Naima B. Robert – Tariro’s trailer from Far from Home, a novel about Zimbabwe

Naima B. Robert
AI: Summary ©
The transcript is difficult to summarize as it appears to be a conversation between a person who is upset and considering returning to their hometown. They also mention a woman named Teddy and express uncertainty about something related to their father. The transcript also includes some negative language and references to a woman named Hope and a woman named Hope's father.
AI: Transcript ©
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My name is Teddy little daughter of the soil. I was born at the

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flesh of Abobe Chi

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in the year 1814 I had so many reasons to be happy

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Am I was carrying another baby

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may be a little guilty this time

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and the rains have been good harvest was near anomaly My

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Beloved said he wanted to marry me

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but then everything changed

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I ever see my father again.

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I don't know

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we'll ever see my home again.

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I don't know.

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Will life ever be the same again?

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I do not know

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