loss on a scale that you have never in your lives
before. I understand. Many of us have been tried in ways that we
never expected. And for some of you, you may be thinking, what if
it's too much? What if I cannot bear it? What if I'm not strong
And my dear sister, I will speak to you from the heart in this
You have everything you need a Lost Planet, Allah promises in the
Quran, that he will not burden a soul more than it can bear. I will
say this again.
Allah, the Lord of All the Worlds said in his Kitab that he will
never burden a soul more than it can bear. Which means that you my
whatever it is that you are going through or you've been through,
you can get through it. A las Panatela will not leave you to
your own devices. So please, when those voices inside you come up
and say I'm not strong enough, I can't bear it. I can't do this.
Say no. My Lord is a Lord who keeps his promise. And my Lord's
promise is true. I have what it takes, I can get through this. I
am strong enough. And not only am I strong enough, but I know after
this difficulty, there is ease. And that's what I'd like you to
practice this weekend Sharla reframing using the lens of
to Zach Hello here and for joining me for this episode. If you've
benefited from anything I've mentioned today then Al hamdu
Lillahi Rabbil Alameen please do share the care with your sisters
and your family and your friends. And make sure you leave us a
comment and use hashtag sisters Ramadan don't forget to tag Eman
channel and me your sister name a B Robert Subhanak Allahumma Robina
B Hambrick a shadow en la ilaha illa and we're stuck Fluka one or
two booty like and don't forget to join me in the next episode when
we will be discussing the power of dura and the value of setting
healthy boundaries.