Naima B. Robert – Hypergamy, MGTOW, HVM

Naima B. Robert
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of framing situations and how women are hyper grandmother. They explain that women are more likely to choose stronger or richer partners because of their success and desire for their partner. The speaker also discusses how women are framing their own lives and how they view the world through their frame. The speaker suggests that women are framing men who are not interested in their attributes and trying to make them feel embarrassed. They also discuss the differences between men and women in Hollywood, where women are more concerned with their desire for a relationship and building a structure with a man. Lastly, they suggest that women are not the same as men but have different desires and values.
AI: Transcript ©
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We just said there,

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it's really, really important. And this is one

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of the things I mentioned, in the in

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my recent videos about red pill

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is that it's to do framing.

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How do you frame the situation?

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So for example,

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one of the things the the most common

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things that I mentioned about in rental

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ideology is that women are hypergamous. Those aren't

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the best. Mhmm.

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And there was a scenario, like, for if

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a if a man who was practice 2

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men are practicing, but one of the richer

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than the other, who would you choose and

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blah blah blah. That there was framing that

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in that scenario.

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And the interpretation the conclusion is that women

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are hypergamous,

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but that's according to a particular frame. Mhmm.

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Let's we can look at the same scenario

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Mhmm. From a different frame and have a

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have a and have a different,

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So let's look at different interpretation.

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Historically speaking,

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of the men and women out there who

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has generally had more money, who has generally

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been more 6 more more stronger, who has

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generally been, more dominant, and that kind of

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stuff. As in the reason why a woman

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may choose a stronger man or a richer

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man, because that was generally what was there.

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In a scenario whereby a woman is highly

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successful and earns a lot more than an

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is that necessarily what she's still gonna go

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for all the time? Or is or is

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she okay marrying someone who maybe isn't as

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successful as that? For example, if a woman

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was a doctor, and then really well as

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a doctor, and her husband was a chef,

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Chefs don't get paid as much as doctors.

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Are you telling me that her husband she

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wouldn't marry a guy if he's a chef

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because because she's a doctor?

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If she gets along with him and she

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loves him and she has affection for him,

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will she is him being a chef really

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gonna break the marriage down? It's to do

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with framing.

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But, again,

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I wanna push back on that a little

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bit. And then Go for it. Go for

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it. Again, because everyone has a frame. Right?

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So Yeah. If my frame

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is that I've reached a certain point in

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my life me, I'm just any person,

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miss blogs.

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I've reached a certain point in my life

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you know, security wise, you know, profession etcetera

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I cannot respect a man who is less

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than me, who earns less than me, who

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has less

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than I have And I deserve someone who's

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on my level or higher. I know that

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you're familiar with this

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because women are constantly saying it. Like constantly

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saying it And this is something I don't

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understand. You know, my my message to women

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right now, please stop going on TikTok

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and and just talking about your madness

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because it's just it's it's so embarrassing to

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just see Yeah. Yeah. My sisters in womanhood

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just like

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onto this social platform.

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Platform. All your ridiculous demands,

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your ridiculous expectations,

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your arrogance, your

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your conceit,

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your your meanness really and, and disregard

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for, for your basic respect

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and and just basic decency. I can't stand

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it. I I I I understand

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MGTOW is a thing

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because MGTOW feeds on that stuff. So we've

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changed the subject guys. We've gone on another

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one, something else now. But

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men going their own way, black pill, all

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of that,

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they are framing.

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They allow

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those women

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and what those women say

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about men who are broke,

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ain't got no game, you know, all these,

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you know, short, fat, whatever the case may

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be. Right? Losers, basically. Mhmm. Mhmm. They allow

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those women to to to be their frame.

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So now they view the whole world through

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the frame of Through that lens. Yeah. Women

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want only the top 1%, the top 10%,

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they every you know, they don't date under

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6 foot and all of the data and

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all of that

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feeds into the paranoia and the, I'm sorry,

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but the nihilism

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of you

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know, I am not select.

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I am not in the top 10%. I'm

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not a high value man. Therefore,

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what's the point? All women are like this.

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Shallow, vacuous,

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don't have don't bring anything to the table

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and all of that because,

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ladies, that's what y'all putting out on social

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media, and they just make videos of it.

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But anyway But that's the thing is, when

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I say women are like this, the question

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I say is, is that due to her

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innate nature or due to her nurture?

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Very good point. Very, very good point.

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From what I there was one there was

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one really good video I stumbled across which

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was, you know, those those feeds on YouTube

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where you just click on it. So one

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guy went to compare

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the desires of women for men or what

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they want in a man Yeah. Women in

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the west and women from the east, and

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he chose Philippine Philippines.

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It was completely different. That's totally true. It

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was completely different.

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As in, they they weren't concerned about any

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of the the women that they were concerned

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about. It's nonsense. It's literally

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postmodern western

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society where

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just everyone thinks, yeah, it's just delusion.

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As, you know, LTR says it's delusion. It's

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just this idea that

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I qualify for whatever I want, you know,

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and what I want is what I should

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have. And if if, you know and and,

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basically, if you can't bring what I want

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to the table, then, you know, get lost.

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But again, like, you know, like you said,

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people thinking they have time

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and that they have all the options.

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Yep. Yep. But like I said, even even

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when you mentioned, you wanna you said you're

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you're educated and you've got you've you've reached

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a certain place in your life that you

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can't imagine yourself as someone

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less than yourself.

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That's what you think. I It's a story.

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It's a story. Yeah. Yeah. It's a story.

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Believe that if you had a man whom

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you love deeply, but you because he treats

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you well and Yeah. All the other stuff,

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then his qualification is overlooked. Even how tall

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he is, you'd overlook. Because

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he took he you're able you basically, the

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question is, are you able

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to build this

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structure with this person? That's what the question

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is. Yeah.

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And that's what I'm saying. I think that

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Go on. From that?

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No. No. I was just gonna say that

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it's it's not

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a lifestyle

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an individual lifestyle with a man and kids

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attached. One of my other guests mentioned that,

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which I thought was so powerful. She said,

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Look, you either are going to choose yourself,

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and you know, this vision that you have

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for yourself.

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I'm that kind of woman. I deserve that.

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That's the life I want. That's the car

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I want to drive. That's the house I

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want to live in. That's the kind of

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man I see myself with. This vision, right?

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This fairy tale that you've that you've got

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in your head

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and possibly with a man and kids attached

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or you're going to join with another human

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being and you're going to build something worthwhile

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and you're going to put everything you have

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into that and you're going to sacrifice for

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it and that's going to be part of

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your life's purpose.

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But the 2 of them are not the

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I mean, if you even if you look

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even if you just scratch the surface on

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on and people speak about what they want

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for a marriage, I think you'd probably even

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find that

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kids aren't even in in the in the

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top five things that they want for a

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marriage. Oh, yeah. That's Where that where where

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it should be the top one. I mean,

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what else are you coming together for other

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than to have kids and raise another ummah?

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That is the primary goal. Because people don't

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want marriage. They want a relationship.

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They want couple goals.

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They want to have the the romance, the

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halal romance, you know, the halal love story,

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the the that the halal Hollywood blah blah.

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