Naima B. Robert – Advice for Muslim Women Be The Hero Na’ima B. Robert
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Now I always start my talks with
I know
how many people
intended to be here
and couldn't make it. And there will be
some of you who never intended to be
here, but by the Qadr of Allah, you
are here.
And personally I think that whenever we find
ourselves in gatherings of believers,
in gatherings
where people are
people are mentioning Allah's name. People are coming
together for his sake. You know being joined
together in love from his sake. This is
a blessing, mashallah. It is a real nirmah.
And so I encourage
every one of you to
say alhamdulillah,
you know? Acknowledge the blessing of being here,
and type alhamdulillah in the chat, you know,
if you want. But definitely,
of being here, masha'Allah. So, alhamdulillah, love for
it all.
Right now,
I'm gonna start with a poem, insha'Allah.
And it's called 'Aren't we strange?'
Isn't it strange
that we love,
although the promise of loss
is ever present?
Isn't it strange how we hold,
although the threat of separation
is always there?
Isn't it strange that we birth,
although the inevitability
of death is a constant,
constant reminder?
Isn't it strange?
Isn't it strange that our hearts can break
and heal and break, only to heal again?
Scar tissue
like embroidery,
it together,
Just like we hold it together.
Just like he
holds us together.
we strange?
Aren't we strange
and wonderful?
I love my crush.
I am always, always awed
Allah's plan,
and his plan for us, and the way
that he fashioned us.
session with you, my dear sisters,
is a chance for us to be reminded
of the perfection of Allah's plan,
and the perfection in which he created us,
The perfection, the
we are going to be looking at
the mistake that many of us make when
we are faced by challenges in life,
And I'll be sharing with you 3 mindset
will sh change the way you show up.
And in the process of that, I hope
that we will reconnect with something fundamental
inside all of us,
that is in every one of us, something
waiting to be found.
And so
I want to put this to you
okay. Many sisters, mashAllah,
who are in my circle. Many sisters want
to write. I can see many of them
are here, you know, in this session, alhamdulillah.
But did you know
that every one of us is an author?
Every single day,
without putting pen to paper, without writing down
a word,
we are authoring our own life story.
true. The choices that you make on a
day to day basis,
the decisions that you make, the perspective that
you take, all of that is shaping
the way that your story plays out. Now
I like to think of it like, allah
of all.
And he is the one who has shaped
us and shaped our circumstances, right?
But the interesting thing is,
Allah did not give each of us a
book in which everything is predetermined
for us to basically follow from a to
b and get all the way to zed.
He didn't give us that as our book
of life.
He gave us circumstances.
And the amazing thing about that is,
we get to choose
how we behave in each circumstance.
And our choices affect the outcome. Right?
Our choices
the outcome. So Allah
for every one of us has decreed a
set of circumstances,
one after the other after the other. The
circumstances of your birth, the circumstances of your
family, the circumstances of your status in society,
your level of education,
the people that you meet.
Who keeps their promises?
Who doesn't keep their promises?
Tryouts, failures, opportunities.
has set for every one of us a
chain of events.
But the amazing thing is, we
are the protagonists.
We are the main characters in our other
life story. And so in each one of
those chains of events, we get to make
And that's why I say that every single
day, we are authoring our own life story.
has set the chain of events, but we
are navigating
in those events,
making choices that have consequences.
Okay? And the consequences shape the chain of
And so I want you
to do this with me for for a
few minutes.
I want you to imagine
you have reached a ripe old age.
And you're sitting there, and I need you
to kind of focus with me here. So
if you've got, you know, other tabs open,
or, you know, if you're kind of whatsapping
people at the same time or checking IG
and stuff like that, please, please
come back to me.
Okay. Come back to me,
and let's do this together.
I'd like you to close your eyes,
and I'd like you to imagine yourself
as an old woman.
And I would like you to imagine yourself
surrounded by your family,
and those who love you.
And you have center stage. You're the matriarch.
And your grandchildren say to you, Granny,
Tell us the story of your life.'
Just imagine what that would feel like in
that moment,
To be surrounded by people who love you.
To have lived this life. This life that
you're living now, but you've lived it to
the end.
And your children and your grandchildren
want to know
your story.
They want you to tell the story of
your life.
What would you tell them?
Which of those events
would you evoke for them?
Which life lessons would you share?
What descriptions
will you delve into? Which characters
will you bring to life?
Will it be a story of woe
and pain and loss?
Or will it be a story of triumph
and experience and wisdom,
and prevailing through it all?
I'd like you to answer,
in your own mind,
that question, because we're gonna come back to
it later, inshaAllah.
But my point is this:
in that moment
where you're telling your life story,
you only get one shot
Because the reality is, we only get
one shot at this life and this dunya.
And so the story
that we tell at the end
is the only story.
But the amazing thing is, we get to
the story that we tell.
We get to choose
to be the hero
of our life story.
I'm gonna show you how in a short
inshallah. Okay.
Just wanna take a moment to take a
Take a moment. Take a breath with me.
Take a breath. Inhale.
Exhale out.
Kiss me now.
Okay. Let's do this.
It's something that I want to share with
you, my dear sisters,
and it's something that I learnt from a
dear friend, Umreyan of Solace, some of you
may know her.
And I went to a talk once and
she, mentioned this in her talk, and
I now use it all the time. It
was such an moment for me, And I
always give her credit because I first heard
it from her. And
she said to us,
sisters, and this applies to all human beings,
by the way, but she was talking to
sisters. But she said, sisters,
we are all in one of 3
states. We are all in one of 3
states. If you're taking notes, you wanna write
this down inshallah.
We are all in one of 3 states.
We are either
we have either
been tested,
or we are being tested,
or we are going to be tested.
Take a moment with that.
Take a moment with that.
And if that resonates with you, give me
a like or a heart.
We have we are in one of 3
You have either
been tested in the past,
or you are going to be tested, or
you're being tested right now, or you are
going to be tested in the future.
And is this not the case with bannie
Adam, period?
Is this not the case with every
single one of us?
No matter who, no matter what, male, female,
old, young, black, white, rich, poor, whatever.
You've been tested,
you are being tested right now, or you
are going to be tested.
if you have been tested,
and tried in your life,
or if you are going through a test
right now,
or you anticipate a test in the future,
or you know that you will be tested
in the future,
know that you are in the right place
here in this class with me. Because tests
come in in a very important way when
we're talking about being the hero. Okay? So
I want you to remember that. Those three
states, really important. So if you've been tested,
or you are being tested, or you may
be tested in the future, trust me, you
are in the right place right now. Okay.
Now, it's story time.
Okay. So, I wanna move back a little
bit and
I don't know how much you guys know
about me. I don't know how long we've
been in each other's lives, but I just
want to share with you a little bit
about, you know, my my circumstances, or the
life that I lived for a very long
So some of you may know that I
was married to a man called Suleiman Amakwa.
And, you know, we lived in England for
10 years, and then we lived in Egypt.
We moved to Egypt, and we lived there
for 10 years.
He was working, I was writing books, I
had my magazine, we had 5 beautiful children,
We worked for Hajj, we went for holidays.
You know, we traveled. We we we lived
a very happy life. Mashallah. Tabarata'allah. And really,
sometimes I would say that I felt like
I lived a charmed life. I was a
kept woman as a stay at home, well,
not stay at home mom. I was kinda
like a work at home mom, but you
know, I was
extremely in the flow.
You know, very much
in my life.
And I think
the biggest
and most abrupt change
to that situation of comfort and ease and
was when
my husband
had a stroke
and went into a coma and passed away
for 2 days.
Sorry, I passed away after 2 weeks.
Well, I hung.
that was
a disruption
to my ordinary world.
Okay? I had lived and been his wife
for almost
15 years,
that was what I knew. He was what
I knew. This family was what I knew.
This lifestyle was what I knew.
that was
a huge disruption.
It was an immense loss.
if some of you follow me on Facebook
you will know that I used to write
and share it on Facebook as a way
for me to heal.
And just to give you a feeling of
of my state at that time, I'd like
to share
one of the poems that I wrote at
that time, if I have your permission, Sharna.
It is the pain in the voices of
that breaks me
because they see what I refuse to see,
What I turn away from.
What my heart refuses to accept.
That my life is changed.
Changed utterly.
My other half ripped away, my heart scoured,
beating abrasions.
The axis of my world tilted
The path of my journey detoured
All changed.
Changed utterly.
This is what I hear in the voice
of others,
in their pain, in their tears,
in their silence.
They are grieving for me
because of what they see.
For how this calamity affects their reality.
It is my pain
reflected in the eyes of others,
that breaks me.
What is the purpose of this pain?
That's what I wanted to understand.
What is the purpose of the loss?
What is the purpose
of the trials?
What is the purpose of the disappointments and
the frustrations
and the betrayals?
I wonder if you have ever lost.
I wonder if you have had something or
someone you love taken away from you,
by the one who has the right to
take it away.
But I wonder
what pain you carry.
Is it
a childhood that was lost?
Was it a spouse?
Or a parent? Or a child? Or a
Or an ability
or a future.
What is the purpose of this pain?
I wonder if you know what is the
purpose of your pain.
One thing I have come to understand, my
dear sisters, is that great things come at
a cost.
And the greater that thing,
the greater the cost.
And very often,
those losses that we bear
are the cost of something greater.
one of the mistakes that we make,
I think, is that
we, we think
that we have to be perfect.
We think that in order for us to
be the hero, to prevail,
to be one of those sisters,
one of the heroes.
We have to be perfect.
that's not it at all.
And if you're writing, please write this down,
the hero
the hero
will always
experience pain.
Will always experience loss.
And if you think about the heroes that
we know from Islam for example,
look at the lives of every single one
of the prophets,
the Sahaba,
the Sahaviad,
even the heroes you read about in novels
or books of history.
What do you see?
The hero starts out
and the hero usually ends imperfect. The hero
at the start of the story doesn't have
all that she needs
to defeat all the foes, to figure everything
She doesn't have that.
She is less of a person at the
beginning. She is less in terms of strength,
in terms of wisdom, in terms of experience,
and her going through the pain,
going through the challenges, going through the losses,
the disappointments, the frustrations,
coming up against a barrier and falling.
is where the hero's fire is forged.
Every single time,
there is not a person out there, not
a single one,
that you can show me who has achieved
something amazing, either on a day to day
or on a massive historical level, and has
not had to pay a price.
Not a single one.
Because this is not the way of this
Nothing comes for free. And if you're talking
about personal growth, if you're talking about iman,
if you're talking about ihsan, tawakkud,
confidence, all of those things, they come at
a cost.
They come at the cost of trials,
and tribulations,
and challenges, and frustrations.
This is the amazing thing. And so when
we have this in our heads to say,
you know, I I can't be like them
because I'm not good enough, I'm not smart
enough, I'm not strong enough, you know, I'm
not clever enough, I'm not generous enough. I'm
not knowledgeable enough. I don't have enough time.
I don't have enough money. I don't have
enough resources. I don't have enough support.
are authoring your life story as you speak
those words,
as you think those thoughts,
as you plan
because of those
mindsets that you have,
you are deciding
to fall back.
You are deciding
to be the victim.
You are deciding to be the martyr.
You are giving up your agency.
You are giving up your power. You are
giving up
what Allah has
put inside you already.
You're giving up on that.
So this is one mistake that we as
sisters, we must, we must, we must
stop making.
Thinking that we have to be perfect somehow,
and that we are not enough as we
I do not believe this, and I will
never believe this. Because you know what? Allah
promised in the Quran,
I will not burden us all more than
it can bear.
That's it. Cave closed.
Case closed.
So if you're being tested,
know that Allah knows you have the capacity.
Maybe you don't believe it yet, maybe you
haven't found it yet, maybe you haven't accepted
it yet. You haven't
accepted your role in this.
You haven't taken hold of your power, but
know for a fact it's there, my dear.
It is there inside you.
Because Allah will never burden you more than
you can bear.
Because Allah never sent a test to break
He sent a test to make you stronger,
to bring you back to him, to open
your eyes, to bring you to the sujood.
are, these are the things that we must
my dear sisters.
And when we remember that, we realize that
we are enough.
We are enough for what Allah
has put in front of us. Okay? So,
understanding the true nature of the hero's journey
is that the
hero does not have
everything that she needs.
She will constantly be learning,
constantly be iterating,
be tried.
And it's okay.
It's part of the journey,
and it's what makes you so
It's that amazingness that you can't see, but
we're gonna talk about that. We're gonna talk
about that.
understanding the nature of the hero's journey.
you were born for this.
You were born for this.
This life that you are living.
You were born for it. Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala has chosen
you, has fashioned you, and has put you
in a situation you are where you need
to be right now.
And I'm not saying that if you're in
a bad situation, that he made you to
stay in that situation. No.
He's put you in that situation
knowing full well
you have the capacity to do what you
need to
do. To do what you need to do
to prevail
in that situation.
You have the capacity.
You have the resources.
You have the strength.
And if you count on
Allah if you return to Allah
and have full trust in him,
you will prevail.
And being the hero of the story is
about prevailing in the end.
It's not about avoiding the pain. It's not
about avoiding the the fight.
It's not about avoiding the battles.
It's about prevailing in the end.
Being the victor in the end because you
did the right thing.
Because you did the noble thing, the honorable
thing. That may be difficult thing, but the
right thing.
the story we want to tell our children,
We gonna sit and tell them,
you know what guys,
It wasn't easy, but hey,
I took every lemon
that Allah
sent me,
and I made the best lemonade that I
I got the sugar, I got the cinnamon,
I got the mint, or whatever it is
that you do.
I took those lemons, yes, because I had
lemons, because life has lemons.
That's the sunnah of life. We are going
to get those lemons, right?
So I took those lemons, my dear children,
and I made the best lemonade that I
could. And even though I lost, and even
though I failed, and even though I fell,
I rose again. And when I rose again,
guess what, kids?
Granny was smarter.
Granny's imam was stronger.
Granny's, you know, understanding of the world
was expanded.
Granny was cleverer. Granny was more experienced. Granny
was a better person.
Nanny was a better person,
and that's where we want to be.
Through all these trials and all this stuff
that's going on,
we want to prevail
and become
the best version of ourselves
that we can.
Because that's all that's required,
to be the best version of yourself.
Not so and so down the road, not
so and so at the masjid, not your
not even anyone from history.
They had their hero's journey, what's yours?
Tell me your hero's story. I wanna hear
I want you to own your hero story
because I know that if you're still here,
you're standing, you're alive, you're worshiping a lot,
and you made it to this class, I
know that you're a hero. I already know
Because you've been making decisions all along.
Decisions that will benefit you, decisions that will
make you stronger, decisions that will get you
closer to what you want. And so for
me, I salute you,
because I see the hero in you.
Own that hero story and allow it to
everything around you. Trust me, it is transformational,
Three mindset shifts. If you're writing, do write
these down.
So, the 3 mindset shifts that I want
to share with you, my dear sisters.
Number 1.
Trust in Allah's plan for you.
We have to come from a place of
Because a place of tawakkul
is a place of abundance.
When you expect
Khair will come. Did not Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala say, I am as my servant expects
me to be?
So when we expect
we will receive khair.
Now, khair is not ease. Yeah? So don't
get it twisted.
Just because you accept or you expect
does not mean your life will be just
an easy ride, no.
But that's not the point.
The point is the hag.
So, the prophet
told us how amazing is the state of
the believer.
When good things come to him,
he praises Allah and this is good for
him. And when he is tried,
okay, when he is tested,
he is patient, and that is good for
him. So, khair here and khair there.
So no matter what your circumstance,
trust that Allah has khair in it for
That khair could be
being patient, and working through it.
That khair could be in in turning to
him and asking for a way out. That
khayr could be in you guiding the people
around you. Whatever your situation is, trust in
Allah's plan for you.
When Surinaya and Alayrahara passed away,
I'm gonna share with you something.
I remember some sisters came over to my
and they were talking. We were just talking.
It was during my eda.
And we were talking,
and I remember saying to them
because actually at the time there was lots
and lots of messages on Facebook because people
had heard about it and I remember saying
to my friend,
there's a reason for this.
There must be a reason
this to be happening to me right now.
What is the benefit to the people
who maybe followed me on social media and
read my book, and got to know my
husband through my book? Okay?
saw that he had returned to his Lord.
Was it a reminder for them?
Was it a reminder for me?
Was it a reason for me to open
my eyes?
Was it a reason for me to step
Was it a reason for me to return
back to him in trust and reliance,
knowing that I'm gonna be okay regardless?
And I'm sorry, but this is what I
No matter what happens, Allah's got my back.
So no matter what happens, I'm gonna be
okay regardless.
And, subhanAllah,
we don't ask for the test.
None of us get to choose the chain
of events. Remember I told you Allah
chooses the events?
But we get to choose our response.
And that is so empowering.
We get to choose
our response to those events.
And so for me, when my husband passed
away a light tunnel,
I knew that there was a plan. I
knew there was a wisdom in it. And
at the time,
my reaction was
Allah, thank you for what I had.
Because I didn't need to have that.
You didn't need to give me all of
that. Those years, the children, the love, etcetera.
It didn't need to be that way.
But it was.
And I'm grateful.
And I know that you have done the
best by him, unlike how.
And I know that I'm still here for
a purpose.
I'm still here for a reason. Is it
my children? Is it my family? Is it
my friends? Is it the people I touch
through my words, through my books? Is it
the work that I do?
Whatever it is, I'm still here for a
reason, so stand up.
That's what I said to myself.
Stand up.
Own it. You're still here. Your life is
not over.
So live it.
Your deeds are continuing, so keep doing them.
Your end has not yet been written, so
make sure as much as you can that
it will be a good one.
Because I'm still here, I'm still standing, and
as I said to you my dear sisters,
if you've been through a trial, and you're
still here, and you're still standing, there is
a reason for it. So the first mindset
shift we need to have is trust in
Allah's plan for every one of us.
Because every one of us has got our
own plan. Every one of us has got
our own chain of events and that story.
So trust that Allah wants to hear for
you in that.
2nd mindset shift.
Trust in the process.
We need to become
more philosophical
about this life,
you know? As I said to you guys
this life is not a place for ease.
This is a place
for shawba, amal,
So trust in the process. Okay? Some things,
they hurt, and the hurt will dissipate.
Some things hurt to teach us a lesson.
Some people hurt us to teach us a
lesson. We must be open to the lesson.
We must always be open to the lessons.
The lessons that come with the circumstances,
with the situations, with the frustrations, with the
pain and the loss, the lessons come with
those things, so we must always be open
to the lessons,
and trust in the process.
The 3rd mindset shift, my dear sisters,
is trust in your ability
to be the hero.
Anything I say to you, I can say
a 1,000 things to you, but until you
choose to believe
that you are enough.
That you have the resources.
That Allah has
created you for this, that you were born
for this and you can do this,
it won't make any difference.
So that 3rd mindset shift is
trust in yourself.
Trust in yourself
that you can be that hero.
For me,
what I learned was
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala did not take my
husband away to break me
In some ways, you could say that it
made me
it's never something that we choose We never
choose the tests
But sometimes when we look back,
we realize that
because of that test,
because of that loss,
I'm a different person.
I'm a better person.
I have more to offer the world.
I have more to offer my children.
I've been
through the wars,
and I'm still standing.
And that
event, that loss,
that whatever it was in your life,
losing a child, losing a parent, missing out
on school, you know, whatever it was,
that needed to happen
in order for you to grow into the
person that you are becoming today.
If you decide,
from today
to see everything in your life
as part of your growth,
trust me, you will not be the same
in a year's time.
You will be a different person.
You will be a better version of yourself.
And again,
that's the most important thing.
That you're a better version of yourself.
And so those three mindset shifts I have
found to be
extremely beneficial for me,
and what I learned is that I'm here
for a reason,
And I'm here to do work, I still
have work to do, and insha Allah, I
pray that I keep doing it. So ask
what do you need to take from the
trials that you've been through?
What have you learned? How have you grown?
What work do you still have to do
Have a think about that inshaAllah.
When we
with the knowledge
that Allah wants good for us.
That there is a process,
and that the process
will be as it will be. And that
we have the capacity to deal with anything
that Allah's quanta decrees
for us, guess what happens?
We connect
with our inner hero.
We connect with our inner hero, that inner
awesome, that's what I like to call it.
The inner awesome. The amazingness that is inside
us. I'm sorry sisters. I'm sorry. I'm just
gonna keep it real. We
we don't acknowledge ourselves enough.
We've grown up, many of us, with criticism
and comparison, and as a result of that
don't truly
what Allah
has created inside of us.
And so
connecting with the inner hero is really connecting
with what makes you amazing.
And that is very powerful.
Very powerful.
And so,
what I'd like to invite you to do
is to
do another visualization with me, inshallah.
Okay? Again, I would like you to close
your eyes. Shut off the distractions, come back
to me,
close your eyes,
and think of that setting that we described
at the beginning of the class.
in your older years,
surrounded by your children, your grandchildren.
And imagine yourself telling your hero story.
How you showed up,
how you
grew, how you fell and you rose,
how you learnt,
how you optimized,
how you changed tactics,
how you prevailed.
And allow
to feel
the feelings
that would come with telling
such a powerful hero story.
So powerful
that your family and your friends look at
you with so much respect
and love and pride that they were part
of your story
and that you are a part of who
they are.
Imagine how that feels.
Imagine how that feels.
Not impossible.
Not impossible at all.
Let's recap some of the lessons.
You don't have to be perfect to be
the hero.
You are enough.
Trust in Allah's plan,
trust in the process,
and trust in yourself.
And know that this life is a journey,
and you are authoring your life story every
Every decision that you make is interacting with
the events that Allah has decreed for you,
and is writing that story.
And so now that you know better,
you can do better.
And I pray that Allah makes it easy
for you to rise and be the
hero. And if you want to go on
this journey with me,
then it is my pleasure to invite
you to a programme that I've been building
since last year.
it was called the 6 steps to finding
your inner awesome.
It's now the be the hero program.
And this program is
my way of
making sure
that you put into action
the lessons that we have been learning today.
you would like an opportunity
reconnect with your inner hero,
if you'd like an opportunity
to plan
your hero journey with me,
if you would like to connect with what
is amazing and brilliant inside you,
the circumstances that you have around you to
optimize and maximize
your opportunities
for reward, then I invite you to join
this program
because it is something that I have found
in my life
and with the people that I've worked with.
The link is there in the chat.
This program is open today.
We're starting on Monday, and I'm so excited
because I will basically be your coach
and your mentor,
and I will be working with you
where you've come from,
where you're at right now, and
and intentionally
looking at where you want to go.
So we're looking at the past,
we're looking at the present,
and the opportunities in the present,
and we're looking at the possibilities of the
future, and the goals that you have for
the future, future, and why you have those
goals, and how you're going to achieve those
if you join today,
we get started on Monday.
We go through the 6 steps to finding
your inner awesome from Monday to Saturday,
and then I get to have a 1
on 1 session with you to talk through
your hero plan.
And your hero plan
is all about asking you,
this month,
where will you be the hero?
Which role will you play and claim the
title of hero?
Is it as a worshipper?
As a woman?
As a wife?
As a mother? As a boss? As a
friend? As a daughter?
Which role will you choose to elevate to
hero status? So we'll be working together on
We will have a private Facebook group, and
I will be doing trainings in that group.
Trainings just like this,
every week inshaAllah.
And so we will have our coaching in
the group and our accountability in the group.
So once you start the program with me,
I will be
by your side making sure that you
act on what you've decided,
that you implement the breakthroughs that you've
had and that you continue to grow. And
you continue to fashion
the most amazing and the most heroic
year that you've had inshallah.
The program is open from today. We start
on Monday, and the program is £99,
which was supposed to be £497.
And in fact, I'm happy with it as
a £497
But I want
you to be able to take this leap.
I don't want to put any barriers in
the way. I don't want to make it
something that is difficult on anyone financially.
I want to make it accessible.
And so it's £99
for the full program, the superhero.
if you
can't, don't, want to, cannot do the £99,
we have a £47
which is crazy. I know. But I want
you to have this.
I want you to have this. Well, love