Naima B. Robert – Love the Ones Youre With! Advice for Muslim Families

Naima B. Robert
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses his journey as a woman and how he has been loving and rewarding his children and role as a mother. He emphasizes the importance of love and respect for oneself and his loved ones, and encourages viewers to subscribe to the channel and share his thoughts in the comments. The speaker also mentions a goal of 20,000 subscribers and encourages viewers to reach out to him.
AI: Transcript ©
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Just a quick chat

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about loving the ones you're with. Now

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I hope you have not the if it's

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your first time on this channel, well, I

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would love for you to give this video

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a like,

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subscribe to the channel, hopefully share this with

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others if you get anything out of the

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But really,

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as I said,

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it's just a short one. I haven't been

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on live in here for a while and

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for a few weeks, and the reason for

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that is that I have come to some

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realizations of my own.

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If you know anything about me, if you

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know anything about the content on this channel

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of since the end of last year, you

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will know that I myself am on a

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journey just like so many of us. So

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part of that journey is me having

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or gaining

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by Allah's grace,

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a renewed,

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renewed appreciation

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for my children and for my role as

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their mother.

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that's why I've not been here, basically.

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I've been busy with that, and, I'm really,

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really happy with that. I'm very satisfied with

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that. I'm very content with that.

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And I just wanted to pop on here

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I remember when I wrote my book,

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4 Months 10 Days.

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It's a book of poetry and prose about

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the Edda period of a widow. And it's

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the stuff that I wrote while I was

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going through my own Edda.

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in the introduction to that book

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I state the reason why I I wrote

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the book.

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why should anybody who has not lost a

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read about, you know, read the poetry or

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the prose of somebody who has lost a

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spouse. Right?

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And really the reason is

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because we as human beings

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are so careless with our blessings.

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I'm gonna say that again.

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We, as human beings,

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are very careless with our blessings.

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It's part of our nature.

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We take things for granted.

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We get bored of things.

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We yearn for other than what we have.

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And really what I wanted to remind people

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by reading the words of a woman who

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was mourning the loss of her husband

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was to remind

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to love the ones they are with

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To love now.

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To cherish

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To protect now. To respect now.

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Because none of us is guaranteed.

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Our husbands, our wives, our children, our parents,

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none of them are guaranteed to us

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to last any longer than Allah

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has already decided. Right?

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you know, children, these parents,

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they're gonna be around.

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You know,

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nothing special there.

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But ask any person who's lost their parents

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what they wish for.

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Ask anyone who's lost a spouse what they

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wish for. Ask anyone who's lost a child

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what they wish for.

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Is to enjoy just one more day with

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that parent.

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Just one more day with that spouse. Just

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one more day with that child.

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To let that parent know that they were

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To let that spouse know that they were

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To let that child know how precious they

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were to you,

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to be able to connect with them just

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one last time.

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some love life is that we don't get

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those chances.

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We don't get a second chance with the

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ones we love.

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And really that's this PSA, this public service

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announcement, that's all that it is.

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It's just to remind you to love

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the one you're with. Love the ones you're

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Appreciate the people that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

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has put in your life.

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When I say appreciate

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I mean

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like take a moment to literally sit down

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express gratitude. Firstly to Allah that

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these people are in your life

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and then express it to them.

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Let them know.

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Let them know how much you love them,

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cherish them, respect them, want them around, are

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grateful for them. Let them know through your

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words and your deeds.

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SubhanAllah. Sometimes I think of, you know, when

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we leave this life, obviously, we we will

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leave and we will embark on the next

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stage of our journey. Right?

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What would we leave behind?

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What is it

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that we will have left

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our parents, our spouses, our children?

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Not the physical things, not the books, not

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the clothes, you know, not anything like that.

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What will they carry with them?

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What memories will they hold dear?

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What words will they hear repeated again and

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again in our voice, you know, because it's

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something that we used to say to them.

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What have we gifted them

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for the rest of their journey?

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Something to think about.

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Like I said I've been busy with my,

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so I haven't been on here,

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but Alhamdulillah, I wanna thank everybody for their

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support with watching the videos, commenting, subscribing. Alhamdulillah,

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we're almost at 20,000.

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So if you have achieved, you know, if

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you've re if you have benefited from these

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conversations in any way, if you've benefited from

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the content and you haven't subscribed, please do

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subscribe. Help a sister out. We're trying to

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get to 20,000 by the end of the

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month. We'd love for you to be one

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of the subscribers

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that gets us there. And as you can

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tell, I haven't been on here for a

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while that's why I'm stumbling over my words.

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But I just wanted to jump on here,

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do a quick live, remind everybody please please

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what we have been blessed with is so

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Don't ever make the mistake of taking it

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for granted.

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Love to hear your takeaways in the comments.

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Feel free to share this with anybody out

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there who needs to hear it and make

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sure you like the video,

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subscribe to the channel, and hit the notification

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bell so you can be notified when I

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do go live again.

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