Naima B. Robert – Its time to make your book dreams come true! #bookcoach #writingtips

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A book coach talks about his journey and how he wants to share his best tips and strategies to help people take their story and put it into a book. He is excited to share his experiences and hopes to have a legacy with clients.
AI: Summary ©
Okay, sis,
it is finally time to stop playing small
and actually of
of almost 30 books for children,
teens, and adults,
and I'm a book coach and I love
what I do.
So on this platform I am going to
be sharing my best tips,
strategies, and coaching with you
to help you take that story, that message,
or that knowledge that you have within you,
and put it into a book,
and put it out into the world as
as part of your legacy.
I cannot wait,
I cannot wait to share what I've learned
on my journey with you, I cannot wait
to share what I share with my clients
with you, and if you're ready,
put ready in the chat.